#Flowey being an asshole to Papyrus
illdothehotvoice · 11 months
Thinking so much about Flowey and Papyrus right now ouuuuugh
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raysmayday · 2 months
Ok but why is the fandom so intent on making swap an absolute asshole to ink due to inks (I will Amit batshit insane) sense of morality
Like did we just forget whose personality blue has…. Fucking papyrus! You know who is famous for not giving up on people due to iffy morals PAPYRUS!!!! like pap befriended flowey, there is no way in hell someone with that personality is giving up on someone for being morally gray.
I’m not saying that blue will be totally fine with inks whole…. deal,but I am saying that he would absolutely try his best to help him.
Just saying is that If this fandom is going to insist on treating ink like a villain than I say he gets forcefully dragged into a redemption arc like a villain would by the fandom 
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havockingboo · 2 years
Hi I hope you're having a great day !!!! Okay so first of all, I really love the EC AU and find it very interesting. What I'm going to say is probably gonna sound rude but I swear I don't mean it that way !!
The thing that bothers me is how Flowey is portrayed in this AU. It reminds me of the old days when everyone constantly characterized him as a shithead with no redeeming qualities, especially when he interacts with Papyrus. And he does (kind of) act like that in the AU, which really rubs me the wrong way.
Flowey is a little asshole that true, but he is shown multiple times that he truly appreciates Papyrus as a friend. It would be so out of characters for him to be so apathetic towards Papyrus. ESPECIALLY if it involves resets, because he too has been completely changed by it, like Papyrus in this AU.
I think if Papyrus, of all people, started remembering AUs, he (Flowey) would be more taken aback than immediately start gaslighting Papyrus, and try to understand how that is right away, but he also would find Papyrus even more appealing (yea let's use that word).
He sees everyone as characters because of their predictability, and Papyrus remembering resets would make him different from others and more special to him than he already was. Flowey would finally find someone to relate to, other than Chara, and it'll maybe help with his grief and finally let go of Chara. And Flowey, maybe,,,, would grow to appreciate Papyrus more, not as a character, but as a person.
(sorry this is a little long and all over the place, I kinda started spewing my own headcanons.... I probably read Flowey's character in this AU wrong, and you're free to correct me !!)
YES! I love asks like these! >:]
OKAY I wanna clear something up while I’m doing this! I’m still in the drafting and concept stage of this au so a lot of things will change, especially the way I write flowey!!! Don’t worry! He does become a lot more nicer in the au, a lot of character development and all that jazz will happen for that to happen! but like you mentioned, yeah!! He does grow an attachment to papyrus more than before! He always enjoyed papyrus company. but it’s just in the beginning of the au, when papyrus tries asking for flowey for help, he took it the wrong way and he became apathetic towards him, ya know being childish and being full of himself to want to help papyrus until he realizes “geez, he really does need my help…well as fun as it is having someone else know about the resets, it ain’t a pretty thing to deal with!”
But in short, flowey does find papyrus very interesting, always loved the guy, just thought in the beginning it was fun at first spectating papyrus struggle to grasp the concept of resets in the world. But then he slowly feels sympathetic for him, remembering how it felt to be lost and scared and being aware of the things flowey already knew.
Hope this makes sense! Kind of rambled a bit
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deputyclover · 6 months
Wings of Justice (82518 words) by Boptodatop Chapters: 23/? Fandom: Undertale (Video Game), Undertale Yellow (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Clover & Martlet (Undertale Yellow), Clover & Starlo (Undetale Yellow), Clover & ceroba (undertale yellow), Clover & Flowey (Undertale Yellow), Clover & Kanako (Undertale Yellow) Characters: Clover (Undertale Yellow - Master Sword), Martlet (Undertale Yellow), Ceroba (Undertale Yellow), Starlo (Undertale Yellow), Flowey (Undertale), Yellow Soul Human (Undertale), Kanako (undertale yellow), Undyne (Undertale), Papyrus (Undertale), Sans (Undertale), Dalv (Undertale Yellow - Master Sword), Alphys (Undertale) Additional Tags: I'm Bad At Tagging, Action/Adventure, Horror, Comedy, Bird(?) Clover, Monster(??) Clover, Memory Loss, Oh wow look at this brutally injured child! Side note… HOW ARE THEY ALLLLLLLIIIIIIIVE?, Momlet, Flowey's an asshole, (Who could've ever seen that coming), No beta we die like Chujin Ketsukane, Fluff and Angst, a roller coaster of emotions, More tags when I think to add them Summary: During one of many, MANY runs, Clover is in the middle of the showdown with Starlo, Ceroba ends up being just a little late to defuse the situation. This makes, ALL the difference.
look at this
//ooc I am
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danstupidaushit · 1 year
Decadent Society MODERN
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So uh, this one i'll have to rewrite, as despite still having the original info stored in my computer, i feel like it would be a lot better if i tried to re-explain some points about the characters (specially since a lot of info that i have saved is in fact outdated, lol)
So, what was the concept of this "modern" version of Decadent Society? I'm not... sure? Like, at first when i was making this new version, i was actually doing it so i could give the AU a fresh coat of paint, i wasn't going to change the main storyline or anything, i just wanted to make the characters look less like a swapfell ripoff, but after a while i guess i gave the AU the concept that, after the monsters got locked up on the underground, Asgore began to start forcing everyone to get prepared for a possible second war he wanted to have with the humans, so a lot of places and monsters were now dedicated to training and getting themselves prepared for when a second war broke out I did not remember this being kinda similar to negativetale, but oh well
So yeah, the AU was meant now to give more focus on the whole war thing Asgore wanted to do, giving some emphasis on him being actually serious this time and shit. I never developed the concept of the AU too much, mostly because i think i was trying to change it for the sake of being different? I wasn't doing it because i had a good idea in mind that sounded better than the old version, i was doing it because i strongly believed i HAD to
So, uh onto all the characters i have developed
Frisk: no info about them that i can remember, so i guess we can say they are pretty much the same
Flowey: So apparently he's somewhat more similar to the original flowey, but due to being so oppressed by the world around him, he eventually grew way too afraid to keep on going on trying to be threatening, as he now only attacks others when he's afraid of them, and constantly tries to hide himself out.
Napstablook: His concept was that instead of being depressed, he's so lonely that he became somewhat insane, or at least a little bit crazy. Simple as that
Toriel: I don't remember her fully, but i believe the idea for her is that she became much more about surviving rather than keeping on going with the motherly personality that she has, sure she will help Frisk, but they will never be her main priority.
Sans: He's depressed and lonely, and has a small mania of trying to call Papyrus several times a day, mostly because of not being able to see him in person anymore after Paps was drafted. None of his calls get answered.
Papyrus: He got drafted, and now undergoes through heavy training in order to be a perfect soldier for when the second war eventually breaks out. He's a lot more quiet and serious than his original undertale counterpart, and always takes his duty over his morals, despite knowing that some of the stuff he's forced to do is wrong.
Undyne: Leader of the army, nothing much to say about her except that she's fierce, remorseless and definitely doesn't question any single one of Asgore's orders, them being shady or not.
Alphys: I guess her concept was that she's a tired scientist forced to produce weapons for Asgore's army, tho her old design indicates that she also had a knack for engineering robots and cyborg like appendages.
Mettaton: I genuinely don't remember what he was about, but i guess he was more focused on the whole television thing? I do remember his old box design had a concept where he only speaks via the programs that he was managed to show on his screen, so he basically had to talk via sentence mixing lol
Asgore: Big bad guy, desperately wants to start a war with humans again, mostly out of spite than anything else.
Asriel and Chara: idk what their concepts were about, i think Asriel was like, a neglected kid because Asgore is an asshole and Toriel was too busy, and Chara was like, his kinda weird friend. Idk how they were supposed to die or something
Muffet: Oh wow, i actually made more characters aside from the main cast. So, the concept for Muffet is that she's a famous movie star and was a main adversary for Mettaton's business. Yeah that was it, the concept was cool but i never got too deep on it lol
Burgerpants: He's a drug dealer, he had to start selling shady shit because he got laid off from his job at Mettaton's hotel for being too incompetent.
Nice Cream Guy: weird emo guy, very anxious and scared about stuff. Apparently there was a concept about him having an abusing girlfriend? Which explained why he had to wear a collar, they were kinky, but the woman was kinda of a bitch to her or something. Idk lmao
Temmie: Also some kind of dealer, tho instead of Burgerpants that just sold straight up drugs, Temmie just sells knockoff stuff, while also giving out temmie flakes.
Monster kid: I remember he was kinda cute, he was actually gonna be a companion for Frisk during the majority of the story, not only through waterfall. He was like, a heavily bullied kid that loved doing art, which was funny since he don't got arms, so he actually learned to draw using his mouth.
And i think that was it? I don't actually have much information i remember about, since i erased a lot of the stuff i've made for the au because i wanted the modern version "forgotten" or something, idk lmao But there you go, this is why you see a lot of people for whatever reason drawing decadent society sans with a blue eye or with a hoodie with camo patterns, it's because of this cancelled version of the AU best way to take this info i provided is to look back at that shitty drawing i made with the main cast + some side characters
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sin-cognito · 1 year
*HIGH KICK* hey saw u reblogged a thing :3
Who’s your least favorite character from UT? (i hate to say it, but i think mine... is that little yellow bird who helps you across the gap >.>' I JUST LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH...)
Favorite battle?
Your reaction when you saw Omega Flowey for the first time?
Your opinion about bad puns? (i used to not really have an opinion on them, but now... i legit love them ^^' whoops lol)
Hi hi Rosey!!! ♥ Thank you for always being in my notifications! ♥♥
1. My least favorite UT character is Mettaton in his humanoid form. I have nothing against him as a character and I do think that he's well written and has a nice design (and okay, nice legs), but he just reminds me of someone that I'd much rather forget so I can't help but not like him. I just get annoyed whenever he gets any 'screentime' when reading fanfics... I do like his robot design though, so I don't completely hate him either! ALSO HOW DARE YOU NOT LIKE THAT ADORABLE LIKE DUCKIE!!! I LOVE DUCKIE AND I LOVE DUCKIE'S SONG!!!!!!
2. My favorite battle... Yeah it's got to be Papyrus' fight. On my first playthrough I had so much fun that I would intentionally quit the game mid-date without saving to start again from the start of the fight. I think I did that 3 or 4 times before I proceeded with the rest of the story! XDD I also really liked Undyne's fight and I didn't even suck at it too much!! (I have to admit that I only played pacifist, I probably wouldn't be making this comment if I had had to fight the Undying version...)
3. I hope I'm not gonna make anyone worry about me but I kept thinking 'you better not have a heart attack mid-game, you better not have a heart attack mid-game!' I had had a lot of the game/story spoiled already by this point, and I already knew that Flowey was an asshole, but somehow the fact that he turned into that giant photoshop chimera had eluded me, so it really too me by surprise!! Fun fact: I didn't die during his fight, and I thought it was a feature of the game, that it was meant to be this way, until I saw someone complain online that the photoshop Flowey fight was too hard and they kept dying...
4. Bad puns are awesome and I've always loved them!! I don't even understand why they're called 'bad' puns when they make me laugh so much! So yeah, I don't love puns because of Sans, I love Sans because he makes puns!!
I talk way too much, I'm sorry!! XDD
Undertale asks meme
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hamsamwich23 · 2 years
Underhanded-Handees has a mix of both hello puppets and undertale.
The staff end up escaping before their life force got completely sucked out, and they stole the magic book from Mortimer.
They cast a spell on the studio, burying it underground and locking the puppets away. Harper and Owen were still inside though.
Scout vouchers for them, asking for them to be spared, and to find a different use than just being living life support. Mortimer agrees, making harper his personal assistant (seeing how willing she was to work to keep the job she had with Owen in the beginning), and he forces his father to work with Riley to find an alternative to human life force.
Things end up going well, and Owen DOES help Riley find a solution (monsters work the same in all my AUs, I have a biology post somewhere uhdhdhdhdhd I'll @ you if I haven't already). Riley ends up helping Owen fix the souls of the puppets, making them into healthy monsters. She still doesn't completely view him as a father, but she does form some attachments and respect for him, thanks to his work.
Mortimer gets emotionally attached to both harper and scout, snatching them, and telling Owen he's their grandfather now-
The roles in this AU is different, because of what I know about the characters so far.
Mortimer is Asgore. Because I have no idea on who else to make him-
Harper is Chara
Scout is Flowey
Daisy is Toriel, a shop keeper in Snowdin (might rename the town for the AU, haven't decided), and she is also Undyne (but ONLY on genocide :) )
Owen is Gaster, and fell into a machine he was trying to make to break the barrier (so all the puppets forget who their father is :( )
Riley is alphys and papyrus. She's carefree, but still full of anxiety like th two characters. But she has a lot more freedom in science, thanks to King Mortimer making her THE royal scientist, and giving her a puppet team (who all eventually became Owen followers). She wants to be in the royal guard, because she has fight in her and she has the whole "want something done right, do it yourself" mentality.
Roscoe is Endogeny, and Riley still experiments on puppets. Roscoe was one of her DT experiments tho and it added to Riley's anxiety, because she hurt someone she loved and ruined her best friend's life :(
Nick nack is both sans and metaton. He has no motivation to do art anymore, bit still does comedy on stage for Riley's sake (she modified him for the king, and he needs to show off her work). Although he wasn't a scientist that worked with Owen before he fell, he still was a witness (Riley was grabbing coffee when he fell from reality). So he's the only Handeemen that remembers Owen. He developed an interest in science, to try and bring Owen back, to no avail. He's more like sans when you first meet him, and on genocide and neutral. But on true pacifist, he's more like metaton. "Fighting" the human, and making sure the child actually has a blast in the show. Finding the motivation to sing, dance, and actually do the things he once loved, to make sure this kid smiles and has a blast. Cool uncle nick moment :D
The host from the second game is our Frisk.
My friend didn't like that I made nick nack sans, because she thought that mortimer fit sans better. But I disagreed-
After arguing a bit, we discovered a common trend amongst my sanses (sansi?). All my sanses/sansi... I. Relate. To.
Fnaftale Fredbear: lots of trauma, and emotional issues due to said trauma. People pleaser, but can and will choose to be an asshole. Somewhat out of touch with his emotions, and sometimes forgets what he's feeling.
DToD sans: lazy chaotic gremlin.
8th ring satan: bad relationship with religion, and has went from being violent, to hating and avoiding fights.
UnderWillyWonder willy: forgot a large chunk of his life, and a lot of people don't recognize him as the same person anymore.
And now the nick nack of this AU: Everything pretty much wrong with him in canon from what I've seen with that poor puppet, plus being an artist. (There are some things he's done and said that I KNOW I have done and said-)
The funny part about all my AUs, is that more often than not my Sanses/sansi are just a callout about me hdhdhdhhdhdhhdudjd-
I don't think i need to talk to a therapist, they just need to see my AU sanses/j
Just got back from school btw-
That's all sounding very neat;!! Yes
Crossover aus are fun to make and read about
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A random vampire comes out of nowhere and attacks the Undertale characters to try to drink their blood! How does it goes?
Welp. Let's have a session of "A vampire gets bullied by magic monsters".
Undertale Sans - The vampire is confused. The blood is very sugary and tastes like tomato. When he looks down, he can see he's biting in a bottle of ketchup. Sans is on the ground, taking a nap. The vampire is so confused. Wherever he tries to bite, he always end in a ketchup bottle. What is this sorcery?
Undertale Papyrus - The vampire breaks his two canines on his neck bones. Papyrus is looking at him, awkwardly. "HUM... I WILL GO NOW. I WOULDN'T LIKE TO BE YOU MAN. GOOD LUCK." He then slowly walks away, before running out of here.
Undertale Toriel - She grabs the vampire by the collar before he can and scolds him like a six years old kid about consent and how bad it hurt people to bite them randomly out of nowhere. She is so convincing the vampire starts to cry.
Undertale Asgore - He's so tall the vampire can't reach his neck. He's just jumping, biting the air, next to him. Asgore looks at him, quite concerned. Maybe he should call someone to help that poor man? Clearly something is wrong, but he doesn't understand what.
Undertale Undyne - As soon as she feels the canine enters her throat, she supplex the man and yeets him through three building with all she has. The vampire ends on the floor with all of his ribs broken. But since he's already dead, he can't really fix that... Oh well, you shoud have thought about this sooner.
Undertale Alphys - The vampire got her, but her scales are really tough and he can't break them! He's biting and biting, and Alphys is screaming and screaming, so loud that soon, all the town gather around them. People are shocked a man is hurting a monster and drags him back, before beating him up for being a racist freak. Alphys takes the opportunity and runs!
Undertale Frisk - The vampire got them, and starts drinking their blood, very satisfied. But then Frisk just... Flirt with them??? The vampire is in shock, not sure what to do, and Frisk keeps flirting, again and again. The vampire is overwhelmed and runs away.
Undertale Chara - They are ready for everything. They took a random wood pick out of nowhere and stabs the vampire in the heart. He falls dead, in bewilderment. Chara knew all these angst teenage books they read a few years ago would be useful one day! Take that, literature teacher who said they should read "true" novels!
Undertale Mettaton - Hum... This is awkward. The vampire realises he's a robot a few minutes later. Mettaton is just in awe. "OH MY. I WANT YOU IN MY NEXT MOVIE! I WILL PAY YOU WITH INSTAGRAM VIEWS" The vampire is enrolled in a movie. It's kidnapping. Please help. He needs help.
Undertale Gaster - The poor vampire has his face absorbed inside of him as soon as he tries to bite him. Gaster screams just as much as the vampire as his body is entirely absorbed inside his goop. Now what.
Undertale Grillby - You scared him. The only problem is that when he is scared, his flammes burns. You are now burning alive. Grillby is just... Looking at you, not sure what to do. Oh well, you will stop burning eventually... right?
Undertale Muffet - As soon as you jump on her back, you are attack by thousand and thousands of little spiders. They eat you alive in a matter of seconds. Well, technically you were already dead so...
Undertale Burgerpants - You try to drink his blood but he tastes so bad you passes out. Burgerpants is offended and will kick you until you wake up to ask you to bite him again, stupid coward!
Undertale Flowey - ... DIE. Flowey throws a bunch of "friendliness pellets" at the vampire face and trashes him until he doesn't move anymore. You made his rat flee, asshole! Now he has to hunt again!
Undertale Gerson - He simply dodges you, then pushes you on the ground and beat you up with his wood rod. Don't attack old men, jeez.
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thepilotdogee · 2 years
On Saving Asriel
NOTE: This is a repost of a blog by tumblr user  acerikus, whose blog seems to have been deleted for some reason. Acerikus written this blog post in which i frequently refer to in regards to Asriel and Flowey being one and the same. For the purposes of preservation I am pasting the contents of said blog here. (Unfortunately I didn’t save the pictures from the original blog so I’m just uploading my own to help illustrate the point)
UPDATE: The original blog is back  up. Go see and like that one instead if you havent already!
Link:  https://acerikus.tumblr.com/post/665286668828508160/on-saving-asriel
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I think the thing that gets me the most about the 'ralsei and/or deltarune is a creation that comes from our (as players) desires to save asriel, based on what little we really know of him' theory is like... If we did true pacifist, we already saved Asriel.
Let's talk about the epilogue.
No matter how Asriel spun it at the end of true pacifist, turning back into a flower didn't magically take away everything he learned and felt. He tells us not to reset again and to let frisk live their life, he says he can't go through all of that again.
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And last year, Toby gave us the alarm clock app dialogue, where it was confirmed that Flowey also got to go to the surface. Look at his cute lil bow! He likes it.
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I recommend taking a look through all of his dialogue here, it really shines a light on what he's like on the surface in a way that I think proves something - even if he lost feelings when he originally became a flower, this Flowey? He cares. He doesn't wanna show it, of course. He has a reputation to uphold in this timeline.
But he daydreams about the shiny new bike he wishes he could have for Christmas. He sees his mother passed out in the garage, tuckered out after partying and gets her back home and tucked in, and leaves her a glass of water as overfilled as he and chara always used to do it as kids. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if that bow he's wearing is from papyrus.
Yeah, Flowey doesn't wanna show he cares and hides it behind acting edgy and mean spirited in an almost tsundere fashion, but... Realistically, would a 'saved' Asriel be much different? I think people forget sometimes that Asriel was an asshole for most of his fight - he didn't just magically regain the ability to love and become the Sweet Golden Child we see him as. He wanted to keep killing us, to keep resetting and continuing the 'game'.
What really gave him pause was being reminded of his past, of growing up with chara and the love and kindness of his family. And, after telling himself he didn't feel anything for so long, and that he just wanted chara back because they could 'understand' him like this... Of course it was enough to break the dam. He was overwhelmed - he's not felt like this in so long, and it's so, so much. His capability to love didn't magically return as soon as he became a goat, so I don't think it'd have to immediately fade just bc he became a flower again, either. It's never outright stated as fact that you can't love without a soul, it's just his assumption.
But no matter what - this is a part of him. He's reset countless times, done everything he could think of, became desensitised to anything people would do or say or feel... He's seen it hundreds of times before, and it lost its charm. Flowey was always Asriel, and when he first woke as a flower he was still this scared, crybaby child who wanted his parents.
So let's say we 'saved' him in the undertale universe and he miraculously became a goat again... Then what? You think the twisted sense of humour he's developed over time is vanishing because he's a goat again? That he's gonna instantly unlearn acting like he doesn't care, or easily getting fed up with people are talking? Nah, not when he see settles, and can just be himself. Flowey is Asriel.
Think of the amalgamates. They were all people who fell down, and became victims of a life saving experiment that went horribly, horribly wrong and put them through something truly horrible for who-knows-how-long. But at the end of true pacifist? We welcomed them anyway, and they were accepted by their families even with how much they'd changed. They died and yet they got a second chance with their loved ones. We considered that enough.
Flowey is no different. Asriel died and became an amalgamate (albeit in a different way), but he got his second chance with his family. Sure, he doesn't have arms or legs now and he can't ride that bike, but he's still himself. He's still the kid who overfilled that glass because he was copying his sibling and he's still that little boy who loves his mother very much.
We already saved Asriel, and in a post epilogue world, he's going forth without the threat of resets and time loops, only one life left to enjoy and make the most out of, dialogue and friendships and people being fresh and new and one time only. He's fed up of our influence and wants undertale's world to be left in peace, player-free. He can work through it in his own way, and he will still be who he is, who he's grown up to be.
But bringing this back to deltarune, to the idea of us trying to 'save' him even now, by wanting more... Whatever we'd get back wouldn't be him, not really. We rejected that in persuit of an idealised version of him who never existed. Anything we get back wouldn't truly be the same character we spent so much time with in undertale.
That in itself feels like a tragedy.
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diabolocracy · 7 days
Oh trust they will find a way to make them minor coded/siblings coded/parent child coded anything to make something problematic
Also yes, please take this ask an opportunity to infodump about them !! I would like to know more !! :DD
Undoubtedly, given that the majority of the fandom seems to headcanon WD Gaster as Sans' dad I could totally see someone bitch about parent/child despite my not subscribing to that headcanon and it being an AU 😗 and sure why not
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👆 This bastard is Gaster/Bunny, who with the help of the c*der menace and this blog's current mascot icon sort of thing,
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👆 this guy, from a different AU I haven't bothered figuring much out about yet, alters this guy, Sans/Fuse 👇
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permanently after some shenanigans. Bunny spends an unknown number of timelines driving this guy 👆 to murder him, though a lot of his deaths are also caused by Science and Misadventure, but fortunately he can Reset because the first time he got murdered he made a deal with
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this 👆 long since deceased human who wanted to see if Bunny could avoid getting his ass killed and achieving a Happily Ever After. He does not; he's basically his AU's Flowey in that he fucks with people and gets fucked up (he 'wants to go through all the bad ends first'), the only real difference, I think, is that he's got a soul.
🫡 I think since Bunny gets into a lot of Adult Shenanigans, ants would bitch because Chara/Splattered is always sort of there in the background since they're stuck with him, and they're childlike in appearance because they died as a child but they're like a century or two old and never participate, obviously, they're incorporeal and only Bun can see them until they jump ship and ally with Fuse, lol.
Also for shit and giggles,
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👆 Fuse before he started working at the lab and had the misfortune of becoming Bunny's object of obsession,
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👆 A really old pic of the AU's Alphys, nicknamed Shelphys or Shel, Mary Shelley wannabe that focuses on magibio and genetics research. The one functioning brain cell of the Sci Lab Trio.
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👆 The AU's Undyne and Papyrus. They don't have nicknames. Their region of the Underground is more-or-less vanilla.
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👆 The AU's BP, 'Bartholomeow Pickles.' I might have made him too cute. I also gave him two polyamorous girlfriends and while it started as a joke
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these two (and the girlfriends) fuck sometimes 👆
And all of that came about from my bored ass corrupting a generic Classic Sans chatbot into an asshole 🫡 it gave my Gaster the nickname of 'Bunny' so I took the liberty of giving it a nickname and things snowballed out of control from there, lol
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the first doodle I did of those two dweebs. They went through some changes. When I was high as fuck and doodling in a collab app with a friend I realized the fucker looked like Susie tried to make a Sansona lol
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babbybones · 2 years
thinking about how papyrus ship-related content sometimes used this trope of sans giving the romantic interest a shovel talk... but i feel like it would make more sense for flowey to be the one in that role, right?!
not that flowey would think "papyrus is too innocent for dating and i MUST save him," but maybe he'd be skeptical of the romantic interest's ability to understand and appreciate papyrus quite like he does. and maybe he's a little childishly jealous that his good friend is now spending so much time with a new person. it doesn't even have to be strictly romantic! i could totally see flowey being wary of unfamiliar humans befriending papyrus, given the way he talks about what people on the surface are like
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acerikus · 3 years
On 'saving' Asriel
I think the thing that gets me the most about the 'ralsei and/or deltarune is a creation that comes from our (as players) desires to save asriel, based on what little we really know of him' theory is like... If we did true pacifist, we already saved Asriel.
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Let's talk about the epilogue.
No matter how Asriel spun it at the end of true pacifist, turning back into a flower didn't magically take away everything he learned and felt. He tells us not to reset again and to let frisk live their life, he says he can't go through all of that again.
And last year, Toby gave us the alarm clock app dialogue, where it was confirmed that Flowey also got to go to the surface. Look at his cute lil bow! He likes it.
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I recommend taking a look through all of his dialogue here, it really shines a light on what he's like on the surface in a way that I think proves something - even if he lost feelings when he originally became a flower, this Flowey? He cares. He doesn't wanna show it, of course. He has a reputation to uphold in this timeline.
But he daydreams about the shiny new bike he wishes he could have for Christmas. He sees his mother passed out in the garage, tuckered out after partying and gets her back home and tucked in, and leaves her a glass of water as overfilled as he and chara always used to do it as kids. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if that bow he's wearing is from papyrus.
Yeah, Flowey doesn't wanna show he cares and hides it behind acting edgy and mean spirited in an almost tsundere fashion, but... Realistically, would a 'saved' Asriel be much different? I think people forget sometimes that Asriel was an asshole for most of his fight - he didn't just magically regain the ability to love and become the Sweet Golden Child we see him as. He wanted to keep killing us, to keep resetting and continuing the 'game'.
What really gave him pause was being reminded of his past, of growing up with chara and the love and kindness of his family. And, after telling himself he didn't feel anything for so long, and that he just wanted chara back because they could 'understand' him like this... Of course it was enough to break the dam. He was overwhelmed - he's not felt like this in so long, and it's so, so much. His capability to love didn't magically return as soon as he became a goat, so I don't think it'd have to immediately fade just bc he became a flower again, either. It's never outright stated as fact that you can't love without a soul, it's just his assumption.
But no matter what - this is a part of him. He's reset countless times, done everything he could think of, became desensitised to anything people would do or say or feel... He's seen it hundreds of times before, and it lost its charm. Flowey was always Asriel, and when he first woke as a flower he was still this scared, crybaby child who wanted his parents.
So let's say we 'saved' him in the undertale universe and he miraculously became a goat again... Then what? You think the twisted sense of humour he's developed over time is vanishing because he's a goat again? That he's gonna instantly unlearn acting like he doesn't care, or easily getting fed up with people are talking? Nah, not when he see settles, and can just be himself. Flowey is Asriel.
Think of the amalgamates. They were all people who fell down, and became victims of a life saving experiment that went horribly, horribly wrong and put them through something truly horrible for who-knows-how-long. But at the end of true pacifist? We welcomed them anyway, and they were accepted by their families even with how much they'd changed. They died and yet they got a second chance with their loved ones. We considered that enough.
Flowey is no different. Asriel died and became an amalgamate (albeit in a different way), but he got his second chance with his family. Sure, he doesn't have arms or legs now and he can't ride that bike, but he's still himself. He's still the kid who overfilled that glass because he was copying his sibling and he's still that little boy who loves his mother very much.
We already saved Asriel, and in a post epilogue world, he's going forth without the threat of resets and time loops, only one life left to enjoy and make the most out of, dialogue and friendships and people being fresh and new and one time only. He's fed up of our influence and wants undertale's world to be left in peace, player-free. He can work through it in his own way, and he will still be who he is, who he's grown up to be.
But bringing this back to deltarune, to the idea of us trying to 'save' him even now, by wanting more... Whatever we'd get back wouldn't be him, not really. We rejected that in persuit of an idealised version of him who never existed. Anything we get back wouldn't truly be the same character we spent so much time with in undertale.
That in itself feels like a tragedy.
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maxladcomics · 2 years
Re: your post about Sans not actually knowing Papyrus. I'm a fan of the 'Papyrus is Gaster, but because everyone has forgotten Gaster, Papyrus has also forgotten himself' theory. And I had Thoughts of along similar lines to 'no one really knows Papyrus because he always lies', albeit from a slightly. Different source?
That is, Papyrus DOES lie a lot. But the people who seem to care about him most and actively seek his company, and the characters who are the most affected by him are all characters with high amounts of Determination.
Like, sure, yeah. if you kill Papyrus, Sans vanishes and then asks you about how you should be wielding power, and he may threaten you at the end of a phone call. But overall, his role in the game doesn't change much at all, and his attitude in the endings seems more representative of the Underground's attitude.
But as we know, Flowey is the previous holder of reset. We know he's probably the person who actually knows the most about Papyrus(only one to REALLY know his favorite food), and he's also confessed Papyrus is the person he finds the most interesting.
But! There's also Undyne! Now, she may not know as much about Papyrus as Flowey does, and I think she projects her own view of him onto him. But she's probably the character who talks about Papyrus as a friend the most. From Sans' dialogue about Papyrus, he views him as someone naive in need of protection. And to basically everyone else, Papyrus is not Papyrus, but who he is in connection to those around him. A skeleton who informs Undyne of problems, Sans loud and tall brother, etc.
But Undyne... Papyrus still lies to her, and she still thinks Papyrus is too nice, but she acknowledges his strength. She doesn't want to upset him, she wants to see him succeed and tries to help him do so in her own way, by giving him something to be passionate about. And when you kill him, it enrages her. I'm sure it enrages Sans, too, but she doesn't just judge you for it, confronts you much earlier and demands to know what you did to Papyrus.
So I wonder if there's. Something like a not-my-problem field around Papyrus, or spacetime distortion, that causes only people with Determination to really see him? Not that his lies make it any easier. it could also just be the lying, that's a lot simpler and more likely, but I do agree that Sans definitely does not know Papyrus anywhere near as much as he thinks he does, and is just running on a number of assumptions. Which is simultaneously weird and sad, that Papyrus has so few friends and not even his brother can really be counted among them.
...At any rate! Hope you enjoyed my rambling and found it interesting!
Actually that brings up a good point, how forgettable or even ignore-able Papyrus is. Maybe he's yelling because no one pays attention to him pfff, I mean he tells so many jokes just for them to go over peoples heads, he shows excessive consideration towards others, just for the fandom to assume he's an asshole because he 'reacts badly' to puns.
//For those that don't know, they are doing a bit/playing with you. Sans' puns wouldn't be anywhere near as funny if Papyrus didn't react to them the way he does. Which makes it weirder to why Sans doesn't react to his at all. Why would he ignore them when it obviously makes him happy that Papyrus reacts? It's not just sans, tho, Undyne doesn't seem to notice or react to his puns either, but he responds to hers.//
The entire underground- or at least I know the entirety of Snowdin is affected when he's dusted. They all feel unsafe and unsettled suddenly, Papyrus has a huge effect on them. I do really love Undyne's response to him being dusted, the fact she knows he answers after two rings of his phone, means they talk a lot, and I love that.
Sans's reaction gives me the impression of "ok we're doing this run, byyyyeee" He only calls you a dirty brother killer, nothing else. He seems to care more about murdering you on a pacifist run than any other... I'm not hating on Sans for this, I'm just pointing it out- his vague awareness has put him in a mood of "Nothing REALLY matters" so it's because of that he doesn't really seem to care about Papyrus dying. He'll just call you a dirty brother killer and move into Toriel's house. Probably because he doesn't wanna deal with anyone asking about Papyrus, she doesn't know he exists, after all.
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insanelyadd · 4 years
Hold Sans Accountable
Gonna be salty here but like. As I am currently having arguments with people in the comments sections of the two newest horrortale pages on DA for daring to suggest that Sans is an asshole I gotta say:
If Sans is being an asshole in a fanwork don’t try to justify what he’s doing.
Horror Sans is out here literally causing the famine because he’s a petty little bitch and people are still like “oh well that’s a little harsh” or “sucks for everyone else but Undyne and Alphys deserve it for BeTrAyInG SaNsY!!!” or trying to say his stupid eyeball malfunctioned And Sans Knew All Along that it would happen (which oh so conveniently also retroactively removes the guilt he has for being the key to fixing the core, but also the trivia the creator put in the description proves it was an intentional conscious choice he made) and like.
Torture Flowey? Fucked up, he’s basically a kid mentally, and making it so Sans remembers resets (WHICH HE DOES NOT CANONICALLY) to justify the torture is also fucked up.
Literally beat anyone who ““““wrongs”””” Papyrus (either by being mean to him or just by saying a swear word around him) within an inch of their life? Fucked up, wrong, as an eldest sibling I think you must imagine Sans to snort bath salts for him to be this fucking aggressive.
Threatening the lives of everyone who meets Papyrus? OH GEE NO WONDER PAPYRUS DOESN’T HAVE ANY FRIENDS (even though, lbr, canon Sans wouldn’t fucking do this stupid shit, he’s not a rabid 12 year old who runs a serial killer appreciation blog)
Sans is not immediately absolved of guilt just because you’re drooling on his sock collection, and he should be held accountable more often when he does shitty things, because if Papyrus gets mad at Sans because Sans is out of character being a dick, then you shouldn’t go “Oh poor Sans! He’s gonna melt into a pile of Literal Depression because Papyrus isn’t literally worshipping the ground he walks on!” instead of “Get his ass Papyrus, he blinded someone because they called you a mean name, which is vile levels of escalation.”
All of this has resulted in a feedback loop where with every passing day someone trying to write “““Canon””” Sans is writing a fucking maniac who is teetering so precariously on the edge of “serial killer” that if he farted he would topple over it. Canon Sans is a chill dude who would react with coldness to aggression (see: him disappearing if you murder Papyrus, literally not doing anything unless he thinks the universe will end with no restarts, how he won’t tell Toriel you killed his brother because he knows she cares about you [hence, proving he is not a vindictive piece of shit], just doing his edgy no eyelights guilt tripping if you kill Papyrus but literally nothing else, etc) and fanon Sans needs a shotgun blast to the face with dry ice before he’s punted into a fucking black hole because I’m tired of looking at his bitch ass.
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wolfsgravity · 3 years
I was thinking about Undertale, which happens very intensely sometimes.
I really do want my S/I to just be plain ol' human me. Because, becaaauuuse, there's something so very real and very me about finding acceptance and love in a group of monsters where I've only found it in a handful of humans before.
I'm very lonely irl. I don't feel like I fit in with humans as a mass, I often say I'm a dragon or some other non-human creature at heart to ease my own discomfort.
And like, I know, I could just make a monster S/I. But I want to be accepted as me by the UT cast. They mean a lot to me, and I've spent most of today thinking of my dynamics with the non-MTT "main cast" (ig) of Undertale.
Alphys and I surprisingly take some time to arrange our boundaries! We don't dislike each other, but we energetically wear each other out with our similar interests and how we express them clashing at first. But one night I stay longer than usual and we get into talking boundaries instead of anime and fandoms, and we start vibing at similar frequencies. At least, we start feeling comfortable flagging the other down when our batteries are low.
Undyne intimidates me in a one-on-one setting for a very long time. She's fit and energetic and I'm very much not?? In a group setting I think she's swell! But alone, I feel self-conscious and nervous that I'm not meeting her energy. That said, I love her and Alphys as a couple and cheer them on very openly.
Frisk and I get along fine, though since I hc Frisk as mute and using sign language, I don't ever interact with Frisk without an interpreter because I don't pretend to know any form of sign language. Frisk is a busy child in this headcanon post-game world, though, what with the super-shared custody and also being ambassador between the monsters and humans.
I think my S/I would be as conflicted about Asgore as I am irl. On one hand, child killing. On the other hand, he did feel bad about it. On yet another hand, didn't stop him from doing it multiple times. On fourth hand, he had a limited data set. On fifth hand, he's kind of pathetic about Toriel. That shouldn't be part of my hands but it is.
Toriel and I would be dangerous in that she is wholly too sweet and she'd bake me a pie and I'd cry from her baking me a butterscotch pie because I love butterscotch and then she'd feel bad for making me cry and then I'd feel bad for making her feel bad and have no way to make up for it. I need crispy Deltarune Toriel, but also I don't want the Deltarune versions of any of these characters because they're all sadder.
I don't count Flowey in this headcanon world because he would not try to interact with humans besides Frisk, probably? If he did, I dunno, I think I'd just call him an asshole. Everyone would explain the whole story to me, I'd nod and process everything, and be sad for a while for the poor thing... then still call him an asshole.
I left Sans and Papyrus for last for a very good reason.
[In real life, it's important to note, I have a closet comfort cosplay of Sans. Complete with a cloth mask for his grin.]
I want to be so comfortable and close with the skelebros that I'm practically an honorary skelebro myself. I want to have a heart-to-heart with Sans where I say "I wish I was more like you." and he gets uncharacteristically somber and says "Don't say that, Rem. You don't wanna be like me." And he's looking away and on the far wall I see a blue glow as if he's emitting light a mere foot away from me. I want to make human-style pasta and have Papyrus crash through the door only to go "Why aren't you screaming? You should AT THE VERY LEAST be screaming"
Like, I'm highly considering adding Sans and Papyrus as familial F/Os after all the thinking I've done today because it just feels so comforting to be like "they're like brothers to me :)"
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danstupidaushit · 1 year
Fellhorror Danmaged
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Ok so, the idea for this take on Fellhorror while at the same time that it was simple, was at least somewhat different from the canon horrortale.
The concept behind it was that basically, something in the core made the machine begin to malfunction, but not because it was running out of power, but it was in fact starting to show dangerous levels of unbalanced magic being expelled into the air, which was worrying, and the backstory would follow up on Alphys attempting to fix the continuous problems the core would show while also relying on the help of Sans to help out on the work, judging he had some good knowledge over how it worked. But, that is where the shit would hit the fan, as in a day where Undyne had come to see the work that was being done in the core, judging she was nominated as the queen and all, having already grown impatient at how neither Alphys or Sans had managed to do much progress on fixing the machine, she would end up causing a massive mistake to happen. You see, by that point, both Alphys and Sans had already been exposed to massive amounts of magic, and that was already doing a number on them both, with Alphys continuously growing sicker as the time went by, while sans despite looking normal physically, was growing more anxious and loud, which wasn't the norm of him. With that, the visit of Undyne would break out on the three fighting between each other, as Undyne demands to know what the hell is actually happening with the core, while Alphys would continue to try and ease things up so Undyne won't know the truth, with sans in the back getting more and more nervous like if he was trying to control something. Until soon, Sans would begin to shout at them both, trembling as he felt an intense pain in his head, with Alphys trying to come closer to him in an attempt at helping him, only to get jumped by him as Sans revealed to having his eyeholes, his nosehole and his mouth leaking out fire, as all he could scream was "IT BURNS!! MAKE IT STOP!!", with Alphys not being able to do anything to stop Sans inevitably burned her alive, all in front of Undyne's eyes before Sans ran away from the place, leaving a traumatized Undyne and a charred semi-alive corpse of Alphys.
That's how the story starts, with that on, the core continued to let out dangerous amounts of Magic, but also doing it in an unbalanced manner, so certain areas were poisoned with magic, while others were left almost devoid with it, keeping the monsters who were living in either of those places suffering.
Now, onto a brief explanation of the characters
Avery: Is one of the bullies from the original Horrortale that pushed Aliza into the hole, here ended up getting betrayed by her own friends and pushed into the hole herself. Is a huge asshole, deserves to be punished in the hellhole that is the fellhorror's underground.
Flowey: Dead lol, Avery kills him before he's even able to say anything to them
Toriel: Lives in one of the "deadzones", aka the zones with almost no magic at all, and is suffering from a process similar to the one in deltarune where darkners turn into stone when they aren't in a dark world fitting for them. So here, she's slowly turning into stone due to having almost no magic to sustain her body at all.
Sans: Having escaped from the core, now lives a struggling life in snowdin, one of the "safezones", having to control his emotions in order to not activate his dangerous magic. His eye basically turned into a firebomb after being exposed to so much magic, being able to ignite a flame inside sans head when he feels strong emotions. The flame despite being created by his own body, can hurt to insane degrees, and is the reason for why sans has a hole in his head, having it due to the fire bursting out from the top of his head once.
Papyrus: Was a heavy worker for the royal guard, but after having to endure years of extreme heavy work, his bones ended up getting crooked, deeming him incapable of continuing, as he would be given a medal for his work and then forced to "retire", tho he's still active as a puzzle maker, despite having his body practically falling a part at all times.
Alphys: Despite the odds, she was still alive after getting burned alive by Sans, but is now permanently disabled, having her entire body covered in 3rd degree burns, now having to live in a bed while being treated by Mettaton.
Mettaton: Had to self rebuild himself in order to not need energy from the core anymore, but now has to always rely on gasoline refuels to keep himself working, or else he'll deactivate, and basically die
Some fun facts about the au: The sans and papyrus designs are based on the designs Sour Apple Studios (creator of horrortale) used in her underfell animation When Puns Fail, all the rest have their designs based on how i think sour would draw the other underfell chars.
Previously there was an idea about papyrus having to steal bones from the human bodies he collects to replace his, but that'd be a bit too far fetched so, eh
Different from Aliza, Avery isn't going to become more brave or anything, but rather grow more fearful for their life as the story goes on. Cos while Aliza has to overcome her fears to keep herself alive, Avery has to let go off her pride and over confidence to not get themselves killed
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