#like treat accents with respect don't make them silly
enchantedchocolatebars · 10 months
Things To Think About For Characters (Clara Clawthorne [My Wittewife] 🧡 🤎 🧹 💟)
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Commission artworks are here, here, and here.
• Do they have allergies? (Nope. She's happy to have no allergies to anything, especially nature, as she loves it so much.)
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• What foods will they not touch? (Sour or spicy foods. They're bad for her tongue. Also, yuck. Her words btw. Oh, and rotten foods, for obvious reasons.)
• What kind of music do they like? (Medieval / Bardcore pop music! Those music genres were really popular during her time. Examples are here and here.)
• How are they around new people? (Very friendly and outgoing! Clara loves meeting new people!)
• Do they speak in an accent? (She has a cute American accent! Very upbeat and bubbly and a little high pitched! She sounds like a M/y L/ittle Pon/y character lol. Speaking of m/lp, here's her voice. I ❤️ T/ara S/trong.)
• Have they tried learning a new language? (Not really, but she would be delighted to learn if given the chance! If she did, she would have a really tough time at first with the new language, but she would get the hang of it over time.)
• How many languages do they know? (Only one, and it's English.)
• What is a song that will always make them cry? (This one. Tears of joy btw lol.)
• How do they cry? heaving? silently? sobbing? (All three, but it really depends on the situation.)
• How do they dress? for practicality or fashion? (I'll say practical since Clara wears pretty practical clothing.)
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• What is the first thing they notice about a stranger? (Their smile! [if they're smiling.] If not, then their face and demeanor.)
• What is their humour like? (Silly, goofy, and random lol.)
• do they have scars? what caused them? (She has zero scars.)
• do they wear jewelry? (During her shore trips, she wears the jewelries she discovers and advertises them at her knick knack stand at the town marketplace.)
• are they a frivolous spender or a miser? (FRIVOLOUS SPENDER. SHE LOVES TO SHOP, SHOP, SHOP! You could say she's "a bit" of a shopaholic lol.)
• do they prefer luxury or practicality? (Luxury can be nice and does have its perks, but she prefers practicality.)
• Who would they quote? (Tay/lor Swi/ft I think. 99% of her quotes are positive. This one would be her fav lol.)
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• what could make them change their mind? (Puppy dog eyes or treating her to something sweet lol. If you want a more serious answer, I say having a respectful conversation and finding common ground with her.)
• Who is the first person they'd call? (Scrolls weren't a thing back then, but if they were, I'd say her her ma / mother.)
• how are they around animals? do they have pets? (Clara exhibits kindness and love towards animals, and she has a blue jay palisman named Syrup as a pet.)
• What is their favourite childhood food? (Fairy fresh fairy bread lol. It's a very whimsical treat [it's sliced white bread slathered in butter and sprinkled with fairy dust] that Little Clara loved! She still loves it even as an adult.)
• what is something they've never told anyone? (Spoiler for "A Winsome Witch And A Happy Human".😭)
• childhood friends? (She had some! Can't go too into detail about them though cuz spoiler for "A Winsome Witch And A Happy Human".😭)
• what are habits they've picked up from other people? (Thanks to Caleb, Clara has become accustomed to carrying a carving knife with her.)
• what are their guilty pleasures? (I don't think she has any. If Clara likes something, she likes it and it doesn't cause her guilt. <3)
• what is something they're staunchly against? (The witch hunts that Caleb talked about that the humans in his realm engage in are definitely something she opposes.)
• do they speak a certain way? do they use contractions? popular turns of phrase? (She speaks normally. Also, she would use the popular phrases of her time.)
• can they fall in love? what does it look like? does it differ between people -- friends vs family? (Yes for the first question! She fantasizes about finding her one true love, so it's possible for her to fall in love and be in love lol. But the other stuff I can't answer cuz spoiler for "A Winsome Witch And A Happy Human".😭)
• what would they rather die than do? (Spoiler for "A Winsome Witch And A Happy Human".😭)
• what is their biggest mistake? one that they look out to never do again. (Spoiler for "A Winsome Witch And A Happy Human".😭)
Sorry to end on a 'sorry spoiler' text, but yeah. 😅
tagging @princessrainbowpastel (her oc is on @persephoneflowerpetals), @queenspinoodle, @elusive---ivory, @nightsoulvixen (her oc is on @rizzocloverrpcorner), and @azure-blaze92 (he / they have an oc here)
The tag is also open to anyone who wants to do this, and you don't have to answer these questions with an oc if you don't want to (you can use a canon character as well). 💖 💗 💕
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practically-an-x-man · 7 months
What are your OCs most petty pet peeves? The one thing that really shouldn't annoy them, but somehow it just drives them up the wall?
Oooooh good one!!
Rae: She knows they're just trying to help, but... when she's in a foreign country to learn a language, and the locals hear her struggle with the new language and end up switching to English. It's a nice thought, but she's there to learn and switching to English means she doesn't get experience with the new language
Robin: I don't know how petty this is since it's really a legitimate concern... but people who learn she reads lips and proceed to over-enunciate and speak at glacial speeds, which is just harder to make sense of.
Madison: Cannot stand people taking her food. She does not share food. She will make food for others, she loves to bake and give out treats, but there's no "can I have one of your fries?" or "you can try a bite of mine if I try a bite of yours". She knows it's silly, but she was food-insecure for a lot of years while living out in the woods, so she can't bring herself to surrender any part of a meal.
Ophelia: She gets annoyed with how often the news tries to rebrand her as "the new Doc Ock" - she avoided that mantle out of respect to her father, her hero name is Argonaut and has never been Doc Ock, but it's hard to keep the news from using it to stir up drama.
Jasper: Used to get really annoyed at people's reactions to their natural Cajun accent, even to the point that they dropped the accent most of the time - you're in New Orleans, people, you're going to hear some Cajun folks! And their accent does not make them any less professional than people with a more Northern accent!
Katherine: Generally, a lot of typical artist's pet peeves related to her sketchbook - don't ask her to draw you, don't flip through her sketchbook when she's showing off one drawing, don't look over her shoulder while she's working... art is a very personal, intimate thing, and a lot of people don't understand that.
Quinn: People correcting her when she mixes her metaphors - it's a running joke with Billy, but irritating when it comes from anyone else. That, or people going out of their way to "accommodate her" in a way that just becomes pushy, and less helpful than just leaving her alone.
Kestrel: It doesn't happen often, but people making up Latin names for flora and fauna just to sound intelligent. Mixing up a few similar-looking species (eg. Falco sparverius vs. Falco femoralis) is an honest mistake, but they've run into people who will straight-up make up lies on the spot just to impress their friends, and it really grates on them.
Eris: It's hard to seriously annoy them, since they really thrive on conflict, but I think they get really tired of people being ignorant about regionalities and the history of land - the Middle East is not just one big patch of desert, neither is Africa, they have distinct regional climates and cultures and it's rude to assume they're all the same. Eris in particular has been mistaken for just about every ethnicity under the sun, with how ambiguous and "cradle of civilization" they (as an immortal) look, so they've experienced this from a lot of different angles.
Nikoletta: Any sort of hovering, or people who invade her personal space. Even if they don't actually touch her, and even if she doesn't have to be cautious about her shadow-touch, it makes her anxious and uncomfortable - and especially if they're standing behind her and she can't quite see them. She even asks Abner to stand behind her when they're out somewhere (like waiting in line at a coffee shop), because she gets so uncomfortable with strangers being right behind her.
(I know most of these are like... actually legitimate things to be annoyed about, but it's hard to think of tiny petty things to have as pet peeves and have it still be interesting)
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Homestuck, page 2,343
Kanaya: Answer CA.
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Author commentary:
Get ready for this awful child. The obnoxious, romantically tragic, genocidal fuckboy of the group. It should be a familiar online archetype to most by now. Earlier I referred to Nepeta as being somewhat a writeup of the enthusiastic fandom type, which could be summarily branded as the "Tumblr fangirl." And in that sense, she reads as a less focused rough draft of Calliope, who brought more clarity to that role later. So thinking in those terms, you could also view Eridan as a writeup of the "4chan nastyboy," and therefore an unfocused draft of Caliborn, who similarly distilled that role. I think there's a lot to say about Eridan, particularly as a raw precursor to that villainous presence in the story later. I'll wait until he's on-screen before diving into that, though. Just setting up here! You've been warned.
The fact that Eridan's being so loose with strange romantic terms is how you know we're getting awfully close to the troll romance info dump. It's like a Geiger counter that's starting to beep like crazy. Eridan has something in common with Karkat in that he appears well versed in the subject of romance. Later we see that, even though they don't like each other much, they sort of act like "bros" when it comes to this subject. However, Karkat treats the subject more academically, with a sort of hobbyist's enthusiasm, and seems to carry a certain respect for the knowledge. Whereas Eridan clearly tries to exploit his knowledge of romance to his advantage, behaves manipulatively, sort of in the vein of a pickup artist (and a very unsuccessful one at that). We detect signs of this here. His entire scheme with the doomsday device appears to have more to do with roping Vriska into a blackrom relationship than it does with his interest in wiping out land dwellers (still a valid motivation, but secondary to his sad romantic pursuits). He also uses his romantic insights to manipulate people in other ways, even if he's not trying to court them. Like pinning Kanaya down as a natural auspistice and using it to get her to set him up with Vriska. Maybe even "mediate" between them, since that's what she apparently likes to do with Vriska anyway. In fact, the more you unpack what he's doing here, if you understand the ashen quadrant, the more it actually seems like he is hitting on Kanaya, with kind of a backdoor approach. He's proposing a menage-a-clubs, with him and Vriska. He literally never stops working all possible angles to fill his quadrants.
The only reason I made him say "powwwwoww" is because I wanted to type four w's in a row. This should be obvious to everyone. It's worth pausing here to behold how completely ridiculous Eridan's entire verbal existence is, when you take into account his silly double w/v quirk, which conveys an absurd "accent" of some sort, his run-on cadence, unyieldingly indignant tone, and colorful vocabulary that feels like a baffling mashup of pirate speak, soccer hooliganism, and the fuckboy joker always sliding into your DMs. His eclectic vocabulary and obsession with romance means that we suddenly get this whole rush of quadrant vernacular we hadn't heard before. Which is pretty intriguing on a worldbuilding basis, to start picking up how many average trolls probably allude to each other's romantic habits in casual conversation. Things like being "ruddy" for someone, or waxing this way or that. There's a whole manner of speaking about this stuff that can only be picked up through enough exposure to contextual banter.
Okay, "savvvvy" was just another excuse to type four v's in a row. Calling myself out here at every turn. "Being a kid and growing up. It's hard and nobody understands" is another Homestuck tagline. I'm just going to keep making note of these when I see them. They will always do one of the following: 1) reference dying too much 2) address the difficulties of growing up 3) involve the fact that nobody ever really knows what the hell is going on 4) insinuate in some way that I am a buffoon, a liar, a sadist, or a megalomaniacal genius, or 5) all of the above. In fact, this entire note can be a tagline too.
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sepyana · 1 year
Jjba Stardust Crusaders Ep. 9-15 thoughts
Ep. 9
It's a bit boring tbh. It's a Jotaro episode, and I'm gonna be honest, I don't think Jotaro can carry an episode by himself. He's fun when he is with the rest of the cast, but kind of boring otherwise? I don't really hate him or anything. I just wish a bit more out of his solo episodes
Yeah, there is also the Cherry thing. The end of the episode got me
Rest under the cut
Ep. 10
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Finally some good fucking conflict baby!! This is when Polnareff became a vivid character in my mind. Polnareff trying to fight the Hanged Man alone and Advol being the most upset by it the most makes sense for them. I guess Advol feels a bit betrayed because he has a lot of respect for the guy.
Polnareff gives a flimsy reason why him going alone is a good thing but you can tell later that he knows this is objectively the worse choice deep down, he is just too angry to care. Everyone knows this. Advol is the only one who thinks he can force him to not go (which does speak to his "holier than thou" additude a bit).
Later when Polnareff's arrogance bites him in the ass it's Advol who comes in to help him first. Polnareff saying this was to lecture him or prove him wrong is not entirely untrue. I'm sure that was a part of it. Ultimately though the main reason is because he doesn't wanna see him die. That's what I think, at least.
I was mad that they killed Advol early but I saw him in the thumbnail of some episodes later scrolling thru Netflix so uhh. We get to have more Advol later :D idk how tho.
This was around the time when I went in to check out the dub. I would have loved the dub for the first two parts if it weren't for the stupid. fucking. accents. This part doesn't have em. The dub's great y'all I reccomend it for sure. Also I swear I heard Advol's va somewhere else before.
Ep. 11
Another good episode for characterizetion, for Polnareff and Kakyoin this time. I'm glad the Joestars weren't in these episodes. Shrinking down the cast sometimes is good, builds their interpersonal relationships. One thing I'm worried about is how many Polnareff episodes we have gotten, I hope he doesn't die early.
Anyways, fight scenes were great. I especially like the shot where Polnareff gets his ass saved again. By Kakyoin this time.
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I like Kakyoin a lot in this episode. He is definitely the guy with the most emotional intelligence. Back and forth between him trying to talk some sense into Polnareff vs Hol and the Hanged man taunting him was good.
I also like how he waits to get out of danger before breaking Polnareff's nose. That's some emotional maturity right there.
Now that Polnareff has calmed down, we can focus on defeating the stand users again.
Kakyoin repeating Polnareff's linea to him when they cornered is nice. It reminds me of how he said "I don't really know why myself" when the crew asked why he wanted to join them. Fun little detail.
Another detail is the crowd's faces wehn Joseph and Jotaro find Advol's body. I couldn't find a good place to mention that.
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I should also mention Hol Horse. He is a cowboy. His stand is a gun. His last name is just Horse. When faced with the people he is suppose to kill he just runs away. He also steals the crew's car at some point. I would kill to see him and Dio interact. Truly one of the jjba characters of all time.
Ngl I ugly laughed at him running away at the end. They animated it so well too and for what.
Ep. 12
It was about time we got a Joseph episode.
Polnareff is tying to give Nena some advice about love and shit and he is just. not getting thru to her. This episode is when Polnareff officially became the silly one of the group.
I'm glad to see Joseph be his BT self again. Predicting people's lines and all. Sure, age has made him weaker (evenho he is still absolutely built), but it shouldn't make him stupider. I wish we saw his intelligence at play, outside of this episode.
Hermit purple is a cool stand and seeing it get utilized is always a treat.
This is the first time they show Hamon doesn't work on stands i think? I sort of assumed that was the case but this confirms it. Even with that, Hamon still has a lot of utility. It's weird to see Joseph not use it.
I guess the SPW foundation cleared his record after this. Honestly, I have no idea what they would to without it. Where would we be if it wasn't for Speedwagon's huge crush on Jonathan.
Ep. 13
This is one of my favourite "stand user of the day" episode so far. The stand is fucking sick, the group has good chemistry together. From Polnareff being and idiot to Jotaro and Kakyoin's banter.
My main complaint is that they brought the girl back. I sang praises about her earlier and they took that personally ig. She is only in this episode too. I just don't see the point. Did she need to have a crush on him? One thing I liked about her was seeing Jotaro interact with a stranger that 1. didn't try to kill him 2. Wasn't smitten by him. She leaves after this so it doesn't even matter tham much but y'know.
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Ep 14 and 15
I joked about the fog being a stand earlier i didn't think they'd actually go for it. It's definitely a creative one.
Is Polnareff not knowing the stand user and trying to befrend them gonna be a trend? I'm here for it 100%.
Something about Jotaro referencing Columbo delights me.
I don't have much to say about these two episodes. I found them pretty entertaining but not much to note about. Other than Polnareff licking the toilet.
And this is it i'm pretty sure. These take a lot of time to write but I like journaling my thoughts. Mostly for myself, aslo for my 3 mutuals.
We'll probably get a Kakyoin episode soon. He hasn't used his main stand ability at all since episode 2. I get why, but it's a bit of a shame.
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It's some sign of some level of mental disorder to be rereading Van Helsing's parts of Dracula with an eye towards his fucking grammar and trying to piece together if Stoker had any rules he followed when writing his speech patterns for writing fanfiction
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ganymedesclock · 2 years
Words are like rocks
I feel very bad about the way that language is often wielded with active cruelty (intellectual snobbery, prejudice against certain accents and dialects due to racism) or treated as inherently cruel because of those things (people that become hostile and presume you are mocking them the second that you use an unfamiliar word)
Aside from that there are a huge number of different fields that have a lot of complex concepts and benefit from having very specific language the way that a high-end wood shop benefits from having access to extremely specific tools, there are so many words out there that are just plain fun and this is the primary place I operate from.
Yes, as a writer who likes moody atmospheric stuff, gothic horror, and whooshy magic stuff, words like ephemera, antediluvian, and ecclesiastical are very useful in a pure mechanical things-go-brr manner but also they are terribly fun to say and read. I think we should enable people to feel excited and curious about new words, because really, the main reason people seem to be afraid of big words is feeling like they are some kind of test or demand that you meet them exactly where they already are with no respect to disability, language learning status, or just plain if you had the opportunity to run into it before.
At its worst, it's like seeing some guy in a comics store size up a shirt you're wearing for fun and quiz you on an obscure detail. I don't know, are you really smart if you don't know what "oneirocritical" means?
This is, of course, ridiculous. I do know what oneirocritical means, but it's not because I'm any smarter than anyone else. It's because I am reading a silly book about words written by someone who clearly likes to play around with them (The Horologicon, by Mark Forsyth, if anyone's curious). I just happened to be exposed to it, picked it up like a shiny rock, went "ooooh!" and put it in my pocket and sometimes to facilitate conversations or just for kicks I will show people the rock or put it in some art because I think it looks lovely.
Words, like rocks, are not that scary. They're quite ordinary and we are surrounded by them most of the time. We barely think about rocks. At this very moment you are almost certainly in range of at least one rock and the same can be said of words. You might think about them more if you have a disability or other life condition that causes you to think about them more, which makes them an obstacle or a hazard, or if you are parsing them differently.
Even the most boring and ordinary of rocks, however, have something twinkling and fascinating about them. They have interesting properties, history, chemical composition. You might pluck a lump of granite from a sidewalk- you're holding something that might be thousands of years old and forged in a volcano! There's no words we pulled from primal flame in that way, but even just within human history, every word we use has been tumbled forwards by some pretty incredible forces to get there.
There's no such thing as a completely, objectively boring rock. And I think there's no such thing as an objectively boring word.
Meanwhile, there's some rocks, and words, that are brandished at us with such an obvious air of demanded importance that it's hard to approach them at all. How do we feel about the Hope Diamond? Mt. Everest? Six Grandfathers? They just seem like monoliths in our world. It's hard to imagine that we as individuals have a human relationship with them, even if we can- a very tragic one in some of those cases.
So okay, language isn't some kind of perfect playground utopia. Some of the sharpest weapons we've used to cut people down have been words. There is a reason why one thing a lot of minorities ask of people is to watch their mouth a little, be careful about words, mindful of the weight and context.
But a rock is a rock is a rock. It is real. Just because it has the capacity to be thrown at your head or struck into you like a weapon doesn't mean that all rocks are evil and every instance of a rock is a threat. We can do many things with rocks to make them less threatening; split them, divide them, explore their pieces or the chemistry or history of them, put them on our shelves where they catch the light. We can attach new meaning to them.
The same is true with words. They have the capacity to have immense power. But also, far more often, they can just, exist, sitting there and waiting.
If you find an interesting rock somewhere on my blog, take it with you! Most search engines will give you the dictionary definition of a word entered as a search term (especially if you slap a handy "define:" in front of it) and I'm also happy to talk about why I use the words I do.
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disneydancepants · 3 years
Some thoughts on Descendants...
I have been watching this series way too much the last few months. It is legit my #1 guilty pleasure. But anyway, here are some thoughts I've wanted to get out... So let's go!
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I'm not going to do spoilers for the Wedding special, but the moment for Carlos made me fight back tears. RIP Cameron Boyce. On a separate note, I love that the Happy Madison crew dedicated Hubie Halloween to him too.
This is by far the campiest Maleficent, but it works? Even in the original, she was sadistically playful. She doesn't exude evil like she should, but I get they weren't going for a scary tone. The villains are all mostly shells of their former selves.
But what is going on with Jafar? He turned into the lamp salesman? And Jay acts way more like Son of Aladdin... Did Jafar lose everything, *and* somehow get stuck raising Aladdin's kid? That's the only way I can reconcile how un-Jafar this guy is.
Cruella is spot-on though. I don't even mind that they diversified her to match Carlos being biracial: the actress just nails it. I wish they'd given her a bigger role, or at least an appearance in the 3rd.
I hate that they just call Grimhilde "Evil Queen". She's also more like Mother Gothel, but I get that the Evil Queen was too evil/similar to Maleficent. I understand why they played up the vanity/silly angle.
Oof, Prince Adam/Beast is not a good actor... And he's kinda a dick to Belle. I wish Prince Ben had been given a French name. I'm an etymology nerd, y'all. Prince Beau, maybe?
The limo scene kind of bothers me. Is it that the Isle of the Lost does have candy, just not chocolate and peanut butter? Mal stole that lollipop from the baby earlier. This is making me think too hard.
I read on reddit or somewhere that the VKs are named after their parents to reflect the narcissism of the Villains. I guess not Carlos/Cruella, but Mal/Maleficent, Evie/Evil Queen, and Jay/Jafar. I guess from that angle, Beau/Belle wouldn't really work.
So did Cinderella spoil her kid and never make him do a chore in his life? Why was she such a bad parent? Apparently Aurora and Phillip were bad moms and dads too? I do like that it fits into the series' overall theme though: your parents don't define you.
It's actually really sad when you think about how emotionally abusive the Villain parents are... Mal is treated like a tool for Maleficent's schemes, Evie is pressured to act like a shallow bimbo instead of showing how smart and kind she is, Carlos is Gothel-ed (stay with mummy or else evil fanged creatures will murder you!), and Jay... I really don't think Jafar is his dad. 😆 Aladdin must have had an affair with Jafar's sister or something, and Jafar is forced to raise the kid.
I do wish though... Why didn't they use canonically diverse characters instead of race-bending? Where is Tiana's kid? Pocahontas? Esmeralda? Jasmine? Kronk or Yzma? Yeah, there aren't a huge amount to choose from...
I do enjoy how they seem to have cast the main cast first, and then changed Cruella/Ursula/Queen Leah/Lady Tremaine to match the actors of the kids. That feels like a cool and respectful way to diversify the Disney cast, imo.
Who is Evie's dad? I think Sofia Carson is latinx, so my head-canon suspects Ernesto de la Cruz. Who is Carlos's dad? What about Uma's dad? We find out Mal's parents, at least. And I've already told you what I think about Jay.
I was shocked to find out that Harry Hook's accent is real. I 100% thought it was fake. He must be trying to do a pirate voice or something...
I wish Wicked World was canon. I can't make it fit in my head though. CJ Hook should have had a cameo in Uma's crew. And Frederique Facilier should have at least been mentioned...
Does anyone else wonder what the backstories are of some of the extras? Do you think they were given them or made them up?
I guarantee the extras in Uma's crew argued. "I'm son of Jack Sparrow." "No, I'm son of Jack Sparrow!". "Guys, guys... We can *all* be Jack Sparrow's kids. We know he got around."
Chad Charming acts more like he's Son of Gaston. Gaston's kid acts more like Kronk. Harry Hook also seems like he should be Jack Sparrow's kid.
So is Ursula still huge? Was she resurrected the same size as when she died? Because that tentacle is big.
Why isn't Hades bald? He should be bald, not... Whatever that hair is. His actor both looks and sounds like Michael Keaton Jr. Tell me I'm wrong.
He might not nail Hades overall, but the actor has angry Hades perfected. I don't remember where, but there's a point that he sounds exactly like James Woods (voice of Hades) when he's yelling.
...What is going on with Smee's kids? Isn't Mr. Smee just old? I never thought he was albino.
Dr. Facilier is actually a good dad? That's sweet. It's too bad they didn't pay to get Keith David, but this actor is a good stand-in.
Anyone else ship Jay with Son of Gaston? Apparently Harry Hook kissed Son of Gaston (I can't remember his name) in a deleted scene of the 2nd movie. I read Harry and Jay as bi, personally. Jay and Son of Gaston are really cute together! I see them as more than "bros" at the end.
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I really wish the VK parents made a cameo at the end with Hades, Facilier, and Tremaine. Carlos makes it sound like at least Cruella is going to show up, but she doesn't. That actress was so good!
Beast Ben is 2cringe4me...
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PBJ is his fave tho
I actually do like that awkward dork though. He has a good heart.
What happened to Lonnie after D2? She never gets even mentioned again?
Ugh, I just can't Doug's hair in D3. He doesn't pull it off. I hate how he became a possessive dweeb after the first movie too. I liked him better as a sweet and awkward dweeb. Put your glasses back on!
Also, the thought of Dopey having a kid is traumatizing.
And why isn't Melody, daughter of Ariel and Eric, a character? Zephyr, son of Esmeralda and Phoebus? Cassandra, daughter of (spoiler)?
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