#like seriously I don't recall giving Alice that outfit
victorluvsalice · 1 year
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Sadly, no, it was not -- Alice did her best, lifting weights and even going for a midday box, but by the time the timer on her resolution ran out, she still hadn’t fulfilled it. :( Ah well -- the day wasn’t a total loss, as both she and Smiler made it all the way up to Fitness skill 6! And, hilariously, I think VICTOR ended up achieving the level of fitness the game wanted from Alice from his climbing session. Maybe I should have put Alice on the rock wall instead. . .
Anyway -- with the resolution officially failed, I decided it was time for Alice to relax and sent her to go chill (metaphorically) in the hot tub downstairs while directing Victor and Smiler to join the energy-centering yoga class on offer. Victor was successfully able to claim a mat -- but for some reason, Smiler could not, despite my best efforts. O.o Not sure what is going on there. . .at any rate, since they couldn’t do yoga with Victor, I sent them downstairs to soak in the hot tub as well. As you can see, both they and Alice chose their most ridiculous outfits for said soak. XD I don’t even REMEMBER giving that particular bathing suit/cover-up combo to Alice -- are you sure you didn’t pull that out of the CAS ether, girl?
However, it soon became apparent that, for whatever reason, neither Alice nor Smiler wanted to stay in the hot tub -- so instead I had them decamp to the nearby sauna for some steam! This seemed to suit them perfectly, with them laughing and joking as they enjoyed the hot coals. Victor went down to join them once the yoga class was done -- followed by Nalani! Do you remember Nalani? She’s Smiler’s mermaid friend from a little while back, and the face of Island Living. She didn’t sit down and actually indulge in the steam proper, but she hung out with the gang for a while, shooting the shit and renewing her friendship with Smiler. It was just a nice chill time all around for everybody -- again, metaphorically speaking. XD
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therealvinelle · 2 years
Are there any outfit examples you could pull up for the main cast + Volturi? I have a difficult time envisioning anything other than what the films chose even tyough I hate most of it
Oof, afraid I'm not the person for that, though I agree the films' fashion choices were atrocious.
The thing is, the fashion choices made by Alice that are described in the books are atrocious too, only they are expensive atrocious. Very nouveau riche, even Bella who doesn't know anything about fashion can tell at a glance that the Cullens have extremely expensive clothing. Edward, at one point in Twilight, is described as dressing in a shirt that's clearly too small (I don't recall if Bella realized the shirt was too small but the description, that it clins to him so she can see the muscles, gives as much away), and the color scheme for everyday wear is pale and nude shades, no strong colors.
On the flip side, Alice and Rosalie show up to prom with clothes that should never have gotten past the entrance (for those who don't recall: Rosalie's dress is backless red with a split in the front that goes down to her navel, Alice's is a bunch of triangles stitched together so as to show off as much skin as possible), and that are just not right for the occasion. You don't dress like a high end escort at a Vegas casino for your high school prom.
This is makeup and not clothes, but Bella struggles to recognize herself at her own wedding. It sounds to me (especially since Bella, a brunette, notes her thick dark lashes) like Alice painted a new face on her. I can only think of certain youtube beauty gurus who shall remain unnamed (but, uh, wouldn't be surprised if Alice greeted Bella that morning with a "Hello, sister!")
In a sentence, think the Cullens are dressed quite badly.
With that, I... can only give you advice you look up badly dressed and/or tacky celebrities for inspo.
As for the Volturi, I think given their insulated way of life and agelessness you're not restrained to the contemporary. The possibilities there are truly endless, as they'll have the resources and opportunity to wear whatever they damn well like.
On missions, however, or just went venturing into the outside world, I imagine Aro has the guard looking put together so they're taken seriously. This means well-tailored clothes, solid colors or unobtrusive patterns, and so on.
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