#like what if hanzo just hears ghosts sometimes Yknow?
spinefrepple · 2 years
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Sojiro: Hanzo, my son, it is I—
Hanzo: short shaggy hair looks like shit on the run
Sojiro:…. I should’ve come sooner
Hanzo: haha now I’m hallucinating my father’s voice hahahahaha
S: Hanzo no
H: Hanzo yes
S: Hanzo please no nononono don’t eat that it touched the floor!!
H: 15 second rule father proceeds to eat Taco Bell off the floor
~~~~many years Hanzo no and Hanzo yes later~~~~~
H: did you know genji was alive this whole time and didn’t tell me?
S: ……yes
H: ….fuck you dad
S: My proper, educated, princely eldest son has become a delinquent kami sama have mercy on this poor father
S: are you giving me the silent treatment?
H: ignores and walks to nearest bakery to drown himself in comfort cake
S: You can’t ignore me forever!
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feng-xins · 6 years
A Life So Wondrous
Pairing : Fujibayashi Genya/MC
Genre : Gen 
A/N : Requested by anon! Hope you enjoy <3 Genya is such a dreamboat but he’s a dreamboat with feeeelings, yknow? 
At six years old, Genya's path ahead is straight and true.
Train. Fight. Win.
Follow orders. Complete the mission. Report back.
Get stronger. Get better. Head the Fujibayashi Village in his father's place
 "That sounds boring," she wrinkles her nose when he tells her as much, and Saku frowns at her from his perch on a tree branch, kicking his legs out so they dangle beneath him.
  "It's better than grinding those stinky herbs all day like you do," Saku sticks out his tongue at her, and Tobimaru shrieks in what almost sounds like agreement. 
 She flushes, the clovers in her hands crushed as she curls her fingers into tight, angry fists. "You're stinky. You and your ugly cat," 
   Sakuya's whole frame tightens, his cheeks slashes an angry, bright red "Tobimaru is a -,"
 "Oi," Genya interjects, before this dissolves into either tears or fists. They stare at each other a moment longer, then deflate almost simultaneously. Honestly, sometimes he's not sure which two out of the three of them are siblings.
 "When I'm clan head," he says, just because he can "I'll make you two get married,"
  The ensuing chaos is enough to drain the air of any residue tension, and in the breaths between bouts of laughter Genya thinks that maybe being clan head wouldn't be so bad, if he could spend all of his days just like this one
At twelve, Genya's path brings him to the looming gates of Iga Village. It's their first mission outside of Iga territory, both his and Saku's. He supposed this day would come sooner or later, but now that its here -
 He casts a glance out at the forest beyond the gates, feels something he cant quite name tingle up his spine and settle in his chest, like a first breath above water.
"You know your mission," his father tells the two of them sternly, and Genya drags his gaze away from beyond the gates "Your mission leader's orders are absolute. I will have no complaints about disobedience, or incompetence,"
 "Yes, Father," he and Saku echo. His father looks them up and down one last time, and if Genya were slightly more naive he would almost, almost bring himself to believe Father was going to tell his sons to stay safe, to come back to the village alive.
 "Do not fail me,"   
 At fourteen, Genya's path is hard-packed and well trodden. This is the shinobi way. This is what he was meant to do. This is why he was born.
 Isn't it?
 He gets up. Trains. Fights. Wins. 
  Why isn't that enough? When did it stop being enough?
  Mission briefings fade into white noise. Why do they still have briefings, anyway? Everyone knows the rules - don't get attached, don't get comfortable, don't get caught. Why not just send them on their way and be done with it?
He used to eye his father's seat with stars in his eyes. Now -
Does he even know what the stars look like outside of the village? 
Why does that bother him? Who cares about the damn stars?
 At seventeen, Genya's path opens up before him, so wide and open and inviting and possible that it nearly scares him. 
 He graduates top of his class, and almost wishes he hadn't if only because it meant Sakuya came in second. He listens to his brother beat himself up about being two points behind for all of ten minutes before the elation breaks through and he claps Sakuya on the back, grinning so widely he feels the sweet ache in his cheeks. 
 "Gen?," Saku tilts his head, quizzical.
 "Forget the scores, Saku. Just- just forget about it for a second okay? Just - ," a laugh bubbles out of him then, freedom and elation spilling out into a joyful whoop that catches on the wind " We're free. Free, Saku!. We can go anywhere we want. Take our own missions, do whatever we like. Come on, lets do it. You and me, lets go to - I don't know -Ueda. Kai! Let's take a mission together. Somewhere far away, where the village won't bother to check up on us. We could do it, me and -,"
  "Gen, what are you talking about?,"
There is ice in Sakuya's eyes, cold frosting over sapphire so fast and hard that Genya feels suddenly like he's looking into the eyes of a stranger.
  "Our place is here. We graduated to serve the village. We did all of it, everything, to serve the village," pain flashes across Sakuya's face, the same way it did the morning Genya found him outside the gates of Iga at dawn, blood speckling his clothes and dirt beneath his fingernails. "It can't be for nothing now. All of that - it had to be for the village,"
  "Right," A completed mission at the expense of broken wings. That was the trade their father had made, sending Sakuya for that first mission "Of course. Sorry. I just - sorry,"   
  "Your place is here. With father, and me, and the village,"
 "Yeah. Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Saku," 
��He takes the first mission that will get him out of the village, a three week long stint protecting some little lordling travelling to Ueda. Sakuya doesn't answer any of his letters, returning them all through Tobimaru with the seal still intact. He's just in the middle of writing another one when he hears the soft clack of geta-sandalled feet behind him, turning slightly to find the young lord he's guarding eyeing him quizzically.
 "Who are you?," 
  "Me?," he gives a half-hearted salute, not even bothering with pleasantries. Lordling or not, they're probably the same age, and Genya couldn't be assed to bow and scrape for some puffed-up daimyo's son "I'm your ninja,"
 The boy frowns slightly, eyebrows knitting "No you're not. I've never seen you before now,"
 "If you could see me, why would I be your ninja?,"
 The boy contemplates this for a minute, then nods, once "My name is Masamune,”
 "Hey there, Masamune," Genya drawls "You ever play hanafuda before?,"
 At twenty-one, Genya's path is blocked by a ghost from a past he left behind a long, long time ago.
 "It's you," he blurts out, then immediately kicks himself when two heads turn to look right at him.
 She hasn't changed a bit, same short cropped hair, same steely expression, except this time there is no warm recognition behind those brown eyes. His own eyes trail to the person at her side, and his heart jumps into his throat at the sight of Hattori Hanzo.
 He doesn't like the look of this situation. Not that he cares one way or another what she does with her life, but Hanzo's smile is entirely too suspiciously angelic. That he does care about, especially if the recent rumours about the Mitsuba village turn out to be true.
 He manages to wrangle Hanzo into leaving her alone, hangs back just long enough to whisper -
 "If you run into problems, come to Oshu," 
 He doesn't know whether to be relieved or exasperared that she actually took him up on the offer, all the trouble that she is.
   At twenty-two, she thinks there is something about Genya that shines, something glinting and stubborn and willfully, willfully bright beneath the layers of shadows that he cloaks himself with.
   "Stay," he says, arms winding lazily around her torso and pulling her back flush against him. She doesn't understand how he does it - her breath is still ragged from the kind of sounds he managed to coax out of her just minutes before, but Genya is already toeing the line between sleep and wakefulness, chest rising and falling in a steady, even rhythm "Just until dawn,"
    "Thats what you say every night, and then we wake up at noon and miss breakfast - " she squirms in protest, or pretends to at least. It wouldn't do for his ego to get any larger. "- then you say we'll sleep until lunch but we oversleep, and then you say dinner and -"
 "You're tired," Genya points out, his nose nudging right below her ear "I'm tired,"
 "You're always tired,"
 "Stay," he asks again, the request laid bare between them. Sometimes her heart jumps at the word, at how easy it falls from his lips. For how long? she wants to ask. How long do we get to pretend? She wonders if he knows the answer, if he would tell her, if she would want to hear it.
Stay she does.  
tagging : @pseudofaux @rubyleeray @nightingaledarling @fooljshgirl @heavenzfiend @yukimura-suggests
do let me know if you want on or off the tag list, or if I’ve forgotten to tag you in anything ^^
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