#like theres something interesting there maybe about the way the mutant kids charles is first drawn to are people he can see himself
wellnoe · 1 year
tbh i think in looking at xavier’s relationship w scott some people find it very easy to swing into caricature. despite charles being a whole and coherent character.
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ducktbm · 4 years
HEY tell me more abt ur spider x man AU i would like to hear abt it
Here’s the set up
My man can walk on walls & has super-mega anxiety
He should be able to shoot webs from his wrists. As a treat even if he can’t canonically
And so MAYBE
-I still think webshooters are cool as hell and really useful In the way he can give it to other people and they can use it to free themselves if he’s saving various people at once-
So let’s just say The web he can get out of his wrists is kind of dog shit at first
It’s just like. Normal thin spiderweb and it sucks ass these are bitchboy webs
He makes his normal web shooters and has those n everything is cool
But obviously since I’m putting this within the X-Men universe mutants are common
Peter is a dumbass but he’s in no way an idiot he knows if he gets figured out he’s gonna have way more issues than Flash Thompson after gym class-
I’m suck at explaining shit but to get to the X-Men part :bangbang:
Peter opens up to Aunt May about being a mutant. Or well “becoming” a mutant.
She’s stricken with grief but still loves him and will most definitely still love & protect him with her life
After a week of being physically ill with anxiety (the normal human kind) he comes home from school. And with his Aunt May in the kitchen. Is a bald old dude in a wheel chair, and a less bald but slightly older & way more intimidating dude.
The bald dude offers him tea and the moment the teacup lifts off the table only half an inch the Spidey sense goes off & he BOLTS he doesn’t understand what’s going on, he’s confused, and feels slightly betrayed
He spends the night at Harry’s. Harry doesn’t ask why Peter is so upset, he knows when something is to sensitive to talk about
The next morning Harry lends him clothes & they go to school together
Peter durring homeroom is called to the office
MJ & Harry are GLUED to his side
When they walk into the principals office & see his aunt and the same men from last night he is visually panicked.
The men suggest his friends leave but he’s half convinced he’s about to be sent away so he says they can stay.
They both hold his hands tight
Nothing could prepare him for the next few minuets
The bald man says “very well, if you’re sure” and with a “i am” from Peter he introduces himself
“I am Charles Xavier and this is my friend Erik Lehnsherr.” All three teens are very alarmed bcuz E. Erik L. . Isn’t t. I. IS THAT FUCKING MAGNEATO ? STANDING IN OUR PRINCIPALS OFFICE PETER WTF DID YOU DO?
Xavier explains that a few days ago his Aunt May, knowing about the Xavier Institute reached out for help. And he is very sorry to have frightened you the other night but this is us formally inviting you in enrollment to Xaviers Institute For Gifted Youngsters, a school for mutants
MJ: it’s a mutant school
Xavier: That Is correct.
Harry: ..Peter?
MJ: Peter?
Peter: .........Funny Story actually ! aha um well you see BOLTS AGAIN
Erik tells Xavier theres no way this kid is gonna talk to us like this, we need him to come to us
Xavier is like. Very well
And politely asks Harry & MJ to talk to him for them, and that it’s very important they tell no one.
But this really is Peter’s best interest
They give their pitch to the two to repeat to Peter
They MJ end up finding him following GPS chip in his phone she totally didn’t put there bc she cares for her best friends safety but also already thought he was Spider-Man anyway
Peter confesses to being a mutant, and Spider-Man
They t (btw Yea this is Harry/Peter/MJ what about it)
They both comfort him & tell him about the Xavier institute
Yeah. Hell have to move there but he can still attend Midtown if he wants
But if not there’s always Bayville!
Harry says if Peter wants to go to Bayville Harry will immediately Transfer himself & MJ there bc theres no way there leaving him alone
(Peter is also trans)
It takes a bit but Pete eventually says ok, he knows it’s in his best interest, it’s the best idea, and the most beneficial to him.
He moves to the institute !
He ends up going to Bayville bc. Omg. Freedom from Flash Thompson
Harry & MJ. Transfer
Peter is immediately introduced to Beast AKA Dr Hank McCoy and they’re best friends so quick.
Hank uses Peter web shooter design to make an organic one that takes his shit ass webs & quickly winds and spins them up so when they leave the shooter it’s a thick rope akin to his fake webbing
It takes him a rlly long time to be able to produce webs fast enough to use it but he eventually does!
Peter not knowing literally any of their powers bc he refused to look into mutant stuff bc he didn’t wanna be on an FBI watchlist seeing Rouge KO a student durring training: DID MRS ROUGE JUST FUCKING MURDER THEM? GUYS. GUYS. STOP THE SIMULATION?
Peter: wow Dr McCoy you must’ve been really cool in highschool
Hank: Aha I wish *shows him photos of him in highschool
Peter: hey Mr McCoy these are cool but where are you
Hank: ? I’m right there?
Peter: .
Hank: I wasn’t always blue Mr Parker
Since Harry & MJ are In The Know (decided actually no one knows Xavier’s is a mutant place yet)
They’re allowed to come over to da mansion & just get to witness all the weird shit that goes on there
MJ has fun being Ref durring Mute Ball !
Harry just cheerleads n supports them
So Peter goes to Bayville (Harry & Mj transfer bc Yea)
The younger mutants like Pixie, Laura, Armor, Cypher, Roberto, Wolfsbane, Dani, Magik, etc also attend, in this timeline mutants are still relatively hidden but r on da brink. The Second Genesis team is around as instructors
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