#like the rest of the 2000s every single edgy anime on earth had to have kotokocore openings
smeelio · 6 years
Okay so
I’m only writing this down here because I’m scared I’ll forget about it one day and I can’t ever let myself forget this, but a good few days ago I had an afternoon nap (I didn’t sleep well the night before okay?) and it only lasted a couple of hours instead of, like, the rest of the day as my naps usually do, but in that short time I had the WORST dream that wasn’t technically a nightmare that I’ve ever had, and that’s saying something because (not to sound edgy, I promise,) of all the dreams I actually remember I only EVER have nightmares, or at the very least very ominous dreams...
And basically it was just the same thing over and over, I can only imagine it lasted for the whole 2 to 3 hours I was asleep- but first, before I entered this loop, it all started when I went online in the dream and saw some generic game news website posted that Bigweld from Robots was added to Smash as a DLC fighter (BEAR WITH ME,) and then after THAT the repeated rest of the dream was me going around to everyone I knew, even people who are way too far for me to realistically meet in person, even people who are DEAD in real life, even people who don’t know what a videogame is let alone Smash, and telling them about it!
Because for some reason, despite the surprise announcement of a Smash DLC fighter, and despite how fucking stupid and off-the-wall the character was, NO-ONE was talking about it, Twitter and Tumblr and Reddit and all those shits I usually check were radio silent apart from like that one article, and I half-remember also checking Nintendo’s website to confirm if the article was a joke and it wasn’t a joke so why weren’t people talking about it? In the dream world it was a complete, base, human truth that Bigweld was in Smash, yet no-one but me, the one journalist who wrote the article, and some poor game dev(s) in Japan who created the DLC were burdened with the knowledge
And then, and then, none of these people (including people who would DEFINITELY knew who he was in real life) knew who Bigweld was in the dream, even if they were interested to hear about a new Smash DLC fighter. So cue me trying to jog everybody’s memory about who he was (”You know, that weird animated movie from the mid-2000s? He was the ‘jolly fat guy’ trope but he was a robot so he was a ball! He was the stereotypical hero inventor of the protagonist, and liked dominoes? Come on!”)
Cutting in for a moment, just so anyone reading this knows, if I suddenly drop off the face of the earth in the next few days or something, it is because of this dream. When I woke up from it I was mostly just confused, hence “dream” and not “nightmare,” but in the past days more has happened. One of the reasons I’m posting this here, apart from how horrific it is by itself, is because for the past few days I have been seeing, I just KEEP seeing, Robots and/or Bigweld everywhere, across multiple websites and fandoms and even in real life, despite no-one I know (and no-one online) ever even mentioning Robots since it came out more than a decade ago, I’ve never even seen a meme made from any part of it, this is beyond Baader-Meinhof or at least it feels like it. Bigweld is out to get me and I need to write this epitaph NOW
But I finally digress to the WORST part, the worst part, which was that every encounter (and there was a LOT of them, one with practically everyone I’ve ever known) ended the same way- I convinced people to look up Bigweld, since they didn’t remember him and I couldn’t remind them of who he was. Surely seeing him would make them remember? But in every single picture of him on Google images, promo shots of him standing alone, screencaps of the movie with him in it, fan-art even, you name it, he didn’t look like he was supposed to, he didn’t look normal (as far as mid-2000s stuff can be normal,) no, he looked like this:
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