#like seriously mischa has 2 hands
minafeu · 2 years
So we all know Talia's name is Natalia. Well, it means "Christmas Day". Noel also means Christmas. No I will never push the catfish narrative or ever say Talia isn't real because Mischa has 2 hands guys. Anyways I just think how the love interests for Mischa have Christmas oriented names because they go to a Catholic school.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 2 years
Ride the Cyclone Kids Performing The Crucible
i have no excuse for this one. i just have had an unhealthy addiction to The Crucible since i had to read it in 11th grade. it’s been three years, and it still has a chokehold on me.
also i know they’re a choir, not a theater group, but shhhhhh
Ocean is Mary Warren
Noel is Reverend Hale
Mischa is John Proctor
Ricky can’t perform, but he is a stagehand, so he’s around quite often!
Penny is Abigail Williams
Constance is Elizabeth Proctor
All the other characters are played by random students
Noel, playing a priest: i feel like there’s some irony here
He’s pretty damn good at pretending to be religious, though!
Ricky, to Ocean: Ocean! You’re already so prepared for the role!
Ocean: Really?
Ricky: Yeah!
Ricky: Ginger
Get it? Cause The Crucible is about the Salem Witch Trials… Gingers were/are called witches/demons…
Ocean isn’t amused
Noel in movie!Hale’s getup
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Penny, whenever Noel has to interact with her: hello, gay boy
Okay okay, Penny as Abigail? ABSOLUTELY TERRIFYING
Like, Holy Shit
She’s so scary, in fact, that she makes Ocean sit down like a fucking red heeler during her whole monologue about Abby’s dead parents
Penny: Now look you. All of you. We danced. And Tituba conjured Ruth Putnam’s dead sisters. And that is all. And mark this. Let either of you breathe a word, or the edge of a word, about the other things, and I will come to you in the black of some terrible night, and I will bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder you. And you know I can do it; I saw Indians smash my dear parents’ heads on the pillow next to mine, and l have seen some reddish work done at night, and l can make you wish you had never seen the sun go down!
Ocean, who’s in the same scene:
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Mischa as Proctor is terrifying, too, but not quite on Penny’s level because he’s already an intimidating dude
It’s just daunting seeing Penny act so cruel
She’ll finish a scene where her character literally shattered the psyche of another character and forced said character into a mental breakdown and will be like “great job, guys! 🥰”
(The other character was Ocean’s lmao)
(If you’ve read TC, y’all know what scene I’m talking about)
You know the part where Abigail hits Betty? Yeah, Penny is merciless with that scene
The actress of Betty damn near saw god that day
Poor girl went SPINNING off the bed she was on
The script literally says “smashes her [Betty] across the face” and Penny took that WAY TOO SERIOUSLY
The duality between Penny nearly decapitating a kid with her hand alone and Penny being like “i’m so sorry!!! are you okay?!” immediately after
After that, the director tells her to lighten up a little lol
The slaps are still real, though
Just less likely to One-Hit KO Betty’s actress straight into the afterlife
Noel, when Penny does Anything: whore behavior
And speaking of whore behavior
Penny and Mischa. Their characters fucked
These two have NO interest in each other whatsoever, but that doesn’t stop them from acting as slutty as possible because they think it’s hilarious, especially when the other choir members react in the most disgusted way
Mischa: I can’t believe my character is an adult man fucking a teenager.
Penny: I am the teenager
Mischa: Thank you, Penny. I did not know that
Meanwhile, there is NO chemistry between Mischa and Constance, even though they’re supposed to be married, and it’s really funny
But honestly, kinda fitting
Since, you know. Proctor cheated on Elizabeth, and there’s meant to be a noticeable rift between them
Ricky, holding an imaginary microphone up to Constance: Constance! Constance! What’s it like playing a canonical milf?
Constance: Pretty cool
One time when Constance and Mischa were sitting at the dinner table set piece for act 2, waiting for the scene to begin, Constance whispered “I can’t believe I bred with you” and Mischa LOST IT
Constance wore Birkenstocks for some time. You know, before their costumes came together
Constance: They’re my Jesus slippers!
Mischa: I don’t think Birkenstocks were around in 4 BC Bethlehem
Constance: Go eat a fridge
Meanwhile, Ocean had an absolutely VISCERAL reaction to these fucking Birkenstocks
Ocean: I’m onto you, Elizabeth, you slippery weasel. I see those things. My mother eats, sleeps, and BREATHES Birkenstocks. I can smell those uncomfortable, mold-soled jerks from a mile away. I can SEE your footprints in them. I know what you’re hiding. I swear, my mother has a pair of those in that exact color, but I don’t know for sure because I’m not at home to check right now, and I’m not allowed in her closet anyway. I bet you stole them, didn’t you? Well, you doubt my willpower to rat you out, she-devil. I know. I see everything. My quietness makes me watchful. I’m practically invisible. I know you paid 99.95 shillings or more for shoes that feel more like solid stone than proper footwear. You snake. You fool. You absolute devil woman. You deserve no rights. Why would you make this purchase if you know what our world is like? You’re a woman in the 1600s for god’s sake, Elizabeth, you’re making chump change! You can’t spend your money on freakin’ Birkenstocks. Go to the general store and get some slippers because at least they would be cheaper and MATCH YOUR DRESS. I may be ace, and I may be aro, but even I know those two colors DO NOT go together. You are pure evil. Purple and that color? That brown? What were you thinking, woman?! You deserve no rights. I hope the shoe mold harvests every last one of your toes. Rapture is nigh, lady, and I don’t think your feet are prepared for judgement.
Meanwhile, the whole theater is SHRIEKING with laughter
At one point Mischa asked the director if he can just pick Ocean up instead chasing her in act 2 because it’ll “be easier”
In response, the director says, “It’s not going to happen because it’ll kinda ruin the illusion of terror, but I would like to see what you would do.”
This then led to Mischa throwing Ocean over his shoulder like she’s a sack of potatoes
In retaliation, Ocean grappled onto him with all of her limbs like a rare species of red koala
Ocean can cry on command, which is good because of how emotional Mary Warren is
She spends more than half her stage time sobbing uncontrollably
Ocean: oh yeah, crying on command is easy! i just have to remember my Whole Life
Ricky: so have you ever considered the school counselor
“Mary Warren is holding the weight of my mental health on her tiny, Puritan shoulders” -Ocean
Mischa gets to use a REAL WHIP for the play
He once accidentally hit himself with it when trying to crack it
The others have never seen him crumple to the floor like that before
He opened his mouth, but he couldn’t even manage a scream, so he was just silently shrieking in pain
Noel, coming up behind Ocean during this, whispering in her ear: that’s gonna be you soon
Ocean isn’t nervous, though
She trusts Mischa!
Anyone else playing Proctor, though?
Before the whip came in, Mischa would take his belt off and threaten Ocean with it
But 3/4 times he couldn’t get the fucking thing off quick enough
Mischa: I’ll official y— Uh. Hang on. Sorry, just— fuck, this thing is on good. COME OFF!
He just starts fighting it
Meanwhile, Constance and Ocean are just there like 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
They decided to start using a stick instead (pre-whip era)
They call it the “Beating Stick”
Mischa accidentally hit Ocean with it once
Ocean folded like a goddamn chair
When Mischa gets the whip and is like “I’ll official you!” Ocean jumps on the WHOLE DINNER TABLE to get away from him and ends up flipping the entire thing
Ocean, hiding under the dinner table while Mischa prowls around with the whip: i feel this on a personal level
Mischa: W H A T
It’s method acting 😌
During Elizabeth’s arrest at the end of act 2, when everyone starts yelling at each other, Constance pushes Ocean behind her like she’s trying to keep her safe from the mayhem, and Ocean Almost Cried
You know what she DID cry at, though?
When Elizabeth is actually arrested
She’s acting like Constance is actually getting arrested and put into jail for witchcraft 😭
Great acting, though
Mischa, to the director, about the arrest scene in act 2: Hey, so you know how Proctor is threatening everyone and is really angry?
The director: Yeah?
Mischa: Okay, so, hear me out. What if he had a gun?
The director:
So Mischa gets a gun
Unlike the whip, this one is fake!
But still
He feels so POWERFUL
Ricky has made it his personal mission to condition the actors into acting and staying in character through Anything, so he just does random shit in the wings during practice
Even the very emotional scenes
Mischa: l will bring you home! l will bring you soon!
Constance: Oh, John, bring me soon!
Mischa: I will fall like an ocean on that court! Fear nothing, Elizabeth.
Constance: I will fear nothing.
Ricky, in the wings: 🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃
Ocean is so short compared to Mischa that the scene between Mary and Proctor at the end of act 2 looks like the violent assault of an elementary school student
This is the scene
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Mischa, holding Ocean by the throat: I could break you like a potato chip
Ocean: Do it then
Mischa fuckin FLINGS Ocean to the ground so hard there was this loud ass THUMP
A visual representation of what this would look like from an actual version of The Crucible online
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(Side note: the version this comes from is fucking AMAZING. Mary is SO GOOD)
Okay, so, act 3? Ocean’s acting? HOLY SHIT
She puts her fucking SOUL into this performance
She cries so hard during act 3 that Mischa, who is with her most of the time, is genuinely concerned that she’s having some kind of episode
She keeps holding her head in her hands, curling up on herself to seem smaller, rocking back and forth, breathing shakily, whimpering and sobbing, and Mischa can’t tell if she’s just a really good actress or is in need of psychological assistance
(The answer is both)
She’s constantly being told to drink water afterward because she gets dehydrated from crying so much
There’s this one point in act 3 where Mischa and Noel are standing around Ocean because she started crying again, and they looked like her gay colonial parents
Ocean, to the director: Hey, so the script says, “They all watch as Abigail, out of her infinite charity, reaches out and draws the sobbing Mary to her, and then looks up to Danforth.” Does this mean that I get to be hugged by Penny?
The director: Yes, it does.
The director: Why are you crying??
At the very end of the play, they actually have an execution scene, where they pretend to hang Mischa with a harness and stuff
Noel: Did you guys hear about that one wardrobe malfunction during a school play?
Constance: No, what happened?
Noel: Well, they were doing a hanging scene, as we’re doing now, and apparently the harness broke or something because the kid started to actually hang. Nobody knew he was dead until after the scene because they just thought his struggling and stillness was just acting.
Penny: That sounds awful. Imagine getting into a school play and inviting your whole family to come watch you, and then you fucking die.
Ocean: His parents were probably out in the lobby with flowers afterwards, waiting to congratulate him, and then someone had to go out and tell them that not only he was dead, but they also watched him die without realizing it. Probably got videos of it and everything.
Noel: It gets worse. He was an understudy. The kid who was supposed to go on got sick and couldn’t perform, so this guy went on for him and died because of it.
Mischa, in a harness above them, about to be hanged: I’m feeling a little unsafe
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johnnymundano · 6 years
The Toybox (2018)
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Directed by Tom Nagel
Written by Jeff Denton, Jeff Miller, Brian Nagel and Tom Nagel
Music by Holly Amber Church
Country: United States
Language: English
Running Time: 90 minutes
Mischa Barton as Samantha
Denise Richards as Jennifer
Jeff Denton as Steve
Brian Nagel as Jay
Gregg Violand as Charles
Matt Mercer as Mark
Malika Michelle as Olivia
David Greathouse as Robert Gunthry
Katie Keene as Ghost Girl
I took all the images off IMDB. It’s just a fact we’ll have to learn to live with.
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Life is short and I hear you’re dead a long time, so let’s cut to the meat of it: The Toybox is a bad movie. The Toybox is such a bad movie it’s tempting to smack it on the nose with a newspaper, maybe take it to the vet, come back empty handed, telling the kids it has “gone to live on a farm” with other bad movies. That’s certainly almost as tempting as it is to blame its chronic terribleness on the wholly ridiculous conceit forming the foundations of this mobile home of poop: a haunted RV picks off a vacationing family one by one. But that would be too easy as most horror movies have completely ridiculous set-ups. The magic of a horror movie is getting you to willingly buy into some plainly nonsensical horseshit. The Toybox can’t do that; The Toybox can’t even believe in itself. Just past the halfway mark the remains of the docile family cotton on to what’s happening and start shouting about how stupid it sounds. Frankly, it was difficult to disagree. It did sound stupid. Because it was stupid. A horror movie that’s unable to successfully conceal the ridiculousness of its premise from even the characters in it…is a horror movie that’s failed. The Toybox is all about fail. The one thing The Toybox does well is fail. The Toybox excels at fail.
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Maybe it’s just hypersensitive me, but I got a bit hinky even as the credits rolled; it’s generally not a good sign when the number of people who wrote a movie almost outnumber the main cast, it’s even less encouraging when some of the writers are actually in that main cast, and when some of those people are also producing then chances are high the result will be a movie as bad as The Toybox.  Be warned, however, The Toybox is not so bad it’s funny, because that’s still a form of good; no, The Toybox is just bad. It’s not funny how bad The Toybox is. The Toybox is that bad. The Toybox is just totally humourless, which merely compounds its badness, because it doesn’t ever do anything but take itself totally seriously. The Toybox is so stupid it doesn’t realise how stupid it is. It’s the cinematic equivalent of someone telling you the last Dan Brown book they read “really made me think.”
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Lest we forget, this is a movie wherein a bickering family are tortured and killed by an RV possessed by a dead serial killer. Not only have the police not destroyed the mobile scene of his crimes but, apparently, it’s been sold on, and, even better, they did such a slipshod job of searching the place that stashes of the nutjob’s weapons and tasteless mementoes remain to be discovered by his trapped victims. And this serial killer? This avatar of evil? He doesn’t just fail, he fails hard, it’s possible he even fails hard 2: fail harder, and it’s not beyond the realms of possibility that he even, maybe, fails hard with a vengeance. Initially, in a futile attempt at suspense, the phantom serial killer appears intermittently, which turns out be a small mercy in itself as, at the damply unthrilling climax, he is fully revealed, somewhat less than formidably, as a guy in milk bottle specs, with a kiddyfiddler comb-over and teeth like smashed toffee. This means the noisy but insipid finale this feeble squall of idiocy has been limping towards basically just involves a distraught Mischa Barton fighting a Matt Lucas character from Little Britain by…trashing the furnishings in a mobile home.
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I just don’t know, it just baffles me; what kind of genius comes up with the high(as in “crack high”)-concept of an RV possessed by a deceased serial killer killing the trapped family within it and…decides to play it straight? Totally straight. There’s even some arsehanded emotional nonsense about the dad trying to rebond with his sons after the death of their mother, but it’s not even good soap operatics. The dad’s reason for estranging himself from them makes no sense, and when he finally reveals it to his slackjawed progeny you just think “Well, you’re a prize chump, aren’t you. No wonder the police were able to sell you a mobile home possessed by a deceased serial killer.” The guy’s tragedy is one of epic stupidity, which is probably not the flavour of tragedy any of the four (*f*o*u*r*) writers were going for. There is, however, a very real tragedy in The Toybox, but it isn’t the daft dad bit, or even the bit where the little kid gets backed over. (Spoiler! But how can you spoil something this spoiled from the off? If you tread in dog poop have you spoiled it?) No, the genuine tragedy lurking in The Toybox’s mediocre chassis is the fact that Denise Richards actually gives a pretty good performance. There’s a moment in the movie where Denise Richards reaches her lowest point and is just sat at a cheap laminated table in a grotty RV, her face impassive yet somehow clearly communicating the terrifying, almost soul crushing, extent of her agent’s failure. As the kidz say, I feel you, Denise. I feel you.
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Oh, wait, The Toybox does succeed at one thing. It succeeds in reigniting faded memories of 1970s camping holidays as an unpleasant and truculent teen with my long-suffering family; for the duration of both I just wanted to be somewhere else.
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Last Line Meme
@shipperfiendobssesser​ tagged me in the Last Line WIP meme.  YOU ASKED FOR IT.
Long text post, so I’m sticking it behind a “read more”
Fandoms behind the tags:  Hannibal, Doctor Who, Gotham, SVU, BBC Sherlock, a couple of Walking Dead, a couple of Xenaverse,  a couple of Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (Live action), Star Trek (TOS), Tim Burton’s Alice In Wonderland, The Following, and some original stories  (Not included, because I probably won’t ever go back to them:  Supernatural, Stargate, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Deadwood, and Harry Potter.)
Not tagging anyone BECAUSE I WOULD NOT SUBJECT MY LOVED ONES TO THIS.  No, seriously.  I’ve been working on this goddamn thing for two and a half hours.
Hannibal WIPs:
Ripper!Hannibal:  Hannibal picked up the scalpel, hid it in his coat pocket, and followed him in the shadows.  
Temple Body (Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham):  His presence warded off nightmares and ushered in a calm and dreamless sleep.  "Sure, a shower."     
There Were Three (Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham):  "Excellent.  I shall expect you Thursday night, promptly at 8."  Hannibal rose when Will did, and followed him out of the office.  "Are you returning to the crime scene tomorrow?"  
Sanity and Empathy (Hannibal/Will):  Knew it as well as he'd known the feel of Hannibal's broken heart, left in the chapel written on a broken man.
No Place Like Home (Hannibal/Will):  When Hannibal got back to Will's room, Will was sitting up on the side of the bed.  "You just missed the cardiologist; my heart's fine.  They're gonna stitch me up and as far as she's concerned, I can go home right now."
Murder Husbands In Denmark (Hannibal/Will):  "I can do that, soon as I'm out of the shower."  He leaned across the bloody butcher's block and nipped at Hannibal's ear.  "Hurry up."  
Leather Hannibal (Hannibal/Will):  "So I think you like my new motorbike."  Will squirmed as Hannibal's leather-gloved hands pressed down against the erection straining his zipper.  "But perhaps that is not all you like."
Keeping It In The Family AU (Mischa Lecter/Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham):  Hannibal reached out and raised her up, and offered her his elbow.  "You're not going to bow to me, Mischa."
I, Profiler (Crossover SVU/Hannibal, Hannibal/Will, Barba/Benson):  "I will sign your form," Hannibal agreed.  After Barba hung up, Hannibal sighed, and turned his attention back to the sausage browning in the frying pan.  "Mr. Barba seems to be at loose ends," he commented.
Hannibal’s Nightmare (AUish, Hannibal/Will):  He knows who he is--My name is Hannibal Lecter, and I am a psychiatrist.  I am a serial killer, and I am a cannibal.--but that doesn't seem to matter.  He is trapped in a place that does not seem to exist, and yet, it does.  
Great Escapes (Hannibal/Will):  Hannibal placed her plate in front of her, then dropped the fork carefully on the napkin.  Once he was out of range, Will let her go and returned to his seat.  "Do enjoy your dinner."
Firsts (Hannibal/Will):When the dance--and the music--ends, they're both breathless and ready for more.  Hannibal empties his pockets over the balcony rail for the violinist below, then follows Will to bed.
drunken kisses sequel (Hannibal/Will):  "I know."  And he had.  It was almost as if this entire conversation was useless; Will and Hannibal were so much in each other's heads, the answers were known before the questions were even formulated.  
Building A New Life (Hannibal/Will):  In the back cargo hatch was their luggage, their bloody clothes which really needed to be burned, and a large igloo cooler that carried all their provisions plus a few… special treats for later.  
Biokinetics (Hannigram AU, Hannibal/Will):  "No, not at all."  Will put his glasses back on as Hannibal led the way out of Will's living quarters and into the Institute's foyer.  
Original WIPs:
Roxy The Pink Police Poodle:  Oh, boy.  I recognize Shit Detail.  That means we’re going to do something Not Fun.  For either one of us.
Paralegal:  No amount of whipping furniture at my head can shake the solidity of the facts of the law.
Ghosts of deBerk:  (scriptfrenzy screenplay):  You want to ask me if I can talk to them for you, but you realize I am not Whoopi Goldberg and this is not Ghost.  You know things do not work like that.
Baywood:  All the things that you could need, but wouldn't ever think of buying for yourself when the time comes.
The Nature Of Time:  The Eternal was confused.  And so to experience time, He became a part of it.
Small Things:  And if any found it, they did not live to tell the tale because many went out, and few returned, and the ones who did died quickly, without relating what they knew.
Sleep Deprivation: The clock on the microwave read 2:03 AM as Mara heated her second milk of the night.
Sangria Falls:  "Put on the shackles, now," Nick repeated, loosening the snap on his gun.
Misty Valley:  Rain splashed on the windows, matching the rolling drops of blood that pooled red on the inside of the glass.
Midnight Scratching:  .  If she was losing her mind, then Poe was trying to console her.
Mars Rover:  The air was circulating slowly inside the helmet to stretch out the final oxygen supply, but as soon as they were out of the atmosphere, they wouldn't really need it anymore.
Fall of the House of God:  .  As it dug itself in, Lamiel planted the seeds for further discontent before going to sleep to gather its strength.
Dymond Family Murders:  Fiona's estate contested the agreement when first announced, but has since withdrawn the challenge and given the arrangement its full support.
SVU (Special Victims Unit) WIPs
Cedro Barba (Rafael Barba/Olivia Benson):  Turning the box back over to Cold Case, Olivia headed for SVU.
Checking In (Barba/Benson):  "I'm no role model, Olivia." He jostled Noah into sobs as he handed the child back to Liv. "Almost twenty years later and I still dream of punching my old man in the face every morning."
Post-”October Surprise” fic (Barba/Benson):  "Come on, let it out."  She cradled him close, resting her chin on his temple.  "It's going to be all right, Rafael."  
Dinner With Mami:  Rafael just smiled at that, and a little kernel of heat blossomed in the pit of his stomach when she smiled back.
Starbucks:  "Three cups, Liv," he reminded.  "Three cups of Starbucks all over Armani."
Barba and Benson Dinner Untitled:  "I think I like you better all put together.  A present just waiting to be unwrapped.  Although…"  She made an appreciative noise at his bare chest.  "I can see the benefit of keeping you naked."
Barba/Benson Vampire AU:  “Come on.  The blood bank is open by now, and you’ll think a lot more clearly when you’ve fed.”  Olivia held her hand out.
Doctor Who WIPs:
Running Up That Hill (9/Rose):   Disappointed in Rose,which was even worse for both of them. 
1920′s Gangster AU (10/Rose):  But there was no harm in looking, the Doctor kept telling himself, and so he continued to pay regular visits to the club.
A Crack In Time (12/Rose):  "Rose, is it really you?" he asked, and even his voice was changed, Scottish and hard.
Come Back To Me (10/Rose):  The Doctor's words were rushed as he hastened to reassure Rose.  "There's only a really tiny little bit left, not even enough to hurt you, or even know it's there.  I took all of it out of your head, scrubbed it clean, remember?  That's how we met.  This is just one tiny little glitch that saved your life."
Doctor John Smith (Tentoo/Rose):  John looked steadily at Jackie.  "It's a lot to take in.  Rose has been through a lot.  I just want to make it easy for her, that's all."
Drips (A Coffee Shop AU) (Ten/Rose):  It had started, for Rose Tyler at least, with the gas leak that had blown up the Henrik's shop she'd worked at--thank God she'd been off shift that night.  
Sunshine and Roses (9/Rose/Jack):  The crinkles at the corner of his eyes made his mouth turn up in a perpetual smile, which was accompanied by laughter at Rose's antics.  
Light and Dark (Ten/Rose):  "We like children, we like them young, they are still light and generous and they want to play!"  A few free light specks floated around Rose again, and lit on her hair, on her shoulders.  "Oh, we see!  You keep him light, he glows when you're with him!"
Part Of Your World (Ten/Rose Little Mermaid AU):  He sort of waved through the front glass, and several of the whales flicked their rear fins as a sort of answer before the TARDIS bobbed around and headed back for the Trench and the Challenger descent point.
Untitled Post Impossible Planet/Satan Pit (Ten/Rose):  She knew the why well enough, and went in for a second kiss.
Pregnant Rose Tyler (Ten/Rose):  "All right.  Anything for you, Rose Tyler."  And this time, he meant it with all his hearts.
Two Hearts, Two Hearts (Jack/Ten/Rose):  "Back in the TARDIS, or else she's wandered off again," was the Doctor's reply.  "Didn't know what I'd find in here, so I asked her to wait.  But you know how rubbish she is at waiting about, so we'd better go."
Gotham WIPs:
Father Nygma’s Bird Problems (AU, Edward Nygma/Oswald Cobblepot): This time, Carmine’s smile was far more rueful than he’d like.  “There’s no way you could let me down,” he answered.  Especially not given his own personal history.  “Good evening, Edward.  Remember, you can call me or see me at any time you like; I am always available to my priests.”  
 Hello, Old Friend (Edward Nygma/Oswald Cobblepot):  Ed gave a negative shake of his head. “That's far too generous, I couldn't accept.” Especially when he had no real way of paying back the kindness. 
Mine (Edward Nygma/Oswald Cobblepot):  Getting up from the chair, he rapped the table with gloved knuckles.  “I’ll swing back by later to see what you decided.”
Cuts Like A Knife (Edward Nygma/Oswald Cobblepot):   He was relatively certain that a google search of How to fix the ice-muddled memory of your best friend turned worst enemy would return exactly zero helpful results, so he was going to go with the closest approximation he could think of and adapt what he found to help Ed.  
Walking the Tightrope (Jim Gordon/Oswald Cobblepot):  Oswald simply nodded.  That was fair enough; the agreement was to take each other as they came, profession included.  It kept things interesting, to say the least.  
What He Needs (Jim Gordon/Oswald Cobblepot):  The black eye mask was folded on top, and while he withdrew it with his fingers, he carried it back in his mouth and offered it up to Oswald.
BBC Sherlock WIPs:
Untitled Johnlock #1 (John/Sherlock):  "Not important at all.  It's common.  Any two individuals regardless of gender can have sex, and a portion of those can make love with sentiment behind it.  Boring.  What is important, what is unique, is the closeness two people share.  Especially when one is less than personable, as it were.  But you, John, you are what is important.  Not how you choose to use an appendage."
Life Form (John/Sherlock):  Sherlock did allow himself to blink, and when no catastrophe happened, he relaxed microscopically.
Past Life (John/Sherlock):  "Sandals and swords, how exciting.  I can certainly see how it would pull one from the realm of sleep."
The Following WIPs: 
Sacrifice (Joe Carroll/Ryan Hardy):  The ghostly shapes moved like quicksilver behind the mist.
That Night (Joe/Carroll/Ryan Hardy):  The heat from their touches made the room-temperature glass seem almost icy.  
The Ending (Joe Carroll/Ryan Hardy):  The answer that Ryan couldn't give, and that's why this moment, here in this nowhere place, was most important.  In this place, the answer didn't matter.
Unexpected Savior (Joe Carroll/Ryan Hardy):  Joe disconnected the call while studying his reflection in the mirror. “Dear Ryan, whatever shall I do with you?”
Everything Else:
Untitled Rickyl AU (Walking Dead, Rick/Daryl):   So it was as a civilian that Rick rolled up at Carl's school that afternoon.
Wintering (Walking Dead, Rick/Daryl):  "Don't worry, Papa Bear.  Little Ass-Kicker's in good hands."  
Destrus (Xenaverse, Ares/Xena):  Well, his great sword through a few puny mortal chests had put an end to that idea
A Friend’s Faith (Xenaverse, Autolycus/Xena):  "It's hard to have faith in yourself when you think nobody else does, but it's even worse when you think you've let down the ones who do."
Kunzite and Darkury (Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon/PGSM/BSSM/Bishojou Senshi Sera Moon, Kunzite/Dark Mercury):  Both are trapped in the whirlpool at the base of the waterfall, a deepening vortex that sucks them deeper and closer together.
Untitled PGSM (Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon/Bishoujo Senshi Sera Moon, Human!Nephrite/Ami):  He was only Nephrite, outcast and human, and he was shamed for feeling gratitude to Sailor Mercury.
Responsibility (Star Trek TOS, Kirk/Spock):  No--that was unfair.  Jim was not fire, and it was only Spock who burned.
Return To Underland (Tim Burton’s Alice In Wonderland, Alice/Hatter):  The Unicorn chuffed nervously, pawing the marble floor while the Lion paced and growled, tail flicking madly.
The Girl With the Tuxedo Kitten (Millennium/Dragon Tattoo series, Lisbeth Salander/Mikael Blomkvist):  Blomkvist laughed.  "Why don't you take Sally and let her sleep?  I'll set up the litter in the bathroom and put out some more dry food."  
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carolrance · 8 years
I saw this thing. I’m answering this thing... even though nobody asked.
So, I saw someone answering this and thought it was sorta cool but I don’t think people will respond anymore so I’m just doing it myself. Self love, ya know.
Talk about the first ship you ever had. Uhhh… I can’t remember which came first Mulder & Scully or Usagi/Mamoru. (The latter being really icky to me now that I’m older, lol.) I think it was Mulder/Scully… I was in primary school for both of these so it’s confusing cos that was a really long time ago.
Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life. Mulder/Scully (The X Files). I honestly don’t really feel like “talking” about them cos I don’t think it’s very interesting. Also, I have no idea where to begin. Naomi/Emily (Skins) – I fucking can’t stand them now, to be completely honest. I actually sorta hate Emily. By they (and Skins in general) did have a rather huge impact on my life. Now, I feel like I should put Dany/Doreah but really I think more importantly in terms of my life, it would be Marissa/Alex from The O.C. Does that sound stupid? Maybe. But that pairing (as shitty as they treated Alex and the whole relationship by the end) had a fairly huge influence on me. I think it was my first femslash ship that I was totally open about. (I totally shipped Jo/Rachel (and Jo/Rachel/Paul) from S Club 7 (DON’T EVEN!) but back then I didn’t even think it was serious…even though I had a whole website about it, lmao.)
What’s your current OTP? Oh my… Dany/Doreah forever & Marg/Sansa (ASOIAF/GoT). Michelle/Naomi (Skins). Carol/Helen (Episodes). Amanda Rollins/Olivia Benson (SVU). (With a bit of Rollins/Lindsay on the side. SVU/Chicago PD). Niska/Astrid (Humans). … So… Like… A lot? A lot of old OTPs are still OTPs now? Bo/Lauren (Lost Girl). Meg/Veronica (Veronica Mars). Katniss/Johanna (THG). Lou/Tess (Lip Service). Quinn/Rachel (Unreal). Jessica Jones/Trish Walker (Jessica Jones). Virginia Johnson/Lillian DePaul (Masters of Sex)………I think even my few het ships I’m still not totally over (Chase/Cameron, Mulder/Scully, Martin/Sam, etc) but I mean, I don’t really care either.
What’s your current NOTP? Any of the above characters paired with men. Simple. I have a lot of nOTPs tbh. Most canon ships are NOTPs lmao. Although… I guess Patsy/Delia is a current NOTP of mine. Don’t shoot! I just don’t care for them. They are boring to me.
Do you have any poly ships? I was sorta into Marissa/Alex/Ryan (The O.C.). I started a fic about them. And the aforementioned Jo/Paul/Rachel.
How do you feel about love triangles? Lazy. The thing is, they’re a real thing. I’ve been a bunch and they’re just uncomfortable. No matter what, somebody gets hurt. I just feel like in TV/films they’re SO LAZY. An easy way to create drama for drama’s sake. And one faction of fandom is always upset. And usually they’re really shoddily designed so it’s like one girl, 2 boring ass boys fighting for her WHO WILL SHE CHOOSE?! BLAH……. Boring. “The triangle’s not a friendly shape, okay? It’s pointy. It’s got edges. Triangles hurt people, man.”
How do you feel about RPF? Nope. I’m a bit of a hypocrite cos I spent a great deal of time in my childhood sorta straddling the very thin line here with the whole S Club 7 thing. And, I’ll admit, I did enjoy this April Pearson/Lily Loveless fic once.
Have you ever shipped yourself with a character? No. Usually my favs feel a little too relatable which is why I’m attached to them, not cos I wanna bone them. Also, way too much drama. I mean, fictional characters are almost always exaggerated people.
Do you have many ships that never got together at all? All? LMAO. Okay, let’s see… Sam/Martin did, briefly (Fuck Without A Trace tbh. What a horrid little show.) Chase/Cameron were together and that ended badly as well. Carol/Helen, also ended horribly (so far). Mulder/Scully… that’s difficult. They’re difficult. Marissa/Alex, ended horribly. Naomi/Emily, technically… hmmm. Well, as of S4 they were back together but I didn’t buy it and I pretty much loathed Emily by that point so fuck em. That ended badly too. It ended horribly if you count S7–which I don’t cos I never watched it. If I didn’t see it, it didn’t happen. Bo/Lauren. Okay, this may be the only bright light in all my ships, lmao. They were together and then not, then together, then not, then END GAME. So, I guess the ones that never got together??? Basically just look above at my OTPs and see all the ones I didn’t mention here ending horribly lol.
Do you ship any characters that have never met? ONLY THE BEST ONE: MICHELLE/NAOMI.
Talk about your favorite first kiss. Like in canon onscreen? Or in my head? Big diff. Chase & Cameron maybe. I loved that episode. Mulder & Scully’s first (onscreen) kiss was a bit weird. I don’t remember Sam/Martin tbh. Hmm… Marissa/Alex was hella stilted and awkward prolly cos it was on FOX and like Mischa Barton is a terrible actress. Bo/Lauren’s first kiss was pretty good. Yeah, I really liked that one. Mostly cos it didn’t fade to black immediately (ahem, Carol/Helen) and it wasn’t set to ‘I Kissed A Girl’ (Naomi/Emily)… Okay, in fairness that was only the American version. The one I saw had Lily Allen playing instead… But still. I loved that episode but it wasn’t the best first kiss I’ve ever seen.
Have you ever been disappointed when your ship finally got together? Yes, when they get together only to end even shittier. Which is basically all of them except Bo/Lauren.
Has a ship ever broken your heart? All of them. Canon and otherwise. My heart breaks on a regular basis.
How do you feel about will they/won’t they? Ugh. Useless. Generally, it’s queerbaiting when it’s my femslash OTPs. When it’s het, I’m just like, “As if these two lonely, outrageously attractive co-workers wouldn’t have banged already. Like, give me a break and just do it already. Who believes this shit?”
Have you ever “shipped at first sight”? Lemme think… Probably? I can’t actually recall any specifics however. Not Mulder/Scully, I know that. The first time I saw them, it was New Year’s Eve and I spent the entire show huddled on the sofa in my friend’s basement with her and her cousins, shaking and screaming, lmao. The X-Files really isn’t great TV for easily scared children with big imaginations, lbr.
Talk about a ship you initially disliked. One that I like now that I disliked previously? Erm. None. I don’t flipflop on ships, lbr. It goes like this: I am oblivious/indifferent to ship, depending. I see ship. I ship ship. I love ship. And it’s only then that this can diverge. Either I stay in love forever, or I end up positively hating the show/pairing and I stop shipping it, or it just kinda dies out over time. Normally it’s the first or second, rarely the third.
Talk about a pairing you’ve stopped shipping romantically. And now just ship them only as friends? Or stopped shipping them and dislike them now and don’t want to have anything to do with them? The latter is clearly Sam/Martin. I just hated how the characters were written and the show was fucking awful after S3. The former… Ah, the former. I think this really has to be Naomi/Emily. I am 1457% Naomi/Michelle, no alternatives accepted. Naomily is toxic imo. Like so incredibly nope. I am -100000% Naomily. I stopped shipping them mid-S4, probably during Katie’s episode. I was just like, “Nope, this is pretty gross and not healthy and what the fuck?!” I gave up completely at the finale when it was so fucking stupid. I think by then I’d already had my Michelle/Naomi dream… Anyway. Like, I literally cannot handle Naomi/Emily anymore. At most, I can deal with them as friends. But even then, sometimes I wonder if writing them that way in my fics is pandering in some sense. It’s not intentional pandering to Naomily stans… but, now I look back and wonder? They’re just so awful together romantically. I shudder.
Talk about a moment which made you question an entire ship. Hmmm…. Carol/Helen in Griffith Park in 4x09 when she makes Carol give back her bra. That whole episode was really nasty and really awful and not funny at all. I really dislike the writing there. It was just… Helen was just disgusting really and it made me really uncomfortable about shipping it. I have other examples but it only asked for one.
Have you ever shipped something despite yourself? She-Ra and He-Man. I had no idea they were brother and sister when I was little but I thought they were cute together. Oops. It wasn’t until a few years back when I mentioned them at a party and everyone was like, “Errr, you do know they were twins, yeah?” NO. I DID NOT.
Talk about a ship you feel alone in shipping. Carol/Helen. I feel like the few people that shipped it with me on tumblr here were really turned off by their breakup. And also, it’s been on hiatus forever. Also, I suppose Claire Dearing/Zara Young from Jurassic World, lmao.
Is there a ship you just don’t get, but have nothing against? Most het ones? Like, just… why would you be with that puffy wonderbread boy when you could be with this other hot lady and have 10003x times more chemistry and interestingness? (Like I mean, I’m totally talking about Erin Lindsay and that gay dude she’s fucking, when it would be so much better if she was with Rollins, lmao. You go watch the crossovers episodes and tell me I’m imagining that.) Other het ships, I have definite things against the men.
Which of your ships have the best chemistry? OH GOD. Now, ermmmm…. this depends almost exclusively on my own headcanon/bias so obvs others aren’t likely to agree. Cos, well, Michelle/Naomi have hella chemistry LMAO. Like just look at this photo. Clearly. Okay, seriously… Bo/Lauren. Like hands down, undoubtedly.
Which of your ships deserve better writing? Every single one of them. Especially Dany/Doreah lmao.
Do you mostly ship canon pairings? Clearly not.
Have you ever shipped a pairing before you even started watching the show/movie simply because of gifs and graphics or similar? Skins. Lost Girl. Actually, hmm. I saw gifs of LG but I guess it wasn’t until I saw Zoie Palmer at a film premiere I went to that I was like, “WHO IS THAT?!” And then I realised I had to start watching that programme.
Have you noticed a pattern in your shipping? Is there a romantic dynamic you’re more drawn to? Blonde/Brunette. Like, it’s really obvious. But not 100%. Otherwise, I don’t really see any substantial patterns.
Is there a ship you’ve shipped for most of your life? Mulder/Scully.
Does shipping come easily to you? Neither here nor there. If it clicks, it clicks.
Do you need to ship something to really enjoy a movie/book/tv show/comic? Most of the time. But then sometimes shipping gets in the way of my enjoyment cos it becomes all about the pairing.
Name a couple of fandoms in which you have no ships. Fortitude? Honestly… I don’t even know. I watch a bunch of TV I have no particular interest in shipping anybody. Oh! Here’s one NASHVILLE. I honestly do not care who’s with whom. It’s irrelevant.
Talk about one of your favorite headcanons for a ship you love. Dany/Doreah – Doreah is alive. That’s it. That’s the headcanon. (And bonus, Dany takes Doreah to Lys and burns down the pleasure house Doreah was sold to as a child.) I have to add that most of my fav headcanons revolve around one half of my OTP still being alive. Which is both sad and really telling. (Like… Doreah, Margaery, Naomi, Meg, Marissa, Lillian… Ouch.)
Share five must-read fics. I’m trying really hard not to rec my own shit cos I just love my headcanons too much. Okay, here: They Will Crown You, They Will Take Your Legs by (Netgirl_y2k); tie your handlebars to the stars (and throw away the map) by (majesdane); my heart is gold and my hands are cold by (quinnking); If you’re gonna shoot me down, do it gently by (aphrodite_mine); I Can’t Get Out Of Love (a love i had a grip on; now it’s gripping me) by (doreah) hahahahahahahahaaaa i will do whatever i want when i want to force this pairing on everyone
Name your favorite fanartist(s). IDK??????????
Share your favorite fanmix for your OTP. Dany/Doreah: actually… oops. my fav fanmix for them is on my ipod and nowhere else lmao. it’s really good hahahah. anyway… um. so i’ll choose one that’s not mine: i’ll send a storm (most of mine are either doreah-specific or based on my fic which is a lot of headcanon and this one has excellent musical choices. that first track is killer.) Meg/Veronica: song of solomon (your poetry in motion) Chase/Cameron: i’m all second chances Michelle/Naomi: can’t get out of love Bo/Lauren:  it’s killing me, it’s killing you, a page from the book of my fantasy
Recommend 1-5 shipper blogs. Pass. I don’t even know any…
Do you create fanmixes/gif sets/fanart/fic/fanvids and so on for you ships? Used to. Obvs.
Do you have a favorite trope and/or AU for your OTP? Half of it not being dead.
Do you like and use ship names? I generally stay away from them unless I to find stuff/want people to find my stuff on tumblr. I find them cloying.
Is there a fictional relationship you’d really want for yourself? Hell no. Real life is difficult enough.
If you could change one thing about your OTP, what would that be? They would all be alive. Sensing a pattern? Also, being canon would be nice.
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Housing market breaks records-2019!
Bill Rapp here with the Heartfelt and Hot in Houston Blog, and this is our newest segment: Housing market breaks records-2019! A scarcity of homes for sale largely shaped this year’s housing market, helping to fuel three major trends and a handful of records, according to a recent study. Buyers got even older and sellers stayed in their homes longer, according to the National Association of Realtors’ 2019 report on home buyers and sellers. New homes made up the smallest share of all sales ever on record. “Housing supply is tight, that’s a problem,” said James McGrath, co-founder of real estate firm Yoreevo. “We don’t make that 1.5 million homes annually that we used to.” Another trend in the report reflected the changing social dynamics: The share of married buyers shrunk, while unmarried couple buyers increased to an all-time high. Housing market breaks records-2019! Here’s what happened in the 2019 housing market. The median age of all homebuyers hit 47, the highest since 1981 when the report first began. The age of first-time buyers reached a record high of 33, while the median age of repeat buyers maintained its peak from last year at 55. One reason why the median age is increasing is because younger buyers simply can’t buy a house. There are too few entry-level houses available for sale. “If you think who the first-time homebuyer is, it’s someone whose income hasn’t grown ,” McGrath said. “They don’t have the flexibility with down payments.”  Student debt is also dragging first-time buyers down. College students today graduate with about $30,000 in student loans, according to savingsforcollege.com. Their monthly payments can make it hard to save for a down payment or qualify for a mortgage. Housing market breaks records-2019! The median age for all homebuyers hit a record high of 47 as the lack of affordable homes keeps younger buyers out. (Photo: REUTERS/Alex Gallardo) “There doesn’t seem to be any release for the foreseeable future in regards to student loans,” said Jessica Lautz, vice president of demographics and behavioral insights at the National Association of Realtors. “People are entering the housing market with student loans, but the typical borrower today is likely to have more family help.” Sellers are taking their time to put their house on the market. The average seller lived in their house for a record 10 years before selling, according to the report. That’s much higher than the historical trend of six years. The record-long tenure is also contributing to the dearth of homes for sale. “There’s a lot of macro things going on,” said Mischa Fisher, chief economist at ANGI Homeservices Inc, a digital marketplace for home improvement. “Boomers are downsizing and staying in place. There are better options for remote work and even things like occupational licensing are discouraging people from moving to different states.” Housing market breaks records-2019! In 2019, the share of new homes that sold dropped to an all-time low of 13% – yet another indication of the supply crunch in the market – while the percentage of townhome sales reached a nadir of 6%.  “Since 2007 period, not much investment has been made in entry-level houses,” said Janice McDill, a spokeswoman for Realtor.com, a real estate listings website. “That’s why a lot of people have become renters.”  Fisher expects an increase of new homes next year, but it won’t be enough to resolve the inventory problem. “Builders are running into a lack of available land due to zoning restrictions. That is something that local governments have to be smarter about,” Fisher said. “You harm people who have the least needs because you make houses more expensive.”  Housing market breaks records-2019! I do vs. I don’t The share of married buyers fell to its lowest level since 2010 at 61% this year. That’s also well below the historical average of 66% since 1981. Unmarried couples, however, are becoming a bigger force in the housing market. This group made up 9% of all buyers – a high – and 17% of all first-time homebuyers, also a record. Relatedly, those roommates buying homes together increased to 4% from 2%. “This is the first time that among homebuyers that unmarried couples are increasing,” Lautz said. Housing market breaks records-2019! That is all for today folks from the Heartfelt & Hot In Houston Blog, make it a great day! The inspiration for today’s edition came from this original article: https://money.yahoo.com/2019-housing-market-151141576.html If you are seriously considering moving right now you need to take action right now and talk to a reputable Real Estate & Mortgage Broker today, please call 281-222-0433 or visit: https://www.zillow.com/lender-profile/BillRappMortgageViking https://www.billrapponline.com/ https://twitter.com/BillRappRE https://caliberhomeloans.com/wrapp https://onlineapp.caliberhomeloans.com/?LoanOfficerId=21493 https://mortgageviking.billrapponline.com https://highcostarea.billrapponline.com https://commercial.billrapponline.com https://doctorvideo.billrapponline.com https://doctorvideo.billrapponline.com https://sba.billrapponline.com/ https://veteransvideo.billrapponline.com https://fha203h.billrapponline.com https://privatemoney.billrapponline.com https://rei-investor.billrapponline.com https://manufacturedhousing.billrapponline.com https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsF3Rh4Akd1OAOAgTmzgqQg       Read the full article
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kelpie-keeper · 7 years
Title: Trippin’ through memories past pt 4 of 4 Rating: NC-17 Pairing/Characters: Yonekuni & Shirou Series: Sex Pistols Part of: Alt Universe; Continuation fic to A surprise for two: 1 & 2 and Little Known Secret. Continuation to Dark Desires 1, 2 & 3.  Fourth part to Trippin’ through memories past 1, 2 & 3 Notes/Warnings: Set just a month after Dark Desires, Shirou is pregnant with their second child. Things seemed to be going fine for them, but when Shirou over hears a conversation between Yonekuni and several customers, his confidence takes a blow. When Yonekuni reassures his lover that everything was alright, they never knew that things would take a turn for the worse. Shirou will have to fight to get back his husband back. I do not know any medical jargon, nor do I know anything about bones. This is just a work of fiction.  Sorry if this is dull and boring, I want some angst.
He still wasn’t used to being a father, didn’t know if he was doing things correctly and going by Tadakuni’s behavior, he wasn’t.  Watching as the pup, as Shirou referred to him, disobeyed him.  As if the child was playing on the fact that he couldn’t remember.  It had been over two weeks since Shirou rushed himself and his pup to the hospital.  And while both Shirou and the baby slowly recovered, they weren’t well enough to be released from the hospital.  Normally, he would be getting help and how to parent from Mischa, but when an emergency call from one of their hotels over in Europe, they dropped everything and left, leaving the pup with him.
“Now listen, ki-Tadakuni,” he caught himself from calling his son “kid” and instead, used his given name.  Knowing that the situation wouldn’t be any better if he referred the boy to something else.  ”You need to stop crying for your mother,” he stated firmly, knowing that what he said was the truth.  ”You’re a big brother and right now, both your mother and little sister need you the most.  They need you to be strong.”  He could see the awe in his song’s gray eyes as he set down the law.  ”Now, hold still.”  He washed the boy carefully, trying to keep himself dry and keep his newly healed leg from the boy’s kicking legs and his wriggling, trying to get himself free and take off.  Again.  He didn’t know if he himself tolerated this behavior before, but he knew he needed to put a stop to it.  He gave a sigh of relief when the boy seemed to get the hint of seriousness in his voice.
Finally washing the boy, which he had to tolerate.  He couldn’t leave his son in the water in fear of him drowning and as he pulled Tadakuni from the water, setting him down, he turned away to grab a towel to dry him off.  When he turned back, his eyes widened at the sight of the boy forcing his soul out to shake off all the water that only canines knew how to do.  Drenched in water, tired and in pain, Yonekuni stood up to his full hight and looked down at the boy.  Watching as the pup seemed to realize what he had done.  Ears laying back, tucking his tail between his legs, the boy cowered in front of him.  Giving a heavy sigh, Yonekuni dropped the towel on the wolf pup and knelt down, drying off what water was left after he dispersed Tadakuni’s soul.  Hefting the boy in his arms, carrying him to his room and dressing the pup before getting dressed himself.
Making sure that he locked up, he held the nearly four year old in his arms while they headed off to visit Shirou in the hospital.  His memory was slowly starting to come back and as he spent time alone at night in the empty bed, he struggled to come to terms with what he knew and what he did after the accident.  Pulling his jacket closer and tighter to his body before pulling the hood of Tadakuni’s light jacket.  He didn’t seemed to be affected by the chill in the air as he was and instead, chattered quietly to himself.  And though the pup had his soul hidden, the pup’s chattering was full of little yips.  Something deep inside him wanted to respond to the sounds and a quick look around before he answered his son’s yips with a deep rumble in his chest, as if his soul was trying to connect with his son.  He watched as gray eyes widen, a smile spread on the child’s face and felt a bit of pride deep down.
Halfway to the hospital, listening to Tadakuni talk, a touch to his arm and the smell of an overly powerful perfume.  ”Ah!  Yonekuni-kun!  I’ve been trying to find you for so long,” the female gushed, talking to him as if she knew him well.  He couldn’t remember, didn’t even think he knew her.  The blank look on his face caused the female to stumble over her words.  ”Yo-you don’t remember me?  But we spent a wonderful night together two weeks ago!  It was the best time of my life,” she cried, looking up as if seeking some kind of reassurance.
It finally came to him, the person he slept with when he should have been by Shirou’s side.  Looking down at her, he shook her off of him and all he could say that “It was nothing but a mistake.  I shouldn’t have slept with you.”  Never sparing her a look, he continued on his way to the hospital, laughing quietly to himself when Tadakuni lifted his nose up, as if he was snubbing the woman.  Entering the hospital, up the elevator and pressing the button for the third floor, waiting as the machine took them to their floor and let them off.  Down the hall, he knew the path by heart as he set Tadakuni down and opened the door quietly.  Letting the pup in first, then following close behind, he closed the door behind him.
Seeing the one on the bad wide awake and looking down to his left, never noticing the two who walked in.  When Tadakuni used all his strength and pushed the chair closer, making a racket as the legs of the chair scraped against the floor finally caught Shirou’s attention as he turned towards the two.  ”They won’t let me hold her,” he whispered to the blond, knowing that Yonekuni knew who he was talking about.  ”But we should be able to go home in another week,” he gave Yonekuni a smile, though he didn’t put his heart in it.
He looked over, seeing a small form curled up in a specialty designed blanket for newborns.  Yonekuni could see a little tail peeking out, so tiny compared to his.  Could see the line of ridges starting to form along said tail before lifting and handing Tadakuni to Shirou, he took a seat and talked quietly with his partner while Tadakuni looked over at his baby sister.  He remembered what his papa told him, that he needed to be a big boy, that he was an older brother now.  With a nod of his little head and firm resolve, he decided that it would be his job to protect his little sister.
A sniff to the air, the familiar and nauseating smell returned and a look over to the doorway.  The same one they came across to on their way to the hospital.  Yonekuni looked up, bringing his finger to his lips and told the pup to be quiet.  A firm nod.
“We know you’re there,” Yonekuni called from his seat, feeling his heart clench at the confused look Shirou had.  ”You decided to follow me even though I told you that night was a mistake,” he stated, looking up at Shirou’s face.  He could see the hurt in his eyes and felt like a heel when the faint shimmer of tears filled his eyes.  Lips moving silently, apologizing without words for now and hoped that the male understood how sorry he was.
“I refuse to believe that it was just a one time thing,” she said haughtily as she stepped further into the room, a look of disgust on her face when she saw Yonekuni holding Shirou’s hand.  ”That old man I talked to was lying when he said you had a wife.  So, if you don’t have a partner, why not me?  I’ve got a higher fertility than others and I’m female.  I can give you a child of your own,” she offered, avoiding Shirou’s glare.
“He may have slept with you but you obviously don’t know when to quit, do you?”  Shirou stated as calmly as he could from his spot on the bed.  His hand clenching the blankets while his other held tight to Yonekuni’s hand.  Feeling Yonekuni’s hand give him a reassuring squeeze, he returned it before narrowing his eyes at her.  ”You don’t know anything about him.  Don’t know that he has a family of his own, a partner and lover.  A wife, which you seem to think you can convince him to leave.  Why do you think that just because you slept with him makes you a perfect candidate to be by his side?”  Anger just below the surface and though he normally was calm person, can nearly forgive anything.  But the fact that he was in the hospital while his husband fooled around on him.
“Don’t think that I’ll give up my husband to you just because you slept with him.”  He struggled to get out of the bed, shaking off Yonekuni’s hand.  Biting down the pain he felt in his body, his hospital gown fluttered as he moved and stood in front of her.  The pent up anger and betrayal he felt finally had an outlet as he stared her down, watching as she took a step back.  Tilting his head a little before bringing his right hand up and touched her forehead before dropping his arm.  Standing there, watching as the girl’s eyes go blank.  He saw Shirou lean in and whisper a few words, a frown on his face before the girl turned around  and walked out of the room as if she was in a trance.
Shooting a look at Yonekuni for sleeping with the woman, stepping close to Yonekuni, he breathed in deeply.  The blond’s scent on his tongue before resting his forehead against Yonekuni’s shoulder, head turned so he could whisper into his ear.  He felt Yonekuni shudder as he spoke, unsure what made the blond shiver, forgetting about it when he felt Yonekuni’s arms wrap around his shoulders.  He told Yonekuni, suggested really, how to make it up to him and when he heard him whisper back, he had to bite back a moan.  He hadn’t been touched by someone other than himself in so long that a mere feeling of Yonekuni’s breath on his skin caused him to react.
The sound of a throat clearing broke them apart, both wearing guilty looks before the blond turned his head away from the doctor’s knowing gaze.  When the doctor pushed past Yonekuni, helping Shirou back up on the bed,  Yonekuni’s eyes narrowed when he saw the placement of the doctor’s hand on Shirou’s bare back.  Jealousy rose up in him, watching as the doctor’s hand slid down then stopped, as if his glare reached him.
He heard a sigh before the doctor turned to him.  ”Why did you allow him to get up?”  His hackles raised at the tone the doctor used, as if he was accusing him of deliberately placing Shirou in harm.  A hand held up, the doctor chuckled before adjusting his glasses.  ”I’m not accusing you of anything.  The stitches that Shirou has had been pulled, they need to be replaced.”  Watching as the doctor stepped aside, allowing Yonekuni to see the spotting of blood on Shirou’s gown before looking at his pained face.  ”You have a few minutes before he needs to be cleaned up and restitched.”  Giving them both a look, he left to get a nurse and his tools.
The door closing quietly, Yonekuni turned to Shirou and lifted his gown.  He could see where the stitches tore, the incision that leaked blood and as he held Shirou’s hand, he could see the happiness in dark eyes.  Could see the pain and the happiness and feel Shirou squeeze his hand.  Turning when the door opened again, moving to the side to allow the doctor and nurse to remove the torn stitches and replace them.  Waiting off to the side, close to Tadakuni and Ayaka, who laid in her incubator, he watched as his partner winced and bit his lip as the old stitches were removed and replaced.  He could see the pride in Shirou’s dark eyes, could see everything.
Once the area was sterilized and the stitches replaced, he gave the two a warning about any activities before leaving, closing the door behind him.  Shirou released the curse under his breath once he was sure that the door wouldn’t open up again.  Talking quietly to Yonekuni, seeing Tadakuni yawn and watched as Yonekuni picked up the sleeping pup and leave, giving him one last glance before closing the door behind him.
Entering the quiet home, Yonekuni setting the sleeping pup on his bed before he went to look for the makeshift crib Shirou had told him about.  After some searching, he found and pulled it out.  A deep breath, the musky scent of Tadakuni.  He could only imagine how the pup looked sleeping in what he made.  Or at least, what Shirou had told him.  Setting it off to the side of their bed, it would have to do until Shirou and Ayaka came home and got settled in.  Looking at the clock, seeing how much time he spent looking for the crib he left the room, turning up the heat of the house before getting and waking up Tadakuni.  Dressing him, they headed out for shopping, knowing he needed to pick up the items that would help Shirou replenish his energy and help him heal faster as well as special formula for the baby.
Locking the door behind him, he lifted Tadakuni up in his arms, knowing his little legs wouldn’t be able to keep up with him.  He felt more comfortable with holding the boy than he did weeks ago and he could tell by the way his son kept close.  Handing the basket to the pup, he didn’t have to spend too long shopping, quickly heading home all the while drawing stares from those who were unattached and from those who were.    Pushing away the urge to drop off the groceries and head back out to the clothing shops he had past on the way there and back.  He didn’t shop for clothes, not at all and yet, he couldn’t help but wonder where the urge came from.
Arriving home, setting down the items he carried in one hand and Tadakuni in the other, setting the boy on the counter.  Pulling the apron on he found earlier that week, he set out to show his son that he could make them something edible for the both of them, biting his tongue to hold back a curse.  He didn’t know how Shirou would react if he were to say what he wanted to say in front of the boy, knowing most likely that Tadakuni would repeat what he said.  Chuckling a little under his breath, he finally made something that they could both stomach.  Watching the pup eat, he marveled how someone so small could make such a big mess.  After everything was cleaned up, Tadakuni bathed once again and sleeping away, Yonekuni explored the house more.
He didn’t venture upstairs that often, usually too busy with undertaking the role of being a father.  But with the pup asleep and having a week to get things done before Shirou and the baby come home, he found himself up the stairs, standing in front of the first door on the right.  Opening the door, an old musky smell hit him.  A familiar smell that tugged at his senses, urging him to remember.  Entering the room and flipping the light on, distant memories teased his mind when he touched and sat on the bed.  Faint scents from the past, tugging at him as he laid down on the rather large bed and closed his eyes, falling quickly into sleep.
He dreamt of a time when he and Shirou were younger, still in school.  Could see himself and Shirou sitting on the very bed as they studied, talking quietly to themselves.  Watching his younger self reaching out to touch the slight bump along Shirou’s waist, lowering his pants while pushing his shirt up.  He could see the look of wonder on his face, seeing books being forgotten as he pushed Shirou onto his back, lifting up the shirt further and nuzzling against the soft, bare skin.  Watching as arms pulled Shirou closer, stripping clothing off.  Lips moving softly on the slight bump, moving down to kiss the head of Shirou’s hard cock.  Tongue snaking out to lick at the beading fluid before taking the male into his mouth.
Eyes snapping open,  breathing heavy and body hot, he cursed as a hand ran through his hair and got up from the bed.  Opening the drawers of the desk, pulling out pictures from years past.  Pictures that must have been taken by Shirou’s parents.  He laughed at several of them, seeing the embarrassing side of the male when he was growing up.  When he got to the school photos, he held his breath.  He recognized the boy in his first year uniform and suddenly, he remembered being approached by him.  Of slamming his hand in the boy’s face, he looked away.
Though he couldn’t remember their time together during and after school, he could remember the way he treated him and with a scowl on his face, the way he treated Shirou since his accident.  He never had someone stand by his side this long despite all the things he put him through.  The feeling humbled him, to know that someone was dedicated to him.  Just him and not because of his lineage or because he was a heavyweight.  Slipping the pictures into his pocket, he turned the light off and closed the door.  After a bit of cleaning, the room could become Tadakuni’s room.  The rest of the rooms on the second floor stood empty.  Could get his brother to help move the furniture from the smaller room down stairs that Shirou had hastily put together when he was in the hospital with a cast on.
Heading back down stairs, checking in on the sleeping pup, he poured himself a drink and sat down on the couch.  Everything was nearly ready for the two to come home, though he didn’t know how they were going to dress the baby.  Staring down at his empty glass, wondering when he finished before setting the glass to the side, laying down on the couch and closed his eyes.
Looking around the room, he was only on in the spacious room.  And though full of furniture and decorations, it felt so cold to him.  Exiting and going from room to room of the house, looking for others.  Looking for his partner and his son, he couldn’t find a hint of them.  As if they never stepped foot in the house.  A glance out the second story window, seeing Shirou and Tadakuni in the small yard, watching as his lover knelt down to their son.  Watching Shirou’s lips move as he spoke to the pup, seeing the big smile on the blond child’s face as he laughed.  Moving quickly down the stairs and to the front door then outside.  Running into the yard, watching as they slowly walked away, their backs to him.  Reaching out, wordlessly begging to them to stay with him.  Not to leave him alone.  They didn’t look back nor did they speak, only continuing until he couldn’t see them.  Dropping to his knees, he looked down at his hands as a voice spoke up.
“You can’t watch him all the time.”
Eyes flew open, staring up at the ceiling as he heart pounded.  Reaching up to brush away the sleep from his eyes, surprised to feel tears slipping down.  Scrubbing them away, growling at himself for an act that wasn’t like him, he felt a touch on his arm and the familiar scent of the pup.  Without a word, he hauled the boy up, allowing him to curl up on his chest with a stuffed toy under his arm.  Hesitantly, his arms came up to hold the boy that was his son and fond himself drifting off again.
Sighing from the bed, Shirou looked off to the side at the small incubator that held his baby.  He wanted to get up and touch her.  Wanted to hold her and make sure that she was alright, even though his doctor had told him that she was doing just fine.  That her condition was rapidly improving despite being near death when she was hatched.  The sound of the door opening caught his attention, hoping that Yonekuni would be walking through the door.  His hopes dashed as his doctor walked in, giving him a sympathetic smile before taking a seat in the chair that was situated next to the bed.  Answering questions that were asked of him, his attention drifting back to the incubator as struggled to get out of the bed.  The doctor’s hands on his arm, trying to prevent him from getting out, from hurting himself again.
“Please don’t,” the doctor struggled, attempting to restrain him.  ”You’ll pull out the stitches that were replaced just a few days ago.”  He knew his patient was after his child, knew how much the heavyweight wanted to hold her.  ”As much as you want to hold her, it’s still too early.  She needs to gain her strength.  Despite her doing quiet well, she needs her rest.”  He saw the hesitant nod as Shirou laid back.  Once he was sure that his patient would stay in his bed, he left.  Opening the door, he hid the flinch when a glare was leveled at him as his patient’s husband stood in front of him.
Sitting back against the pillow , looking over when the door opened again, this time his hopes rose when he saw the small smile Yonekuni gave him.  ”Just a few days left.” he said softly, reaching for Yonekuni’s hand.  The feel of long fingers curling around his, the small squeeze he got back from the blond and he couldn’t help the tremble that ran through his body.  Catching the knowing look Yonekuni gave him, glad that the blanket was heavy enough to cover the excitement he felt.
“Where’s Tadakuni?”  The sheepish look on his husband’s face, the mumbled words of how Karen had dropped by earlier and snatched her grandson away for the day.  ”She said something about shopping.”  He watched as Yonekuni frowned, as if what Karen was doing didn’t sit right with him.  Squeezing Yonekuni’s hand again, he leaned in.  ”One of these days, You’re going to have to take me shopping with you,”  Shirou confessed, seeing the light flush the blond sported.  The hold Yonekuni had on him tightened before Shirou’s released and grabbed Yonekuni by his jacked and pulled him down.  Lips parted and his tongue licked at Yonekuni’s.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a while,” he confessed, looking up at Yonekuni.  ”There’s other things I want to do, but I don’t want you to ever fill uncomfortable around me.”  The confused look Yonekuni wore and he whispered what he wanted him to do.  To have Yonekuni push him down and touch him.  To make him cum with just touching along.  He watched as Yonekuni flushed, reminding him of a teen all over again.  He squirmed in his bed, aching for his lover to touch him.  A hand or a kiss, he looked up.  ”Could you help me up?”  He asked, needing to relieve the aching he felt.  Despite that his doctor didn’t want him to leave his bed, he couldn’t abide what was expected of him this time.
With Yonekuni’s help, Shirou’s small steps lead him to the bathroom.  Closing the door, his hand to the wall to help his balance, lowering the lid to the toilet, he gingerly sat down.  Body aching in more ways than one, he lifted the hospital gown he wore to look down.  Though his doctor said that he might pull out his stitches if he moved too much, he couldn’t really see them.  His hand slid down, avoiding his sore and still red stomach as his fingers curled around his hardness.  A groan, loud enough to be heard outside the bathroom.  He didn’t get far in pleasuring himself as the bathroom door slammed open, starling Shirou and seeing the embarrassed look Yonekuni gave him before closing the door.  His hand dropped, letting his gown cover his lap.  The urge to touch himself, to get off left him when his husband closed the door.  He wouldn’t have minded if Yonekuni decided to join him.
Getting up to his feet, slowly making his way to the sink to wash his hands, he didn’t look in the mirror.  Didn’t want to feel even worse then he already did.  Leaving the bathroom, he found that Yonekuni had taken off, leaving him along in the room save for his baby in the incubator.  Gently climbing back onto the bed, gritting his teeth and praying that his stitches didn’t pull.  Laying back, he willed himself to sleep as he pulled the blankets up.
On the other side of the door, pressing his back against the wall, he attempted to calm the excited feeling he got.  He wanted to stay and help get the male off.  Wanted to see the look of pleasure on Shirou’s face as he came and do so much more.  Pushing himself away from the wall and forcing himself to walk down the hall to the elevator, down and finally leaving the building, lest he stay he do what he wanted to the heavyweight.  Heading home, straightening up.  He had a few days left before he brought Shirou and the little one home, he laid back and closed his eyes, willing time to pass quickly and before he knew it, he had fallen asleep.
The heavy feeling on his chest, weight he wasn’t used to woke him up later that evening.  Eyes widening to see his son sleeping on his chest, curled up in his true form.  His hand reached out and touched soft fur before dispelling the boy’s soul to reveal his human form.  At times, just like this, he wished he could remember everything that happened.  Simple and not so simple memories he desperately wanted to remember.  A note clutched in the boy’s hand and he reached for it, sliding it from Tadakuni’s hand.  Recognizing Karen’s hand writing, he set the note to the side and closed his eyes once again, feeling the heat the little body on his chest provided.
The last few days past buy quickly, Yonekuni finding himself rushing to get things ready before he had to leave to bring Shirou and the baby home.  The feeling of nervousness bothered him.  He really couldn’t remember ever being nervous for anything, it just wasn’t like him.  So, why did the thought of bringing the two home make him nervous?  A shake of his head, pushing away all thoughts of his feelings, not seeing the curious look Tadakuni sent him.  Keeping his eyes forward, not paying any attention to those who would stop and stare at them.  Reaching Shirou’s room, seeing him in the process of pulling his shirt on before the heavyweight turned towards him.  A heathy glow to Shirou’s skin, seeing the look the male gave him before looking away, flushing at the pleased look.  Setting Tadakuni on his feet, he helped Shirou finish dressing.  His hands lingered on legs before he looked up and watched as Shirou pulled his glasses away and licked his lips.
Heart racing, he helped his partner slip his shoes on before washing his hands only to return to Shirou’s side.  Lifting the small bundle in his arms, pulling the specially made blanket to reveal the small form of a baby crocodile.  Feeling his heart clench at the sight of his baby, so small and so hard to imagine that this child came from Shirou.  The tug at his pants, Yonekuni handed the baby to Shirou while he lifted Tadakuni up onto his lap as the boy looked at his younger sister before looking up at him.  ”She’s the reason your going to be a big boy.  So, no more crying.  You need to be strong for not only her but your mother and I.”  A hand on his shoulder and he looked up as Shirou smiled down at him.
The presence at the door, several nurses, including the one that Yonekuni slept with weeks ago.  The bright smile that Shirou wore died as he bundled the baby and held her close to his body.  He could still the uncertainty from the blond and his confidence faltered.  Does he remember?  Does he want to remember?  He wanted to ask so badly.  Brief touches were the only contact he got from Yonekuni, nothing more than that.  Approaching the doorway, holding Tadakuni’s hand with his free hand while the other was occupied with the baby, watching as the group of nurses moved out of the way.  As soon he and his son past the group, the nurses surrounded Yonekuni.  Holding his head up high, he waited.  He knew he had to have faith in his husband in choosing the right path.  But he couldn’t help the jealousy that raged in him, his eyes narrowing at those who dared touch what was his.  One by one the woman moved away from the blond, each one looking ashamed.
He should have pushed his way to Shirou, should have told the woman not to touch him.  But despite all his “should have’s” he did nothing.  Instead, he watched as the women dropped their hands and parted, revealing his partner who waited for him.  Waited for him to be come a complete family.  He still hesitated, wondering if he wanted to be with one person for life.  Be with someone who accepted him for who he was and all his faults.  Be with someone who loved him for so long.  Or  did he want to be with with those who only chased after him because of what he was?
Shaking off what hands were left on him and walked towards Shirou, looking over his shoulder at them.  ”Sorry, but none of you can ever match up to him.”  Touching the small of Shirou’s back, the faint whisper of his name and the worries if he could ever match up to his old self were pushed aside for now.  With his family at home, Tadakuni tucked away in his bed, sleeping soundly and Ayaka wrapped tightly in her incubator, Yonekuni watched from the side of the room as Shirou stripped off his clothing.  From where he stood, he saw the flash of Shirou’s flat stomach and the now healed, still red scar from where the stitches were removed.  Watching as the male stepped away the clothes he let drop and clothed in only his unbutton shirt, he sat on the bed.
Sitting on the bed, watching and waiting as the blond seemed undecided to wether to join him on the bed or not.  And while the words he remembered hearing Yonekuni speak made him happy and now that he had the blond alone, his husband seemed to hesitate.  It was time to take matters into his own hands as he got up, the few steps towards the blond and grabbed Yonekuni’s hand to pull him to the bed.  Forcing the male to sit, he knelt down and ignored the slight twinge of pain.  ”Just leave this to me,” he whispered from between Yonekuni’s legs.  Sliding his hands up jean covered legs, his nose against Yonekuni’s lap as his lips traced the outline of the heavyweight’s flesh through his pants.  Unbuttoning and lowering the zipper, his hand slipped it and found the half hard, rapidly growing cock.  Catching Yonekuni’s eyes, ducking his head to bring the head to his lips.  Dipping the tip of his tongue in the tiny slit, he closed his eyes when he felt Yonekuni’s hand slide through his hair.
Feeling his heart in his throat when Shirou glanced up at him, watching as the crown of his cock slid past parted lips and into the wet heat that’s Shirou’s mouth.  His fingers sliding through dark hair as the one before him began to suck him gently and slowly.  His breath escaping him in a his as he felt the light scrapping from sharp teeth, cool air hitting his skin as Shirou’s tongue licked its way down.  The feel of a hand slipping further inside his pants, light touches to his sack, shuddering as pleasure raced through him from the way he was being caressed.  Lips sucked and kissed up the side of his flesh, following the pulsating veins only to be taken back into the heat that was Shirou’s mouth.  A hard suck and he pulled Shirou off his knees and onto the bed, closer to him as he brushed his lips against the wolf’s.  ”Show me what you want,”  Yonekuni murmured.  ”Teach me what turns you on.”
He could feel his heart flutter, reaching for Yonekuni’s hand and placing against his cheek, leaning into the forced touch.  ”All you need to do is touch me, Yonekuni.”  Turning his head and kissing the palm of the blond’s hand.  ”Learn for yourself.  Explore to your heart’s content.”  Leaning in, sucking on Yonekuni’s lower lip while his hand curled around the jutting flesh.
His hand reached out, hesitantly touching smooth and hard muscles, his movements slow as his fingers encircled a pale nipple.  Plucking it softly, gently and silently cursed his nervousness.  He wasn’t a virgin, far from it.  So why was he suddenly nervous when he touched Shirou?  Doubts rose up again at the thought of the male coming him to his old self.  He must have had a strange expression on his face he felt Shirou grab him by the jaw and force him to look up.  ”Look at me!  There is only one Yonekuni me.  Wether you remember or not, you’ll always be the man I love.  My husband, partner and mate.”  A lick to his lips, a sound of displeasure from just a brief taste of Shirou.  ”I’ll show you how better I am than all those women.”  Feeling Shirou push him back, watching as his partner knelt above him.
Kissing, slipping his tongue past parted lips as he tasted his husband for the first time in so long.  Trailing his lips down Yonekuni’s chin and to the side of his neck, pausing to nuzzle and rub on the one spot that was overflowing with the blond’s musk. He found himself shuddering as the musk attacked his senses and forced himself to move down, his teeth nibbled on Yonekuni’s chest.  Lapping at flat nipples, watching as they quickly hardened before flicking the tip of his tongue against the now hard nubs.
Sitting back on Yonekuni’s lap, keeping most of his weight on his knees, Shirou slid his hands along Yonekuni’s broad chest.  Trembling when the upward thrust pushed the blond’s hard cock against him.  How long had he been dreaming of this?  It didn’t matter any more as he reached for the bottle of lubrication only have Yonekuni beat him to it.
Holding the bottle in his hand, he reached over and pulled the male onto his chest and further up.  Swallowing hard at the sight of the hard flesh before his eyes, his free hand reached and touched, curling his fingers around the hard cock.  Hearing the gasp of his name, the throbbing in his hand as fluid started to bead while his hand slowly moved.  The desperate longing he saw in Shirou’s eyes and for once, wanted to answer back the faint trembling as hips pushed against his hand, urging him to touch and do more.  As his thumb swept over the head, gathering more of Shirou’s pre-cum, he watched the heavyweight reach and grab the lubrication from him.  Taking his free hand, covering his fingers with the cool gel before guiding it behind him.
“Please, Yonekuni.”  He swallowed, the begging in Shirou’s voice.  Pulling the wolf even closer while his lube covered fingers rubbed and spreading the rapidly warming lube against the hole before pushing inside,  hissing at the tightness he felt.  Sounds from above, looking up and seeing the canine’s head tossed back, feeling him push back against his fingers.  Eyes widened at the sight of ears shimmering, appearing and feeling a tail brush against his legs.  His body moved on its own, pulling his free and pushed Shirou off him, urging him to his knees.  Running his hand along Shirou’s back and down over his rump, as if he was trying to soothe him only to turn the wolf on even more.  Working his fingers, covering himself with lube, rubbing the head against the small hole and fitted himself against Shirou’s back.
Eyes closed, memories besieging as he pushed forward, enjoying the cry of pleasure.  Dropping his head between Shirou’s shoulder blades, memories that he thought would never return as his movements became more confident, more possessive as he remembered.  Wrapping one arm around Shirou’s chest, the other snaking down.  Hand cupping and teasing the flesh that moved from his movements, his breath hissing out as Shirou’s body tightened around him.  Nosing away the edges of dark hair, licking at skin before whispering words for Shirou to hear, watching through narrow eyes as the heavyweight tried to look over his shoulder at him.  Ignoring the whine of disappointment when he pulled away, forcing the male on his back while he hooked his arms under Shirou’s knees and kissed his lover before sliding back inside.
Deep asleep, he didn’t feel the hand running through his blond hair, didn’t hear the sound f his name being whispered or the look of relief in dark eyes.  Only pushing his head deeper into Shirou’s lap, feeling and wanting more of the heat that his partner’s body readily offered him.
The feeling of excess warmth filled him, comforting him as the sound of deep breathing filled the nearly silent room, a growl from Shirou as he dreamed and he smiled.  Reaching out to soft fur as Shirou laid out on his side, his back to him as he slept.  The feel of a tail brushing his leg before being dispelled, revealing the heavyweight’s pale skin.  He thought of how he nearly lost him, nearly walked away from the one who made him feel whole.  Quietly getting out of bed, trying to make as little nose as possible as he pulled on his pants and walking over to the other side of the bed.  A faint chirp, a sound he recognized as he lifted the bundle out of the makeshift crib.  Parting the special blanket, revealing the small, tiny really, figure .
Dark eyes peered up up at him, unblinking before giving another little chirp.  His heart tripped and the presence at his back, seeing Shirou approaching and looking over his shoulder.  ”She’s going to look like you,” a quick look down to see that the wolf had slipped some pants on before joining him.  Feeling Shirou rest his head on his shoulder before speaking.  ”You don’t know how worried I was,” Shirou admitted, looking up at him before looking at the bundle in his arms.
“I was so worried that I would lose both you and the baby,” feeling the bundle being lifted form his hands and into Shirou’s arms.  ”But now that we’re together,” he reached for Yonekuni’s hand and pulled him along.  Both out of the room and along for the ride together.
He never did tell Shirou that his memories returned, didn’t want to see if the male would treat him any different.  Though, he didn’t have to speak about his memories, Shirou had ended up finding out when he caught Yonekuni holding the tiny reptile close and feeding her.  Holding the small bottle with special formula for infants and newborns, watching with a small smile as the bottle was angled just right.  Pausing at the doorway, his hand on the frame, he quietly watched Yonekuni and left before the blond could catch him.  Little things like that told Shirou had gained his memories or at least some of them.
Lifting the squirming reptile in his arms, offering the formula and watched with a silent sigh as Ayaka took the offered bottle.  Dressed in clothes he had hastily thrown on when Tadakuni came in, trying to carry his little sister in his arms.  He had taken the role of being a big brother and when he heard the sound he knew all too well, he carried her as carefully as he could to his parents bedroom.  At the age of four, nearing five, he had become an expert at figuring out the different sounds his little sister made.
With the head turned up high and winter raging outside, Shirou shifted Ayaka in his arm.  Setting the empty bottle side for now, he soothed his hand along the ridges of her back all the while her tail peeked out of the outfit that Karen had bought for her.  Grabbing a heavy blanket, he joined Yonekuni on the couch and offered the head he had to help his husband deal with the cold.  Once he was comfortable, Tadakuni snuggled in close to his parents and promptly fell asleep.
It had been well over a year since Yonekuni’s accident and while things have returned to normal, Shirou couldn’t shake away the foreboding feeling he was getting.  As if their past would come back to haunt them.  Pushing the thoughts away as he he and Yonekuni watched a movie with the volume down while Ayaka and Tadakuni slept soundly.  He shivered, despite the heat flowing through the vents of the house and looked up.  The feeling as if someone was watching them wouldn’t go away.  He caught Yonekuni’s questioning gaze and shook his head, telling him that it was nothing.  The arm sliding behind him, Yonekuni’s hand cupping his shoulder and caught the heated look the blond sent him.
When he shivered again, wanting nothing more than to enjoy Yonekuni on the couch.  A glance to the silent and empty fire place before getting up, gently carrying Ayaka while Yonekuni carried Tadakuni, each one laid to bed and blankets pulled up to keep them warm.  Silently closing the door, he gave the blond a suggestive look and headed back downstairs, knowing that Yonekuni would be by his side in minutes.  Lighting the fire and shutting off the movie that was playing, he knelt on the floor.  He didn’t have to wait long to hear Yonekuni approach, soft footsteps behind him then the sound of the blond sitting and pulling him back against his chest.
The heat of the fire warmed his body as he felt Yonekuni’s hands slide under his shirt.  Leaning further back, a sound of pleasure when fingers found and played with his nipples only to be abandoned as his shirt was pulled up and off.  Catching Yonekuni’s lips in an awkward angled kiss, his sound of surprise was muffled by lips when he felt cool fingers pressing against him and inside, the chill of the lubrication was quickly warmed by his body.
Pulling away from the kiss, blue eyes narrowed at Shirou’s reaction from his touch.  His own body reacting to the tightness he felt around his fingers, feeling his partner starting to ride and the whine of disappointment from his lover when he pulled away.  A quick covering of lube on himself before pushing in, settling back on his heels with the wolf in his lap.  ”I still can’t get over the fact of how tight you are,” Yonekuni muttered in between ragged groans as he slowly met Shirou’s movements.  He saw Shirou look over his shoulder as he rode him and in between his cries, his lover told him something that stroked his ego.  He couldn’t help pushing Shirou to his knees as he swelled inside his lover, the sounds escaping Shirou’s lips told him that the wolf enjoyed it.
His movements slow and torturous, he reveled in the sound of Shirou’s begging, the cry of disappointment when he slapped the heavyweight’s hand away.  Nosing Shirou’s ear, a lick to the lobe while his had gave what the wolf had been wanting.  Feeling the spill of hot cum on his hand while his body shuddered, forcing his seed deep inside the wolf.
Lost in each other, neither didn’t notice the danger that waited them.  Never noticing the car that sat across the street.  The driver getting out and approaching the gate, despite the winter storm that raged around him.  Watching the flickering light that illuminated the curtain before turning around and heading back to his car.
‘It’s still too early to make a move,’ he thought to himself shaking the snow off his hair.  ’I’ll let them lure themselves into a sense of security then I’ll make them pay and get what I want.’  Starting the car, absently scratching the surgical scar on his lower jaw before taking off.  Besides, he couldn’t stay in one place for very long, not with the police and Interpol  on his tail.  It didn’t matter though, by the time they caught up to him, he will have already gotten what he wanted, in more ways then one.  Flicking his lit cigarette out the window, he chuckled and drove off under the cover of the storm
0 notes
dorukhaber06 · 8 years
MELBOURNE, Australia — Andy Murray won’t be breaking his Australian Open title drought this year after a stunning fourth-round loss to 50th-ranked Mischa Zverev.
Britain’s Andy Murray changes his racket while playing Germany’s Mischa Zverev during their fourth round match at the Australian Open tennis championships in Melbourne, Australia, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2017.
The five-time Australian Open finalist was unsettled by the left-handed serve and volleyer in a 7-5, 5-7, 6-2, 6-4 upset loss Sunday that seriously changes the tournament landscape in the second week.
Murray’s exit follows the second-round departure of six-time defending champion Novak Djokovic, beaten in the second round by wild-card entry Denis Istomin.
That makes it the first time since 2002 that the top two seeds haven’t reached the Australian Open quarterfinals, and the first time at a Grand Slam since the French Open in 2004.
“Right now I’m down,” Murray said. “But I’ve had tough losses before and come back from them.”
The absence of Djokovic and Murray from the quarterfinals opens up opportunities.
Zverev will play a quarterfinal against the winner of Sunday’s later match between 17-time major winner Roger Federer, who is returning from injury, and No. 5 Kei Nishikori, who reached the U.S. Open final in 2014 but has never won a slam.
U.S. Open champion Stan Wawrinka, who had his major breakthrough here in 2014, is a growing contender after beating Andreas Seppi 7-6 (2), 7-6 (4), 7-6 (4). He’ll play a quarterfinal against either 2008 Australian Open finalist Jo-Wilfried Tsonga or Dan Evans.
On the other half of the draw, Rafael Nadal is the only man still in contention who has won a Grand Slam title. The 30-year-old Spaniard has 14 — but none since the 2014 French Open.
#gallery-0-7 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-7 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-7 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-7 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Germany’s Mischa Zverev celebrates his victory over Britain’s Andy Murray during their fourth round match at the Australian Open tennis championships in Melbourne, Australia, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2017.
Britain’s Andy Murray, right, waves as he leaves the court after losing to Germany’s Mischa Zverev, left, in their fourth round match at the Australian Open tennis championships in Melbourne, Australia, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2017.
Britain’s Andy Murray waves as he walks off the court after losing to Germany’s Mischa Zverev in their fourth round match at the Australian Open tennis championships in Melbourne, Australia, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2017.
Zverev attacked Murray, unsettling his natural baseline game, and won 65 of 118 points at the net.
The 29-year-old German made some stunning, lunging volleys on clutch points, but for him it was all a blur.
“Honestly, I don’t know, it was like I was in a little coma, I just served and volleyed my way through,” Zverev said. “Honestly there were a few points where I don’t know how I pulled it off.”
Murray got the closest look at Zverev’s best match to date, and couldn’t do a lot to counter it.
“It’s the shots he was coming up with when he did come forward.” Murray said. “I mean, he came up with some great pickups, you know, reflex volleys especially at the end of the match when it was tight.
“He served very well when he needed to, especially when he was behind in games. Yeah, he deserved to win because, you know, he played great when he was down, and also in the important moments.”
Earlier, seven-time major winner Venus Williams returned to the Australian Open quarterfinals for the ninth time with a 6-3, 7-5 fourth-round win Sunday over No. 181-ranked Mona Barthel.
She will next play No. 24-seeded Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova, who beat No. 8 Svetlana Kuznetsova 6-3, 6-3 and who had never gone past the third round in eight previous trips to Melbourne Park.
#gallery-0-8 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-8 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-8 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-8 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Britain’s Andy Murray lowers his during a press conference following his loss to Germany’s Mischa Zverev in their fourth round match at the Australian Open tennis championships in Melbourne, Australia, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2017.
United States’ Venus Williams makes a backhand return to Germany’s Mona Barthel during their fourth round match at the Australian Open tennis championships in Melbourne, Australia, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2017.
United States’ Venus Williams wraps an ice towel around her neck during a break in her fourth round match against Germany’s Mona Barthel at the Australian Open tennis championships in Melbourne, Australia, Sunday,
Murray had reached the quarterfinals or better on his previous seven trips to Melbourne Park — losing the finals in 2010 to Federer and in ’11, ’13, ’15 and ’16 to Djokovic.
Murray had not lost to a player ranked as low at a major in a decade since his loss to No. 51 Juan Ignacio Chela at Melbourne Park in 2006. It was also the earliest exit by a top-seeded player at the Australian Open since Lleyton Hewitt’s fourth-round departure in 2003.
And this is not even the Zverev brother tipped to go this far at the Australian Open. The 19-year-old Alexander Zverev, widely touted as a potential major winner, led by two sets to one before losing to Nadal in the third round.
The younger Zverev was in the crowd at Rod Laver, where the bulk of fans were pulling heavily for Murray as the fourth set began, shouting “Come on Andy!” after nearly every point.
Murray was agitated right from the start, hitting into the net early on and screaming loudly as glanced at his players’ box.
With Zverev serving at 2-3, Murray also clubbed a backhand off his frame that went deep into the crowd and stood motionless on the court.
#gallery-0-9 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-9 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-9 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-9 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Russia’s Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova waves after defeating compatriot Svetlana Kuznetsova in their fourth round match at the Australian Open tennis championships in Melbourne, Australia, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2017.
Russia’s Svetlana Kuznetsova hits a forehand return to compatriot Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova during their fourth round match at the Australian Open tennis championships in Melbourne, Australia, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2017.
Switzerland’s Stan Wawrinka serves to Italy’s Andreas Seppi during their fourth round match at the Australian Open tennis championships in Melbourne, Australia, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2017.
Serving at 4-3, Zverev hit two easy shots into the net, including a routine-looking overhead from Murray’s defensive lob, drawing gasps from the crowd.
But as he held his nerve, he gained support with daring play and continual trips to the net.
After closing it out on his first match point, he walked calmly to the net and clasped his hands together in front of his chest, almost in relief.
No 1 #Murray loses to #Zverev in 4th round of Australian Open
MELBOURNE, Australia — Andy Murray won’t be breaking his Australian Open title drought this year after a stunning fourth-round loss to 50th-ranked Mischa Zverev.
No 1 #Murray loses to #Zverev in 4th round of Australian Open MELBOURNE, Australia — Andy Murray won't be breaking his Australian Open title drought this year after a stunning fourth-round loss to 50th-ranked Mischa Zverev.
0 notes
dorukhaber06 · 8 years
MELBOURNE, Australia — Andy Murray won’t be breaking his Australian Open title drought this year after a stunning fourth-round loss to 50th-ranked Mischa Zverev.
Britain’s Andy Murray changes his racket while playing Germany’s Mischa Zverev during their fourth round match at the Australian Open tennis championships in Melbourne, Australia, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2017.
The five-time Australian Open finalist was unsettled by the left-handed serve and volleyer in a 7-5, 5-7, 6-2, 6-4 upset loss Sunday that seriously changes the tournament landscape in the second week.
Murray’s exit follows the second-round departure of six-time defending champion Novak Djokovic, beaten in the second round by wild-card entry Denis Istomin.
That makes it the first time since 2002 that the top two seeds haven’t reached the Australian Open quarterfinals, and the first time at a Grand Slam since the French Open in 2004.
“Right now I’m down,” Murray said. “But I’ve had tough losses before and come back from them.”
The absence of Djokovic and Murray from the quarterfinals opens up opportunities.
Zverev will play a quarterfinal against the winner of Sunday’s later match between 17-time major winner Roger Federer, who is returning from injury, and No. 5 Kei Nishikori, who reached the U.S. Open final in 2014 but has never won a slam.
U.S. Open champion Stan Wawrinka, who had his major breakthrough here in 2014, is a growing contender after beating Andreas Seppi 7-6 (2), 7-6 (4), 7-6 (4). He’ll play a quarterfinal against either 2008 Australian Open finalist Jo-Wilfried Tsonga or Dan Evans.
On the other half of the draw, Rafael Nadal is the only man still in contention who has won a Grand Slam title. The 30-year-old Spaniard has 14 — but none since the 2014 French Open. #gallery-0-7 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-7 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-7 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-7 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Germany’s Mischa Zverev celebrates his victory over Britain’s Andy Murray during their fourth round match at the Australian Open tennis championships in Melbourne, Australia, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2017.
Britain’s Andy Murray, right, waves as he leaves the court after losing to Germany’s Mischa Zverev, left, in their fourth round match at the Australian Open tennis championships in Melbourne, Australia, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2017.
Britain’s Andy Murray waves as he walks off the court after losing to Germany’s Mischa Zverev in their fourth round match at the Australian Open tennis championships in Melbourne, Australia, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2017.
Zverev attacked Murray, unsettling his natural baseline game, and won 65 of 118 points at the net.
The 29-year-old German made some stunning, lunging volleys on clutch points, but for him it was all a blur.
“Honestly, I don’t know, it was like I was in a little coma, I just served and volleyed my way through,” Zverev said. “Honestly there were a few points where I don’t know how I pulled it off.”
Murray got the closest look at Zverev’s best match to date, and couldn’t do a lot to counter it.
“It’s the shots he was coming up with when he did come forward.” Murray said. “I mean, he came up with some great pickups, you know, reflex volleys especially at the end of the match when it was tight.
“He served very well when he needed to, especially when he was behind in games. Yeah, he deserved to win because, you know, he played great when he was down, and also in the important moments.”
Earlier, seven-time major winner Venus Williams returned to the Australian Open quarterfinals for the ninth time with a 6-3, 7-5 fourth-round win Sunday over No. 181-ranked Mona Barthel.
She will next play No. 24-seeded Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova, who beat No. 8 Svetlana Kuznetsova 6-3, 6-3 and who had never gone past the third round in eight previous trips to Melbourne Park. #gallery-0-8 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-8 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-8 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-8 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Britain’s Andy Murray lowers his during a press conference following his loss to Germany’s Mischa Zverev in their fourth round match at the Australian Open tennis championships in Melbourne, Australia, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2017.
United States’ Venus Williams makes a backhand return to Germany’s Mona Barthel during their fourth round match at the Australian Open tennis championships in Melbourne, Australia, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2017.
United States’ Venus Williams wraps an ice towel around her neck during a break in her fourth round match against Germany’s Mona Barthel at the Australian Open tennis championships in Melbourne, Australia, Sunday,
Murray had reached the quarterfinals or better on his previous seven trips to Melbourne Park — losing the finals in 2010 to Federer and in ’11, ’13, ’15 and ’16 to Djokovic.
Murray had not lost to a player ranked as low at a major in a decade since his loss to No. 51 Juan Ignacio Chela at Melbourne Park in 2006. It was also the earliest exit by a top-seeded player at the Australian Open since Lleyton Hewitt’s fourth-round departure in 2003.
And this is not even the Zverev brother tipped to go this far at the Australian Open. The 19-year-old Alexander Zverev, widely touted as a potential major winner, led by two sets to one before losing to Nadal in the third round.
The younger Zverev was in the crowd at Rod Laver, where the bulk of fans were pulling heavily for Murray as the fourth set began, shouting “Come on Andy!” after nearly every point.
Murray was agitated right from the start, hitting into the net early on and screaming loudly as glanced at his players’ box.
With Zverev serving at 2-3, Murray also clubbed a backhand off his frame that went deep into the crowd and stood motionless on the court. #gallery-0-9 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-9 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-9 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-9 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Russia’s Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova waves after defeating compatriot Svetlana Kuznetsova in their fourth round match at the Australian Open tennis championships in Melbourne, Australia, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2017.
Russia’s Svetlana Kuznetsova hits a forehand return to compatriot Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova during their fourth round match at the Australian Open tennis championships in Melbourne, Australia, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2017.
Switzerland’s Stan Wawrinka serves to Italy’s Andreas Seppi during their fourth round match at the Australian Open tennis championships in Melbourne, Australia, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2017.
Serving at 4-3, Zverev hit two easy shots into the net, including a routine-looking overhead from Murray’s defensive lob, drawing gasps from the crowd.
But as he held his nerve, he gained support with daring play and continual trips to the net.
After closing it out on his first match point, he walked calmly to the net and clasped his hands together in front of his chest, almost in relief.
No 1 #Murray loses to #Zverev in 4th round of Australian Open MELBOURNE, Australia — Andy Murray won't be breaking his Australian Open title drought this year after a stunning fourth-round loss to 50th-ranked Mischa Zverev.
0 notes