#like the rest of the eggos but its very rare for it to be one of the other parents
dozyrogue · 8 months
The way tubbo is notorious for shutting down and his friends just don't realize makes me AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Like the way its happen so many times and none of his friends realize or if they do it to late. Like when fred was kidnapped and the 3 and one combo quackity/cellbit/roier made a joke. PHIL LAUGHED BUT IT WAS THE BABIES CHAY AND TALLULAH THAT WERE TRYNA PULL HIM BACK.
Like the only person i think about constantly who tried to get him to talk and push past his walls is bagi when she was like "we need to talk about fred" basically saying hes not ok and normal. But she did also think it was cuz he was only sad about fred. So close but took a left turn last minute
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Elmax Oneshot: Hurt/Comfort
"Where were you?" Billy demanded coldly as Max opened the door to the living room. Her mother and Neil weren't here, right now, leaving her alone.
With Billy.
With Billy.
"Uhm.." Max gulped. She'd been at the arcade with the rest of The Party, she decided on lying. "Skatepark." Billy sent a glare towards the skateboard under her arm, before glaring at Max again.
"You know what happens when you lie to me, Max." His voice was cold. He had just finished a cigarette.
"I'm not lying, Billy." She insisted. Billy grabbed her right arm, tightly, causing her skateboard to drop to the hard floor beneath them. Max's breath instantly quickened as Billy lit another cigarette.
"Breaking your precious skateboard ain't enough apparently, Maxine." He took a short drag, before taking the cigarette out of his mouth. Max's eyes widened. She knew what was coming.
"Billy," she pleaded, "Billy, don't—" Before she could get the rest of the words out, the burning end of Billy's cigarette met her wrist. Max tried to yell, but her step-brother just used his other hand to smack her. She silently cried, the tears burning at her ocean blue eyes and freckled cheeks hurt almost as much as the fire that was marring her skin. Billy only pulled away for a second, moving the cigarette to her other wrist. Billy only stopped fully after making more marks down her arms and when his cigarette was now only a stub.
"FUCK YOU!" She flipped Billy off, sobbing openly now. Max pushed her way to her room. She slipped a long-sleeved jacket on before quickly packing a bag, slinging it over her shoulder.She stormed back down the steps, grabbing her skateboard before booking it down the street.
Her speed continued its soft increase, scared that Billy might be following her. Scared someone would do worse. She just kept running where her thin legs would take her, hoping they wouldn't give out and she'd crumble. She felt so close to that, but then she saw a log cabin, running quicker to it, realizing it as a very familiar home. She finally got there, eyes threatening to spill over again as she knocked on the door.
She heard the noises of soft footsteps from behind the door before she saw the doorknob turn. There before her stood the tall-ish figure of someone so familiar to Max. Short, curly brown hair hanging just above her shoulders. Piercing, dark eyes and a soft smile playing on her lips. It was easily recognizable as Jane "El" Hopper, The Party's mage and Max's best friend. She hadn't attended the meet-up that started this whole mess, but Max had always turned to her brunette best friend before. This was no different. Sure, she'd never told her about Billy's abuse, but now, she could.
"Maxie...?" El cocked her head to the side, eyebrows furrowing. "Max, why are you here so late?"
"Um... I can't tell you out here." Max felt a tear slide from her now clenched shut eyes, before Max looked up at her. Max sniffled. "Can I come in?"
"Of course. Be quiet, though. Jim's sleeping." El gently grabbed the arm that didn't hold the bag and skateboard, (not noticing Max's wince of pain), tugging her into the cabin and then her room. El closed the door, allowing Max to settle herself on the bed before she sat beside the redhead.
"What happened?" El was gentle, wrapping an arm around the slightly shorter redhead's shoulders. The Mayfield girl pulled away, before slipping off her jacket. El noticed the cigarette burns on her arms, a small gasp tumbling out of her mouth. She gently took Max's arm, seeing the girl wince as she did. El gently ran her fingers across the girl's heavily freckled arm, now marked with dark spots that mingled with the red dots on her arms.
"Billy, my step-brother, got mad, Ellie. He decided to... he pressed his cigarette against my wrists and arms. Hard." Max was crying again, and it startled El. Max was the strongest person El knew, and she rarely showed any tears, or even a sad look. El looked at her friend with soft eyes, her heart hurting as Max continued to cry.
"God... I'm so, so sorry, Maxie..." El reached out, cupping Max's cheek with her hand, brushing the falling tears away. "It's gonna be okay, Max..."
Max just let out a loud sob, falling into El's arms. Her head burrowed quickly into El's chest, just laying there, her arms wrapping around El. El held Max up slightly with one hand, the other switching between stroking Max's hair and her arm.
Max continued her crying, and it mayn't have been a good time to notice, but she noticed she really liked- no, loved Max. It wasn't like she was attracted to Max crying, not at all. But, thinking back to how much she wants Max happy. Thinking how nice Max is to her, and how many times she'll let her vent to her with an easy smile. She wants to see Max and her smile, that cute smile that El loves to see. Her eyes, her soft red hair, the wrinkle of her nose while she laughed. El loved all of it, and she just thought of it as Max took a few breaths to calm down. She wiggled out of El's grip, giving a tentative smile.
"I'm better now." Max gave a soft smile, accompanied by a blush. "Thanks to you."
El responded with a bright blush. She then took a minute, watching Max with her head tilted. Her gaze was focused on the soft curls of the redhead's hair. Perfect chance for a compliment, El thought, before she reached her hand forward and tugged on a loose strand of Max's hair. "Pretty." El complimented softly, watching as the other girl's cheeks became tinged a color rivaling a color very much like the hair El was praising.
"Pretty? My hair? Thanks! Yours is.."
"No." El mumbled, moving her hand from Max's hair to Max's face, both of her hands now resting on Max's face. "You're beautiful, Maxie..."
El pressed her lips against Max's own. Max pulled back in shock, while El just questioned quietly, mentally, why she did that.
"Why-why did you do that?" Max questioned, hiding her flushed face by resting her head on one of her hands. El tried biting her lip to stop any answer from slipping out.
"Because I like you!" El blurted out, surprised that her vocal cords would betray her with a secret she had long kept hidden. Her master plan didn't work, she noted, mumbling a curse. The blush, now prominent on her face, darkened when she said this. Max's blush got somehow even deeper as she thought of what to say next.
"Are you gonna say something?" El asked, worried that Max doesn't like her back. If Max didn't like her, who would?
Max, not even thinking that much before doing so, kissed El, sparks immediately flying (figuratively) between them as El kissed back, surprised at the action of her companion.
Max's lips were soft, and they tasted like the cherry lipstick she applies almost every time she and El hang out. On Max's end, El's lips tasted of peach, no doubt from the chapstick El applies endlessly.
Max pulled away first, eventually, and smiled a bit, saying, "Was that an okay answer?"
El smiled as well and hugged Max tightly, relieved that the redhead likes her back. El's convinced that this is the best day ever. And El didn't even have Eggos!
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tiasgarden · 7 years
Waking up.
Prompt: What if mike was in the convenience store visiting his cousin ( store manager) when El , Kali and the gang were there?
Mike’s POV
It was a cold blustery November afternoon, and I was in Chicago visiting my cousin Nate.
My mom wanted me to, spend more time with my cousins since I rarely saw them since they were much older than me.  My mom had paid for me to come out here for the next two days just to see the place my cousin worked.  I wasn’t too thrilled, being that there was a campaign this weekend and now it had to be rescheduled. Today was my first full day in Chicago.  Yesterday I had ridden in on a train from Hawkins , and didn’t get in till late.
        Today I was helping Nate at the store, for no pay.    Yes, I wasn’t an employee of his BUT I'm his cousin so that counts for something right?. well, it didn’t, cause I was working a full day, but getting paid nothing.   I had to sweep and even do the bathroom, like how gross is that.  However, it did have its perks, being a wheeler.  Nate let me eat whatever snacks I wanted from the store no charge. I  also was allowed to take snacks back to Hawkins for free.  SO I guess that was the only perk.  
        “ Hey  Mike, would you mind watching the cash register? , I have to go do some sorting in the back for a bit. “ Nate said as he handed me the instructions.  I nodded and he went back to the sorting room. It felt weird, being in a whole convenience store and being in charge for a bit.   There was a little anxiety inside of me but mostly excitement.  I was going to get the experience I needed if I wanted to ever own a store.   The first lady I check out has a little boy with her.  She is buying some snacks for her son’s birthday party. He looks up at me with the widest smile I had ever seen. I grab a lollipop from behind the counter and hand it to him.
        “ Here you go buddy! I hope you have an amazing birthday” I say smiling at him and his mom. They soon leave but not without a huge thank you.   After them, a few other people came in, some nice and some in a mood. It had only been 30 minutes into the hour, but it felt like I had seen 20+ people.   I was just about to finish a crossword puzzle in the newspaper when 5 people walked in. They all looked punk rock, and I said hello, but no reply.  They went in fast and through the aisles slowly. I saw them each pick out food that they wanted to take to eat. One girl who had slicked back hair went for eggos. The way she had grabbed 4 boxes in a matter of seconds made me think she was being starved.
“ got you breakfast,”   I said while handing the girl a eggo.
She hesitantly took a bite.  The look on her face looked like she tolerated it.
“ So listen this is going to sound a little weird, but I just need you to go out there, then go to the front door and ring the doorbell. My mom will answer and you’ll tell her you're lost and that you need help, BUT whatever you do you cant tell her about last night or that you know me, understand” I say with reassurance. I told her that we would just pretend to meet again and things would be okay. The girl who  I can't think of the name nodded and said “ No”  while taking another bite of her eggo.
flashback over
Something about that girl with the slicked back hair seemed slightly familiar, but I couldn’t think of what it was.
Meanwhile, the girl with a half shaved head and  black long hair saw me staring. “ Hey look, kid, we don’t want no trouble, but we just need a few things,” she said while talking in a mysterious tone.  She had in her hands two apples.  Slowly  I saw her grab a gun from the back of her pocket out of the corner of my eye. She slowly starts to bring it up to me.
“Hey listen, mam, I don’t want any problems either.  Please lower your guns and put away anything you aren’t going to pay for” I say in a serious tone.
 The girl soon asked” who are you anyway, isn’t Nate the owner of this store, you are kind of making this escape too easy” she says laughing.
“ I am Mike , Mike Wheeler, and I want to help you, just let me pay for a few of your things at least. “ I say in a desperate tone.
        “ I want to help you”, I looked over at the boy behind the counter while holding my eggos in one arm.   In that moment my mind sensed something, something familiar about this young man.
“  what were we supposed to do leave her in the rain Lucas?”  I hear the boy say as he has his arm around me. I see bikes being parked and being in Indiana.
“ uh yes, we went out to find will not, a girl, look at her she looks extremely sketchy,” one of the other boys says.
“ does not, she looks afraid and lost, I want to help her, I will help her,” the first boy says while his arm is around me, opening the basement door before going inside.
                                                                Flashback over
I wonder why I just thought of those boys, who I barely remember because this boy had nothing to do with that situation.
“ You let us go without telling Nate and we spare your life, sound like a deal?” Kali says as she raises the gun to his chest.  She is still standing a  bit away from him but, slowly moves closer.
“ Please let me help you, there must be someone you can contact to help you pay for these “ he pleads as he slowly faces the fact that in seconds he could be dead.   Then I see him turn to me. His brown eyes meet mine. “ Please, how about you?, please can you let me pay for the eggos ,I just want to help you”, he says slowly reaching out his hand hoping for mine in return.  I then look down and slowly walk past him and over to Kali.  As much as this boy seemed to have good intentions, I didn’t know him and he didn’t know me.
Then Kali whispers in my hear” Good Job Jane, good job”  and I just shrug, hoping I made the right choice for me,  for once I hoped  I made a good choice.  Once I was by her side the rest of the gang members came over.  They stood behind us.  Kali now held the gun up to Mike, just a tad lower than his chest.
“ any last words Mike?, “ Kali says only seconds before pulling the trigger.
He doesn’t even get to say anything before the bullet goes straight for his lower abdomen.  He falls, blood pouring out.He is unable to get up, and his face shows that he is in a horrible pain.
Kali then signals for us to move now with our food.  Though I am frozen in fear. My legs won’t move. Tears pricked my eyes as  I look at him, my eyes finally meeting his. I stare at them. I then slowly go into his mind.  He is thinking about his family and his friends. They all seemed so kind. But then this girl popped into his mind.  She also had brown eyes and a shaved head.  She looked a lot like herself, but she knew it couldn’t be her.
I soon got out of his mind and decided I couldn’t just leave him. I would regret it if I left him here to die. I  drop all my eggos and go to his side.
Kali called me, but I said no multiple times and then they left me with him.
I sat by Mike, moving his head onto my legs I then take off my arm bandanas and put them on his wound.
“it's going to be okay, I will call the police and get help. “ I tell him before getting the phone with one simple levitation.  I slowly tell them what happened, that the cashier Mike had been hurt and how a gang had gotten away.  i then notice tears forming in my eyes.
“ I just um, wanted to say I’m sorry, for not taking the help you offered,”  I say looking at him.
“ it is just that, I’ve always fended for myself,  I mean at first I liked being with the gang, I didn’t feel alone, but today it’s over. I know I am better off alone than with horrible people who kill for fun” I say tears now rushing down my face.
        Before we knew it the ambulance arrived.   I was still holding onto his hand.  He gave me a squeeze. “ Thank you and I’m so sorry you felt alone, you sound like a very strong and capable girl, that deserves better friends,” he tells me while giving me a small smile.
I gave him a smile back. In all my years, maybe I had gotten the meaning of friend wrong.   I just assumed that a friend was someone who you did everything with, including killing.  In the past, few months I had killed a bunch. A lot of the victims were probably good people as well. But Kali convinced me to because I had been abused so much in my earlier years.
        But hearing Mike say those words to me, made me realize that a friend shouldn’t manipulate you. They should be there for you and listen to you and your feelings.  That he was right, I was better than this and that I needed a clean start.
        “  Hey Mike, um I don’t actually now have anywhere to go, do you know of a shelter or just somewhere safe where I could lay low for a bit.”  I asked, not wanting to ask for much.
        “ Oh and by the way, my name is Jane, Jane Ives.” I say to him while the paramedics take him onto a stretcher.  I then slowly released my hand from his, when he grabbed it right back. “ come with me, you’re the only one who knows what happened”  he says.   I then look at the paramedics and they say I can go since they assume i  was his “friend”.  I slowly go in and sit on the small bench next to him as they close the door.
  I slowly take back his hand in mine.  While looking down at Mike who is now sleeping.  I ask myself the following questions. Why do I suddenly feel like he needs MY help?.  And more importantly, why does he seem so familiar.
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