#like there was only 8-9 people in my plant science class but me and this other girl were both out and the tension always just felt weird
myangelscrimson · 2 years
Women with glasses and dark/curly hair.
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thefreakandthehair · 7 months
15 people, 15 questions
tagged by @sidekick-hero @scarcrossdlvrs @@cuoredimuschio @firefly-party @mylilplanet and @griefabyss69! sorry this took me so long 👀
1. Are you named after anyone?
my middle name was a nod to Elvis because I was born on his birthday and my grandpa was His Biggest Fan. my house growing up rivaled Graceland, I'm so not kidding.
2. When was the last time you cried?
matthew perry's death. I'm not a crier by nature, but oof, that one stung.
3. Do you have kids?
4. What sports do you play/have played?
I used to kickbox but had to stop because of a hamstring injury, and then I boxed for a bit but then covid happened. I'm a sports girly in theory only. my hand-eye coordination could never.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
I do, a lot actually! but I try to be mindful because I've learned as I've gotten older that it doesn't always land. that's autism, baby.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
body language, usually. I'm really sensitive to that.
7. What’s your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings! always! I use media to escape the Horrors.
9. Any talents?
hmm, I'll say writing because I do enjoy that, puzzles, painting, building things, listening.
10. Where were you born?
new england ✌️
11. What are your hobbies?
reading, writing, puzzles, taking care of the plant babies, watching football and hockey
12. Do you have any pets?
my cat, Piper! the light of my life, a sunbeam incarnate!
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
english and all of my science classes (except for chemistry which is just a math class masquerading as science. I said what I said.)
15. Dream job?
I would've loved to have used my biological anthropology degree, but alas, no jobs and I finished college 10 years ago so that ship has sailed. other than that, librarian or owning a small bookstore.
tagging a few peeps (full disclosure, I'm super late to this and have no idea who's already been tagged): @imfinereallyy @pearynice @matchingbatbites @spinmewriteround @cherrycolasteve @madaboutmunson @steves-strapcollection @vecnuthy @theheadlessphilosopher + whoever else who'd like to jump in!
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inactivelizzy · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals:
1. are you named after anyone?
I am named after someone from one of my moms favorite Bible stories.
2. when was the last time you cried?
I couldn’t even begin to remember i’m not much of a crier, my best friend has only seen me cry once because whenever i am with others it becomes physically impossible for me to cry. but probably a few weeks ago on my drive home from college - i get sentimental in the car ok
3. do you have any kids?
Nope! I am 20 years young, single as a pringle, with no kids.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
Yes! but usually only with closer friends and family because i don’t wanna risk making someone upset if i don’t know them very well.
5. what sports do you/have you played?
I was in a variety of different dance classes - contemporary, ballet, tap and jazz - i was on a swim team for a few years, i also did gymnastics and volleyball and now i am on an equestrian team at my college!
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
I think the first thing I notice about someone is the way they make me feel, i’ve been told i have good intuition and can normally pick up a vibe off someone pretty quickly.
6. eye color?
i have dark brown eyes which i get from my dad meanwhile my mom and sisters all have blue eyes
7. scary movies or happy endings?
i love a good scary movie every once in awhile but i’m a sucker for happy endings so probably happy endings!
8. any special talents?
not sure this counts as a talent but a fun fact is that i’ve never burped… it’s weird but true
9. where were you born?
i was born in Chicago but moved away when i was around 2
10. any hobbies?
i love to read, i’ve also got a bit of an artistic side… i used to draw a lot but now i bullet journal which is super fun, and of course i have tons of plants taking over my room that i love and that will be a hobby for life
11. do you have any pets?
I have a dog, and my little sister has a cat
12. how tall are you?
i am 5’4!
13. favorite subject in school?
i really liked science in middle school, in high school i could honestly care less about school and didn’t have a favorite subject, now in college i would say my major specific classes are my fav!
14. dream job?
honestly i would just love to settle down and be a stay at home mom but i also have a big passion in the equine industry! and would love to be a trainer!
Tagged: Only do this if you want to of course! @pikaburr @kairasims @thesimallie @simsbooo @jaechyj and literally anyone else who sees this and wants to participate!
doing this while sitting in the airport waiting for my next flight! figured this would be a fun way for you guys to get to know me a bit!
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eroticcannibal · 3 years
Common myths and misconceptions about home education
So in case anyone has somehow missed it, I have recently become a Big supporter of home education in a very lefty way, which has meant I have had to challenge a lot of views I have previously held about home education and that I know a lot of other lefties hold too. I am of the opinion that embracing home education, not as a last resort, but as the primary form of education for as many children as possible, is a vital part of achieving the required shifts in society needed to meet the goals of most leftists. So I am taking it on myself to convince you all that it is a very good thing, and also to clear up some misconceptions people have about home education that may make them feel they are unable to do it.
(A note, I am from the UK and shall be using UK terminology and specifics regarding law, policy and other such things will be from a UK perspective. I shall be using the term home education, as that is the legal term in the UK and is distinct from home schooling, which is the term for what school children have been doing during the pandemic.)
And I would also like to extend a quick thanks to Education Otherwise and the mods at Home education and your local authority for teaching me A LOT.
Have any questions about anything I’ve not covered here? Just let me know!
1. “Home education is illegal.”
- Sadly, home education is illegal or restricted to the point of inaccessibility in most of the world. From the research I have done, it seems that only the US and the UK have reasonable laws around home education (if I am using a very broad definition of reasonable, it is still not great). I do hope I can change this section soon, and I would *heavily* encourage people to campaign for the right to home educate post pandemic, perhaps cite any benefits learning at home has provided to children, perhaps???
2. “Home education is a tool used by religious fundamentalists to brainwash children!”
- This is a view many hold, and for good reason. For many of us, when we think of home education, we think of christian fundamentalists in the deep south of America, pulling their children out of school to avoid the liberal agenda. The truth is, anything can be used as a tool of indoctrination. This can happen in home education, and it can happen and has happened in schools too. In my own communities we have had instances of schools being a site of religious radicalization of children. The reality is this is far too complex and deep an issue to be solved by deeming any particular form of education as “bad”. I am not an expert on how best to deal with such issues, but I do feel that things like outreach and building a healthy community with otherwise more isolated religious groups would be a better way to address these issues.
3. “You need to have x qualification to home educate.”
- Again, a reasonable view to hold, given that state run and private education does require educators to hold certain qualifications, but in practice it quickly becomes evident the same does not necessarily have to apply with home education. Educational qualifications are very much focused on delivering an education in a classroom, which is a far cry from home education. During our home education of our child, my partner, who is a qualified SEN TA, has struggled far more than I have with educating our SEN child, despite the fact I hold no qualifications.
We live in amazing times when it comes to education. There are many things that parents and communities have to teach a child, and there are many things a child can teach to themself if given the tools to do so. You can even learn together! Their are endless resources available, books and games and documentaries, and even home education groups and private tutors if you feel that is the right fit for your child. You don’t need a piece of paper for your child to spend a day with their nose buried in a book, or to help the neighbor with his vegetable patch, or to cuddle up on the sofa while watching Planet Earth.
4. “You are required to follow the national curriculum.”
- This does vary by country (that allows home education). As a general rule, the stricter a country is about who can home educate, the stricter they are about what must be taught. In the UK, you are not required to follow the national curriculum. Education must be “efficient” and suited to the child’s “age, aptitude and ability”, and LAs do require that english and maths are covered. Other than that, you are allowed to tailor the content of education to the child and their interests. We have recently dropped geography for now and are only just picking up history again. It has also given us the freedom to focus on areas our child needs that would not be covered in mainstream education, such as anxiety management, trauma processing, self care and hygiene.
5. “Home education looks like school/is just filling out workbooks/etc”
- The thing you will always hear from experienced home educators when you begin home education is “home education doesn’t need to be school at home”. Much like you can tailor the content of the learning to the child, you can also tailor the delivery to the child. Some child need structure, timetable, instructions. Some need freedom and to bounce between topics. Some need to have an hour learning maths and only maths, some need to go dig up your garden “for science”. Some want to learn every day, some will need extended breaks.
Learning happens all the time, from the moment they wake to the moment they sleep. As an example, at home we have some workbooks, as both me and my child have ADHD and need someone to go “ok learn this” rather than us having to work out for ourselves what we need to cover for core subjects like english and maths. For the rest of most days my child is left to their own devices to binge youtube and netflix and work on their art. We try and go for a woodland walk every few days, where we have Deep Discussions about all kinds of topics, and we are also working on growing edible plants and baking cakes from around the world. We are more hands-off at the moment, due to the current bout of anxiety, but when that settles again we will get back to history themed crafts and STEM activities. Post-pandemic, we will be signing our kid up for swimming classes and “after school” clubs, and looking at sending them down to my mum for the home ed groups where she lives, like the forest school. A lot of home education outside of a pandemic is in groups and community based, or will make use of libraries and museums and other public learning opportunities. Frequently very little will happen at home.
In fact many home educators will advise new families to “deschool” for a while before jumping in to learning. This is a period where you “get school out of your system”, and just exist. Learning does not have to be intentional, you will be surprised how much you can achieve by just having fun.
6. “Home education is expensive.”
- It can be, ask my bank account. However, it is perfectly possible to deliver a quality education with little to no money. I’m not saying it’s easy, but it’s doable. Their are many online resources for free (check out oak academy), and libraries have plenty available too. Even paid resources can be very cheap if you know where to look. (psst, if your kid thrives with worksheets and powerpoints, get yourself a twinkl subscription, download everything you need for a year then cancel it.)
(This does not apply to exams. Get saving!)
7. “Home educated children are not properly socialised.”
- This is only really true during the pandemic. The rest of the time, home educated children are free to socialise whenever they want, with whoever they want, in whatever setting they choose. Socialisation while home educating is in the opinions of many of a higher quality, as they are not limited to groups of a similar age and background. Many home educating families form groups for their children to socialise together too. For ND children especially, socialising while home educated can be far less stressful and far more fulfilling than in school.
8. “Home educated children won’t get qualifications.”
- Just plain not true. Arranging qualifications can be costly and time consuming, but it is possible and regularly done. Some children may return to school or college to access exams for free, and I have heard of a handful of cases where individuals were able to secure prestigious university places without any qualifications. Home education also allows for more freedom with how exams and qualifications are approached, for example, many home educated children will pick one GCSE to focus on at a time, rather than covering numerous topics over 2 years and having exams for all of them at once like children in school will.
9. “Home education is a safeguarding risk/is used to cover up abuse/home educated children are not seen.”
- In the UK at least, home education is not considered a safeguarding risk, no matter what authorities may tell you, nor are home educated “not seen”. They still visit medical professionals, they still engage with their communities.
Now I shall add the relevant paper here should I find it again, but the idea that home education is used to cover up abuse to a statistically significant degree, or that home educated children are at more risk of abuse, is false. Home educating families do face a significantly higher risk of social services involvement than other families, but far less abuse is found in comparison to other families. It is also worth considering, when talking about social services involvement, that many families pursue home education due to failures by schools regarding a child’s vulnerabilities. In most cases, especially the Big Ones, where a home educated child is abused, the child was already known to authorities as a victim of abuse, therefore home educating did nothing to hide said abuse.
Children are also routinely abused in schools, which is another common reason for home educating.
10. “Home education has to be monitored or approved.”
- Depends on the country, I know in Japan home education is monitored by schools, however in the UK, monitoring is not lawful. Local authorities may make informal enquiries to ensure a suitable education is being facilitated (keep EVERYTHING in writing and please go straight to “home education and your local authority” group on FB for advice, you WILL need it!). In England, if your child is in mainstream education, you can deregister at will, from a special school will require LA approval. In Scotland deregistering requires LA approval. (Again, head to the aforementioned group for advice).
11. “You can’t work/get an education while home educating”
- It is hard to balance work, education and educating your child, but it is possible, people do it every day. Obviously, having at least one parent free to educate unhindered at all times is an ideal situation, but in the real world it often does not work that way. Parents may have to home educate regardless of their other commitments if a child truly needs to escape the school system. Many parents work or learn from home, and sometimes it is even possible to combine these activities with home education. Professional artists and crafters can pass down their skills while working, distance learners can invite their children to sit in on lectures. The really great thing about home education is it is flexible. Do you have a whole day of meetings? Let the kid play minecraft all day! Going to be in the office all day? Drop the kid off at the local forest school or something else they can do all day. Drop them with the grandparents to help with the gardening!
12. “Home educated are behind/achieve less than school children.”
- Their is no evidence that home education is of a lower quality than school education. Many children are home educated specifically because the school environment was detrimental to their education, and thrive with home education. Plenty of children are able to learn more simply by having 1-to-1 attention, without the distraction of an entire class. And others may well be “behind”, and are educated at home because of their specific needs that mean they will never thrive in an academic setting, so they are allowed to focus on learning skills that will allow them to live independently.
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denkilightning · 4 years
I'd like to hear your 1-C kids headcanons!
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aaa okok thank yall! as i said, i based them all off the canon extras so here they are! (with low quality and horribly colored little screencaps!) class 1-c!! name, (gender, prons, ethnicity/race) quirk + additional notes!
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1.  kai aomidori 
male, he/him
japanese turkish
mood swing: can manipulate people’s emotions with his sweat (or tears or spit, body fluids in general)
he was based off color turquoise
2. momotarou akaki 
female, she/her
peachy nutrients: can alter peoples nutrients/body chemicals and shit (idk im not a stem) if she touches them. the longer she touches them the longer the effect lasts
can you guess how shitty i am at quirks
3. kaihei umigame
male, he/him
sea turtle: the fuck a sea turtle can do
nah seriously its mainly a mutation quirk and idk what sea turtles do i just wanted a fucking sea turtle 
4. akira kawamoto 
nonbinary, he/she/they
dj: can make any sound with the movement of their body
that is the motherfucker i talked about. they just watched hitoshi declaring war on class 1a and took pictures lmao. theyre a motherfucker who gives big denki/toga vibes and theyre great
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5. hogo kabaa 
female, she/her 
japanese -central asian? sth? ‘m not sure-
shield: she can create shield all over her body, can’t do it on others though and without proper training theyre quite small (also very tiring)
definitely a friend of sappho
6. kenkou gouken 
nonbinary, he/they/ze 
health check: can see the state of physical health of any person and what caused the unhealthy state if he touches them
remember akira? yeah these two are dating lmao
7. hitoshi shinsou 
male, he/him
japanese jewish
m’ baby <3 hes the reason i question my romantic orientation lmao
8. rio shinbou 
female, she/her 
philipino japanese
death-glare: can sense how dead someone is by looking at them
i have a feeling shes a lesbian
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9. suijin shimizu 
male, he/him
water lily: has the medical abilities of an american white water lily
one of The Boys(tm) that are pretty basic and like forgetable, every class has ‘em
10. attikusu suugaku 
nonbinary, she/they
japanese greek
can solve any already-solved algebra equation (like, ‘already solved’ in the science world, so they cant just go boom solved the unsolvable)
lmao in that little headshot its hitoshi’s ass dagjkahdkj also i got an e(? is that what its called in english, i mean a 2) on my last math test and i almost cried in class
11. koujou seichou 
nonbinary, they/them
plant growth: can fasten the growth/regeneration of every biological creature but only in places they touch
just a simple witch whos always short on storm water
12. kasshoku chikara 
nonbinary, he/him
half middle eastern japanese
triple up: can triple up the strength of anything they touch, works on humans too (basically amps the physics force)
his name literally means ‘brown’ and ‘power/strength’ so yea. brown power
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13. kirameki  hana 
female, she/her 
sparkles: what is says on the tin lmao
yes everyone calls her sparkles
14. kuriiro hayato 
male he/him 
japanese latino
falcon eyes: basically hatsumes quirk: has a sight of a falcon
can you guess hes the last one ive done
15. miru majimena 
female, she/her
japanese polynesian (cook island)
faux checker: she can tell when something is true or faux or whether someone’s lying by looking at them. she sees an aureola of a certain color around them
she likes keys. and the auerola is based on my sight with glasses on when its lowkey foggy and shit on my way to school. it looks cool af. also shes half polynesian because miru is a polynesian godess so yeah good luck for me with the research
16. hachi murasakiiro 
nonbinary, they/she/he
sideways figure eight: can make any emitter quirk effect last longer with a touch
theyre jirous cousin! and the sideways figure eight is a different name for the infinity sign and their given name means eight so theres that. also eight is a lucky number so thats cute
17. mike mori
nonbinary, they/them
good luck charm: gets vibes whether something will bring good or bad luck, gets the best vibes in nature (forests specifically)
why they get the best vibes in nature? because their family name is forest gimmie a break!
18. ichirou rapisu 
male, he/him
understanding: understands every language written and spoken, cant speak any of them though
his name has absolutely nothing to do with anything. fuck you horikoshi i spent too much time on name websites and other shit like that to even care at this point
sorry if i sound tired or pissed, its cus I Am
anyway pls ask me about them  or like their dynamics with hitoshi and shit
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rinnnyxr · 3 years
I’m happy I’m sad I’m motivated I’m unmotivated I’m sick I’m taken I have a crush I’m in love I’m single I’m brokenhearted
I want to sleep I want to study I want to go out I want to stay home I have school today I have work today
I’m afraid of spiders I’m afraid of being alone I’m afraid of snakes I’m afraid of flying I’m afraid of failure I’m afraid of clowns
I took chemistry classes in high school I took math classes in high school I took English classes in high school I took geography classes in high school I took biology classes in high school I had gym in high school I took art classes in high school I took science classes in high school I took history classes in high school I took physics classes in high school I was in the theatre after school program in high school I had some sort of music classes in high school I had some sort of dance classes in high school
Bold the things you’ve never done.
I’ve never gone to Disney World. I’ve never been out of my home country. I’ve never kissed a stranger on the lips. I’ve never read a book over eight hundred pages. I’ve never painted a picture on a canvas. I’ve never sang in front of a large crowd by myself.
I’ve never had braces. I’ve never learned French. I’ve never had a fight with my dad. I’ve never updated my status through my phone. I’ve never used Nair. I’ve never cut my wrists. I’ve never wanted plastic surgery. I’ve never drank organic regular milk. I’ve never learned Chinese. I’ve never blew up a balloon. I’ve never changed a baby’s diaper. I’ve never lost my phone for good. I’ve never lost a friend through death. I’ve never met one of my grandparents. I’ve never met someone with my exact name. I’ve never dated someone with red hair. I’ve never put on eyeliner for myself. I’ve never took a dance class. I’ve never tried weed. I’ve never tried drugs. I’ve never cooked dinner for my family. I’ve never had anything besides my ears pierced. I’ve never had a tattoo. I’ve never went to the beach to tan. I’ve never kissed anyone on the lips that was younger than me. I’ve never dumped someone. I’ve never stepped in something nasty barefooted. I’ve never cheated on someone. I’ve never waxed anything on my body. I’ve never dyed my whole head a different color. I’ve never kissed anyone who was above the age of seventeen. I’ve never kissed in the rain. I’ve never gone a day without laughing. I’ve never got held back a grade. I’ve never stolen anything over twenty dollars.
Waiting until the last minute TL;DR (too long, didn’t read) Angry crying 4 am seamless Big flirt Hot yoga “Why are you so upset? I’m over it now” No filter Cutting in line at the store Skipping to the “good part” Ignoring the speed limit Tinder Shoplifting Exclamation points!!! Bad tattoos Caffeine addiction Toned AF Muay Thai “Don’t touch me” Breaking a bone Spelling errors Picking fights for no reason Lowkey really sensitive Skipping breakfast 7/24
Taurus Falling asleep on the subway Going barefoot Using hands as utensils Calling in sick Materialism Tree climbing Cuddling Controlling the aux Great British baking show “I deserve to treat myself” Aesthetics Spending the whole day in bed Anything that says “natural” on it Long-term relationships Expensive sheets Picnics in the park Essential oils Sex as exercise Tender Wearing the same outfit 3 days in a row Says a controversial opinion and then “I’m not going to argue” Calm, cool, and collected Silk everything 5 meals a day 7/24
Gemini Giving unqualified advice 50 different tangents “Prove it” Playing Devil’s advocate Can’t keep a secret Scamming Carrying a book around Arguing for fun Always knowing the latest gossip Adderall Spilling guts to the Uber driver Rationalizing emotions Lying to be more interesting Most active in the group chat Anxiety Telling the same story 10 times to perfect it Philosophy 1000 ideas per minute Sardonic sense of humor Full of interesting facts 23 best friends Internet memes Forgot how to cry Living a double life 4/24
Cancer Screenshots Same friends since high school Sleeps with a stuffed animal Vintage clothes Cries when yelled at Going home early Nesting Holding grudges Mood swings Drinking tea Supporting others’ chaos Social anxiety HGTV Super protective of loved ones Accidental emotional manipulation Cooking for friends Likes animals more than humans Meeting someone and immediately planning their whole lives together Empathizing with film protagonists Vivid childhood memories “Mi casa es tu casa” Serial monogamist Good emotional memory Big hugs 8/24
Leo Mid-day outfit changes Giving out compliments Taking an hour to get ready Accidentally flirting Making friends in the Uber pool Using a window as a mirror Passionate emotional outbursts Lowkey insecure Creating drama to avoid boredom Opening up after just meeting someone Going to the spa Needing to make opinions known Large but fragile ego Wanting recognition for your generosity Making a scene Pretending life is reality TV Giving really subjective advice Overdressed for the function Creative genius Social media as therapy Trying something and being instantly good at it Can’t take a joke Self-care Urge to stand out 7/24
Virgo Over-analyzing friendships Fact check Knowing a little about everything Helping people get their shit together Very specific tastes Fixing it or making it 10x worse Personal projects Health routines Pretending to have your shit together Repeating a task over and over until it’s perfect On good terms with your trash exes Stretching self too thin Stuck in negative thought cycles Noticing little things no one else notices Needs to quit like 3 things Nitpicking Self-sacrificing Hyperfocus Reading 3 books at once “Sorry for the late reply” Functioning on 3 hours of sleep Can’t turn brain off Neurotic Putting yourself last 17/24
Libra Fomo (fear of missing out) Saying yes to every opportunity A little bit of suck up Fear of being alone Flirting with everyone but your crush Tossing a coin to make big decisions Easily influenced Art films Strong sense of right and wrong Torn between being social and having much needed alone time New crush every day Going to museums Overthinking romantic relationships Truly admiring all your friends Adopting others’ hobbies and mannerisms Overdraft fees Showing up late or not showing up at all Avoiding conflicts at all costs Talking about past romances on the first date Gossipy but with good intentions Panicking when someone raises their voice Trying to see both sides Unable to end a bad relationship Pretending to hate drama 9/24
Scorpio Resting bitch face Keeping the right amount of secrets Has a “hit” list (either meaning) Needing to have control in relationships Knowing what you want and exactly how to get it Disappearing at parties Morbid thoughts Believes in “energy” Attractive Staring from across the room Stalking crush’s social media Fascination with cults Still in an emo phase Breaking hearts but sad about it Trust issues All black Existential angst Silently walking away from uninteresting conversations Chaotic emotions behind a calm mask Craving emotional intensity “What am I gonna gain from it?” Seeming intimidating, actually really sensitive Friendships of utility Loves crime 12/24
Sagittarius Losing interest and quitting anything that doesn’t come easily Giving opinions without being asked No inside voice Arguing as foreplay Backpacking trips Talking over people Stating opinions as facts Corny jokes Took one philosophy class and is basically Nietzsche now Always having the last word Using big words to sound smart Speaking more than one language Fueled by laughter Calling friends on their BS Asking for advice and then not taking it Needing to change activities every 30 minutes Telling it like it is Correcting people Unwaveringly optimistic Laugh can be heard from across the room Talking about a book after only reading the Wikipedia synopsis Learning a lot from travel Periodically getting rid of all your belongings Pulling out a party trick 9/24
Capricorn Fear of not living up to potential Overcommitting Anything ‘rustic’ Favorite song is the NPR jingle Has real, tangible goals Repressing trauma Always on time Slow and steady Minding your own business Prefers on one hangs to group hangs Work/life balance Putting more money into savings than you take out Acting 20 years older than you actually are Is prepared for the worst-case scenario Never asking for help Reading for fun Is actually normcore Taking care of business Taking things seriously Motivated by stress Minimalism Hanging out with the same 3 people Bashful around crush Holding friends to high standards 9/24
Aquarius Lowkey superstitious Obscure music David Lynch Weird makeup Self-given haircuts Bad at flirting Feeling like an alien Reding conspiracy theories on the internet Estranged from emotions Experimental poetry Martyr complex Being called a free spirit Abstract concepts Making plans and canceling them Intellectual superiority A little arrogant Loves an underdog Using a thesaurus Activism Fuck the rules Intentionally provocative Highly ethical Queer theory Niche knowledge base 1/24
Pisces Head in the clouds Misplacing keys Unofficially moving in with friends Easily overwhelmed Empathizing with plants Existential crisis #3 Really long showers Leaving clothes in a pile on the ground Using fantasies as an escape Romantic drama Need for constant validation Acts either 7 or 70 Incredibly active imagination Cripplingly self-aware Over-apologizing In love with 10 people at once Binge drinking Giving good advice but can’t apply it to yourself Secretly writes poetry Crying in the bathroom at work Can’t take criticism Mind reading #NoBoundaries Saying something deep out of nowhere 12/24
I am most like a Virgo (my actual sign)
You have an ex You don’t wear glasses You have blue/gray/green eyes
You’re pretty tall
You can drive a manual transmission car
You know how to change the oil
You know all about cars
You have a serious passion for photography
You’ve known your best friend since middle school You’re close friends with someone since elementary school You prefer Quiznos over Subway
You’re in a relationship You’ve had a rebound before You’ve been in a relationship for five years
You’ve cheated before
You’ve dated someone who was Asian You’ve dated someone who was Hispanic
You’ve dated someone of your own ethnicity You like to sleep a lot You were born in winter Your birthday is in February
You’re the oldest in your family
You have a younger sister You have a cat You don’t have step-parents You often work the night shifts at your job
You can play the drums
You know a lot about flowers
You’re allergic to shellfish
You like garlic You like a lot of cheese
You get real Christmas trees
You’ve been in a car accident before You’ve snuck people over to your house You’re part Hawaiian
You’re a Pisces
You have no tattoos You have no piercings You have brown hair You have a Steam account You don’t have a Twitter
You’re hardly on any networking sites
You have an XBox360 You don’t like Playstation products very much
You have relatives in Alaska and/or Hawaii
You have a Toshiba laptop
You love German Shepherds You love Welsh Corgis You are Republican
You are Methodist
Your room is rarely ever clean
You’ve drunk dialed someone
A nasty rumor has been spread about you You’re in college One of your parents was at one point enlisted in the military
You are close with your family You like paintballing
You don’t smoke You don’t do drugs
You have a habit of keeping things you borrowed longer than expected
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nostalgic-pancakes · 3 years
Room 73- Chapter 1/8
There is a being that lives in the chemistry building of Haley-Dove Secondary. It has been there longer than anyone’s living memory, and nobody questions it anymore.
Pairing/s: (Eventual) Romantic Prinxiety, Loceit and Pintroverts/Karrot Kings, Queerplatonic Intruality and platonic DLAMRT(N) with mentioned background Kailliot. Romantic (married!) Remile and mentioned Sanders Shorts characters.
Read on AO3!
Word count: 2950
Warnings: Mentioned bullying, allusions to the foster system, perhaps minor disassociation? Paranormal elements.
Other notes: So many thanks to my Beta (!!!) Juicyboxers for looking through this fic for me- and teaching me so much stuff about dialogue!! So if you notice that the dialogue here is better than the dialogue on my other stuff, than thank him!
Anyways, without further ado... (tinny drumroll)
There is a being that lives in the chemistry building of Haley-Dove Secondary. It has been there longer than anyone’s living memory, and nobody questions it anymore.
It’s a strange one, a space completely fuzzed out by something resembling static, but if that static could exist, could take up space, be real in a way static really can’t be.
The being lives on the third desk to the right, second from top, room 73. It seems to be on friendly terms with the thing that sometimes screams in the courtyard and the witch who lives in the woods surrounding the town. It doesn’t seem to like the slamming locker much, but it doesn’t hurt anyone, so nobody cares.
It lingers, at that desk, watching boys and girls and everyone in between study the sciences as the years go on, seeing the building as a boy’s school, then a bomb shelter, then a public school classroom, watching. Nobody knows what the being is, really, but it’s there, so nobody will say anything.
Across the country, three people grieve quietly.
“Shu-Shuddup, Pat...” Groaning slightly, Janus lifts his covers from his head, just a little, to flip the bird at his brother, who clearly understood the concept of ‘don’t wake someone up before sunrise’. “...lemme sleep.”
Pat doesn’t seem to realize this, clearly and he continues making obnoxious beeping noises at him. Stupid Pat and his relentless cheer never letting Janus brood enough to fit the aesthetic.
“Alright Pat, let’s get up then. Besides, this has to be better than middle school.” Janus feels bad almost immediately for bringing that up because Patton’s eyes cloud over some, before clearing themselves up and his brother smiles again, a little wider, beckoning Janus out of bed.
“Pat, could you pass me my cape?” asks Janus, holding out his hand expectantly. He’s moderately surprised when there’s nothing there after a few seconds. He glances over, and his brother’s looking at him a bit cheekily.
“Aww Janny, couldn’t you possibly go without it for our first day? You wear it all the time!” Patton replies, picking up the cape and throwing it to him, Janus catching from below. It’s routine.
“No, and you know it. Now, slacks or skirt?” asks Janus, sifting through the small clothes pile Patton kept out for the week
“Skirt, please! The one with the suspenders?” “You have no taste”
“Says the guy wearing the cape, Jan.” when Patton takes the skirt, it brushes against the wall first, promptly setting off a chorus of whispering flowers gossiping. Jamus is really, really lucky that Patton hasn’t realised that that’s a viable way to wake him up.
Deeming themselves acceptable, they both go downstairs, with Patton skipping down the steps more than anything, and Janus trying to avoid the cracks on the eighth, sixth, and second steps. The shadow in the creaks always snarled at him if he stepped on a crack, and it was, frankly, annoying.
Emile and Remy were already in the kitchen, Emile making (slightly charring) breakfast and Remy brewing coffee while simultaneously downing his fifth cup of the stuff, shifting from foot to foot to some mid-2000’s pop playing from Emile’s phone.
“Hey there, small fries! It’s eggs and toast for breakfast, so gobble up before you go- breakfast is the most important meal of the day!” Exclaims Emile, as soon as he catches sight of Patton’s yellow skirt in the stairwell. Remy looks up from the coffee pot, acknowledges Both Janus and Patton’s existence, then nods and brings out two more mugs, one yellow and black and one yellow and pink onto the kitchen island, next to the Steven Universe and ‘I’ll sleep when I’m Dead’ cups respectively.
“Hi, Emile! I’m so excited for today- do you think Jan and I could make some friends today?” asks Patton, still smiling as he elbows Janus for the latter part of that sentence. Janus turns around, knocks the perpetrator’s elbow, and grins, sitting down to accept his burnt eggs and coffee while Patton gets his burnt eggs and sugar concoction. Remy takes up the seat on Patton’s other side, grunting as he downs his sixth cup of coffee and Emile swoops into his husband's space, plucking the empty cup from Remy’s hands and not letting him get a refill. Remy grumbles a bit, but there’s no real malice- this is routine, always has been, as long as there have been witch-hazel plants growing along the house and as long as Remy and Emile have known each other.
Emile plops down with his breakfast and his coffee mug- always too much milk- and turns to face Patton, straightening his sweater vest, beaming in a way that fools a lot of strangers into thinking that Patton’s actually biologically related to him.
“I think you two can, Kiddo! With the right people, you and Jan could set the world on fire!” he cheers, and even though the smile’s a bit smaller around the end, the statement is sincere.
“Hey, arson is fun.” quips Janus, and Emile gasps, but clearly is holding back a grin, while Remy is straight-up (nah) cackling, as Patton chokes a bit on his eggs at the deadpan delivery. Janus doesn’t make an expression, just puts another bite of eggs in his mouth, scraping the edge of the plate with his fork. He cringes at the sound some, but it’s over in a second, thankfully.
It’s only about ten minutes later that he and Patton are at the doorway, book-bags packed and ready to go, with Remy and Emile waving, does Janus finally realize that yeah, High School is starting, and he’s terrified. A year without Patton at his side constantly is crazy- they only have two common classes, and that means this year will have the longest amount of time they’ve ever been away from each other since meeting every day. Patton’s scared too, Janus can tell, because the hand that he’s using to play-guide Janus around (“Because you’re a SLOWPOKE!”) grips tighter and tighter every metre closer to the bus that the two of them get, till it’s nearly bruising, the same colour of the whispering flowers down by the creek.
But they make it to the bus in time, and it’s good that Patton and Janus are holding onto each other so tightly, because of the swarm of kids piling in. Without that grip, they might not have been able to snag an empty seat to sit in together, right across a kid their age, sitting with his back ramrod-straight, wearing glasses and… going through this year’s textbooks? Nerd. But hey, Janus likes dissecting Shakespeare, so what can he say?
The bus starts going, from dirt paths in the residential area to a better built road as they all get closer to the main town, with the offices and shops and buildings and well, the school. Everyone looks a little exhausted, and some even look a bit excited, but nobody here is really memorable except for textbook-kid. Midway through the ride, as the view of the woods on everyone’s right starts thinning out a little, the witch who lives there waves, and her daughter, who’s apparently on top of the seats, in the luggage shelf (because buying buses from airports makes total sense), hangs upside-down, grinning wildly with her tangerine-colored hair falling out first, as she waves to her mother, still wearing her gathering-dress. She vanishes again soon after, lugging herself back up, but that’s no matter. She seems happier there anyway.
As the sun starts to rise in earnest, a lot of the night plants growing along the bus poles start shrinking away, letting the morning glories take centre stage for a while as the bus pulls over into the schoolyard, with the kids who took their bikes here already in their classrooms or on their way there, it’s a bit of a frenzy.
Janus takes a look at Patton, whose nerves that had been kept at bay for the moment while taking the scenery coming back in full force, and tries to smile for him. His brother deserves that much. Patton relaxes, and gives Janus’s hand one last squeeze before getting off the bus, and immediately hunting for his homeroom. 9-D, Janus thinks. He’s in 9-C himself. He sighs and trudges forward, seeing the witch’s daughter and glasses-guy enter the same classroom and hoping this doesn’t end like middle school.
Logan and Virgil Varma are in no way looking forward to school. Never have, really. Brings too much back about being too ‘weird’, or ‘scary’.
“Pssh, other kids are scarier” mumbles Virgil darkly under his breath while putting his bike away. He notices Logan behind him, fresh off the bus, putting his biology textbook in his bag (more like stuffing it, but Virgil isn’t about to say anything)
“Virgil, I do not think that you should say things like that when ‘other kids’ can hear you, especially if I could hear you-” Logan’s cut off by Virgil, who smirks.
“Three feet away, I know, L. But you have one thing nobody else does-”
“Superhuman hearing!” They finish off together, knowing this routine by heart and then some. Logan giggles, and Virgil automatically feels better than before for making that happen. His smirk turns into a bit more genuine of a smile as they finish the walk into homeroom together, in the same room for once, thank fuck. Virgil really needs to thank his Mom for pulling that off. She really pulled some strings for Logan to have a better year this time ‘round.
9-C. That’s his and Logan’s homeroom. When Virgil looks inside, he sees a… decently eccentric class lineup. There aren't many high schoolers in this place, so there’s only about ten people here. Hildi, who he’d hung out with in middle school, who waved at him enthusiastically, fiery hair flying about. It’s infectious, so Virgil smiles a bit back and waves too, albeit a little less excitedly. Well, there’s one person Virgil knows.
There’s a person just behind her who’s dressed up like a nineteen-twenties mobster, with the yellow-black aesthetic and cloak. He has a giant scar along the left side of his face which looks a bit like snake scales, so Virgil’s going to dub him ‘Snek Boy’ for now. There’s two people next to him, too. One looks like the ‘Chad from the horror movie’ archetype incarnate, and is flicking spitballs at the other kid in front of him, who smiles and passes him a stim toy. That person’s most likely an introvert, with all the pins on his stuff. Well then hello, fellow pintrovert.
Virgil inhales, knowing that he’s about to run out of time to stay at the doorway without looking weird, and takes the seat just behind Logan. Back row, no sun from the window. Logan turns back to face him, and Virgil does his best to smile reassuringly. He’s… relatively sure it worked, because Logan smiles as well, adjusts his glasses and turns back to face the front of the class, where the teacher enters. They look decently severe, tall, and wearing a tweed coat over a sweater vest, in extreme contrast to his dark skin tone. He puts his files down, cleans his glasses and turns up to face the class.
“Hello. My name is Corbin Robinson, and I’m your homeroom teacher for this year. I use he/him pronouns!” the severe expression tapers off into a bit of a smile as he finishes off his sentence. “Now, could all of you come up here and introduce yourselves? Preferably with your preferred name, pronouns and one fact about yourself that pertains to your personality!” he takes out a notepad, and steps to the side. Chad walks up and clears his throat after about ten awkward seconds.
“Uh, hi! My name’s Brian. Brian Cornwall. I use he/him pronouns. This is my boyfriend’s jacket! We’re wearing each other’s jackets for good luck today!” Ch-Brian finishes. He’s blushing furiously by the end of his statement, but the entire room (Virgil included) is clapping for him anyways, so he ducks down a bit to go back in his seat. Professor Corbin’s looking at Virgil now, and what is he gonna say what if he’s dumb and says something wrong and--
Hildi hops up to the front of the room, and Professor Corbin’s attention is on her for the moment. Thank god. She winks at him, and he smiles weakly back.
“Hi! I’m Hildi, the witch’s girl and I use she/her pronouns! Fun fact about me… uh, I once got to find out who’s hand the disembodied hand in plaza belonged to- Some guy called Andy from the thirties.” Hildi finishes with her hands crossed on her heart, the typical greeting that her coven uses. Virgil nods and crosses his hands as well.
Professor Corbin’s eyes wander around the class, to find whoever hasn’t spoken yet, and they land on Virgil. Since Hildi’s gone up, the eyes stay there. Virgil takes a steadying breath, and fiddles with a loose string on his hoodie.
“H-hi, I’m Virgil. Virgil… Sanders.” Great he’s already fucking this up why did he do this--
Okay, breathe. In two three four, hold two three four, out two three four five six seven eight.
“I use he/him and they/them pronouns, but I don’t really mind whatever you do end up using for me, and uh… fun fact about me?”
“I’m a twin, and my twin’s the coolest person on this planet.” he finishes, and tries his best to smile over the nerves. He feels good, though, praising his brother. Logan smiles, properly now, even as he burrows himself into his shirt best he can. Virgil smiles back, and makes his way back, trying to get his breathing back under control. It works, and he’s breathing just fine by the time Logan walks up, shoulders set.
“Hello,” he waves. “My name is Logan Ejiah Sanders, I use he/him pronouns and am Virgil’s twin. A fun fact about me is that I only use blue coloured stationery.” Logan finishes, clipped as ever. He’s careful with what he shares these days, and using solely blue stationary is something that can just be summed up as a personality quirk, instead of something wrong, the kinds of wrong that made teachers sigh and avert their gaze or puff irritably or what made him cannon fodder to other kids.
Logan’s nervous, and Virgil wishes that he could’ve done something sooner.
The introductions slip by after that, Janus, he/him, vitiligo scar, Nico Flores, they/faer, aspiring writer, because Virgil’s too floaty to care. Hildi passes him a floating earbud, and he takes it.
Roman really doesn't know what to expect from high school. In the stuff he reads and watches, it's portrayed as this ecosystem with really strict rules. His family calls it the most idyllic time of their lives. College students call it hell. So yeah, Roman's confused.
Remus is in a different class entirely this year, which isn't weird, so he doesn't know why he thought that? Stupid brain.
Roman was already in a shitty mood, having had to skip out on seconds of bacon because he'd already eaten too much this morning and might have to miss lunch later for club sign-ups, which is terrible. He's hoping that at least his class isn't too bad this year. Haley-Dove is a small town, but small doesn't always mean nice. He'd know.
(Roman can't get the words out of his head anymore.)
Both Mitchell and Croft were forced to change schools from Haley-Dove Secondary but what if there are new people?
Roman shakes the thoughts out of his head. School. First day. Homeroom. Class 9-D. This is doable. Just breathe, 4, 7, 8 and walk into the classroom. You can do it Roman, where's that confidence? Wait don’t answer that question just GO--
“Hi! Sorry, I was so clumsy. Hey, I’m Patton!”
Roman first needs to decode that sentence before answering. Okay- Patton, sorry for bumping into Roman. Okay. Greeting, so greet back. Performance time, baby!
“No problem, Patton! I’m Roman!” Patton visibly cheers up in front of him, skirt swishing sideways a bit in the wind. Patton notices Roman looking at the skirt starts talking again.
“Uh.. he/him pronouns- but my gender is weird, yanno?” Roman did not know, but it seemed to matter to Patton, so he nodded and smiled a bit.
“Tis alright! I use he/him as well! Now, what homeroom address have you got, dear Patton? Let us make haste!” Patton giggled at Roman’s antics, meaning it was working. Good. Both of them fish into their pockets for a piece of paper they got at the entrance, unfolding it. Roman’s reads 9-D, as expected, along with Pattons’s.
“Hey- this means we’re in the same class! Woo-hoo! That means one new friend, huh kiddo?”
“Sorry, I call my friends that.” Patton looks sheepish, as if he doesn’t expect Roman to react well.
“Oh no problem, dear Patton! I look forward to going through this year with you!” they both giggle, and Roman actually feels like they can be friends- Remus will be proud.
“Well, I am too! C’mon, let’s go- we’re already a bit late for homeroom.”
Roman looks at the clock- 8:02. They are officially two minutes late. Remus is probably in class already, if not just to pull a prank on the new homeroom teacher, meaning Roman had better get to class already.
“Yes! Onward! To academic achievement!”
The chemistry room is a little cold all of a sudden, and something has clearly woken up.
School’s in session, everyone. Hope you’re ready for this.
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orangeteastudying · 4 years
Dr. Julia (aka @cancerbiophd ) tagged me some time ago and I forgot. Thanks for tagging me! this was fun ♡
You answer ten questions, then you ask ten questions yourself and tag ten people.
1. what’s a harmless, but kind of hilarious, lie your family used to always tell you when you were a kid?
Aah I don’t know! I don’t think they’ve told me any lies? maybe that if the shampoo made too many bubbles it was cause my hair was dirty ( a lie to make me shower and rinse well the shampoo)
2. if every planet in our solar system could support life, which one (besides earth) would you choose to live on?
Ooh!! i like this question! probably Callisto one of Jupiter’s moons! Cause it’s shiny and looks like an orb of constellations.
3. if you could be a deity of something, what would it be?
I’d be the goddess of snow! i used to dream about this when i was little! That way I could ski all year long, and make my own racing slopes lol.
4. describe your aesthetic in 10 words or less:
(idk if I’m doing this right) Snowy mountains, lab experiments while freaking out. letters and flowers!
5. who is your fantasy (real or fictional) study buddy/lab partner/co-worker?
Real? my uni best friend, if we are in a class together, we are lab partners, if not, we study together ! fictional probably Jasnah Kholin form the Stormlight Archive!
6. describe a moment in your life that helped solidify one of your current passions
Probably science class in school when we had science fairs and when we went to plant trees on the woods. it’s not a moment, they are many but i think those were so meaningful I’ll never forget them.
7. what would you rather have in your dream house: a library, a gym, a solarium, a wine cellar, a theater, a bowling alley, or a resort-like backyard
A greenhouse!! I love plants and I would be soo happy with a greenhouse full of tomatoes and little baby plants. (Also a library cause who wouldn’t want one?)
8. what’s the spookiest thing to ever happen to you?
Once we where on a boat and the motor failed, so my dad was trying to fix it and a part fell into the water :p, we had to go back with the small spare motor in the night cause we took so long to go back. It’s fun now but my mum was scared and the lake navy (?) called to see if we were all right cause we hadn’t come back lol
9. what’s a song that makes you think of home?
Ooh so many! but listening to Sea by Jorge Drexler takes me back in an instant but idk why.
10. a constellation of stars was just named after you. what shape is it?
Probably something dumb? or a cup of tea
I tag: @earlymodernstudent @problematicprocrastinator @coffeeandpies @hraewordsmith @rivkahstudies @clabujo (do it only if you want to)
Questions: 1. If you were the protagonist of a book, who would you want to write your story?
2. What is a food that makes you think of home?
3.  If you could choose between being  a farmer, a chef or a shepard, what would you choose? Why?
4. What’s your favorite tree?
5. Is there anyone you’d like to meet (dead or alive) and hang out with for a day?
6. Which language do you wish you could understand perfectly?
7. Name one place you’d like to visit and why! (only one tho)
8. If you could be a different animal, which one would you be?
9. What do you aspire to be everyday?
10. What makes you smile?
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abigailzimmer · 3 years
Favorite Reads of 2020
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In this year of slowness, thank god for books to make the world a little larger again. I read several classics for the first time—Shelley’s Frankenstein and Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring and Bernadette Mayer’s Midwinter Day—all of which felt important to return to the source material, to see how these books shaped those that came after them. And I delved into new books from favorite authors whose words I will always seek out—like Kelly Schirmann’s The New World and Heather Christle’s The Crying Book—and I branched out into mystery and romance books because they kept pages turning and tidied everything up so neatly at the end, which if not my usual fare, was sorely needed in this strange year. But since I do love a list, here are the books that sung to me / inspired me / shaped me:
1. Exquisitely told and inventive in form, Women Talking by Miriam Toews centers on a group of Mennonite women in South America who discover they're being drugged and raped during the night by the men in their community. While the men are away, the women meet to decide whether they will stay and forgive their attackers, as their community’s religious leaders ask them to, or leave the colony and start anew. Their conversation over the course of two days questions the role of women, what freedom and forgiveness really mean, how to fulfill one’s calling as a woman, mother, and believer, whether one must choose one thing over another, and whether staying or leaving carries the greater risk. It’s a thoughtful and creative approach to hard questions and the complicated reasons why there’s never a right answer.
2. Ilya Kaminsky's collection, Dancing in Odessa, was one of the first books of contemporary poetry I ever read, lent to me by a friend in college, and I remember being stunned at what poetry could be and do. Deaf Republic stuns in the same way. The poems are incredibly cinematic, telling the story of an occupied town and its people and a couple who fall in love. When a young, deaf boy is shot by the soldiers, the entire town pretends deafness in rebellion, finding excuses to not understand the soldiers. They bear witness to the boy’s death and honor his life. Though a fictional town, the call to political action, to really see those who are being oppressed and stand for justice with them, is resonant for any time and place. Plus, Ilya writes the most beautiful love poems.
3. Another cinematically-inclined poetry book is GennaRose Nethercott’s The Lumberjack’s Dove. In this long poem/myth/fable, a lumberjack accidentally cuts off his hand, which turns into a dove, and then a story parts ways. The lumberjack is not just a lumberjack and the hand-turned-dove is not just a hand-turned-dove, and the story visits both an operating room and a witch, and the story, of course, is one you've heard before and one that brings surprise and wonder to the telling. I simply adored it.
"Living creatures believe they own something as soon as they love it. They refuse to believe otherwise, no matter how many times a beloved vanishes."
4. I fell in love—hard—with The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller and her exquisite, queer love story between Achilles and Patroclus. Miller’s writing is wonderful and after reading her novel Circe as well—another fantastic retelling of Greek myths—I spent the remainder of the year searching for a novel that compared.
5. Some books meet you in the right moment. The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating by Elisabeth Tova Bailey is a slow and attentive book on small things, which in 2020’s period of waiting and uprootedness was a gift. Due to chronic illness, Bailey finds herself confined to a bed with little to do. Her friend brings her a potted plant and a snail whose pace of life, matching her own, becomes a comfort and lessons her loneliness. As she watches, she learns intimately the snail's eating and sleeping habits, its daily adventures, and the conditions it best thrives in. Later she delves into the literature and science of gastropods and weaves her notes in with her own observations and stories of the snail. Her writing is light and funny and holds such tenderness for this very small creature.
"In the History of Animals, Aristotle noted that snail teeth are 'sharp, and small, and delicate.' My snail possessed around 2,640 teeth, so I'd add the word plentiful to Aristotle's description....With only thirty-two adult teeth, which had to last the rest of my life, I found myself experiencing tooth envy toward my gastropod companion. It seemed far more sensible to belong to a species that had evolved natural tooth replacement than to belong to one that had developed the dental profession. Nonetheless, dental appointments were one of my favorite adventures, as I could count on being recumbent. I could see myself settling into the dental chair, opening my mouth for my dentist, and surprising him with a human-sized radula."
6. Insecurity System by Sara Wainscott was one of my favorite books published in 2020. The poems in it make up four crowns—a series of sonnets in which the last line of each poem becomes the first line (or an echo of it) of the next. The playfulness of the form as well as the topics give the book an energy: Sara muses on time travel, levitation, memory, flowers ("people who read poems know a rose / is how the poet drags in genitalia"), motherhood, Mars, and mythical transformations (children tell their mothers they have turned to seals “and it is true”). Sara is funny and wry, and yet she also captures some difficult emotions of grief and depression, a struggle with complacency amid daily obligations “Sentences become drawn out affairs / but I am doing what I can / to answer one word each day.” The poems move from the mundane to a hard feeling and then onward to wonder and a bit of the fantastical, which I guess is just how life goes—I love how these emotions are all rolled together and always shifting.
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7. Asiya Wadud’s powerful long poem Syncope is one I’ve returned to often throughout the year. She tells the story of 72 refugees who fled Tripoli in an inflatable boat in 2011 and were stranded for 14 days, despite the presence of 38 maritime vessels who could have rescued them, but didn’t. Instead, only 11 passengers survived. Syncope is both an indictment against those who did not act and a eulogy for the dead, returning humanity to people who were deemed not worth saving but who were “luminous in that / we were each born under the / fabled light of some star.”
“We began as 72 ascendants by that I mean we were a collective many each bound for greatness merely in the fact that we were each still living”
8. Eula Biss’s Having and Being Had is a thoughtful and exploratory conversation about capitalism and its effects on what we do and how we think. In a series of short vignettes, Eula picks apart what consumption, work, accounting, and investment mean on a personal and everyday level (albeit a white, middle class level). Who defines value among boys trading Pokemon cards and how did Monopoly's origins in economic injustice shift to pride in bankrupting players and if one of Eula's favorite things about being a new house owner is easy access to a laundry machine, is her house merely a $400,000 container for one washer and dryer? Her essays bounce from work that is valued, unseen or shamed; the perceptions and realities of being poor or rich; our approach to gift-giving and art-making and pleasure—weaving together research, observations, and conversations with friends.
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9. In Grief Sequence, poet Prageeta Sharma’s grieves the loss of her husband in a kind of journal, tracing the memories of his diagnosis, the hard and normal days, the days before diagnosis, and the days after he is gone during which she tries to make sense of her new reality: “How gauche it is to be in this body being unseen by you now,” she writes. “You are not you anymore and I am trying to understand how a human with feelings has disappeared.” Her writing is excellent but it is hard to sit with and next to her pain, and it makes me wonder: when does one read such a book? When you’ve also lost a beloved to cancer? To be in conversation with someone who has, with Prageeta? Do you read for the sake of the living or to honor a body who was once here? Prageeta writes, “Poetry and grief are the same: you are taught to care about it when it happens to you.” I don’t know who to recommend this book to, but it spoke to me, and I’m glad she wrote it, as a monument, of sorts, to a specific togetherness and to a person.
10. The Lives of the Monster Dogs by Kirsten Bakis is a strange and sweet book about a race of genetically-engineered dogs, created initially to be soldiers, who move to New York in the ‘90s while still holding onto the customs and dress of nineteenth-century Prussia, which is to say: I don't know if I ever would have picked this book up had a friend not recommended it. Told through news clippings, letters, journal entries, an opera(!), and the first-person account of a human who befriends them, their story has echoes of Frankenstein as the monster dogs reflect on their creator and what it is to be human, to have purpose and hope, to wrestle with a clouded past and an uncertain future. "It's a terrible thing to be a dog and know it," writes one monster dog scholar after some of the dogs begin to revert back to their primal state. I loved the varied forms, the piecing together of the dog’s history, and the surreal mark they left in the book’s world and my world.
For more books throughout the year, follow along on Instagram at book.wreck.
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strayneoculturekids · 5 years
Denial - Minho x Reader
Pairing: Rich!Kid Minho x Rich Kid!Reader
Summary: You and Minho hated each other’s very cores, always having a go at each other and competing with one another. It wasn’t until guys’ mutual friends started getting a bit too close to you did Minho admit that he might’ve been challenging you 24/7 for a reason other than spite
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Enemies to Lovers AU, Childhood Friends(?) AU, Rich Kid AU
Genre: Fluff
Requested by Anon: Minho: frenemies to less frenemies with more feelings of love than hate.
A/N: to all of my followers, this doesn’t mean I’m off of hiatus, my apologies, it was just a request I hadn’t finished before I went on hiatus, so please enjoy it!
Warnings: None~
You nodded as you walked alongside your best friend, Bang Chan, to your guys’ next class, wordlessly agreeing with his speech about how he, Changbin and Jisung would ‘make like, the best rap group ever’, so as he liked to put it. You were just about to open your mouth to speak when Minho walked into the conversation.
“Hey, Chan” He smiled, completely ignoring your presence, knowing how much it pissed you off
“Hey, Minho” Chan spoke awkwardly, feeling the tension rise despite you and Minho not having had said a single word to one another
“Hello, Minho” You seethed, being obnoxiously loud, still, the annoying boy pretended like you didn’t exist
“We’ve got the next class together, right Chan?” He said, “Did you finish the homework?”
“We had homework?!” You paused in your tracks, breath seeming to stop, you’d never forgotten your homework before and you sure as hell weren’t planning on starting today
“No, we didn’t” Chan interrupted, trying to sound calm and indifferent “He’s just trying to rile you up, Y/N”
“So gullible” Minho sneered, mumbling just loud enough for you to hear
You almost jumped on him right there and then but decided maybe starting a fight in the middle of the extensive school grounds wasn’t the best idea, especially since you three were only a couple metres from your next class now. Gulping down your retorts to Minho’s spiteful behavior, you walked into the classroom, head held high, followed by Chan and then Minho. You went to the corner and sat in your usual seat, your best friend took his seat next to you and your enemy took his seat next to Chan.
After a couple minutes of hateful silence between you and Minho and Chan in the middle of it all, trying not to sweat, the teacher walked in and the chatter in the class died away.
The lesson began, as usual, with the roll, followed by the teacher introducing what was going to happen during the lesson and then followed by her actually starting it. It seemed today would be a boring lesson; a class test was coming up soon, so it was all bland theory work. You immediately took out your laptop and began making quick notes- just detailed enough for you to come back and actually understand what you were thinking while writing them. Usually you didn’t have to try all too hard in classes to get decent grades, but your and Minho’s undeclared competitions had recently moved along to academics and there was no way in hell you were going to let him surpass you.
The period ended quickly and, satisfied, with the amount of notes you’d written, you looked over to Minho before he managed to close the extravagant book he preferred to write in rather than his laptop; they were the neatest notes you’d ever seen. You were puzzled for a second, you’d never really taken Minho to be a neat person, but you quickly shook your head and began to pack up so you didn’t get left behind, not that Chan wouldn’t wait for you anyway, though.
“Do we have Chapel this afternoon?” You asked, looking to Chan as you got up from your seat; barely anyone at your school was Christian, but going to a Christian private school, chapel was compulsory
“Nah,” He said, quickly glancing to Minho as he walked out of the classroom, only saying bye to Chan on his way out, to which Chan replied with a ‘cya later’
“Oh, thank god,” You said, overdramatically placing a hand over your heart “what do we have, then?”
“I think year assembly” Chan shrugged “Let’s just go to the library, we’ll check there.”
You nodded and followed Chan out of the classroom and into the school grounds.
Your school was big- like, really big. It had five separate parts, one for k-2, one for 3-6, one for 7-8, one for 9-10 and one for 11-12, it was a bit ridiculous, and especially with the years k-6 and 7-12; they were separated across the school grounds so far that it took 15 minutes to walk between them. The grounds were full of luscious plants and large, rustic but comforting looking brick buildings; even more, there were a total of three libraries in the school. The library that years 7-12 used was so big that even you still hadn’t been everywhere in it.
After about three minutes of walking, you and Chan made it back to your guys’ lockers, put away your things (excluding your laptops) and started to walk towards the library. The library was one of the more modern-looking buildings, with windows everywhere, made of white concrete and the occasional house-plant decorating it. Inside, the library looked even bigger, decorated with ridiculous things like the giant snitch hanging on the wall behind the reception desk.
“Guys!” A deep voice came from behind you
You and Chan swung around to see Felix, waving to you from one of the biggest seminar rooms. You looked at the number it had on the front of it: ‘seminar room 3′ and went to the reception desk to sign you and Chan into it next to Felix’s, Seungmin’s, Hyunjin’s, Changbin’s, Jeongin’s, Woojin’s, Jisung’s and, unfortunately, Minho’s names.
Even though you already knew Minho would be inside the seminar room, you still groaned at the sight of him. Minho looked up and raised his eyebrows at you but quickly went back to showing Jisung something on his laptop.
“Hey, Y/N” Seungmin greeted, patting a seat next to him, “You said you wanted help with that history assignment we got, right?”
“You still haven’t finished that?” Minho interrupted, smirking evilly
“Relax, hot stuff,” Jeongin said jokingly “No one except you has finished, we got it two days ago. It’s due in three weeks”
“New watch, Woojin?” Chan said, taking a seat beside the oldest in the group
“Yeah” Woojin nodded and scooted his laptop so it was in between him and Chan instead of just in front of him. “It was a present from my aunt, I’d never wear it otherwise. Pure gold, supposedly; it’s quite heavy” Woojin frowned down at his watch; evidently, he’d been forced to wear it
You let the sound from the other eight boys in the room drown out and started your own conversation about the assignment with Seungmin, who happened to choose the same topic on it as you.
Around 40 minutes passed of you working on the assignment with Seungmin when Hyunjin stood up.
“Guys, we should get going now, don’t want to be late for the year assembly” He sighed dramatically
The rest of the members of the group stood up and followed Hyunjin out the door to the tall science building (where the lecture theatre was).
By the time you got there, a large crowd of everyone in your guys’ year had formed outside of the theatre. A short teacher came bustling through, the students automatically made a path for him to get to the door and unlock it. Once he had managed to push open the heavy entrance, people streamed through it, taking seats in the grand layered room. You and the nine other boys with you took seats at the back; seven of them streamed into the row, Chan was third last, then you, then, to your dismay, you looked back and saw Minho was walking into the row of cushioned seats to sit next to you, an unimpressed look resting on his admittedly handsome features.
Silence quickly fell over the theatre when your year co-ordinator walked into the middle of the lowered platform. She, as usual, greeted the hall and quickly went onto what was going to be happening during the following week, issues that have come up as well as congratulations on small things.
A couple minutes passed and you were half asleep when you felt Chan tap your shoulder. You looked over to your smiling best friend as he held up a discreet finger heart for you. You almost chuckled aloud, but stopped yourself and, quickly, you gave him two finger hearts in exchange. Chan scrunched up his nose in amusement and reached over to your face, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear. You mouthed a bashful ‘thank you’. You hadn’t noticed (Chan most certainly had) but Minho was watching everything go down, steam almost coming out of his ears. Why in the world was he feeling like this? Like he just wanted to…grab your hand and make you look at him instead of Chan, Minho wanted to be the one sending you innocent finger hearts, even though he didn’t admit it to himself. No, he couldn’t be feeling jealous, why would he need to?
Finally, after half an hour of the teacher at the front droning on about whatever it is she had to say, and half an hour of Minho sitting with his eye twitching, watching you and Chan platonically flirt, the assembly ended. The chatter immediately started up again and people went to go gather their things for last period- or go straight to their class if they had brought their things with them.
“Y/N” Minho grabbed your hand as a bunch of others passed you two, purposely losing the other eight people in your friend group, trying not to let the red on his face show
“The fuck do you want?” You asked, turning and facing him, ripping your hand away from his grip
“I-” Miho pursed his lips “Whatever. Never fucking mind” He grunted brutally, deciding that talking to you about his feelings wasn’t worth the embarrassment
You huffed and walked away from him, catching up with Changbin and Felix, who you had your next class with.
“Where’d you go?” asked Changbin when you joined the pair
“Minho held me up,” You said, trying not to frown at the statement- you couldn’t help but wonder if you’d imagined the blush that was painted across his face or not
“Minho?” Felix said skeptically “Did he finally confess his undying love for you?”
You were about to elbow Felix, except that when you turned to your friend, he didn’t seem to be joking about it at all.
“Pfft, likely story” You pulled your elbow back, deciding that maybe you could pry a bit more information out of Felix, knowing that he knew a hell of a lot more about Minho than you
“Yeah” Changbin chuckled “Chan has been trying to make Minho jealous” He looked like he had more to say, but Felix elbowed him
“He has? But…he hasn’t really been doing anything different to what we normally do”
“Well, yeah, you and Chan are already pretty platonically intimate, but he’s started doing it especially in front of Minho, haven’t you noticed?” Felix stated smartly
“Felix?” You cocked your head “Are you feeling okay? I didn’t even know you knew what half the words you just said meant”
Changbin let out a snort as he shut his locker, his stuff piled in his arms, quickly joining you and Felix with going to the last period
“Stop dodging the subject” Felix whined, “Just admit that you like Minho too!”
“Hell no” You furrowed your brows “Minho and I have been enemies since- since we were kids. I don’t have feelings for him…” You trailed off towards the end, beginning to sound unsure of even yourself
With that, you became quiet, ignoring Changbin and Felix chatting away next to you. ‘I don’t like Minho…’ you thought to yourself ‘no…I just…admire how smart and talented he is…and how good he is at dancing and singing…and how handsome he can look sometimes…holy shit I like Minho’ the very thought of it made you pause mid-step. Changbin and Felix stopped as well, turning around to check what was wrong. A few year sevens walking behind you almost bumped into you, but quickly changed their path, chattering away nervously.
“what’s up?” Changbin questioned
“Nothing…” you shook your head and kept walking, Changbin and Felix almost had to jog to keep up with your fast pace
“Y/N” Felix ran up to you, panting slightly “We weren’t going to invite you because we knew you’d probably be offended that we even thought you would want to come, but the eight of us are going to Minho’s house tonight, and you could come if you wanted”
“There’s no way Minho would want me to come” You snorted, scrunching up your nose
“But do you want to?”
“I- …no…” You said unconvincingly
“We’ll see whether he’ll let you come once class is over,” Changbin smiled, running to catch up with the pair of you as well
“Whatever,” You grunted in what you hoped to be a stoic voice
You three finally made it to the classroom where your teacher was already waiting at the front of the classroom sat behind her desk.
“Did the assembly go over time?” She asked, seeing as most of the class hadn’t shown up yet
“Yeah” Felix nodded and took his usual seat, followed by Changbin and then you
Just a few seconds passed and students began to flow into the classroom, all taking their ‘unassigned assigned seats’.
It felt as if the class barely began when it had finished, your mind had been on Minho the entire hour and for once, you didn’t take notes on what the teacher was saying- you didn’t even participate in a single class discussion, only narrowly dodging being called on by the teacher a few times.
You exited the classroom, more slouched than usual, wondering whether Minho would let you come along.
You were frowning the whole way back to the locker rooms, completely lost in your own thoughts. Everything you were doing was done absent-mindedly, unlocking your locker, packing away your things, grabbing your bag; it wasn’t until Chan tapped your shoulder that you finally came back to reality.
“Lix told me you wanted to come to Minho’s this afternoon?” He questioned
“What?! I didn’t say that!”
“Good, because I wouldn’t have let you come anyways” a snide voice interrupted from behind Chan, one that so obviously came from Minho
“Well,” Chan said, stepping aside, letting you and Minho have direct eye contact before continuing “Y/N would probably feel really left out. I’ll just skip out on your place tonight and hang with Y/N”
“Wha-?” Minho looked very taken aback, but his surprised expression was quickly replaced with that of an annoyed one “Fine, they can come,” He crossed his arms “only because I don’t want Chan to not come” Minho quickly added when you gave him a perplexed look
“Whatever, I’m only coming because I have no other plans tonight”
“tsunderes” Chan muttered under his breath
“What?” you and Minho both squinted at him suspiciously at the same time
“Nothing! Nothing” Chan defended himself, smiling in what he hoped to be an innocent fashion
After less bicker between you and Minho than the eight other boys had expected, the ten of you made your way to the school gates, being met by a black stretch limo and a sophisticated looking driver.
“Dude” Seungmin frowned at Minho “weird flex”
“What?! I don’t have another car that fits ten people” Minho said, smiling, raising his hands in defense jokingly
You almost smiled while watching Minho interact with his friends, he looked so handsome, smiling and joking carelessly with them, but you caught yourself just as the corners of your lips turned upwards.
“This is Y/N” Minho motioned to you when he talked with the driver, being much more polite than he normally would with you otherwise
“Ah, Y/N. I remember you,” The driver smiled and looked kindly to you, you smiled and waved back, you enjoyed the company of literally everyone in Minho’s family except Minho himself “The last time I saw you was when you were about eight; are you and Minho finally friends?”
“Pft- they’re not- we’re not friends- I-” Minho seemed to notice he was doing more damage to his image than good, so he hastily followed his friends into the car
“Hm. Seems Minho has a crush” The driver muttered to you as you entered the door
Without waiting for a reply, the driver left you in a flustered state to go to the driver’s seat. With a vigorous shake of your head, you entered the limo and shut the door behind you. It was incredible, like the typical millionaire limo you’d see in movies- black everywhere, basically couches instead of seats- hell, there was even a mini-fridge.
“I second Seungmin” Hyunjin came just as you sat down, looking around the car “Weird flex, Minho”
“Don’t pretend like you guys aren’t just as rich as me” Minho smiled, rubbing the back of his neck, his cheeks heating up
“Jeongin and I are here on academic scholarships, remember?” Seungmin spoke up “and Changbin is here on a music scholarship”
“Chan and I are here on music scholarships too!” Jisung yelled stubbornly, being far louder than necessary
“Yeah, but you and Chan could afford to be here without scholarships” Woojin raised a brow at Jisung
Soon enough, the car was full of chatter, you were so busy talking that you hadn’t even noticed the car had started moving and, before you could even process that the car had come to a stop, the driver opened the back door once again, telling you that you had arrived at Minho’s.
You blinked once and shook your head, soon stepping out of the limo into the surprisingly bright sunlight. In front of you stood possibly one of the biggest houses you’d ever seen- it was even bigger than yours; you had to strain your neck back just to see the top.
“Welcome to my oh-so-humble abode,” Minho said to you, ignoring the other eight boys for now since they’d already been there
“I third Seungmin,” You raised a brow, looking at Minho, unimpressed “Weird flex”
For the first time in your life, you thought you’d just caught a glimpse of Minho flashing a genuine smile directed at you, but he’d turned away before you could tell. To say it didn’t fluster you would be a complete and absolute lie; you stood there, cheeks red, refusing to believe that Minho could make you feel like this.
Finally, after a bit of a mess, the ten of your made it into Minho’s house, through the hallways that seemed almost endless, passing the far-too-big living rooms decorated with extravagant gold, silver, jewels and a couple charming house plants and up the wide marble staircase to be finally met with Minho’s room. The room was just as big as you’d expected it to be, but it was much more home-y than the rest of the house. A king-sized bed was placed in the corner, black sheets adorning it and a sweet looking wooden bedside table. There was what looked to be a gaming corner in a part of the room, a large, full-body mirror stretching across almost an entire wall and a modern but not overwhelming desk tucked away in the corner right of the entrance along with a couple bookshelves stacked with study books and keep-sakes next to it.
“That mirror is so distracting” You sighed, looking to the overly-large mirror
“It’s for dancing” Minho mumbled as he passed you, so low that you didn’t understand what he said
“Nothing,” He said quickly, turning away from you with a red face
“I’ve got the switch!” Jisung shouted, running up to the array of consoles in the far corner of the room and grabbing the red, blue and black coloured Nintendo switch along with six other black controllers “Who’s playing Smash Bros with me?!”
Chan, Felix, Seungmin, Hyunjin, Changbin, Minho and Jeongin all rushed forward to grab a console, sitting on the bean-bags surrounding the corner while Woojin and you stood back, chuckling at their childishness.
“You’re not joining them, Woojin?” You asked, taking a seat on one of the spare bean-bags
“Nah, the winner of the brawl rotates out” Woojin replied, relieving his wrist of the gold watch he had around it the whole day
You nodded and watched as the boys all hastily picked out their favourite characters on the gaming console and started a brawl.
“What character do you normally pick, Y/N?” Felix asked, keeping his eyes on the screen
“Usually it’s Link” you shrugged, searching the boys’ chosen characters “the Breath of the Wild one” You added, remembering how many Links there were
“What a coincidence” Seungmin smiled mischievously as the brawl started and they all started smashing the controllers
“Minho usually chooses Zelda” Hyunjin interrupted, smirking at the large TV screen just as you’d gotten to Minho’s character
“Pfft, Zelda’s a bad character,” You said haughtily
“Not if you know how to use her properly!” Minho defended himself “Hah! See!” He said just as he’d knocked Felix (who had chosen Pikachu) off the stage
“Lucky shot!” Felix yelled as he respawned and immediately went for Minho for revenge
You laughed, completely forgetting the fact that you absolutely despised Minho in all the chaos. Only another couple minutes passed and the shouting became louder than ever; Seungmin (who had chosen Dark Pit) and Chan (who had chosen Meta Knight) were locked in a battle between each other, everyone else aside from the pair had run out of lives. Finally, after a shout of frustration and triumphant cheer, Chan lost his last life.
“catch, Y/N” Seungmin called, throwing you his controller
You quickly caught it while blinking, unaware of what was happening. You then saw Chan hand over his controller to Woojin and realized it was your turn to play. You walked forward and plopped down on the same bean bag as Jisung, who was closest to you.
“Agh! Hey, there’s no room for both of us!” Jisung whined, scrunching his nose “Just sit on my lap” He grabbed you under the arms and lifted you slightly onto his lap
“Can you see?” You asked, trying not to block your friend’s view
“Yeah” He confirmed, leaning slightly to the side while you leaned slightly to the opposite side
After that, you paid no attention to Jisung, busy changing your character from Dark Pit to Link while Jisung (who stayed as Kirby) peered around you. Minho, on the other hand, was glaring at Jisung like he never had before. ‘They could’ve just as easily sat on my bean bag’ he thought poutily to himself, glancing at you before shaking his head and turning back towards the screen just as another brawl had started.
Just for the irony of it, you immediately went for Minho’s character, still Zelda, and started fighting. The shouting quickly started up again and Minho was thrown off the edge by you, something to which he took great offense from, immediately respawning and going to attack you again. You and Minho continued your guys’ separate brawl until Jeongin (who’s character was Yoshi) interfered and managed to land a K.O move on you, considering your health percentage had gotten so high. Minho cheered and high-fived Jeongin while you frowned and respawned.
A couple more minutes and you and Minho were the only ones left. All of the boys shouting behind you seemed to be cheering on only you.
“You guys are so biased!” Minho yelled angrily “Just cause’ Y/N’s so pretty and sweet you cheer for them instead” Although his hands weren’t free, you could almost see him crossing his arms
“No, it’s because they’re a better player than you” Hyunjin (who had been Ice-Climbers) commented matter-of-factly
“You think I’m pretty and sweet?!” your jaw went slack and you were so distracted that you didn’t even bother to try and jump back up after Minho knocked your character off-screen, resulting in him winning
“What?! No! That’s not- I didn’t say-” Minho stuttered, his cheeks flushing red
“Yeah, yeah, we all know you guys have major crushes on each other, hand over the controllers” Said Seungmin, grabbing Minho’s controller from out of his hands and happily pushing Minho off of his bean-bag and taking his spot
You didn’t even process that you were absent-mindedly handing Chan the controller and sinking back into Jisung’s chest, both of whom were chuckling almost uncontrollably from your bewildered state.
“Alright Y/N, up” Jisung pushed you off his lap, toward the spare bean-bag where Minho had taken a seat, still puffy “Now that I’m free of my handi-cap, you fuckers are going down!” He yelled
You and Minho made quick eye-contact. He puffed out his cheeks and moved to the side of the bean-bag, making free space for you. You raised your eyebrows but nonetheless, took the seat next to him, trying to get comfortable without making skin contact with your self-proclaimed enemy, but it proved to be quite difficult with how much the bean-bag was moving.
“Sorry” You muttered, aware that by now, Minho was probably beginning to get annoyed
When he didn’t reply, you looked up to him, yet again, you two made eye contact for a split second. Minho’s eyes widened and his face turned even more red. He quickly averted his gaze to the screen, most of your guys’ friends had died by now and were instead cheering on Changbin (who was playing with Samus), Seungmin and Jeongin.
An hour must have passed, but you and Minho didn’t move from the bean-bag unless it was to retrieve the controller from the two that had been the last in the brawl, which was followed by you guys immediately going back to the same bean-bag to sit next to the other. You had no idea which round it had happened, but one time when you got up and went back to the bean-bag, Minho pulled you into his lap before you got the chance to sit next to him, and the next time Minho had to get up, you sat back down and made Minho sit in your lap, and it changed like that depending on who had to get up. Neither of you seemed to notice that everyone else in the room stared at the pair of you in shock each time it happened.
“You two…” Chan shook his head, smiling to himself
“What?” You looked up from your place on top of Minho’s lap
“Huh?” Minho peered around you to look at Chan
“What happened to hating each other?” Jeongin teased
You and Minho paused, faces growing red. Neither of you answered, just looked down, not willing to take your gazes off of the ground, even though Felix had just taken your last life in the game.
Finally, after it grew dark, you guys turned off the TV and console, leaving it and the controllers for a charge.
“There are uh…” Minho looked to his fingers and began to count on them “six bathrooms upstairs, not including my parents’ en suite. So…which of us are going to shower first?”
“Fuck- I didn’t bring clothes” You face-palmed, only now remembering that you’d been invited to the ‘sleep-over’ unexpectedly, and hadn’t brought any supplies to school with you
“You can borrow my hoodie,” Chan said
“I brought spare sweat-pants, actually,” Seungmin said
“I’ve got another t-shirt” Hyunjin rummaged around in his bag
“Would offering you a pair of fox socks be weird? They’re fluffy” Jeongin questioned cutely
“I don’t think any of us have spare undies” Seungmin looked around with a raised eyebrow
“You can borrow Minho’s boxers” Changbin chuckled, joining in
“Wha-” you blushed
“I mean, it’s probably the best option if we’re being completely honest” Woojin added, fighting back an amused smile “You do clean your boxers, don’t you, Minho?”
“Of course I do!” Minho said, looking fairly offended “But lending them to someone else- isn’t that a bit unsanitary…?”
“I mean I’m sure it’s fine between…romantic partners” Jisung smirked, raising his eyebrows suggestively
“Shutup” Minho glared at his friend
Despite his initial protests, he walked over to his overly-large cupboard, opened it, and got out a pair of plain black boxers. The entire group ‘ooh-ed’, all except for you.
“This is actually happening? We’re actually doing this? …jesus christ…” You tried not to laugh as Minho reluctantly threw the boxers at you and pointed to his en-suite
Trying not to die of embarrassment, you walked into the bathroom while the other nine boys sorted out which five would be showering first, followed by Minho showing them where the other bathrooms were.
Not too long after, everyone had showered and the ten of you gathered in a circle.
“Let’s play truth or dare” Seungmin smiled- it would look sweet if you didn’t know any better
“I’m down” Hyunjin agreed, a chorus of agreements sounded throughout the group
“Me first,” Minho said quickly “Felix, truth or dare?”
“Dare, obviously,” He said in his deep voice
“In the next room over, there’s a balcony where you can jump safely into the pool from. I’ve done it before.” Minho paused dramatically “I dare you to jump from the balcony in your PJ’s into the pool”
“What?! I’ve already showered!” Felix complained
“Fine, you can take off your shirt” Minho reasoned, still smiling
Felix opened his mouth to protest, but nothing came out, so he stood up, the group following him, exited the room and proceeded to march to the room next to Minho’s.
“Other way, idiot” Minho said from the group
Felix bashfully changed directions and went into the other room, which was similar to the rest of the house, so unlike Minho’s comforting room. The balcony doors were glass and Felix quickly stripped himself of his shirt and socks and stepped out onto the balcony. The drop wasn’t far, it was like a diving board, the only catch, you supposed, was that Felix would have to shower again, and probably steal a pair of Minho’s pants.
Without another thought, Felix dived into the pool, creating a big splash.
“IT’S FUCKING FREEZING” Felix yelled once he resurfaced, quickly wading his way to the edge of the pool and pulling himself out
The group chuckled while Woojin shook his head. Minho threw a towel at Felix which he grabbed and wrapped around himself.
“The door inside is over there” Minho pointed to the left “you know your way around this house. Seeya in a bit”
“Seeya” Felix waved, ruffling his wet hair to hopefully dry it a bit so he didn’t completely soak the carpet inside
The rest of the group walked back to Minho’s room and rearranged themselves in a circle, leaving an empty space for Felix.
“Wait….we have to wait for Felix to get back so he can ask the next person,” Changbin said, scrunching his nose
“I’ll go!” Chan interrupted, looking rather amused “Minho, truth or dare?”
“uh- dare” Minho hesitated, knowing that if he said truth, he’d be asked whether he had feelings for you
“I dare you to kiss the cutest person in the room”
“Pft- easy” Minho smirked again, standing up
“Other than yourself!” Chan quickly added when he saw Minho making his way to the large mirror behind him
Minho groaned and turned to face the group just as Felix had walked in, looking rather cold and, without even asking, went into Minho’s closet, grabbed a pair of pants and made his way to the en-suite with his dry shirt and socks and- somehow- another pair of his own underwear.
“I smoke all you bitches” Minho stated “but if I must, Jisung come here”
Jisung raised his eyebrows, whispering a ‘what the fuck’ to himself, staying seated.
“Don’t lie to yourself, Minho” Woojin leaned forward “we all know you think it’s Y/N-”
“Yeah” Hyunjin intercepted before Woojin could finish his sentence “it’s obviously me. Have you seen this face?” He cupped his face in his own hands and gave a charming smile to the group
Minho looked over to Hyunjin, unimpressed.
“Okay, change of dare” Chan stated before a fight over who the cutest in the group is broke out…again “I dare you, Minho, to kiss Y/N”
“damn” Changbin snorted
“just straight up? How bold of you, Chan” Minho glared at his friend
Chan smirked, maintaining eye contact with Minho. None of the group seemed to notice that, in the corner, your entire face was shining red. You had tried to distract yourself from the situation by focusing on the running water of the shower that Felix was using, but your brain hated you and that started to lead to images of Felix you didn’t want, you quickly moved on from that. ‘I wonder how jealous Minho would get if he found out that I was unintentionally picturing Felix showering’ you thought to yourself, and the thought of Minho being jealous seemed enough to distract you.
“Y/N?” Minho turned to you
“huh?!” You snapped out of your thoughts
“come here” Minho motioned you towards him
“How about you come here?” You scrunched up your nose, ignoring your oh-so-obvious blush
Minho, ignoring his own ‘oh-so-obvious blush’ silently got up and walked towards you. The entire group watched with bated breath. The room was completely silent, Felix seemed to have stopped showering now and was drying off, so not even the sound of water running could distract anyone. Minho cupped the side of your cheek, his palm and fingers were surprisingly cold, but you could practically feel the heat radiating off of his face from all the blood rushing to his cheeks.
“so…” Minho started, breaking the silence, and the group finally seemed to be able to breathe again “can I kiss you?”
And with your confirmation, Minho leant forward and placed his lips onto yours, immediately pulling away afterward. The seven people around you erupted into a mixture of cheers, ooh’s and fake gags. Felix came barrelling out of the bathroom, beckoned by the sudden uproar, his shirt still wasn’t fully on and he looked extremely confused.
“What happened?!” He asked, finally putting his arms through the last hole
“Y/N and Minho finally fUCKING kissed!” Jisung yelled
“They did WHAT?! AND YOU GUYS DIDN’T BOTHER TO TELL ME TO HURRY UP SO I COULD WITNESS THE MOMENT?!” He looked utterly distraught at the news that he’d missed something so ‘important’
The group burst into chuckles, snorts and giggles. Minho and you hadn’t made eye contact since the kiss, although, it was so short that you weren’t even sure it could be considered a kiss; that fact didn’t seem to trouble the group though.
“Oi Felix!” Minho yelled, and once again, the group turned silent
Minho grinned before turning towards you again, his cocky smile faltered slightly when he made eye contact with you, but before he could turn back, he went in an kissed you again.
“truly a moment to behold” Chan shook his head comically, along with Woojin
Your mouth hung open slightly, just out of surprise that Minho had kissed you again.
“You should’ve asked first!” You pushed him away, angry that he had the ability to make you so flustered
“Sorry” Minho smiled sweetly and rubbed the back of his neck
Eventually, the ten of you moved on from the kiss and continued with the game, which ended in Hyunjin almost being brought to tears from eating an entire spoonful of hot sauce, Changbin confessing that he did, in fact, steal Jeongin’s socks, more than once, Seungmin coming very close to accidentally knocking Jisung over the head with a baseball bat, Chan admitting that he had slept in Seungmin’s bed before purely to annoy him and then blamed it on Felix, and Woojin baking cupcakes for everyone (one of the more tame dares) and far more, too much to explain.
Finally, when it came time to sleep, which was well past midnight, you and Minho slept on a spare mattress together, arms tangled and sharing warmth between the two of you. It was, you felt, the most content you’d ever been in your life.
283 notes · View notes
forestg0ddess · 4 years
Oooh yay! A tag. Thank you @helico-ptera-umbrarum for tagging me. I had no idea I wasn’t following you until I saw this.
1. Are you named after anyone? No I am not. My dad picked my first name and my brother picked my middle name. I make jokes I’m named after an actress or a chef with my first name but no I’m not, sadly.
2. When was the last time you cried? Maybe a week or so ago. School has kinda been draining for me. A fault of my ADHD is that I do really bad when I don’t have a set schedule. So since classes are online, I have had this for like any factor of class that is online, I tend to forget to do the work or I try to and can’t. That’s the reason I was crying last week.
3. Do you have kids? No I don’t. I honestly don’t know if I want kids either.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? At home I do. I don’t know if I do with friends or not. I’m guessing I might.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? I would like to say how they treat people, but it’s weirdly enough there facial structure I think. Which I have just now realized.
6. What’s your eye color? Grey.
7. Scary movie or happy ending? I want to say scary movies but, I like happy endings even if they are cheesy to me most of the time. I honestly love bad endings, like the hero’s losing or something like that more then happy endings cause you never see it.
8. Any special talent? I don’t think so. I’m pretty average in my talents. Which I don’t really have.
9. What country were you born in? I was born in the United States.
10. What are your hobbies? I love writing, but I have had writers block forever now and can’t think of anything to write, drawing, singing, playing instruments. I love playing some video games, watching the same like three tv shows on Netflix. I also love learn how to cross stitch and embroider, I’m trying to embroider my jean jacket with Hozier song symbols at the moment. Taking care of plants, reading, I have a lot but they all come and go at times.
11. Do you have any pets? I do I have two dogs. Baylie (a.k.a baby, pig, wiggle butt, ect.) the youngest is 6 and Lucy the oldest is going on 12. Lucy is a purebred lab and Baby is a lab-border collie mix.
12. What sports do you play/have you played? I was in soccer when I was in kindergarten and I was in Karate from age 7-14. I was a Shodan-ho, so almost a black belt when I quit. I would have gone through 1 more year of training to be a sensei/get my black belt.
13. How tall are you? I am 5’6” ish (168cm I believe)
14. Favorite subjects in school? I really loved anything to do with music. I took choir for about 3 years of high school and then I also took 2 years of music theory during that time. I also loved my psych class and world history. I hated math and like normal science lol.
15. Dream job? I’m going to be honest I have thought about this a lot growing up but most of them don’t seem plausible. I love music but honestly most people never get to make money off it, only famous people do and I don’t think I would be famous. Writer sounds fun but idk. Being a travel photographer was something I wanted to do. So I guess I don’t really have one I love anymore.
Okay I tag...
@berrieseok , @veni-vidi-vixit , @sweetonmeclarence , @ofdirtandbones also anyone else who sees this and wants to do it!
7 notes · View notes
ashleyenst1000 · 4 years
Intro ENST Midterm Exam
Ashley Morales
Sustainable Resource Use: Problems and Potential Solutions 
Blog post: 9/1/20
This week’s readings showed that humans are overusing the earth's resources, and that our way of life is not sustainable in the long run. Currently, we deplete resources with no concern for the future, and engage in practices such as deforestation and overfishing. And that use is not distributed equally across the population. As mentioned in the textbook, the highest percentage of resources are used by the small fraction of people who live in developed countries, due to extravagant lifestyles and increased consumption (Miller and Spoolman, 2021). Additional causes of environmental problems are population, poverty, the omission of environmental costs in the prices of goods and services, and increasing isolation from nature. If we continue on this way, we are essentially digging our own graves. Protecting the environment and limiting our consumption of resources is integral to the preservation of humanity, because Earth does not need us as much as we need it. 
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According to the World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity we were experiencing ozone depletion, loss of biodiversity, and an overuse of water resources in 1992 (Union of Concerned Scientists, 1992). These issues are backed up by tireless scientific research, and unfortunately, many of these issues have been intensified in the years since the warning was issued. In terms of population growth, we were straining the limits of what the earth can sustain at 5 billion. We are approaching 8 billion people, which puts a massive strain on natural resources. This is important because it shows that the problems that we now face were outlined years ago, and little was resolved. However, the scientific community proposed solutions to the aforementioned issues, and the most important solution is to limit ourselves. We must put a limit on our consumption and our waste in order to allow nature to sustain us. 
Social issues also contribute to the environmental crisis we face. Poverty is a source of environmental stress, because when a group or society lives in poverty, they cannot afford to make sweeping lifestyle changes to care for the environment because they are worried about immediate survival. The warning to humanity also cited the insurance of sexual equality and reproductive rights as a potential solution to environmental issues. Access to family planning resources and birth control can vastly slow population growth, as can education. 
The warning mentions the necessity for society to adopt a “new ethic” (Union of Concerned Scientists, 1992). In order to address environmental issues, we need to create change on a large scale, and address and change common perceptions. According to the textbook, there are six principles that will allow us to live more sustainably: Switching our main energy resource to solar power, encouraging and maintaining biodiversity, allowing chemical cycling to occur, implementing full cost pricing, implementing policies that allow us to help the most people while still keeping the environment in mind (“win-win”), and staying responsible for future generations. Keeping these in mind, especially during the formation of policy, will improve our relationship with the environment. Especially recognizing our responsibility to future generations. We have gotten to this point by making short-sighted decisions and not thinking critically about the future ramifications of processes such as deforestation, but thinking towards the future will help change the view that instant gain is not as important as long-term success. Having a lot of wood products now is not as important as having a supply of wood that lasts forever if we allow it time to regenerate between uses.  
These environmental issues are often caused by competing worldviews, especially among figures in government and influential heads of business. Not only have policy makers not planned for the future, but some also hold a human-centric worldview, and believe that the purpose of nature is to support humans, creating a hierarchy of importance at which humans are the peak. This view also claims that we are the managers of nature, and if there is an issue, our advanced technology can save the day. However, a different worldview is the earth-centered worldview. The idea behind this is that we as humans are part of the ecosystem, rather than above it, and that we are dependent on nature. This view also claims that natural capital exists for all species, and that we do not automatically have more of a right to it than any other plant or animal. Adoption of the earth-centric worldview would help us redirect our ways of thinking as a society to be more mindful of the ways in which we interact with the world around us.
We all have work to do to reduce our resource consumption, on a country-wide scale as well as on an individual scale. I recently took the ecological footprint quiz, and my results stated that if everyone lived like me, we would need 3.2 Earths to sustain us all. My personal Earth Overshoot Day was April 21st, meaning I used my equal share of yearly resources almost four months ago. My ecological footprint is 5.5 global hectares. I was a little disappointed to receive these results, because I previously thought I lived sensibly and used my resources wisely. However, it is important to consider that there are factors out of the control of some individuals, such as the type of house one’s family lives in, or the type of food they  have access to. Even so, I was proud that my ecological footprint was less than my country’s average, although I was also scared that my country’s average was so high. The average ecological footprint per person in the United States is 8.1 global hectares. Meanwhile, the biocapacity per person is 3.6 global hectares. This means that the majority of people are 4.5 global hectares over their biocapacity. I myself am 1.9 global hectares over my biocapacity. 
The warning mentioned that sustainable resource use is “enlightened self interest”, because it allows us to think about what is best now, and what will also help us improve in the future. Similarly the book mentioned that the Earth is not the one that needs saving. Environmental movements usually market themselves as “saving the Earth”, but in reality, we are just helping it. We need to be more sustainable and implement changes to our behavior in order to save ourselves. This point reminded me of a documentary that my fifth grade teacher showed my class, which was called Aftermath: Population Zero. It asked the question: what if all humans just disappeared right now? The film showed that the immediate aftermath would be apocalyptic, but eventually, the planet would stabilize. Trees would grow on the land where homes once stood, and environmental biodiversity would increase, because we are not there to destroy habitats. It was honestly a jarring movie to watch as a 10 year old, because in watching it, I had to acknowledge that Earth does not need us. Earth’s purpose is not to provide for humanity. The earth has been around for billions of years, and will continue on after humans as a species have died. The changes are so we can acknowledge our dependence on the environment and do the least harm to it while we’re here, hopefully prolonging our existence in doing so.
Word count: 1203
Question: How can we incentivize a large scale reduction of resource consumption?
Miller, G. Tyler, and Scott E. Spoolman. 2021. Living in the Environment.
Union of Concerned Scientists. 1992. 1992 World Scientists' Warning to Humanity.
Science: Our Knowledge of the World
Ashley Morales
   This week’s textbook chapters broke down science as a whole, from the practice of it to the basic aspects that we understand about our world. Science is the basis for our understanding of the physical world around us. Science as a field of study assumes that measurable patterns exist in nature, and they can be understood through observation, measurement, and experimentation (Miller and Spoolman, 2021). This understanding is gained through the scientific method, which is the testing of a hypothesis and the gathering of data. All scientific experimentation must undergo review by peer scientists before it can become reliable. This is relevant because it solidifies our knowledge about natural processes of the world, and when it is deemed reliable, we can build on the knowledge from there. It is important for people to have an understanding of basic chemistry and biology so that they can understand the delicate balance in which the world works. However, even with this knowledge that we have amassed about the world, we continue to act in ways that directly contradict that knowledge in terms of environmental damage. 
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Flow chart depicting the scientific method. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. 
Starting at the beginning, we have deduced that the world is made up of matter, which is anything that has mass and takes up space, and is controlled by energy, which is the ability to do work. These interactions occur within systems, or sets of components that regularly function and interact. Matter, energy, and information flow through the systems from the environment and then back into the environment. Systems can be affected by feedback loops, or changes that cause other effects on the environment. A positive feedback loop causes further change in the same direction, while a negative feedback loop cancels itself out. An example of a positive feedback loop is northern ice ice: as the white ice melts, more dark land or water is exposed underneath. The ice has a high albedo, which would normally reflect the radiation energy and keep the temperature relatively stable. However, since the ice has started to melt, the land or water underneath absorbs the radiation energy rather than reflecting it, making it even warmer and melting even more ice. This is a positive feedback loop because the system keeps intensifying the initial effect.
The natural world lives in a delicate balance and relies on a few key factors to keep life going. The three factors that sustain life on earth are sunlight, nutrient cycling, and gravity. All of life is reliant on energy from the sun because the sun supports plant growth, which is integral to food chains, as well as the production of oxygen and the absorption of carbon dioxide. Sunlight also keeps us warm by working with the particles in the air through the greenhouse effect. Life relies on nutrient cycling because there are limited materials on this planet, so elements like phosphorus and nitrogen move through ecosystems so that it does not run out. All processes are also reliant on gravity because the basic principle allows the processes of nutrient cycling and the atmosphere itself to exist. 
Ecosystems on the earth rely on the above factors, and ecosystems themselves are systems of living and nonliving components. They are home to different plant and animal species depending on where they are in the world. An ecosystem relies on biodiversity, which is essentially the variety of life on earth, and can be present in a few different ways. Species diversity can mean species richness, which is the number of different species, or species evenness, which is the abundance or ratios of species. Genetic diversity is the variety of genes within a species that can affect the outcome or even induce evolution. Ecosystem diversity is the variety of the Earth’s ecosystems themselves such as deserts, grasslands, forests, and more. Finally, functional diversity is the variety of natural processes such as the flow of energy and the cycling of matter that occur within ecosystems. The diversity in an ecosystem works together to create complex webs of interspecies relationships and dependencies on each other and the surrounding environment.
 Some of the species within these ecosystems are native, and some are nonnative and invasive. A native species is one that normally lives and thrives in the area, whereas a nonnative species was introduced to an area either purposefully or by accident. Most of the time nonnative species don’t do much harm, but sometimes they can overthrow an ecosystem and fill the niches, or purposes, of native species. An example of an invasive nonnative species is the cane toad in Australia. The cane toad was introduced as a natural way to keep the cane beetle in check and prevent them from destroying crops. However, the cane toad did not do its intended job, and fed on the crops as well as other species in the ecosystem, and due to their ability to quickly breed they became a menace to the ecosystem. By the 1980s, Australia had a cane toad problem (Lewis, 1988). 
Some species are indicator species, which will show early on if there is an issue within the ecosystem. Birds tend to be indicator species, so when there is a large scale environmental issue there will sometimes be a mass bird die-off. Even now there are much fewer birds than there were 100 years ago. Some species are keystone species, which have large scale effects on the ecosystems, sometimes even helping their existence and survival. An example of a keystone species is the wolf, because when it disappears, the ecosystem falls into chaos. 
In the Yellowstone National Park, wolves were removed from the ecosystem. During that time, deer overpopulated because their predators were gone. Unchecked, the deer began to deplete the vegetation, which contributed to erosion, fewer small consumers, and a more meandering river due to the instability of the land. However, when the wolves were reintroduced, the ecosystem re-stabilized. The wolves ate excess deer, but even without being eaten, the deer began to avoid certain areas where the wolves would hunt, allowing vegetation to return. When the plants returned, the land stabilized and the river wandered less and remained more consistent. The increased plant life allowed smaller animals to return, which then allowed their predators to return as well. The return of the wolf as a keystone species brought genetic diversity to the ecosystem, and changed the physical landscape of the area for the better as well (Sustainable Human, 2014). This case study demonstrates the interconnectedness of ecosystems, and how changing one factor can throw everything out of balance, even abiotic factors such as river formation and erosion. 
We have amassed all this knowledge about our natural world through scientific discovery, and yet humans have only been on this earth for a miniscule portion of Earth’s existence. If the history of the world was condensed into a 24 hour day, humans only exist for two minutes, and all of recorded history only spans a few seconds (AsapSCIENCE, 2012). And yet we have had such a profound impact on the world in such a short time. With all of this knowledge, we continue to contradict it in our actions. We continue to stress ecosystems and destroy habitats and diminish biodiversity, even though we know that all of these factors are integral. Science can help us understand but we need other incentives to change. 
Word count: 1228
Blog Question: Knowing all that we know about earth’s natural balance, ecosystems, and important processes, why do we as humans continue to interrupt ecosystems, destroy habitats and overstep our niche, affecting most aspects of earth’s function?
AsapSCIENCE. “The Evolution of Live on Earth.” Youtube Video, 2:19. November 28, 2012. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2_6cqa2cP4
 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. “Flow chart depicting the scientific method.” Photo. 2012.
Lewis, Mark, dir. Cane Toads: An Unnatural History. 1988; Australia: 2015. Youtube.
Miller, G. Tyler, and Scott E. Spoolman. 2021. Living in the Environment.
Sustainable Human. “How Wolves Change Rivers.” Youtube Video, 4:33. February 13, 2014. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ysa5OBhXz-Q
Environmental History
Ashley Morales
This week’s readings examined environmental preservation from a global scale, and examined history from a geologic time scale from the big bang. Big history is a way to observe time from the big bang, and functions as an overview. It is not as human-centric as traditional history, and instead of separating humanity by civilizations, it observes society’s overall scope. Big history studies large trends over time, such as periods of extinction or periods of prosperity for life. It is an interdisciplinary approach to history, including some life science (“Big History”). However, it does still spend quite a bit of time studying humanity due to our profound effect on the earth in such little time. Part of the cause of our environmental impact is modernization, and from the industrial revolution to the present, environmental preservation has been an uphill battle. And if our modern lifestyles don’t keep the planet in mind, is it really a “progress”?
The anthropocene is a proposed epoch of geologic time that would mark the impact of humanity on the earth and would include anthropogenic climate change. Geologic epochs are a way to divide such large spans of time, such as the Paleocene epoch, whose beginning was marked by the asteroid impact that killed off seventy-five percent of Earth’s species. We are currently undergoing a large extinction event, which typically marks geologic periods of time. Scientists and historians debate over when to start this anthropocene, because some believe it should start at the beginning of human manipulation of the earth when we began farming as opposed to hunting and gathering. Others feel that it should start when we detonated the first nuclear bombs, because that shows a profound shift in our impact and a shift in the environment, with ecosystems still reeling from the event. It will take nature years to recover from the levels of radiation released from the detonations (“Anthropocene”).
I believe the anthropocene should begin around the industrial revolution, because that shows a marked shift in our use of resources, advances in technology, and societal changes in environmental views. The industrial revolution was when we started to severely alter the environment by mining for coal on a large scale, building railroads across huge stretches of land, and manufacturing products in factories. It is the beginning of the modern lifestyle of overconsumption and destruction, which has defined our epoch. 
Additionally, this time period in America was also when people started to worry about our resource use and our effect on our surrounding environment. Early conservationists from the mid-1800s such as Henry David Thoreau and George Perkins Marsh. Thoreau noticed native species around him dwindling, so he moved to a cabin in the woods and wrote about his experience through an environmental lens. Marsh raised the question if natural resources truly were inexhaustible, so with studies he showed that the rise and fall of civilizations of the past had been determined by their resource use, and that many past societies fell due to reckless consumption of natural resources or inefficient resource use. However, conservation of the environment became more popular in the late 1800s and early 1900s, with the Forest Reserve Act of 1891, the foundation of the Sierra Club, and the environmental protection policies of Theodore Roosevelt. 
The aforementioned policies just outline the early stages of American environmentalism. Modern environmentalism took off with Rachel Carson’s A Silent Spring. The book outlined the effect that the pesticide DDT had on the soil, air, and water, and was a milestone in the protection of the quality of our natural resources.This also influenced a number of environmental laws and policies in the 1960s-1970s. Congress banned the use of DDT in 1972, and environmentalists hoped that the government would continue to fight for environmental rights. During the Nixon presidency, America saw an unprecedented rise in the number of environmental protection laws. The Clean Air Act of 1970, The Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972 and the formation of the Environmental Protection Agency were all championed by President Nixon during a high point in American environmental advocacy. (Miller and Spoolman, 2007)
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“Trends in total DDT concentrations in whole fish sampled by the National Contaminant Biomonitoring Program from 1969 to 1986. Data are from U.S. Geological Survey, 1992. For the 90th (or 50th) percentile concentration, 90 (or 50) percent of samples were below the concentration shown.” 
In recent years, fossil fuel corporations and organizations have taken a stance against environmental protection that has been heavily supported financially, and has created a problem for the environmentalism movement by blocking and rolling back environmental protection policies. The corporate stance has been supported by many politicians. In fact, we have not had a president since Richard Nixon who prioritized environmentalism in their campaign or time in office. Our rapid growth and consumption is going mostly unchecked in the US, and seeing as the US is a major contributor to worldwide pollution and a major consumer of world resources, the consequences of this could be disastrous. Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed is a book by Jared Diamond detailing the collapses of past civilizations, as well as the factors that we face that could lead to ours. Some modem problems discussed include deforestation, overpopulation, and anthropogenic climate change, with the root of our issues being overpopulation relative to carrying capacity. It is reasonable to worry that without change, these issues will doom modern society. We tend to value progress or growth as arbitrary measures of societal success, but these are the ugly side effects to our lack of restraint in our quest for so-called progress (“Collapse: How Societies…”).
Humanity has not always lived beyond its environmental means. During the “tribal” era of environmental history, humans lived sustainably on the land with minimal environmental impact. However, European settlement changed that, clearing forests for settlement and displacing those who had lived there and cared for the land for so long. European settlement was the beginning of an incredibly damaging time for the North American environment. Settlers/colonies had little idea of the impact of their actions, and just saw land as something to own and conquer rather than an environment that we as humans exist within and rely on. (Miller and Spoolman, 2007)
In the view of geologic historical timelines, humans have not been around for long at all. Yet in courses on big history, the study of humanity still takes up around a third of the material. This is due to our profound impact and innovation. However, was it “better” during the tribal era? Modernity has solved a lot of problems in terms of humanity’s quality of life, but the complications that come with modern societies also seem to impede efforts to protect the planet we call home. Capitalist interest has seeped into every part of life, to the point where the Environmental Protection Agency is barely even protecting the environment anymore, and instead allowing drilling in nature preserves for example. It is clear that the sentiment of the seventies was wrong, and the government will not put policies in place to help environmental problems without extreme public pressure. 
Word count: 1129
Blog Question: Is the increasing separation from nature in modern life affecting our view of the environment? Is “modernity” really working in our favor? Is it possible to care for the environment and live sustainably without completely uprooting society, or is the uprooting of society necessary?
Miller, G. T., & Spoolman, S. (2007). Living in the environment. Cengage Learning.
Pesticides in Stream Sediment and Aquatic Biota. USGS. https://water.usgs.gov/nawqa/pnsp/pubs/fs09200/. 
Wikipedia contributors, "Anthropocene," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Anthropocene&oldid=983363396 (accessed September 16, 2020).
Wikipedia contributors, "Big History," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Big_History&oldid=982722857 (accessed September 16, 2020).
Wikipedia contributors, "Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Collapse:_How_Societies_Choose_to_Fail_or_Succeed&oldid=981990777 (accessed September 16, 2020).
Environmental Ethics
Ashley Morales
This week’s readings focused on environmental ethics, justice, and our relationships with nature. The textbook chapter discusses environmental worldviews, education, and sustainability. Environmental worldviews diverge into two major branches: human centered and earth centered. Human centered focuses on humans as either dominant creatures that can exact our will, or as dominant protectors of the environment. Either way, according to this view, our needs come first, and the environment serves us. The earth centered worldviews (or life centered worldviews as they are sometimes called) claim that all forms of life have value, even if that value is not particularly useful to humans, and that they deserve to exist just as much as we do. How we view ourselves in relation to the environment is important in determining our actions to either benefit or harm it. The overlap between environmental worldviews, environmental justice and our relationship with nature begs the question: how can we improve? Education and exposure to nature could help reduce environmental impact and injustice. 
Another major tenet of our readings was the idea of environmental justice. Environmental justice is the intersection between social justice and environmentalism. It realizes that there is inequality in environmental quality and environmental benefits/burdens between communities, and that those inequalities are influenced by race and socioeconomic status. For example, toxic waste sites and landfills tend to be placed in lower income and/or minority neighborhoods and can have harmful effects on residents. Once the issue is identified, if local government even listens to community concerns at all, response time is embarrassingly poor: there are “dramatic differences between white communities and people of color communities in the time it took to mitigate hazardous sites; there were also marked disparities in compensation measures, the penal-ties against polluters and violators of pollution-law, and the stringency of cleanup solutions” (Figueroa, 2009). There is little sense of urgency for the wellbeing of these communities based on response time to hazard, as if these people are seen as disposable. Additionally, these neighborhoods have less representation in decision making processes and less total political power than richer whiter neighborhoods, and thus have to receive the consequences of decisions they had no say in. Education and awareness of these issues are integral to resolving them, as many people outside the problem, as well as even those experiencing it are not educated on what is happening to them, and how they are victims of environmental injustice. Education could potentially lead to activism and reform. 
As a society, we can barely acknowledge and protect the rights of our fellow citizens now. But an interesting philosophical/ethical dilemma is our responsibility to future generations. This idea interrogates one main question: does the present generation have an obligation to forfeit some convenience now for the security of generations in the future? This brings up a few issues. First, if these theoretical people do not exist yet, how can we negotiate what is best for them and us. They also cannot reward or punish us for our actions because when they are around and feel the effects of our actions, we will be gone. But it would have been very helpful for our current environmental situation if our parents’ and grandparents’ generations had taken us into account when making decisions about energy, pollution, and resource use. Additionally, sustainable consumption would be better for our immediate wellbeing as well as establishing better-functioning systems for the future. In terms of systematic change, it is good to frame these issues in person-person terms, even if it slightly devalues nature. This is because it sells reform and change better, especially in politics.
It seems to be easy to devalue and reject nature, especially since we are moving more towards urban living and distancing ourselves from the natural environment. We could take an “out of sight, out of mind” approach. However, we do rely on nature, not only for resources, but for our own happiness due to our evolutionary relationship with nature. Biophilia is an “innately emotional affiliation of human beings to other living organisms” and has two main components. The innate aspect means that this is part of human genes and evolution, while the emotional aspect means that it can be pleasing and/or motivate action driven by an emotional response. We also physically benefit from time outside: “In addition to the emotional and physiological benefits from nature contact, there is some evidence of a linkage to cognitive functioning” (Heerwagen, 2009). It really makes very little sense that we continue to pollute and devalue nature, even though it has been proven to be a lifeline for us, not only in its usefulness for our lifestyles, but in its benefits for us internally. A lack of contact with nature is referred to as “nature-deficit disorder” and can point to a variety of issues such as anxiety or attention-deficit disorders (Miller and Spoolman, 2021). This is why urban areas are desperately in need of greenspace such as parks and trees and gardens. Not only would it benefit us physically, but it would help us feel more empathy for the environment because we’d be surrounded by it, and maybe would help some disparities in environmental quality between communities. 
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Being around nature and being educated both about it and by it can help solve a lot of our current environmental issues. We actively threaten our own species existence with our action, and part of it stems from the fact that not enough people are educated about the environment, or how it works. Those who make policy allowing oil drilling for example would benefit from formal environmental education in order to see the issues with that decision.  Additionally, many people could benefit from the aforementioned contact with the environment. A lack of intimate connection with the environment can reduce our perceived responsibility to the environment and to others (Miller and Spoolman, 2021). The best way to approach and solve issues is with education. This can be seen within the current Black Lives Matter movement, where many non-black allies are educating themselves in order to better address and combat racism within themselves and their own communities. Being open to learning, especially in the issues of racism and the environment, where the facts seem to be clear, is the first step towards change. Issues of racism and ignorance can stem from bigotry, and it is possible to change. Environmental injustices towards people of color does not need to be part of our reality. It exists because of systemic injustices based on prejudices that can be unlearned. What is harder to change is self interest. After learning about racial discrimination in environmental hazards, will people who are unaffected by these issues be willing to take on some of the burden to soften the blow for the oppressed? After learning about the benefits of nature, or even experiencing them, will fossil fuel companies change their tactics and values for the common good of society?
Word count: 1154
Blog Question: 
Why is it so hard for humans to give up convenience for the wellbeing of others? We see this now during coronavirus with mask-wearing, and with the arguments against intergenerational responsibility and even just in the presence of environmental injustice. It’s a very “why should I care about them mentality”. How  can we evolve from that, especially on a large scale?
Courtney Cameron, “5 Health Benefits of Spending Time in Nature,” Natural Wellness Academy, October 7, 2019,
Figueroa, Robert Melchior. 2009. “Environmental Justice.” In Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy, edited by J. Baird Callicott, 341-348.
Heerwagen, Judith. 2009. “Biophilia.” In Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy, edited by J. Baird Callicott, 109-113.
Miller, G. Tyler, and Scott E. Spoolman. 2021. Living in the Environment.
Environmental Economics and Capitalism
Ashley Morales
This week’s readings interrogated the value of ecosystem services, sustainable business, our place as consumers and citizens, and the role of environmental law and policy. Ecosystem services are the benefits that we reap from the environmental functions, such as nutrient cycling or pollination. We greatly undervalue them economically, not including the price of harming them in the total price of the good or service we use them for. We also undervalue our natural capital itself, such as our forests or lakes and rivers. If we actually used the full-cost pricing of goods and services, which would include the externalities of the ecosystem services and natural capital often left out, we could actually use our resources more sustainably because we as producers and consumers would understand the true cost (Miller and Spoolman, 2021). “If ecosystem services were actually paid for, in terms of their value contribution to the global economy, the global price system would be very different from what it is today. The price of commodities using ecosystem services directly or indirectly would be much greater” (Costanza, et al., 1997), and knowing that producers try to make everything as low cost to produce and consumers try to buy the lowest cost option, we would produce and buy less as a direct result. 
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Diagram of ecosystem services. 
The textbook chapter twenty three also explained subsidies, and this shows that the government has more control over the economy than a lot of people think. The government can intervene to prevent market failure, and the only reason fossil fuels are the price that they are is because the government subsidizes coal and oil companies. These are “perverse subsidies, [which] lead to environmental damage and harmful health effects. Examples include depletion subsidies and tax breaks for extracting minerals and fossil fuels, cutting timber on public lands, and irrigating with low-cost water. These subsidies and tax breaks distort the economic playing field and create a huge economic incentive for unsustainable resource waste, depletion, and environmental degradation” (Miller and Spoolman, 2021). They could very easily subsidize renewable energy companies instead, but they choose not to. Glorification of coal and oil by the government has leached into society and has become an example of how salesmanship has permeated culture and forced us into the role of willing consumer. Coal and oil were sold as agents of progress and economic growth, and so we buy cars and complain when gasoline prices rise, even though gas is not nearly as expensive as it would be if it was not subsidized by the government. 
Capitalism does not only compel us to use up resources, but it preaches productivity and consumerism as a way to add meaning to your life. Within our capitalist society, people themselves are seen as numbers and only valued by our productivity. We are even sold political candidates through capitalist methods. This is the main argument of the article “Consumer or Citizen” on The Online Gadfly. According to the article, “the distinction between the consumer and the citizen is crucial to an understanding of the causes of the degradation of our political institutions. That distinction might also point the way toward a restoration of our democracy” (Partridge, 2002). This is an important issue, because if a small group of salespeople can advertise their candidate to us well enough, that can affect our culture and our future. The article claims that we are sold candidates through a series of images and buzzwords, and that because of this we have begun to care more about a candidate's image, air, and “likeability” as opposed to actual arguments and stances on important issues. An example is the Al Gore vs Bush election, because during the debates Gore clearly showed masterful command of language, argument, and fact, but Bush won the election because his team pushed him as more “likeable”. Politics now uses the same advertisement tools as corporations, and we are just cogs in the machine. Politics is sold to us through entertainment as a distraction from real issues, similarly to the “bread and circuses” of ancient Rome, when the Roman government made sure to feed and entertain the population to keep them calm and ignorant of real issues. 
We are evolving into consumers in our everyday lives because we are being treated as consumers at every turn with ads and media telling us we need things. Even our emotional responses are commodified as tools for political campaigns, that then try and sell our feelings back to us in exchange for a vote. We are used as focus groups, with our emotions recorded and manipulated. This can be applied to environmental issues because people still seem to ignore obvious facts, both in electoral debate and environmental discourse. This is because climate change deniers sell their side well, playing to people's innate emotional desire for comfort and stability, so they say that nothing is wrong and people believe it.
Reading this article honestly felt like the plot description of a Black Mirror episode, especially when the author discussed the oligarchical structure of the government, and that the ideal citizen is an efficient worker who consumes and wastes without a second thought, and is well trained but not too educated in order to avoid uprising, and instead is obedient while the oligarchs control their life. “Success” is really just a social construct based on how much you can afford to consume and waste, and without knowing, we are just pawns of these larger systems of power. This reminds me of the song “The Fine Print'' by The Stupendium, which satirizes American capitalism by setting it on a space colony. 
However, there is still opportunity and room for change. We can break the cycle of thoughtless consumption and waste, and we can evolve into more than what the aforementioned “oligarchs” want us to be. New visions of law, policy, and business are popping up and developing to be more environmentally friendly. Sustainable businesses, sometimes also referred to as green businesses, abide by certain practices that reduce waste and environmental impact, and actually try to have a positive effect on the surrounding environment or community (“Sustainable business”). They also attempt to incorporate “progressive environmental and human rights policies” (“Sustainable business”). If more businesses abided by these ideals, we would consume and waste less. Additionally beneficial to our society would be a lean towards environmental law and policy that protects nature and incorporates principles of environmental justice, protecting those who are unjust victims of environmental hazards. It is evident that change needs to happen soon, and we need to restructure business to reduce waste, restructure laws to increase sustainability and address issues such as environmental racism, and restructure our economy to take into account the external environmental costs of goods and services. It is an intimidating task, but the government holds a lot of power in this matter, and if they subsidized and sold sustainability to us like they do fossil fuel companies and political candidates, we might stand a chance. 
Blog Question: Is there ethical consumption under capitalism? Does capitalism even make sense as a modern economic system? Is “green capitalism” a viable option for the future?
Word Count: 1192
Costanza, Robert, Ralph d’Arge, Rudolf de Groot, Stephen Farberk, Monica Grasso, Bruce Hannon, Karin Limburg, Shahid Naeem, Robert V. O’Neill, Jose Paruelo, Robert G. Raskin, Paul Suttonkk & Marjan van den Belt. “The Value of the World’s Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital.” May, 1977.
Miller, G. Tyler, and Scott E. Spoolman. 2021. Living in the Environment.
Partridge, Earnest. “Consumer or Citizen.” The Online Gadfly. April, 2002. http://gadfly.igc.org/politics/left/consumer.htm
“What are Ecosystem Services?”. CEEWeb for Biodiversity. 
http://www.ceeweb.org/work-areas/priority-areas/ecosystem-services/what-are-ecosystem-services/ (accessed September 29, 2020).
Wikipedia contributors, "Sustainable business," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sustainable_business&oldid=970836002 (accessed September 29, 2020).
Population Growth and Employment
Ashley Morales
This week’s materials have to do with population growth and its relationship to ecological damage and quality of life. To start, there are almost 8 billion people on this planet according to the world population clock, and the number is growing steadily (“Current World Population”). According to the US population clock, there is a birth about every 8 seconds and a death about every 12 seconds. That coupled with a new international migrant every 47 seconds leads to a net gain of one person every 18 seconds. Even though the US population numbers are not growing quite as fast as the world population clock, whose numbers are flying, the US population is still growing quite steadily, and a gain of one person every 18 seconds is important for the third most populated country in the world (“US and World Population Clock”). 
Is Earth able to support all of these people? The world’s carrying capacity, or the number of people it can support is a hotly debated topic among scientists and scholars, with some questioning if it even exists, and arguing that the technological progress we have made so far and further innovation will nullify the idea that there is a limit to the amount of people that the earth’s resources can sustain. We bypassed this limit through the genetic engineering of food, so technically we could further bypass it as technology evolves.
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Population growth in more and less developed countries
Source: United Nations Population Division, World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision, medium variant (2011). 
Is population growth a problem? Currently yes, because of the way that we are growing. Most of the population growth occurs in the world’s less developed countries, with only 4% of the new population being added to more developed countries in 2018. So the real question to consider is the quality of life of those being born. This refers to cultural carrying capacity, or “the maximum number of people who could live in reasonable freedom and comfort indefinitely, without decreasing the ability of the earth to sustain future generations” (Miller and Spoolman, 2021). The current issues are that most babies are born into extreme poverty, and, as those countries develop, their resource use will increase intensely. While the Earth may not have a distinct limit in terms of the resources that can sustain us, it does have a limit as to how many people can live here comfortably and happily in the long term. 
How can it be fixed? Many of the issues that stem from overpopulation have relatively simple solutions. The issue is implementation. For example, fertility rate could be lowered through an increase in educational and employment opportunities for women. Additionally, access to family planning resources and birth control would further reduce population growth, and lessen strain on families and the environment. But for those solutions to be implemented, one would have to contend with the religious societal values of the countries that need it most. Many of the countries with the most rapidly growing populations have cultural values to prevent the education of women or the use of birth control (Miller and Spoolman, 2021). Therefore, this relatively simple solution becomes more complex, because a solution that would be accepted by the country would be one that does not conflict with societal values, even though those values are sexist. 
To reduce consumption, especially in more developed countries, we could employ more people per position and have every individual employee work fewer hours. People having more free time would encourage creativity and do-it-yourself projects, and actually reduce the mindless consumption of products that we are taught is beneficial for the economy, but is actually incredibly harmful to the environment (New Dream, 2011). However, in order to implement these changes we would have to subvert the American expectation of working at 100% all the time, and the ideas that having more money or stuff is a measure of success and happiness. And as is evident by the fact that we still deal with these issues even though we know how to solve them, changing the culture of a society, even for the benefit of its own residents, is very difficult. 
However, aspects of these solutions are already being implemented. The New York sustainability plan, also known as PlaNYC, was a plan proposed by mayor Bloomberg in 2007 to help reduce resource consumption and prepare for new residents sustainably (“PlaNYC”). Transition towns have also been attempted and community funded to combat the effects of climate change and economic instability through increased self-sufficiency (“Transition town”).
What are some other benefits of this reformed society? Other benefits of this reformed society would be an overall higher quality of life. Working less would not only reduce consumption, it would reduce unemployment and therefore lessen poverty rates. Additionally, it would reduce stress on the individual employees. People would be able to pick up hobbies or cook healthier food or just relax. The parable of the businessman and the fisherman really sticks with me when I consider this potential future. Basically, a businessman goes on vacation and sees a fisherman, and asks about his life. The fisherman goes out in the morning to catch fish, plays with his children, then in the afternoon he teaches children how to fish and in the evening he goes into town with his wife and friends. The businessman then gives him (unsolicited) advice as to how he can increase his productivity, wealth, and potentially grow an empire. When the fisherman asks what he would do with the wealth, the businessman replies that he would pack up and settle down somewhere, fish in the morning, play with his children… and essentially live the life he already has (Koehler, 2008). Why do we as a society over complicate life so much? Why do so many people work jobs they don’t like day in and day out just to hopefully someday retire, relax, and get to enjoy their time? If jobs just employed more people for fewer hours each, there would be less unemployment, and more people would have both greater financial stability and greater free time. People would get to enjoy life while they are living it instead of spending all their time slaving away for corporate America just to get maybe two days off at the end of the week. 
What's stopping us from creating this utopia? Mainly that it does not benefit the heads of large corporations who essentially own the government. If companies hire more workers, that means they have to pay more salaries, slightly decreasing their profit. If people have more time off, consume less, and create more, then they are not the mindless consuming employees that corporations want. Corporations benefit off of the culture of working yourself to the bone until that magical age when you can retire. A more stable economy and less resource consumption are sold as stagnation because it does not represent constant growth. But is constant growth really beneficial? If the majority of the people contributing to the economy can’t enjoy their lives due to stress or unemployment, who is said “economic growth” truly benefitting?
Blog Question: Why don’t more people realize that we can in fact change society? Society can be restructured, the current system is not the only way of doing things. So why are people so complicit in the lackluster quality of their lives instead of actively looking for ways to restructure?
Word Count:  1236
Berrett Koehler, “More Than Money - What Is "The Good Life" Parable,” YouTube video, 3:05, August 8, 208, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7JlI959slY
“Current World Population.” Worldometer. Accessed October 6, 2020. https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/. 
Miller, G. Tyler, and Scott E. Spoolman. 2021. Living in the Environment.
New Dream, “Visualizing a Plenitude Economy,” YouTube video, 4:51, September 15, 2011, https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=HR-YrD_KB0M
United Nations Population Division, World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision, medium variant (2011). 
“U.S. and World Population Clock.” Population Clock. United States Census Bureau. Accessed October 6, 2020. https://www.census.gov/popclock/. 
Wikipedia contributors, "PlaNYC," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=PlaNYC&oldid=952681772 (accessed October 6, 2020).
Wikipedia contributors, "Transition town," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Transition_town&oldid=980641800 (accessed October 6, 2020).
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maito-bi · 4 years
About Me
“Answer these questions then tag eight people you’d like to get to know better”
i was tagged by @darcowrites! thank you so much for the tag! (✿◠‿◠)
1) Birthday: may 1st! beltane baby
2) Zodiac: taurus
3) Height: 5′8″
4) Last song I listened to: body language by carly rae jepsen
5) Hobbies: i have a lot of hobbies that i don’t really participate in due to various ~mental illnesses~ but ladies this year is all about recovery and i’d love to get back into drawing/painting, knitting, and reading, and i’d like to learn more about gardening and sewing! i’m also hoping to be able to take a tai chi class again in the near future
6) Last movie I watched: uhhh fuck i don’t watch movies very often and i’m thinking it might literally be Cats (2019)
7) Favourite books/writers: i haven’t really read anything in a hot minute but the last book i got absorbed in was a long way to a small angry planet by becky chambers. i’m also super into the monstress graphic novel series by marjorie liu and sana takeda! if you like gorgeous art and terrifying angry women, check it out
8) Dream job: this is something i’m still trying to figure out for myself! it’s a process but i’m thinking i’d maybe like to do something with plants and soil sciences or maybe public health. i’m currently a blood banker and i’m transitioning to working in molecular genomics soon though!
9) Favourite colors: pink and blue!
10) Meaning behind my url: maito gai but. bi. i actually do hc him as bi (because i’m bi and he’s my favorite and that’s how it works ok) BUT he’s only ever had eyes for kakashi
i’ll tag @lakukuna @whattadragg @godtierwallflower @temarinist @i-constantly-screamb @blackhinata @deaf-sakura
and uhhh whoever else wants to i guess! no pressure to do this though if you don’t want to
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novamm66 · 4 years
20 Questions for 2020
I was tagged by the inspiring @lechatrouge673 and @kemvee. Thank you so much my Darlings!
1. Do you make your bed?  
I use to, religiously. My grandmother was a nurse and she was the one who taught me to make a bed. I was also in sea cadets so I can do a perfect military corner too.
Now I don’t make the bed often. My partner is a very restless sleeper and since he often naps when he can, I got really tired of always making the bed and coming back to a mess. Now I leave the mess and straighten it when I go to sleep. 
2. What’s your favourite number?
6. A long time ago, my dad started a family joke. Every time someone said ‘I have a question’ he would answer ‘6′ until we were all doing the same. 6 became the answer to everything. 
3. What’s your job?
.I am an architectural draftsperson, focusing mainly on residential construction. I have been doing this for almost 8 years and I am now working as a subcontractor for a few companies and any independent work I get. 
4. If you could, would you go back to school?
Well, I already did once. I had to redirect my career, I couldn’t work in theatre anymore, my knees just couldn’t do it, not to mention our local government cut some funding and a lot of us lost all our work (me included).
Now if I was independently wealthy and simply could go back to uni just to learn for the hell of it, (Yes, I am one of those weirdos that loved the learning portion, as long as it’s something I like) I would take every history class I could. I freaking loved the theatre history classes that I took my first time through Uni, I love how much cross over into religious history there is. I would study more of the history of architecture and fashion. GIVE ME ALL THE KNOWLEDGE!
But until I retire and I qualify for free Uni tuition I can’t afford it.
5. Can you parallel park?
I can, very well in fact. I am also skilled at parallel parking on steep ass hills. We have a lot of those everywhere.
6. A job you had which would surprise people?
I worked in a few hospitals in my time as a patient attendant. For someone who isn’t great with people, I was always really good with people who were ill I was requested to work with a lot of mentally ill people (they found me calming), car accident victim with brain damage, the homeless, abuse victims, suicidal people etc.  It was a heavy and hard job but one that I took a lot of pride in.
7. Do you think aliens are real?
Yes, it’s unreasonable to believe our plant is the only one to sustain life. But if they are intelligent beings they will stay the hell away from us.
8. Can you drive a manual car?
Not really. I know how, sort of but it’s not something I have done in 20 years so I wouldn’t like to be that transmission.
9. What’s your guilty pleasure?
The flaw in this question is only one? I will never give up my Caffeine-free Diet Pepsi. 
10. Tattoos?
Yes please, as many as can fit.  I have 5 now and I an designing a 6th at the moment. My mom may kill me but oh well.
11. Favourite colour?
Again, I can’t pick just one! I do have colour tendencies. I tend to lean into the cool tones, green, blue, purple, but I love the warms too.
12. Things people do that drive you crazy?
Use accessible buttons to open doors, your hands are full, fine I’m ok with that. but if you are going to push the button and stand there playing on your phone while the door opens for you, then I think all kinds of nasty things.
13. Any Phobias?
I am really uncomfortable around dinosaurs. Never like them in movies (even animated and real-life (theme parks and stuff) I have gone but I enter full panic mode.
I panic in crowds if I am surrounded by people its bad. I am not good at being underground.
14. Favourite childhood sport?
I didn’t have one. Swimming was the only thing I could do without pain. So I guess Swimming but living on a boat there was no sport to be had (it was an everyday thing) and once we settled we were an hour from the nearest sports swimming pool so I could never compete seriously.
15. Do you talk to yourself?
All the freaking time. It just means I am having a board meeting.
16. What movie do you adore?
Clue, anything Mel Brooks, and Playing by heard is one of the most magnificent movies I have ever seen.
17. Do you like doing puzzles?
I do, or I did. I did them a lot as a kid but now I just have so many other things to eat up my time.
18. Favourite kind of music?
I listen to everything. I love opera, classical, kid's music, country, rock, rave, anything and everything, I will listen.
19. Tea or coffee?
Coffee, I enjoy tea from time to time but I love my coffee.
20. The first thing you remember you wanted to be when you grew up?
From the moment I saw the Little Mermaid (we were living on the boat at the time.) I wanted to be a Marine Biologist and I was stead fast in that belief. I read and studied everything I could, right up until my last year of high school, when I realized that I really didn’t like science all that much, I was good at it but I didn’t love it. My dad recommended taking Commerce which I did, with a technical theatre elective. By the end of my first year, I had the theatre bug and I transfer programs.
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Tagging; @liderfin, @pikapeppa @thejeeperswife @john-cousland @alittlestarling @rhetoricalrogue @mikkinikks and anyone else who is interested.
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peachykeenmate · 4 years
Social Gathering
pairs: jeongguk x reader
genre: one shot | house party 
warning: contains smut | old writing, not the best
word count: 1.7k
"Y/N come on it won't be bad." F/N says as she drags you by the arm towards a large house.
"But you don't understand! Me and socializing doesn't work!" You shout at her, struggling under her grasp but she's way stronger than you are.
She goes to the gym every day and you laying in your bed stuffed in your covers reading fanfiction and fangirling over every sex scene you encounter. You can't help it, it's interesting to read about your favourite idol having fictional sex.
"But Y/N, you won't have any friends or a husband when you're older if you don't meet new people!" She lets go of me right in front of the house, turning around swiftly as many people flood into it. "And the only reason I'm your best friend now is because we're next door neighbours!" She shouts right back at me, repeatedly poking my chest.
I flinch at her and roll my eyes.
"Fine, I'll go and I won't run away when I'm out your sights." You mumble and look away, and she grins right at you.
"Thank you babes! Trust me you look hot!" She says and she links arms with you and walks in.
You look down at yourself, seeing you wear a baggy shirt and some tight jeans. You have no clue why you're wearing this to a party but you don't care.
You walk in with F/N, and instantly you recognise people from your school. People from your class, some people not, but you know most of the people here are popular and you stick out like paint blob on a blank canvas. You're not popular at all, in fact you think you're the least popular out of the whole school, you only have one friend and that's F/N.
F/N has many friends, and she's a much higher rank than you in popularity, and she brought you here so you could also make some friends, also maybe get close to a boy.
She expects you to get close to a boy? No chance. Last time you tried talking to a boy (Your biggest crush since middle school, and still is) you almost threw up and ran away.
This is your first time to a big party, so you're gonna struggle a little bit.
"Y/N, come on let's go to my friends table!" She says and she grabs my wrist to a table of 4 girls giggling to themselves and taking selfies.
I cringe at the site as I sit next to one of them. She says hi and you don't really care, but you have the decency to say hello back. You look around at the people around you, getting smashed and dancing to the up beat music. But one guy catches your eye easily, just like the past 9 years.
Jeon Jungkook
Jungkook has been your crush since middle school. You've tried to find other people but no matter what, Jungkook has your heart and he doesn't know at all. You've tried talking to him once because you were paired together in a science project, but you instantly got nervous, almost threw up on him and ran away. When you came back from the toilets, he got a new partner and you were paired with again, your best friend.
You slowly fade off into a daze before realising his figure is getting bigger and bigger, and before you know it, he's right in front of you staring at you.
Everyone was silently watching us, and girls were giggling and laughing, pointing at us and making stupid comments, making you think this is some dare. A stupid dare which will toy with your feelings. Jungkook is the host and you don't want to be kicked out, so you flow with his plans.
He bends over into your face, the stench of alcohol instantly hitting you, making you scrunch your nose and look at him in the eyes.
"Well well, look at what we have here! Y/N joined us at this fantastic party!" He shouts, grabbing your cheeks and stretching them.
"Jungkook leave her alone!" F/N shouts, trying to pull him away, but he slaps her arms away.
"Leave me be, filth." He hissed at her, grabbing you by the wrist and throwing you into a chair in the middle of the room.
Everyone cheers his name and laughs as you stare at him in terror of what he might do, but you also stare in complete awe.
He grabs the top button of his black long shirt, slowly undoing it in front of your face. He plants himself in your lap as he continues to undo the buttons on his shirt. You grab onto the rim of his shirt gently, and you watch him notice but not do anything. Suddenly, you see his shirt pop open, revealing his bare chest and his clear abs. You gasp silently as girls scream, but he isn't paying attention to them, he's paying attention to you.
He slowly leans in and you suck in your lips so he can't kiss you, but to your surprise, he bends into your ear.
"How about we take this upstairs?" Jungkook whispers softly into your ear, before lifting you and forcing you to hold onto him and wrap your legs around his waist so you don't fall.
He holds you by your ass and slowly carrying up the stairs, opening the door to a large room and placing you onto a soft bed, but you instantly get up and stand away from him.
"Jungkook. As much as that turned me on, I'd like to share my virginity to someone who has mutual feelings towards me then do I towards them." You go for the door, but his huge figure blocks your way.
"And who exactly said I didn't have feelings for you?" He says, staring at you deeply.
You blush at his words, but stare at him confused yet a little happy. He chuckles at you slightly, but smiles. He kisses you lightly and you can't help but return it. The kiss turns more sloppy and passionate but you don't care.
You place your hand onto his bare chest, as he slowly pushes you against the bed and hovering above you, still kissing you. A thought suddenly hits you and you shove him off from above you, sitting up.
"Jungkook, you're drunk." You whisper, giving him a glance.
"I'm not. If I was drunk I'd be doing this with someone else." He stares at you, giving you a concerning look. "And I can kinda control myself when I'm drunk, Y/N. I wouldn't hit on you while I'm drunk." He says assuring.
"And when I'm a host of a party at my own house, I have to maintain people from getting into trouble. I've had one drink, that's why you smelled it earlier." He hugs you from behind.
You stay silent, shocked from what you just heard. Your crush that you've had since you were 8 just basically told you that he has feelings for you. Your heart pounds at the thought, but you get distracted when Jungkook's hand lingers across your chest.
Jungkook suddenly turns you around and pushes you on the bed.
"So can I continue now?" He whispers softly. You just stare at him.
He waits for an answer impatiently, and you smile.
Jungkook instantly came towards you with a dark expression, his mouth landing on top of the crook of your neck, planting small kisses. Your breath quickens as he quicken the kisses.
His hand reached the rim of your shirt, slowly lifting it to reveal your belly. He look at you with a dark expression before kissing your belly. Your breath becomes uneven. His hands reached for your back and you lift yourself to help him. Before he can do anything, you pause him.
"J-Jungkook. I'm n-new to this sort of thing s-so sorry if I don't do things you w-want me to do..." You whisper shyly.
He nods at you in assurance "Don't worry, I'll guide you." He whispers smoothly, planting a small kiss on to your pump lips.
He continues what he was doing, unhooking your strapless bra, pulling it off to reveal your bare breasts, and you turn a dark shade of red.
"Y/N... You have beautiful breasts..." Jungkook groans out, his gaze not moving from your body.
He cups your breast and you let out a gentle moan, his hands moving simultaneously with each other. His mouth slowly moving towards them. His lips envelope on your nipple, flicking on it with his tongue and you let out a more erotic moan. You feel yourself getting wetter as he licks your nipple more.
He lets go and his dark expression has changed completely. His gaze has grown darker and it makes you feel a little uncomfortable. He nods at you suddenly.
"Are you ready? Are you sure you're okay with this?" He says in a concerning tone, and you gladly nod.
He smiles before reaching for your jeans, his hand slowly unbuttoned your jeans and slips them off, leaving you in only your underwear. His head slowly lowered towards your womanhood, having his mouth just above. You suddenly feel pressure inside of you and you arch your back slightly, letting out a moan.
The pressure moves in and out of you, and you look down to see what it is. You see his dark stare shoot up at you and you bite your lips. His fingers plunge into you further and you ark your back more. His hand pulls out slowly and he crawls up to you. He flashes you a smirk.
"Are you ready for the real thing?" He questions, and you nod your head desperately. You need him.
He chuckles and lifts himself. He reaches for his center and he unbuttoned his jeans, pulling them off along with his boxers. You suddenly gasp as you see his length, wondering if it'll fit.
"You like what you see?" He asks in a proud tone, and you nod.
He hands reach for your center, pulling off your underwear. He places himself comfortably before he slowly enters you, groaning.
"Jesus you're one tight chick." He groans out and you moan at his works.
He fully enters you and he rests inside you as he lets your walls expand to his length. His breath is shaking, and so is yours. You calm down as you feel like you've stretched enough, and you nod at him to tell him he can start moving.
He groans once again, and his member glides through you. You ark your back and moan loudly, as he pumps harder. With each moan you give he reaches deeper into you. A strange feeling you've never felt before boils up inside you. It's weird but pleasurable.
Jungkook groans your name as he fucks you harder, and you scream out his name in return. He shoots his gaze right up at you and smirking at he pumps.
"J-Jungkook... I-I feel something comi-"
Before you could finish, he speeds up greatly, and it triggers something. You moan louder than before and a large amount of pleasure was noticeable from below. At the same time, you also feel something flowing through you. You know, that he came.
He slowly pull his member out of you and lays next to you on the bed. He spoons you and you smile, cuddling closer to him.
"That was great, Y/N." He whispers.
You nod, being the happiest woman in the world.
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mx-bright-sky · 5 years
my brain: you have other things you could be writing that are more important-
me: FUCK you here’s an essay about shit that’s can’t even happen
anyway fuckin uhhhh here’s my ideas about what Fire Emblem: Awakening would be like if it were remade for the switch using Fire Emblem: Three House’s mechanics
oh yeah and spoilers for awakening duh
i’m gonna go over the characters and most stuff first sooooo
[also, likes, dislikes, and closest allies ended up being filled in later after a lot of stuff was already done, it’s probably noticable so i figured i’d say so anyway]
1: Robin
strengths: sword and black magic (because those are the weapons used by Robin’s starting class)
weaknesses: none (because in Awakening Robin can change to literally any class they want)
“canon” class progression: commoner -> [unique class] tactician -> [unique class] grandmaster -> [unique class] manakete GRIMA TIME BABY
likes: strategy, books
dislikes: not having memories
closest allies: Chrom and Lissa
they’re the protag so they don’t really get anything else ahsjdfkhsdj sorry
2: Chrom
strengths: sword and lance
weaknesses: black magic
hidden talent: riding (I really like paladin chrom)
“canon” class progression: noble -> myrmidon -> [unique class] lord -> [unique class] great lord
likes: training, helping people
dislikes: formalities, bandits
closest allies: Robin, Lissa, and Frederick
dining hall: likes all kinds of meats, likes oranges (HAHA CHROM EATS UNPEELED ORANGES GET IT-), dislikes sweets
lost items: broken lance, torn cape, orange
gifts: training weight, smoked meat, riding boots, and legends of chivalry
3: Lissa
strengths: white magic, black magic, and lances
weaknesses: axes and heavy armor
hidden talent: axe
“canon” class progression: noble -> monk -> priest -> bishop
likes: pranks, fancy comforts
dislikes: bugs, the outdoors
closest allies: Chrom, Frederick, and Maribelle
dining hall: likes sweets, dislikes “gamey” meats
lost items: miniature frog statue, childish drawing (flavor text would say that it’s old and it’s implied the drawing is of her, chrom, and emmeryn when they were little)
gifts: armored bear stuffy, hair clip, tasty baked treat
4: Frederick
strengths: lance, axe, riding, and heavy armor
weaknesses: white magic
hidden talent: flying, black magic (FIRE, BABY)
“canon” class progression: noble -> soldier -> cavalry -> paladin -> great knight
likes: training, fire
dislikes: strangers
closest allies: Chrom and Lissa
dining hall: likes healthy meals, dislikes sweets and the more “gamey” meats 
lost items: nothing. does this look like a man who would lose anything in his life? no. never. he’s the only real adult around here and the only haver of brain cells.
gifts: training weight, riding boots, ceremonial sword
5: Sully
strengths: lance, sword, riding, and brawling
weaknesses: authority
hidden talent: heavy armor
“canon” class progression: commoner -> soldier -> cavalry -> paladin
likes: training
dislikes: flirts
closest allies: Stahl, Miriel, and Vaike
dining hall: likes meats
lost items: coming up with lost items is hard, not all of these characters are much fleshed out and trust me i tried when i was super into awakening i very specifically went and tried to get as many supports as possible and there is like, almost NO lore about sully that sticks out to me which is a damn shame. a damn shame. 
gifts: training weight, riding boots, smoked meat
6: Virion
strengths: bow
weaknesses: brawling and axe
hidden talent: flying and axe
“canon” class progression: noble -> fighter -> archer -> sniper
likes: ladies, tea
dislikes: savagery
closest allies: Sully and Cherche
dining hall: likes fancy meals
lost items: embroidered handkerchief, letter about Roseanne (i don’t know if i spelled that right, but it’s where he’s from), unused lipstick (for the same reasons as sylvain. You Know Why.)
gifts: board game, legends of chivalry, floral adornment, exotic spices, tea leaves
7: Teach Vaike
strengths: axe and brawling
weaknesses: riding and flying
hidden talent: sword
“canon” class progression: commoner -> fighter -> barbarian -> warrior
likes: being strong
dislikes: thinking too hard
closest allies: Chrom and Sully
dining hall: likes meats, dislikes vegetables
lost items: i got nothing
gifts: training weight, smoked meat
8: Stahl
strengths: lance, sword, and riding
weaknesses: axe
“canon” class progression: commoner -> soldier -> cavalry -> paladin
likes/dislikes: idk dude this man is just a normal guy that’s his thing
closest allies: Sully, Kellam, and Sumia
dining hall: likes everything
lost items: idk 
gifts: smoked meat, tasty baked treat, armored bear stuffy
9: Miriel
strengths: black magic and sword 
weaknesses: heavy armor and axe
hidden talent: white magic
“canon” class progression: noble -> monk -> mage -> warlock
likes: research, science
dislikes: things that get in the way of research
closest allies: Sully and Donnel
dining hall: likes vegetables, dislikes sweets
lost items: book on arithmetic, glasses, a test tube with unknown contents
gifts: board game, history of ylisse
10: Sumia
strengths: flying and lance
weaknesses: brawling and heavy armor
hidden talent: sword
“canon” class progression: commoner -> soldier -> pegasus knight -> falcon knight
likes: baking, reading, flower fortunes, Chrom
dislikes: being so clumsy
closest allies: Cordelia, Chrom, and Stahl
dining hall: likes sweets and baked goods, dislikes “gamey” meats
lost items: pegasus hairclip, hairbrush, training lance, hand knit purse, a book on how to be more confident
gifts: riding boots, armored bear stuffy, floral adornment, hairclip
11: Kellam
strengths: heavy armor, lance, and sword
weaknesses: authority
hidden talent: bow
“canon” class progression: commoner -> soldier -> armored knight -> fortress knight
likes: when people notice him
dislikes: the fact that he’s practically invisible
closest allies: Stahl
dining hall: no particular likes or dislikes
lost items: once again i have no ideas
gifts: armored bear stuffy
12: Lon’qu
strengths: sword and bow
weaknesses: heavy armor and white magic
“canon” class progression: commoner -> myrmidon -> mercenary -> swordmaster
likes: swords, training
dislikes: women (but isn’t a misogynist, we swear - nintendo) (it’s the trauma)
closest allies: Basillio
dining hall: no particular likes or dislikes
lost items: i feel bad about how often no ideas come to me for these
gifts: ceremonial sword, dagger, whetstone
13: Maribelle
strengths: white magic, riding, and black magic
weaknesses: heavy armor, axe, and brawling
hidden talent: lance
“canon” class progression: noble -> monk -> priest -> bishop
likes: tea, nobility
dislikes: informality
closest allies: Lissa, Ricken, and Olivia
dining hall: likes fancy meals and sweets, dislikes everything else
lost items: fancy teacup, laced parasol, heart-shaped hairclips
gifts: armored bear stuffy, handkerchief, tasty baked treat, floral adornment, tea leaves
14: Panne
strengths: beaststone and brawling
weaknesses: sword, lance, and axe
hidden talent: sword
“canon” class progression: commoner -> [unique class] taguel
likes: the outdoors, nature, animals
dislikes: humans
closest allies: n/a
dining hall: likes vegetables and especially carrots, dislikes sweets
lost items: herb potion
gifts: pretty much any plant or seed
15: Gaius
strengths: sword, brawling, and bow
weaknesses: white magic
hidden talent: axe
“canon” class progression: commoner -> myrmidon -> thief -> assassin
likes: candy, sweets, gold
dislikes: talking about his past, taking things seriously
closest allies: Chrom and Lissa
dining hall: REALLY likes sweets
lost items: bag of candies, muddy cape, lock pick
gifts: tasty baked treat, dagger
16: Cordelia
strengths: flying, lance, and black magic
weaknesses: axe and brawling
hidden talent: riding
“canon” class progression: commoner -> soldier -> pegasus knight -> falcon knight
likes: cleaning and keeping things tidy, looking after others, being hardworking, Chrom
dislikes: messes, feeling useless
closest allies: Chrom and Sumia
dining hall: no real likes or dislikes; is good with anything
lost items: handcrafted javelin, charm necklace
gifts: riding boots, legends of chivalry, whetstone 
17: Nowi
strengths: dragonstone
weaknesses: heavy armor and riding
hidden talent: black magic
“canon” class progression: commoner -> [unique class] manakete
likes: playing, adventuring, shiny rocks, fun, kids
dislikes: being serious
closest allies: Gregor
dining hall: likes sweets, dislikes vegetables and bitter meals
lost items: colorful stone, dragon-scale scarf, talon-clippings
gifts: armored bear stuffy, tasty baked treat, gemstone beads
18: Gregor
strengths: sword and axe
weaknesses: white magic and black magic
“canon” class progression: commoner -> myrmidon -> mercenary -> hero
likes: gold, alcohol
dislikes: n/a
closest allies: Nowi and Anna
dining hall: likes meat
lost items: nothing comes to mind
gifts: armored bear stuffy, ceremonial sword, whetstone, smoked meat
19: Libra
strengths: white magic and axe
weaknesses: heavy armor 
hidden talents: black magic
“canon” class progression: commoner -> monk -> priest -> bishop
likes: praying, the goddess
dislikes: his parents, his childhood
closest allies: Chrom and Lissa
dining hall: no specific likes or dislikes
lost items: offering to the goddess
gifts: goddess statuette, armored bear stuffy (these characters are all just soft bitches who want the bear stuffy i guess)
20: Tharja
strengths: black magic, lance, and sword
weaknesses: heavy armor, authority, and white magic
hidden talent: heavy armor (always blew my mind that she could reclass into an armor knight. all the classes in the world and THAT was an option for her???)
“canon” class progression: commoner -> monk -> dark mage -> dark bishop (In This House We Live In The Timeline Where Dark Mage Wasn’t Weirdly Gender Locked) (but otherwise the alternate would obviously be mage -> warlock)
likes: hexes, Robin
dislikes: sunshine, being cheerful
closest allies: Robin
dining hall: likes bitter foods, dislikes sweets
lost items: voodoo doll, hexing instruments, potion ingredients
gifts: board game, coffee beans, pitcher plant
21: Olivia
strengths: sword and lance
weaknesses: heavy armor, authority, and brawling
hidden talent: flying
“canon” class progression: commoner -> myrmidon -> thief -> [unique class] dancer
likes: dancing, art
dislikes: interacting with people
closest allies: Maribelle, Chrom, and Basillio
dining hall: likes sweets
lost items: a book on dancing technique, a handcrafted model of a theater
gifts: armored bear stuffy, sheet music, lily, tea leaves
22: Cherche
strenths: lance, axe, authority, and flying
weaknesses: white magic
hidden talent: white magic
“canon” class progression: commoner -> fighter -> barbarian -> wyvern rider -> wyvern lord
likes: wyverns
dislikes: Virion (only half joking, probably)
closest allies: Virion
dining hall: no specific likes or dislikes
lost items: wyvern wing grooming comb, book on wyvern care, tales of the legendary warrior minerva
gifts: riding boots, legends of chivalry, tea leaves
23: Henry
strengths: sword, black magic, riding, and flying
weaknesses: heavy armor, brawling, authority, and axe
hidden talent: axe
“canon” class progression: commoner -> monk -> dark mage -> dark bishop
likes: blood, hexes, scary things, animals
dislikes: his parents
closest allies: Ricken and Tharja
dining hall: likes sweets and bitter foods (interesting combo I know), dislikes meats
lost items: shiny knickknacks (probably got them from the crows), comb for brushing horses, bloody hexing instruments (not to be confused with Tharja’s, nonbloody, hexing instruments)
gifts: armored bear stuffy, fishing float
24: Say’ri
strengths: sword, bow, and flying
weaknesses: black magic, riding, and axe
hidden talent: black magic
“canon” class progression: noble -> myrmidon -> mercenary -> swordmaster
likes: Yen’fay
dislikes: Yen’fay (it’s a complicated sibling relationship)
closest allies: Tiki
dining hall: likes chon’sin dishes
lost items: no, sorry, got nothing
gifts: ceremonial sword, exotic spices, board game
25: Flavia
strengths: axe, sword, and brawling
weaknesses: flying, riding, and lance
“canon” class progression: noble -> fighter -> barbarian -> warrior
likes: n/a
dislikes: n/a
closest allies: Basillio
dining hall: likes meat, dislikes vegetables
lost items: this lady has like, less supports than what i can count on my hand. there is zero material or lore to really work with. no.
gifts: training weight, smoked meat, dagger
26: Basillio
strengths: axe, sword, and brawling
weaknesses: white magic and riding
“canon” class progression: noble -> fighter -> barbarian -> hero (yes i swapped Basillio and Flavia’s classes. why? idk i felt like it. it doesn’t change all that much in the bigger picture i think)
likes: n/a
dislikes: n/a
closest allies: Lon’qu, Olivia, and Flavia
dining hall: likes bitter foods, dislikes sweets
lost items: the fucking stone that goes in the fire emblem, maybe?
gifts: whetstone, training weight, ceremonial sword
27: Donnel
strengths: lance, sword, and axe
weaknesses: white magic, black magic, and authority
"canon” class progression: commoner -> myrmidon -> mercenary -> hero
likes: farming, learning, hunting
dislikes: n/a
closest allies: Lissa, Olivia, and Chrom
dining hall: no specific likes or dislikes
lost items: dirty handkerchief, handmade pendant, hunting snare
gifts: riding boots, legends of chivalry, armored bear stuffy
28: Anna
strengths: sword, white magic, and bow
weaknesses: authority and heavy armor
"canon” class progression: commoner -> myrmidon -> thief -> assassin
likes: money, making money
dislikes: losing money
closest allies: Gregor
dining hall: no specific likes or dislikes
lost items: a book on get rich quick schemes, a family portrait depicting all the other annas
gifts: she will take anything because she’s gonna resell it for a higher price. we all know it.
29: Tiki
strengths: dragonstone, flying, and black magic
weaknesses: none
hidden talent: white magic
“canon” class progression: noble -> [unique class] manakete
likes: sleep, the goddess, Marth
dislikes: people interrupting her naps
closest allies: Say’ri, Lucina, and Robin
dining hall: no specific likes or dislikes
lost items: probably something related to marth, a feather pillow
gifts: tasty baked treat, smoked meat, goddess statuette, ceremonial sword
30: Ricken (sweet sweet boy i’m so fuckin sorry i forgot you)
strengths: black magic and white magic
weaknesses: sword, lance, axe, and heavy armor
hidden talent: sword
“canon” class progression: noblel -> monk -> mage -> warlock
likes: magic
dislikes: being treated like a child
closest allies: Henry
dining hall: likes sweets, dislikes bitter foods
lost items: a book on magic study
gifts: armored bear stuffy, tasty baked treat
yo i am way too tired this is gonna be a multi-part post now this is part one, part two is gonna be next gen units, and part three is gonna be non-character stuff 
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