#Arthurian ifs
Still working on the aesthetics and the side bars are mostly empty but here it is!! Just glad the start finally uploaded!
Also exciting news, It’s gonna have music with it eventually. A friend of mine does music for games and such and wanted so make some music for it so that’s really cool!
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the-kingshound · 4 months
Warning inane ramble incoming, it’ll probably be annoying I apologize. (*_ _)人 I spent the last several days reading every post here. I managed to convince myself to start liking some (sorry about that I’m sure it was annoying to get all those notifications) I have this weird thing where I get nervous about liking older posts cuz I mean it’s been a long time and it’s unprompted so that’s weird right? It feels weird like I’m doing something wrong or I’m being annoying, I considered reblogging too but somehow that felt worse? Sorry I am not good with social rules they confuse me both on and offline Idk my brain is wrong and I’m just a nervous socially anxious snail. (>﹏<)
Anyways just wanted to gush about how much I love it here and I’m never leaving (´꒳`) ♡ First and foremost Yniol has a special place in my heart they will forever be my favorite bestie (*^ω^)人(^ω^*), yes I am biased as my partner is grey and though they don’t play IFs they were thrilled to learn about your character! Also your writing is just phenomenal, your fans are fun and creative, your characters give such warm and positive energy I love them so much they’re perfect, the inclusivity is such chefs kiss ( ´ з `) 🤌🏻✨, the angst is delicious, the fluff is so sweet and comforting, the spice is ... very blush-worthy (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄). This has been a journey I laughed, I cried, I giggled, and I blushed and I have enjoyed every bit of it from pasta discourse to Moldien cult wars to Arthur bunnies, I’ve had the most wonderful time. Now my mind is gonna be filled with Arthurian stuff for months my maladaptive daydreaming is having the time of its life I have a road trip next week and I’m so looking forward to just staring out a window for 6+hours while my Hound's just alternating daydream adventures with the cast o(≧▽≦)o. Also speaking of your amazingly wonderful, sweet, and supportive cast I have decided my (though I love them all) favorite poly pairings are Arthur/Morien and whole crew polycule I’d sell my soul for those but I 100% understand why you can’t really do that. I don’t think I have the endurance in me to code a single poly no matter how much I wish it so the fact you’re doing any let alone several is just god tier you are awe inspiring.
Alas I have rambled far far to much I wish I could be more eloquent in expressing just how much I enjoyed experiencing all of this but for now this is the best I can do (╥ω╥). Thank you for sharing your wonderful work it’s truly a gift to experience. ଘ(੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧ I wish you wealth, health, and all the best in all your creative endeavors. -🐌
No, please please do not apologize. You made my entire week <3 This ask is straight up going into the folder where i keep my motivation to write and to be just a little proud of my work, thank you so so much for sending it.
For anyone having the same thoughts about liking or reblogging old posts: please do it. When I see the notifications, get very giddy and pleased, and I hope you are enjoying the food. Liking, and especially reblogging things, even more so if you add tags and reactons, not only fills me with glee but it also reminds me of old asks that I want to reblog again for new followers. So yeah, I love it, please feel free to go on a liking/reblogging spree!
You are so relatable for the maladaptive daydreaming (this game was absolutely born out of my own mental movies), I wish I could speed up the writing and editing for the next update so you can read it while you travel but I'm afraid it's a lost cause (I have been working on things, even now, but I am currently rewriting like half of it and while it is way better it takes sooo much time and energy). Knowing my characters and story are in someone's thoughts it the best kind of reward I need. I will never likely monetise this game, so this is the thing I wish to leave people with, and I hope the characters can be comforting and keep you company <3
You have no idea how much I would love to write the full polycule... maybe one day :,) But don't lose hope for the Arthur/Morien poly yet, as I decided to cancel the Gwyar/Morien poly and now I have a potentially free slot. In any case, awww, please know that this ask made me so happy today and will be in my thoughts as tkh is in yours.
Please have a lovely day and a lovely week and also a very lovely trip! Thank you again so so much!!
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cycas · 1 year
I keep seeing a post reblogged about how the Sons of Feanor were doomed by Alqualonde, and their situation was hopeless from the start, and I don't believe it and i won't believe it. There is no certainty, there is no doom without any slight hope of escape. Even dutiful Finrod, knowing that he and all his kin were made from the start to be doomed to be bound to Arda, hopes that one day he may see Andreth again.
The Eagle came for Fingon and for Maedhros, and if that isn't a symbol of unlikely hope against the grim pronouncements of Mandos I don't know what is. 'Such words and ifs are vain' says Denethor in the depths of his despair, and he is wrong. There was always the possibility of a different path, an Arthurian grim and chilly glint of light, a sword at sunset. Sam Gamgee was right that Gollum was a stone-cold killer and an eater of children, and maybe, maybe if he had found a way to be kinder, even so, there would have been a chance for Gollum too. Probably not. It's hard to blame Sam. He was right! He was a hero! And yet...
If there's a chance for Gollum, there must have been a chance for Celegorm too. That's what I think.
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llamagirl28 · 11 months
let me just start by appreciating the hard work you do for this IF. this is genuinely one of the few IFs that have given me brainrot (/pos), and im so excited to see how it goes! your writing is amazing and the characters are so entertaining! im not very good with compliments, but i just wanted to give some appreciation with your work <3
anyway, what are the family symbols/crests of the ROs (or anyone)? we know that the Pendragon's is dragons and red, Le Fay's is serpents and green, and Leudonus's is bears and moss green. and follow-up question, are there any symbolism to why you chose that particular symbol, or was it already predetermined in Arthurian legend?
Thank you so much! 💕
No, it's not predetermined from Arthurian legends, I honestly took a lot of liberty with the myths in general - Boc is inspired by them but very much its own thing haha.
Alright, so the crests!
Pendragon - gold dragon, red background. All the dragon bloods chose their crests based upon the dragons that gave them their powers. They all went with a gilded dragon in various poses, and the background came from the color of the scales. Fun fact, the posture of the dragon on the Pendragon crest was changed when they first came to sit on the throne - it was less threatening as it is now, rearing, claws ready to strike, maw open.
Le Fay is not actually green! It's serpent and azure blue, the color being reminiscent of the sea. In-story explanation: their fae ancestor first showed themselves to their human ancestor in the shape of a snake. As to why I chose it, I really like serpent imagery and symbolism and how it can be use in the game.
Leudonus have the moss green and bear because I wanted something you'd think of as big and strong and fearsome. The origin of it in game is not set yet.
Beauregard - swan and blue. Swan because the first of their family to sit on the throne is said to have arrived at the castle in a swan-drawn boat to dethrone the one who wanted the crown, seeing them as unfit to rule. This is loosely based on the tale of the Swan Knight/Knight of the Swan. Also swans because they're beautiful birds and they have plenty in Astolat.
Meier (Isac's family) have a stag and dark green as their symbol. They are descendants of the fae known as the Deer King, hence the stag, and their magic affinity is plant-based, hence green.
Hendrik (Guinevere's family) - Red tulip and black. Tulip because of the family business, back before they even got on the throne.
Allard family, after they stopped using the Le Fay serpent - the Royal Eagle, (what we know as golden eagle). It's supposed to be a symbol to evoke power, strength and determination.
Laurent family (the family of Elena aka Galahad's mother) - a bundle of lavender against bronze background.
Du Lac - apple tree with red fruit, light green background. Inspired by the association of Avalon with appletrees within Arthurian legends. Initially it was mentioned as a symbol of Avalon in the game but I later changed it. In my story, Avalon is based on Mediterranean islands so if there's any fruit emblematic to it, it should be something more citrusy.
These are the most defined at the moment.
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heart-forge · 2 years
do you have beef with any if devs?
H'm I started answering this but I can't tell if it's bait or just curiosity so in case it's bait then the answer is yes and here are all the wonderful IF developers who can go kick rocks:
@extempore-the-game Amy makes Extempore and how rude of her to make me? Choose? She tries to make it up to me by letting me being a journalist who has operated as an undercover wrestler which has given me incredible fighting skill, but the damage has already been done 😔😔
@ataleofcrowns, Cherry who makes a Tale of Crowns and just makes the hell out of it. I usually avoid the charming rogue romances because they all feel very samey to me and then X came and hit me with a goddamn train, which wasn't very period-accurate where did they even get a train to hit and kill me with.
@fiddles-ifs, Fiddles who makes Greenwarden, and who can describe the inside of a human body so vividly that it makes you go 🤔🤔 wondering what he's seen. In addition, wrote me a Big LI for me to fall in love with, and I did. Hook line and sinker.
@llamagirl28, who writes The Bastard of Camelot and what can I say except that she has cruelly manipulated how much I like Arthurian legend and with a sniper's precision hit upon my love for cold ROs who you have to win over and done a super dynamic integration of NB identity in what might have come off as an idiosyncratic setting (if I was the type of person who cared about that kind of thing).
@maneki-mushi who made The Hero's Journey and is making Saint Ceri, both of which I love and also those here who may be below eighteen, one day you'll be old enough to play them but today is not this day !! Both are incredible and I loved playing through Hero's Journey for the exploration of memory and how interesting it is to be a player who actively does good things (or tries to) and yet remembers evil !! It's interesting and fun and I love my "evil" boyfriend and the one that was less of an asshole than I ended up being sdjkhfds.
@anya-dev I haven't seen her around lately but I still love Scout even if it only ever exists in its current state. Even in it's current state, Oliver has bewitched me, body and soul.
@moiraimyths who makes The Good People, which again strangleholds my love for period settings and especially my love of Seelie/Unseelie beef. As when I was young, I saw a hot guy on the Unseelie side and that was that 😔
@argentgames who make the Red Embrace games that. Literally when it launched it was all I could talk about, and it got me to play the game that everyone said was comparable, Vampire: the Masquerade....and I liked this one much better 😅😅
I've almost definitely forgetting many people but I've been neglecting my reading about hotties duties in favour of being a bloke who does fuck all, but uh, abruptly remembering the bit, yes I am....soooo.....angry at these authors.......forrr........making me feel a lot of things 😳🥺
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oneknightstand-if · 7 months
I know lots of people are thinking that Adrian might be Lancelot (which would be hilarious), but my gut says Gawain for some reason? I don't know, maybe it's because of other people's IFs really setting Gawain as a huge Arthur fan (I don't know a lot about Arthurian lore tbh, so this is kind of a random guess). I also think it's be cute to have the Gawain figure and a crush on Adrian if that's true.
Yeah, I suppose you could say that Gawain is a bit of an Arthur fanboy in Arthurian lore too. He's usually the oldest of the Orkney siblings (second oldest when Mordred is the eldest in some versions) and leads his brothers to fight against his own rebelling father King Lot.
Also unlike certain other knights he generally never betrays King Arthur nor joins an opposing side and he does stuff like marrying the baba yaga (hello Ragnelle) in order to help Arthur's quest.
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That said, I think Gawain might be the second most common theory regarding Adrian's past incarnation after Lancelot. Then next comes Mordred. And then after that there are a bunch of one-offs like Guinevere, Bedivere, Percival, and Drian.
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forgottennamesgame · 1 year
Ehem, allow me to spam recs
Not Your Mother's Shire. I judged it harshly for being parody-esque but is way deeper and more compelling than I thought. Fantasy.
@kalorphic Novaturient (spy) and her Pacific Rim one (with no demo yet). I recommend following Kalorphic for any IF news.
@absentia-if about being kidnapped for five years and suddenly let go, trying to piece your life back together while catching the kidnapper.
Lovelies @the-kingshound (Arthurian) and @fromtheashesweriseif (sexy dragonshifters) by the same lovely person ❤️
@if-mirrormine bestie be fucking up our minds with time tampering shenanigans
@northern-passage for the Hunter genre which I'm a very big fan of
That's just a few I don't want to clog your feed lol (and because I always forget how they are written so I can't find the other @s). Like I said Kalorphic (and @theabyssal - gorgeous work about being Death) are good for keeping up with IFs.
Thanks a lot! I'll def try them🧡🧡
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guinevere-if · 1 year
I love Arthurian IFs, this looks like it will be really fun! I was curious though, (assuming you go through with the plans you had in the intro post) why did you decide lock Arthur into being the opposite gender as Guinevere instead of making them gender selectable? Would people have disapproved if Arthur married someone of the same gender?
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In the world of Guinevere, cultural norms for nobles prioritize biological lineage. However, same-sex attraction and partnerships are not really deemed immoral, and religious restrictions do not apply.
Despite this, noble families still prioritize opposite-sex marriages to preserve their biological heritage. It is impossible to conceive offspring without the involvement of both male and female parents, regardless of any magical means.
Therefore, the marriage between Guinevere and Arthur is valid due to their opposite genders.
But, hey, this whole thing is still a work in progress, so who knows what could happen in the future!
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knights-of-venus-if · 8 months
BELPHHHHHH i am forever insane abt this rahhhhh i love sci-fi and mechs so damn much this was tailor made for me to be insane over >:00
first off fantastic writing it pulls it all together just great pacing love ur style very vivid descriptions and cool worldbuilding that's integrated pretty well (and expanded on in the glossary? which??? glossary??? so damn cool) but yeah seeing a mech for the first time in the game i was internally whooping like it's so cool and intimidating and then the mech customisation RAHHHH love!!!
idk if its just gunevere but god do knights talk pompous lmfaoo ALSO is gunevere a pun like. with gun and guinevere?? amazing also also david is damn evasive so mysterious but sokay i'm here for the piloting oppurtunities
also i can sympathise with sunny and her name getting fucked up i hate how some admin systems mess up the order haha alsoooo [leonardo di caprio pointing meme] it's the last name i always choose in ifs!! i've only ever seen wang pop up as a preset option in urs and one other if out of the dozens i've played lmfao
anyway take care!! very cool game love it :]
Thank you for the enthusiastic praise! It's lovely to wake up and read! I'm afraid Guenevere is just like that (her name is not a pun, but it is a reference she chose specifically). She's a weirdo, even by the standards of the Knights as an organization. Codereaders may have noticed that the MC can set a variable 'arthurian' true, which will let them fully match her energy. It didn't make it into this first release, but I do intend to expand the list of names that can tick it beyond the basic Lancelot/Excalibur combo, I just need to make a list.
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wildmelon · 2 years
Hi!! I would love to play those interactive story games and I got into the beginning of superstition until I realized it cost money, so I was wondering if there are any free games you have?? Thank you so much💖
hi anon! glad you're giving them a try! so with if, to play a full-length, completed game, you are usually going to have to pay, probably around $5. but the demo model means there is tons of free content out there, and independently developed ifs that are currently wips are often entirely free to play! so here are some of my favorites that are free, but bear in mind that they're not complete:
Superstition: Superstition is free anon! Just click "download now" then "no thanks, take me to the downloads" instead of making a donation. (13Leagues)
A Tale of Crowns: My fave IF of all time. "A high fantasy romance with Middle Eastern roots, told as an interactive fiction game." (Cherry)
Wayfarer: "A dark fantasy interactive fiction game with the storytelling of a novel, the player choice of an RPG, and the dice roll mechanics of a tabletop game." (Anna M.)
The Bastard of Camelot: "A series of text-based interactive fiction inspired by Arthurian Legends, following Mordred as they become a Knight of the Round Table and shape the fate of Camelot." (Llamagirl)
The Night Market: "An interactive fiction novel in which you awaken to a lantern filled world with no memory of how you got there. Desperate to get home, you must find the gate that leads back to your world." (Zinnia Dematisse)
I, the Forgotten One: Play as the bastard prince/princess turned military commander, deeply scarred from your experiences with war and being turned away by your family.
I also found some reddit threads for you: one, two, three. and remember, the free demos for these games are usually very substantial and worth playing!
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A little blurb from the Prologue as I’m editing and rewriting parts of it.
“Your nightmares are trying to draw you somewhere, to lead you to where these dreams are to take place. I fear they will only get worse as you get older and spend more time away from where fate wants you.” Well. That isn’t very comforting to learn. As you look at Vivian you see that whatever happiness she felt at finding the solution to your pain has quickly gone, which only makes you more nervous.
“Where… where is this place I have to journey?” You ask warily. What if you’re going to be sent far away? To some unknown land you could not return from?! Perhaps you will have to go back to your birthplace of Benoic and face your parents murderer! Maybe… maybe you even have to find a way to the Otherworld itself. You feel yourself grow cold at the thought.
“Oh Sweetheart,” Vivian runs her hand along your [hair type choice], sensing your increasing anxiety, “It is nothing quite so bad as you fear. In fact, you’ll enjoy it quite a bit,” She laughed at a joke only she knew. “I’m simply going to miss you dearly”
“Dear, tomorrow you’ll be heading across the sea to Camelot.”
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the-kingshound · 1 year
Well, I discovered the game here thanks to a reblog when you posted the intro post, and I've checked it out once I could play the demo. I love arthurian stories, but I'm a bit picky too, so I will always check them out, but I will not always play them. This one seemed right up my alley.
Oh I completely understand, I too have specific tastes and can be quite picky (although, my brainrot for IFs in general has led me to basically consume anything that has come and comes out)
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for the Arthurian ask game!
♘ - Favorite Knight/King
Bedivere. Hands down, no questions, no ifs ands NOR buts! He has been since I was 14 and forevermore shall he be. And god damn it I will drag that man into at least some of the public consciousness or so help me.
I've talked about him at length several times so the TL;DR is: I think that his position in the narrative and the fact that he lives so long on top of having a disability means that he's OOZING with potential for really interesting characterization. He's an untapped gold mine that only fanfiction has ever scratched the surface of. (As an aside, I love all of you Bedivere fanfic writers! You are the sole reason I don't starve.)
The favorite runners up are Kay and Agravaine.
Kay because goddamnit I like super powers and comedy and he's got both. He's fun! Also he's just straight up the most relatable character for me.
Agravaine because he's hot.
because he was specifically made to appeal to me personally.
because I would do unspeakable things to that man.
because he's a character with a lot of depth and nuance and I have great taste that isn't at all affected by impure, base thoughts. Only staunch intellectualism and a rigid adherence to the sanctity and dignity of Arthuriana as a whole.
🗡️- Who am I betting on in this month's tournament?
So me and the porters actually have a separate pot going where we actually bet on who is going to lose money. Some of that pot goes to paying off some of the knights to take a fall too, and it's all very, very illegal but I usually walk away with a cool 70 shillings at the least so I think it's worth it. Don't tell the guard.
If I WERE to bet on someone actually in the tourney, it'd be whatever fair unknown has shown up most recently.
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llamagirl28 · 2 years
I am really enjoying Bastard of Camelot. I've been a fan of the Arthurian legend and dragons since I was a little kid, so this has been amazing. Though I'm wondering, will we able to play an asexual Mordred and still romance someone? I've played some IFs where being ace locked my character out of any romance, so I'm wondering if it'll be the case here too.
Thank you! 💕
And yes, I do plan on allowing you to play Mordred as ace and romance people. And I'd like to explore the spectrum - the game won't assume Mordred is sex-repulsed, though you can definitely play as such. But you can also play a Mordred who enjoys sex but doesn't seek it, or who loves doing it with their partner because it's an intimate thing to share/they enjoy pleasing their partner.
And well, Mordred can explore their feelings on kissing and making out too.
I'm always open to feedback from ace players of course!
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kal-down · 2 years
Oof I missed so much! If anyone has a moment to spare, please share (through an ask or a comment) all the new amazing Arthurian IFs for my list <3
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darkfictionjude · 7 months
I just wanted to say the naming conventions of this IF are interesting and demanding. Like, most of the names are somewhat unusual for an English speaking community, but very memorable. But that demands me to think for a name that matches the energy of the other character. Since I normally try to use simple and down to earth names (most of my MCs are called Jack, John, Joe or something of the sort).
And, in this game, names seem to come from everywhere etymology wise. Which is fun, as someone who likes etymology. But terrible when it comes to choose a name for my MC. Do I go with something Arthurian like Percival (mixture of Welsh and Old French)? Something Italian like Salvatore? Something Irish like Orla? Or Hungarian like Imre?
Like, it's hard for me to not overthink this. Which is funny, even if a big worrying.
My first (and for now, only) MC ended up with a rather traditional but old fashioned name: Archibald (which is a fun mixture of germanic and Greek), with the nickname Archie (in a similar line to Sally and Percy). I think it fits the vibe somewhat, but probably I'm going to overthink this some more for other MCs I make in the future.
I hope my crazy ramblings are, at the very least, entertaining. Be sure, I do enjoy your IF, I'm just too fixated on making sure my MCs fit the setting they are living in. I have the same problem with some fantasy and Sci fi IFs where the naming conventions are completely unknown or, worse, random.
Although, I'm quite a big fan of the diversity of the names used. It does give some otherworldly character to the story and setting, which is one of the charms your work has.
Stop I’m blushing nonnie 🥰
Yeah I am a huge fan of diverse names and specifically ones that have meanings synonymous with the characters. In my real life many parents name their children for specific reasons whether that be tradition or because they like the meaning of the name. I like names to be memorable and uncommon enough in English settings since English is the primary language IF is written in (Salvatore is of course pretty usual in romance languages).
These characters are strange enough people living a strange place. A place that technically doesn’t exist. It makes sense for them to be named oddly. The only names that are common enough are Stephanie and Candace and that’s because it’s a way to speak about how female victims are so common in the world, they become statistics, forgettable compared to their killers.
I love your dedication! I had hoped some readers would think about what their mc’s are called and what it says about that mc. And like I’ve said, please ramble, I couldn’t ask for a better response.
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