#like omg i loved when you screencapped those tags on that one post absolutely slay my liege
cantheykillmacbeth · 9 months
Could a desk chair kill Macbeth
Under certain circumstances, yes, a desk chair (or any inanimate object, for that matter) could kill Macbeth. The chances of those circumstances occurring are slim, since there are two big factors that rule out most ways that someone could possibly die to a desk chair:
1.) Using a desk chair as a murder weapon, which does not attribute the kill to the chair itself, but the person who used it.
2.) The desk chair being sentient and animate to a degree, which would be a case-by-case basis depending on who built that specific chair, the chair's identity, etc.
However, Macbeth could die by desk chair if, say, the chair was swept up in a tornado and launched into him. As long as nobody specifically set it up so that the chair would get picked up by the tornado, and the chair doesn't have its own free will, nobody would be attributed the kill other than the chair, which, being an artificially created inanimate object, would apply for at least GC and UBC.
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