#like peer reviewing is an important exercise in learning how to critique
always-andromeda · 2 years
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bookcoversalt · 4 years
A+ youtube video! I feel like this is a dumb question, but what other sources, exercises, etc would you suggest for a writer wanting to get better at, like, everything you do in that video? I feel like I'm just not intelligent when it comes to writing and reading. I slap down whatever seems fun and I'm sure it makes for a bland story full of stupid plot holes and everything you talked about, so how does one get better at dissecting this stuff and...writing/reading intelligently?
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Thank you so much!! There’s a tendency to consider analytical people just “smart”, as if the observations they make come naturally to them. But that super isn’t true: being thoughtful and critical about media, like drawing or writing or playing a sport or learning an instrument, is a skill that you pick up by absorbing reference, learning the language of the art form, and then practicing replicating it through your own perspective.
My two biggest critical inspirations are Lindsay Ellis, a video essayist who covers film and culture, and Film Crit Hulk, a screenwriter and movie critic, and I’ve been consuming their work since I was 15. (I’m 25 now! that’s a wholeass decade.) I've picked up many, may other sources along the way: other video essayists, pop culture commentators, TV critics, spirited roasts of 50 shades of gray, actual “writing craft” books and blog articles, long goodreads reviews of books I thought I had a pretty good grasp of the flaws on, funny booktube reviews, even “anti” posts. I read “how the last season of game of thrones went the fuck off the rails” articles til my eyes bled, not because I cared about game of thrones, but because there was so much good, insightful reporting being done on How And Why A Story Fell Apart.
Not all of this is good or useful. There’s a lot of bad faith or shallow criticism out there. The cinemasins clickbaity style of nitpicking “plot holes” or penalizing a work for the mere presence of tropes without regard for broader artistic intent and cultural context is particularly insidious and should die. The people who think twilight is stupid because it has sparkly vampires are missing the point. A LOT of people critique YA in particular from a place of bitterness or bias or misplaced expectations (and so did I, to some degree, for a long time. I’ve worked really hard to grow out of that, I hope). But the point is to seek out content in this vein-- not what I consumed necessarily (I would not wish that many GOT thinkpieces on anyone), but stuff that interests you. The more of this you mindfully consume and the more perspectives you collect and compare, the more context you’ll have for what’s being discussed and the more you'll naturally start to form your own opinions on it. You will learn, slowly, by osmosis, to pull what strikes a chord with you from the noise.
The cool and fun part is that to some extent, your brain will start doing this on its own. You’ll read a book and you'll just notice more. You’ll call plot twists faster, or be more cognizant of the pacing, or connect dots you might not have otherwise connected. You’ll see the logistic scaffolding in your own work more clearly and you’ll be more aware of choices you’re making subconsciously. You’ll recognize thematic hypocrisy or worldbuilding inconsistencies and have the language to name them.
And you’ll also have the tools to explore your less clear-cut, more emotional reactions to art. And this is the most important but “hardest” part of this: sitting with vague feelings and unformed thoughts trying to suss out what’s at the heart of them and why, using your hard-won critical “training” and your contextual knowledge.
I like to frame them as questions:
Why did the end of [book] feel disjointed? Why didn’t I connect with the main character in [book]? What really resonated with me about the plot of [book]? Why does [character] appeal to me more than [other character]? Why does [book]’s use of [theme] make me uncomfortable?
Sometimes it comes down to just preference or subjective taste, and that’s fine and good to know. But more often than not, you’re reacting to something concrete that can be identified: 
The ending of HOUSE OF SALT AND SORROWS feels disjointed because it comes out of nowhere and has nothing to do with our heroine’s efforts in the larger story. I didn’t connect with the main character in HEARTLESS because within the context of the worldbuilding, her choices didn’t make sense. What really resonated with me about the plot of UPROOTED is its thematic coherency. The Darkling appeals to me more than Mal because the villain romance power fantasy aspect of the series is better fleshed out and ultimately more rewarding to read than the love story of two flawed teenagers. ACOWAR’s use of trauma and recovery makes me uncomfortable because it ceases to be a sincere element of anyone’s arc or characterization and becomes yet another tool to make Rhys look like the best and coolest and wokest fae boyfriend.
Pulled from an old Captain Awkward article, this is something I have in a sticky note on my desktop as sort of a criticism guide: 
One of the things we try to do is to push past “I liked it”/”I didn’t like it” as reactions to work. What is it? What is it trying to be? Is it good at being that thing? Was that a good thing to try to be in the first place? Did the artist have a specific agenda? How did it play with audiences at the time? Does it play the same way now? What stereotypes does it reinforce/undermine?
Even if it’s only for your own personal growth rather than intended for an audience, I recommend putting burgeoning critical thoughts or questions you’re trying to “work through” down in writing somewhere: goodreads reviews! tweets! blog posts! spamming your group chat! Even just a private word document. The synthesis of thoughts into written content forces you to identify and choose a specific articulation of your idea(s). If it’s in a pubic or semipublic forum, you’ll also be able to see which of your ideas resonate with other people, and that can (isn’t always, but CAN) be useful information as far as having an external barometer for when you’re onto something.
And then..... you do that a bunch of times in different ways for many years, with a lot of different books and movies and games and whatever else. Like any other skill, you will get better the more you do it. (Again: I have been doing this for ten years now, and it still took me three months to write that video script. Forming nuanced, informed opinions and then articulating them coherently is hard.)
As kind of a footnote tip, seek out peers who have the same goals and feelings, and try to connect with them! Lots of my current internet friends found me back when I was posting on my personal blog about problems i had with THE SELECTION or RED QUEEN and we bonded over having similar opinions and being in similar places in our writing/ reading/ careers. These people now beta read my scripts and posts and help me brainstorm or refine ideas. I strongly believe that creatives (and critics) do their best work and grow the most within a network of support and feedback.
But also, in regards to creative writing in particular, i want to be clear that having fun is the most important thing. I absolutely think creators need analytical skills to improve their craft, but without the enjoyment of doing the thing at the core of it, there is no craft at all. If you have to choose between the "smart” thing and the fun thing, choose the fun thing. Tbh, if you’re worried your work is bland, analysis probably isn’t the solution--  figuring out how to have more fun is the solution. And letting yourself lean into the stuff that’s wild and awesome and so incredibly you that it sets you on fire to write is a skill of its own :)
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vvormvvords · 3 years
Academic Statement
Academic Statement Draft:
My college education has been an exercise in attenuating my senses and training them towards others. In other words, my education at Evergreen has centered on reading. In fact, when asked what I am studying in school, I have liked to say that I am learning to read.
During my time in school I have taken a rich cast of programs some of which include Barely Modern, Literary Arts Foundations and Decision/Making. In all of the programs that I have participated in, but particularly in these three, I have learned to read a wide array of modes. I have learned to read paintings, films, poems, essays, theory, fiction and I have learned how to read the energies in people and in the spaces that they create together.
As a student, I have also learned to read through writing: I have composed many synthesis papers;exegeses; formal analyses of paintings, films, poems and novels; peer reviews and detailed summaries of texts.
My whole-hearted entry into reading, writing and communing with others academically began in a program called Barely Modern. We spent a great deal of time in this class reading Kant’s Third Critique together. We read about beauty, sublimity, reflective and determinative judgements and sensus communis (or, in layperson’s terms, common sense). These writings-- as revealed to me through the playful and intelligent commentary of a beloved professor-- blew my world open. I was and continue to be ignited by the relationship between aesthetics and ethics that the Third Critique posits. Furthermore, I am ignited by the knowledge that the objects and ideas that artists and thinkers create constitute the world and in turn have an impact on its inhabitability. In this program it was also required that we formally analyze works of art and synthesize these analyses with analyses of works of cultural theory. This practice further primed me to actively consider the reciprocal impact that aesthetic objects and cultures have on one another. I ended my work in Barely Modern by writing an ambitious (if not slightly harebrained) essay describing and synthesizing the aesthetics of Clif Bar packaging with cultural theorist Sianne Ngai’s writings on “Zaniness”.
After studying the works of (among many others) Marx, Freud, Hegel, Kant and the Frankfurt School for a couple of years, I began studying creative writing and literary theory. In the programs Literary Arts Foundations and Decision/Making, I learned how to write prose. In doing so, I developed an appreciation for language’s “livingness”. In these programs, I gained two more beloved professors who each guided me towards the realization that there are both violent and creative ways to “use” language. I’ve come to realize that language treated instrumentally imprisons beings from one another within false categories, thus creating suffering and premature death, while language treated as living is in fact a reaching towards others. With this in mind, I’ve come to practice language--that is I’ve come to practice reading, writing, communing and organzinging with others-- as transformative justice. Transformative justice seeks not only to abolish prisons, but to challenge the carceral logics inherent in all colonial languages and in all state institutions of cis, white, capitalist patriarchy (colleges included). In my writing and in my activism, I attempt to create alternate and inhabitable realities. I do this through rigorous and loving critique; narrative and poetic world building; prayer and ritual.
Cumulatively, I have learned to participate in intellectual conversations both wholeheartedly and preparedly. I approach seminars, lectures and essay composition having annotated the text at hand. Equally important, I have learned to negotiate shared social and intellectual spaces with kindness and with rigor, tending to the being that all participants either mindfully or unknowingly create together in such spaces. I have learned (and continue to learn) when to question and probe my peers, when to listen and when to bring the questions and insights that I experience privately with the text to bear in the group.
Throughout my time at school and as I prepare to graduate, I continue to become more excited and aware about my capacity for thought and communion with others and look forward to continuing to learn how to read!
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Taking your first steps in programming is like picking up a foreign language. At first, the syntax makes no sense, the vocabulary is unfamiliar, and everything looks and sounds unintelligible. If you’re anything like me when I started, fluency feels impossible.
I promise it isn’t. When I began coding, the learning curve hit me — hard. I spent ten months teaching myself the basics while trying to stave off feelings of self-doubt that I now recognize as imposter syndrome. It wasn’t until I started going to beginner-friendly meetups that I realized how coding collaboratively opens up amazing possibilities. You just need the right community of people to practice with.
For me, that community was Founders and Coders, the free JavaScript bootcamp that helped me to switch my career from copywriting to coding. Even now, less than a year after completing the course, I can hardly believe I’m being paid to develop software.
Collaborative coding is all about tackling problems and discovering solutions together. It encompasses techniques like pair programming, which several tech companies take seriously enough to screen for during their interview processes. It also cultivates useful skills that are tough to learn if all you’re doing is coding alone at home.
Whether you’re just starting out in the tech industry or you have several years of experience under your belt, collaborative coding never stops being useful. In this article, we’ll look at how these evergreen skills equip you for a long and successful career in software development.
Perfect Pairing
My first experience of pair programming was at a meetup for beginners called Coding For Everyone. Here’s how it works: people pair up, often with people they’ve never met, to solve JavaScript challenges together at the same laptop. One person assumes the role of the ‘navigator’ and proposes the code they think should be written. The other person, the ‘driver’, types out their suggestions on the laptop and asks questions whenever something isn’t clear. You continue doing this, swapping roles frequently, until the end of the two-hour session.
In theory, it was simple. In practice, not so much.
I found it quite distracting to have someone I didn’t know watching my screen while I typed, and I was reluctant to hand over control when it was time to swap roles. I found navigating even trickier. When an idea cannot go from your head into the computer without first going through your partner’s hands, every word that you say matters. It demanded a degree of communication from us both that we simply weren’t used to, and I felt sure we’d both learn more if we split up to work separately.
Fortunately, we stuck with it; I went again to the meetup the following week. I’ve since spent hundreds of hours pairing with dozens of developers, and I’ve learned more than I initially thought possible.
Pair programming is an incredibly fast way to learn. The magic of the method — once you get over the initial awkwardness — is that it yields immediate results. Some feedback loops, like bubbles in the stock market, can take hours, days, or even months to produce a correction. Pair programming takes minutes, if not seconds. When you misplace a semicolon, two pairs of eyes can spot the mistake faster than one. Need to search StackOverflow for clues about a rogue error message? You and your partner can each read different threads, halving the time it takes to find an answer.
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The pair programming feedback loop (Large preview)
For even trickier problems, mob programming can be a further step up. This method requires a cross-functional section of a team to gather around the same computer screen and brainstorm solutions in realtime while one person types.
“All the brilliant minds working on the same thing, at the same time, in the same space, on the same computer.” — Woody Zuill, Agile Coach and Mob Programming Trainer
While it might seem like an inefficient way to work, mob programming advocates such as Woody Zuill say it can actually save time by eliminating the need for individual code reviews because everyone reviews the code in realtime as it’s being written. Productivity aside, I think mobbing is a fantastic way to learn not just about the code, but about how other people approach problems. If pair programming doubles the number of perspectives you’re exposed to, mob programming yields even more insights.
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Sometimes, ten heads are better than two. (Large preview)
That’s not to say that pairing — or indeed mobbing — is plain sailing. Something I struggled with initially was putting my ego to one side to ask questions that I thought might sound stupid. In these situations, it’s good to remember that your partner might be having the same thoughts, especially if you’re both just starting out.
If you find yourself pairing with someone more senior, perhaps at work, don’t be afraid to pick their brains and impress them with your inquisitiveness. Even someone who is only a bit further ahead than you might think of things that wouldn’t occur to someone more senior. Some of my favorite pair programmers only have a few months more experience than me, yet they always seem to know exactly which mistakes I’m about to make and how to steer me in the right direction. When these developers say there’s no such thing as a silly question, they really mean it. The best pair programmers speak freely, without the need to appear fantastic or the fear of looking foolish.
Pair programming takes practice, but it’s worth perfecting. Studies show that programmers who pair to solve problems tend to be more confident, productive, and engaged with their work. Whether you’re looking for your next job or you’re onboarding new hires, pairing is caring.
Resources And Further Reading
“Pair Programming Roles,” Jordan Poulton, GitHub
“The Friendship That Made Google Huge,” James Somers, The New Yorker
“Mob Programming: A Whole Team Approach,” Woody Zuill, YouTube
Engineering Empathy
When I started teaching myself JavaScript, my code looked a lot like my bedroom floor: I’d let it get messier and messier until I had no choice but to tidy it. As long as my web browser could understand it, I didn’t care how it looked.
It wasn’t until I started reviewing other people’s code that I realized I needed to show a lot more empathy for the people reviewing mine.
Empathy might be the most underrated tool in any developer’s arsenal. It’s the reason why IDEO puts user research at the center of their design process, and why Etsy asks their designers and product managers to do an engineering rotation. Empathy emerges when we have the opportunity to see how our work impacts other people. No wonder collaborative coding is such a great way to build it.
Peer code review — the act of checking each other’s code for mistakes — calls on us to exercise empathy. As the reviewer, it’s important to recognize that someone has gone to considerable effort to write the code that you are about to critique. As such, try to avoid using phrases that might imply judgment or trivialize their work. When you refer to their code, you want to show them the specific functions and lines that you have questions about, and suggest how they might refactor it. Sharing learning resources can also be more helpful than spoon-feeding a solution. Some of the most useful feedback I’ve received from code reviews has come in the form of educational articles, videos, and even podcast recommendations.
Writing good documentation for your code also goes a long way. An act as simple as creating a readme with clear installation instructions shows empathy for anyone who needs to work with your code. GitHub founder Tom Preston-Werner advocates a readme-first approach to development.
“A perfect implementation of the wrong specification is worthless. By the same principle, a beautifully crafted library with no documentation is also damn near worthless. If your software solves the wrong problem or nobody can figure out how to use it, there’s something very bad going on.” — Tom Preston-Werner, GitHub Founder
I’ve also spoken with tech founders who treat documentation as an essential part of successful onboarding. One CTO said that if a junior developer struggles to reach a level of productivity within six months of joining his team, it points towards the codebase not being well documented enough. It only takes a few seconds to add an explanatory comment to a complex function you’ve written, but it could save the next person who joins your team hours of effort.
Resources And Further Reading
“On Empathy & Pull Requests,” Slack Engineering, Medium
“Readme Driven Development,” Tom Preston-Werner, GitHub
“What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team,” Charles Duhigg, The New York Times Magazine
Agile Achievement
From the millions of man-hours that go into making CGI movies to the intense development crunches leading up to big-budget video game releases, towering technical achievements take a mind-boggling amount of effort. The first time I saw my current employer’s codebase, I was floored by the enormity of it all. How on earth did anybody build this?
The answer is that everybody can build a lot more than anybody, given the right collaborative framework. In companies that encourage collaborative coding, the software doesn’t emerge from the efforts of a lone genius. Instead, there are ways of working together that help great teams to do amazing work. Developers at Founders and Coders practice a popular software development methodology known as ‘Agile’, and in my experience, it puts the ‘functional’ in cross-functional development teams.
Entire books have been written about Agile, but here is a summary of the core concepts:
A product development team breaks down large pieces of work into small units called ‘user stories’, prioritizes them, and delivers them in two-week cycles called ‘sprints’.
For as long as the project continues, the cycles repeat, and new product requirements get fed into a backlog of tasks for future sprints.
The team holds daily standup meetings to discuss their progress and address any blockers.
The process is both incremental and iterative: the software is built and delivered in pieces and refined in successive sprints.
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A typical Agile workflow (Large preview)
As a chronic tinkerer whose solo hobby projects often succumb to ‘feature creep’, I know how easy it is to waste time building the things that no one ever uses. I love the way that Agile forces you to prioritize user stories so that the entire team can focus on delivering features that your users actually care about. It’s motivating to know that you’re all united around the common goal of building a product or service that will continue to have a life after you finish working on it.
Splitting tasks into small user stories also happens to be a great way to timebox pair programming sessions. No matter how deep in the zone you find yourselves, finishing up work on a key feature is always a nice reminder to step away from your desks and take a break. Agile lends structure to collaborative coding where it could otherwise be lacking.
Meanwhile, daily standups give you the freedom to talk about anything that is holding you back, and sprint retrospectives provide space to share key wins and pinpoint where the team could improve. These ceremonies foster a sense of collaboration and accountability, and help us to learn more together than we could by ourselves.
Putting all of these Agile principles into practice can be challenging, especially when no one in a team is used to this way of working. At Founders and Coders, it takes most students a while to get into the habit of doing daily standups. However, after 18 weeks of project-based practice, you find that your processes and communication skills improve immensely. By the time you take on your first client work, you’ve formed a much clearer mental model of how to approach building a full-stack web app in a team.
The best way to learn Agile is to build interesting projects with other people. Attending hackathons is an excellent way to connect with potential collaborators. Many open-source projects make their kanban project boards public, so you can see which GitHub issues different contributors are working on. Several welcome contributions from beginners, and you can often assign yourself to open issues and begin raising pull requests.
Since most tech companies subscribe to some form of Agile, it’s not uncommon for employers to ask about it in interviews. Any experience you have can set you apart from other applicants who may never have coded collaboratively, let alone with Agile in mind.
Resources And Further Reading
“What Is Agile?,” Steve Denning, Forbes
“Embracing Agile,” Darrell K. Rigby, Jeff Sutherland, Hirotaka Takeuchi, Harvard Business Review
“Awesome First Pull Request Opportunities,” Shmavon Gazanchyan, Deloitte Digital
Remote Collaborative Coding Tool Recommendations
In the last several years, remote working tools have advanced to the point that prominent companies like Gatsby and Zapier are now “remote first”. While it remains to be seen whether this will turn into a trend, it’s safe to say that remote development teams are here to stay.
In that spirit, here are some tools that can help you and your team code collaboratively from afar:
Markdown Editors HackMD The killer feature is that you can turn markdown documents into slideshow presentations with next to no effort. Borrows from the popular reveal.js library. StackEdit A collaborative online editor with a clean UI and lots of file export options. Code Editors CodeSandbox A fantastic collaborative cloud-based code editor that you run in your browser, with no installation needed. Live Share A neat extension for the popular Microsoft Visual Studio Code editor that supports real time editing and debugging of files inside the same workspace. Video Conferencing Solutions Google Hangouts Superb Google Calendar integration makes it a cinch to schedule video calls. Microsoft Teams Video conferencing software that offers really good call quality (1080p video), and supports up to 250 simultaneous participants.
If you take one thing away from reading this article, I want it to be that team players trump individual contributors. In a field where there seems to be a hot new framework to master every other week, our technical skills age in a way that our soft skills don’t. The upshot is that developers who can work well with other people will always find their abilities are in demand. Collaborative coding isn’t just an effective way to learn; it’s a sought after skill set that anyone can develop with enough practice and patience.
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lakestudio2 · 6 years
Week 36: Month 9 WK 4
Month 9
1 Document and Articulate Solutions: Over the course of this month the goal was to build a brand identity and prototype for a tourism app to complete the design solution for the Reykjavik project. The first design element changed was the new logo. The logo created last month was a revision for the original project. However, it needed further revision. Image 1 is last months logo samples and Image 2 is the latest logo. Changes made include removing the white road lines, moving the “R” bar closer to the “R”, changing the shape of the “R”, replacing the globe with a traditional “O”, moving the “T” bar to touch the crossbar, and adjusting kerning and leading. The process was frustrating but reiterated the importance for designers to be open to critique and let go of the attachment to their work. Based on the feedback from peers and the professor the new version of the logo is clearer, clean, visible in one color and functional.
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Image 1 (Larsen, 2019) The final logo chosen to move forward with last month.
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Image 2 (Larsen, 2019) The new logo after modification made based on peer and instructor feedback.
Once the logo was cleaned up it was necessary to update the vision board and focus words. Image 3 is the vision board made last month, Image 4 reflects the new vision board. The focus words where changed from: learn, explore, experience, and participate to explore, experience, exercise, and experience. The reason for this clarity of identity. The purpose of the app is for tourist to walk through the city which relates to each of the three focus words building a stronger identity. The next change was to use a background image of a city street with people showing the community aspect of the app. Next, the location and color of the bottom bar icons were changed. The white has a lighter brighter appearance. The app logo is now on the far left and the city on the far right with the user avatar near the logo. The rationale for this is to make it easier to read and to give the appearance of being larger text based on visual contrast.
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Image 3 (Larsen, 2019) The vision board made last month.
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Image 4 (Larsen, 2019) The new vision board based on peer and instructor feedback.
2 Give and receive peer reviews: This month the feedback of peers and the instructor provided insight on to strengthen the brand identity on the design process. Likewise, providing feedback to peers helped strength personal insights into design modifications and how reviewing the work of others from a nonobjective point of view helps build revision skills. An example of this is relevant even in the smallest details. Image 5 is the fifth version of the load screen. However, after peer critique from Dettmers (2019), the text for the forgotten password and terms of use were changed to make them larger and easier to see when viewing the screen.
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Image 5 (Larsen, 2019) This is the first version of the load/login screen.
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Image 6 (Larsen, 2019) This is the current version of the load/login screen.
3 Verbalize the learning through reflection: Reflecting on the work completed this month the learning outcome that stands out the most is knowing when less is more. There is a tendency for designers to get overwhelmed with all the extras wanting to get the whole picture before solidifying the simple details.
4 Moving forward: The next step in this process is to finish cleaning up the working prototype and conducting product surveys using the app. Currently, the prototype has two sample non-AR questions, the load screen, and an example of AR and non-AR map screens. 
5 Program Competency: This month the programs used to produce this work are:
Adobe CC 2015 - Photoshop, Premiere Pro, After Effects
InVision - Design Prototype software
PowerPoint - Screen video capture
Google - Drive, Slides, Docs, Forms, Paint
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Shah, M. (2017). How to Make an App Like Uber, a Million Dollar Guide. Hackernoon.com. https://hackernoon.com/how-to-make-an-app-like-uber-a-million-dollar-guide-bd289d892d15
SKETCHAR. (n.d.). The first assistant for drawing using augmented reality [Mobile application]. Retrieved from https://sketchar.tech/Video game industry statistics, trends & data (2018, May). Retrieved from https://www.wepc.com/news/video-game-statistics/
Sonders, M. (2016, Dec 16). Pokémon GO demographics: The evolving player mix of a smash-hit game [The medium corporation]. Retrieved from https://medium.com/@sm_app_intel/pok%C3%A9mon-go-demographics-the-evolving-player-mix-of-a-smash-hit-game-b9099d5527b7
W3C. (2016). G56: Mixing audio files so that non-speech sounds are at least 20 decibels lower than the speech audio content [W3C Working group note]. Retrieved from https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/G56.html
Wang, Hao & Sun, Chuen-Tsai. (2012). Game Reward Systems: Gaming Experiences and Social Meanings. ResearchGate.com. Retrieved  from
Waze Live Map. (2018). Reykjavik [Mobile application]. Retrieved from https://www.waze.com/livemap
0 notes
sfpcschool · 8 years
Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn
The second edition of the Learning to Teach mini-conference was held on January 15, 2017 in New York City. Hosted by the School for Poetic Computation and in partnership with the Processing Foundation, this day long conference is an open forum for educators teaching computer programming in creative and artistic contexts.
The morning session consisted of a series of talks from experienced educators sharing their teaching philosophy, teaching strategies and approaches to assessment and student feedback. In the afternoon, participants were invited to workshop sessions to discuss curriculum development, pedagogy and tools for learning. This conference explores the intersection of pedagogy and creative practice, and provide an opportunity to share ideas for another year of teaching ahead.  
Lauren McCarthy (UCLA DMA),
Kaho Abe (Eyebeam Art and Technology Center)
Mimi Yin (NYU ITP)
Nick Montfort (MIT)
Tega Brain (SUNY)
Taeyoon Choi (SFPC) 
All photos by Kira Simon-Kennedy
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Notes on breakout sessions
Teaching philosophy
Facilitated by Taeyoon Choi, notes taken by Kira Simon-Kennedy
Why do you teach?
Teaching is an enjoyable and meaningful way of supporting one’s livelihood.
Teaching code is a way to make technology more personal and relatable.  
Teaching is an act of kindness to share knowledge and an effort towards social justice, to make the world a better place.
What responsibilities do we have as teachers?
Teachers have an intellectual responsibility to curriculum, moral responsibility to individual students and a personal responsibility to the class as a community.
Teachers can help prevent students making common mistakes.
Teachers have a responsibility to bring politics and ethical issues related to technology.
What is the most rewarding aspect of teaching?
Teaching is an act of learning. Every time we teach, we have to unlearn and relearn the materials. Teaching is learning new ways to see the world.  
Teaching leads to understanding the process of learning and working with the abstract and concrete ideas.
Empowering students to grow and become an exemplary role model for the students.
How can teaching be a reciprocal activity for both teacher and student? How to get away from teaching being viewed as a transaction or vocational training?
Ask for trust and patience from the students. Offer humility, humble minds and hope.
Have both rigor and kindness towards students.
See students as individuals. Take them seriously. They will take you seriously.
If teachers acknowledge they do not know everything or have solutions, students can surprise the teacher with their own way.
Teachers can learn from students and exchange ideas and knowledge.
How to manage a critique?  
Focus on process not outcome. Don’t immediately evaluate, instead examine the work.
Manage the group’s emotion.
Be free of cynicism.
The understanding the vulnerability is essential for critique.
How to balance an art practice and a teaching practice?
One way to balance teaching and art is to protect and support one another.  
Part of the reason teaching is a burden, is because many teachers are not trained in teaching. Prepare to teach, exercise teaching to be better prepared.
Consider struggle as a challenge.
Facilitated by Ida C. Benedetto, notes taken by Lauren Gardner.
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What are some specific pedagogical strategies and techniques you use in your classroom?
Empathetic teaching means remembering what ignorance feels like.
There are many paths to motivation: fear, inspiration, pride, curiosity and relevance.
How do you deal with challenges of combining art and engineering?
Create rituals around our learning experience, our tools and the practice.
Create a safe space for learning and failure.
Convince students that they are capable to overcome the internal hurdle.
Projects should be creative, not solely technical.
Don’s be shy about getting away from technology to achieve different outcomes (art, philosophy, learning to learn).
How to you teach in a classroom of mixed skill sets?
Help students to teach and help each other.
Cultivate empathy among students.
Use art and creative examples to help students find motivation to learn technical skills.
Honor different skill sets.  
Don’t be afraid to get technology out of the way of teaching.
Build a culture of peer review and collaboration. Avoid students relying on the teacher.
How do you face issues of inclusivity, diversity, assessment, access to resources?
Be mindful that people learn at different speeds and with different styles. Some students may have learning disabilities.
Be careful of asking advanced students help beginner students. Their technical skills do not always mean they are good teachers.
When students are paired up for an assignment, assign a very specific roles to each student and then assign them tasks. Otherwise students will stick to what they are comfortable with.
What are your tips for working with difficult students?
Explore methods or strategies for resolving conflicts with fellow teachers.
There’s a good silence - necessary for flow. There is also the anxious silence - sign of rupture.
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Curriculum and syllabus. 
Session facilitated by Tega Brain, notes by Robby Kraft.
How do you structure courses that blend art, creative exploration and technology?
It’s important to remember to teach the emotional space of programming. The frustration, the short moments of delight, the time spent debugging. How can we best acknowledge the cycles of emotions in programming (and learning) in the classroom.
How do you craft assignments? How to find that balance between open and structured?
Projects and assignments must be scaffolded and broken into steps. Generally the more junior the student, the more these steps need to be prescribed.
The aim here is to teach how to think and not just do.
Build in a process for problem solving.
Do you have curriculum design experiences that have worked or not worked?
Scaffolding: building on top of existing knowledge and experience.
Architecture matters: consider the space and time of the classroom.  Consider how having multiple short classes or less longer sessions changes learning.
Phantom curriculum describes ways to teach concepts or techniques, without foregrounding them, or even students being aware of them. Art can be a trojan horse for technical curriculum.
Sustained inquiry into a discipline or a topic in the 21st century is very difficult when our attention and time is so fractured. Encourage students to do a deep dive where possible.
What are the benefits and costs of a non-traditional and artistic approaches to teaching CS or art?
One benefit is learning stacks of skills. Much media art is made by getting different platforms and environments to talk to each other. And then there are learning skills, communication skills, stress management skills
Do you have any advice for institutions/departments?
Push administrators to give you the resources you need.
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We are thankful to our generous supporter Postlight and Paul Ford for providing the space.
4 notes · View notes
riichardwilson · 4 years
Why Collaborative Coding Is The Ultimate Career Hack
About The Author
Bobby is a software developer at Flourish and a fan of data-driven storytelling. He loves no-code tools that help people tap into the web’s creative potential. … More about Bobby …
Whatever stage you’re at in your career, coding collaboratively is one of the best uses of your time. With remote working on the rise, there’s never been a better time to practice pair programming and embrace Agile development.
Taking your first steps in programming is like picking up a foreign language. At first, the syntax makes no sense, the vocabulary is unfamiliar, and everything looks and sounds unintelligible. If you’re anything like me when I started, fluency feels impossible.
I promise it isn’t. When I began coding, the learning curve hit me — hard. I spent ten months teaching myself the basics while trying to stave off feelings of self-doubt that I now recognize as imposter syndrome. It wasn’t until I started going to beginner-friendly meetups that I realized how coding collaboratively opens up amazing possibilities. You just need the right community of people to practice with.
For me, that community was Founders and Coders, the free JavaScript bootcamp that helped me to switch my career from copywriting to coding. Even now, less than a year after completing the course, I can hardly believe I’m being paid to develop software.
Collaborative coding is all about tackling problems and discovering solutions together. It encompasses techniques like pair programming, which several tech companies take seriously enough to screen for during their interview processes. It also cultivates useful skills that are tough to learn if all you’re doing is coding alone at home.
Whether you’re just starting out in the tech industry or you have several years of experience under your belt, collaborative coding never stops being useful. In this article, we’ll look at how these evergreen skills equip you for a long and successful career in software development.
Perfect Pairing
My first experience of pair programming was at a meetup for beginners called Coding For Everyone. Here’s how it works: people pair up, often with people they’ve never met, to solve JavaScript challenges together at the same laptop. One person assumes the role of the ‘navigator’ and proposes the code they think should be written. The other person, the ‘driver’, types out their suggestions on the laptop and asks questions whenever something isn’t clear. You continue doing this, swapping roles frequently, until the end of the two-hour session.
In theory, it was simple. In practice, not so much.
I found it quite distracting to have someone I didn’t know watching my screen while I typed, and I was reluctant to hand over control when it was time to swap roles. I found navigating even trickier. When an idea cannot go from your head into the computer without first going through your partner’s hands, every word that you say matters. It demanded a degree of communication from us both that we simply weren’t used to, and I felt sure we’d both learn more if we split up to work separately.
Fortunately, we stuck with it; I went again to the meetup the following week. I’ve since spent hundreds of hours pairing with dozens of developers, and I’ve learned more than I initially thought possible.
Pair programming is an incredibly fast way to learn. The magic of the method — once you get over the initial awkwardness — is that it yields immediate results. Some feedback loops, like bubbles in the stock market, can take hours, days, or even months to produce a correction. Pair programming takes minutes, if not seconds. When you misplace a semicolon, two pairs of eyes can spot the mistake faster than one. Need to search StackOverflow for clues about a rogue error message? You and your partner can each read different threads, halving the time it takes to find an answer.
The pair programming feedback loop (Large preview)
For even trickier problems, mob programming can be a further step up. This method requires a cross-functional section of a team to gather around the same computer screen and brainstorm solutions in realtime while one person types.
“All the brilliant minds working on the same thing, at the same time, in the same space, on the same computer.”
— Woody Zuill, Agile Coach and Mob Programming Trainer
While it might seem like an inefficient way to work, mob programming advocates such as Woody Zuill say it can actually save time by eliminating the need for individual code reviews because everyone reviews the code in realtime as it’s being written. Productivity aside, I think mobbing is a fantastic way to learn not just about the code, but about how other people approach problems. If pair programming doubles the number of perspectives you’re exposed to, mob programming yields even more insights.
Sometimes, ten heads are better than two. (Large preview)
That’s not to say that pairing — or indeed mobbing — is plain sailing. Something I struggled with initially was putting my ego to one side to ask questions that I thought might sound stupid. In these situations, it’s good to remember that your partner might be having the same thoughts, especially if you’re both just starting out.
If you find yourself pairing with someone more senior, perhaps at work, don’t be afraid to pick their brains and impress them with your inquisitiveness. Even someone who is only a bit further ahead than you might think of things that wouldn’t occur to someone more senior. Some of my favorite pair programmers only have a few months more experience than me, yet they always seem to know exactly which mistakes I’m about to make and how to steer me in the right direction. When these developers say there’s no such thing as a silly question, they really mean it. The best pair programmers speak freely, without the need to appear fantastic or the fear of looking foolish.
Pair programming takes practice, but it’s worth perfecting. Studies show that programmers who pair to solve problems tend to be more confident, productive, and engaged with their work. Whether you’re looking for your next job or you’re onboarding new hires, pairing is caring.
Resources And Further Reading
Engineering Empathy
When I started teaching myself JavaScript, my code looked a lot like my bedroom floor: I’d let it get messier and messier until I had no choice but to tidy it. As long as my web browser could understand it, I didn’t care how it looked.
It wasn’t until I started reviewing other people’s code that I realized I needed to show a lot more empathy for the people reviewing mine.
Empathy might be the most underrated tool in any developer’s arsenal. It’s the reason why IDEO puts user research at the center of their design process, and why Etsy asks their designers and product managers to do an engineering rotation. Empathy emerges when we have the opportunity to see how our work impacts other people. No wonder collaborative coding is such a great way to build it.
Peer code review — the act of checking each other’s code for mistakes — calls on us to exercise empathy. As the reviewer, it’s important to recognize that someone has gone to considerable effort to write the code that you are about to critique. As such, try to avoid using phrases that might imply judgment or trivialize their work. When you refer to their code, you want to show them the specific functions and lines that you have questions about, and suggest how they might refactor it. Sharing learning resources can also be more helpful than spoon-feeding a solution. Some of the most useful feedback I’ve received from code reviews has come in the form of educational articles, videos, and even podcast recommendations.
Writing good documentation for your code also goes a long way. An act as simple as creating a readme with clear installation instructions shows empathy for anyone who needs to work with your code. GitHub founder Tom Preston-Werner advocates a readme-first approach to development.
“A perfect implementation of the wrong specification is worthless. By the same principle, a beautifully crafted library with no documentation is also damn near worthless. If your software solves the wrong problem or nobody can figure out how to use it, there’s something very bad going on.”
— Tom Preston-Werner, GitHub Founder
I’ve also spoken with tech founders who treat documentation as an essential part of successful onboarding. One CTO said that if a junior developer struggles to reach a level of productivity within six months of joining his team, it points towards the codebase not being well documented enough. It only takes a few seconds to add an explanatory comment to a complex function you’ve written, but it could save the next person who joins your team hours of effort.
Resources And Further Reading
Agile Achievement
From the millions of man-hours that go into making CGI movies to the intense development crunches leading up to big-budget video game releases, towering technical achievements take a mind-boggling amount of effort. The first time I saw my current employer’s codebase, I was floored by the enormity of it all. How on earth did anybody build this?
The answer is that everybody can build a lot more than anybody, given the right collaborative framework. In companies that encourage collaborative coding, the software doesn’t emerge from the efforts of a lone genius. Instead, there are ways of working together that help great teams to do amazing work. Developers at Founders and Coders practice a popular software development methodology known as ‘Agile’, and in my experience, it puts the ‘functional’ in cross-functional development teams.
Entire books have been written about Agile, but here is a summary of the core concepts:
A product development team breaks down large pieces of work into small units called ‘user stories’, prioritizes them, and delivers them in two-week cycles called ‘sprints’.
For as long as the project continues, the cycles repeat, and new product requirements get fed into a backlog of tasks for future sprints.
The team holds daily standup meetings to discuss their progress and address any blockers.
The process is both incremental and iterative: the software is built and delivered in pieces and refined in successive sprints.
A typical Agile workflow (Large preview)
As a chronic tinkerer whose solo hobby projects often succumb to ‘feature creep’, I know how easy it is to waste time building the things that no one ever uses. I love the way that Agile forces you to prioritize user stories so that the entire team can focus on delivering features that your users actually care about. It’s motivating to know that you’re all united around the common goal of building a product or service that will continue to have a life after you finish working on it.
Splitting tasks into small user stories also happens to be a great way to timebox pair programming sessions. No matter how deep in the zone you find yourselves, finishing up work on a key feature is always a nice reminder to step away from your desks and take a break. Agile lends structure to collaborative coding where it could otherwise be lacking.
Meanwhile, daily standups give you the freedom to talk about anything that is holding you back, and sprint retrospectives provide space to share key wins and pinpoint where the team could improve. These ceremonies foster a sense of collaboration and accountability, and help us to learn more together than we could by ourselves.
Putting all of these Agile principles into practice can be challenging, especially when no one in a team is used to this way of working. At Founders and Coders, it takes most students a while to get into the habit of doing daily standups. However, after 18 weeks of project-based practice, you find that your processes and communication skills improve immensely. By the time you take on your first client work, you’ve formed a much clearer mental model of how to approach building a full-stack web app in a team.
The best way to learn Agile is to build interesting projects with other people. Attending hackathons is an excellent way to connect with potential collaborators. Many open-source projects make their kanban project boards public, so you can see which GitHub issues different contributors are working on. Several welcome contributions from beginners, and you can often assign yourself to open issues and begin raising pull requests.
Since most tech companies subscribe to some form of Agile, it’s not uncommon for employers to ask about it in interviews. Any experience you have can set you apart from other applicants who may never have coded collaboratively, let alone with Agile in mind.
Resources And Further Reading
Remote Collaborative Coding Tool Recommendations
In the last several years, remote working tools have advanced to the point that prominent companies like Gatsby and Zapier are now “remote first”. While it remains to be seen whether this will turn into a trend, it’s safe to say that remote development teams are here to stay.
In that spirit, here are some tools that can help you and your team code collaboratively from afar:
Markdown Editors HackMD The killer feature is that you can turn markdown documents into slideshow presentations with next to no effort. Borrows from the popular reveal.js library. StackEdit A collaborative online editor with a clean UI and lots of file export options. Code Editors CodeSandbox A fantastic collaborative cloud-based code editor that you run in your browser, with no installation needed. Live Share A neat extension for the popular Microsoft Visual Studio Code editor that supports real time editing and debugging of files inside the same workspace. Video Conferencing Solutions Google Hangouts Superb Google Calendar integration makes it a cinch to schedule video calls. Microsoft Teams Video conferencing software that offers really good call quality (1080p video), and supports up to 250 simultaneous participants.
If you take one thing away from reading this article, I want it to be that team players trump individual contributors. In a field where there seems to be a hot new framework to master every other week, our technical skills age in a way that our soft skills don’t. The upshot is that developers who can work well with other people will always find their abilities are in demand. Collaborative coding isn’t just an effective way to learn; it’s a sought after skill set that anyone can develop with enough practice and patience.
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source http://www.scpie.org/why-collaborative-coding-is-the-ultimate-career-hack/ source https://scpie.tumblr.com/post/616321323350851584
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laurelkrugerr · 4 years
Why Collaborative Coding Is The Ultimate Career Hack
About The Author
Bobby is a software developer at Flourish and a fan of data-driven storytelling. He loves no-code tools that help people tap into the web’s creative potential. … More about Bobby …
Whatever stage you’re at in your career, coding collaboratively is one of the best uses of your time. With remote working on the rise, there’s never been a better time to practice pair programming and embrace Agile development.
Taking your first steps in programming is like picking up a foreign language. At first, the syntax makes no sense, the vocabulary is unfamiliar, and everything looks and sounds unintelligible. If you’re anything like me when I started, fluency feels impossible.
I promise it isn’t. When I began coding, the learning curve hit me — hard. I spent ten months teaching myself the basics while trying to stave off feelings of self-doubt that I now recognize as imposter syndrome. It wasn’t until I started going to beginner-friendly meetups that I realized how coding collaboratively opens up amazing possibilities. You just need the right community of people to practice with.
For me, that community was Founders and Coders, the free JavaScript bootcamp that helped me to switch my career from copywriting to coding. Even now, less than a year after completing the course, I can hardly believe I’m being paid to develop software.
Collaborative coding is all about tackling problems and discovering solutions together. It encompasses techniques like pair programming, which several tech companies take seriously enough to screen for during their interview processes. It also cultivates useful skills that are tough to learn if all you’re doing is coding alone at home.
Whether you’re just starting out in the tech industry or you have several years of experience under your belt, collaborative coding never stops being useful. In this article, we’ll look at how these evergreen skills equip you for a long and successful career in software development.
Perfect Pairing
My first experience of pair programming was at a meetup for beginners called Coding For Everyone. Here’s how it works: people pair up, often with people they’ve never met, to solve JavaScript challenges together at the same laptop. One person assumes the role of the ‘navigator’ and proposes the code they think should be written. The other person, the ‘driver’, types out their suggestions on the laptop and asks questions whenever something isn’t clear. You continue doing this, swapping roles frequently, until the end of the two-hour session.
In theory, it was simple. In practice, not so much.
I found it quite distracting to have someone I didn’t know watching my screen while I typed, and I was reluctant to hand over control when it was time to swap roles. I found navigating even trickier. When an idea cannot go from your head into the computer without first going through your partner’s hands, every word that you say matters. It demanded a degree of communication from us both that we simply weren’t used to, and I felt sure we’d both learn more if we split up to work separately.
Fortunately, we stuck with it; I went again to the meetup the following week. I’ve since spent hundreds of hours pairing with dozens of developers, and I’ve learned more than I initially thought possible.
Pair programming is an incredibly fast way to learn. The magic of the method — once you get over the initial awkwardness — is that it yields immediate results. Some feedback loops, like bubbles in the stock market, can take hours, days, or even months to produce a correction. Pair programming takes minutes, if not seconds. When you misplace a semicolon, two pairs of eyes can spot the mistake faster than one. Need to search StackOverflow for clues about a rogue error message? You and your partner can each read different threads, halving the time it takes to find an answer.
The pair programming feedback loop (Large preview)
For even trickier problems, mob programming can be a further step up. This method requires a cross-functional section of a team to gather around the same computer screen and brainstorm solutions in realtime while one person types.
“All the brilliant minds working on the same thing, at the same time, in the same space, on the same computer.”
— Woody Zuill, Agile Coach and Mob Programming Trainer
While it might seem like an inefficient way to work, mob programming advocates such as Woody Zuill say it can actually save time by eliminating the need for individual code reviews because everyone reviews the code in realtime as it’s being written. Productivity aside, I think mobbing is a fantastic way to learn not just about the code, but about how other people approach problems. If pair programming doubles the number of perspectives you’re exposed to, mob programming yields even more insights.
Sometimes, ten heads are better than two. (Large preview)
That’s not to say that pairing — or indeed mobbing — is plain sailing. Something I struggled with initially was putting my ego to one side to ask questions that I thought might sound stupid. In these situations, it’s good to remember that your partner might be having the same thoughts, especially if you’re both just starting out.
If you find yourself pairing with someone more senior, perhaps at work, don’t be afraid to pick their brains and impress them with your inquisitiveness. Even someone who is only a bit further ahead than you might think of things that wouldn’t occur to someone more senior. Some of my favorite pair programmers only have a few months more experience than me, yet they always seem to know exactly which mistakes I’m about to make and how to steer me in the right direction. When these developers say there’s no such thing as a silly question, they really mean it. The best pair programmers speak freely, without the need to appear fantastic or the fear of looking foolish.
Pair programming takes practice, but it’s worth perfecting. Studies show that programmers who pair to solve problems tend to be more confident, productive, and engaged with their work. Whether you’re looking for your next job or you’re onboarding new hires, pairing is caring.
Resources And Further Reading
Engineering Empathy
When I started teaching myself JavaScript, my code looked a lot like my bedroom floor: I’d let it get messier and messier until I had no choice but to tidy it. As long as my web browser could understand it, I didn’t care how it looked.
It wasn’t until I started reviewing other people’s code that I realized I needed to show a lot more empathy for the people reviewing mine.
Empathy might be the most underrated tool in any developer’s arsenal. It’s the reason why IDEO puts user research at the center of their design process, and why Etsy asks their designers and product managers to do an engineering rotation. Empathy emerges when we have the opportunity to see how our work impacts other people. No wonder collaborative coding is such a great way to build it.
Peer code review — the act of checking each other’s code for mistakes — calls on us to exercise empathy. As the reviewer, it’s important to recognize that someone has gone to considerable effort to write the code that you are about to critique. As such, try to avoid using phrases that might imply judgment or trivialize their work. When you refer to their code, you want to show them the specific functions and lines that you have questions about, and suggest how they might refactor it. Sharing learning resources can also be more helpful than spoon-feeding a solution. Some of the most useful feedback I’ve received from code reviews has come in the form of educational articles, videos, and even podcast recommendations.
Writing good documentation for your code also goes a long way. An act as simple as creating a readme with clear installation instructions shows empathy for anyone who needs to work with your code. GitHub founder Tom Preston-Werner advocates a readme-first approach to development.
“A perfect implementation of the wrong specification is worthless. By the same principle, a beautifully crafted library with no documentation is also damn near worthless. If your software solves the wrong problem or nobody can figure out how to use it, there’s something very bad going on.”
— Tom Preston-Werner, GitHub Founder
I’ve also spoken with tech founders who treat documentation as an essential part of successful onboarding. One CTO said that if a junior developer struggles to reach a level of productivity within six months of joining his team, it points towards the codebase not being well documented enough. It only takes a few seconds to add an explanatory comment to a complex function you’ve written, but it could save the next person who joins your team hours of effort.
Resources And Further Reading
Agile Achievement
From the millions of man-hours that go into making CGI movies to the intense development crunches leading up to big-budget video game releases, towering technical achievements take a mind-boggling amount of effort. The first time I saw my current employer’s codebase, I was floored by the enormity of it all. How on earth did anybody build this?
The answer is that everybody can build a lot more than anybody, given the right collaborative framework. In companies that encourage collaborative coding, the software doesn’t emerge from the efforts of a lone genius. Instead, there are ways of working together that help great teams to do amazing work. Developers at Founders and Coders practice a popular software development methodology known as ‘Agile’, and in my experience, it puts the ‘functional’ in cross-functional development teams.
Entire books have been written about Agile, but here is a summary of the core concepts:
A product development team breaks down large pieces of work into small units called ‘user stories’, prioritizes them, and delivers them in two-week cycles called ‘sprints’.
For as long as the project continues, the cycles repeat, and new product requirements get fed into a backlog of tasks for future sprints.
The team holds daily standup meetings to discuss their progress and address any blockers.
The process is both incremental and iterative: the software is built and delivered in pieces and refined in successive sprints.
A typical Agile workflow (Large preview)
As a chronic tinkerer whose solo hobby projects often succumb to ‘feature creep’, I know how easy it is to waste time building the things that no one ever uses. I love the way that Agile forces you to prioritize user stories so that the entire team can focus on delivering features that your users actually care about. It’s motivating to know that you’re all united around the common goal of building a product or service that will continue to have a life after you finish working on it.
Splitting tasks into small user stories also happens to be a great way to timebox pair programming sessions. No matter how deep in the zone you find yourselves, finishing up work on a key feature is always a nice reminder to step away from your desks and take a break. Agile lends structure to collaborative coding where it could otherwise be lacking.
Meanwhile, daily standups give you the freedom to talk about anything that is holding you back, and sprint retrospectives provide space to share key wins and pinpoint where the team could improve. These ceremonies foster a sense of collaboration and accountability, and help us to learn more together than we could by ourselves.
Putting all of these Agile principles into practice can be challenging, especially when no one in a team is used to this way of working. At Founders and Coders, it takes most students a while to get into the habit of doing daily standups. However, after 18 weeks of project-based practice, you find that your processes and communication skills improve immensely. By the time you take on your first client work, you’ve formed a much clearer mental model of how to approach building a full-stack web app in a team.
The best way to learn Agile is to build interesting projects with other people. Attending hackathons is an excellent way to connect with potential collaborators. Many open-source projects make their kanban project boards public, so you can see which GitHub issues different contributors are working on. Several welcome contributions from beginners, and you can often assign yourself to open issues and begin raising pull requests.
Since most tech companies subscribe to some form of Agile, it’s not uncommon for employers to ask about it in interviews. Any experience you have can set you apart from other applicants who may never have coded collaboratively, let alone with Agile in mind.
Resources And Further Reading
Remote Collaborative Coding Tool Recommendations
In the last several years, remote working tools have advanced to the point that prominent companies like Gatsby and Zapier are now “remote first”. While it remains to be seen whether this will turn into a trend, it’s safe to say that remote development teams are here to stay.
In that spirit, here are some tools that can help you and your team code collaboratively from afar:
Markdown EditorsHackMD The killer feature is that you can turn markdown documents into slideshow presentations with next to no effort. Borrows from the popular reveal.js library.StackEdit A collaborative online editor with a clean UI and lots of file export options.Code EditorsCodeSandbox A fantastic collaborative cloud-based code editor that you run in your browser, with no installation needed.Live Share A neat extension for the popular Microsoft Visual Studio Code editor that supports real time editing and debugging of files inside the same workspace.Video Conferencing SolutionsGoogle Hangouts Superb Google Calendar integration makes it a cinch to schedule video calls.Microsoft Teams Video conferencing software that offers really good call quality (1080p video), and supports up to 250 simultaneous participants.
If you take one thing away from reading this article, I want it to be that team players trump individual contributors. In a field where there seems to be a hot new framework to master every other week, our technical skills age in a way that our soft skills don’t. The upshot is that developers who can work well with other people will always find their abilities are in demand. Collaborative coding isn’t just an effective way to learn; it’s a sought after skill set that anyone can develop with enough practice and patience.
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source http://www.scpie.org/why-collaborative-coding-is-the-ultimate-career-hack/ source https://scpie1.blogspot.com/2020/04/why-collaborative-coding-is-ultimate.html
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scpie · 4 years
Why Collaborative Coding Is The Ultimate Career Hack
About The Author
Bobby is a software developer at Flourish and a fan of data-driven storytelling. He loves no-code tools that help people tap into the web’s creative potential. … More about Bobby …
Whatever stage you’re at in your career, coding collaboratively is one of the best uses of your time. With remote working on the rise, there’s never been a better time to practice pair programming and embrace Agile development.
Taking your first steps in programming is like picking up a foreign language. At first, the syntax makes no sense, the vocabulary is unfamiliar, and everything looks and sounds unintelligible. If you’re anything like me when I started, fluency feels impossible.
I promise it isn’t. When I began coding, the learning curve hit me — hard. I spent ten months teaching myself the basics while trying to stave off feelings of self-doubt that I now recognize as imposter syndrome. It wasn’t until I started going to beginner-friendly meetups that I realized how coding collaboratively opens up amazing possibilities. You just need the right community of people to practice with.
For me, that community was Founders and Coders, the free JavaScript bootcamp that helped me to switch my career from copywriting to coding. Even now, less than a year after completing the course, I can hardly believe I’m being paid to develop software.
Collaborative coding is all about tackling problems and discovering solutions together. It encompasses techniques like pair programming, which several tech companies take seriously enough to screen for during their interview processes. It also cultivates useful skills that are tough to learn if all you’re doing is coding alone at home.
Whether you’re just starting out in the tech industry or you have several years of experience under your belt, collaborative coding never stops being useful. In this article, we’ll look at how these evergreen skills equip you for a long and successful career in software development.
Perfect Pairing
My first experience of pair programming was at a meetup for beginners called Coding For Everyone. Here’s how it works: people pair up, often with people they’ve never met, to solve JavaScript challenges together at the same laptop. One person assumes the role of the ‘navigator’ and proposes the code they think should be written. The other person, the ‘driver’, types out their suggestions on the laptop and asks questions whenever something isn’t clear. You continue doing this, swapping roles frequently, until the end of the two-hour session.
In theory, it was simple. In practice, not so much.
I found it quite distracting to have someone I didn’t know watching my screen while I typed, and I was reluctant to hand over control when it was time to swap roles. I found navigating even trickier. When an idea cannot go from your head into the computer without first going through your partner’s hands, every word that you say matters. It demanded a degree of communication from us both that we simply weren’t used to, and I felt sure we’d both learn more if we split up to work separately.
Fortunately, we stuck with it; I went again to the meetup the following week. I’ve since spent hundreds of hours pairing with dozens of developers, and I’ve learned more than I initially thought possible.
Pair programming is an incredibly fast way to learn. The magic of the method — once you get over the initial awkwardness — is that it yields immediate results. Some feedback loops, like bubbles in the stock market, can take hours, days, or even months to produce a correction. Pair programming takes minutes, if not seconds. When you misplace a semicolon, two pairs of eyes can spot the mistake faster than one. Need to search StackOverflow for clues about a rogue error message? You and your partner can each read different threads, halving the time it takes to find an answer.
The pair programming feedback loop (Large preview)
For even trickier problems, mob programming can be a further step up. This method requires a cross-functional section of a team to gather around the same computer screen and brainstorm solutions in realtime while one person types.
“All the brilliant minds working on the same thing, at the same time, in the same space, on the same computer.”
— Woody Zuill, Agile Coach and Mob Programming Trainer
While it might seem like an inefficient way to work, mob programming advocates such as Woody Zuill say it can actually save time by eliminating the need for individual code reviews because everyone reviews the code in realtime as it’s being written. Productivity aside, I think mobbing is a fantastic way to learn not just about the code, but about how other people approach problems. If pair programming doubles the number of perspectives you’re exposed to, mob programming yields even more insights.
Sometimes, ten heads are better than two. (Large preview)
That’s not to say that pairing — or indeed mobbing — is plain sailing. Something I struggled with initially was putting my ego to one side to ask questions that I thought might sound stupid. In these situations, it’s good to remember that your partner might be having the same thoughts, especially if you’re both just starting out.
If you find yourself pairing with someone more senior, perhaps at work, don’t be afraid to pick their brains and impress them with your inquisitiveness. Even someone who is only a bit further ahead than you might think of things that wouldn’t occur to someone more senior. Some of my favorite pair programmers only have a few months more experience than me, yet they always seem to know exactly which mistakes I’m about to make and how to steer me in the right direction. When these developers say there’s no such thing as a silly question, they really mean it. The best pair programmers speak freely, without the need to appear fantastic or the fear of looking foolish.
Pair programming takes practice, but it’s worth perfecting. Studies show that programmers who pair to solve problems tend to be more confident, productive, and engaged with their work. Whether you’re looking for your next job or you’re onboarding new hires, pairing is caring.
Resources And Further Reading
Engineering Empathy
When I started teaching myself JavaScript, my code looked a lot like my bedroom floor: I’d let it get messier and messier until I had no choice but to tidy it. As long as my web browser could understand it, I didn’t care how it looked.
It wasn’t until I started reviewing other people’s code that I realized I needed to show a lot more empathy for the people reviewing mine.
Empathy might be the most underrated tool in any developer’s arsenal. It’s the reason why IDEO puts user research at the center of their design process, and why Etsy asks their designers and product managers to do an engineering rotation. Empathy emerges when we have the opportunity to see how our work impacts other people. No wonder collaborative coding is such a great way to build it.
Peer code review — the act of checking each other’s code for mistakes — calls on us to exercise empathy. As the reviewer, it’s important to recognize that someone has gone to considerable effort to write the code that you are about to critique. As such, try to avoid using phrases that might imply judgment or trivialize their work. When you refer to their code, you want to show them the specific functions and lines that you have questions about, and suggest how they might refactor it. Sharing learning resources can also be more helpful than spoon-feeding a solution. Some of the most useful feedback I’ve received from code reviews has come in the form of educational articles, videos, and even podcast recommendations.
Writing good documentation for your code also goes a long way. An act as simple as creating a readme with clear installation instructions shows empathy for anyone who needs to work with your code. GitHub founder Tom Preston-Werner advocates a readme-first approach to development.
“A perfect implementation of the wrong specification is worthless. By the same principle, a beautifully crafted library with no documentation is also damn near worthless. If your software solves the wrong problem or nobody can figure out how to use it, there’s something very bad going on.”
— Tom Preston-Werner, GitHub Founder
I’ve also spoken with tech founders who treat documentation as an essential part of successful onboarding. One CTO said that if a junior developer struggles to reach a level of productivity within six months of joining his team, it points towards the codebase not being well documented enough. It only takes a few seconds to add an explanatory comment to a complex function you’ve written, but it could save the next person who joins your team hours of effort.
Resources And Further Reading
Agile Achievement
From the millions of man-hours that go into making CGI movies to the intense development crunches leading up to big-budget video game releases, towering technical achievements take a mind-boggling amount of effort. The first time I saw my current employer’s codebase, I was floored by the enormity of it all. How on earth did anybody build this?
The answer is that everybody can build a lot more than anybody, given the right collaborative framework. In companies that encourage collaborative coding, the software doesn’t emerge from the efforts of a lone genius. Instead, there are ways of working together that help great teams to do amazing work. Developers at Founders and Coders practice a popular software development methodology known as ‘Agile’, and in my experience, it puts the ‘functional’ in cross-functional development teams.
Entire books have been written about Agile, but here is a summary of the core concepts:
A product development team breaks down large pieces of work into small units called ‘user stories’, prioritizes them, and delivers them in two-week cycles called ‘sprints’.
For as long as the project continues, the cycles repeat, and new product requirements get fed into a backlog of tasks for future sprints.
The team holds daily standup meetings to discuss their progress and address any blockers.
The process is both incremental and iterative: the software is built and delivered in pieces and refined in successive sprints.
A typical Agile workflow (Large preview)
As a chronic tinkerer whose solo hobby projects often succumb to ‘feature creep’, I know how easy it is to waste time building the things that no one ever uses. I love the way that Agile forces you to prioritize user stories so that the entire team can focus on delivering features that your users actually care about. It’s motivating to know that you’re all united around the common goal of building a product or service that will continue to have a life after you finish working on it.
Splitting tasks into small user stories also happens to be a great way to timebox pair programming sessions. No matter how deep in the zone you find yourselves, finishing up work on a key feature is always a nice reminder to step away from your desks and take a break. Agile lends structure to collaborative coding where it could otherwise be lacking.
Meanwhile, daily standups give you the freedom to talk about anything that is holding you back, and sprint retrospectives provide space to share key wins and pinpoint where the team could improve. These ceremonies foster a sense of collaboration and accountability, and help us to learn more together than we could by ourselves.
Putting all of these Agile principles into practice can be challenging, especially when no one in a team is used to this way of working. At Founders and Coders, it takes most students a while to get into the habit of doing daily standups. However, after 18 weeks of project-based practice, you find that your processes and communication skills improve immensely. By the time you take on your first client work, you’ve formed a much clearer mental model of how to approach building a full-stack web app in a team.
The best way to learn Agile is to build interesting projects with other people. Attending hackathons is an excellent way to connect with potential collaborators. Many open-source projects make their kanban project boards public, so you can see which GitHub issues different contributors are working on. Several welcome contributions from beginners, and you can often assign yourself to open issues and begin raising pull requests.
Since most tech companies subscribe to some form of Agile, it’s not uncommon for employers to ask about it in interviews. Any experience you have can set you apart from other applicants who may never have coded collaboratively, let alone with Agile in mind.
Resources And Further Reading
Remote Collaborative Coding Tool Recommendations
In the last several years, remote working tools have advanced to the point that prominent companies like Gatsby and Zapier are now “remote first”. While it remains to be seen whether this will turn into a trend, it’s safe to say that remote development teams are here to stay.
In that spirit, here are some tools that can help you and your team code collaboratively from afar:
Markdown Editors HackMD The killer feature is that you can turn markdown documents into slideshow presentations with next to no effort. Borrows from the popular reveal.js library. StackEdit A collaborative online editor with a clean UI and lots of file export options. Code Editors CodeSandbox A fantastic collaborative cloud-based code editor that you run in your browser, with no installation needed. Live Share A neat extension for the popular Microsoft Visual Studio Code editor that supports real time editing and debugging of files inside the same workspace. Video Conferencing Solutions Google Hangouts Superb Google Calendar integration makes it a cinch to schedule video calls. Microsoft Teams Video conferencing software that offers really good call quality (1080p video), and supports up to 250 simultaneous participants.
If you take one thing away from reading this article, I want it to be that team players trump individual contributors. In a field where there seems to be a hot new framework to master every other week, our technical skills age in a way that our soft skills don’t. The upshot is that developers who can work well with other people will always find their abilities are in demand. Collaborative coding isn’t just an effective way to learn; it’s a sought after skill set that anyone can develop with enough practice and patience.
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Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
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source http://www.scpie.org/why-collaborative-coding-is-the-ultimate-career-hack/
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MPK732 – Marketing Management
MPK732 – Marketing Management
Assessment 1 – Case Study Analysis
DUE DATE AND TIME: Thursday 30 August (week 7) by 5.00pm AEST PERCENTAGE OF FINAL GRADE: 30% MODE: Group of 2-3 students or individually WORD LIMIT: 3000 Words HURDLE DETAILS: N/A
Learning Outcome Details
Unit Learning Outcome (ULO) Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO)     ULO 1: Evaluate the key concepts, models and GLO 1: Discipline-specific knowledge and theories upon which the practice of marketing is capabilities: The case study analysis enables you to based: The case study analysis enables you to reflect on and demonstrate your marketing reflect on and critique the “key concepts, models management knowledge and capabilities. and theories” addressed in MPK732.       ULO 2: Apply the fundamental principles involved GLO 1: Discipline-specific knowledge and in managing marketing: The case study analysis capabilities: The case study analysis enables you to requires you to apply the fundamental principles of reflect on and demonstrate your marketing marketing management to a real world marketing management knowledge and capabilities. situation. GLO 5: Problem solving: Case studies are a     commonly used method of problem-based learning.   Typically, using a case study aims to develop your   reasoning, problem-solving and decision-making   skills. ULO 3: Analyze marketing problems and be GLO 4: Critical thinking: Case studies require you to capable of applying relevant concepts, models critique the theory addressed in the unit and to and theories to generate appropriate solutions: assess its usefulness as it applies in the real world. The case study analysis enables you to solve This makes your learning clearly relevant to “real” problems using previously acquired knowledge. It situations. also engages you in research and reflective GLO 5: Problem solving: Case studies are a discourse for the purpose of problem solving. commonly used method of problem-based learning.     Typically, using a case study aims to develop your   reasoning, problem-solving and decision-making   skills.  
  ULO 4: Communicate an in-depth understanding of a range of issues, practices, models and phenomena in marketing: The case study analysis completed in groups exposes you to different viewpoints and commentaries on marketing. Students need to communicate with one another to successfully complete the analysis, and as a group they need to effectively communicate with the reader of their case study analysis.
GLO 2: Communication: The case study analysis assists in developing your communication skills. It allows students to learn from one another via effective communication. Students also need to communicate well with the reader of their case study analysis.
Assessment Feedback:
Students who submit their work by the due date will receive their marks and feedback on CloudDeakin by 15 working days after the due date.
  Marking Criteria
A detailed rubric for this assessment task will be provided via Cloud. Please see the relevant rubric in the assessment folder for Assignment 1. In summary, the marking criteria will include:
  Solutions to problems posed, i.e., demonstrate comprehension of the problem and formulate solutions
Application of theory, i.e., to current, real-world marketing issues
Presenting and defending a position, i.e., consideration of the complexities of issues and acknowledging other points of view
Use of literature to support arguments
Mechanics, e.g., spelling and grammar, language, use of referencing styles
  Description / Requirements
Your Brief
  A case study typically is an accurate, historical record of a business situation that actually has been faced by business executives. The main aim of using the case study method is to allow you the opportunity to translate theory into practice in a business situation that is as close to real world experience as possible. The marketing situation(s) depicted in the case reflects the uncertainty of the real-world marketing environment, and the reality of any practical situation. You will have to master the art of sifting through all types of information, which is often incomplete, not presented in the correct order, and may even be irrelevant or misleading, to solve the problems posed.
You may find, and be frustrated by the fact, that in some situations there appears to be no single “right” solution to the problem. There are likely to be multiple approaches, each one with a different implication for the organization, and each involving different trade-offs.
Since the case study problems may be approached at times from different perspectives, your main task will be to argue correctly the logic of, and evidence for, your solutions to the problems at hand. The importance of the case study exercise is to emphasize how you arrived at your solution, rather than just emphasize the solution itself.
  Getting Started
Read the case study, The Chia Co: Offering a Superfood or a Fad?, as soon as possible, when available on Cloud in the ‘Assessment 1 Learning Resources’. A prompt start will give you time to “tune” into the case study. In particular, there is an amazing amount of relevant background information publicly available that will have some bearing on the marketing situation described in your case. Keep a look out for it! Academic journals and books, newspapers, magazines and television are an especially good place to start your information search. Collect anything that you think may help to enrich your analysis. You can always discard any irrelevant material later.
  Now focus on the specific case problems posed below. These problems have been designed so that you can apply the theory from the unit to the practical case study to arrive at solutions. Critically evaluate and add to the existing information provided in your case study by:
  Continuing to read journal, newspaper and magazine articles on your topic.
  Looking for current event type television programs and published brochures, etcetera that may be relevant to your topic.
  Observing the industry that the case is based on.
  Please note: In this assignment, you are expected to utilise an extensive amount of research conducted in the discipline of marketing and related fields, to extend your knowledge. Please do NOT rely solely on your own opinions, personal experience, and the case study and other materials that you have been provided.
  Case study problems
  What factors contributed to the success of The Chia Co? What competitive advantages does The Chia Co possess, including consideration of the brand, products and value proposition, demand, and market position? In your answer, conduct a 5Cs and SWOT analyses for The Chia Co including consideration of the characteristics of the superfood product category and market, and future opportunities. Justify your analysis using appropriate sources.
Evaluate the segmentation, targeting and positioning for The Chia Co within the superfood market, including the competitors named in the case and other products and brands (not mentioned) who may have entered or have the potential to enter the market. From your research of the case and other relevant sources, how do you perceive the future market for superfoods? For two segments that The Chia Co could target (either in the case or not), describe each segment (e.g., size, growth, et cetera) and create a persona describing for each, the segment’s profile, activities, preferences, and needs. For the identified segments and personas, summarise how they are different or similar from each other. Use elements of consumer behaviour and market segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP) theory to inform your response.
Your arguments need to be supported by your understanding of the company’s strategy, strengths, weaknesses, and competitive advantages identified in Q1, in combination with your expectation of the market identified in Q2, with supporting justifications from the case, other sources, relevant theory, your analysis, and acknowledgement of any assumptions. In other words, your solutions to the problems identified in each question should draw on evidence and insights from the case and other relevant sources, and show strong integration across the questions of insights and understanding gleaned from your analysis.
How can The Chia Co keep itself and its product ahead of other superfoods? Based on the insights gleaned in Q32what one target market do you recommend The Chia Co brand focus on going forward and why? What value proposition, positioning strategy and product(s) would you recommend for this target market? Craft a perceptual map and positioning statement linking the products to your recommended positioning strategy for this target market being mindful of what ethical concerns should be considered when marketing superfoods and how The Chia Co should tackle these.
References: A complete citation of all work/research of others referenced should be included in a list of references (not included in the word count). As this is a post- graduate unit, and students are required to have advanced research and critical skills, a minimum of 20 references, mostly from peer- reviewed sources, is expected. Harvard style of referencing should be used throughout the main body. Your analysis needs to be based on your own external research using quality external sources. Assignments that only draw from the case, prescribed textbook and readings, and rudimentary or questionable webpages (e.g., Wikipedia, the Online MBA), or other textbooks are unlikely to be awarded a pass grade.
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fredvincent765-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://punjabassignmenthelp.com/mpk732-marketing-management/
MPK732 – Marketing Management
MPK732 – Marketing Management
Assessment 1 – Case Study Analysis
DUE DATE AND TIME: Thursday 30 August (week 7) by 5.00pm AEST PERCENTAGE OF FINAL GRADE: 30% MODE: Group of 2-3 students or individually WORD LIMIT: 3000 Words HURDLE DETAILS: N/A
Learning Outcome Details
Unit Learning Outcome (ULO) Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO)     ULO 1: Evaluate the key concepts, models and GLO 1: Discipline-specific knowledge and theories upon which the practice of marketing is capabilities: The case study analysis enables you to based: The case study analysis enables you to reflect on and demonstrate your marketing reflect on and critique the “key concepts, models management knowledge and capabilities. and theories” addressed in MPK732.       ULO 2: Apply the fundamental principles involved GLO 1: Discipline-specific knowledge and in managing marketing: The case study analysis capabilities: The case study analysis enables you to requires you to apply the fundamental principles of reflect on and demonstrate your marketing marketing management to a real world marketing management knowledge and capabilities. situation. GLO 5: Problem solving: Case studies are a     commonly used method of problem-based learning.   Typically, using a case study aims to develop your   reasoning, problem-solving and decision-making   skills. ULO 3: Analyze marketing problems and be GLO 4: Critical thinking: Case studies require you to capable of applying relevant concepts, models critique the theory addressed in the unit and to and theories to generate appropriate solutions: assess its usefulness as it applies in the real world. The case study analysis enables you to solve This makes your learning clearly relevant to “real” problems using previously acquired knowledge. It situations. also engages you in research and reflective GLO 5: Problem solving: Case studies are a discourse for the purpose of problem solving. commonly used method of problem-based learning.     Typically, using a case study aims to develop your   reasoning, problem-solving and decision-making   skills.  
  ULO 4: Communicate an in-depth understanding of a range of issues, practices, models and phenomena in marketing: The case study analysis completed in groups exposes you to different viewpoints and commentaries on marketing. Students need to communicate with one another to successfully complete the analysis, and as a group they need to effectively communicate with the reader of their case study analysis.
GLO 2: Communication: The case study analysis assists in developing your communication skills. It allows students to learn from one another via effective communication. Students also need to communicate well with the reader of their case study analysis.
Assessment Feedback:
Students who submit their work by the due date will receive their marks and feedback on CloudDeakin by 15 working days after the due date.
  Marking Criteria
A detailed rubric for this assessment task will be provided via Cloud. Please see the relevant rubric in the assessment folder for Assignment 1. In summary, the marking criteria will include:
  Solutions to problems posed, i.e., demonstrate comprehension of the problem and formulate solutions
Application of theory, i.e., to current, real-world marketing issues
Presenting and defending a position, i.e., consideration of the complexities of issues and acknowledging other points of view
Use of literature to support arguments
Mechanics, e.g., spelling and grammar, language, use of referencing styles
  Description / Requirements
Your Brief
  A case study typically is an accurate, historical record of a business situation that actually has been faced by business executives. The main aim of using the case study method is to allow you the opportunity to translate theory into practice in a business situation that is as close to real world experience as possible. The marketing situation(s) depicted in the case reflects the uncertainty of the real-world marketing environment, and the reality of any practical situation. You will have to master the art of sifting through all types of information, which is often incomplete, not presented in the correct order, and may even be irrelevant or misleading, to solve the problems posed.
You may find, and be frustrated by the fact, that in some situations there appears to be no single “right” solution to the problem. There are likely to be multiple approaches, each one with a different implication for the organization, and each involving different trade-offs.
Since the case study problems may be approached at times from different perspectives, your main task will be to argue correctly the logic of, and evidence for, your solutions to the problems at hand. The importance of the case study exercise is to emphasize how you arrived at your solution, rather than just emphasize the solution itself.
  Getting Started
Read the case study, The Chia Co: Offering a Superfood or a Fad?, as soon as possible, when available on Cloud in the ‘Assessment 1 Learning Resources’. A prompt start will give you time to “tune” into the case study. In particular, there is an amazing amount of relevant background information publicly available that will have some bearing on the marketing situation described in your case. Keep a look out for it! Academic journals and books, newspapers, magazines and television are an especially good place to start your information search. Collect anything that you think may help to enrich your analysis. You can always discard any irrelevant material later.
  Now focus on the specific case problems posed below. These problems have been designed so that you can apply the theory from the unit to the practical case study to arrive at solutions. Critically evaluate and add to the existing information provided in your case study by:
  Continuing to read journal, newspaper and magazine articles on your topic.
  Looking for current event type television programs and published brochures, etcetera that may be relevant to your topic.
  Observing the industry that the case is based on.
  Please note: In this assignment, you are expected to utilise an extensive amount of research conducted in the discipline of marketing and related fields, to extend your knowledge. Please do NOT rely solely on your own opinions, personal experience, and the case study and other materials that you have been provided.
  Case study problems
  What factors contributed to the success of The Chia Co? What competitive advantages does The Chia Co possess, including consideration of the brand, products and value proposition, demand, and market position? In your answer, conduct a 5Cs and SWOT analyses for The Chia Co including consideration of the characteristics of the superfood product category and market, and future opportunities. Justify your analysis using appropriate sources.
Evaluate the segmentation, targeting and positioning for The Chia Co within the superfood market, including the competitors named in the case and other products and brands (not mentioned) who may have entered or have the potential to enter the market. From your research of the case and other relevant sources, how do you perceive the future market for superfoods? For two segments that The Chia Co could target (either in the case or not), describe each segment (e.g., size, growth, et cetera) and create a persona describing for each, the segment’s profile, activities, preferences, and needs. For the identified segments and personas, summarise how they are different or similar from each other. Use elements of consumer behaviour and market segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP) theory to inform your response.
Your arguments need to be supported by your understanding of the company’s strategy, strengths, weaknesses, and competitive advantages identified in Q1, in combination with your expectation of the market identified in Q2, with supporting justifications from the case, other sources, relevant theory, your analysis, and acknowledgement of any assumptions. In other words, your solutions to the problems identified in each question should draw on evidence and insights from the case and other relevant sources, and show strong integration across the questions of insights and understanding gleaned from your analysis.
How can The Chia Co keep itself and its product ahead of other superfoods? Based on the insights gleaned in Q32what one target market do you recommend The Chia Co brand focus on going forward and why? What value proposition, positioning strategy and product(s) would you recommend for this target market? Craft a perceptual map and positioning statement linking the products to your recommended positioning strategy for this target market being mindful of what ethical concerns should be considered when marketing superfoods and how The Chia Co should tackle these.
References: A complete citation of all work/research of others referenced should be included in a list of references (not included in the word count). As this is a post- graduate unit, and students are required to have advanced research and critical skills, a minimum of 20 references, mostly from peer- reviewed sources, is expected. Harvard style of referencing should be used throughout the main body. Your analysis needs to be based on your own external research using quality external sources. Assignments that only draw from the case, prescribed textbook and readings, and rudimentary or questionable webpages (e.g., Wikipedia, the Online MBA), or other textbooks are unlikely to be awarded a pass grade.
0 notes
simran94674-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://punjabassignmenthelp.com/mpk732-marketing-management/
MPK732 – Marketing Management
MPK732 – Marketing Management
Assessment 1 – Case Study Analysis
DUE DATE AND TIME: Thursday 30 August (week 7) by 5.00pm AEST PERCENTAGE OF FINAL GRADE: 30% MODE: Group of 2-3 students or individually WORD LIMIT: 3000 Words HURDLE DETAILS: N/A
Learning Outcome Details
Unit Learning Outcome (ULO) Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO)     ULO 1: Evaluate the key concepts, models and GLO 1: Discipline-specific knowledge and theories upon which the practice of marketing is capabilities: The case study analysis enables you to based: The case study analysis enables you to reflect on and demonstrate your marketing reflect on and critique the “key concepts, models management knowledge and capabilities. and theories” addressed in MPK732.       ULO 2: Apply the fundamental principles involved GLO 1: Discipline-specific knowledge and in managing marketing: The case study analysis capabilities: The case study analysis enables you to requires you to apply the fundamental principles of reflect on and demonstrate your marketing marketing management to a real world marketing management knowledge and capabilities. situation. GLO 5: Problem solving: Case studies are a     commonly used method of problem-based learning.   Typically, using a case study aims to develop your   reasoning, problem-solving and decision-making   skills. ULO 3: Analyze marketing problems and be GLO 4: Critical thinking: Case studies require you to capable of applying relevant concepts, models critique the theory addressed in the unit and to and theories to generate appropriate solutions: assess its usefulness as it applies in the real world. The case study analysis enables you to solve This makes your learning clearly relevant to “real” problems using previously acquired knowledge. It situations. also engages you in research and reflective GLO 5: Problem solving: Case studies are a discourse for the purpose of problem solving. commonly used method of problem-based learning.     Typically, using a case study aims to develop your   reasoning, problem-solving and decision-making   skills.  
  ULO 4: Communicate an in-depth understanding of a range of issues, practices, models and phenomena in marketing: The case study analysis completed in groups exposes you to different viewpoints and commentaries on marketing. Students need to communicate with one another to successfully complete the analysis, and as a group they need to effectively communicate with the reader of their case study analysis.
GLO 2: Communication: The case study analysis assists in developing your communication skills. It allows students to learn from one another via effective communication. Students also need to communicate well with the reader of their case study analysis.
Assessment Feedback:
Students who submit their work by the due date will receive their marks and feedback on CloudDeakin by 15 working days after the due date.
  Marking Criteria
A detailed rubric for this assessment task will be provided via Cloud. Please see the relevant rubric in the assessment folder for Assignment 1. In summary, the marking criteria will include:
  Solutions to problems posed, i.e., demonstrate comprehension of the problem and formulate solutions
Application of theory, i.e., to current, real-world marketing issues
Presenting and defending a position, i.e., consideration of the complexities of issues and acknowledging other points of view
Use of literature to support arguments
Mechanics, e.g., spelling and grammar, language, use of referencing styles
  Description / Requirements
Your Brief
  A case study typically is an accurate, historical record of a business situation that actually has been faced by business executives. The main aim of using the case study method is to allow you the opportunity to translate theory into practice in a business situation that is as close to real world experience as possible. The marketing situation(s) depicted in the case reflects the uncertainty of the real-world marketing environment, and the reality of any practical situation. You will have to master the art of sifting through all types of information, which is often incomplete, not presented in the correct order, and may even be irrelevant or misleading, to solve the problems posed.
You may find, and be frustrated by the fact, that in some situations there appears to be no single “right” solution to the problem. There are likely to be multiple approaches, each one with a different implication for the organization, and each involving different trade-offs.
Since the case study problems may be approached at times from different perspectives, your main task will be to argue correctly the logic of, and evidence for, your solutions to the problems at hand. The importance of the case study exercise is to emphasize how you arrived at your solution, rather than just emphasize the solution itself.
  Getting Started
Read the case study, The Chia Co: Offering a Superfood or a Fad?, as soon as possible, when available on Cloud in the ‘Assessment 1 Learning Resources’. A prompt start will give you time to “tune” into the case study. In particular, there is an amazing amount of relevant background information publicly available that will have some bearing on the marketing situation described in your case. Keep a look out for it! Academic journals and books, newspapers, magazines and television are an especially good place to start your information search. Collect anything that you think may help to enrich your analysis. You can always discard any irrelevant material later.
  Now focus on the specific case problems posed below. These problems have been designed so that you can apply the theory from the unit to the practical case study to arrive at solutions. Critically evaluate and add to the existing information provided in your case study by:
  Continuing to read journal, newspaper and magazine articles on your topic.
  Looking for current event type television programs and published brochures, etcetera that may be relevant to your topic.
  Observing the industry that the case is based on.
  Please note: In this assignment, you are expected to utilise an extensive amount of research conducted in the discipline of marketing and related fields, to extend your knowledge. Please do NOT rely solely on your own opinions, personal experience, and the case study and other materials that you have been provided.
  Case study problems
  What factors contributed to the success of The Chia Co? What competitive advantages does The Chia Co possess, including consideration of the brand, products and value proposition, demand, and market position? In your answer, conduct a 5Cs and SWOT analyses for The Chia Co including consideration of the characteristics of the superfood product category and market, and future opportunities. Justify your analysis using appropriate sources.
Evaluate the segmentation, targeting and positioning for The Chia Co within the superfood market, including the competitors named in the case and other products and brands (not mentioned) who may have entered or have the potential to enter the market. From your research of the case and other relevant sources, how do you perceive the future market for superfoods? For two segments that The Chia Co could target (either in the case or not), describe each segment (e.g., size, growth, et cetera) and create a persona describing for each, the segment’s profile, activities, preferences, and needs. For the identified segments and personas, summarise how they are different or similar from each other. Use elements of consumer behaviour and market segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP) theory to inform your response.
Your arguments need to be supported by your understanding of the company’s strategy, strengths, weaknesses, and competitive advantages identified in Q1, in combination with your expectation of the market identified in Q2, with supporting justifications from the case, other sources, relevant theory, your analysis, and acknowledgement of any assumptions. In other words, your solutions to the problems identified in each question should draw on evidence and insights from the case and other relevant sources, and show strong integration across the questions of insights and understanding gleaned from your analysis.
How can The Chia Co keep itself and its product ahead of other superfoods? Based on the insights gleaned in Q32what one target market do you recommend The Chia Co brand focus on going forward and why? What value proposition, positioning strategy and product(s) would you recommend for this target market? Craft a perceptual map and positioning statement linking the products to your recommended positioning strategy for this target market being mindful of what ethical concerns should be considered when marketing superfoods and how The Chia Co should tackle these.
References: A complete citation of all work/research of others referenced should be included in a list of references (not included in the word count). As this is a post- graduate unit, and students are required to have advanced research and critical skills, a minimum of 20 references, mostly from peer- reviewed sources, is expected. Harvard style of referencing should be used throughout the main body. Your analysis needs to be based on your own external research using quality external sources. Assignments that only draw from the case, prescribed textbook and readings, and rudimentary or questionable webpages (e.g., Wikipedia, the Online MBA), or other textbooks are unlikely to be awarded a pass grade.
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MPK732 – Marketing Management
MPK732 – Marketing Management
Assessment 1 – Case Study Analysis
DUE DATE AND TIME: Thursday 30 August (week 7) by 5.00pm AEST PERCENTAGE OF FINAL GRADE: 30% MODE: Group of 2-3 students or individually WORD LIMIT: 3000 Words HURDLE DETAILS: N/A
Learning Outcome Details
Unit Learning Outcome (ULO) Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO)     ULO 1: Evaluate the key concepts, models and GLO 1: Discipline-specific knowledge and theories upon which the practice of marketing is capabilities: The case study analysis enables you to based: The case study analysis enables you to reflect on and demonstrate your marketing reflect on and critique the “key concepts, models management knowledge and capabilities. and theories” addressed in MPK732.       ULO 2: Apply the fundamental principles involved GLO 1: Discipline-specific knowledge and in managing marketing: The case study analysis capabilities: The case study analysis enables you to requires you to apply the fundamental principles of reflect on and demonstrate your marketing marketing management to a real world marketing management knowledge and capabilities. situation. GLO 5: Problem solving: Case studies are a     commonly used method of problem-based learning.   Typically, using a case study aims to develop your   reasoning, problem-solving and decision-making   skills. ULO 3: Analyze marketing problems and be GLO 4: Critical thinking: Case studies require you to capable of applying relevant concepts, models critique the theory addressed in the unit and to and theories to generate appropriate solutions: assess its usefulness as it applies in the real world. The case study analysis enables you to solve This makes your learning clearly relevant to “real” problems using previously acquired knowledge. It situations. also engages you in research and reflective GLO 5: Problem solving: Case studies are a discourse for the purpose of problem solving. commonly used method of problem-based learning.     Typically, using a case study aims to develop your   reasoning, problem-solving and decision-making   skills.  
  ULO 4: Communicate an in-depth understanding of a range of issues, practices, models and phenomena in marketing: The case study analysis completed in groups exposes you to different viewpoints and commentaries on marketing. Students need to communicate with one another to successfully complete the analysis, and as a group they need to effectively communicate with the reader of their case study analysis.
GLO 2: Communication: The case study analysis assists in developing your communication skills. It allows students to learn from one another via effective communication. Students also need to communicate well with the reader of their case study analysis.
Assessment Feedback:
Students who submit their work by the due date will receive their marks and feedback on CloudDeakin by 15 working days after the due date.
  Marking Criteria
A detailed rubric for this assessment task will be provided via Cloud. Please see the relevant rubric in the assessment folder for Assignment 1. In summary, the marking criteria will include:
  Solutions to problems posed, i.e., demonstrate comprehension of the problem and formulate solutions
Application of theory, i.e., to current, real-world marketing issues
Presenting and defending a position, i.e., consideration of the complexities of issues and acknowledging other points of view
Use of literature to support arguments
Mechanics, e.g., spelling and grammar, language, use of referencing styles
  Description / Requirements
Your Brief
  A case study typically is an accurate, historical record of a business situation that actually has been faced by business executives. The main aim of using the case study method is to allow you the opportunity to translate theory into practice in a business situation that is as close to real world experience as possible. The marketing situation(s) depicted in the case reflects the uncertainty of the real-world marketing environment, and the reality of any practical situation. You will have to master the art of sifting through all types of information, which is often incomplete, not presented in the correct order, and may even be irrelevant or misleading, to solve the problems posed.
You may find, and be frustrated by the fact, that in some situations there appears to be no single “right” solution to the problem. There are likely to be multiple approaches, each one with a different implication for the organization, and each involving different trade-offs.
Since the case study problems may be approached at times from different perspectives, your main task will be to argue correctly the logic of, and evidence for, your solutions to the problems at hand. The importance of the case study exercise is to emphasize how you arrived at your solution, rather than just emphasize the solution itself.
  Getting Started
Read the case study, The Chia Co: Offering a Superfood or a Fad?, as soon as possible, when available on Cloud in the ‘Assessment 1 Learning Resources’. A prompt start will give you time to “tune” into the case study. In particular, there is an amazing amount of relevant background information publicly available that will have some bearing on the marketing situation described in your case. Keep a look out for it! Academic journals and books, newspapers, magazines and television are an especially good place to start your information search. Collect anything that you think may help to enrich your analysis. You can always discard any irrelevant material later.
  Now focus on the specific case problems posed below. These problems have been designed so that you can apply the theory from the unit to the practical case study to arrive at solutions. Critically evaluate and add to the existing information provided in your case study by:
  Continuing to read journal, newspaper and magazine articles on your topic.
  Looking for current event type television programs and published brochures, etcetera that may be relevant to your topic.
  Observing the industry that the case is based on.
  Please note: In this assignment, you are expected to utilise an extensive amount of research conducted in the discipline of marketing and related fields, to extend your knowledge. Please do NOT rely solely on your own opinions, personal experience, and the case study and other materials that you have been provided.
  Case study problems
  What factors contributed to the success of The Chia Co? What competitive advantages does The Chia Co possess, including consideration of the brand, products and value proposition, demand, and market position? In your answer, conduct a 5Cs and SWOT analyses for The Chia Co including consideration of the characteristics of the superfood product category and market, and future opportunities. Justify your analysis using appropriate sources.
Evaluate the segmentation, targeting and positioning for The Chia Co within the superfood market, including the competitors named in the case and other products and brands (not mentioned) who may have entered or have the potential to enter the market. From your research of the case and other relevant sources, how do you perceive the future market for superfoods? For two segments that The Chia Co could target (either in the case or not), describe each segment (e.g., size, growth, et cetera) and create a persona describing for each, the segment’s profile, activities, preferences, and needs. For the identified segments and personas, summarise how they are different or similar from each other. Use elements of consumer behaviour and market segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP) theory to inform your response.
Your arguments need to be supported by your understanding of the company’s strategy, strengths, weaknesses, and competitive advantages identified in Q1, in combination with your expectation of the market identified in Q2, with supporting justifications from the case, other sources, relevant theory, your analysis, and acknowledgement of any assumptions. In other words, your solutions to the problems identified in each question should draw on evidence and insights from the case and other relevant sources, and show strong integration across the questions of insights and understanding gleaned from your analysis.
How can The Chia Co keep itself and its product ahead of other superfoods? Based on the insights gleaned in Q32what one target market do you recommend The Chia Co brand focus on going forward and why? What value proposition, positioning strategy and product(s) would you recommend for this target market? Craft a perceptual map and positioning statement linking the products to your recommended positioning strategy for this target market being mindful of what ethical concerns should be considered when marketing superfoods and how The Chia Co should tackle these.
References: A complete citation of all work/research of others referenced should be included in a list of references (not included in the word count). As this is a post- graduate unit, and students are required to have advanced research and critical skills, a minimum of 20 references, mostly from peer- reviewed sources, is expected. Harvard style of referencing should be used throughout the main body. Your analysis needs to be based on your own external research using quality external sources. Assignments that only draw from the case, prescribed textbook and readings, and rudimentary or questionable webpages (e.g., Wikipedia, the Online MBA), or other textbooks are unlikely to be awarded a pass grade.
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jameswilson53-blog · 6 years
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MPK732 – Marketing Management
MPK732 – Marketing Management
Assessment 1 – Case Study Analysis
DUE DATE AND TIME: Thursday 30 August (week 7) by 5.00pm AEST PERCENTAGE OF FINAL GRADE: 30% MODE: Group of 2-3 students or individually WORD LIMIT: 3000 Words HURDLE DETAILS: N/A
Learning Outcome Details
Unit Learning Outcome (ULO) Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO)     ULO 1: Evaluate the key concepts, models and GLO 1: Discipline-specific knowledge and theories upon which the practice of marketing is capabilities: The case study analysis enables you to based: The case study analysis enables you to reflect on and demonstrate your marketing reflect on and critique the “key concepts, models management knowledge and capabilities. and theories” addressed in MPK732.       ULO 2: Apply the fundamental principles involved GLO 1: Discipline-specific knowledge and in managing marketing: The case study analysis capabilities: The case study analysis enables you to requires you to apply the fundamental principles of reflect on and demonstrate your marketing marketing management to a real world marketing management knowledge and capabilities. situation. GLO 5: Problem solving: Case studies are a     commonly used method of problem-based learning.   Typically, using a case study aims to develop your   reasoning, problem-solving and decision-making   skills. ULO 3: Analyze marketing problems and be GLO 4: Critical thinking: Case studies require you to capable of applying relevant concepts, models critique the theory addressed in the unit and to and theories to generate appropriate solutions: assess its usefulness as it applies in the real world. The case study analysis enables you to solve This makes your learning clearly relevant to “real” problems using previously acquired knowledge. It situations. also engages you in research and reflective GLO 5: Problem solving: Case studies are a discourse for the purpose of problem solving. commonly used method of problem-based learning.     Typically, using a case study aims to develop your   reasoning, problem-solving and decision-making   skills.  
  ULO 4: Communicate an in-depth understanding of a range of issues, practices, models and phenomena in marketing: The case study analysis completed in groups exposes you to different viewpoints and commentaries on marketing. Students need to communicate with one another to successfully complete the analysis, and as a group they need to effectively communicate with the reader of their case study analysis.
GLO 2: Communication: The case study analysis assists in developing your communication skills. It allows students to learn from one another via effective communication. Students also need to communicate well with the reader of their case study analysis.
Assessment Feedback:
Students who submit their work by the due date will receive their marks and feedback on CloudDeakin by 15 working days after the due date.
  Marking Criteria
A detailed rubric for this assessment task will be provided via Cloud. Please see the relevant rubric in the assessment folder for Assignment 1. In summary, the marking criteria will include:
  Solutions to problems posed, i.e., demonstrate comprehension of the problem and formulate solutions
Application of theory, i.e., to current, real-world marketing issues
Presenting and defending a position, i.e., consideration of the complexities of issues and acknowledging other points of view
Use of literature to support arguments
Mechanics, e.g., spelling and grammar, language, use of referencing styles
  Description / Requirements
Your Brief
  A case study typically is an accurate, historical record of a business situation that actually has been faced by business executives. The main aim of using the case study method is to allow you the opportunity to translate theory into practice in a business situation that is as close to real world experience as possible. The marketing situation(s) depicted in the case reflects the uncertainty of the real-world marketing environment, and the reality of any practical situation. You will have to master the art of sifting through all types of information, which is often incomplete, not presented in the correct order, and may even be irrelevant or misleading, to solve the problems posed.
You may find, and be frustrated by the fact, that in some situations there appears to be no single “right” solution to the problem. There are likely to be multiple approaches, each one with a different implication for the organization, and each involving different trade-offs.
Since the case study problems may be approached at times from different perspectives, your main task will be to argue correctly the logic of, and evidence for, your solutions to the problems at hand. The importance of the case study exercise is to emphasize how you arrived at your solution, rather than just emphasize the solution itself.
  Getting Started
Read the case study, The Chia Co: Offering a Superfood or a Fad?, as soon as possible, when available on Cloud in the ‘Assessment 1 Learning Resources’. A prompt start will give you time to “tune” into the case study. In particular, there is an amazing amount of relevant background information publicly available that will have some bearing on the marketing situation described in your case. Keep a look out for it! Academic journals and books, newspapers, magazines and television are an especially good place to start your information search. Collect anything that you think may help to enrich your analysis. You can always discard any irrelevant material later.
  Now focus on the specific case problems posed below. These problems have been designed so that you can apply the theory from the unit to the practical case study to arrive at solutions. Critically evaluate and add to the existing information provided in your case study by:
  Continuing to read journal, newspaper and magazine articles on your topic.
  Looking for current event type television programs and published brochures, etcetera that may be relevant to your topic.
  Observing the industry that the case is based on.
  Please note: In this assignment, you are expected to utilise an extensive amount of research conducted in the discipline of marketing and related fields, to extend your knowledge. Please do NOT rely solely on your own opinions, personal experience, and the case study and other materials that you have been provided.
  Case study problems
  What factors contributed to the success of The Chia Co? What competitive advantages does The Chia Co possess, including consideration of the brand, products and value proposition, demand, and market position? In your answer, conduct a 5Cs and SWOT analyses for The Chia Co including consideration of the characteristics of the superfood product category and market, and future opportunities. Justify your analysis using appropriate sources.
Evaluate the segmentation, targeting and positioning for The Chia Co within the superfood market, including the competitors named in the case and other products and brands (not mentioned) who may have entered or have the potential to enter the market. From your research of the case and other relevant sources, how do you perceive the future market for superfoods? For two segments that The Chia Co could target (either in the case or not), describe each segment (e.g., size, growth, et cetera) and create a persona describing for each, the segment’s profile, activities, preferences, and needs. For the identified segments and personas, summarise how they are different or similar from each other. Use elements of consumer behaviour and market segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP) theory to inform your response.
Your arguments need to be supported by your understanding of the company’s strategy, strengths, weaknesses, and competitive advantages identified in Q1, in combination with your expectation of the market identified in Q2, with supporting justifications from the case, other sources, relevant theory, your analysis, and acknowledgement of any assumptions. In other words, your solutions to the problems identified in each question should draw on evidence and insights from the case and other relevant sources, and show strong integration across the questions of insights and understanding gleaned from your analysis.
How can The Chia Co keep itself and its product ahead of other superfoods? Based on the insights gleaned in Q32what one target market do you recommend The Chia Co brand focus on going forward and why? What value proposition, positioning strategy and product(s) would you recommend for this target market? Craft a perceptual map and positioning statement linking the products to your recommended positioning strategy for this target market being mindful of what ethical concerns should be considered when marketing superfoods and how The Chia Co should tackle these.
References: A complete citation of all work/research of others referenced should be included in a list of references (not included in the word count). As this is a post- graduate unit, and students are required to have advanced research and critical skills, a minimum of 20 references, mostly from peer- reviewed sources, is expected. Harvard style of referencing should be used throughout the main body. Your analysis needs to be based on your own external research using quality external sources. Assignments that only draw from the case, prescribed textbook and readings, and rudimentary or questionable webpages (e.g., Wikipedia, the Online MBA), or other textbooks are unlikely to be awarded a pass grade.
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oliversmith63-blog · 6 years
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MPK732 – Marketing Management
MPK732 – Marketing Management
Assessment 1 – Case Study Analysis
DUE DATE AND TIME: Thursday 30 August (week 7) by 5.00pm AEST PERCENTAGE OF FINAL GRADE: 30% MODE: Group of 2-3 students or individually WORD LIMIT: 3000 Words HURDLE DETAILS: N/A
Learning Outcome Details
Unit Learning Outcome (ULO) Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO)     ULO 1: Evaluate the key concepts, models and GLO 1: Discipline-specific knowledge and theories upon which the practice of marketing is capabilities: The case study analysis enables you to based: The case study analysis enables you to reflect on and demonstrate your marketing reflect on and critique the “key concepts, models management knowledge and capabilities. and theories” addressed in MPK732.       ULO 2: Apply the fundamental principles involved GLO 1: Discipline-specific knowledge and in managing marketing: The case study analysis capabilities: The case study analysis enables you to requires you to apply the fundamental principles of reflect on and demonstrate your marketing marketing management to a real world marketing management knowledge and capabilities. situation. GLO 5: Problem solving: Case studies are a     commonly used method of problem-based learning.   Typically, using a case study aims to develop your   reasoning, problem-solving and decision-making   skills. ULO 3: Analyze marketing problems and be GLO 4: Critical thinking: Case studies require you to capable of applying relevant concepts, models critique the theory addressed in the unit and to and theories to generate appropriate solutions: assess its usefulness as it applies in the real world. The case study analysis enables you to solve This makes your learning clearly relevant to “real” problems using previously acquired knowledge. It situations. also engages you in research and reflective GLO 5: Problem solving: Case studies are a discourse for the purpose of problem solving. commonly used method of problem-based learning.     Typically, using a case study aims to develop your   reasoning, problem-solving and decision-making   skills.  
  ULO 4: Communicate an in-depth understanding of a range of issues, practices, models and phenomena in marketing: The case study analysis completed in groups exposes you to different viewpoints and commentaries on marketing. Students need to communicate with one another to successfully complete the analysis, and as a group they need to effectively communicate with the reader of their case study analysis.
GLO 2: Communication: The case study analysis assists in developing your communication skills. It allows students to learn from one another via effective communication. Students also need to communicate well with the reader of their case study analysis.
Assessment Feedback:
Students who submit their work by the due date will receive their marks and feedback on CloudDeakin by 15 working days after the due date.
  Marking Criteria
A detailed rubric for this assessment task will be provided via Cloud. Please see the relevant rubric in the assessment folder for Assignment 1. In summary, the marking criteria will include:
  Solutions to problems posed, i.e., demonstrate comprehension of the problem and formulate solutions
Application of theory, i.e., to current, real-world marketing issues
Presenting and defending a position, i.e., consideration of the complexities of issues and acknowledging other points of view
Use of literature to support arguments
Mechanics, e.g., spelling and grammar, language, use of referencing styles
  Description / Requirements
Your Brief
  A case study typically is an accurate, historical record of a business situation that actually has been faced by business executives. The main aim of using the case study method is to allow you the opportunity to translate theory into practice in a business situation that is as close to real world experience as possible. The marketing situation(s) depicted in the case reflects the uncertainty of the real-world marketing environment, and the reality of any practical situation. You will have to master the art of sifting through all types of information, which is often incomplete, not presented in the correct order, and may even be irrelevant or misleading, to solve the problems posed.
You may find, and be frustrated by the fact, that in some situations there appears to be no single “right” solution to the problem. There are likely to be multiple approaches, each one with a different implication for the organization, and each involving different trade-offs.
Since the case study problems may be approached at times from different perspectives, your main task will be to argue correctly the logic of, and evidence for, your solutions to the problems at hand. The importance of the case study exercise is to emphasize how you arrived at your solution, rather than just emphasize the solution itself.
  Getting Started
Read the case study, The Chia Co: Offering a Superfood or a Fad?, as soon as possible, when available on Cloud in the ‘Assessment 1 Learning Resources’. A prompt start will give you time to “tune” into the case study. In particular, there is an amazing amount of relevant background information publicly available that will have some bearing on the marketing situation described in your case. Keep a look out for it! Academic journals and books, newspapers, magazines and television are an especially good place to start your information search. Collect anything that you think may help to enrich your analysis. You can always discard any irrelevant material later.
  Now focus on the specific case problems posed below. These problems have been designed so that you can apply the theory from the unit to the practical case study to arrive at solutions. Critically evaluate and add to the existing information provided in your case study by:
  Continuing to read journal, newspaper and magazine articles on your topic.
  Looking for current event type television programs and published brochures, etcetera that may be relevant to your topic.
  Observing the industry that the case is based on.
  Please note: In this assignment, you are expected to utilise an extensive amount of research conducted in the discipline of marketing and related fields, to extend your knowledge. Please do NOT rely solely on your own opinions, personal experience, and the case study and other materials that you have been provided.
  Case study problems
  What factors contributed to the success of The Chia Co? What competitive advantages does The Chia Co possess, including consideration of the brand, products and value proposition, demand, and market position? In your answer, conduct a 5Cs and SWOT analyses for The Chia Co including consideration of the characteristics of the superfood product category and market, and future opportunities. Justify your analysis using appropriate sources.
Evaluate the segmentation, targeting and positioning for The Chia Co within the superfood market, including the competitors named in the case and other products and brands (not mentioned) who may have entered or have the potential to enter the market. From your research of the case and other relevant sources, how do you perceive the future market for superfoods? For two segments that The Chia Co could target (either in the case or not), describe each segment (e.g., size, growth, et cetera) and create a persona describing for each, the segment’s profile, activities, preferences, and needs. For the identified segments and personas, summarise how they are different or similar from each other. Use elements of consumer behaviour and market segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP) theory to inform your response.
Your arguments need to be supported by your understanding of the company’s strategy, strengths, weaknesses, and competitive advantages identified in Q1, in combination with your expectation of the market identified in Q2, with supporting justifications from the case, other sources, relevant theory, your analysis, and acknowledgement of any assumptions. In other words, your solutions to the problems identified in each question should draw on evidence and insights from the case and other relevant sources, and show strong integration across the questions of insights and understanding gleaned from your analysis.
How can The Chia Co keep itself and its product ahead of other superfoods? Based on the insights gleaned in Q32what one target market do you recommend The Chia Co brand focus on going forward and why? What value proposition, positioning strategy and product(s) would you recommend for this target market? Craft a perceptual map and positioning statement linking the products to your recommended positioning strategy for this target market being mindful of what ethical concerns should be considered when marketing superfoods and how The Chia Co should tackle these.
References: A complete citation of all work/research of others referenced should be included in a list of references (not included in the word count). As this is a post- graduate unit, and students are required to have advanced research and critical skills, a minimum of 20 references, mostly from peer- reviewed sources, is expected. Harvard style of referencing should be used throughout the main body. Your analysis needs to be based on your own external research using quality external sources. Assignments that only draw from the case, prescribed textbook and readings, and rudimentary or questionable webpages (e.g., Wikipedia, the Online MBA), or other textbooks are unlikely to be awarded a pass grade.
0 notes
gurnam36-blog · 6 years
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MPK732 – Marketing Management
MPK732 – Marketing Management
Assessment 1 – Case Study Analysis
DUE DATE AND TIME: Thursday 30 August (week 7) by 5.00pm AEST PERCENTAGE OF FINAL GRADE: 30% MODE: Group of 2-3 students or individually WORD LIMIT: 3000 Words HURDLE DETAILS: N/A
Learning Outcome Details
Unit Learning Outcome (ULO) Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO)     ULO 1: Evaluate the key concepts, models and GLO 1: Discipline-specific knowledge and theories upon which the practice of marketing is capabilities: The case study analysis enables you to based: The case study analysis enables you to reflect on and demonstrate your marketing reflect on and critique the “key concepts, models management knowledge and capabilities. and theories” addressed in MPK732.       ULO 2: Apply the fundamental principles involved GLO 1: Discipline-specific knowledge and in managing marketing: The case study analysis capabilities: The case study analysis enables you to requires you to apply the fundamental principles of reflect on and demonstrate your marketing marketing management to a real world marketing management knowledge and capabilities. situation. GLO 5: Problem solving: Case studies are a     commonly used method of problem-based learning.   Typically, using a case study aims to develop your   reasoning, problem-solving and decision-making   skills. ULO 3: Analyze marketing problems and be GLO 4: Critical thinking: Case studies require you to capable of applying relevant concepts, models critique the theory addressed in the unit and to and theories to generate appropriate solutions: assess its usefulness as it applies in the real world. The case study analysis enables you to solve This makes your learning clearly relevant to “real” problems using previously acquired knowledge. It situations. also engages you in research and reflective GLO 5: Problem solving: Case studies are a discourse for the purpose of problem solving. commonly used method of problem-based learning.     Typically, using a case study aims to develop your   reasoning, problem-solving and decision-making   skills.  
  ULO 4: Communicate an in-depth understanding of a range of issues, practices, models and phenomena in marketing: The case study analysis completed in groups exposes you to different viewpoints and commentaries on marketing. Students need to communicate with one another to successfully complete the analysis, and as a group they need to effectively communicate with the reader of their case study analysis.
GLO 2: Communication: The case study analysis assists in developing your communication skills. It allows students to learn from one another via effective communication. Students also need to communicate well with the reader of their case study analysis.
Assessment Feedback:
Students who submit their work by the due date will receive their marks and feedback on CloudDeakin by 15 working days after the due date.
  Marking Criteria
A detailed rubric for this assessment task will be provided via Cloud. Please see the relevant rubric in the assessment folder for Assignment 1. In summary, the marking criteria will include:
  Solutions to problems posed, i.e., demonstrate comprehension of the problem and formulate solutions
Application of theory, i.e., to current, real-world marketing issues
Presenting and defending a position, i.e., consideration of the complexities of issues and acknowledging other points of view
Use of literature to support arguments
Mechanics, e.g., spelling and grammar, language, use of referencing styles
  Description / Requirements
Your Brief
  A case study typically is an accurate, historical record of a business situation that actually has been faced by business executives. The main aim of using the case study method is to allow you the opportunity to translate theory into practice in a business situation that is as close to real world experience as possible. The marketing situation(s) depicted in the case reflects the uncertainty of the real-world marketing environment, and the reality of any practical situation. You will have to master the art of sifting through all types of information, which is often incomplete, not presented in the correct order, and may even be irrelevant or misleading, to solve the problems posed.
You may find, and be frustrated by the fact, that in some situations there appears to be no single “right” solution to the problem. There are likely to be multiple approaches, each one with a different implication for the organization, and each involving different trade-offs.
Since the case study problems may be approached at times from different perspectives, your main task will be to argue correctly the logic of, and evidence for, your solutions to the problems at hand. The importance of the case study exercise is to emphasize how you arrived at your solution, rather than just emphasize the solution itself.
  Getting Started
Read the case study, The Chia Co: Offering a Superfood or a Fad?, as soon as possible, when available on Cloud in the ‘Assessment 1 Learning Resources’. A prompt start will give you time to “tune” into the case study. In particular, there is an amazing amount of relevant background information publicly available that will have some bearing on the marketing situation described in your case. Keep a look out for it! Academic journals and books, newspapers, magazines and television are an especially good place to start your information search. Collect anything that you think may help to enrich your analysis. You can always discard any irrelevant material later.
  Now focus on the specific case problems posed below. These problems have been designed so that you can apply the theory from the unit to the practical case study to arrive at solutions. Critically evaluate and add to the existing information provided in your case study by:
  Continuing to read journal, newspaper and magazine articles on your topic.
  Looking for current event type television programs and published brochures, etcetera that may be relevant to your topic.
  Observing the industry that the case is based on.
  Please note: In this assignment, you are expected to utilise an extensive amount of research conducted in the discipline of marketing and related fields, to extend your knowledge. Please do NOT rely solely on your own opinions, personal experience, and the case study and other materials that you have been provided.
  Case study problems
  What factors contributed to the success of The Chia Co? What competitive advantages does The Chia Co possess, including consideration of the brand, products and value proposition, demand, and market position? In your answer, conduct a 5Cs and SWOT analyses for The Chia Co including consideration of the characteristics of the superfood product category and market, and future opportunities. Justify your analysis using appropriate sources.
Evaluate the segmentation, targeting and positioning for The Chia Co within the superfood market, including the competitors named in the case and other products and brands (not mentioned) who may have entered or have the potential to enter the market. From your research of the case and other relevant sources, how do you perceive the future market for superfoods? For two segments that The Chia Co could target (either in the case or not), describe each segment (e.g., size, growth, et cetera) and create a persona describing for each, the segment’s profile, activities, preferences, and needs. For the identified segments and personas, summarise how they are different or similar from each other. Use elements of consumer behaviour and market segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP) theory to inform your response.
Your arguments need to be supported by your understanding of the company’s strategy, strengths, weaknesses, and competitive advantages identified in Q1, in combination with your expectation of the market identified in Q2, with supporting justifications from the case, other sources, relevant theory, your analysis, and acknowledgement of any assumptions. In other words, your solutions to the problems identified in each question should draw on evidence and insights from the case and other relevant sources, and show strong integration across the questions of insights and understanding gleaned from your analysis.
How can The Chia Co keep itself and its product ahead of other superfoods? Based on the insights gleaned in Q32what one target market do you recommend The Chia Co brand focus on going forward and why? What value proposition, positioning strategy and product(s) would you recommend for this target market? Craft a perceptual map and positioning statement linking the products to your recommended positioning strategy for this target market being mindful of what ethical concerns should be considered when marketing superfoods and how The Chia Co should tackle these.
References: A complete citation of all work/research of others referenced should be included in a list of references (not included in the word count). As this is a post- graduate unit, and students are required to have advanced research and critical skills, a minimum of 20 references, mostly from peer- reviewed sources, is expected. Harvard style of referencing should be used throughout the main body. Your analysis needs to be based on your own external research using quality external sources. Assignments that only draw from the case, prescribed textbook and readings, and rudimentary or questionable webpages (e.g., Wikipedia, the Online MBA), or other textbooks are unlikely to be awarded a pass grade.
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