#like the inherent intimacy of her partner working on her prosthetic
bridgyrose · 3 years
Heya! If you're up for it, how would Cinder come out to Ruby as ace? Would she even have the words to describe how she is feeling? Just a little something that I thought your writing would do good XD
Cinder paced around the front room of her apartment, running over the words she wanted to tell Ruby. After two years of dating, she was finally ready to fully come out to her. Though, she still feared how Ruby would take everything.
“Cinder, relax, she’s not going to hate you,” Mercury said, trying to reassure Cinder. “I mean, she’s been head over heels for you for a while now. What could possibly go wrong?”
“She could think I’m broken. Or weird. Or… or break up with me.”
Emerald sighed. “And if she does, then she wasnt worth it.”
Cinder frowned at her teammate. “That’s not the point.”
“Then what is it? Because all I see is you fretting over nothing.”
“The point is, she’s going to hate me for this.” Cinder sat down and sighed. The fingers on her prosthetic twitched as she nervously rested her arm on her leg as it bounced. “We’ve been dating long enough that she finally asked when we were going to take our relationship to the next step and I… I havent been able to tell her that I’m just not interested in that stuff. We’ve been intimate in other ways, her fixing my prosthetic after missions and us cuddling and even sharing a bed when we have the opportunity, but… I’m not entirely sure if I’m enough for her.”
“I still think you should just break up with her if she doesnt take it well.”
“I’m serious.” Emerald stood up and walked over to Cinder. “If she cant accept you for you, no matter what, then it wasnt worth it. Relationships arent all about sex.”
Cinder raised a brow. “Really? You of all people are going to say that? I hear you every night!”
Mercury shook his head. “What Em is trying to say is that it might be worth seeing if Ruby really does love you. I mean, you guys are always fighting and if she cant accept this part of you-”
“I know she loves me!” Cinder sighed and slumped a bit. “Sure, we get into fights over the little things a lot, but… she never did try to intentionally hurt me. Even after debates get heated, she’s always the first to apologize when she’s in the wrong. And she comes to me when she knows I’m hurt. I just… I just worry that this will be what makes her see me differently.”
“Then just tell her.” Emerald smiled at Cinder. “Go through with your date plans tonight and tell her at the end of the night.”
Cinder nodded. “Alright, but I still need a little help making everything perfect.”
Mercury grinned. “Just tell us what to do.”
Ruby smiled as she sat across from Cinder, looking at her through the lit candles. “And you did all of this by yourself?”
Cinder shook her head. “I had a bit of help from Emerald and Mercury to make sure everything was perfect. You know me, I… burn most of what I cook.”
“Still, you didnt need to go all out like that.”
“But I wanted to.”
Ruby shook her head and grinned. “We’ve only been together for two years, its not like we’re getting married already.”
“No, but two years is still a feat.” Cinder’s smile faded. “And… I actually had something I wanted to talk to you about.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well… you know how you’ve asked if we can… you know, go farther than what we have?”
Cinder sighed and started playing around with her food. “I… I’m not… I’m not interested in having sex. At all.”
Ruby paused for a moment. “Like… never?”
“I wont say never, I just… I like what we have right now. And sex has never really crossed my mind. I like the small, intimate things we do already. Like cuddling and the way you work on my prosthetic a-and just… the little things we do…”
Ruby nodded and slowly ate her meal, mulling over what Cinder had told her. After a few silent minutes, she finally spoke. “Then we dont need to worry about it.”
Cinder hesitated. “I… I dont…”
“We dont need to worry about sex.” Ruby stood up and walked to Cinder, kissing her cheek. “We’ll be intimate in the ways you want to be. And if we ever find something else we can do that you’re comfortable with, I wouldnt mind trying it out.”
Cinder relaxed a bit and kissed Ruby back. “Thank you.”
“Now that’s over with, can we be done with the fancy dinner and just… cuddle and watch a movie? We really dont need to make today a big deal.”
Cinder rolled her eyes. “You say that like you dont like the fancy things.”
“I can appreciate them, but I’ve been watching you force yourself on behaving for the last couple hours.” Ruby picked up her wine glass and took a sip. “I know you hate this.”
“Am I really that easy to read?”
“Only because I know you so well.”
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