#like take the hit and run scene and amp it up to 1000%
haru-desune · 2 years
What if Aki10 is an Azami-Sakyo lead and they play father and son again? What then???
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pollylynn · 3 years
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Title: From the Top WC: 1000 Episode: Vampire Weekend (2 x 06)
She’s not sure who hit the reset button on him, but that seems to be what’s going on here. He shows up to her crime scene in his Hallowe’en costume—or one of the likely candidates for his Hallowe’en costume, because apparently him choosing one is quite the production—and he’s talking an absolute mile a minute.
He’s spinning freestyle stories based on tombstone engravings, and unabashedly dropping references to the Underworld movies by way of first-draft theories on who might have chosen such a bizarre means of murder. All in all, despite his beloved, October-denoting crunchy leaves and crisp air, he’s partying like it’s March, they’ve just met, and he is, once again, taking the most circuitous route to suicide-by-cop in human history.
And he does not confine his shenanigans to the graveyard. He’s amped up enough to make a run at Lanie, yodeling all the while, to stop her before she pulls the stake from their vic’s chest and he rises from the dead. Sugar rush seems to be an inadequate explanation for whatever’s fueling him.
She keeps coming back to the idea of the reset button as he, without irony, brags that he knows the best Fang Master in the city. It’s one more lead than anything else about the body, the scene, or the murder weapon has yielded, though, so she’s stuck with it. And she’s stuck with him on the way to the Phantasmagorium, giving her the run-down on the lesser Fang Masters and the various ways in which they fail to measure up to Doctor Barry.
And it’s not as if things improve once they’re there and he’s into PVC slutty nurse costumes and up-and-down glances as he wonders if she wants to get anything pierced. That actually snags her attention by the lapels. There’s something a little bit off about his innuendo game. That is not at all March-caliber work, and she realizes that he can’t quite pull off the lechery when he’s metaphorically—and occasionally literally—bouncing on his toes with this weird energy he has going on.
That vibe runs through his take on the whole vampire fetish thing. He is and has been very much in Good Morning, Teacher, I Stayed Up All Night and Did the Extra Credit Homework mode on that front. He took in the information about bite marks on Crow’s thigh without so much as an eyebrow waggle, and once they make their way into Vixen’s coven, he shakes off various young, nubile goths without a second glance, all the while acting like her protocol advisor on kinky blood play matters, rather than suggesting that they find the nearest vacant coffin and see what the two of them get going on.
It’s all quite strange—a reset that isn’t a complete reset. A resurgence of annoying puppy energy, but without really selling the idea, so dear to his image back in March, that he was mostly sticking around until he could tick a one-night-stand with her off his list. Instead, it’s blurted observations about what she smells like, and an offer to stick around while she notifies Crow’s family.
Whatever it his that’s happening with this Version 1.5 of him, she finds herself responding to it in unpredictable ways. She very pointedly slips her deep knowledge of comics into conversation, but when he gleefully admits that he had no idea she was into that, she jabs him a little about all the things he doesn’t know about her.
Most curiously, maybe, she seizes a sudden opening to ask him a sincere question about why he does what he does. It surprises her as much as him, the first time she asks, at least. She can’t imagine why she’s never asked him before, and she thinks—sincerely thinks—that he’d have answered her honestly that first time, if only Ryan and Esposito hadn’t rolled up at that exact moment. But there’s no universe in which Ryan and Esposito don’t roll up at that exact moment.
His shields go up after that—about that issue, at least. He’s still running on manic little boy energy. She’s still not quite sure what to do with it, and he ends up being a jerk. When she’s legitimately asking him a serious question, he just can’t seem to resist. It’s unfortunate.
It provokes another strange response in her. It sends her to the party, dressed as Nikki Heat. He sees her and his eyes light up. He sees her and his face falls. He doesn’t understand the costume, and if she didn’t need to—in the name of justice—scare the bejeezus out of him. She and her Nikki Heat bustier–trench coat ensemble would march right back out of there.
But she does need to scare the bejeezus out of him, and it only seems polite to stay once she’s accomplished her mission. So she stays. She mingles. She mostly steers clear of him, watching with curiosity his swanky party host persona with its underlying thrum of odd energy.
Martha sidles up beside her. It’s a little embarrassing that she’s able to sidle up, unnoticed, given the size of her Cruella hat.
“It’s wonderful to see, isn’t it?” She gestures to Castle with her stuffed Dalmatian puppy. “That verve!”
“Verve,” she echoes. She pivots to Martha. She makes a snap decision. “Is something . . . up with him?” she asks timidly. “With Castle?”
“Up?” Martha laughs. “Yes, that’s exactly it, darling. New book out. New book started. New lease on life at the precinct.” Her eyes follow him as he flits from guest to guest. “I’d say everything is up with Richard.”
New lease. The phrase resonates. It brings the last few days of him, the last few days of her into focus. It is a reset. There’ll be a new book. There’ll be three new books. He’s not going anywhere. She’s not going anywhere. It’s an opportunity. It’s a new lease.
A/N: Cannot even with the amorphousness here. Struggling
images via homeofthenutty
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cj-rogers · 7 years
[Beau had hours to think about the correct way in how he would retaliate for Ronnie's behavior.
And knowing Charlie Jo, being her proud self, would not allow her parents to know about what happened to her, and she would not allow anyone to know that she was beaten up at the hands of Ronnie Warner. So charges filed against the boy wouldn't happen. Justice would have to come from him, and only him.
But Ronnie Warner had it coming. He had a wrath coming for him, and he had it coming the moment he denied Beau his spin the bottle kiss well, maybe not then-- if we're talking realsies, it was the moment he felt so self-righteous in pulling that arm of Beau's redhead away. That one moment where Beau was completely helpless in doing anything. That fight Hanna justified as a regular old fight.
Furthermore, to threaten Beau himself was one thing, but to go after his best friend? And even if Charlie Jo proclaimed they weren't friends? No. Beau wouldn't allow that. And this was his moment to prove to her that he wasn't a coward and that he would make things right.
And maybe he should have just told Merry about what happened, maybe then Merry could have done his dirty work. Because you threaten the Bravo name at dinner, and you attack Charlie Jo? Merry would have murdered him-- that much he was true of.
But no, Beau was determined to sink to Ronnie's level, and prove himself finally, own up to his mistakes--if they were even mistakes-- he would never apologize for falling for Hanna, and he would take care of Ronnie once and for all.
If Ronnie was going to bring one of his friends into the mix, then Beau could definitely hit Ronnie where it hurt. And if he picked the right friend, the friend, he knew Charlie Jo would love to see hurt, well, too birds with one stone, right?
So it took some stalking.
It took a couple of car drives around the neighborhood and angry screamo music to amp the boy up to do what he had to do. There was minimal planning. Find Miguel. Beat the shit out of him. And leave his message in the form of a beaten up Miguel.  And never mind how Charlie Jo looked-- Miguel would get it and only 1000 times worse.
And it took a long while before Winnie had finally left the Rivera/Harper residence.
Really what was she in there for so long?
And finally, it took sometime before Miguel had finished walking her home? That's not something Miguel would do? Right? Walk her home? Well, technically he hadn't fully walked her home.
In his own investigations, no, Beau realized Miguel only walked her so far along until a conversation seemingly ruined the nice brisk walk. And it seemed like Miguel wasn't returning home. No. He wasn't really heading the way back to his home. In fact, he was heading the opposite direction.
Where? Beau had no real idea, and frankly, he didn't care, because it was the perfect opportunity to catch him at his biggest surprise.
Walking alone and away from a familiar place.
This is how it would go down.
And to add a dramatic effect, the tires on Beau's car had definitely jumped the curb to stop the walking Miguel in his tracks.
It was enough to scare the living shit out of birthday boy. His face full of fear-- it was a sight Beau would forever hold in his memory.
If he could even remember the events in the correct order.
You see one minute he was curb hopping, and he was quick to jet out of his car- not even bothering to slam the door shut. Yes, there was an outpouring of angry screamo music in the neighborhood.
There was a charging at Miguel and a couple of shoves, and Beau was saying something, but he wasn't really aware that he could form sentences in that moment. And if he was actually forming sentences, they weren't his sentences.
His brain was beating too hard in his head--screaming for blood. Of this he could make out a Miguel, trying to reason with him. There were a couple of shoves. Harsh, sharp and painful shoves, and Miguel stumbling backward, and backward, trying to keep his balance.
The next minute, and once he finally realized that there was no reasoning with a Bravo, Miguel was running away from the car and Beau had nothing to do but to charge after birthday boy once more, tackling him to the ground. #soccerlungs
And there was an apology coming from his lips--Beau's lips, but was that before or after the first punch? He couldn't tell. But they were definitely on the ground now. Or rather, Miguel was laying with his back against pavement trying to dodge a thousand fury punches.
And Beau wasn't even sure that his punches her landing where they were supposed to. All he could see vividly was the blinding lights of his car casting whiteness in front of him, as his knuckles cracked against a bloodied surface, as the other hand held on tightly to the cotton shirt Miguel was wearing. And was that blood or sweat dampening the cloth? He couldn't tell.
And honestly, it was completely out of character for Beau to attack a completely innocent person.
It was out of character for him to retaliate in the first place. Really. Beau was a lover. Charlie Jo was the fighter. And honestly he was always the one to pull her away from any altercations she had ever put herself into, and now with her not there-- who was going to pull him away?
It was out of character for him to not be able to pull himself away.  There was no telling when he would be fully satisfied. Because as long as he could still hear whimpers from Miguel and as long as he could still feel Miguel moving from underneath him-- it wasn't enough to get his point across.
And it wasn't until he could hear screams from someone echoing from within the neighborhood that he finally had stopped because they weren't screams anyone would want to hear. They were screams of terror, and that was enough to give Beau the urgency to finish up.
They were more screams that indicated there was a scene, and a "someone call the police" in the background so with one final punch Beau willed himself away.
And hovering over Miguel he could barely make out his face, and this only angered Beau even more, to elicit a kick because maybe he wasn't finished at all.
To complete his speech from before--his brain seemed to be working again go figure-- "When Ronnie asks you what happened, tell him it was me. Tell him he had the wrong person. And tell him that if he ever touches Charlie Jo again, he's next."
With police sirens in the distance, Beau's brain rattled, and he ran back to his car to drive off.]
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lachalaine · 8 years
7, 11 and 14 !!
questions left unanswered // for lady j
List three honestflaws your favorite character has and talk about how those flaws make themproblematic.
Jackieee is my favorite character so of course I’m gonnawrite a whole essay on her, yay!
Okay, so obviously she has – a lot. Well, okay, maybe notnecessarily too many – but the ones she does have actively override her goodqualities at times so what it lacks in numbers, it more than makes up it for interms of how honestly bad she can get if she isn’t careful. Three of thoseflaws would be her recklessness, penchant for self-hatred, and tendency to besomewhat of a flight risk.
Recklessness // Obviously, the girl is ruled by her emotionsand has a volatile temper. She doesn’t think things through sometimes, anddepending on how badly you’ve affected her – she will either resort straight toviolence, or will end up doing something terribly stupid. She speaks withoutthinking, can’t explain her shit right because she’s always going off on what shefeels and translates that into actionwhen words are the most straightforward method to resolving an issue. When shecan’t explain it, she gets frustrated – because then she feels stupid. It’sthere – on the tip of her tongue, and yet she just can’t seem to get the rightwords out. When the other party misunderstands, it only amps up her stresslevels and makes her more desperate, which makes her emotions more intense.Which generally means things get worse. And even when it might be a life anddeath situation, she tends to go off on what she feels is ‘right’. Not smart. ‘Right’.She goes by her gut instinct, and she tends to put everything on the linewithout regard to her own safety, tends to sacrifice her entire being – if onlyto make sure she gets the job done – by any means necessary.
Self-Hate // as stated before – Jackie is actually rathersensitive to her mistakes. Any criticism against her – she doesn’t takelightly. She absorbs it, like a sponge, tries to deal with it at the time andtries to make things right. Regardless if at the end, it came out to be good ornot – that negativity doesn’t leave her. She hides it away for when she’salone, for when she can examine it better. For when it can affect her to itsworst degree, telling no one as she tears her self-worth apart bit by bit,until she’s in the darkest place of her mind that she has yet to let anyonereally see. It escapes her sometimes – in tears and short bursts of a tantrum –but the sheer magnitude of it is enough to break her, and the fact that shedoesn’t trust herself to tell anyone about any of it only makes things worse.She hates her flaws, and she hates the fact that she doesn’t know how to fixany of it. She hates her past, and she hates that she’s so easily manipulated –hates that she knows she’s so goddamn desperatefor love and acceptance that she’d done anything for the one man that’dgiven her just a taste of it. Jackie tends to think of herself as too much of everything, and that – is exactly whatmakes her so damn hard to love.
Flight Risk // this ties in some with her self-hatred. Essentially,Jackie has a bad tendency to run away at the first true sign of conflict. Thisis a flaw that developed in accordance with her past relationship – mostly becauseit made her fearful. In terms of physical pain, Jackie would face up againstanything; hold her ground and not run away, no matter how much it hurt. However,the mere thought that she might end up hurting those she loves the most anddisappointing them with her failures makes her scared to even stay. Theslightest mistake, and she’ll get it in her head that she’s a mess, that she’sunwanted and it’s better for everyone involved if she’d just left – even whenher heart is begging her to stay. Shedoesn’t run because she’s scared of commitment. She wants to commit, more than anything. For the ones she loves, shewould never leave – so long as they still wanted her. Instead, she runs becauseshe’s scared she might be manipulated again by the wrong people for all thewrong reasons – left in the dust to try to make sense of her life again oncethey decide they’re done with her. She’s scared of forming attachments thatwill only leave her broken and alone. And she prepares herself for the possibilityof the ones she loves one day waking up and realizing that they don’t want heranymore, and suddenly she’s stuck stranded with her heart shattered at her feetonce more.
She loves very, very hard – and if anything – she tends torun away from that the most.
What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to RPing?
Like, okay?? You know I’m perfectly fine with having peoplekill her. I’m perfectly fine with having people rough her up and attack her andtorture and etc etc like that’s not the problem. You wanna break her arm? Goahead. Want to try to stab her and shoot her and do whatever it takes to makeher beg and scream for mercy? Fine, have at it. I don’t mind. Whatever floatsyour boat.
However, my problem is when you decide to negateher abilities for no goddamn goodreason other than the fact that your character is remarkably OP without any real basis and obviously has to fucking win, period. And it doesn’tmatter that she tries to defend herself, or that she’s actually got a fairly goodchance of winning. It doesn’t matter that she fights back either becauseapparently, all of her attacks are useless and insignificant and don’t actuallymanage to fucking hit your muse and I’m wasting my time writing out a properfight scene because we all know she would have been dead the first hit through.Like, no?? It doesn’t necessarily work that way?? Or fine – I’ll go along with it. On thecondition that you give me a damn good proper reason as to why she’s suddenly remarkablyuseless and your reasoning has be supportedproperly or else I will contest it. That’s literally my only goddamn problem.
Oh and also, assuming she trusts you and writing out thingsthat would actually require a proper thought process of her own volition whenthe action you’ve indicated her to do is in fact – something that would makeanyone wary. Like telling her to stand on the edge of a rooftop and assumingshe’ll do it without hesitation when she explicitlyjust said that doing just that is something she’s wary of.
Please. God forbid.
When in doubt, please ask – thank you.
Without naming anyone specific, have you ever avoidedsomeone simply because they RP with one of your RP partners? If so, why?
I did. Once. To be fair, I had a feeling the other persondidn’t like me back very much either. I tried to make a connection with themjust so I could feel like I wasn’t being petty, but I guess they weren’tfeeling it at all either so I ended up blocking them anyway just to make it easier on the both of us.
Jealousy. I do admittedly sometimes have a streak of thatthat’ll crop up at times, but when I notice it settling in, I tend to justdistance myself from whatever is the root cause of it and only come back whenthe feeling has ebbed. I’m not one to really do anything with it – like take itout on people, because just knowing I have it is enough to make me feel guiltyand so I have to check myself. This person however – I suppose the one we wereessentially trying to ‘compete’ over had a tendency to manipulate the both of usas well in that aspect. So it just made things that much worse.
In the end, I ended up being the one to breakaway. And thankgod I did because aaaaaaah I never want to get stuck in a cycle like that againits not pretty its not good -1000/10 would never do again.
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sparda3g · 5 years
Kingdom Chapter 596 Review
Do or die. You often hear that phrase. In this series, it has its own set of meanings. There will be men that will die for their fellow comrades to carry forward. There will be men that will do the honor to pay the sacrifice of their fellow comrade. That’s how Hi Shin Unit rolls. The original meaning implies to them as well, because now, they are at the breaking point that can change everything. This was the chapter that went from sorrowful fall to powerful rise to these spirits to take the victory home for their fallen friend.
I was so glad that I had to wait for a good long week. I need to recover from the last wonderful yet tear-jerking chapter. As soon as I begin to read, bunch of men begin to cry for Shousa. Wait. I need a minute. God, this is torture. So, this chapter resume the tear-jerking, emotional ride with many other characters’ reaction. I was sort of hoping for later at night, so I can rest and get amped up for more blood, guts, and glory, but nope. Hara just want to tear us apart.
There are many characters that reacts with some that are highlighted due to their connection. Granted, everyone is connected, but some would react more heavily to the news. For instance, En’s reaction is painful because he and Shousa were tasked to save men when it’s easy and ignore the difficult one. It could have been two men survive the task, but instead, only En is the sole survivor. No one wants that, especially if it means to lose a brother.
Bihei’s reaction is another one that was rough. This time, he was painfully denying his death because of who he is. I am reminded of his brother’s death. Every time I look back, it still saddens me, including the volume edition. But eventually, Bihei gives in and break into tears. This seriously sucks. Guys from Hi Shin Unit HQ retrieved the news of Shousa’s death. It was there I realized it’s time to watch Ten react and curse me for predicting it right.
I predicted that she will feel awful for being responsible for Shousa’s life. I know it was Shousa’s call in the end, but the task was granted towards him in the first place. She collapses, but recover quickly because his sacrifice saved high amount of causalities and she doesn’t want that to go to waste. I admit, I almost thought that was a rushed job and almost out of character. I’m no sadist for wanting her to cry, but she is not that mentally strong. I need to stop doubting Hara.
Ten was actually trying to resume her focus on the military strategy, but her mind of guilt is eating her. Eventually, she is overwhelmed and breaks down in tears. That’s more like it; now I feel like crap. Moral of the story: Kingdom can make a death scene amazing as well as its aftermath. Chougaryuu has been located. After what happened, my blood boils for retribution. As Ten cries, this is the chance for Shin to end him; sacrifice shall not go to waste.
The first portion was filled with sadness and sorrow; the next one is filled with intensified hype for the grand revenge. Shin returns to the Front Line for the battle; sadly, that includes the confirmation of the news. Denei thought it was fake news; oh if only it was like today’s world. Shin breaks the news and everyone moan. Sosui is the only guy that reacted with anger. The man saw too much hell to cry. I absolutely love Shin’s line for his men. “I cried enough tears there for all of you.” That hits me hard. No tears; fight forward. He’s the true captain.
Some time has passed seeing how Shin had his wounds treated. Kyou Kai has recovered from her hibernation; good enough to fight. Not only she can do more than Shin in his damaged state, but she practically wants to fight to avenge Shousa. Her words for him speaks volume. I love the fact Hi Shin Unit’s front line is back up and running; that way, everyone will take a part of avenging Shousa. Shin look to the heaven, wish for Shousa to watch over them. A heartwarming sendoff. This got me supporting Shin 1000%. It’s due to how emotionally investing these past chapters have been with these characters. This series knows how to hype you up.
Back at Zhao Left Wing, Gyou’un wakes up from his slumber. The man is a behemoth in size and aura. I got to say, that is a pretty damn cool wardrobe he got there. You can tell this recent event is monumental when Gyou’un is actually concerned about Chougaryuu. They tend to keep their poker face, as if nothing can faze them. Now, they are challenged by the unexpected turn that goes against their master’s will.
Banyo and Gyoku Hou Unit are holding on well, but they are close to losing stamina completely. I’m surprised Banyo can withstand this long at his age, but anything for his beloved master. Give the old man a credit. It becomes clear that Chougaryuu’s defeat will change the course of the war. Same can be said for Gyou’un, but it only needs one of the two to lose to change. Chougaryuu versus Shin is now the game-changing battle with a high price. Winner takes all. Okay, not really, but it sounds incredibly hype.
Speaking of hype, it’s time to unleash some. There have been many clashes before, but this one felt the most intense so far. It’s all or nothing and Hi Shin Unit is in some sort of awakening mode multiplied with sheer willpower from their fallen friend. No more waiting, no more running, no more room for another day. It all ends here for Chougaryuu; avenge Shousa!
Chougaryuu Army is overwhelmed by Hi Shin Unit’s thirst for blood. They’re preparing to run once more, though Naki and his men are blocking paths in case he does run towards Bananji Army. It may cut short on Hi Shit Unit’s Front Line, but they’ll deal with it. Everyone is going all in for the victory. I seriously hope no one else die here. Shousa was hard enough to endure; I don’t want a repeat. It is hype enough that Shin is drawing near to avenge; it’s intriguing to see where Chougaryuu is leaning towards before his likely demise.
During the heated moment, he flashback to the time when Rinshoujo stand in front of him and Gyou’un in an ill state. He didn’t mind; he wanted to talk to the two about a certain topic: home. In present, Chougaryuu makes a gesture that he’s not backing off, rather preparing to confront his decisive fate. This very well sets up for his inevitable death with everything thrown at the table. The flashback will be interesting to see for many reasons. Technically, the next chapter has been leaked, but in case if you didn’t see it, I won’t spoil.
This was an emotional chapter that turned into sheer hype. Shousa’s death still hurts till this day. Hara has done a great job on capitalizing the sorrowful mood and rebound to high motivation to avenge. The artwork on certain scenes hit me hard, but thankfully, other scenes got me amped up. Chougaryuu’s death is set to end on a high note. Without spoiling, it’s going to be really good. Clock is ticking. The end is near.
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