#like the worldbuilding in lotr is something to indulge in and to obsess over (or thats how i see it)
sometimes i remember all the characters and worldbuilding that never made it into the films, and i'm both sad that not everyone got to experience them, but at the same time i'm so happy because they look only like i imagine them, they are unique, they are special, they are a bit like a secret between me and everyone else that knows the books, and they are ours only, only between the author and the readers, and those who only care about the action in the films will never get to see the world as a whole, its brilliance, never experience all those different characters and lifes and stories, and maybe it's better that way when the things that define them can't be stripped away for cinematic drama
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shiniest-knight · 7 years
11 Questions Meme
tagged by @vardasvapors , aaah (thank u)
1. What is the best breakfast you ever had?
I have been, blessed, with some good breakfasts in my life but the most recent one I remember was this summer. Got to go visit a friend in Maine and she made us eggs with cheese and greens and tomatoes all mixed in. And we teased her ruthlessly because she claimed it was an omelette but it wasn’t folded or anything, it was just a Deep Pan of Eggs and Good Things kind of stirred together. But we got to sit and eat our not-omelettes on the kitchen floor, because we could, and the morning sunlight was coming in just right and it was one of those “I’ll remember this” moments.
2. What was your favorite book when you were 13 years old?
I’ve been in a Tolkien stranglehold since third grade, so LotR would have probably been 13yo me’s answer. More temporally specific, though, I remember loving Elantris by Brandon Sanderson. I should go back some time and see if it holds up.
3. Describe your ideal fic (one that you do not have to write)
Ooh, this is tricky because I read more meta than fic. I really like stuff that has the quirks of the source material while not being slavishly beholden to it. Travelers sharing stories I like. I’d love more gen fluff about Green Lanterns chilling on Oa, sharing their latest exploits and having time to be people (aliens interacting!) Anything Middle Earthy that hits that sweet spot of not-quite-explainable hijinks, like Tom Bombadil’s everything or that good cryptid Maglor post.  
4. Describe a fanart you would like to see
Tuor, Idril, and Voronwe being the power trio of my heart. A surefire way to get me is any sad-in-canon character getting hugs and affection. Fingon getting his hair done up all extravagant, with or without help.
5. State 1-3 opinions on cheese
Cheddar has to be extremely sharp before I’ll bother with it.
Slicing cheese yourself is better than pre sliced, but getting it in/out of plastic can be hard for me.
6. Describe your most recent public or mass transportation experience
On the way home from above mentioned trip to Maine, took a bus that was supposed to have an hour long layover in Massachusetts. Sat in traffic, within signage distance of the station, for an hour and a half. Missed the bus, had to wait more hours to catch another one. Random man in bus terminal called me Supergirl.
7. Without checking to see if it’s correct, type something you have memorized (a line of poetry, a lyric, an equation) (yes i’m just straight up stealing this from june)
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert- near them, on the sand
half sunk, a shattered visage lies;
whose frown, and * mumbles * and sneer of cold command
tell that its sculptor well those passions read;
the hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed,
and on the pedestal these words appear:
“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings!
Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair.”
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
whoo boy that don’t look right
8. A random headcanon for anything
Boromir was some flavor of not straight. Evidence: his lack of interest in a marriage explicitly stated in a book already pretty vague about romance. Legolas and Gimli have an ever escalating standing wager over who can tell the most epic story/song of their respective culture. Eventually it devolves into them embellishing stories of their friends and even random passersby they meet on their travels. Also experimenting with Elven/Dwarven narrative conceits in stories about other things (dwarven kennings and elvish concepts? i don’t know where i was going with this)
9. What’s the nearest piece of art to wherever you are sitting right now (interpret as broadly as you wish)
I’m chilling under the quilt my mother made me for my 18th birthday. It has dragons on it.  
10. A dumb opinion you used to have
When I was a dumb middle schooler i was one of those godawful “LGBT? i bet they’re just faking for attention” kids. Needless to say I , uh, grew out of that one pretty hard.
11. Freestyle here about a really good story (of any type) you recently read
Caught back up on a webcomic I enjoy, Stand Still Stay Silent, and it’s nowhere near concluded yet but OH MAN the most recent completed chapter hit me like a freight train. Does it count as reading if the panels that gut-punched me were wordless? Anyway if you aren’t burned out on apocalypse stories you should try Stand Still Stay Silent, its got fun Nordic worldbuilding and cats and... Tuonela. 
New Questions for those who want to participate!
1. What is the most recent song you’ve listened to? Was it of your choosing?
2. If you could change one thing and only one thing about yourself, what would it be?
3. My wall is so empty, I want to cover it in pictures conspiracy-map style. What should I put up there?
4. Have you had any really lasting obsessions? What’s the oldest?
5. When it comes to a relationship (platonic or romantic), a deeper bond or a longer one?
6. Describe what you wore yesterday?
7. Describe a character you love ( OC or from fiction ). You can provide the name, or not.
8. Favorite self-indulgent storytelling trope?
9. If you could unread something, would you? And why? (bonus points for what)
10. What was your cliche childhood interest phase?
11. Describe a person from your life.
Thank you again for the tag! I’ll tag uhhh @themillenniumtoenailclippers , @bluestle-gold , @thetragedyofallthis , @kanafinwhy , and anyone who never gets tagged in things! Please go for it if it seems like fun!
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