#like one of the is great at blending in with zombies bc eye contact is an aggression trigger for zombies
derbophobia · 1 year
i fucking love the trope of like. apocalyptic event occurs and takes out the majority of humans, but certain disabilities made ppl immune to the main mechanism of apocalypse (ex: blind ppl in birdbox being unable to see the thing that drives u insane). its so good everytime. i love apocalypse fiction centering on rhe disabled its always so much more interesting than the ableism driven idea that all disabled ppl would instantly die in the apocalypse bc we R all little weaklings
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So, I see you write in tags about your OCs. Could you tell us more about them?
I’m going to answer for my “main seven”/my favourites atm, AND for Var, Jose, Eva, and Claudia (these 4 are from a different original universe of mine than the “main seven”) bc I’ve been thinking about them a lot, BUT I have 25 OCs in total… it’s just overwhelming to answer for all of them at once. I hope this is okay!! A main masterpost for all my OCs is coming soon in the new year if Tumblr survives that long!!
Joseph is a 25 year old man. He’s got blondish brown hair and blue eyes. He has anger management issues that are a sure fire way to get him into trouble. He is all too loyal and protective of the people he loves and can love very deeply, which can also get him into trouble. He’s reckless, impulsive, but his heart is always in the right place where his loved ones are concerned.  He has a daughter, Claudia, by his late wife who he loves more than anything in the whole world. He was raising her alongside his best friend, Var, before the apocalypse hit. He later becomes a part of a poly relationship with Var and Eva.
Varisse is also 25 year old. He’s got close-cropped black hair (and a few grey hairs to show the years he’s spent putting up with Jose’s shit), dark brown eyes and dark skin. He is patient, intelligent, and caring, the ying to Joseph’s yang. He tries to try to see both sides of an issue, almost too much so. He worked as a DJ before the apocalypse and he has a lifelong passion for music… though he can’t sing a straight note to save his life, he’d be the first to tell you that, with a rueful smile. He’s known and been in love with Joseph since kindergarten, and was happy to raise Claudie alongside his best friend.
Eva is a 26 years old woman. She has fair hair, green eyes, and pale skin that burns very easily. She tries her best to be brave and level-headed but is far out of her depth, since she’s used to being a teacher and dealing with a bunch of 6 year olds, not hordes of ravening undead. She can still show spine when pushed to it, though, and is capable of ripping apart arguments and ego with no effort at all. She was Claudia’s teacher before and after the apocalypse and over that time developed a crush on both Varisse and Joseph. After they meet up again amid zombie-filled hardship, that crush developed even more and was quickly requited. She’s out of depth as Claudia’s mother but is learning more each day, and is always a pillar of faith for her boys.
Claudia is Joseph’s 6 year old daughter. She may have her father’s sandy-brown hair but otherwise she’s a spitting image of her mother, with her olive skin and hazel eyes (she’s cranky she didn’t get her dad’s eyes). She’s made up of pure precocious intelligence and sass. She doesn’t take shit from anyone, least of all her dad; Varisse is the only person that can order her around and she’ll listen to no matter what. She has no problem with doing what she’s told… so long as that person asks her respectfully, she thinks it’s a good/fun idea, and they don’t try to boss her around. She has her Dad’s recklessness and will and her mom’s wit and cute face, not a great combination if you’re an authority figure, she’s a master manipulator. She’s very proud of her dads and mom and will loudly support them.
June is a demon. They’re agender, have black hair cut down to their chin, olive skin, black eyes, and an oval-shaped face with a sharper jawline. They’re covered in tiny crucifix-shaped scars all over, one in particular above their left eyebrow. They’re tiny (4′9) but armed with a mouth full of razor-sharp shark teeth, hands tipped in claw-like nails, and a ready willingness to use them. They dislike the features of the modern world and are generally a Grinch about everything. They only like about 2 people in the whole world. They believe complaining to be an art form and practice it - regularly. In a nutshell they’re a bitter, cynical, PTSD-filled, cantankerous ball of apathy and hate. They’re the leader of Hell’s pack of hellhounds. They were in a very abusive relationship with Mars but after a particularly horrific event, they left with Dante’s help. They keep a lessor hellhound with them at all times as a companion; on earth, it takes the shape of a small black pug named Taco. They somehow mix not caring about anything and being very Extra. They sleep in expensive silk pajamas. They’re fond of red wine. They also love fast food - they particularly enjoy it when it runs. :) yes June’s my favourite how can you tell
August is a drama queen angel. They’re genderfluid (they go mostly by gendered pronouns but since their gender isn’t clear or pointed out in most posts I make on Tumblr, I use ‘they/them’ as a catch-all kind of thing.) They’re Asian in appearance but since angels are not natural humans, they have silvery-blonde hair down to their shoulder-blades and their eyes are a bright crystal blue (they hate looking so unusual though so most of the time they use dark contacts and hair dye to blend in with the humans.) They’re tall at 5′11 and they love elegant dresses. They excel at dancing (they’ve mastered all kinds but their favourite is ballet) and swordsmanship. They have AD(H)D but rather than sort it out like a normal person, they deny it and disguise it as them just not caring. They also have anxiety and struggle with overthinking. They’re somewhat (understatement) of an alcoholic due to the constant deaths of their mortal lovers from old age, while they themself remain unchanged. They’re aloof and think of themself as superior, though they’re easily flustered if you try and can actually be quite clingy. They’re very emotional despite their shows of coldness in public.
Myriad is a demon. They’re also genderfluid and they’re indifferent to pronouns. They’re very tall at 6′5, they have very dark skin, and wear their black hair in dreadlocks down to their shoulders. Their eyes change colours like a kaleidoscope, shifting eerily between shades of yellow, grey, blue, and green depending on the lighting and their mood. How they treat you depends entirely on how you treat them and others: if you’re kind, they’ll be fine with you, but if you’re a bad person… well, they are the demon of punishment after all. They do have a soft spot for the small, the sweet, and the helpless and can be quite protective, but mostly they’re entirely self-centred and act on their own whims. They’re quite sexually prolific. They enjoy pranks with malicious glee. They’re very physically intimidating. They have 2 sets of fangs, both potent, one full of a paralytic venom and the other an excruciatingly painful and lethal venom. They also have a harmless pet ball python named Albert and their favourite item of clothing is a soft knitted sweater with kittens on it. :D
Ben is a fallen angel/demon. He identifies as male. He’s medium to smallish height at 5′8. His facial features are quite plain, with a slightly crooked nose and a squarer chin. His eyes are calf-brown and his hair, the most noticeable thing about him, is wavy/loosely curly down past his ears and a bright, dark, unnatural red colour (though it is quite natural for him.) He fell in love with a demon and fell from heaven for her, but it turned out that she was tricking him and left him soon after. His angel grace is out-of-control since he is now technically a demon, and randomly bursts out of him every few months, obliterating everything around him with black fire. Despite how volatile he is, he’s a very quiet person who keeps to himself. He has trust issues and is wary of people, and can be quite timid and easily embarrassed. He works on earth as a primary school teacher, since he loves kids and the demons in hell scorn him and he can’t return to heaven. His fashion sense is absolutely abyssal and he dresses like he’s a 90 year old (technically he’s older even than that but, come on, man, get with the times!) He is very, very depressed.
Ginger is a demon. She identifies as a girl and, unlike the others, who are all pansexual, she is mostly only attracted to girls. She is chubby and has carrot-orange hair (thus, the nickname-that-stuck-and-became-her-name-while-on-earth) and pale turquoise eyes. She doesn’t have a filter and loves very loudly, openly, and strongly. She has a big heart but that can be hard to see since she mostly only thinks of/about herself. She has a great need for speed and her version of heaven is being behind the wheel of a fast car. She has a hard time settling down and is constantly itching for her next adventure and/or challenge. She thinks of Ben as a big brother and constantly annoys him like a little sister; she’s the only demon who accepts him as one of them. For somebody who is so loud, she has a hard time really and truly expressing her feelings when she cares deeply about someone. If she has a crush, she is the stereotypical ‘teenager in love’, stuttering and blushing bright red. She swears a lot, is pretty brash, and - you guessed it - has a strong Australian accent.
Mars is a stink man, evil horrible person, most hated OC an angel. He identifies mostly as male with some exceptions. He has white skin, cherubic blond curls, bright golden eyes, a kind, handsome face, and a charming smile. He’s also an abusive piece of shit . He often dallies with the mortals, luring in lovers with charm and sweetness, and then abusing them in every way possible before eventually killing them. If somebody refuses him, he hunts them down, murders their loved ones in front of them, before raping them and murdering them, too. He’s very possessive and volatile and will throw very dangerous tantrums when denied what he wants. He’s spoiled rotten and has never had consequences for his actions. He wears a ring adorned with a crucifix. He’s got an excellent sense of fashion and is very rich. He’s owned a great number of mansions throughout the years and still does, though he currently lives in a very expensive penthouse.
Dante is a demon - a hellhound, to be exact. He identifies as male, and is the only of the seven to have been born a human before being inducted to hell. He’s not very tall but is bulky due to pure muscle, Vietnamese in appearance, with brown skin and a large scar across his collar bone and shoulder like he’d been savaged by a massive dog at some point (spoiler alert: that’s exactly what happened.) His black hair is cut short military-style. He’s second in command of the pack of hellhounds, under only June, who he sort of took under his wing after they left Mars, built them back up from the years of servitude  and abuse. He cares about them more than anyone… That being said, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t call them out if he thinks they’re making a dumb decision. They banter like siblings and he finds great delight in taking his life in his hands and messing up their hair. He’s fiercely loyal but strong willed and will only take orders that he thinks are good ones. A solider born and raised, from human life to demon existence. He loves adrenaline rushes and thinks all fun has to involve danger of some kind. He’s absolutely deadly in a fight, whether it be in his ‘normal’ form with its proficiency with all kinds of weaponry, or his hound form - a mountain of sheer muscle and terrifyingly large jaws. He shows affection in rough ways, such as headlocks and friendly punches, but make no mistake, he really cares. also his ears stick out a bit and he sleeps with his mouth open and hes actually kind of adorable
If you made it this far… thank you so much. Getting questions/messages about my babies honestly keeps me going, so… thank you!!!
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CHARACTER SHEET: Roger Jonathan Radcliffe
As I hide behind these books I read  / while scribbling my poetry / like art could save a wretch like me / with some ideal ideology / that no one can hope to achieve. / And I am never real; it is just a sketch of me. -- Waste of Paint, Bright Eyes
It takes strength to be gentle and kind. --I Know It’s Over, The Smiths
Birthday: 11 October 1991
Hogwarts House (Primary): Ravenclaw (modelling a blend of Hufflepuff and Slytherin)
Hogwarts House (Secondary): Ravenclaw
Myers-Briggs: ISFP
Enneagram: Type 5
Height:  5’11
Mother: Harriet Martha Hunter Radcliffe
Father: William Jonathan Radcliffe (deceased)
Mother’s Occupation: manager at a fabric store
Father’s Occupation: musician
Family Finances: lower class
Birth Order: only child
Other Close Family: Gran on his dad’s side; he has two male cousins on that side who are pretty Patts-esque lol; didn’t really talk to his mum’s side all that much till about a couple of years ago
Best Friend: Paul Patts
Other Friends: from home: Lucy, Finn, Ed; from here: Anita, Perdita, Berlioz, Stan, Brad, Belle?
Enemies: none, really—Lou?
Pets: 32 Dalmatians lol (he had a Dalmatian named George when he was growing up)
Home Life During Childhood: eh so it was happy till he was about ten, then his father started drinking more than usual and doing bad drugs and there were a lot of fights and broken furniture and all that and Roger blames himself
Town or City Name(s): London, England—East End, near Shoreditch
What Did Her Bedroom Look Like: sloping wall with green-striped wallpaper, lots of books jammed into a little shelf, a little wobbly desk with a single desk lamp, kept a bunch of knick-knacks on his desk, lots of sheet music
Any Sports or Clubs: probably in school band or orchestra, also did theatre
Favorite Toy or Game: He had a stuffed dog that he went to bed with every night till he was like 13 or something and it wasn’t “cool” anymore and one of the bigger kids teased him about it so he stuffed it in the bin, but his mum rescued it and it’s on the shelf above his childhood bed
Schooling: finished secondary
Favorite Subject: Music, of course, and English
Popular or Loner: had his own group of friends, was never really a true loner, also helped that his best mate was like the most popular bloke in school
Important Experiences or Events: Dad died when he was 15, he found the body in the bathroom
Health Problems: prone to addiction, undiagnosed depression probably, also near-sighted if that counts lol (he wears contacts most of the time)
Culture: English
Religion and beliefs: his mum’s family goes to church pretty regularly and he’s, like, the type of guy who wishes he could believe in God but isn’t sure—even so, does Christmas, Easter, that whole thing, and when he’s feeling particularly vulnerable, he will pray
Bad Habits: nervous talker, easily addicted to substances, smokes, drinks too much when he’s in a depressive spell
Good Habits: loyal, dedicated to his craft when he is in a steady spell, very good with kids and animals
Best Characteristic: dedicated—to the people close to him, to his craft, to his passions, he won’t quit on you
Worst Characteristic: low self-worth—he doesn’t think much of himself at all and it’s a big hindrance to, like, his life
Worst Memory: finding his dad’s dead body ha ha ha
Best Memory: when Powell approached him and introduced himself and said he had talent
Proud of: his musical ability
Embarrassed by: uh his like,,,everything—his looks, his background, his finances, his grades
Driving Style: he’s very average, speeds a little but remembers his turn signals
Strong Points: kind, artistic, passionate, intelligent, goofy
Temperament: melancholic
Attitude: can be broody
Weakness: tbh he’s like really sensitive if you doubt the one thing he is proud of (musical ability); also fuck with Paul/Anita/his mom (and Perdita by extension), he will get upset
Fears: not living up to his artistic potential, turning into his father
Phobias: turning into his father highkey
Secrets: sometimes he’s happy? His dad died bc it really put his mum out of a lot of misery…
Regrets: getting good at music, because that’s what ultimately drove his dad down the drain
Feels Vulnerable When: talking about himself in general lol, he likes talking to other people and does genuinely want to know more about them but he hates it when it’s about him
Pet Peeves: snobby rich people—he can deal with regular rich people who aren’t snobs and think that his social class is his own fault, kale (really does not like kale)
Conflicts: desire to follow his artistic dreams vs how freakin’ hard it is to do, as well as not wanting to like totally leave his mum in the dust
Motivation: to be a true, genuine artist and hoping success will follow
Short Term Goals and Hopes: get some sort of record deal—either as a musician or a composer
Long Term Goals and Hopes: gosh—make a decent living as a composer, trying not to be a sell-out, but also still getting his time in the limelight
Sexuality: bisexual, if we’re talking Kinsey-scale it’s like a 2.5 (prefers women, but still likes men)
Exercise Routine: gets most of his exercise from working tbh
Day or Night Person — Night.
Introvert or Extrovert — Introvert.
Optimist or Pessimist — Pessimist  
Music: jazz, of course! He grew up listening to the greats and has a fondness for Charlie Parker. Errol Garner is another favorite. Other than that he listens to a lot of classic rock—London’s a great city for classic rock, eh? Got the Stones and the Beatles and the Who—real great place, music’s everywhere, didya know that lots of the classic rock bands were influenced by jazz? Roger can show you where they played. Also really into the Smiths. And indie stuff. Fan of the occasional really good musical. Just doesn’t really like pop is all (ok except for some songs....)
Books: classics, he’s partial to the 1920s era—Hemingway (yes, I know), Fitzgerald, Stein, and all that good stuff. Also a fan of Virginia Woolf. Also a huge Jane Austen fan, he won’t admit that right away but it’s easy to pry out of him.
Magazines: tbh not many,,,he keeps up with music stuff online
Foods: good pub food—he likes a good steak pie with loads of green peas and mashed potatoes on the side. Also a good English breakfast (his favorite part’s the sausage).
Drinks: tea—black, the English Breakfast blend. Likes a good beer as well, or a shot of whiskey.
Animals: Dogs. No, but seriously, he’s always been fond of them and will take care to point them out on the street to whoever he is with.
Sports: He plays football but sucks at it haha, but he follows Paul’s team!
Social Issues: LGBTQ+ rights, he’s like really against gentrification, having lived it firsthand
Favorite Saying: “Life is like jazz; it’s a lot better when you improvise.”
Color: Grey. He likes how varied it is. It reminds him of home and of silver and the sky and the Thames and a lot of things he likes.
Clothing: he’s like very particular about how he dresses, tries not to wear shorts and t-shirts, he likes to keep it dressy casual, like hipster style (wow, roger)
Jewelry: he has a nice watch his dad passed down to him and a ring his granddad gave him when he graduated
Games: played pokemon when he was younger, will take a turn on those first-person shooters when he’s with friends, likes the Legend of Zelda
Websites: Instagram, tumblr, has his own like wordpress or something with music reviews, posts some piano covers on youtube (not terribly many)
TV Shows: Fools and Horses, other british sitcoms which i am too lazy to research r now but he’s a sitcom sorta bloke when he does watch tv
Movies: he likes weird horror movies, big zombie fan; secretly really adores Love, Actually, but says his favourite movie is Ray (which is a great movie, he just likes Love, Actually more....); prefers the BBC Pride and Prejudice over the Kiera Knightley one and is passionate about that
Greatest Want: to be a true artist™
Greatest Need: to overcome his bad self-esteem and love himself
Home: lives in the Dalmatian Plantation farmhouse, on the top floor in an attic bedroom
Household furnishings: lots of sheet music, he keeps his closet pretty neat, but the rest is quite messy. Always has a stack of books on his bedside drawer. There’s usually an empty mug of tea because he’s too lazy to bring it downstairs lol. Bed is usually not made.
Favorite Possession: probably a book from either Paul or Anita (or both)
Most Cherished Possession:  the piano in his house in London, which belonged to his dad and his dad’s dad; also the watch his dad left him
Married Before: Nope.
Significant Other Before: Finn, Sarah (those are the only significant ones)
Children: n/a
Relationship with Family: very close with his mum, they stuck together when it got really bad on his homelife end; she’s always been supportive of him; his mum’s family used to not speak to them much, but recently have been reaching out; dad’s family talks to them more
Car: n/a
Career: dog care-taker, record shop clerk, musician/composer
Dream Career: composer/jazz musician [music teacher, but he doesn’t know that yet]
Dream Life: ok so honestly—Roger’s destined to become a teacher. He’s great with kids and in the end, he will (hopefully) realize that his passion for music is meant to be passed down to others. Sure, he’s gonna still write the occasional almost-famous tune and play in ensembles and venues, but he’s gonna be truly happy as a teacher.
Love Life: uh—kinda dating Anita? What is? Going? On?
Hobbies : playing music, reading, walking the dogs lol, likes playing football sometimes (sucks at it), acting
Guilty Pleasure : will, on occasion, like a pop song; rom-coms
Sports or Clubs: n/a
Talents or Skills : great musician—plays piano excellently, trumpet pretty well, and can manage a bit on saxophone and guitar; has a good singing voice too (baritone)! Decent driver (can drive manual wow that’s impressive to me tbh); good with kids and animals (also impressive to me lmao)
Intelligence Level : artistically inclined—he was bad at science/math classes, but good at music, literature, and history. He’s not dumb by any means, but his strengths aren’t really in a technical area. He’s knowledgeable and interested in learning about things, but don’t ask him to solve some intricate mathematical proof
Finances: manages alright on his own (he basically doesn’t have to pay rent, so he’s doing p good; sends money back home too)
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optometrist0 · 7 years
Zombie Contact Lenses
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Items 1 – 24 of 35 … If you're looking for the perfect finishing accessory for your spooky zombie outfit, our range of zombie contact lenses are just the thing! these cosmetic lenses are cheap and easy to use, ideal for making your Halloween outfit stand out. Whether it's for Halloween, fancy dress parties, Cosplay or just for cool …
Create a horrible look with our amazing range of zombie eyes contact lenses. Our zombie contact lenses come in a wide range of designs from classic zombie grey to …
Coveting that red-eyed zombie or Twilight-vampire look for Halloween … eye doctors are warning about the dangers of popping in colored novelty contact lenses. The risks from buying cheap, nonprescription contacts are many, ranging …
Create a horrible look with our amazing range of zombie eyes contact lenses . Our zombie contact lenses come in a wide range of designs from classic zombie grey to …
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Stand out from the horde with our amazing zombie contact lenses . These lenses come in a great choice of designs, allowing you to create any zombie costume. Whether you prefer your zombies to move slowly and moon.
Nobody gets points for being second best, so don't let your halloween experience be the same way. Halloween contact lenses have the power to transform your basic vampire, zombie, werewolf or any other character into a blood sucking, brain munching, night prowling fiend. Release the beast with Extreme SFX special …
Stand out from the horde with our amazing zombie contact lenses . These lenses come in a great choice of designs, allowing you to create any zombie costume. Whether …
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This page is dedicated to showcasing our best and most popular special effect contact lenses. Featuring thef following: Black Wolf, Red Vampire, Banshee Cat- Eye, Angelic Yellow, Blue Vampire, Black Sclera, Rotting Eye, and White Zombie. Special effects contacts, also known as FX contact Lenses; or by other popular …
Scrolling my Facebook news feed, I read a meme posted by a friend that said, "My biggest fear is surviving the zombie apocalypse only to discover I have just one contact left." The scenario sent shivers down my spine! A world without …
Before complementing the perfect Halloween costume with colored contact lenses, think about how dangerous putting foreign objects in your eyes can be. Michigan teenager Leah Carpenter learned the hard way after unprescribed lenses …
White Zombie Contact Lenses – Zombie contacts to fit any costume or style. Featuring all-white, black limbal ring, torn retina, blind frosty, white mesh, Necri.
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Oct 28, 2015 … ST. CLAIR SHORES, Mich. — A pair of Halloween-themed cosmetic contact lenses bought to turn a teen into a zombie instead damaged her cornea, partially blinding her right eye, her family said. Leah Carpenter, 17, a Lakeview High School senior from St. Clair Shores, bought a $26 pair of colored contact …
Nov 26, 2017 … Buy zombie contacts for your Halloween costume! Trying to create a zombie look based on a popular movie? Check out this post for the top picks!
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Oct 27, 2015 … Leah Carpenter was just doing her part in being a zombie before a powder puff football rivalry game between her school and another. To make her costume complete, the Lakeview High School senior bought a pair of colored contact lenses at a store at Gibraltar Trade Center in Mt. Clemens, the same spot …
Dec 13, 2017 … ZombieLens is the original FDA-cleared producer of professional grade theatrical lenses. Our quality and comfort is unsurpassed and our colors are simply the best . With ZombieLens, you are ordering from an optician and optometrist trained in contact lens fitting and design. All of our lenses are 100% …
ST. CLAIR SHORES, Mich. — Leah Carpenter was just doing her part in being a zombie before a powder puff football rivalry game between her school and another. To make her costume complete, the Lakeview High School senior …
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A Halloween reveller feared she was going blind after a set of zombie-style contact lenses became glued to her …
Product Information. – Fierce white zombie contact lenses. – Can be used for up to 12 months from opening (assuming careful storage and handling). We recommend more regular replacements if worn frequently. – Diameter: 14mm – PWR 0.0 – BC 8.6 – Cost is for 2 (1 pair) of these lenses. Please note that sclera contacts are …
These really didn't say 'zombie' to me – but I wasn't looking for zombie contacts. I wanted striking green contacts and that is exactly what these are. When i put the two of these in I was shocked at how green these were. Pretty cool how you can notice the green color when you wear them – but everyone else sure can.
For example, last year a Michigan girl became partially blind in one eye after wearing a pair of zombie contact lenses. The lens ripped off the top layer of her cornea. About 16 percent of Americans have worn decorative contact lenses, …
Freak out your friends with these White Zombie Contact Lenses . These lenses have an amazing white color and a black outer rim perfect for making your eyes stand out. Crazy Contact Lenses are the perfect addition to any costume or night out with their crazy designs that really makes the eyes stand out.
Revo Colour Costume lenses are made by FDA approved manufacturer. It's available in a variety of fancy designs for Halloween parties and special occasions. Please note that this contact lens has mesh holes design covers both your iris and pupil, for Halloween and special effects makeover only.
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MICHIGAN — They’re a popular but hazardous Halloween trend: creepy zombie or vampire contact lenses that make a costume look frightfully realistic. One Michigan teen found out the hard way, these accessories can pose serious …
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Carl says: “Special-effects contact lenses come in a variety of forms. You can get plain white iris ones, full-mesh blind ones and what are called scleral ones, which cover the entire eye – but they’re really hard to get in. They make your …
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