#like they’re fully friends and she nonchalantly says he’s harmless for her dad to see because he looks like a gerbil lmfaoooo😭
flowachild · 9 months
my friends absolute disdain for this man is so funny
0 notes
dancingthesambaa · 3 years
The Smell of Plum Blossom Tea Ch 7
Summary: Just like a butterfly wing, a single act of kindness can change the course of the future, it certainly did for MK as a black-furred monkey put out a hand towards him
Rating: Teen and up
Chapter 7: Hero Born From The Shadows
“Selfie!” Mei posed as she took a picture of herself once she won the race.
“Mei!” MK excitedly said as he laid down flat on the ground with his arms raised high.
“MK!” She cheerfully picked him up, “Man that was one wicked race!”
“We almost died,” he weakly said.
“That’s life!” She joked, not understanding he was serious, “now how about we play some Monkey Mech! You can even invite your friend over!”
“Mei, he tried to kill me,” he said once more.
“Okay in that case,” she took out her phone and had an eerie red button right on the screen as she said with a wide smile that promised retribution, “Where does he live?”
“HAHAHAHAHAHA!!” The trio yelled in laughter at MK's joke.
“I’m not kidding!” He jumped up and down as he carried the staff, “this is the Monkey King Staff! I’ll prove it to you!”
“Okay, how?” Piggy crossed his arms.
“Ummm,” MK held the staff closer to his chest as he began to nervously play with it, when suddenly it retreated inward then suddenly extended all the way to the table Tang and Mei was sitting at and crushed it.
There was a silence as the unbelievable just happen then Tang wildly sputtered out.
“HUBABABABABA Monkey King staff!” He rushed over to MK arm that was carrying the staff and held it up high, “I knew it all along! It is the legendary staff that was used to seal away evil!” Then he paused as he realized the implications and looked to MK, “wait a minute, why do you have it?”
“Okay I’ll bite, if the staff is here, where is the Demon punk now?” Pigsy questioned as he was still iffy on this entire thing.
“He’s at the shoe store,” Mei cheerily stated.
“What?” They all walk to Mei with her phone out.
“This better not be one of your dog videos.” He can’t even tell how many times she shoved that phone in his face when she was coping at that drooling menace.
“Ha! There’s always time for a puppy video, but no he’s trending,” she showed them a picture of a large Bull demon and a familiar flame head boy, “like #DemonBullKing.”
“Holy shit, this ain’t no joke,” Pigsy jaw dropped.
“What do we do?” Tang hesitantly asked
“…I have to go to Flower Fruit Mountain,” they all turned to look at MK. “If the only one who was able to stop the Demon Bull King was Monkey King then I need to go there.”
“Are you hearing yourself?” Pigsy stomped over to him, “we’re talking about a mountain that is surrounded by fuck tons of dangers. Have you not heard of the flaming mountains? It’s the reason why no one has been able to get close to the mountain in the first place?”
“Then what are we supposed to do?!” MK took a step forward, “Monkey King is the only one who is able to stop Bull King back then and the only one now.”
Mei opened her mouth to say something, but decided to close it and just wait.
“Kid look I know this is all a bit scary, but why do you think that you have to do this?”
“Well I have the staff and I can carry it, for some reason,” he whispered the last part then he put on a more determined face, “but more importantly someone needs to.”
Pigsy stared him down as the boy did the same, then the pig demon sighed as he picked up his car keys “Everyone go to the car, it seems we’re taking a trip.”
“Yes!/Roadtrip!/Flower Fruit Mountain!” The trio of humans all cheered as they made their way out, though Mei did slow her steps so that she could match MK.
“So when is Mackie getting here,” she abruptly said.
“I mean he must have definitely heard your screams by now and I’m not even including the sounds of terror that everyone must be doing right now. We both know that he would already be on his way,” she added.
“Oh, um actually funny thing. He is currently not anywhere near the city right now,” he wilted at Mei’s dumbfounded look.
“Yeahhhh he had a call for a medical emergency and he is kinda days away from here,” he scratched the back of his neck.
“Oh my god, talk about bad timing,” she dragged her hand over her face, “well you should definitely call him and let him know what’s up.”
“…you know, I was thinking that maybe, and hear me out here, maybe we don’t call him,” he squeaked out.
“MK I love you like a brother, but what kind of nonsense are you saying,” she stopped the two of them and put her hands on his shoulder. “We’re talking about the same crazy brain worry of an immortal demon monkey that would fret over every last injury if you let him and you're telling me you're not even gonna say anything?!”
“I mean we can wait until he gets back, I just don’t want to bother him when he’s working.”
“But it’s even worse when you don’t say anything! MK you have to-,” she was cut off by Pigsy yells.
“Hurry it up you two! Fate of the world and everything!”
“Oh well looks like we got to go,” MK hurried out of her grasp and quickly went to the car.
“This is not over!” She yelled as she chased after him.
“Lalala! I can’t hear you!”
“Save it for the road,” the pig demon called out.
“Where exactly are we going anyway?” Tang asked, “Can’t exactly get to Flower Fruit mountain by car.”
“I know a guy who can help us out, he is one of the meanest, toughest demons that I have ever met. If anyone can help us get there it’s him.”
Pigsy was lying on the ground in total defeat as everyone was all sitting in Sandy's living room as the big bad demon happily talked about some of his relaxing hobbies and activities.
“He sure is tough,” Tang smirked as he sipped his tea.
“Shut up,” moaned the demon.
Sandy stopped in the middle of his talk when he felt a small tap on his hip as the small pigtail girl began to beg with glistening eyes.
“Oh great Sandy sir, we could really use your help getting to Flower Fruit mountain,” she clasped her hands together.
MK quickly joined her as he went on his knees and began to plead, “please, the fate of the world depends on it.”
“Okay,” he nonchalantly said.
“Really/That was easy,” both teenagers questioned.
“Anything for Pigsy and Mac. I can get you there, but it ain’t a pleasant trip.”
“Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!” They cheered as they jumped around, but stopped in midair as what he said fully hit them. “Wait, you know Dad/Fuzzbutt?”
“Yeah, we have tea together sometimes,” the gentle giant smiled.
“Dad has a tea time buddy?” MK blinked a few times.
“Honestly not the most surprising thing about him,” Mei added. “He regularly hangs with Ní when he wants to take a nap.”
“…I hope they're going to be okay,” MK said as he thought back to all of the animals, creatures, and demons living in the forest. “I’m a bit worried.”
The twenty year old girl snorted, “I’m not, have you seen them? They can tear down groves of trees because they couldn’t share their favorite tree.”
“True,” not only the demons or creatures, but also the animals know how to put up a fight. He even once saw a chipmunk bite off the finger of a hunter before.
“Besides they have BaBa and ain’t no thing or demon is going through her,” she said in complete certainty.
“Yeahhh, she's pretty awesome.”
“Alright let’s get moving,” Sandy said as the two talked to one another. Then he looked towards Pigsy, “I’m telling you now old friend, if things get hairy I’m not the same demon as I was before. I don’t go around picking fights.”
“…ahhh, things have changed haven’t they,” he sighed, “We seriously need to have a talk later.”
“Speaking of talk, has anyone told Macaque about this?” The historian raised his eyebrow.
The two stop short as the pig demon slightly blanches as he whispers out loud, “hold shit, Mac is gonna kill me for bringing his kids into this.”
“Don’t think like that,” Sandy tried to comfort him, “I’m sure that he will be perfectly reasonable about all of this once we explain what went down.”
“Oh he’s not gonna kill us,” Tang said as he slowly began to get color back on his skin.
“Yeah, you're right-.”
“He’s gonna kill the Demon Bull King,” he bluntly said.
“…,” Pigsy had no words for that.
“Oh yeah, yeah he might be a tad bit angrier with him,” Sandy nodded. “Well let’s get this show on the road, Mo initiate the launch sequence!”
“Launch?!” They all questioned as they saw a blue bat leap up from his shoulder and next to the wheel where a big red button was and the car happily pressed it.
Everyone was startled as the whole ship began to shake and various noises rang out, they all ran outside to see that the ship was now supporting a few new features, one of them being three large turbo boosters.
“Onwards to Flower Fruit mountain!” Sandy called out as then the ship took out in a flash as they sped across the ocean.
“Oh yeahhhh!”
“Thank you so much for your help,” the Panda demon bowed lowly as the rest of his students did the same, “without your aid, I feared they all may have not survived.”
“Yeah, I thought that I was holding Yama's hands for a second there,” a crane, one of the students, joked.
“Just try not to take on anymore poisonous elephant demons for a bit, I rather not have to come back here and do this all over again,” Mac said as he adjusted his hold on his bag.
“Oh believe me, we won’t,” a tiger demon nodded.
“Whatever happened to him anyway?” a hippo student asked.
“He won’t be bothering us anymore,” they all look down to see the sheep demon smile at her friend’s serenely.
“W-what does that mean?”
“He won’t be bothering us anymore,” she repeated herself with the same tone.
“I’m not touching that with a ten foot pole,” the tiger muttered under his breath.
“I still can’t believe that people still think that’s she the harmless one,” a large dark wolf said as the rest of them nodded.
“It’s kinda hilarious,” the monkey smirked, he still remembered walking in on her, when he used to make deliveries, and saw her standing on top of a pile of unconscious demons. “Well, I have to head out now.”
“I wish you safe travels on your journey back,” Po smiled.
“Thanks, hopefully my kiddos didn’t get into too much trouble.”
“Have some faith in them, I’m sure they are just fine.”
“AHHH!” They all screamed as they scattered away from the fireball heading towards them.
Luckily, both MK and Mei managed to nimbly land on their feet despite the surprise attack, Pigsy was less than lucky as he fell on his back.
“Pigsy!” They yelled out and helped him up.
“Hahaha,” the wind demon lightly chuckled as she held out her hand, “I’ll be taking that staff now.”
The teenagers got into position as they glared at her, “this belongs to the Monkey King, there is no way you’ll take it!”
“Awww, playing to be a hero, sorry to disappoint but playtime is over.”
Mei and MK looked at one another and without words being shared they split off onto either side running.
“Kids!” Pigsy worriedly cried out as he tried to follow after them, but was stopped by a burst of lava emerging from the cracks.
“Aww, cute,” Princess Iron Fan smirked as she kept her eyes solely on the staff, “you think you stand a chance.” Then her eyes widened as she felt a small aura behind her and she quickly used the wind to push it back, it did little as she dodged a blow to her head.
“Ha! You call that wind? I know a vulture that can easily surpass that for her morning fly,” Mei mocked as she began to swipe at the demon with her sword.
“Little girl, you know not of what-,” she quickly dropped down as she felt a small gust of wind aimed towards her and she was only grateful that she did as she saw that Sun Wukong staff was aimed at her head.
“Don't you dare underestimate us!” MK yelled out as he backed up.
“You little-!” She winced as she felt a blow to her side.
“Should have kept your eyes on me bitch,” Mei grinned as she drew her glowing sword back and went for another.
“That’s enough,” she calmly said, though if one were to look carefully they would see that her fists were curled up in a ball as her eyes glowed a dull red. She then held out her hand, which transformed into the same glove that removed the staff, to block the staff aimed towards her.
“What?” That was all MK could say before he was blown back far away past the mountain.
“No MK!” Mei screamed with tears in her eyes, not noticing a certain demon freeze up at the name, as she attempted to follow her brother.
“Mei, we got to go,” Pigsy choked out as he rushed to her and picked her up to run as the teenager struggled over his shoulder. “I’m sorry kid.”
Princess Iron Fan was silent as she looked to the two mortals running away from her then to the ocean where she blew the child mortal away. She said nothing as she tightly gripped the staff in hand then vanished away, she needed to go to her husband after all.
The boat was silent as it gently floated along the ocean as the remaining occupants tried to swallow what just happened.
“I’m sorry MK,” Pigsy whispered out as he looked down to the clear water, he didn’t even flinch when a familiar hand touched his shoulder.
“Pigsy,” Sandy quietly said.
“There was nothing we could do,” Tang said with his back turned.
“Nothing? Nothing! I could have done something!” Pigsy marched over to the human with rage as he grabbed his shoulder to see Tang's sorrowful face, “I could have-I should have protected MK! I made a promise to not only Mac but to myself that I would! And now…,” he trailed off as his whole body went slack and let go of his scarf. “It’s over, there is nothing we can do.”
“It’s not over,” he turned up with tears in his eyes to look at his friend, “MK may be lost, but we can make sure no more lives are lost. Make sure that his sacrifice wasn’t in vain.”
Pigsy could only nod as he wiped the tears in his eyes as Sandy put a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“Someone has to pay,” the trio looked over to Mei who hadn’t said a word till now. “Someone has to fight.”
She quickly wiped her face as she continued with her backs to them, “that demon bitch is going to,” she turned around with a forced smile on her face as they all felt an ominous presence among them as lighting and thunder roared in fury, “pay.”
They all nodded as a determination filled them all as they mentally and physically got prepared for the battle arising.
Mei looked out to the ocean once more and gripped the rails tightly.
‘I’m so sorry I couldn’t save you MK, but I’ll make damn sure we’ll end this. This is for you…by the gods how am I gonna tell Makkie?’
“Ugghhh,” MK moaned out as he slowly came to consciousness, he felt two furry hands in his hair even with his eyes still closed. “Just five more minutes Dad.”
His eyes snap open as he realized that this wasn’t his Dad as he awoke to a white furred monkey standing on top of his stomach, “uhh hi?”
The monkey tilts his head.
MK gives a small smile as he remembers the times when a monkey back home would climb onto him, “this feels familiar.”
The monkey eyes then glint as several more appear with the same glint.
His face falls, “nevermind this seems more familiar,” he says as he quickly rolls over from the monkeys’ attack and stands up.
All of them looked over to him and it looked like they were about to give chase before they paused and tilted their head as they recognized a familiar smell on him, but then they saw him stand up so that thought exited quickly as they all scurried off.
“I swear, what is with monkeys and my hair,” he grumbled as he then turned to see the ocean in front of him with the volcanic plain just bordering.
“Wha-gha!” He clutched his head as memories of what happened travel all throughout his head. “Right, that…where am-,” he cut himself off as he turned around to see a beautiful mountain towering above him.
“Flower Fruit mountain.”
He gazed at it for a few moments before he got his hearing back and began to rush to the mountain.
“Hello! Monkey King!? You in here!?” He called out as he stepped into the magical cave inside the magic waterfall, which also held magical drawings that came to life. “Can really use your help? Things aren’t looking good!”
He stopped as he waited for an answer, but as he stood there, nothing replied back. It was only him and a small house in front of him.
“GHA!” He kicked over a rock in frustration as he began to look around. He was not about to give up that easily though he did pause when a small butterfly approached him and landed on his nose. “At least someone here,” he jokingly said with a small smile.
“Yep I am!” It replied.
“AH!” He screamed as he flailed his arms at the unexpected response.
“Yes yes it is I,” the butterfly said once more as it fluttered to the ground, “the great monkey-oof!”
“Is it dead?” He questioned as he slowly lifted his foot, he was not about to take any chances, especially not with what happened last time he met with a small talking bug. He and Tang can still feel the icky grossness crawling up their spines, they can never unfeel what has been felt.
Then the bug began to glow.
It grew bigger, its form was fluid as it didn’t take shape at first, but then it transformed into a hawk then it soared high and landed as it tiger then the tiger began to stand on its legs as it transformed into a bear until finally, it transformed one last time into a monkey.
A very familiar monkey.
The first thought that entered MK's head when he saw the monkey was that he was taller than he expected him to be. In fact, he even thinks that he’s taller than his Dad.
The second thought was acknowledging that the Monkey King was standing right before him.
“Yep the one and only,” he stood tall as he looked around the room. “Sooo, where’s my staff?” He took a step back when he saw the kid's eyes well up with tears.
“I am so sorry!” He began his rant as he tried to explain what happened and how he messed up royally when he heard laughter.
“Look kid, I have to come clean,” he looked up to see that the Monkey King was kneeling as he put his hand on his shoulder. “I’ve been kinda watching you.”
“Huh?” Then his eyes widen as he remembers all the times he has seen the strange occurrences appear. “Wait what?!”
“Pfft! The look on your face is perfect!” He laughed out loud.
“Perfect for what?!” He was making absolutely no sense right now.
“To be my successor!” He started with a deep voice as he crossed both his arms.
“Uhhh what have you been drinking? Are you sure you’re the Monkey King? I think you may have a brief stint with insanity due to the isolation. I have some herbal remedies that can help with that,” he poked and prodded at the monkey. He felt a tail wrap around him and place him down, he had to stop the sudden urge of twisting the tail hard to let him go, he still remembers all the times Dad did it to him during training. He flew so high up.
“Listen kid, you fought demons and you didn’t die,” he casually said as he opened a bag of chips. “And you made it here, not anyone can lift my staff, but you did.”
“But what about DBK?” He urged him.
“Pfft, what about him,” he summoned his cloud as he laid on it while eating said chips, “you can handle it.”
A small part of MK really wanted to throttle the Monkey King at that moment, but his desperation and anxiety outweighed his irritation as he stumbled upon his words, “but I-I can’t…ahhh.”
This made the monkey pause and he gave an exaggerated sigh as he walked over to the kid and put a comforting hand on his shoulder, “look if you can lift the staff you can use it. Just believe in yourself, even a smidge makes all the difference.”
MK looked up at him and gave a small smile, he may not have the best self-esteem, but he damn well is not gonna stop.
“Now then,” he dramatically began, “the staff was taken from you, take it back.”
MK's smile then turned into a wide toothy grin, “alright.”
Wukong gave a smile to his new successor, but something in the back of his mind nagged him that MK grin reminded of someone, but he can’t quite put his finger on it.
“Ughhhh,” laid a collapsed Red Son as he groaned in pain at the jet impact.
Everyone else was in shocked silence as they watch MK slowly crawl out of the wreckage.
“Man, that was worse than the time we tried swinging from the vines for the first time.”
“MK!” Mei rushed over to him and gave him the tightest hug, “I thought you were-you know and I saw you blast off in the fire, but you are here and alive! I am so glad I don’t have to tell fuzzbutt about your death. Wait, how'd you get a jet? Wait! Is Monkey King here?!”
“Well no, he said it’s up to me…us,” he smiled slightly at her.
“Well that was anticlimactic and sorta stupid,” she muttered the last part under her breath. Then they all felt the earth shake beneath them and looked up to see an oversized Demon Bull King.
“And how are we meant to fight that?” Tang incredulously called out the question on everyone's minds.
The teenager looked at the towering menace and back to his hands and gripped it tight as he pulled his hair into a tighter ponytail, “we believe in ourselves.”
The ground shook once more.
“A jet would have been nice right about now,” she mused as she kicked the pile of rubble. Then out of it slowly emerged a smaller, but still very cool looking, motorcycle.
“That will work!” He said as he hopped on the bike.
“Go get him buddy!” She cheered for him and he gave a quick nod before zooming off, leaving the rest of them behind.
“You know how I said before about Mac killing us and the Bull King,” Tang suddenly said.
“Wait what?” Mei raised an eyebrow at the absurd topic.
“Yeahhh?��� Pigsy drawled out.
“Well I think we can safely assume that the Monkey King is now on that list.”
“Oh yeah/Most definitely,” both pink and blue demons respectively said as the pigtailed teenager couldn’t help but laugh.
“Fuccck that hurts,” he moaned out as he attempted to free himself from the rubble.
“You thought you could defeat me!” The Bull King laughed as he made his way towards the mortal. “I will not let a little thief take victory from my grasp.”
MK, who was panicking, quickly tried to find ways out of this, but then he heard a faint noise and looked up to see the arcade sign slightly glowing.
“Just believe in yourself, even a smidge makes all the difference,” he couldn’t help but think back to the Monkey King’s words, but there was also another.
“It will be hard, no doubt.” He heard his father's voice echo through his mind as the pain slowly subsided, “and at times it may seem like the whole world is against you, but know that you still have tomorrow waiting for you. So keep your head held high and look towards the stars, cause that right there is your limit starlight.”
And he does, he is looking past the arcade sign and looks towards the stars that make the faintest appearance among the darkening sky.
Only one thought was clear in his mind when those words combined as he slammed his staff down.
‘I can do this.’
Then an amalgamation of parts from various buildings, streets, and other places began to structure itself together to make a red and gold mech suit with a violet headband and cape.
“It’s time for your family to be brought to justice,” MK yelled out as he pushed the mech forward as he dived bomb down to the demon. “Here comes Monkie Kid!”
The giant staff impacted the demon with a loud burst of energy and sound.
Six ears suddenly perked up at the unexpected noise as the owner of said ears' eyes widened as that was coming from the same direction he was heading.
He picked up his pace.
“And I was all like, ‘I have to finish this once and for all’ and I started glowing!” MK excitedly said as he gobbled down another bowl of noodles.
“And then what!” Tang and Mei excitedly asked.
“And I cut a building in half and dropped it on him!”
“I still can’t believe that happened,” Pigsy snorted as he ate his bowl, “scratch that I can’t believe that all of this happened.”
“I can, it just happened in front of our eyes,” Sandy joked.
“Seeing is believing…I guess,” he threw his hands in the air as he winced as he felt a sharp pain, “fuck.”
“Are you okay?” Tang had noticed Pigsy winces and went over to his side to examine.
“It’s nothing,” he muttered as he tried to focus on anything except the warm hands against his neck.
Sandy didn’t comment on just how fast Tang shot to the pig demon side and instead stood up, “I’m going to look behind back, you still keep your bandages underneath the second drawer?”
“Yeah, but I think I ran out,” he answered, “used it up when some maniac decided to throw water over the counter in a fit of anger and landed right on the handle of a boiling pot of water.”
“Yikes, well I can see what I can find.”
“You know at times like these I wish Mac was here,” Tang said as both Mei and MK nodded.
Everyone then jumped up at the sound of the door slamming open and turned to see the one and only Macaque looking at all of them with shock.
“What in the hell happened?!” He almost screamed out as when he first walked into the city he could hear the sounds of screams and destruction emitting everywhere. The scenery was no better as buildings collapsed, streets were uprooted, and people were all hiding or unconscious in various states. He rushed over to find his kid's heartbeat and then sighed in relief as he heard their voices and booked it over to them as fast as he could. Though before he could say anything else as he looked at their disbelieved, bruised, but still very much alive appearance before he could let a smile form, his eyes happened to lock onto a familiar bo staff in his son's hand.
“What the fuck?” He whispered out.
“Guess what Dad! I met the Monkey King!” MK excitedly said as he waved the staff around excitedly.
“What the fuck?” He said a little bit louder.
“And I’m the Monkey King successor!” He added on not knowing that the sentence almost gave Macaque psychic damage at the sheer revelation.
The monkey could only stare as he felt his eye twitch, he then took a deep breath to calm himself down, it did not work as well as he hoped. “What in the actual fuck did I miss?”
“Oh yeah, so the city totally got terrorized by the Demon Bull King and his family after the staff was pulled out, so we kicked some ass and MK here saved the day,” Mei proudly stated.
He can almost feel a migraine coming on as he began to rummage through his bag and brought out rolls of gauzes and various small bottles, “okay first, all of you sit your asses down and let me check the damage, and once that shit is over, you will tell me the what the fuck went down when I get a drink.”
“Plum Tea?” MK said.
“Gonna need something a little more stronger than that for this can of bullshit,” he whispered to himself. “By the gods what the actual fuck Wukong?”
“What you say?” Tang asked.
“I said sit your asses down!”
“Dad we’re all f-”
“Just by a glance I can see that some of you are suffering from some second degree burns, lacerations, bruises, and all types of other shit. So you either sit your asses down so I can fix you up or I will knock you unconscious and take it from there,” he threatened.
They all immediately sat down, even Sandy who plopped himself on the floor.
“I swear, can’t even leave for two weeks without shit happening,” he grumbled as he made multiple shadow clones to help make the process faster.
The moon shone high in the sky as many people were laid to rest. Some wounded, some crying, some joyful, some mourning, and some dead. No one still knew exactly what happened, but those thoughts could wait until tomorrow. For now, after the terror and agony they all suffered, it was time to close their eyes and let the nightmares encompass them or a blank passage of nothingness if they're lucky.
The same was said for the ones who helped stop the malicious terror that had once plagued the city, they all lay sleeping in a cozy apartment living room.
Sandy was happily snoring on the floor with Mo as he then was slightly lifted to place a pillow underneath him and a blanket draped over as well.
Tang and Pigsy were snuggled next to each other on the couch, with the pig demon head tucked underneath the human head, as another blanket dropped from above.
Finally, the youngest was curled up with one another, Mei having one arm around MK’s shoulder, leaning against the couch. Their loose blanket was brought back up as it was meticulously tucked then two furry hands softly ruffled both of their heads as they only slightly shifted.
Macaque looked at them with only sheer fondness as he fixed them up. Then his eyes narrowed and couldn't help but linger on their neatly wrapped bandages on both them and everyone else.
He made his way to the window.
“What happened today will not happen again,” the Bull King growled out as his body slowly healed itself. He is still not back to full strength yet, even when his powers had increased tremendously due to the no staff. After all, one couldn’t easily rise from the grave in full health without the assistance of miracle medicine.
“Of course it won’t, we were merely…unprepared after all,” Princess Iron Fan said as she silently stirred her drink. “You have just woken up from imprisonment.”
“Imprisonment heh, that is one way to say that damnation,” he huffed.
“But next time we will be prepared father,” Red Son confidently said.
“Hmph,” he grunted out as his mind was still racing as he thought back to the small mortal boy, “who was that little thief who claims to be the successor of Sun Wukong?” He snarled the last part out.
“Oh he is just a noodle boy who got lucky,” the flame demon huffed as the wind demon stayed silent.
“Well that luck seems to let him wield the staff, so there is some truth in his foul words. Either way, while he is no threat, he is a nuisance and you know what we do with pests” he stood up and his shadow seemed to grow in intensity with each and every word he spoke.
“We crush them,” the boy grinned savagely.
“Under our feet,” he stomped his large hoof in emphasis.
“Yeah, I have a bit of a problem with that,” a voice rang out and before anyone could react, the Bull King was suddenly pinned down by a large violet one-eyed form that emerged from his shadows.
“What is this!?” He yelled out as he struggled to break free, but it proved to be tough as his injuries weren’t fully healed.
“Father!” Red Son began to rush over but was stopped by his own shadow as well. “How dare you! Get your peasant hands off of me!”
Princess Iron Fan, the only one still free, barely reacted as a form from her own shadow began to come out, but instead of capturing her, it turned around to face them all.
“I was too naive to think it was merely a coincidence,” she sighed as the shadowy form revealed itself a very familiar simian face.
“Hey Flicker, Raki,” Macaque casually said to Red Son and Iron Fan as his eyes glinted a hostile violet, “it seems that we need to talk.”
“Six-Eared Macaque!” DBK stilled his movements, no matter how much the urge to break free, as he looked to the medicine monkey, “what treachery has overcome you that you dare make a move against us?”
Red Son couldn’t say a word as he looked at the demon, instead, his eyes were blasted open wide in confusion.
“Usually nothing,” he shrugged as he took a step towards them, “I don’t get up all in your shit when you swing by for some medicine and you don’t short change me.”
“It would be foolish,” Iron Fan said as she set down her cup with a small clink.
“Tell that to some demons,” he said as he took another step forward, “usually you guys are no problem, but now you became a problem.”
“You never interfered with our plans before, what makes this time so different,” he spat out.
“When you attacked my kids,” he bluntly stated with a snarl on his lips as his eyes glowed a bit brighter.
This stilled both father and son, but not the mother who pinched her nose.
“I was afraid of that.”
“You should be,” he sneered out as the shadows all around grew in intensity as they crawled up the walls leaving the area there in almost total darkness.
“Wait kids?! Do you mean noodle boy and biker girl?” Red Son asked as he flinched as the eyes locked onto him.
“MK and Mei, I know I told you about them plenty of times,” he drawled out.
“I didn’t realize they were the same ones,” he horrifyingly whispered out.
“Apparently not many do, so here’s what’s gonna happen,” he said with an even tone, “unless they have attacked you first, you will not lay a fucking hand on either of them, cause if you do, well I won’t be very…kind,” his voice echoed throughout the caves. “Do we have a deal?”
“Deal,” the Queen said first.
“Deal,” the Prince agreed next.
“…Deal,” the King lowly said.
“Good,” the shadows vanished in a poof and both Bull King and Red Son were freed and the cavern walls were once again illuminated by the soft glow of light, “I’m glad we can come to an agreement.”
“Will you still supply us?” She asked as she got down to business, he may have just threatened them, but he is currently the only demon nearby, and most experienced, with not only knowledge of medicine, but can acquire precious materials.
“Same charge,” he waved off as he began to walk away, “and Flicker, Sandy really?”
“It didn’t occur to me he was there until after I attacked,” he winced as he voiced his embarrassment, he didn’t notice his therapist was there until all was said and done. He should probably be grateful that Sandy usually goes with the flow, else he really would be screwed.
“Good luck on the next session,” he smirked, “Also, Daiyu wants a spar sometime, she misses having to fight against a fire demon,” he said. Daiyu has some issues going on in her mind, but that ain’t any of his business. He absolutely does not want to know what goes on in there.
Red Son blinks momentarily as she stands up straight and begins to boast, “As if she can hold her own against me! Tell her I will meet her in due time and she best be prepared.”
“Will do,” and like that he merged back with the shadows and vanished from sight.
“So what do we do now mother, father?” He looked towards both of his parents.
“We will honor the deal we made,” Iron Fan stated.
“Of course,” he didn’t even have to think to agree with that, even without the deal he still wouldn’t have attacked anything Macaque had claimed.
“And we will get stronger,” DBK finished as he stood up and began to walk away. He had no trifles with the Six Eared Macaque, even now when he wishes to wrap his hands against the monkey's throat for his words against him and his own, but he won’t. The two may have strict business relations, though the same can’t be said for his son and wife who seems to be on more…friendlier terms with him, he has a smidge of respect for the medicine monkey. He has heard the tales, both myth and reality, and he can acknowledge that the demon strove to his power through sheer cunning and wit, even if he had to stick to the shadows to achieve that.
So no, he will not go against the monkey deal, he has more integrity than that, but he will not show mercy if those mortals attempt to go against him.
“We will be unstoppable,” Red Son grinned as he made his way to his workshop. He had some inventions he’s been meaning to build.
Princess Iron Fan silently watched both her husband and son go in opposite directions. She gave a small sigh as she picked her cup back up and held it into her hands.
“It seems that the winds have changed once more, I wonder which direction it will blow.” She asked herself as she took a sip of her tea, then she scrunched up her nose at just how cold it was.
Oh yeah, I’ve been keeping the two of their reveal in my back pocket for this moment XD Props to anyone who may have figured it out along the way!
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