#like we aren't in posession of our body at all
wanderingpeonies 28 days
why is my brain . like this
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my last post had me thinking about how autistic people have so much religious trauma or js rejection to religion in some way. and while recounting my experience, i came to a realization: autistic people are demonized by radical religious people. not just cults, but people who follow christianity. these christians arent your usual accepting loving christians- im talking about the bible thumper christians that take everything out of context. they believe "oh well hey look! if god doesnt make imperfection, and people are born with autism, and autism is an imperfection, then god didnt make autistic people and theyre all born evil!" they also use that for other disabilities from birth. autistic behaviors are also different from most people without it so there have been radical christians who believe we're possessed. just because a three year old with a developmental disorder likes to stack their toys instead of playing with them. or because the kid is five and still only says three phrases. (ive heard one of these radical religious ableists talk about "muted spirits" and demon posession or whatever.) our brains are sensitive to loud noises which churches have a lot of and we are sensitive to flourescent overhead lighting which also makes them think we're evil. "they cant stand light! theyre demons!" did we say we need everything dark? no just not too bright. neurotypical people with migraines have the same sensitivity and don't get the same ableism for it all the time if they do. our brains just are wired differently. usually its genetic, and genetic mutations are usually caused by environmental factors. do these people ever consider that autism could be caused by exposure to pollution while the mom is pregnant or while the baby is still in the first year of life? no, they choose to believe we're inherently born evil. and if we arent facing the "you were born this way. thats bad" view, we're faced with the "autism isnt real. its just demons" view as done by a pastor rick morrow of beulah church in richland, missouri. he said "my god doesnt make junk" referring to us as junk. and saying hes done prayers that healed autism. i also read lots of autistic athiests posts, and thats how i realized. autistic non-evangelicals hate god because they think He hates them, causing them to be unsure about the world and/or use athiesm as a coping mechanism. i believe in freedom of religion, this isnt about forcing athiests to be christian or vice versa. this is about how religion is being used as a tool for abuse and ableism. autistic people aren't born evil, and they don't rebel against god until theyve been hurt by religion. radical christians are something wrong with this country- they spread hate, they gaslight minorities including mentally disabled people, theyre ableist, and theyre homophobic and transphobic. they hate anyone that isnt superior, meaning they only like white able bodied able minded people. i could go on and on about how radical christians especially how theyve hurt autistic people and i might add to this with more rants.
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sophieinwonderland 2 years
I don't believe that a label should fit one definition to be useful to everyday use, because all the experiences are inherently unique.
With that being said, the label monoconscious is very important to me because it allows us to express the way our system functions (being non-posessive switches with all of us sharing a single consciousness that is not separated by amnesiac barriers), without painting the system as specifically traumagenic, such as the case with OSDD and P-DID, which also feature those experiences. (/nm on all of the above)
- Garret.
Part of my confusion with this term is the idea of what only having one consciousness means. What's this always implied to me was a lack of two-way communication, since there would only be one headmate being conscious at a time. But I also see many systems which say they're monoconscious while having strong internal communication with each other.
The most common thing I see in the definition is that switching feels more like the becoming someone else instead of someone else taking control... but I suspect this may be just a mental framing for your experiences, rather than those experiences actually being functionally different. Before I was self-aware, we felt more like my host became me rather than me being someone separate who was gaining control of the body. After I became self-aware, this framing shifted even though the mechanisms stayed largely similar. (One thing that caused this shift in framing was that we made an effort to project my host outside of the body when we switched, where I used to just walk into the body with him still inside.)
Because of the way muscle memory works and the fact that the body has its own unconscious responses, switching to some systems may be interpreted as becoming someone else, while it may be interpreted by others as someone else taking control. Or it may be interpreted as anything in between.
Basically, I think there are probably a lot of monosconscious systems and polyconscious systems who are experiencing the same exact things but might just be interpreting those experiences in different ways. Some interpret their switches as possession, some as becoming, but they both have the same exact amount of consciousness.
But other systems seem to use monoconscious to refer to systems that aren't able to act in the innerworld while polyconscious systems would be ones that have incredible parallel processing abilities and can reportedly have headmates in the inner world leading complex lives that the fronting headmates don't know about.
All in all, I support people using whatever terms that benefit them to describe their experiences. If this terminology suits you, go for it! 馃憤
I just don't think this one is particularly descriptive or useful for communicating with others if, when I get an ask about wanting help going from a monoconscious system to a polyconscious system, I have to ask what they think those terms mean because different systems use them in such very different ways.
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calicoquiltedtranshag 9 months
i'm sorry babe, i just don't get it. you're the one that wanted the "mature mommy gf" so you're gonna have to explain this to me. so they're ninjas made out of legos? doesn't that break the immersion for you? aren't there better cartoons that aren't legos? can't you just watch naruto or something? ...please, just explain the ninjago lore to me again. i'm just not getting it.
I've watched Naruto - I'm good with Naruto! Love the guy.
Here's the thing though - this gal has never had a good time relating to human characters. I just don't. I do my best but I am just - I am not good with folks and I think that translates into how I consume media.
The fact that they're lego doesn't break the immersion - it makes it heckin better. Suddenly I've got a world to think up. How do they survive when they only have two digits? What are their customs, their traditions - what kind of food do they make in a lego world? Boundless questions! Boundless answers - and there are, because Ninjago kinda...goes off. There are answers to questions you never would have thought of. It goes places you wouldn't think it would.
It's naruto but made to sell toys
Okay, so:
ORIGINALLY you've got these two brothers at the so-called beginning of time. Wu and Garmadon. There's these four weapons that embody the elements fire, ice, storm, and earth. It's impossible to posess all four bc like - you only gots two hands. HOWEVER! Were one to do so, there is...a vague promise of ultimate power!
But Wu and Garm are good kids. They don't wanna do anything like steal divine power.
Also their dad is a master of a lego martial art called spinjitzu. Which is - you spin around a lot. Idk. Both the brothers learn it and they're super heckin good at it.
At some point Garm gets bitten by a snake god their dad defeated and is infected with a venom of True Evil - which starts to corrupt him. He gets the idea of forging all the elemental weapons into one - a weapon of ultimate elemental power!
(Also side note uh there is a whole civilization that is only *ambiguously* evil that their dad sealed away along with their god and its kinda fucked up)
To note: There is a good Garm in there, but this venom's some brethren moons type shit. Twists your perspective so that you'll think you're in the right even as you're doing some heinous shit. He has a son and wife btw.
Wu stops him and kicks him into hell.
It does some wacky things to his body. He makes some skeleton friends and plans to return to the land of the living and take over the world.
Backstory over - ONTO THE SHOW!
There's four main dudes. Kai, Jay, Cole, and Zane. Kai is...a blacksmith's son if I remember? He's got a sister named Nya who's super badass. Jay is the son of junkyard machinists, Cole is the youngest of like...8? I think his brothers run a barbershop quartet barbershop?? Zane is a robot but we don't find that out for a looooooong time. When we first meet him he's just funky and also an orphan.
They all end up at Wu's house. Cole, Jay, and Zane are looking for a purpose. Kai is there because servants of Garm took his sister to use as a human sacrifice - a life for a life. Wu starts to train them spinjitzu, there's a buncha wacky hijinks regarding skeletons, shit gets fucked, shit gets unfucked, Nya is saved, fuck yeah.
One of the skeleton bros has four arms and holds all four weapons - and implodes into superhell. Garm goes into the superhell portal and is like "I'll see you later - BROTHER!" to Wu and then jumps in. We don't see him for a bit.
Also I think there are dragons in there somewhere I kinda forget when/where that arc happened.
FAST FORWARD and there are rumors of GARM REAPPEARING OOOOOOO spooky - our heroes head over to see and it turns out it's his kid, Lloyd Garmadon.
Makes me wonder if Lord is Garmadon's first name. Totally possible in this reality. Fucked up.
Annnnyways Lloyd is threatening to bring back that sealed culture of snake-people because everyone treats him like shit; because his dad is Lord Garmadon, ruler of darkness, the widowmaker, the man with a thousand deaths to his name, so on and so forth.
The Ninja kinda joke around, don't take him seriously, and leave.
So Lloyd, true to his word, goes and summons the Serpentine, the lost civilization.
As it turns out - they're all super cool. There's a bunch of Serpentine nations with specific traits that they're all proud of - and each nation has been sealed in a different vault. Also if you're bitten by one you start to become a serpentine. Also there's a sacred flute that can reverse this and was used to seal the Great Evil Serpent Guy.
So there's about four years of snake people content. Great stuff tbh. There's a lot about the ninja being super arrogant due to their win over Garm and it bites them in the ass every time. Kai is obsessed with being the main character (he's not, his sister is lol) which is shattered when he realizes his sister has secretly been kicking snake ass behind his back - and picking up the ninja's slack. With less collateral damage. Also the Serpentine have an entire self-contained political B plot wherein they try to leverage Lloyd to do...something. I forget. They betray Lloyd eventually (he's been styling himself as Lord Garmadon, ruler of the Serpentine and they get sick of it) and the Ninja take him in and apologize for being a buncha dicks.
There's a worldwide chase, Nya builds a flying dragon ship, the snakes get a snake helicopter, hijinks ensue.
Then the snakes win.
They summon the Great Devourer (name of the snake god) back into reality, and he starts doing his thing. Y'know, bringing about a new age of the serpentine, killing people, wrecking havoc, the usual for a primordial being of chaos. Our ninja have not learned at all from their experiences and get walloped due to their arrogance.
LLOYD HOWEVER goes through a MASSIVE character arc where he realizes
1) Fuck I'm like 15 and I may have caused the end of the world
2) Oh my god I treat everyone like an asshole
3) Oh my god my family is full of assholes
4) I have to be different ASAP.
There's this legend of a "green ninja" who will save everybody - kai thinks its him (because he's an idiot) but Lloyd puts in the work, goes off on his own, and gets the blessing of a green dragon.
Which ages him forward ten years legend of zelda style. He is there to face off against the great devourer as the Green Ninja with Green Ninja powers -
And fails because he is an untrained 15 year old in a grown man's body that he's had for like - two minutes.
As the Great Devourer readies to consume the world, with Lloyd as its first target, a shadowy portal appears...
AND GARM DROPS OUT OF THE SKY WITH FOUR FUCKING ARMS HOLDING THE FOUR SACRED WEAPONS AND STABS IT IN THE HEAD. With a huge gush of venomous blood the Great Devourer writhes in its death throes. Garm is back, he wants his son to be under his wing, and he promises a new age of darkness, now that he has defeated his only competition.
I kinda stopped watching after this bc I couldn't stand Kai but my brother's really liked it - tbh I think it's p neat.
0 notes
hollyhomburg 2 years
Ok so imagine this. Jin finally has his pups but the question is who has the lactation kink??? 馃憖馃憖 I need to know for science
(tw: nipple play? lactation kink? kinda refrenced pup-space? or at least a super submissive headspace in hobi) i think that they'd probably experiment before any of the omegas had pups tbh, because like- even women who don't have kids AND cis men can actually lactate irl, i think the ones most likely to have the kink are jinnie himeself, namjoon, and our little pup hobi 馃槍 i'm not going to write about canonical little hobi in bily at all- but i think he could be- i think he'd really like being called 'pup' and being super super babied,
idk why and like- obviously the m/c is below hobi in the hierarchy, but i love the idea of the m/c in omegaspace and hobi wandering into her little special single person nest that namjoon got her as a courting present, tucking himself into the corner because today was stressful and he got /yelled/ at the flower shop and he's just, he's feeling extra soft and pupish around the edges,
and of course the m/c is in omegaspace, makes grabby hands at him and pulls him in when he shows up, and she needs an alpha in her nest even hobi is enough (he's always enough for the omegas) and he needs the touch of an omega to settle his head but neither jinnie or kookie is home. and it's exactly what he needs.
the m/c pulling him in and nestling him all close, his little sniffles that would break her little heart and make her omegaspacy body whine listlessly- because unhappy pups aren't meant for nests 馃ズdoes that mean her nest isn't good enough to make hobi-puppy happy???
just imagine both of them small and soft and tucked in until they fall asleep, only to wake up to one of the doms watching them with keen posessive eyes. maybe it's jimin running his fingers through hobi's hair softly, murmuring, "oh pup, did you get a little needy when we wheren't home? Needed an omega to cuddle. and something for your cute little mouth to suck on?"
and he'd just let out a small "sorry alpha, needed something soft" and it would only be after a few blinks that yeah- he'd wake up and realize that he's been face first in her tiddies for a few hours. the m/c whineing and trying to tug him back when he leans away. but hobi would be WAY too shy to suckle outside of that sensitive puppy headspace~
i bet the others would even tease him about it a little later, asking to see the m/c's cute nipples, a little swollen and extra sensitive from hobi's attention for a few hours. and he'd just squirm while they would say lewd things like "wow you must have really been sucking to get her this senstivie hobi" "if you're not careful she's gonna start producing milk" "maybe we should keep you like this all the time if you're this sensitive baby, i know hobi would love prepping you like this for us"
and yeah- both of them are the packs /pup/'s but sometimes they find a unique softness in each other, a kind of innocence that they both need. both of their relationships are kind of absent of any dominance and it's a little freeing for both of them.
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Secret Voight (Jay Halstead) Part 3
Part 1 | Part 2
Summary:聽You had just moved back to Chicago after an incident where you use to live. You put in your resume to the Intellgence Unit which is the unit your father works at. No one knows who you are but for Al and Dawson. How long is this gonna stay a secret?
Words: 3580
Requested: yes
Warnings or A/N: gif matches something.
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聽 聽 聽 You sighed at yourself walking up the steps, thinking how stupid you were last night. All Jay was doing was trying to make sure you were okay, and you snapped at him. You saw Jay at his desk and as soon as he saw you, he looked away. You sighed once more and walked into your desk. You got a text message last night around nine or ten saying that Jin, the IT guy got murdered and Voight had a meeting with I.A. You saw your dad.聽 walked in, looking annoyed as hell. You sat up and looked at him.聽 "How'd it go?"
聽 聽 聽聽 Voight turned and looked at you. "It went. They asked some stupid questions. I left,"
聽 聽 聽 Jay stood up from his desk and walked closer to Voight. "Boss, where they at with Jin's murder?"
聽 聽聽 Voight shurgged. "Nowhere. Where's Antonio?"
聽 聽 聽 You didnt know, you were a bit late due to traffic. Jay sighed. "He's meeting an informant. He's got a tip on some armored van thing. Sarge, why aren't we looking into Jin's murder on our own?"
聽 聽聽 Voight looked like he was getting very annoyed at Jay. "For the same reason I told you last time you asked. They don't want us anywhere near it since we has in our unit, okay? He was a police officer. Area central is all over it,"
聽 聽聽 Ruzek walked in at that time and looked at Jay and Voight. "So they had no updates this morning?"
聽 聽聽 Voight who was clearly more annoyed than ever turned around to face the entire unit. "The update-The update is they're coming after my badge! So when there is another update I will convey it, okay? Until then, just do your jobs. Is it an inside job, or-"
聽 聽 聽聽 Jay raised his hands up in defense. "I already told you what I know,"
聽 聽 聽 Voight nodded and walked into his office and closed the door, you get up out of your seat and walked over to Jay. Jay did what he did when you walked in. Looked at you for a second and then away. "Jay, look I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap at you like that. It's just a personal issue,"
聽 聽 聽 Jay didnt even look at you when he answered. "Okay,"
聽 聽聽 You rolled your eyes. "Jay-"
聽 聽聽 This time he turned and looked at you and cuts you off. "No, you don't have to say anything else. What was it you said? We've only been partners for a month? Also, dont worry about me trying to make sure you're okay anymore,"
聽 聽聽 You sighed and walked back to your seat. You desvered that. Ruzek walked over to your desk and noticed what happened between you and Jay. "What was that about?"
聽 聽聽 You looked at Jay and then back at Ruzek. "Just partner things,"
聽 聽聽 Ruzek puts his hand on your shoulder. "He'll get over it,"
聽 聽 You moved to where Ruzek's hand fall of your shoulder. "It wasn't his fault,"
聽 聽 You saw Antonio walked in and go straight into Voight's office. You looked over at Jay who was trying his damndest not to look at you. All you felt was regret. You didn't want him or anyone in this unit to know what happened because what was in that file was utter lies and everyone always believed the file. You sighed and threw your head back.
聽 聽 聽 ----
聽 聽聽 You and the unit were following an armed van that has Ruzek in it undercover. You, Jay, Voight and Atwater were in one car and the other one was Al and Dawson.聽 You were almost to the point when the van started to swerve and Ruzek came over the walkie saying the safe word which was Popcorn. Voight pulled over and as other cars pulled up and started to shoot. You guys get out of the car while shooting was going on. Jay had told you to follow him, you put your hand on Jay's back as he led you behind another car. You saw a memeber out of the ambush loading his gun, you aimed and shot him in the chest.
聽 聽 聽 聽 After a few minutes of shooting, the rest of the ambush leaves, Jay walked around looking at the aftermath of the shootout. You looked over and saw Al was talking to a pretty shaken up Ruzek. You pulled out your radio and called dispatch. "Lincoln 5021. Emergency. We have shots fired by the police. Roll an amboy. Fourteen hundred West Roosev. Multiple wounded offenders.
聽 聽 聽 聽聽 ----
聽 聽 聽 You were in the backroom unloading things when you seen Jay walking by. When he didnt look or say anything to you, you grabbed your phone and sent the picture of your file to Jay. You heard Jay's phone go off, saw him pull it out and look at it. He turned and looked at you. "Before you say anything, no its lies,"
聽 聽 聽 Jay walked up to you and looked very confused and you beat him to talking. "A couple of years ago, a bout a two years or so after I graduated from the academy, I was at a police banquette and I was walking back to my car when I was stopped my very drunk police chief and-"
聽 聽聽 Jay took a step forward and cut you off. "He didn't....?"
聽 聽聽 You shook your head. "No. He did try to kiss me though but I politely declined and went home. A few days later, I was sent a letter saying that I was recommended to become a detective by the chief which I declined and transfer to a different station with a different police chief and a year after that I took the detective test and passed,"
聽 聽 聽聽 Jay nodded and stayed quiet. "Say something,"
聽 聽 聽 "You were scared to tell me this, why?"
聽 聽 聽 You sighed. "I dont know how a co-worker at my old precinct found out and twisted everything and told everyone.聽聽 I was called a whore and I 'banged' my way to detective and I was basically demoted and stayed doing desk work and I have enough of it and well here I am,"
聽 聽 聽 聽 Jay was quiet once more. "And what about the text?"
聽 聽 聽聽 You pulled out your phone and showed him. "They started the day I got here and has stopped since. I put a trace and nothing,"
聽 聽 聽 Jay looked up at you and pulled you into a hug. "We'll figure this out. We'll go to Voight-"
聽 聽聽 You pushed yourself from Voight and shook your head no. You didn't want Voight involved. For the exact reason of him being your father and hes protective. "No, I don't want Voight to know,"
聽 聽 聽 Jay looked at you confused. "Y/N, he can help-"
聽 聽聽 "Jay, I only told you because I didnt want you to stay mad at me. Promise me you wont tell Voight,"
聽 聽聽 "I dont know-"
聽 聽聽 "Jay, promise me,"
聽 聽聽 Jay sighed. "Alright fine,"
聽 聽 ----
聽 聽 It had been about an hour since you told Jay the truth and it felt like a weight lifted off you.
聽 聽聽 You were in front of the unit informing them about the detail of the case. "We have the driver of the van, Lee Pratchett. Worked there for three months. Had a wife and a two year old kid at home. Dead crew member, apparently got a lead on that,"
聽 聽聽 You looked up at Roman when he tried to talked. "Yeah, Jeff, I know him from my last-"
聽 聽聽 You cut him off. "Not yet. We've got the shooter in the armored van. ID and soical came back bogus from the company. He started working there three days ago," you looked at Roman. "Now,"
聽 聽聽 Roman nodded and walked up. "DOA is Jeff Gamble. Hes got a short five pages long. Posession, domestic battery, burglary, tap prior armed robberies. His cousin, Chirs, is basically his partner in crime. Chris wasn't involved himself but I'll guarantee he'll at least know what Jeff was up too,"
聽 聽 聽 Voight nodded and looked at Roman. "You and Burgess go find this cousin,"
聽 聽 聽 They leave to find this cousin and the State's attorney called Voight and Al into Voight's office. You get up from your seat and walk into the break room, you hear footsteps. You turned and wasnt surprised that it was Jay. "No texts yet?"
聽 聽聽 You shook your head. "No,"
聽 聽 "Do you know why they want to do this?"
聽聽 You shook your head again. "No, I dont know why it's happening. I didnt sleep with anyone nor did I accept the detective recommendation by the P.C either,"
聽 聽 聽 Jay pulled you into another hug. "We'll figure it out,"
聽 聽 聽 The way you feel when Jay wrapped his arms around you. You felt like nothing bad could ever happened and you felt like you were home.
聽 聽 聽 "If we could have everyone in the lobby. We caught a case,"
聽 聽聽 You let go of Jay and walked into the lobby. You saw Al was next to board pinning photos on it. "Oskar Bembenek and his younger brother Jacob. Oskar ran a crime outfit for the last twenty five years. Prostitution, extortion, drugs, you name it. Now, Oskar never gets his hands dirty. He always subcontracts when it comes to taking someone out. That's how hes lasted this long,"
聽 聽聽 Ruzek, who, looked up from the file they gave us. "Murder charge?"
聽 聽 Al nodded but sighed. "Had a mistress. Wanted to break up so he stabbed her twenty five times. His shirt? It had her blood on it. I knew this girl,"
聽 聽聽 He stopped himself. But continue softer. "I knew this girl. I was trying to turn her into an informant. Josie Martin,"
聽 聽 聽 Kevin's phone rang and he answered it. "Atwater,"
聽 聽聽 It took a second before he relayed the messaged. "The supervisor from the armored van company went home sick,"
聽 聽 Voight looked at you. "You and Halstead,"
聽 聽 You grabbed your jacket as Jay told Kevin to text him the address.
聽 聽 The more time you spend with Jay, the more time you feel yourself falling for him and you cant help it.
聽 聽聽 ----
聽 聽聽 You pull up to the supervisor's house and聽 started to walk up to the door. "So Jin, gave me a drive. Jin was working with I. Any shot that Voight is working with I.A?"
聽 聽 Your father is a lot of things but being a rat? Wasn't one.聽 "Yeah, right,"
聽 聽 You knocked on the door but no answer, Jay looked into the window. "Body,"
聽 聽 You and Jay both quickly drew your guns before Jay kicked the door in. You cleared the house before checking the body. You pulled out your phone and bent down to see the face better. "Logan Hendricks?"
聽 聽聽 You nodded. "Shit,"
聽 聽 "Looks like he was trying to clear out,"
聽 聽 You looked at Jay and then to where he was looking. There were suitcases on the couch. You looked back at Jay as he looked at you. "He was working for Bembenek. He hires the shooter in the van and then tips off the crew when he knows that we've got a guy inside and we're following,"
聽 聽聽 Jay nodded. "I'll call it in,"
聽 聽 ----
聽 聽 The rest of the day didnt result in much. Just leads that lead no where. Jay was at Molly's which you were to meet him but Voight wanted you to stay back so he can talk to you. After everyone left, you walked up to his office and saw that he was doing some paperwork. "Dad?"
聽 聽聽 He looked up and mentioned for you to come in. "So I had something I need to ask you,"
聽 聽 You nodded. "Go for it,"
聽 聽 Your dad was trying to search for the right words. "You left your first precinct on your own terms right?"
聽 聽聽 Your heart started to beat. If Jay told him..."Yes,"
聽 聽聽 He looked down at a piece of paper and then handed it to you. "Then what is this?"
聽 聽 You walked up and grabbed the paper he had stretch out. It was the file. Fucking bastard sent it to him. "Dad, this isn't the truth,"
聽 聽聽 Your dad gets up from his seat and goes and shuts the door. "Tell them me what the truth is then?"
聽 聽 You told him the same exact story you told Jay eariler that day. "I didn't tell you because I wanted to figure it out on my own but I guess I can't,"
聽 聽 Your dad takes the paper from your hand and pulled you into his arms. "I'll take care of it okay?"
聽 聽聽 You nodded and wrapped your arms around him. He kissed the top of your head. "Next time just tell me okay?"
聽 聽聽 You didn't do or say anything, you just stood there.
聽 聽聽 ----
聽 聽聽 You finally arrived at the bar, Jay had texted you the address. He looked at you and smiled. "Hey,"
聽 聽聽 You sat down next to him and sighed. "Hey,"
聽 聽聽 He looked at you confused as he playful shook you. "What's up?"
聽 聽 "Voight knows,"
聽 聽 Jay's eyes widen. "What? I didn't tell him. I swear,"
聽 聽 You shook your head. "I know. Whoever has that file sent it to him,"
聽 聽 Jay nodded as he took a sip from his drink. "Let me ask you something
Straight up. Are you sure there is no shot Voight is involved with Jin's muder?"
聽 聽聽 You looked at Jay like he was the craziest person in the world. "Are you crazy?"
聽 聽聽 Jay half smirked. "That's an answer to another question,"
聽 聽 "No, theres no way,"
聽 聽聽 Jay takes another sip of his drink. "Yeah, well, hes gonna bury this case, for God knows what reason,"
聽 聽聽 You rolled your eyes. "Why? He has no reason,"
聽 聽聽 Jay didnt even look at you. "Well, you have only been working under him for a few weeks, you dont know all the shady things he's done,"
聽 聽 You knew a lot more than Jay thinks. A lot more than Jay even knows.
聽 聽 You were deciding rather or not to tell Jay who you actually were but you eventually decided not too.
聽 聽聽 ----
聽 聽 You were in the interview room with Chris, Jeff's cousin. Thanks to Burgess and聽 Roman. "See, Chris, no one really knows this. It's my favorite thing to surprises people to lay on people like you. Say you and your buddies, I don't know, rob an armored van. Someone gets killed. Even if it was by the police, someone still needs to get charged with that murder. So we're gonna prove that you were there yesterday. An in addition to the attempted murder of a police officer, you're gonna get charged with the murder of your cousin. Or Chris, give us the others,"
聽 聽聽 Jay, who had been sitting in the corner this entire time spoke up. "You can't be happy with the way this went down. Your cousin got killed for what? Hmm? How much did Bembenek pay you to get the shirt?"
聽 聽 The guy looked at Jay liked he was a ghost. Jay stood up from where he was and sits down in front of Chris. "Yeah, we know about all of it. So quit, trying to figure a way out. Its over,"
聽 聽聽 Chris thought about what Jay was for a few minutes before flipping. "It wasn't suppose to go down like that. They never said there was gonna be cops,"
聽 聽聽 You sat down next to Jay. "Whose they?"
聽 聽 "Oskar and his brother Jacob. They said it was only suppose to be a security team from the van company that was following and that there was gonna be more money. That's why we werent handing it over until we got the money,"
聽 聽聽 Jay looked at him intently. "Hand what over?"
聽 聽聽 Chirs without missing a beat. "The bloody shirt. The evidence bag. We told Bembenek that he needed to come up with two hundred thousand or we will drop the bag off at the nearest police station,"
聽 聽聽 Jay sat up. "Where's the bag now?"
聽 聽聽 "My buddy Christian has it but I'm suppose to meet him and back him up for the trade off,"
聽 聽聽 ----
聽 聽聽 While we were interviewing Chris, Voight had gotten a guy named Stilwell arrested for Jin's murder and Stilwell came out and said that Voight was working with I.A. You were unbelievably pissed. You saw him walking up the stairs, and you just stared at him. "I don't know what you heard but let me set things straight. In order to get my job back, I made a deal with I.A. rhe deal was that I put myself out there as dirty, so I could take down some of the high level criminals. I never nor did I agree to report on any other cops. You can like it or not, that was the deal,"
聽 聽聽 Voight looked over at you but you looked away. Al started to walked downstairs. "Alright, let's gear up for the meet,"
聽 聽聽 ----
聽 聽聽 You were gearing up for the meet when Chris started to bang on the cage. Antonio pointed at him and yelled. "Sit down!聽 Now whether this evidence bag has been opened or tampered with or not or it broke the chain of custody. I dont really give a damn. That's for the state's attorney to determine. Main thing is to get Oskar to show up with the two hundred thousand and heads will roll from there and then we make our move,"
聽 聽聽 You were about to follow Jay to his car but Antonio stopped you. "Hey Y/L/N, I know how you're feeling-"
聽 聽聽 You cut him off. "I appericate it but nows not the time, Dawson,"
聽 聽聽 ----
聽 聽 You guys were at the place of the trade off waiting for Bembenek to show up. You notice a car pulling up to. Two cars pull up. Both stop and parked but only one of the car's doors open and out comes, Oskar, Jacob and some of other person. The guy walked up to Chris and Christan and showed them the money and Christan took the money and placed it in the car and pulled out the evidence bag and hands it to Oskar. Oskar ripped the bag open and pulled out the shirt and the next thing we know, guns were pulled out and they were shot as Oskar and Jacob took off in acar Antonio comes over the radio telling the team to move in. You and Jay, on the other hand went and followed Oskar and Jacob in the car. They tried to get out through a backway but you blocked the back and Voight blocked the front. You guys get out of the car and so does Jacob. Jacob holds up a hand. You and Jay both start to yell at him. "On the ground! On your knees! Show me your hands,"
聽 聽 Jacob kept moving. "Its all good. Its all-"
聽 聽 Jacob had pulled out a gun pointed at Jay and before Jacob could finished that sentence, Jay shoots him. Al pulled Oskar from the car and while getting handcuffed, Oskar was calling out to his brother. "Jacob! Jacob! You shot my brother,"
聽 聽 You placed a hand on Jay's shoulder while you radio dispatch. "Lincoln 5021. Emergency. Shots fired by police. Multiple offenders down. Roll an ambo. Thirty fifth and Hamilton,"
聽 聽 聽 ----
聽 聽 聽 After a long but successful day, you, Jay and a couple of his friends were at a bar called Molly's. You were all having a great time when Jay jumped, you turned around and saw that it was Al. "Let me have a quick word with you,"
聽 聽聽 Jay nodded and walked over to the corner with Al. "You have it so bad,"
聽 聽 You turned around and face Sylvie. "What?"
聽 聽 Sylive looked at you and chuckled. "You are so in love with him,"
聽 聽 Your eyes go wide. "Am not! He's my partner!"
聽 聽 All the girls go. "Mhm sureee,"
聽 聽 Jay walked over to the table clearly shaken up. "Have a great night ladies. Imma head home,"
聽 聽 Jay turned to you. "I'll see you at work tomorrow,"
聽 聽 Jay grabbed his jacket and started to walk out of Molly. You grabbed your jacket and followed him out. "Jay!"
聽 聽 Jay turned around and looked at you. "What was that about?"
聽 聽 Jay sighed. "Oskar Bembenek just put a one hundred thousand bounty on your head for killing his brother,"
聽 聽 You entire heart just dropped. "What?"
聽 聽 Jay nodded. "Yep,"
聽 聽 You shook your head. "You're not staying home alone tonight. Take me to your place,"
聽 聽 Jay looked at you crazy. You rolled your eyes as you chuckled. "I'll sleep on the couch or something,"
聽 聽聽 ----
聽 聽聽 You had followed Jay in your car to his apartment. He let you in and you walked over and it was fairly normal of what you expect it to me. A bit cleaner than you imagined it though. "Welcome to my home,"
聽 聽聽 You looked over at Jay and saw that he was clearly still shaken up, even though he was putting on a brave face. Before you could even say anything, Jay walked over to you and he placed his hand on your check and kissed you. You were in shocked and before you could even react, he pulled away. "I'm sorry, I shouldnt have done that,"
聽 聽聽 You shook your head and grabbed his shirt and stood on your tippy toes and kissed him back. It was magic, the way his lips connected with yours. It was right. Your hands travelled up his chest, your neck and to his hair and tangled your fingers in his hand and you slightly pulled earning a low growl from Jay. Jay picked you up from the ground and carried you to his bed. He laid you down on his bed and hovered over you. "Are you sure about this?"
聽 聽聽 You pulled his shirt over his head as your answer.
Tags: @xlittlescorpionx @lena-davina @baker151910 @alievans007 @tiiffanym @alievans007 @castellandiangelo @unicornlover747 @dreamingwithlens
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hades-999 4 years
Ben not 10
I hope you guys liked my previeious post about Ben not used 10 aliens, here is another bounch of them. But before we start, I must confess; I'm gona cheat in the end, so I brought there one more, to be fair
Mutants and Reboot not count
I gona count aliens what's in the show, but we never saw Ben transmorms into them onsceen
Loophole; I gona count aliens what Ben couldn't use for some reason
So, let's counting
0. Slimebiot
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These creatures are here from the begining of the time and spreadin, mixing and creating DNA across the whole universe (technically, they are God in Ben prime's reality)
They are feeding on any kind of DNA, and alo poses the power to shapesifting themeselfes into that creature's bodyparts
Also, attached to a DNA countainment (like the Nemetrix/ Omnitrix/ Ultimatrix/Omnimatrix) they can use as many samples as they want, even form tools with the given species' power
But with this incedible power come some great..... weakneses; because they are only single-cell, symbiosic life forms, they need a host or they could die in starving. And they can be separated and contained with the right tools. Also, they can't teleport without host, 'cause it would kill them
1. Anodite
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It's a tricky one; because of Anodites lack of DNA, the Omnitrix can't scan them. However, Ben could use the Omnitrix to manipulates his own bio system, sets free his Anodite heritage and store in the watch, as a transformation (remember, not all Omnitrix creatures are 100% alien......Nanomech......)
Anodites poses the power to control life-energy (called Mana) and use it various ways; weapon manifestion, fly, teleport, shapesifting (only seen turn into humanoid form) and magic
However, this power has his own weakneses; Mana can't be used on everything, such as ectonorites, geocehelone aerios, robots or androids. Also, this species don't immunite to other magic users spells
In fandom, Ben already has Anodite form, called Anodman/ Man-a attack/Manodite
It's unkown if Ben ever could use his natural/Omnitrix given Anodite heritage, he would be purple or green
2. Psyphon's species
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Despite of being the show's main villain's sidekick, we don't know this alien species' name. The only knowen one (Psyphon) cames from Murray (Vilgaxia) with Villgax
However, he poses a serious power arsenal; he is able to fly, can create energy beams and walls, has laser eyes and stronger than Ultimate Spidermonkey. Also, he showed great intellect
With these powers, he resemble to C-K civilians, so, he could be a mutant one, but (because of his whole appearance) I don't think so
3. Uxorite
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This species is strongly resemble to lizard peaple from classical alien mythologi. They even have long toung and they laye eggs, but unlike cold bloodeds, they aren't bothered by cold enviroment.
They have powerful telekinetic abilityes what allows to them to fly and moveing other being or object, even instable material, like water. Also, they can grab things with their tail and tentacles
They agile and fast, but compare to their size they are physicaly weak and vulnerable
This species (or at least Xylen) is smart enought to be accepted as assistant by Azmusth when he created the Omnitrix, and Azmusth trusted her enought to gave it to her to deliver
In fandom Ben already has this transformation, called Neuro Lizard
4. Detrovite
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One of the strongest and largest alien species in the show, wich one members are skilled fightres and talented miners in one
They posess some surpise-powers, like ability to breat underwater, space survivability, they are resistant to both hot or colder enviroment and they can regenerate from serious dammages (repleacing their missing body parts with proteic enchatments)
They are not very clever, but also not agressive species. Also, they honor the great champions and good sportmanship
5. Protost
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Theis alien only apeared an took active role in the very first Ben 10 movei "Ben 10; Secret of the Omnitrix" , but it is still a mentionable one
This alien species resemble to the Polymorph with their shapesifting powers and slime like body, but unlike them, they are able to move without an Anti-graviti projector, but seemingly they are more limited and can't generate their body-mass (except while regenerating). However, they use some kind of containment armor to change place, but it's more a body enchantment than a nesecary tool
Their three eyes and shapesifting ability make them an extremly good pilots, 'cause they can focus on multiple thing and can control more machines at once
6. Levodan
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Who don't remember for one of the cutest alien in the show; the Tiffin. He is a sweet alien and not just in the term of cutenes. This species' taste (at least as kid) so delicious the icecream makers makes a Tiffin-tast flavoured one (offically not from Tiffin......)
This species looks very peaceful but they actually an agressive one. Of course, not all of them and not all the time, they inteligent enought to make compromises with their enemies
They look weak, but don't let fool yourself; they are skilled in hand-to-hand combat (like Apoplexians) have enchanted flexibility and they are capable of use some short of electro-magnetic power, witch allows them to levitate and manipulate electronic devices
7. Ssspeace'sss Ssserpentsss
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We can't be sssure Ssserpent wasss an alien or what, but becaussse sssome of hisss powersss, it doesssn't fit to be a mutant, ssso I think he isss an alien.
It never wass comfirm, but sssomewhere in fandom isss a theory he isss a ssspecisss of Snakepit, one off the mentioned but never ssshowen aliensss
Over hisss average sssnake powersss like enchanted flexibility/ agility/ reflex/ ssstrenght, unhingible jaw or acid ssspit, he posssesss a ssspecial one: mana immunity
He isss inteligent, clever and usssually hasss a good plan, but not Ben'sss mossst fearsssom enemi
8. / 9. Acrosians, Vreedle family
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These two species not really showes any super power over enchanted strengh and space survivability
Ma Vreedle posess an extra pair of eyes in back of her head, it's unkown the males have too or not
Because acrosians are only heads with armor, possibly they are an inteligent species. We can't say the same thing about Vreedles, but they are good technicans, so they have the wist of themeself
Because we never saw other acrosian than Fistina, we can't know how would Ben looks like.
Ben actually have a Decagon Vreedle named transformation, but he would be freak out if he know about it
Vreedles are not a species but more a family, because Ma and Pa were breed in a lab
10. Chronian
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I said I gona cheat here, cause Ben already transformed into this form but let me explain;
Eon is the only one movie special transformation, which one never was and never will be used
"Ben 10; Race against time" is playing in an alternative timeline, so Ben Prime never used this transformation
Because Chronians had closly omnipotent powers, Eon forced Ben to turn into this form, wich one was actually Eon himself, not Ben's alien
However Ben has the option to scan another Chronians and has his own form. In fandom this form sometimes called simply Eon, sometimes called Obliv-Eon (I personally prefer this one)
This transformation would be one of the most powerful one of Ben's, because Chronians are able to travel in time and space, can shoot energy or time beams from their hands, have a limited control over moleculas and technology and also posess enchanted strengh and durability
However, they can't use their powers limitles, because every time they use it, their body becames older and weaker
We could belive the levodans are whiped crem like humanoid specis, but actually we never saw more than their head and arms in part, cause their long, bluish coat
The uxorites' eyes glow pink when they use their telekinetic abilityes. It never saw comfirmed, but it could be a kind of Mana using....
I want to list Osmosians as well, but while I make search, I found the fact; Osmosians are mutants/superior humans, not aliens, and their home planet - Osmos V. - never existed
"Uxite" means "wife" in latin, a reference to Xylene x Max relationship
It's just funny, but both of Max's love intesests were telekinetic powered aliens
"Xylene" is actually a chemical with three isomer, so our alien's three eyes could be a reference for that. Also a funny thing; the chemical is extremly flamable, and Ben used Heatblast against Xylen
I don't showed a pictures of Hex and Charmchaster directly, because thye aren't anoditeds. They just humans, who can use magic
So, that was it girls and boys, leave a like/comment if you want the next part of this: No-metrix aliens
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