#like seriously can i stab rl now?
kuekyuuq · 3 years
At this point, I see things regarding Supercorp this way...
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(Mxaybe... in another universe... *sighs*)
My head-canon for the show:
Lena had a crush on Kara since day one and vice versa. She tried to deny it, deny herself the ‘luxury’ of personal attachment... but Kara was quite persistent, and cute, and sweet, and warm, and such a dork, and... yeah... Lena got confused when she developed similar feelings for Supergirl, and then her disagreements with Supergirl caused her to not-like her anymore, but still felt physically attracted to her - damnit. Since oblivious Kara did not respond properly to her flirts (and they both verbally friend-zoned each other), Lena resigned to gaze and long for her in secret, thinking Kara was straight. Neither her short and tragic re-encounter with Jack - an unresolved comfort from her own past - nor her sudden enemies-to-lovers thing with James (Kara's ex of all people) could quite quench her craving for Kara's closeness and warmth or her verbal tension-filled jab-throwing matches with Supergirl. After the reveal, Lena was more hurt over her 'friend' betraying her trust, keeping a secret from her (yes, that's a double-standard, Lena! ...girl's got deeply rooted issues) than 'Supergirl' using her alter-ego to take advantage of Lena (which, hands down, Kara actually did on some occasions - so, ironically that one would have been objectively valid, but, hey, feelz shape our perspectives). She went through her lashing-out phase, only to realize she can't live without Kara in her life. And really wants to do good. Yes, that too... ...and it only took her trying to brainwash the whole world (good intentions and the road to hell) and Lex back-stabbing her a couple of times, to see the light and join the good guys for good... to be more like Supergirl, in her own small way...? Y'all know what I mean ^_- She came crawling back, continues to try hard to prove herself worthy, longingly watching on every time Kara and Alex hug, desperate to keep her sunshine-impersonated in her life, whom she truly loves, despite how much she tried to convince herself she did not...
Meantime, Kara is an alien (yes, I bold that, bc, people tend to not think this through). From a totally different culture and all, having suffered great trauma and entering Earth's culture during her puberty/informative years. A Kryptonian who crushed for Humans (males - James, Adam - and apparently 4 other dudes she broke the noses of when kissing) and other aliens (Daxamite Mon-El) ...uh, and even couldn't stop herself admitting how she likes how nice Lucy (female Human) smells (the most prominent other time such a statement was made, was when everybody was swooning over Kal). Who only in her adulthood realized homosexuality was even a real option, outside of high-schoolers slurring at each other. (And I am not saying, Kara is gay, as in lesbian... she incidentally spoke true when she denied that in the pilot. Repeat after me: “Kara is an alien.” ..I’d call her pan, but am also aware, that the textbook definition doesn’t include ‘all species’... so.... there’s that.) Kara, who so desperately hard tried to fit in, she got absolutely used to others telling her what she's supposed to feel and think.
...who crushed hard for Lena at first sight (possibly, also star-struck). But both Clark and Alex, her most important people to look for help, guidance and reference, told her any Luthor was bad news.
There was Mon-El, whom she didn't even like, at first. When he lied told her he wasn't in love with her, she was utterly relieved. She was all “Oh, golly. That’s unexpected and awkward. What now?!” when he confessed to her, and tried (and failed) to let him down gently. (I am actually convinced, that Kara was more ego-hurt, that he moved on to Eve so quickly, and.. where she and James ended things once Lucy was out of the picture, Kara only started thinking/feeling differently about Mon-El when he was taken... just sayin’ I maybe spot a pattern there.) But, Alex told her, that she had a thing for Mon-El and that she should give him a shot... ...even when Lena got involved with Cadmus, and Kara found herself passionately defending the youngest Luthor against ALL her friends, when she could not explain her bone-deep trust in Lena but by "I can see it in her eyes" and other instinctually tainted expressions... Well, she and Mon-El made it work, they were actually a sweet couple when they weren't butting heads... Didn't stop Kara from having mixed feelings when Lena ran into her ex. And yes, Kara did mourn Mon-El. If only for the concept of what they had together, but I do think, she did feel love for him... Me thinks, Kara would be one of the people who simply can not separate physical and emotional. So by kissing and sleeping with him, stronger emotional attachments came to be. Not to invalidate them, but... personal history is important.
....long story short, Kara kept trying not to stand out. Lived and loved on the safe-side, hurt one too many times by circumstance. And yet kept feeling drawn to Lena, kept trusting her, kept wanting to reveal herself to her - despite what everybody else said. But, emotionally and 'culturally' on the safe side.
Kara friend-zoned herself.
The reveal happened and... Lena HURT her and Kara STILL kept her hope and trust up... and while towards the end of it, being incredibly hurt and worn out, she still let Lena back in. And within 24h decided that Lena came through enough times and Kara was ready to accept her apology...
And then Lex happend (again) and Phantom Zone...
[*] My head-canon for RL:
Katie is such a natural flirt, that even though the SG writers (after introducing both Lena and Mon-El to the show) have been told "no gay Supergirl" by the CW in 2017, Melissa just never knows what hit her...
Director: "CUUUT!" Melissa: "--...wait, what? I'm married. I mean... huh?" Melissa: "Wait! We have to redo that! We were told, not to-" Katie: "To what?" Melissa: "...uh, the Supercorp-thing... you know... the heart-eyes?" Katie: "What heart-eyes?" *raises an eyebrow the typical Katie-way* Melissa: "...the... um.... you..." Katie: "Wait, did you-..?" Melissa: "Me!? Oh, no. I am married!" Katie: "What has that to do-... Are you okay?" Melissa: "Yes!" Katie: "Okay, then." *Katie swaggers off stage & hi5s one of the writers on her way out* Melissa: "...darn it." *calls Chris* "Honey, I love you." Chris: "...it happened again?" Melissa: "..." *Chris starts laughing* Melissa: "...so not funny."
So, yeah, that's where I am at. Kara friend-zoned herself and Lena is totally mush for the Girl of Steel. ...and Katie is just being Katie :)
Also, I am currently 99% sure Supercorp will not be endgame. But I would be 100% pleased to be proven wrong.
[* In all seriousness, do not bash on the actors, please. They are just doing their jobs, have a life and family, real relationships and feelings. So, my above 're-enactment' is completely fictional, purely for light-hearted entertainment and not meant to do any harm or spread any hate or to be actually transcribed onto the actual, real people. We do not really know these people! They - and the writers, too - do bring characters to life that we invest in - for that they deserve our gratitude. My gut feeling (or shipper-heart feeling?) is, they are doing their best to sneak Supercorp in whenever they can - not to bait, but because they may actually not be allowed (yet..?) to make SC text but see the same chemistry we do. Have fun, but be respectful, please! We can disagree with the CW's executive decisions - although, we do not really know what’s going on bts - and express our dismay, but do not in all seriousness spread hate.]
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academla · 7 years
Digital responsibility, once and for all
Alright, I’ve talked way too much about The Hater, but I honestly want to discuss “digital responsibility” (leaving a clean footprint online) in general because it’s something I have struggled with and think is important to address. Here are some aspects (in terms of job, school, and socially) that I consider important to take into account:
Obviously, pictures: drunk pics, nudes, drugs, anything risque (bikini pics, depending on what’s emphasized) and not family friendly.
Swearing (which I FAIL at): yeah, it’s not great if your employer stumbles upon a YouTube video or bunch of blog posts where you’re swearing like a sailor. I try to justify my swearing because I use it as emphasis for very justified topics (e.g. hate), but if I was 100% digitally responsible I wouldn’t do it.
Shit-talking about “authority” figures: if you’re publicly talking shit and showing disrespect for your professors, bosses, even possibly coworkers (by which I mean serious name-calling/hating/turning others against them, not just complaining), that doesn’t look good.
Shit-talking about schools: so like it’s not good if your dream school finds a Facebook status where you’re bashing them for one reason or another...
What you write: I have no idea where employers stand if they find out you basically write porn (lbr that’s essentially what smut is) (it’s probably about fandom characters). I just know that I personally wouldn’t be comfortable with an employer/teacher/even my parents reading a makeout scene I wrote, let alone a steamy sex scene. It’s up to you, and chances are relatively slim that they’ll find you on AO3 or Wattpad or whatever, but something to take into account if you want to seem totally clean and pristine perfect to others. I mean... if it’s really good, who knows. I saw someone accidentally send their teacher a smutty Destiel fic and the teacher was like “I especially liked the part about Cas’s handprint on Dean’s butt, but this is not your essay” and I died.
All of that being said, you don’t have to be a perfect angel, and that’s not what I’m telling you to be. Employers check social media, but it’s unlikely that they’re going to spend the time scrolling through your blog finding blog posts and not hiring you because you say the f-word. They might even dig up dirt like that, and still hire you. It doesn’t reflect well if you’re applying for customer service and you talk shit from dawn til dusk, but if you’re going to be entering data into a computer 10 hours a week, they probably don’t care as much.
All of that being said, just be conscientious. People know this happens and we hear about it, but I think sometimes it’s easy to forget.
Now, here’s the other thing. We all have some form of online reputation on social media. Some of us are less in the public eye than others. Some of us do not care at all about what others think of us on the internet. But I would like to operate under the assumption that people generally do not want to be viewed as gossipy, cliquey, manipulative, rude, back-stabbing, or just anything negative. This is digital responsibility as it pertains to public image, and isn’t as important as in the workplace/academics, but still important as a social media consumer.
These are things I try to be very aware of:
Straight up talking shit. If you are going to talk behind someone’s back, do so in a way that there is a guarantee it will not be exposed. Do so via FaceTime and similar or at least do it one-on-one, with someone you trust, or a group where you know not a single member would report back to the person. If you don’t, you’re literally ASKING to be caught and labelled as a bitch/called out (no idea if my particular hater is remotely aware)/etc.
NOTHING ON THE INTERNET IS PRIVATE. NOTHING. This includes texts. If you and 15 online people join in on bashing one person *throws shade* that evidence is there in black and white. Your name is on that screenshot. You can’t take it back or lie. Whatever conversations you have, whatever things you post, even if you set it to private and take every precaution, IT IS THERE. (Maybe people have serious hardcore security hacks, but...) Listen, unless you are 100% private and don’t have any followers (and even so), there will be access available to your social media accounts and to what you post.
Arguably, controversial topics. Including reblogs. Welp, clearly I don’t worry about that. But if your goal is to create a pristine image, think before posting something controversial. I’m personally a controversial person, and people tend to have very polarized views of me. If you don’t want anyone unfollowing you because of your political/religious leanings, then don’t post or reblog things revealing those leanings. People can also have access to your “likes” so if you seriously do not want a single person believing that you are politically motivated, stay away from that.
Side/second blogs. It’s great to have anonymity and start fresh (that Augustana song “Boston” just came into my head... I think I’ll start it over/where no one knows my name). But you’re never 100% anonymous and a fresh start doesn’t mean nobody can find you and link you back to your other accounts.
Anonymous hate. This is a topic I’ve discussed before. And there is no total guarantee that you will not be able to be tracked. Yes, people don’t usually go to those lengths. That being said, even if it is anonymous, it’s still you behind the screen, and it’s still you who everyone else is judging negatively and probably saying horrible things about which would normally ruin your reputation.
Real life people. Oh man. Yup. My friend in high school had a Larry (Louis/Harry from 1D) blog. Someone IRL found it either through Tumblr or her email/phone number or smth, and a group of malicious kids stood up on the bus on the way back from a track meet and started reading her posts out loud. If you don’t want that to happen to you, don’t post anything that might be socially incriminating *cough* stigmatization of fandom *cough*. I personally would not be ashamed if someone found my studyblr because like bro... I’m reblogging photos of people studying... but I will admit that posting on Snapchat to RL people is stressful because I do show a side of me I don’t show to them immediately IRL. I don’t think they really care that much, and I’ve never had anyone comment on the content other than “your snap story is so long” but it is something I often consider.
No idea if this is of any merit whatsoever, but I just felt like I needed to make that post. Just for reference. I don’t know. What am I doing with my life. Hope that was helpful, and I’ll catch you on the flip side.
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mrwilliamcharley · 6 years
The Best Remixes Of The Week 034
This week was stacked with massive remixes between RL Grime’s 11-track Nova remix pack featuring the likes of k?d, 1788-L, and Said The Sky and fiery remixes from Drezo, Slushii, QUIX, SNBRN, and more. Check out this week’s packed edition and follow our feisty Run The Remixes playlist on Spotify with all our all-time favorite remixes, updated weekly.
RL Grime – Rainer (k?d Remix) | Stream
K?d has had a monumental year filled with the release of his debut Find Paradise EP, a dynamic collaboration alongside Wolfgang Gartner, and a massive 27-date headline tour. He’s now capped it off with a banging remix of RL Grime‘s “Rainer” out as part of the official Nova remix pack. Slow and steady, k?d builds “Rainer” into a glitchy trap masterpiece that will instantly have you mesmerized. K?d’s crazed “Rainer” remix definitely stands out amongst the pack.
Gesaffelstein – Aleph (Drezo Remix) | Free Download
Drezo is back and better than ever. Earlier this year, the LA-based producer took off on his huge national Evil Live tour and unleashed a devious dark house single “Night” before taking a brief hiatus. Ahead of his highly anticipated REZZ collaboration, Drezo has dropped off a phenomenal remix of Gesaffelstein‘s “Aleph”. Flipping the Gesaffelstein favorite into a grimy house banger, Drezo has geared up his thumping percussion and deep, rhythmic basslines to take “Aleph” to the next level.
RL Grime – Era (1788-L Remix) | Stream
1788-L is one of the biggest breakthrough artists of the year and for good reason. He’s collaborated with REZZ, Blanke, and TYNAN, remixed the likes of Illenium and The Glitch Mob, and supported k?d, REZZ, and Ekali on tour. The rising producer is now back on his remixing game to deliver a monumental remix of RL Grime‘s “Era” as part of the official Nova remix pack. Packed with bombastic and thunderous percussion, glitchy and grimy synths, and an anthemic nature, 1788-L’s version of “Era” is the definition of a trap banger. 1788-L’s “Era” remix is everything we could’ve hoped for.
Steve Aoki ft. BTS – Waste It On Me (Slushii Remix) | Stream
Slushii has graced us with unforgettable remixes of Charlie Puth, Maroon 5, and Marshmello, and his latest is just as memorable. Putting his stamp on Steve Aoki and BTS‘ “Waste It On Me”, Slushii has excelled in brightening the dark original. Deep piano stabs and crisp percussion shine amidst the bursting melodic synths to create a vibrant, dance-crazed remix. Slushii has crafted an undeniably infectious remix.
GASHI – Creep On Me (feat. French Montana & DJ Snake) [QUIX Remix] | Stream
QUIX has turned out some major remixes of Diplo and Alison Wonderland this year along with the release of his debut Illusions EP. Back on his remixing grind, QUIX has geared up his trap stylings for a flip of GASHI‘s “Creep On Me”. Rolling snares and booming basslines bring a dark edge to the French Montana and DJ Snake featured track. This one definitely bangs.
Ariana Grande – Breathin (SG Lewis Remix) | Stream
SG Lewis is hot off an amazing year filled with two gooey EPs that featured AlunaGeorge, Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs, and Drew Love. He’s now unveiled a luscious remix of Ariana Grade‘s “Breathin” that is absolutely stunning. SG Lewis soaks Ariana Grande’s effervescent pop vocals in a sultry mixture of R&B and house production that brings a futuristic funk vibe to the track. SG Lewis has outdone himself with this “Breathin” remix.
RL Grime – Atoms (feat. Jeremy Zucker) [Said the Sky Remix] | Stream
RL Grime‘s “Atoms” was one of the most breathtaking tracks on his Nova album and it just received a remix worthy of its beauty. Out as part of the official Nova remix pack, Denver-based producer Said The Sky has reworked the intricate original to make it even more atmospheric and dreamy with the addition of delicate piano melodies and luscious vocal chops. This is one of Said The Sky’s finest remixes to date.
Hotel Garuda – One Reason (feat. Imad Royal & Kiah Victoria) [SNBRN Remix] | Stream
Since becoming a solo act, Hotel Garuda has been on a roll with an official remix of Clean Bandit’s “Solo” and vibey original featuring Imad Royal and Kiah Victoria. He’s now enlisted house king SNBRN to bring the summer feels to his track “One Reason”. SNBRN loads the track with four-to-the-floor percussion and deep, pulsating synths that make the house-pop original soar. SNBRN’s “One Reason” remix is stunningly groovy.
Travis Scott – SICKO MODE (Skrillex Remix) [Prince Fox Flip] | Free Download
Skrillex‘s remix of “Sicko Mode” was one of the biggest remixes of the year and has already seen a flip from Whethan. Prince Fox has now taken the opportunity to put his spin on the massive remix and it’s exceptional. Prince Fox has brought the future bass to the trap-meets-dubstep remix, adding shiny synth stabs to accentuate the boisterous drop. Prince Fox has seriously stepped up with his take on Skrillex’s “Sicko Mode” remix.
Blackbear – The 1 (Tarro Remix) | Stream
We’ve been patiently awaiting Tarro‘s remix of Blackbear‘s “The 1” and it’s finally here. Opening with a luxurious guitar melody, Tarro builds crisp percussion and vibrant future bass synths around Blackbear’s sultry vocals. His addition of pitched vocal chops pulls it into an undeniable dancefloor-ready banger. Tarro’s “The 1” remix is everything we could’ve hoped for.
RL Grime – OMG (feat. Joji & Chief Keef) [MYRNE Remix] | Stream
MYRNE has had an exceptional year with official remixes of Martin Garrix, Lauv, San Holo, and Jai Wolf. He’s now been tasked with remixing RL Grime‘s “OMG” as part of the official Nova remix pack. Devilish, grimy basslines and sinister chimes bring a dark and devious nature to the track that will have you swooning. MYRNE has crafted an undeniable trap banger with this remix.
Jimmy Eat World – The Middle (LUCA LUSH Remix) | Free Download
Luca Lush has crafted a masterful future bass remix of Jimmy Eat World‘s “The Middle”. Luca Lush keeps the ever-recognizable guitar lead of the original song entirely intact, while strategically adding some light, atmospheric undertones along the way, allowing him to build into his version. When the bass kicks in, the original melody of the song is still present, while simultaneously adding an entirely unique and upbeat future bass vibe. When executed properly, nostalgic remixes get the entire crowd singing along, and this one will certainly put entire crowds of 90s babies in a state of early 2000s bliss. – Omar Serrano
RL Grime – Pressure (TYNAN Remix) | Stream
TYNAN is quickly becoming one of the biggest names in trap music. This year, the rising producer dropped off collaborations with 1788-L and Ekali, a banging EP, and official remixes of ATLiens, Lookas, and now RL Grime. Stepping up to put his spin on “Pressure“, TYNAN’s remix explodes with a rush of bass and bombastic percussion that gives the track a dangerous edge. TYNAN is definitely one to watch in 2019.
 Blackbear – The 1 (Rad Cat Remix) | Stream
Rad Cat has consistently impressed with his remixes of Blackbear‘s “Do Re Mi”, “Girls Like You”, and “Rly Real”. Tapped again for Blackbear’s latest remix pack, Rad Cat has outdone himself with his flip of “The 1”. Crisp percussion and swelling synth stabs take over the verse while Rad Cat’s sultry future bass boosts the chorus into a dreamy wonderland. Rad Cat has certainly outdone himself with this one.
RL Grime – Undo (feat. Jeremih & Tory Lanez) [AWAY Remix] | Stream
AWAY has become a rising star in the world of trap music with his brilliant remixes of Illenium and Crywolf and recent collaboration alongside Josh Pan. He’s now been drafted as part of RL Grime‘s official Nova remix pack to remix “Undo”. AWAY reworks the trap anthem into a glitchy and downright dirty banger filled with grimy basslines, scattered percussion and wonky pitched vocals. AWAY’s “Undo” remix definitely stands out amongst the pack.
Lost Kings – Drunk As Hell (Nolan van Lith Remix) | Stream
Nolan van Lith has turned out some amazing remixes of The Chainsmokers and Lost Kings and collaborations alongside KRANE, ARMNHMR, and Lookas. Back with his second official Lost Kings remix, Nolan van Lith has been tapped to flip their latest single “Drunk As Hell”. Anthemic synth melodies soar amidst sharp percussion and explode into a wondrous, dance-worthy drop. This is one of Nolan van Lith’s finest remixes yet.
Porter Robinson – Sad Machine (KLOUD Remix) | Stream
KLOUD has been making some of the coolest music and music videos in 2018. For his latest creation, the masked man took on Porter Robinson‘s classic “Sad Machine”. Remixing a song that’s so beloved is hard to do because you have to stay true to the original but add your own flair. KLOUD perfectly balances that line with his reinterpretation. – Hunter Thompson
XYLØ – Tears & Tantrums (Evan Gartner Remix) | Stream
Evan Gartner is one of our favorite up and coming remixers who has consistently impressed with his pop-infested remixes of JOHN.k, ROZES, and Bebe Rexha. His latest takes on XYLØ‘s “Tears & Tantrums” and spins it into an effervescent dance-pop banger. Shiny guitars and snappy percussion burst amidst flirty synth melodies to create an undeniably infectious drop that will instantly have you moving. Evan Gartner is definitely one to watch in 2019.
sakehands – GOOODBYE FOREVER (instupendo Remix) | Free Download
Rising indie producer instupendo has had an inspiring year that landed him a remix provided by Slow Magic. Out now via Majestic Casual Records, instupendo has offered up his luscious indie soundscape to sakehands‘ “GOODBYE FOREVER”. Soft piano chords and delicate percussion combine to craft an airy, atmospheric dreamworld that is absolutely breathtaking. Instupendo has outdone himself with this remix.
MKTO – How Can I Forget (Ryan Riback Remix) | Stream
Rising Australian producer Ryan Riback is known for his luscious official remixes of Lauv, Kygo, Maroon 5, and Clean Bandit. This year alone, Riback garnered over 107 million streams on Spotify across his official remixes and releases on Spinnin’ Records. Back on his remixing game, Ryan Riback has taken MKTO‘s “How Can I Forget” to whole new levels. Vibrant house-infested percussion sparkles amidst shimmering piano stabs and sultry guitar melodies to make MKTO’s nostalgic vocals shine. There’s a glimmering danceable nature to the track that is undeniably infectious.
Avril Lavigne – Sk8er Boi (Squaws Remix) | Free Download
Squaws has consistently impressed with his flirty future bass remixes of Louis The Child, Whethan, and Jai Wolf. Back with another stunner, Squaws has taken on Avril Lavigne‘s hit single “Sk8er Boi” and turned it into a phenomenal dance banger. Trading in the pop-punk soundscape for electronic elements, Squaws reenvisions the original melodies with a future bass flare. Squaws has amazed once again.
Northern National – Slow Down (Hoober Remix) | Stream
Italian producer Hoober first caught our eye with his trap-infested remixes of Imagine Dragons and Post Malone. He’s now been tapped as part of Northern National‘s official remix pack to put his spin on their single “Slow Down”. Hoober has revised the rock original into a brilliant future trap anthem that explodes with crisp snare hits, thunderous bass stabs, and electrifying guitar melodies. Hoober is definitely one to keep an eye on next year.
XYLØ – Tears & Tantrums (Kbubs Remix) | Stream
Rising Connecticut-based producer Kbubs has amazed with his vibrant remixes of Lost Kings, G-Eazy, and TELYKast. Back with another official remix, Kbubs has been enlisted to flip XYLØ‘s “Tears & Tantrums”. Vibrant, melodic synths ring out amidst delicate piano chords and breezy percussion to bring an easy danceable nature to the track. Kbubs has outdone himself with this remix.
Northern National – Slow Down (slowdance Remix) | Stream
Slowdance have quickly popped on our radar with their exquisite collaborative remixes of Madison Beer’s “Home With You” and “Dead”. Formerly known as Ambedo, the duo have now unveiled their debut official remix of Northern National‘s “Slow Down”. There’s a funky, indie duality to the track that is undeniably intriguing with its luscious guitar melodies and airy piano chords. Slowdance are on a path for success after this impressive remix.
>> Submit Your Remix Here <<
Read more from Jordan and connect with her on Soundcloud, Twitter, and Instagram
'The Best Remixes Of The Week 034
The post The Best Remixes Of The Week 034 appeared first on Run The Trap: The Best EDM, Hip Hop & Trap Music.
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gavrochethegamin · 11 years
Someday I'll have more time for this place. I keep holding out hope, but it keeps gettin' taken away. Trust me though, when I gots time I'll let you all know what I been about. It's good stuff. Not really good but eh, nuthin' ya gotta worry about.
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