#like that's his FRIEND!!! He enjoys his company!! Flowey is just Flowey and doesn't think he's capable of actually caring about someone
illdothehotvoice · 11 months
Thinking so much about Flowey and Papyrus right now ouuuuugh
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maxladcomics · 2 years
Re: your post about Sans not actually knowing Papyrus. I'm a fan of the 'Papyrus is Gaster, but because everyone has forgotten Gaster, Papyrus has also forgotten himself' theory. And I had Thoughts of along similar lines to 'no one really knows Papyrus because he always lies', albeit from a slightly. Different source?
That is, Papyrus DOES lie a lot. But the people who seem to care about him most and actively seek his company, and the characters who are the most affected by him are all characters with high amounts of Determination.
Like, sure, yeah. if you kill Papyrus, Sans vanishes and then asks you about how you should be wielding power, and he may threaten you at the end of a phone call. But overall, his role in the game doesn't change much at all, and his attitude in the endings seems more representative of the Underground's attitude.
But as we know, Flowey is the previous holder of reset. We know he's probably the person who actually knows the most about Papyrus(only one to REALLY know his favorite food), and he's also confessed Papyrus is the person he finds the most interesting.
But! There's also Undyne! Now, she may not know as much about Papyrus as Flowey does, and I think she projects her own view of him onto him. But she's probably the character who talks about Papyrus as a friend the most. From Sans' dialogue about Papyrus, he views him as someone naive in need of protection. And to basically everyone else, Papyrus is not Papyrus, but who he is in connection to those around him. A skeleton who informs Undyne of problems, Sans loud and tall brother, etc.
But Undyne... Papyrus still lies to her, and she still thinks Papyrus is too nice, but she acknowledges his strength. She doesn't want to upset him, she wants to see him succeed and tries to help him do so in her own way, by giving him something to be passionate about. And when you kill him, it enrages her. I'm sure it enrages Sans, too, but she doesn't just judge you for it, confronts you much earlier and demands to know what you did to Papyrus.
So I wonder if there's. Something like a not-my-problem field around Papyrus, or spacetime distortion, that causes only people with Determination to really see him? Not that his lies make it any easier. it could also just be the lying, that's a lot simpler and more likely, but I do agree that Sans definitely does not know Papyrus anywhere near as much as he thinks he does, and is just running on a number of assumptions. Which is simultaneously weird and sad, that Papyrus has so few friends and not even his brother can really be counted among them.
...At any rate! Hope you enjoyed my rambling and found it interesting!
Actually that brings up a good point, how forgettable or even ignore-able Papyrus is. Maybe he's yelling because no one pays attention to him pfff, I mean he tells so many jokes just for them to go over peoples heads, he shows excessive consideration towards others, just for the fandom to assume he's an asshole because he 'reacts badly' to puns.
//For those that don't know, they are doing a bit/playing with you. Sans' puns wouldn't be anywhere near as funny if Papyrus didn't react to them the way he does. Which makes it weirder to why Sans doesn't react to his at all. Why would he ignore them when it obviously makes him happy that Papyrus reacts? It's not just sans, tho, Undyne doesn't seem to notice or react to his puns either, but he responds to hers.//
The entire underground- or at least I know the entirety of Snowdin is affected when he's dusted. They all feel unsafe and unsettled suddenly, Papyrus has a huge effect on them. I do really love Undyne's response to him being dusted, the fact she knows he answers after two rings of his phone, means they talk a lot, and I love that.
Sans's reaction gives me the impression of "ok we're doing this run, byyyyeee" He only calls you a dirty brother killer, nothing else. He seems to care more about murdering you on a pacifist run than any other... I'm not hating on Sans for this, I'm just pointing it out- his vague awareness has put him in a mood of "Nothing REALLY matters" so it's because of that he doesn't really seem to care about Papyrus dying. He'll just call you a dirty brother killer and move into Toriel's house. Probably because he doesn't wanna deal with anyone asking about Papyrus, she doesn't know he exists, after all.
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canvas-madness-txc · 2 years
Random Undertale Headcanons/ Opinions
-Doggo and Papyrus are friends
There is evidence in the game that it could be Canon. For starters if you only kill Papyrus and go into Grillby's; everyone else is talking about Sans but Doggo specifically says "Papyrus is that you?" Also he is the only one besides Undyne, Sans and Flowey (I think???) that calls Papyrus by his real name. The other Snowdin NPCs call him "Sans's brother" or "that skeleton".
-Flowey is NOT a sadistic/ toxic friend to Papyrus
This one's a handful. Let me get this straight first: I love Papyrus angst/ A Thorn in My Side/ Flowey is Not a Good Life Coach as much as the next Undertale fan, but something about it doesn't sit right with me. For example, Papyrus being to innocent to the point where Flowey straight up almost kills him for fun. Flowey, soulless and evil as he may be, is still a child. He is naturally curious. He threatens to hurt us to inherit the power of the SAVE file because he's had it for who knows how long and is basically having a tantrum for getting something taken away from him. He spends more time with Papyrus because he might have gotten a timeline where Papyrus does something unexpected, not limited to Disbilief. He might want to get to that ending again because he's seen how people treat Papyrus. Not to mention Papyrus can do the one thing he can't do, show compassion or mercy in front of someone truly evil. Flowey has no soul, he couldn't feel anythimg. The only fear he had was at the end of the Genocide Route With the power to control timeliness and being a flower with a child's mind, it went to his head creating the soulless evil husk of Asriel we see before us.
- What happens next
After the True Pacifist Run, I would guess that all the characters tie the loose ends from the Underground. Undyne would eventually come clean to Papyrus about why she held off on making him a guard. I don't think there may be much angst involved though. Papyrus would still be bummed about it, but they would still reconcile and keep their friendship. Alphys would probably have to come clean about what happens with the Amalgamations too. She gets therapy and works out everything with their families. Toriel and Asgore will work through their issues as well and do what's best for their relationship (stay friends or get back together). Metatton and Napstablook work out their issues and spend more time together.
-Gaster's personality
I'm not sure if he's related to Sans or Papyrus in any way shape or form, but I can guess who he is as a person/ monster. First- Dude's a workaholic. Only problem- he is so focused on getting that work done that he forgets minor details because of stress (ie: the dog that throws ice cubes into the river to cool the CORE). He's also socially akward. I doubt he was good at communicating. He's very formal when he speaks, but if he tries casual conversation, he wouldn't know what to say. Gaster may have Haphephobia (fear of being touched) and Athazagoraphobia (fear of being forgotten). He takes one look at you, you touch him, he freaks out and leaves. Not to mention he's in a void where no one remembers him and looks deranged when you see him. His worst fears of being forgotten may have come true by his own (self-proclaimed) genius invention.
Titleless ramble I thought of
Sans was the kid who procrastinated on every assignment, yet somehow is the one of the top in the class!? The other kids think he's made of pure luck. His classmates enjoy his company. The teachers don't know how to feel about him because of his questionable homework schedule (is he a good or bad student).
Grillby's silence
You remember how Grillby doesn't talk but this Red bird guy acts like he can translate Grillby. I headcanon that Grillby can talk, but is very reserved. He just let's the guy "translate" because a) that guy almost always looks drunk b) he wants to keep the customers who do pay their tab (*totally not directed at anyone*) so he let's them have their fun. He probably tells everyone he can talk on the surface and has said some sentences to people back Underground
I think that the Underground knows about the resets, but some people are more aware whole others have de ja vu. For example: Flowey who used to have this power would know a lot. I would think that because boss monsters can keep their soul around for a longer time, they may also have that knowledge. Many of the monsters fall into a medium because everything seems familiar, but they can't place it. Many characters seem to be aware of timelines and time/ space continuum.
Alternate AO3
There is an Underground version of AO3. The only reason it's still running is because Alphys exists. She just takes the fanfictions she writes changes every name into some random name to save herself the embarrassment.
These are all opinion based and obviously not Canon. I might make a part 2 if I think of any more!
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