maxladcomics · 1 year
Hey, :/ anon here!
I'm gonna be completely honest. I was tired too and overreacted. I'm just so used to seeing people be assholes I read much too into it and??? Why was it so aggressive??? Also I brought up something unrelated??? Idk I'm sorry. Also my ask was absolutely awfully stated which really shows that maybe I should stop listening to my brain when it's past my bedtime. (Of course that doesn't excuse it.)
Basically, my problem was that you reblogged a thing that was talking about canon and came off as saying what Sans and Papyrus likes in canon and stuff. You refused some things that were canon or came up with ideas that weren't supported by canon (although not said otherwise.)
I'm very defensive due to undertale fans being cruel to others often and idk? I'm sorry again I'm a really shitty person. I should come off anon and apologize face off but :( I'm a coward.
You should reword it so it doesn't sound like you're saying this is canon, but everything else was 100% my fault. I'm sorry
Anon this isn't fair you're not supposed to be aware of your decisions and actions and regret things!
Hahaha, but it's ok!
At the point of answering your ask I was exhausted and shouldn't have replied because I like pretending to be concise and clear, but I can only do that in certain circumstances. BUT TO BE CLEAR- there is no malice, I'm not mad at you and you weren't wrong for getting mad about it. Not saying you were mad or came across that way, I understand it was a defensive reaction, I get that way around certain theories (Surprisingly not theories on Papyrus or his brother)
"maybe I should stop listening to my brain when it's past my bedtime."
Sometimes it can't be helped lmao. I hope you weren't too upset by it, and I'll edit out the bedtime thing from my other post, while I do believe I'm right in that part, the only proof I have is the lack of and I'm willing to concede that doesn't mean it's not true. Even if I want it to be GRR.
"You refused some things that were canon or came up with ideas that weren't supported by canon"
Tbh I might need someone to hold my hand and point out where I went wrong with it, that post was definitely aimed at being as canon as possible with direct quotes to support it (obviously didn't add them because that would've made the post too long to be bearable), but obviously the one with the lack of proof is the bedtime story one which I'm willing to edit out (and pretend to be salty about it).
BUT ALSO FAIR ON BEING DEFENSIVE. I understand, I get that way too around certain theories and ideas, which is the main reason I have built myself into this corner, I barely follow anyone and don't wander out into the fandom anymore. Is it lonely? NOPE. Do I regret any potential awesome friend out there that I'm missing because I'm doing this? YES. ALL THE TIME. I've made awesome friends but what if there's ones out there that I can't get because I have to find and interact first? AHH I THINK ABOUT THIS A LOT.
But anyway, you're not a shitty person, as I mentioned in another ask, your ask inspired a comic! I had to rush to note it down because I was relying on my memeory to hold it to sketching stage but felt it slipping away lmao. I am a little concerned the comic will come across as having malicious intent BUT I WANT TO DRAW MORE THAN ANY CONCERNS I HAVE.
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rickisanchez · 16 days
i feel like if you gave me a powerpoint and 30 minutes with google i could prove that rickford is more plausible than stanchez
this is not stanchez h8 btw <3 love u guys, love those guys
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mistermxxnys · 11 months
me: today seems like a great day to draw my queen lily evans brainrot: no! draw the marauders as fnaf characters
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puppett33th · 4 years
careless whisperer, turn your gaze upon this wretched thing
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girlwolf · 6 years
Trying to do a backflip from flat in skate 3 is making me want to die.
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wentzdayz · 7 years
I want cuddles, stargazing cuddles, movie marathons, easy and relaxed breakfast mornings, pizza nights, sleep in each other's arms, end up talking about life when it's 3 AM when neither of us can sleep, knowing smiles, loving looks, confessions in the middle of kisses, hold your hand while walking, kiss your nose, taking care of you when you push yourself too hard, tell you everything I love about you when you're doubting yourself, and seeing you blush when I tell you you're cute. We used to be like that. I want to brush your hair with my fingers while you're asleep, get lost in your eyes when you talk about something you love. Maybe we can be like that again someday.
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babylonianspice · 6 years
I'm in the process of making D&D style Grumps and I'm rEAL excited
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maxladcomics · 1 year
I always hc that both sans and papyrus used to have nightmares and/or insomnia (not like the fanon, just generally). papyrus asked sans to read him a bedtime story after a bad nightmare, and it helped a both of them a lot and since then it became a tradition for sans to read papyrus, or even then other way around depending on the situation
I want to argue this and imply it's the other way around but I can see that would come from personal bias and I can already see Papyrus has a certain trust/belief in Sans that makes this headcanon likely
But that's not fair I want to be salty (I'm joking, I'm saying this because it's funny to me)
But on the contradicting side, I wonder if Papyrus would willingly give Sans that ammo to use and tell other people. He's definitely willing to let anyone say anything about him without a care in the world, but why? Is it because he's playing a character himself? And any insult/attack on his character isn't a direct attack on himself?
Not trying to imply Sans is malicious when he tells us things about Papyrus that aren't true- it has potential to be malicious, but it's unclearly why either of them are doing it and it seems clear to me that Papyrus is in on it, although I'm still trying to work out if it's the super simple reason I can already see proof for or something mysterious like what I'm rambling about here.
Obviously you can see which option I'm picking lmao, super simple answer? NAAAHH.
On the upside, this has inspired a comic, I'm gonna sketch it out and see if I can grind it out quickly so it doesn't interrupt too much with my other comics that I keep slacking on
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maxladcomics · 1 year
How old do you think Sans and Papyrus are? Is their age different in other universes?
[This turned into a ramble, the short answer is I think Papyrus is somewhere around 18-25, and his brother could be a teenager or old man. In other AU's I've made my own version for, it's the same until I got into the Gemknight AU's. So for most versions of AU's I've made, Papyrus is the younger (Great for angst!) but later (Gravel-type AU's) Papyrus could be the older brother (Also great for angst) ]
The ramble:
I used to think that Papyrus was the younger one but I'm starting to question/doubt that, but it's difficult to tell with all the deceit between those two bastards. The way they're both different levels of liars makes it hard to tell what's true and what's not (I know about the Japanese version where it's heavily implied Papyrus is the younger brother).
I have a theory that sits on the side of "Why are they like this?" and "I'm probably reading this wrong" but I get the impression that they are both playing/acting a part to purposely deceive us. Papyrus acts out depending on the prompts that he's given by his brother, it's happened more than once and I'm very suspicious at it. Is it a prompt game? What would it mean? Is his brother being malicious about it? (doubt it, he's too lazy for that) So am I imagining it? Did they plan this 'game' because it lowered the risk of a murder run? I know Papyrus would agree to a risk like that.. but it wouldn't make sense for his brother to.
If they're playing a game like this, it's possible everything they say around each other is an intentional (or lazy) lie. So I guess unless I learn to read/translate Japanese myself I probably won't be able figure it out and I don't think Toby would restrict important lore like that.. but at the same time I'm not sure. Either way I don't trust what Papyrus pretends to be around his brother.
But back to the main question:
I'm starting to lean on the idea of Papyrus being the older brother, I think it's a fun concept to explore and I'm glad @fluo-skeletons AU's brought that idea into my range and I've started to adjust any new AU's I make into a similar concept/theme because I want to see how different things turn out. (Nothing changes, it's still angst)
I think Papyrus is in his late teens, or early 20's.. maybe 25 at the highest or maybe older than Asgore himself?? I've recently discovered timeline things in Undertale that are making me question everything (I know, some things avoid me when all I do is weird shit like check if there's patterns in Papyrus's bookshelf) so I need to evaluate and line things up to understand the full timeline and what's going on. I don't know how old his brother is and there's no indicator to guess, he could be an old man or an edgy teenager.
A lot of the AU's I started with have Papyrus as the younger brother by a few years, (his brother appears a lot older but that's because he didn't have much growing left to do) and newer AU's I'm changing that around, not that it changes anything between them, it just makes Papyrus's behavior make more sense, which is good for consistency.
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mistermxxnys · 11 months
Love love love ur Jily art so much. Ur so talented. Such a delight to see ur art in my dashboard everytime❤❤
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!?!?!?!?!?! <3 <3 <3 <3 I wanted to sincerely thank you for this incredibly sweet comment!! As a small artist, asks like this really motivate me and make me feel like my art can make someone smile. This ask has made me smile and was a delight to find resting in my inbox. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to a send a message my way. ♡
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mistermxxnys · 10 months
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your jily art!! It's always so delightful and joyful to see "new blood" in our fandom, especially new artists or writers, especially since jily lovers have become rarer 🥺 they deserve the best! You don't know how happy it made me to see your posts yesterday 🥹
No, thank you for this incredibly sweet message!! It makes me incredibly happy (I immediately showed this ask to my fiancé because it made me BEAM) to hear that!!! I joined the Marauders fandom when I was 12/13 - originally by lurking and then eventually by fanfic creation myself. Back in the day, Jily was such of a commonplace ship!! When I was 17ish? I started getting into art, and I created some very rough Marauders fanart because I was very immersed in the world & fandom. Unfortunately, during the big bad Corona, I started to fall out of love with the Marauders fandom due to all the controversies within it - and the rise of certain ships I personally disagreed with. I felt like I had to conform to the new look of Marauders content or cease creation. (This wasn't ACTUALLY the case, I just didn't have the headspace and growth mindset at the time to realize that inherently other creators or myself are doing nothing wrong by simply just doing what they love.) I've always wanted to create a blog specifically for the Marauders, but I felt as though I missed the "prime". I've since realized that is not true!! The Marauders are an incredibly fan-nurtured niche in the canon Harry Potter fandom! The fans keep it alive by breathing new life into it. So, I decided with this blog, I would create a space where I felt comfortable to share the part of the Marauders that *I* personally originally fell in love with. That's what I think is the beauty of this fandom- at its core - we all share these characters and nobody has the right to make anyone feel unwelcomed in it! Personally, one of the things I love about the Marauders is Jily! It's been a dream come true to see that there are such supportive and kind people in this fandom - like yourself - who support new creators even though the content may not be as popular as it once was. So, really from the bottom of my heart, thank *you* for taking the time to send this in my ask box! And thank you for bearing with my needlessly long post lol
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mistermxxnys · 11 months
if anyone has any marauders art requests,, my asks are open,,, and my brainrot is itching for prompts
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maxladcomics · 3 years
I feel like this fandom associated the fear of forgetting with Gaster so much, that many kind of forgot how the whole game is touching upon that. Not the fear per se, but the concept of forgetting/leaving behind, either willingly or forcefully. The Monsters entirely forgot how Humans look like (except one-two), some of them acted like Toriel just didn't exist after she left for the Ruins, Flowey tells you to leave the best ending, asks to not erase it and then says that if we do erase it, then we have to make him forget too. Like, I know the fandom focuses on RESETs a lot, especially when it comes to Chara/Sans about how they deal with either still remembering or them realising they don't remember, but come on, Asriel is right there with one of the most genuine fears a child can have throughout growing up. Anyways, this is my little rant, my apologies - pentoll
I think it's interesting because the first few characters I associate with the fear of forgetting or being forgotten would be Goner Kid, Papyrus and maybe Alphys for some reason. I think Flowey and Asriel need more attention! Which I will try to give, in my AU's and comics whenigettodrawingthem.
But that is a good point! I can't remember if it was mentioned in the game but I think they're prone to forgetting about other monsters and bad things to prevent them losing hope, they're all in a very fragile state. They have been underground for so long that most monsters (except Gerson, Asgore and Toriel) don't know what the surface is like, and only have a vague promise that one more human can get them out.
Most monsters haven't lived long enough to know that Toriel existed, and considering Gerson is the only one that speaks of her- it's very likely the only ones that were aware of her are either already gone, or they avoid the subject because it causes them grief. Asgore does this as well, his diary saying "Good day today!" on every page says a lot.
I went kinda off topic I guess, BUT! I do agree that Asriel and Flowey have a lot to them, and a lot of potential to explore their fears and what they've been through.
I do plan on having Flowey in a future comic so this gives me some things to think on.. He was just going to hang out and make some jokes and sneer at a few things but maybe he should get some time to vent or show his feelings on things.. HMHM.
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maxladcomics · 2 years
where do monsters go when they die I mean is there a place for different class monsters like boss monsters and monsters with low attacks?
Hmm, I don't think there would be any difference depending on what class a monster is. Obviously we don't get much information from the game- but the monsters generally believe that spreading the dust of a monster onto their favourite thing (the game specifies thing instead of item, hmm) will allow them to live on through that. Of course it's just a belief and no monster has come back through anything-
Except Flowey.
Considering that Flowey exists with the memories and personality of Asriel, this is true. All they need is a little determination pff.
But there is only 1 Flowey, while Asriel's dust should have logically spread over a larger area. So it seems like even a small amount of their dust can hold everything about them. Or perhaps the determination drew everything about Asriel into Flowey?
Anyway the point is that the dust seems to only spawn one version of the character- it can't have more than one, there are a lot of flowers in the lab, and the entries say how Alphys eventually resorted to injecting everything with Determination. But there is still only 1 Flowey.
To answer the question directly: No, they don't go anywhere. Their dust is waiting for someone with the abilities and knowledge to bring the lost monsters back.
Obviously the monsters have no idea this is possible. So the dust sits on their favourite thing.
I think if Alphys found out who Flowey was, she would research it to see if it could be done for other fallen monsters. The most important thing is that the dust can't just form back into the monster it used to be- so it would need a container.. but then there's the risk of... well, Flowey.
Flowey has a save location, and creating another monster like him would risk this new one having a save location, or worse- a file.
Ruining my first point- maybe this is only possible because Asriel is/was/technically a boss monster. Maybe it wouldn't work for normal or lesser monsters.
It really makes me think about the pet rock that Papyrus seems very intent on feeding, though. Maybe he knows something we don't? (OF COURSE HE DOES)
That's all the information I think I have pff.
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maxladcomics · 2 years
wait can papyrus live without his skull...can sans do the same thing?
I'm gonna put the TL:DR right here at the top because this question has activated a MAXRAMBLE pfff
Short answer: Technically yes, Papyrus has shown in the game that he can survive short term away from his head (or his head can survive away from his body). This is because he is mysterious as heck, he is technically the only monster that shows the ability to do this.
His brother would definitely not be able to do the same, strictly because: It's funny, and makes the character doing it look silly even at the moment of death. He wouldn't enjoy making that type of joke- and it's very likely his magic wouldn't let him, he has low HP, DMG, DEF, everything. (karmic retribution does all the dmg for him) HE IS WEAK.
Tfw the tl;dr is long already, WELL LET'S GOOO
This part is going to be my personal headcanons, based on one scene in the drinking comic (where Red detaches his forearm + hand and gets his middle finger yeeted by Short Fell) and maybe others but I think that's the only part I've done that sort of thing.. it's very limited as a joke but honestly the thought of some of them throwing limbs at each other is hilarious.
The main reason they don't: - The chance of losing said limb is too risky, it's not worth the joke (it has to be a REALLY good joke) - Dogs exist - If they're at an event/party with friends, they are not friends with everyone there and can't trust their limbs will be returned or not messed with (100% chance of permanent marker use) - Fell exists
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For my headcanon, since monsters are made of magic, I think they have a 'core'. Similar to humans having vital organs, losing an arm or leg won't kill them, but taking too much damage to their head or torso, would most likely effect their max HP.
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I don't think removing limbs would hurt them in any way IF they're the ones doing it- but the removed limb could still be harmed, and harm them. But obviously with a limit pff. You could probably only take a small bit of HP from a stolen/lost arm before it just doesn't hurt the owner anymore. Or maybe it dusts? I haven't thought too much on that, really.
Anyway, obviously this skill? Would only be possible with less-fleshy monsters, and very dependent on their HP. Red shouldn't have made that joke- it's too risky with how low his HP is, it's unknown right now whether monsters can have 0.1 HP but if they can he'll be the first to find out lmao.
But yeah, Papyrus types could probably detach an arm to give a long-reached slap for the reaction of whoever is slapped 10/10. Even better if an Undyne grabs the arm and slaps the other monster again.
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maxladcomics · 2 years
I mentioned it ages ago, and I don’t know if I can explain it properly but LET ME TRY
So I believe that time flows differently on the outside of the underground, compared to inside the barrier.
This is because, Flowey has been causing resets for potentially years, reverting to the same day he suddenly existed. He doesn’t have direct access or ability to use a save location like you, the player. He explains this himself, he only has the one save point he can load from.
He mentions wasting weeks with Asgore, trying to make himself feel something. 
He reset over and over a few times, then did a pacifist run, he implies doing this more than once. Then he goes on a murder run. He doesn’t mention if he’s done this more than once, but considering his excessive checking of every option on pacifist runs, it’s very likely.
Flowey doesn’t mention anything different from what we know. He doesn’t mention Papyrus and his brother moving into snowdin, he doesn’t mention MTT becoming big which happened recently (implied by the water fountain).
There is an obvious huge gap between his previous life, and his current one. But he didn’t show confusion at discovering Toriel in the ruins, so that’s kinda weird lol. ANYWAY.
Flowey doesn’t talk about anything being different to what you experience. It’s very likely that the monsters he murdered on his routes were the same ones you can choose to. The ones you can spare, befriend, is the same.
The question is, of course, is how long he’s been doing this.
His save point is at the exact same time and place, and it’s unknown what he’s done before you came in. But obviously- my main guess is that he’s only been in the underground for around a week, more accurately, 8 days.
This is my main reason to assume that time is different inside the barrier. Flowey mentions being with Asgore for WEEKS, but if time was the same inside and out, then you would have come through around his first run.
This guess builds off of a few things- things that Flowey says to you, things that other monsters say, and the things Flowey has already done on his current run.
Flowey has already befriended Papyrus on this route, he doesn’t mention that Papyrus lived anywhere else, or anything about him moving to Snowdin. The shopkeeper mentions that the skeletons just appeared one day- so it’s still new enough to mention.. or maybe it was odd enough to mention.
The flowers are still in the lab, and Alphys makes the instant connection between Flowey and the “tiny flower” that Papyrus mentions. She doesn’t question it- she obviously knows who it is, even if she’s never? met Flowey in this route. But she has cameras, so she’s most likely seen him, she knows where he’s from.
Papyrus implies that things have changed within the last 8 days, by telling Sans he hasn’t calibrated his puzzles for this long. So it’s very likely that Sans only recently became ‘aware’ of resets. Obviously he’s always been a comedian (that might actually hate puns or just conveniently ignores them when he’s not the one telling them idk) but he’s always been lazy and messy so maybe he hasn’t really changed that much.
Anyway I’m basically saying that time reset over and over inside the barrier, while time went on outside, to eventually allow Frisk to fall down.
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