#like the implementation of the cosmetic choices is a bit slickly currently so I’m trying to make it read better
A little blurb from the Prologue as I’m editing and rewriting parts of it.
“Your nightmares are trying to draw you somewhere, to lead you to where these dreams are to take place. I fear they will only get worse as you get older and spend more time away from where fate wants you.” Well. That isn’t very comforting to learn. As you look at Vivian you see that whatever happiness she felt at finding the solution to your pain has quickly gone, which only makes you more nervous.
“Where… where is this place I have to journey?” You ask warily. What if you’re going to be sent far away? To some unknown land you could not return from?! Perhaps you will have to go back to your birthplace of Benoic and face your parents murderer! Maybe… maybe you even have to find a way to the Otherworld itself. You feel yourself grow cold at the thought.
“Oh Sweetheart,” Vivian runs her hand along your [hair type choice], sensing your increasing anxiety, “It is nothing quite so bad as you fear. In fact, you’ll enjoy it quite a bit,” She laughed at a joke only she knew. “I’m simply going to miss you dearly”
“Dear, tomorrow you’ll be heading across the sea to Camelot.”
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