#like the idea of bernadetta becoming edelgard's imperial counselor
My Fire Emblem: Three Houses Ending Ideas for Byleth
Some may have ships, others not.
Male Byleth
Verdant Wind: Becomes Claude's leading general and advisor. Could also serve as an ambassador to Almyra.
Azure Moon: Same as above, but for Dimitri. I think M!Byleth would go well with Mercedes.
Silver Snow: Becomes Archbishop. Either Mercedes or Flayn is his wife.
Crimson Flower: Can either be a general or an advisor. I'll let you know that I ship Edelgard with Hubert, so a marriage between her and M!Byleth is not on the table for me (and I do really like her character; I just personally can't separate her from Hubert in any way, shape, or form).
Female Byleth
Verdant Wind: May either marry Claude or remain one of his advisors (should Claude make Hilda his queen). Maybe even an ambassador to Almyra. (this one is hard, since Claude x Hilda makes more sense to me, yet I did marry Claude on my first playthrough)
Azure Moon: Becomes Dimitri's Queen.
Silver Snow: Becomes Archbishop. Possibly marries Seteth.
Crimson Flower: I'm still firmly in the Edelgard x Hubert camp, which brings me to my favorite idea: F!Byleth becomes her personal handmaiden/lady-in-waiting who tends to her, styles her hair, designs/makes her clothes, and will eventually become her midwife/nanny.
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crackimagines · 5 years
Megumi Sakura as a Professor AU (Time-Skip)
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Geez, ya’ll are evil, you know that?
School-Live! AU Masterlist Here
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“Five years have passed since Garreg Mach had been invaded.
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So much has happened since then. 
The Church of Seiros, Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and the Adrestian Empire have delcared war on each other, meaning that a majority of our students have become people we have to fight.
And k
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Megumi’s hand stopped when realized what she was about to write.
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(Megumi) “…And kill.”
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(Megumi) …Killing the children…
Her students were no longer children, but the fact remained that they had to harm people she cared so much for.
Megumi couldn’t bring herself to finish the journal. 
She had dusted it off after leaving five years ago. She was amazed it was still here after all this time. Though it seemed a little pointless now since she couldn’t even write in it.
With a sigh, Megumi closed her journal and set it back onto the table, cleaning up her desk a little.
Megumi looked off to the window where she had put the new flowers in. 
The ones the Black Eagles class had given here had obviously wilted away, and felt appropriate to replace them to help her feel at ease.
Though truth be told, no amount of redecorating would make everything feel the same. A majority of the Monastery was in ruins with debris from the battle everywhere, and only now were soldiers trying to clean up some of the blood that was splattered here and there.
She remembered the battle like it was yesterday, trying to evacuate as many of the students as she could before making her escape with the rest of the church forces.
Megumi was willing to die for the students if it meant saving them, but luckily it had never come to that.
When Imperial forces isolated her in the monastery, they were planning to keep her prisoner until they realized that she wasn’t a combat instructor, and Edelgard personally came to speak to Megumi.
(Edelgard) “Megune-…Professor Sakura. Thank goodness you aren’t hurt. Men, release her immediately.”
The soldiers let go of her arms and nodded.
Megumi knew the rest of the class was with her, but it seemed Edelgard and Hubert were the only ones who knew she was still here.
(Hubert) “Worry not, we do not plan to kill you…Unless you cause trouble for us, of course.”
(Edelgard) “Bluntly put but…not inaccurate. I would never want it to come to that. Professor Sakura, I can only give you this advice, stay out of this war. This is not an order but…a request from your student. Please.”
Megumi had done a very good job of that, helping out any wounded in the Church. She was never on the frontlines, nor did she think she ever could.
The idea of killing someone was sickening to her, and she refused to even think about hurting her former students.
She only returned to the Monastery because of a promise she made five years ago. The classes and their professors wanted to return in five years for the festival to have a big class reunion. 
They originally made the offer to Byleth, but Megumi was quickly dragged into the discussion, alongside Manuela and Hanneman.
Even though she knew the state of the Monastery, she wanted to keep that promise.
And she was glad she did, because Byleth was still alive after all that time.
A knock on her door brought Megumi back to the present, and she turned to the door.
(Megumi) “Come in!”
When the door opened, she involuntarily jumped seeing Byleth come in. She wasn’t used to his green hair back then, and she certainly wasn’t used to it now.
(Byleth) “Hey, Megumi.”
They both smiled at each other, and Byleth sat down on her bed as she turned around in the chair.
(Megumi) “What do you need, Byleth?”
(Byleth) “I’m just checking up on you.”
(Megumi) “M-Me?”
(Byleth) “It’s good to see you again after all these years but…where have you been?”
(Megumi) “I mostly stayed in Church and Kingdom territory helping out any churches or medical facilities as much as I could.”
(Byleth) “Were you able to find any of our old students?”
Megumi stayed silent for a moment. She had wished to see Mercedes or Manuela or anyone, frankly, but…
(Megumi) “No there…There wasn’t anyone I recognized.”
(Byleth) “I see.”
(Megumi) “Ah, but I’m happy to see you all now! If it meant waiting five years to see everyone healthy then it was well worth the wait-”
(Byleth) “You don’t have to pretend you’re okay with me, Megumi.”
Megumi’s smile slowly went away as she stared at the floor.
(Byleth) “These last five years, you’ve been all by yourself?”
(Megumi) “…Yes.”
Her voice had become quiet all of a sudden.
(Byleth) “And now you’re caught up in this mess too…”
(Megumi) “I…I can’t leave any of our students behind, Byleth. M-Maybe you can convince them to join us! That way we don’t have to hurt them and-”
She looked up from the ground and at Byleth, and saw the face of someone just as broken as she was.
(Byleth) “I want nothing more than to go back to those days, Megumi, but…”
(Megumi) “It’s impossible, I know…”
She looked back at the ground, her vison going blurry.
Byleth noticed that she was shaking now.
(Megumi) “The students, they didn’t deserve this fate…!”
(Byleth) “Megumi…”
Her fists started to curl up as teardrops landed on them.
(Megumi) “Why…? Why do we have to hurt our students?! WHY DO WE HAVE TO KILL THEM?! WHY COULDN’T WE HAVE JUST BEEN ALL TOGETHER?!-”
She wanted to scream more, but her words turned incomprehensible as she started bawling. 
Byleth hugged her as she continued sobbing. Although the way he was holding her was very awkward, he still tried his best to comfort her.
Five years worth of emotional pain was finally being released, and Megumi finally had someone to be there for her, just as she was there for her students.
Deep down she knew how she was hurting was only the beginning.
Now that Byleth was back, the war had truly begun.
And that meant that the students she loved were going to die one way or another.
Blue Lions
Megumi would’ve been absolutely heartbroken seeing how Dimitri was. How someone so caring and sweet turned into such a bloodthirsty person.
When she first tried approaching him, Dimitri cursed at her, saying that she was a pest.
Like Byleth, she desperately wanted to say something to snap him out of it, but nothing was working.
Although hope of seeing the Dimitri she knew would come back was fading, she still persisted.
When he finally did return to his old self, she was sobbing tears of joy. She cried harder when Dimitri came to apologize to her.
As for the rest of the Blue Lions, she was devastated when the news of Dedue was brought to her, but had the same reaction when Dedue finally found his way back to the group.
She was so proud of the others for the people they’ve matured into, and was happy to lend an ear to anyone who came to her.
Of course, the former Blue Lions class still referred to her as Megunee.
Golden Deer
Megumi was thankful that mostly everyone was kept intact despite such dire circumstances.
When Claude started making snarky remarks as the two waited for everyone else to arrive, including Byleth, she hugged him, needing to hear that her students weren’t affected by the war.
By the time everyone had come back, she was thankful to see them all again. Obviously they had troubles and everything wasn’t perfect, but the fact they all matured and stayed together was the only thing she asked for.
Of course, the former Golden Deer class still referred to her as Megunee.
Black Eagles
Against her better judgement and what Edelgard warned her, she wanted to stay with the Black Eagles class when they returned to Garreg Mach and occupied it.
With the Adrestian Empire essentially fighting everyone, Megumi knew that this path was going to be very bloody and that no happy ending would be rearing its head.
Manuela, Hanneman, Catherine, Shamir, Seteth, everyone she worked with and called dear friends were going to be siding with the Church, which meant against them.
She couldn’t bear to face any of them, knowing they’d call her a traitor. At least that’s what she thought, none of them ever got close to Megumi again, since they were mostly killed at the second battle of Garreg Mach.
Since she had stayed at Garreg Mach, Megumi decided to be something of an emotional counselor for the Black Eagles Strike Force.
Dorothea, Linhardt, and Bernadetta frequented her the most.
Of course, the former Black Eagles class still referred to her as Megunee.
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