#like u.. yah….!!!!! holding everyone at arm’s length lately . that’s ok i think. just what feels right
julykings · 2 years
is anyone thinking about me right now? as i lie here dizzying myself with a bitter IPA and not responding to a single text. at a certain point you get tired of men you’ve never met telling you what they want to do to you. if it’s not singing like a bird i don’t want to hear it. or helping me with dishes or coming up with new names for colors. of course i want touch. as much as i want, sometimes, to jump in the lake with my phone in my pocket. to lie on a big boulder by the lake next to him and feel his big hand against my thigh. there’s something so romantic about the neck of a beer bottle. or i’m just watching too many movies, lying about myself to seem cooler. really what i’d love is to open my eyes underwater and see you there. resting down at the bottom with the broken glass, or in a nice world with the trusting crayfish crawling over your knees. i’d never tell you this is about you. just like i wait a day to text you back. i keep it down like foam.
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lobotomiez · 6 years
ok i was trying to avoid this but ive been tagged for it like 6 times i dont even remember everyone who tagged me
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
1. drink water
2. phone call my friend eden bc joya and i went outside but she didnt have her swipe card to get back inside and i dont have access to their dorm so i called eden to come let us in but she didnt actually need to bc some ppl came by and opened the door
3. text message one of these 🙌🏻 to my class group’s chat abt our paper
4. song you listened to “my old ways” by dr. dog
5. time you cried WATCHING LOVE, SIMON
6. dated someone twice? not even once
7. kissed someone and regretted it no ive only kissed 2 friends when we were drunk
8. been cheated on nope
9. lost someone special not,, really? ive lost ppl but i wouldnt call them special
10. been depressed lol
11. gotten drunk and thrown up yeeah only once tho i think?
fave colours
12. peach
13. forest green
14.  probably lavender
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends uhh i think so?
16. fallen out of love nope
17. laughed until you cried yah
18. found out someone was talking about you nope
19. met someone who changed you i guess so 
20. found out who your friends are yeah
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list not in the last year
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl all...
23. do you have any pets my kitty!
24. do you want to change your name no
25. what did you do for your last birthday uh.. i think nothing.. one of my friends brought me an arizona and stopped by for like 5 mins.. at least i think that was my last birthday?
26. what time did you wake up today first alarm went off at 9:00 but i didnt get up until 9:36 or so and then was late to class but the professor was later so it didnt even matter 
27. what were you doing at midnight last night probably sleeping
28. what is something you can’t wait for spRING BREAK IM GONNA GET A TATTOO IN SEATTLE AND HANG OUT W JOYA AND EDEN!!!!
30. what are you listening to right now ladada by dr. dog !
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom uhh my cousin’s name is thomas does that count?
32. something that’s getting on your nerves my finger wouldnt stop bleeding so i put a bit of tissue and tape on it and its kinda annoying in a more general sense my skin is annoying as hell these days its so dry on the lower half of my face but kinda oily on the top and im breaking out rly bad rn!! even tho im on an acne med!!
33. most visited website probably this hellhole
34. hair color boring brown
35. long or short hair short but im gonna grow it out to a bob length which is still short but long for me
36. do you have a crush on someone idk if its a crush but i think this guy in my music class is really cute his name is sam
37. what do you like about yourself uhhh not a lot my guy but i guess my music taste
38. want any piercings? i would love a bunch of ear piercings all over and maybe a lip piercing 
39. blood type red
40. nicknames uhh none exactly one (1) person is allowed to call me tess and its None of u
41. relationship status single and unloveable 
42. zodiac gemini
43. pronouns they/them or she/her irl 
44. fave tv shows its always sunny in philadelphia, the office, psych, monk, i also rly like ap bio so far idk if its a fav yet but i enjoy it 
45. tattoos soon!!!! it’ll be a hand holding a flower
46. right or left handed right but i can do stuff w my left too 
47. ever had surgery uhh wisdom teeth
48. piercings norm ear piercing and septum 
49. sport what the fuck is a sport
50. vacation i went to the netherlands and then germany in like 2013 that was really fun 
51. trainers shoes? i almost exclusively wear boots namely my docs or converse or birks if its warm out
more general
52. eating nothing rn but i just had dinner which was a sad tasteless pad thai, broccoli, a slice of pizza, an eggroll, and some cereal (welcome to college) 
53. drinking water
54. i’m about to watch probably something on youtube but i also need to look at the course schedule for next semester bc i have an advising  meeting tmrw and i have no clue what i want to take 
55. waiting for ?? spring break
56. want a slushee sounds so good rn
57. get married yeah probably
58. career a psychiatrist hopefully or something similar
which is better
59. hugs or kisses i love hugs but i also havent had a Real kiss so idk but also im weird abt mouth hygiene so there are very few ppl id be ok w kissing so anyway hugs i guess
60. lips or eyes uhhh both? nice lips are important if ur gonna be kissin em
61. shorter or taller i dont care actually
62. older or younger this question is creepy, cancelled
63. nice arms or stomach all arms are nice and all tummies are nice
64. hookup or relationship relationship
65. troublemaker or hesitant usually hesitant but i can be a troublemaker if im in the right mood
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger lol no
67. drank hard liquor helllll yeah
68. lost glasses dont wear them but never lost sunglasses or anything
69. turned someone down yeah
70. sex on first date lmao
71. broken someones heart i highly doubt it 
72. had your heart broken nope
73. been arrested no
74. cried when someone died yeah,,,
75. fallen for a friend nno
do you believe in
76. yourself lmao
77. miracles no,, i believe some wild shit happens coincidentally??
78. love at first sight i mean u could be attracted to someone at first sight and then fall in love w them if u develop a relationship w them but its not love if u’ve never even talked to them
79. santa claus i wish
80. kiss on a first date ??? how does one “believe in” this it either happens or it doesnt 
81. angels nah 
82. best friend’s name emma + a lot of others i consider best friends
83. eye colour brown/hazel
84. fave movie oh shit,, maybe love, simon 
85. fave actor hhh... charlie day??
i tag whoever wants to do this bc its rly fuckin long
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kpop4dummies · 7 years
Hi! Could I request a Ikon reaction/scenario (whatever format u prefer 😊) to them confessing to their friend? - like if they would plan everything or if they would just randomly say it or would it be when they're drunk - like the situation and what would they say! *sorry if it's too specific!* really like ur blog 💕 thank u 🌼
I never realized how long these ones could be and I accidentally made mini scenarios but oh well :,) And I swear I wasn’t being biased towards anyone, I worked from top to bottom all day so the length of every member became longer as I got closer and closer to the maknaes :,( – As usual, I hope you enjoy :D - Fay
Jinhwan is a romantic, honestly. But he’s a pretty casual guy. He would plan his confession for sure, but it would be a simple one. It a night where all the boys are out somewhere and you just happened to be free that night. Of course, he would invite you over to the dorms to eat some ramen and watch a drama series with him. How could you say no? Of course, you come over comfortable and ready to sit on the floor. As the drama started, you noticed that it was your favorite romantic comedy where it got steamy at times. It sometimes even made you flustered just watching it. How did he know it was your favorite drama? Who even knew that you watched this? As you turned to ask him, he was staring at you with a small smile starting to pull on the corner of his lips. “How did I know?” *nod* “Well, if I recall correctly, a little birdie told me that you had a crush on me. But wanna know what else?” “What is it?” “I like you too, ____.” The expression on your face said it all. You were a blushing mess, covering yourself up from him as he chuckled and reached over to remove your hands from over your face. And there it was, he gave you a simple kiss on the lips. As much as you wanted to pull away, you lingered longer. And soon enough, you felt his hands travel to your waist, wrapping his arms around you as he pulled away. “So, how about we reenact the scenes from the drama hm?” oh my god i’m so inlove with this concept tho so simple and ifalwirhbvfqherjb
Yunhyeong strikes to me as an unusual confessor. He would try to find all the unique and kinda weird ways to confess his crush on you. He was 100% ecstatic to find that you felt the same way about him. And so, the way he confessed to you was time consuming, but it was all worth it. It was maybe about ten days before your birthday and everyday leading up to your birthday, there was a random bouquet of flowers along with a card that said a sweet poem on it (things like the “roses are red, violets are blue. even if it’s winter, these flowers bloom beautifully like you” sappy shit). The card would even countdown on the days to your birthday at the top, but it would never have a name on it. But on the day of your actual birthday, there was no bouquet but card that gave you a location for your birthday dinner. It wasn’t a place you recognized as you searched it up. So instead, you went off to the restaurant. It seemed so pricey and expensive, who is even able to afford all of this for you? It’s your special day after all, as one would say. But you noticed that the mysterious person wasn’t there as you gave a name to a hostess who didn’t recognize the name in the reservations, but offered to reserve a table. The person left a phone number on the card, recognizing that this was Yunhyeong’s phone. And so, you called the number, tapping your foot as you waited for the line to connect. Just as it connected, Yunhyeong came through the door, a bouquet in hand with his other holding the phone close to his ear. He was smiling widely at you and as he held the phone close to his ear. “Hey ____?” “Huh?” “I really like you.” And to say the least, that was the best birthday ever.
Bobby is the type to just say it when he feels it’s right. The mood doesn’t have to be romantic or “perfect”, but when it’s the right timing. After a long and absolutely horrid day at work/school, you just wanted to stay home and rest up trying not to write an angry email, worst Friday ever. However, Jiwon wanted to change that. It was starting to get dark that day, but you got comfortable and walked over to meet him at a random corner of the park. You two started to just take a walk, talking about the day you’ve had and why it sucked. It eventually went off to going to convenience stores and snacking on whatever you bought to walking in the streets of the city, screaming and having fun like you were back in high school. By the time the fun started dying out, it was late, maybe 4 am. You took a train home, and luckily there was no one else in the car with you. You were half asleep on the ride home trying not to fall asleep on the bench, seeing as Jiwon is still clearly awake. He wasn’t trying to keep you awake at all, instead holding you up against his shoulder so you wouldn’t bang your head against the glass. He wouldn’t even hesitate to compliment how pretty you looked falling asleep. “____, how dare you look so beautiful.” “What do you mean…” “You being half asleep is the cutest thing in the world.” “So am I not cute when I’m not half-asleep?” “You’re more than just cute, ____. You’re smart too. And pretty hot.” “Jiwon!” He would only chuckle, giving you a kiss on the temple of your head. “I really like you so much, ____. You know that?” OK I MADE THIS MORE INTO A DATE THING THAN CONFESSION BUT OH WELL KIM JIWON 
Hanbin is the type to have it all planned out and delicately placed, until he got drunk off his ass one night. He has this perfect and romantic confession for you that would have you blown off your own two feet. And then he saw you with a guy on the streets, holding his hand and giving him so much affection. Now don’t get me wrong, he isn’t the person who drinks his problems away. It just happens to be that on the night out with the boys, there was alcohol and one thing happened after another and there you are, carrying him to your apartment alone while everyone else was having fun. Not that you didn’t mind carrying him home, but it didn’t help your case that he was swearing someone off while mumbling. Finally in your living room, you dropped him onto the couch and got up to wash up and get ready for bed. But Hanbin’s grip on your waist didn’t let up, he kept you tight around him. “Hanbin, I need to pee.” “I don’t care, I won’t let you go~” “You will if I call the police.” “Yeah right, jagi~” “What?” “Wait, ____. We’re not even together yet!” He at the time would drunkenly confess to you, how jealous of how close you are to that guy on the street earlier, and soon enough he passed out on your couch. The next morning, he had a painful hangover and attempted to go home before he saw you. Until you came into the living room and took care of him. “So, you accidentally confessed while drunk last night.” “What? No! This wasn’t how it was supposed to go! I had everything planned out!” “Calm down, you might give yourself another headache.” “Yah yah, whatever…” He would let you do your thing, sitting in silence. It became a little awkward as there was no noises, except for the A/C that would try to break the silence. He finally spoke up as you finished up. “Listen, ____. I really like you. I didn’t mean to tell you all those things last night. Do you still like me even after seeing me that way?” “Do you think I would be doing this if I didn’t like you? Of course I do! I was only waiting for you to say that you felt the same.”
Donghyuk is also another accidental confessor. Only because you were being sneaky as hell. He did have a big fat crush on you. He liked you alot. But he didn’t plan to confess to you or anything, he just thought that he wouldn’t have any chance on asking you out. Your favorite hobby to do with him was watching movies until the crack of dawn. He invited you over to the dorm to watch a couple movies with him since he hasn’t seen them in awhile. And who were you to say no? Movie marathons were the best with him since he gave the best cuddles and made the best movie snacks. As usual, you went off into the dorms in the most comfortable outfit in your whole closet and sat on the couch next to him as he started up the discs. The movies would be romcom or horror to drama and indie. And the final one he set up was your favorite romantic-comedy indie movie, something like Juno. You wanted to stay up and watch it for the upteenth time, yet you fell asleep with his arms wrapped around your waist as you laid your body ontop of his. He didn’t realize you two were in the position until the movie started to roll up it’s ending credits. But he didn’t pull away, instead he sunk into the comfortable position and held you even tighter. He started to even talk to himself. “Gosh ____. Why do you do this to me? Why are you so pretty. I wish you can see me he way I see you. Argh, I like you so much… Why is it so hard to even tell you that.” “Well you just said it.” “Huh?! You were awake?” He thought he was alone, he didn’t realize that you were awake this whole time. Then suddenly it would sink in that he was unintentionally confessing to you, making him go into a bit of a panic. “You must’ve heard me…” “Yeah, I did.” “I had to sound like a lovesick idiot. I didn’t mean for it to go that direction.” “If you think you sound like an idiot, you should hear me talk about you. And you wanna know something?” “What is it,” he asked with a small smile tugging at his lips, desperate to match the happy and sheepish expression on your face. “I like you too, Donghyuk. Alot.” Watching Juno or The Perks of Being A Wallflower with Donghyuk would be amazing as he held me ugh i’m in love
Junhoe is someone to plan out a date, but he didn’t plan to confess his crush on you. It’s kinda hard for him to show off his feelings, he’s just that way. Which is why his confession is difficult for him to get out. Junhoe really likes you, he just really struggles to find the words for it. And so, he proposed an idea that you two drive out to the woods and just sit and look at the stars (let’s pretend he knows how to drive ok calm tf down). The drive was pretty quiet on his end, but he loved hearing you talk about your day. He loved the sound of your voice and how you emphasized words to make your point. He found it adorable. Once finding the spot in the woods where there was a clearing, he parked the car in the center, helping you get out of the car before he sat on the hood. But not before turning the stereo and playing a CD he made the night before. It was compiled with all your favorite love songs, a couple of his own, and some slow edm/vaporwave-ish kind of music. Sitting on the hood of course you observed the stars that sprinkled the dark blue sky and the moon that hid behind the tall tree tops. It was so dark, but at the same time was illuminated. But the night would not be complete if there wasn’t an intellectual conversation about the moon or why we contemplate existence. Everything was so perfect to him, but atlast. You started falling sleep on the hood as the deep, thumping bass and calm melody and harmonies lulled you to sleep. Junhoe had no choice but to carry you into the car himself, buckling you up and shutting the door so he could drive you home. All he was left with was the CD and your soft snoring sounds. He admired you in your sleep. He thought you were so beautiful. As he pulled up into the drive way of your house, he turned to look at you, still peaceful in your sleep. But it didn’t take long for you to wake up as he shook you and told you to get up. And as you woke, you realized his face was so close to yours, his hand grabbing gently at your shoulder with his breath brushing down your neck. He looked so perfect just staring at you. But even what happened next surprised you and him both. Your lips touched, and you lingered longer there as the music played throughout the speakers of the car softly. The only time he pulled away was just to say, “Why am I so in love with you? I like you so much, ____…” so hella detailed and shit i’m weak for this 2000 highschool movie concept it fits him so well for me idk what this is
Chanwoo is a shy boy and is most likely not much of the romantic type. He knows nothing of seducing or anything like that, especially to his crush who is his best friend. But he does have his own charms, and that’s what makes his confession so special. He would probably go to the park and just lay there as he thought intellectually. Like what would happen if he just man up and confessed to you. Or what would life be like if he didn’t and let you be with another person. He was deep in his own world that he wouldn’t even notice you rolling under the tree with him, poking at him and giving him a wide smile. When he did notice, he would be pretty shocked. “Oh my god! _____, when did you get here?” “Question is, why are you here? Shouldn’t you be with the boys?” “Why, can’t a guy just go to the park and relax?” “Not if the guy was as tall as that tree.” He would take this time to talk to you, what were you up to, what assignments you finished up at work/school, what was the latest topic of drama and gossip. After all, he wanted to know that you were doing ok and you were fine and well. But as he listened, his own thoughts over powered your voice. As he got absorbed in his own world, you noticed and tried to get his attention. Everything from playful nicknames to pokes on his arm or stomach. “Yah! Jung Chanwoo, you still there?” “…Huh?” “What’s up with you? You seem to be bothered by something.” “It’s nothing, I promise.” “The ‘I promise’ doesn’t sound promising. C’mon, I won’t judge you for anything. I’m your best friend for a reason” He wouldn’t even know what to do in this situation, he would just bite his lip in hopes that you didn’t notice anything. Now that you saw him nervous, he can’t hide it anymore. He saw this as a chance of now or never. “Well… I was thinking about you.” “… Keep going?” “_____, I think I’m in love with you?” Your eyes widened. You couldn’t say anything or even move from your spot on the grass. “I knew I shouldn’t have said anything.” “How come I didn’t know?” “Well,think about it this way. Would you tell your crush you liked them?” “I would now that he’s made the first move.” “…Huh?” “You idiot, I like you too. I always have. I mean, isn’t it pretty obvious?” “Not really, you’re pretty expressionless~” “And you say you like me, hehe~” Of course, even if he was your crush, the best friend vibe was still there. But what made it the best feeling in the world is that he liked you as much as you liked him. If love was a drug and this is what it felt like, you would be stuck on it. THIS ONE IS SO LONG SO MUCH DIALOGUE HOLY SHIT
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