#like sorry but genuinely? do you think overwork is a modern invention?
sleevesareforlosers · 5 months
if you genuinely excuse ipad parenting by saying 'people have to work long hours and are tired when they get home so its not their fault' id like to direct your gaze to the entire human history worth of single parents, poor parents, parents working strenuous jobs, etc, who existed before ipads
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m0onbean · 6 years
strangers to lovers!AU with moonbin
genre: floOf!! strangers to lovers!AU
warnings: orchestra jokes
note: this literally happened to my sister except she didn’t get with him LMAO (and she’s in band but i’m in orchestra so i’m gonna make this AU about orchestra okay suck it candace)
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in your school, orchestra is very competitive like... instead of sports being the “big” thing in typical high schools... at your town it was playing string instruments
so of course, everybody who was skilled at playing their string instrument was already deemed cool
you’re.. already at step 1... there’s just ONE problem
you’re last chair of the cellos
(note: in orchestras, the players are sorted in their seating chart by their skill. first chair is the chair closest to the conductor, so they’re the best out of their section. if you’re last chair... well.. you’re the least skilled LMAO)
bUT HEY!!!! you weren’t to blame !!!!
you first started to learn how to play the cello only a month ago
despite your private cello tutor’s efforts to spice you up it just didn’t work much. cellos are hard to play Ok
and even though it is a little embarrassing you can’t find yourself to care bc in the end you’re only doing this for your VPA credit LMFAO + your good friend MJ is also last chair in his viola section so the two of you were the Dynamic Duo. “the strings kings” as he calls it
“MJ never call us that again” “dang Y/N don’t get your bow so tightened” “MJ i swear to god-“
alrighty so your school is having a competition so your entire orchestra has to take a field trip to a fancy concert hall to perform
and so everyone in your orchestra is all panicking and tuning their strings cuz the bus is arriving soon
and when you’re done packing your cello, you look around to try and find MJ and that’s when you find a familiar(?) back and you’re like “MJ!!!!”
so you run up and smack his plush butt since that’s how you always greet him
...but you realize
this man is way too tall....
and when he turns around in utter confusion you’re like
shit........... S H I T
anD in your mind everything is scrambled into a mess bc first of all, it’s tHE FIRST CHAIR OF THE VIOLINS. AKA the king of the orchestra!!! literally he sits on a throne!!! he invented the word “orchestra”!!
so you’re out here apologizing several times and bowing your head frantically
but when you look up Moonbin is actually all cool about it
he’s just like “oh!!!! i wAs just... surprised” and you’re like “omfg i’m so sorry just end my life here right now i’m ready to be taken by the gods”
but he’s just like pffftttt i don’t blame you this ass is thicc asf
and you’re like ... wot
then he’s laughing and his eyes are crinkled up and he looks like a puppy & you’re like wow this man is so beautiful
but you remember you’re talking to the FIRST CHAIR VIOLIN and you get all
blushy from receiving this individual attention from him
so you excuse yourself and run away to whoever knows where so you can crumble and die from embarrassment
when the bus arrives and you find MJ to be your seat partner he asks why you look so drained
and you’re like... please i don’t want to talk about it
at the competition you’re still embarrassed bc honestly you technically sexually harassed him and that just goes unexcused but he was so chill about it like how?? and why??
and you don’t realize it but you’re zoning out while shamefully plucking the strings of your cello when suddenly a head pops up in front of you and you’re like bITCHWTF but when you see it’s moonbin you’re like- oh.. Ooh??
and he’s like “are you ready for the concert!!” and you’re like “uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh notreally”
and he’s all smiley and happy that it’s nearly impossible not to at least smile back
yet you still can’t believe you’re talking to him !!!! especially because you’re pretty sure everybody is staring at the two of you talking rn and is like Why is the last chair cello and first chair violin talking ????
you two end up complaining about how the concert hall doesn’t provide you guys free food and laugh about your conductor’s bald spot
the performance goes well and you feel all giddy when moonbin tells you that you did well when you get back to the school
you end up messaging him for the first time on Instagram and apologize once again for slapping his buttkckskskaoa
he ends up dismissing it and assures you that it was nice
and you were like ....???wHAT
but he quickly corrects himself in the next message bubble and is liKE “wAIT I DIDNT MEAN IT LIKE THAT-“
that’s when you start to question his kinks
at school he starts to normally hang around you and even offers to play your cello and for you play to his violin
the star musician is actually better than you at the cello even though he’s only played it a few times before
you don’t even know how to hold the violin bow RIP
whenever you’re not in orchestra class together, he somehow manages to find you while you’re studying in the library or walking around the hallways
at first you’re a little taken aback at how persistent he is to maintain your odd friendship but you actually don’t mind at all
he suggests to tutor you so you can sight read pieces better and you of course take up that offer...
for the first quarter of the “lesson” it was actually learning while the other time was spent lounging on his couch while talking about both of your hardships and goals in life
despite being pressured as the star musician of the school, he loves and can perfectly handle it
his parents and teachers are always praising him and that motivates him to enter a musical college and major in Music Education and maybe start his own teaching business
his dreams are always so realistic and hopeful at the same time that you just admire how hard working he is and how he manages to not crack like an egg under all of this stress honestly
MJ starts getting a little jealous and pouts when you started to hang around moonbin more often but at the same time is secretly rooting for the two of you to hook up wHAT
moonbin ends up spending a LOT of time with you... in fact he spends so much time with you that you can’t recall what it was like not being around him
somewhere throughout the friendship there’s a turning point where you realize he’s not just your friend.. or you don’t want him to be JUST that
it comes at no surprise when you shyly ask him to be your boyfriend while you two are cuddling in your living room while listening to classical music in the background with him reading a book and you playing with his fingers
his response? a little scoff like “isn’t it obvious we are practically already dating”
you’re a bit hesitant to fully submerge yourself into this relationship bc you always need to remind yourself of both of your circumstances... he’s first chair violin and he’s like wayyyyy above you and it worries you bc you care about his reputation
and when you voice these concerns to him he just pets you and softly says “(y/n)... it’s literally just string instruments . nobody cares”
... he’s totally right though. nobody cares at all lmaooolo,, except maybe all of his fans that were hoping to date him... but moonbin is totally oblivious that he has a fan club LMFAO
your relationship is so pure and innocent yet it still makes your head spin and heart feel so tingly
moonbin is romantic af and wouldn’t hesitate to pluck a flower off the ground and tuck it behind your ear casually
he would like to always compliment your voice and say it’s the best music he’s ever heard and will ever hear
likes to compose his own songs and title them very lowkey things that all refer to you such as... Untied Shoelaces or Beautiful Eyes
other times he’ll just flat out title the song “(Y/N)”
likes to kiss you... a lot.
kisses you everywhere and whenever. in the music room, when he’s about the leave your house after a night of studying and cuddling, while you’re just playing the cello and he thinks you look cute, when there’s a red stop light so he can pause driving and peck your lips
you two are so open that it’s so easy telling him anything. for ex you’re constantly worried about your future and feel like you’re lacking. he makes sure to tell you that you’re doing fine and that you’ll succeed at whatever you do
and you comfort him and remind him to take a break since he’s always striving for the best so he tends to overwork and be really hard on himself
Moonbin always teases you for being so entranced by his butt the first time you met and thanks to your butt fetish, the two of you are together now
and you can’t really deny it because... well.. he’s not wrong lmaooo
dates would include him in your room at 10pm complaining about how even though classical music goes underappreciated these days that doesn’t mean that modern pop music isn’t good while laying his head in your lap as you run your fingers through his hair and nod your head whenever he makes a good point
occasionally he’ll cook for you and you’ll try to compensate by cooking for him too but it never ends up good (AKA you two end up burning all of the food) so you guys resort to ordering pizza
moonbin is so grateful that you understand him and remind him that he is a human that needs a break, too
and you’re grateful that he’s so understanding and genuinely cares about you
he even confesses that one of the main reasons why he took interest in you was because you were last chair cello but you didn’t slack off at all
even though you think he’s the most hard working person you know, he thinks the same about you
eventually MJ meets Jinjin, a trombone player, and immediately goes on a double date with you & binnie
you almost shed tears at how in love MJ is with Jinjin and the four of you are literally the best squad to have happened
in conclusion, you and moonbin love eachother so much and are perfect bye
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