#like the amount of straight rad fems I've seen shitting on Mardi Gras this last couple weeks
realasslesbian · 1 year
Can us lesbians actually stop just letting casual homophobia slip by in movements that are supporting us for this hot second. Because y'all did that with the queers and the transes and now y'all doing that with the rad fems, and my old homosexual ass is telling you these rad fems ain't gonna keep supporting lesbians once they don't need us no more. So when you see these hetties bad-mouthing the rainbow or gender non-conformity or whatever even small ass thing, can we, for once, take no fucking quarter?
#like the amount of straight rad fems I've seen shitting on Mardi Gras this last couple weeks#and the shit that they're shitting on is literally just homosexual people#they be like 'how dare these predators parade in the street'#like#fuck off Sandra your precious Nigel is probably doing far more degenerate shit right now#gay people being visibly gay is not inherently a bad thing#homosexuals merely existing doesn't mean we're automatically supporting TRA ideology#or sinning against the lord#or whatever your flavour of dumb thinly veiled homophobia is#Mardi Gras is a gay and lesbian event#for gays and lesbians#it literally says it in the name#and sure the TRAs have foisted themselves onto it like some stinking barnacles#but they're not what gay pride is about#so shitting on gay pride just for existing isn't revolutionary#it's just homophobic#you ain't no different from the hordes of homophobic men rampaging in Sydney's streets during Mardi Gras#you're ideology is just as homophobic as theirs#and therefore just as worthless#so maybe instead of opening y'all's mouth to condemn anything happening under a rainbow flag#maybe shut tf up for two seconds and ask yourself is it really your place to say anything at all#and is what your saying actually just homophobia#or just keep being homophobic idc at this point#what's another useless movement that lesbians busted our ass to get off the ground only for it to mutate into a lesbophobic dumpster fire#I'll honestly be surprised if this radfem wave turns out any different#lesbian#lgbt#feminism#gold star lesbian#gold star lesbians do interact
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