#like what if i said something offputting 😔
vampcubus ¡ 6 months
y'all are so brave for sending asks btw. i shake like a chihuahua when i traverse my mutuals' inboxes.
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Regarding your last post, i would honestly love to see a jealous jade >:'DD
Jade doesn't seem like the type to get jealous easily and can keep himself usually in control.
So, like, imagine Jade heard/saw Miss Raven giving Rollo a Tour (because her generous uncle asked her to do so). Jade would probably find the situation amusing at first and would probably if he had the chance to tease miss raven about it, before he noticed how much time the two would have to spend together (again, explaining/giving a tour takes time). He would act as if he isn’t jealous. Jade would greatly maintain his facade with a smile. Jade would be seething on the inside while glaring holes at Rollo while quietly following them and just happen to stumble upon them wherever they went (What a coincidence!)
Or he would grab Miss Raven (just like in the fanart) and pull her close to him while he would scoff and mock Rollo under his breath. Imagine Rollo and Jade glaring at each other while Miss Raven is in between them.
Once alone, Jade would probably use his crocodile tears, sigh dramatically, or fake a pitiful expression trying to Guilt trip or make Miss Raven feel bad. Saying stuff like how's she's "cheating" on him. 😔
Rest assured, Jade wouldn’t let this incident pass by just like that. Now that he has a "love rival" (besides Rook), he has to step up his advances towards Miss Raven. After all, he can't just let his precious "Prey" escape from his grasp. How amusing Fu fu fu fu.
What do you think...? 👀
[Referencing this post!; the “giving Rollo a tour” premise comes from this fic!]
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Actually, I have to confess that Rollo has basically replaced Rook in my “top 3 TWST characters” list… OTL Superior fictional French man/j 😔 L*ona is in that top 3 ranking too—
EVERY TIME I THINK ABOUT JEALOUS JADE 💀 I think about what he said he’d do to anyone that betrays him (in book 4)… ngl hot I’m sure he’s patient and meticulous about plotting his revenge though it’s one of his many charm points💕
I’m going to go a little ham with the rot prompt so @w@ I’ll slap it under a cut—
J word just doing his thing, passing as a Normal Student on campus when suddenly he spots his usual target for bullying teasing walking around with a stranger (he knows all the NRC students’ information by heart :)) as part of his information broker duties in Octavinelle). Ah, this must be the representative from NBC—the headmaster was in a tizzy about finding a tour guide for him, according to Azul upon his return from last week’s dorm leader meeting. The poor sap assigned the task? Miss Raven. He chuckles to himself, wondering how she’s faring with it. Should he mess with her? He should, shouldn’t he?
So Jade goes over to introduce himself, shakes Rollo’s hand and everything. He immediately notices him going for the handkerchief, how Rollo masks his expression with it—Jade already knows there’s more to him than meets the eye. He then goes to greet Raven, who is frozen in shock. “Erm… good to see you as well…” she says, trying to stay polite in front of their guest. (“You’re acquainted?” Rollo asks, to which she hurriedly replies he’s a waiter at Azul’s eatery.) Raven’s quick to guide him away, insisting that they’re on a tight schedule (they’re not), just to put distance between them and Jade. A shame he can’t fluster her more, but he’s patient—he can wait. Jade wishes them well and waves… but he doesn’t fail to notice Rollo passing him a stern look before leaving. The feeling the mututal, Jade doesn’t trust him one bit.
As Rollo is being led away, he addresses his tour guide. “That man’s smile was quite the fantastical ruse”. (“Oh, he’s always like that,” Raven says dismissively. “Don’t mind him.”) He scoffs, then asks, “… What is he to you?” to which Raven bashfully changes the subject. This only earns a suspicious glare from Rollo, but he doesn’t press further.
There’s something very offputting about Rollo, Jade just doesn’t know what it is yet. Jade’s a curious merman, so he sets to following the duo investigating for himself. The mild discomfort, unfortunately, only seems to grow the more and more he witnesses of Rollo and Raven. With Jade, she’s always so snippy and defensive—but with Rollo, she’s more encouraging and cheery. More forgiving. Then he catches her holding Rollo’s hand (albeit just to stare at his shiny ring). Sharing her favorite stories. Admiring the flowers. Having lunch. Feeding the birds and singing to them. Such raw, unguarded moments. She’s wary of showing that side of herself to Jade, yet to so easily share it with Rollo… He feels something dark and ugly twisting inside of him. Jealousy.
Jade makes it a point to be petty by “accidentally” interrupting their moments together. They’re just coincidences, he insists. Happenstance. Certainly not well-coordinated efforts to drive a wedge between them. (Jade literally stands between Rollo and Raven, making sure to include Rollo in the conversation so it’s not obvious what his intentions are—to monopolize her attention.) After the third encounter though, Rollo calls Jade out on his bullshit farce (“You honestly believe I would be convinced these encounters are mere coincidences? I am no fool. You’ve been following us around, haven’t you?”), which leads into Jade’s whole fake crying schtick (“I would never do such a heinous thing!! Shikushiku… Rollo-san does not trust me. Such a cruelty toward your peers.”)…
dbsvsjsc)cayDRSt/2egabwkeju788!j THEN MAYBE LIKE. Jade is especially dramatic (because he wants to piss Rollo off) and like lays his head on Raven’s shoulder or in the crook of her neck and pretend-sobs, asking Raven to please comfort him in his time of distress… and Rollo, being a prude, gets all mad about it????? Calling it indecent behavior and how dare he engage in public cuddling— (meanwhile Raven is short circuiting over here—) “J-J-Jade-senpai, p-please remove yourself from me! Y-You’re… you’re too close!! And too big! And heavy!!” she squeals, trying to shove him off (to no avail).
“Ah, it seems Miss Raven too has chosen to reject me,” Jade laments. “Whatever shall I do…? Perhaps I will die of a broken heart and dissipate into mere sea foam.” (“S-Stop being overdramatic! You’re fine…” Again, she tries to pull away, and shoots Rollo an apologetic look. “I’m sorry about this, I didn’t mean for…”) And there it is again—jealousy, now pulsating and hot. A hand shoots out, seizing Raven by the arm and pulling her close to him again. Jade drops the facade, holding her chin in one hand while he regards Rollo with a cold smile. Rollo meets him with a glare. “At last, you show your true colors.”
“Alas, you’ve yet to reveal your own to me.” Jade’s eyes are half-lidded, bemused. “You wear that mask of civility quite well—I cannot help but fret for the safety and wellbeing of my poor, sweet Miss Raven when she is left alone with you.” (Rollo’s eyes narrow at that. “You’re of no real importance to her,” he scoffs. “What a swelled ego you must have to elevate yourself to a higher pedestal. You ought to humble yourself.”)
Rollo steps forward, as if ready to retrieve his tour guide and to be on his merry way with her. Jade’s eyes flash dangerously—but he returns his attention to his captured prey, sharp teeth and warm breath at her ear as a whisper slinks out. “Please permit me to borrow your lips, Miss Raven.” (“H-Huh…? What are you say… NMMMMMMPHGH?!”) And suddenly 🤡 bro’s aggressively kissing her right in front of Rollo, who’s standing there utterly shocked and appalled. She gasps and tears away to catch her breath, to give Jade a piece of her mind for giving her a fright—but here he comes again 💀 this time lightly peppering her face with kisses, (murmuring sweet affirmations inbetween), just to reaaaaaally drive the message home to Rollo.
Speaking of Rollo, he points a shaky finger at Jade and starts firing off ALL the bad words in his lexicon (harlot, degenerate, pervert, freak…!!). Jade smirks, considering it a victory to both unnerve Rollo as well as making it clear what his relationship with “the tour guide” really is. Unfortunately for Jade, Raven’s annoyed with him, beating her small fists against his chest and pouting. He laughs and ruffles her hair fondly in spite of her protests. There’s her shyness, her cute vulnerable side. All for him, none for Rolloz
I’m not sure where it would go from here honestly 💦 but!! I do think that once Jade leaves the scene and Rollo and Raven have a moment with just the two of them, Rollo calms down from his outrage. “That odious man stole a kiss without obtaining proper consent. He has harmed you.” The disdain in his words is palpable. What follows, however, is more uncertain—Rollo’s not very good at being comforting. “… Are you alright?“ “Y-Yes, I’m fine,” she stammers, though she’s still embarrassed knowing that he had been a witness to Jade’s… possessiveness. Without realizing it, Raven’s fingers drift to her mouth, where the ghost of an eel’s lips linger. Rollo’s eyes follow, and they heat with an intense, unknown emotion.
“… Come here,” he orders. (Raven does.) Rollo wets his handkerchief using water drawn from the courtyard’s well, then sponges her face off with it. You’d think he’d aggressively scrub her down to be thorough and to fully expunge the merman cooties but no—he’s surprisingly gentle. “There. I’m afraid that is the best I can do for now. You should wash your face well tonight to ensure you are clean and free of… him.”
“Earlier, I asked what that man is to you. From your reaction, I had suspected him a beau—but no self-respecting person would act so shamelessly, nor disregard the wishes of their partner. Alas, that is how mages are: wicked and selfish to their very cores.” Rollo sighs as he wrings his handkerchief. “… If you ever find yourself becoming frustrated with his behavior, you need only seek my counsel. While it’s true that you live among mages, it’s clear that they’ve poisoned your mind. Perhaps it is possible to dispel that miasma and to guide you on a more righteous path. Renounce Night Raven College and its teachings. Revert to your natural state, free of magic. Come to me.”
(I’m delusional)
OH BUT AS SoON AS RORO’S OUT OF THE piCTURe (ie back at NBC) YOU BET YOUR ASS J WoRD’S COMINGBACK 😭 Crocodile tears out on full display to guilt trip and to milk Miss Raven for her pity… “Shikushiku… Miss Raven, I believe I’ve said that you’ve gone and broken my heart. What will you do to compensate me for it, hmm? I do believe I am owed at least one date—no, make that two. After all, you did cheat on me with Rollo-san.” (“It wasn’t a date…! I had no choice but to serve as his guide!! Besides, it’s not a crime to spend time with other people.”) They settle back into their usual pattern of bickering, but every so often Jade will catch her scribbling away on stationary (who is it addressed to?) which reinvigorates his suspicions. Well, he supposes that Rollo can’t become too intimate with her since he’s all the way in the City of Flowers. However, Jade will remain cautious now that he’s aware of Rollo’s presence.
NOT J WORD BEING CLINGY POSt-ROLLO VISIT… Not like, being whiny but more like stepping it up with acts of service (like offering to walk her to and from class, brewing her tea, etc) 🤢 Gotta ensnare her heart while Rollo isn’t physically around… Bro’s probably also going to be checking with the mailman ghost to see if Raven’s continuing letter correspondence with Rollo… He’s going to sabotage their communication—
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justyanderes ¡ 2 years
Tengu!Franklin x Hunter!Reader
Notes: this is definitely a darker fic with dubcon, drugging and yandere themes 18+ only// 3.5k words inspired by Kamisama kiss 😔 cus I have no shame lol
{reader is GN}
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It was often said being born to sense nen was a blessing, a prominent sign of good luck. But far as you knew, none of that supposed luck ever found its way to you. If your family wasn't consumed by generations of debt, you would have likely had enough money to attend lessons. With that sort of training you would have no doubt made something of yourself. Instead of trying and failing to make ends meet.
Practically starving and treated like a diseased rat. Your gift could have been so much more than just seeing and hunting. Perhaps in another life that's your fate.
Dreaming of such a life was your only solace from your near constant suffering. Tragically, dreaming would have to wait until today until you finished your current job. In such desperate need of jenny, you couldn't turn down any offers you received with winter approaching.
Those who lived in your village usually tried to avoid having you work for them. It was an odd request. One you honestly hadn't seen coming,
In fact this would be your first visit to the temple, those who could not pay were left to face the gods wrath.
You arrived just a few hours ago and were greeted quite oddly. One would think that a last resort should have been welcomed in open arms. But that isn't what happens to you at all.
A few of the staff- all of which are humans lead you to a securely protected yet dimly lit room. If you didn't know any better you would have assumed you were dealing with occultists. Although the thought is not exactly too far-fetched. Dressed in fine silk, you could more easily see the shrine maiden as a royal concubine. The marking on her forehead as well is a mark of good luck- you know it must be. However, you can't help that it looks more akin to blood than whatever cosmetic was used.
Even if they are a bit colder than you were originally expecting. You pay the offputting behavior no mind. The shrine maiden has always acted in such a way. A job is a job and you have no need for a feast in your name or offerings that are cheap in comparison to the monsters you'll face.
They then lead you to the edge of the forest. The farther you stray from the shrine the more dull the place becomes. You realize a few minutes later you have yet to see or sense one of those beings in your presence.
"Where are your familiars of the shrine?".
You finally ask your guide. Unaware of the reaction you are going to stir up within her. Her lips quickly are drawn in a sharp thin line. And she tightly clenches her hands (as if fighting against the urge to strike). But what you see the most is that her eyes have seen hell. An anger that only the wronged can feel so vividly.
Oh, you realize stupidly. The last bit of the puzzle finally put into place. You try keeping your mouth shut from that point forward.
Having to deal with the lower level demons often has made you forget what it's like for most who live in holy places like this.
Underneath the title of familiar there is still a demon after all. This does not erase the fact that their sins and misdeeds were still committed. Nor did it mean that all who belonged to a shrine stopped their schemes. You can think of many worse fates they can commit that have nothing to do with death.
That's the only reason you can come to be thankful for having never been able to reach your full potential with nen. Freedom never could come in such a gilded cage as this.
Before you can leave the company of the underling, they insist that you leave this place before the end of the week. Before the shrines familiars return that is. The suggestion nearly makes you scoff. You didn't need to be warned of the danger that was a foot in this place.
The whole forest feels dead, like the rush of the river could easily carry it all away.
If the shrine maiden ever stepped foot outside then perhaps it would have been better cared for- not on the verge of death like her supposed god.
You push those thoughts away.
It's not wise to speak any disrespect of the protectors of a shrine. Even if the god they serve is a useless one trapped in an eternal slumber. You'd likely get your tongue cut off if any had found out. And you are more than a little superstitious and make it a point to think nothing more of that topic.
You set up a fire, both to keep yourself warm and not be at the complete mercy of the fox in the dark. And after you are done placing a good amount of traps and talisman, you wait.
Apples you stole on the way here will be your dinner for the evening if you make it that far without dying- The red fox was one of the nastier spirits scurrying from place to place. You have been hearing tales of it since the last harvest.
But as it is your job you have no choice but to face it with a hunter's determination.
The hours slowly pass by, it becomes more obvious that there is no fox here. The moon is high in the sky and if it were here surely it would have tried ‘playing’ with you by now.
All the better for you that it's long gone now. You've faced countless naga, oni and other yokai. So by no means we're you an amateur. Kitsunes still never were an easy creature to track, their transformations making it near impossible.
One of your talisman must have caught something, the chimes ringing a sweet melody that none would suspect could take hold of even the most feral demons.
What you find for better or worse caught within your trap is not a kitsune. Instead it's just a tengu, a terribly wounded one at that. You'll have to help it out soon before it begins to cry and alert the other monsters in the forest to you. You're honestly surprised it managed to keep quiet this long without crying out.
You falter for a moment upon taking a closer look at the demon before you. Because even if it is only a mountain tengu it's the largest one you've ever seen.
You know to expect wild eyes in situations like this but there is absolutely no distress in its eyes.
You've heard that the calm ones are what you must look out for. It worries you. But perhaps you were losing your touch as a hunter if a simple tengu was striking this much worry.
"Stay still".
You command the creature, which is still practically vibrating in stillness. Likely angry at you for placing the trap there in the first place.
You can't blame the tengu. For such a peaceful creature was easily startled. If a human did that to you would likely try biting them, the thought does little to help you calm down.
Especially after you look down and note that their talons could make your flesh into mere ribbons.
It's feathers are raised, if you don't hurry up it will be attempting to gain its freedom from the trap in a less peaceful manner.
But you are willing to correct your mistakes at any cost. Doing so makes the wires of the trap dig into your skin just as deeply.
You try to be quick about it, never pulling or allowing the wires to come into contact with the tengu’s precious feathers again.
A handful of them beneath your feet on the forest floor. All of them a dull gray that have lost their luster.Thankfully it seems the lost feathers were already loose from molting and not due to your trap.
You are nearly done undoing the wires, when you
The new feathers you can't help but to gently run the tips of your fingers over are all a deep plum shade. Dark enough to hide the blood soaking them. You think they are one of the most beautiful things you have seen in a very long time.
You are left alone the moment the tengu is free of the wire. But you have a feeling it will be coming back your way sooner than later. And when it comes to your hunches you are rarely ever wrong.
Beyond midnight you begin wondering if the said fox was ever really trying to attack the shrine in the first place.The damage dealt to the forest was nothing that a kitsune was capable of, powerful or not. No this forest has been marked by many gods- and to cause harm like this could only be done by another godly being.
Regardless of the matter, too much remained unexplained. You'll leave this place come morning
As you had assumed the tengu has returned to you in a more stable form. This time he has taken the form of a man, a very large one to match his true form. Simple robes cover him and
"I didn't think you would come back so soon".
You say, sharpening one of your knives.
He doesn't make a point to answer you right away. Just continuing to stare at you as if engrossed by the task you are doing.
Which you can't find off in the slightest, given the fact tengu's normally act this way.
Most usually kept to themselves worshiping their own gods far away from humans. Especially women who they viewed as the downfall of man. Evidently the tengu in front of you shares a difference in opinion towards at least one of those thoughts.
He eventually sits down beside the fire directly across from you. The flames making the stitches and jewelry he wears shine a bit against the shadows.
You belatedly come to the conclusion that unless you want this awkward air to continue on you should apologize for your trap.
"I'm sorry about the trap, a fox is about and I wasn't willing to take any chances".
You gain no response. Which doesn't really surprise you.
The fact he hasn't said or tried to do anything shows he isn't interested in anything besides your fire.
But wishing for the silence to be filled you start trying to make idle conversation.
"Will you be flying back soon?".
The moon is high, and surely they have to return back to their mountain less they wish to face exile.
Tengu's rarely had a chance to explore the world beyond their mountains. You wonder if the one before you prefers to travel or is a homebody.
"No, not tonight".
He says after a moment, and it's then you come to realize his voice is the softest thing about him.
You suppose the weather is far too cold for flying tonight anyway. The injuries made on his wings probably don't help with his travels either. Guilt doesn't keep hunters alive very long in this world but it still comes to you quicker than you should.
Medicine is expensive, what little you have is meant only for the most dire of situations.
But you've also heard crows can hold lifelong grudges. Though you are quite aware that the tengu in front of you does not resemble an average crow.
So you toss what you have his way, to which he surprisingly declines. But with the stitches and piercings you suppose that he must have a good tolerance for pain.
"Have you been hunting this kitsune for a while now?". He asks, as if finally thinking of a question to ask you. You fight the urge to smile just yet.
"No, the shrine hired me today to take care of it".
He doesn't look surprised at all when you mention that.
"That's odd". He admits, likely already aware of what you had thought of. He turns his back for only a moment and the homebrewed sake in his hand appears from nowhere. Such a sneaky tengu that has found you. Laughing before taking the drink offered to you. A blend that reminds you of spring, surprisingly. It loosens your spirits in a way you have not felt in a terribly long time.
"Given what I have heard, their familiars all ran off for a short while. Likely to that festival several districts over".
It makes him grow a bit agitated to hear that, you think. Which makes sense. When familiars left their temples it didn't just cause humans trouble. If he were left to the mercy of that kitsune alone you would hate to think of what would become of your newfound drinking partner.
"So they tried hiring you, out of fear most likely. Just to have you sent away moments before their familiars return like a lord's mistress?".
When he puts it like that you have no chance of denying it.
"Exactly like a hidden mistress".
You say, laughing and accepting the next shot of sake.
"I think it's likely because I was not taught properly".
You tell him not willing to say anything more on the topic. Thankfully he doesn't pry.
You begin to really look at your companion, the alcohol lowering a bit of your previous inhibitions.
The necklace he wears is a blood red jewel directly in the center of it. Surrounded by other sorts of rocks and quartz you do not recognize.
"Are you a priest?".
You question noting the marks upon his hands, no doubt caused by lightning.
If he told you, yes you may have likely seen through this entire facade. Priests would never dare adorn such jewelry, or modify their own bodies in such a way.
He tells you instead, before his gaze is directly entirely to you.
"Is there a name I may call you by?". He asks.
There's power that came with knowing names, you didn't think anything more of it. Besides, the fact it was a clear sign of good trust. You give him your own as well.
You think there's something you were going to get, maybe a blanket because of the chill that comes from the northern wind.
Unfortunately, you are more drunk than you had thought. Stumbling a bit in and not really sure how to take your next step without falling to the earth.
Franklin, whose eyes have not left you in a very long time, notices this of course .
“You are going to fall over if you don't sit down".
He tells you, guiding you to his side with steady hands.
Tengu, you think, must be soft lovers given their fragile constitutions. Despite the size of your soon to be lover you doubt he has enough bite to hurt even a spider.
It'll be fun to throw your worries elsewhere for a short while.
Things become heated after that. One of you leans in close to the other, you aren't really sure who does so first.
Your thoughts soon are a mess. As you are too engulfed by the pleasure and heat to think of anything else. And you continue to cry out his name, again and again.
It ends with Franklin resting his face in the crook of your neck. Exactly like a besotted lover would. You melt at the mere thought alone.
You've fallen into the daydream a thousand times, but never quite like this. It is so easy to imagine, a shrine that the sun shines upon every day.
If you were trained all it would take was a kiss to make this demon a familiar of your own. Whether he was willing to comply or not. If you were lucky enough you think that just maybe he would accept his place by your side.
In a few hours dawn will come and the two of you will be forced to follow separate paths. You try to enjoy what little time you have left. Not knowing when you will find yourself in a situation such as this again. But it's hard to do that with your dry throat.
As if sensing your exact thoughts Franklin comes back with water and peaches of all things. He brings the fruit to your lips, making sure you eat everything he offers you.
The shared silence that follows is comfortable and you say nothing more. Unwilling to ruin this rare and nearly perfect moment.
You're almost on the verge of falling asleep when the quiet giant speaks again.
"I think it's best if you return with me to the mountains".
Seeing how you've done the most of the talking tonight- it's surprising to hear him be so direct is a bit odd.
The offer is so sweet, alas it's still one you know you could never accept. The thought erases any tiredness you previously felt.
You have grown too comfortable with this man- no this demon and while it wasn't your first time. It was the first time you've felt so
“You would never get away with bringing a human to the temple”. You reason, knowing likely you would both die if he really did bring you back to the mountain temple. His own gods would likely strike down thunder as well if they knew he had lain with a hunter.
And that's if the other tengu didn't manage to end you first.
"I'll have to go soon". You murmur, trying to pull away. Ready to leave quickly as if that factor will make this any easier.
His grip on you does not lessen in the slightest. But his eyes are cold now.
You begin losing all hope that he is going to let you go quite that easily.
First you hit him, striking his face and neck- normal man or demons weak points of it were anyone else.
Only his necklace breaks in your attempt. All the jewels and beads flying everywhere. Unsure what else to do with your strikes having no effect on him , you look at his face.
Only to be met with pure cursed energy.
The stitches across his face now make terribly perfect sense. Just like the forest decay, it's just under the surface. Without the necklace his aura is now unmistakable.
"If you had been trained you would have been able to sense my intent from the start. Even with my talisman".
He tells you, his hands around your neck holding you down as if you are nothing more than a weak cattle.
"I had no intention of letting you live,when I first found you”.
It's only when he says that do you finally feel pure fear for your life.
He speaks in the exact same tone as he had all night. It makes you feel dirty now- having lain with him not even an hour ago.
"And what made you decide to not do that?".
You ask fear creeping into your voice despite your best intentions.Your knives are only a few feet away- even if you did have them you'd still likely die. How could you not have seen all the signs? The obvious intent he held since the moment you released him from the trap.
"There is no one left in the mountains". He begins to explain holding you closely this time you find no comfort from the sign of affection.
The picture he paints is a bloody vivid one, you almost can hear the screams as one of their own flock annihilates them.
“I don't understand”. You cry, still clinging to denial.
He gives you a considerate once over look, one that you wish more than anything would disappear.
"When you are a proper thing then we will be wed".
He says it like it's a good thing, like he's going to make you the luckiest person in the entire world. You can't really breathe after that, nearly hyperventilating until you are able to gain control of your thoughts again.
He speaks of other things too. None of which you are able to pay attention to.
Your thoughts only of how you can bide your time, an opening would present itself soon. Unaware of what is going to happen to you a mere moment later.
While a nen user could bind a demon with a kiss, all a demon needs to do to lay a claim of their own is bite. And despite not having fangs his bite still burns right through you. For a moment your vision is completely black and in a moment of complete weakness you grab a hold of Franklin's wings for support. This time he doesn't smack your hand away. Your cries are the only source of sound besides the nearly dead embers at the fire. Franklin holds you close to himself, as if he's trying to protect you.
His feathers are soft to the touch still. Even if it is your blood that is covering them this time. You aren't sure how long you stay like that. Weeping as he holds on to you unwilling to let you go.
But by now he knows drugs in your system are finally taking their toll, you can barely move your fingertips now.
Feeling you still trying to move, Franklin pats your head as if trying to help you fall into an easy slumber. Despite your best efforts you eventually succumb to just that. Dawn comes quickly after.
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b0mblover ¡ 3 months
tadajiro shower fic 1k words 
thanks to; Sho, for the plot (THE FUCMING ENTIRE THING YOU DONT UNDERTZAND 😭😭ALL OF IT 100% srsly. i have the screenshots im not good at plot thank you so much sho srsly 🙏🙏 my fuxking SAVIOR)
Rizzmaster 89, for the dialog ideas
i formally apologize for everything, i just woke up
Jiro walked through the front door of the apartment, unintentionally slamming it as he closed it, it had been a long day, Noriko and him fought about nearly everything, he was involved in an on-foot pursue with the police, and lopt still existed.
Needless to say, he was exhausted.
Jirou walked over to and flopped onto the couch, he had been staying at Tadashis apartment for some while now, their apartment that they usually lived in was under renovations, so they all had to find somewhere else, Noriko stayed with Reina, Lopt was… Lopt, and Jiro stayed with tadashi.
It was the closest person he had outside of the revolutionary army,
(no crown isnt in this im sorry 😔)
ironic, a priest that gets payed a good fucking “little” sum of money lived in an apartment.
(nope just, idk apartments are easier for me to write even tho ive never lived in one)
Jiro layed there, unmoving for about 5 minutes until he heard a door shut.
“the hell do you think youre doing?”
tadashi was extremely annoying, almost all hours of the day.
“Fuckin tryina sleep” jiro managed to get out through gritted teeth
(shut up)
“The hell you are- go shower”
Kunai was… particular about so called “dirtiness”
Maybe it was the upbringings of them, but their opinions clashed more than Jiro and Noriko fighting
“No im fuckin tired leave me alone”
“I will if you go Fucking shower”
Kunai sighed, Jiro, as much as he “loved” him, he was quite stubborn, he walked over to jiro, and put his arms under him, picking him up bridal-style for about 2 seconds before setting him on the floor
(well more of standing?)
“The fuck are you doing?”
Jiro asked, he looked so tired.
“Youre going to shower, weather you like it or not”
Kunai but his arm around Jiros upper back, guiding him to the bathroom.
Kunai tugged at jiros waist band, motioning for him to take off his clothes, jiro did so slowly and reluctantly as kunai turned on the water to the shower. 
It was a small bathroom, just enough for the two of them to move around mostly comfortably. 
Kunai set a stool into the shower, motioning Jiro to sit down, Jiro did so as Kunai messed with the shower head, attempting to detach it from its handle.
(look ive only seen a detachable one irl when i was like 7 in my grandmothers apartment and that was so long ago- leave me alone:(pls)
After a minute or so, pulling it down, the pressure felt nice on jiros back, it was hard but not enough to be painful, warm, but not burning.
Kunai lathered something onto jiros hair, he didnt pay attention as to what, more than likely shampoo, he was too tired to care. 
“So, hows it been?” kunai asked in a vagely monotone voice, it wasnt offputting as jiro had heard it a million times since “living” with him.
“Fine i guess” jiro sounded dejected, he wanted this to be over as soon as possible, and small talk wasnt letting that happen. 
“You sound” kunai paused “like theres something on your mind” quickly changing his words.
“Its nothing important” he shot back quickly, it was one thing for even lopt to ask what was wrong, he noticed he mustve been acting strange for even kunai of all people to ask.
“Are you sure? yknow you can tell me anything, i wont tell” kunai said, as he started washing his back with soap.
“Just- i dont know how to explain” he sighed, he felt defeated, the one chance he was able to talk about how he felt, he felt like he blew it.
“just explain it however it comes to you yknow?” kunai moved to washing his neck, making sure to massage it at least a little bit.
“- fine, i dont think im worth anything to anyone, i think people only want to use me in one way or another”
“mhm and?” kunai grabbed at jiros shoulders, attempting to silently tell him to stop being so tense.
“and what? do you think im good at this emotional bullshit? no. no i am fucking not.”
kunai sighed “im just trying to get you to open up, i know that isnt easy”
“why try and get me to open up? we all know you dont truly care. do you just wanna use me too?” jiro started to speak faster
“is that really all im good for? is that what people see me as? do you see me as someone just to keep around until you get bored and eventually decide to throw out-“
“Relax. your shoulders jiro, relax, youre doing neither of us any favors by tensing up” 
“r-right, sorry” jiro attempted to calm his body down as much as he could.
Kunai continued to wash his back, rinse his hair, put conditioner in his hair, wash his back. 
“Do you think… how do i put this without it sounding wrong” he questioned aloud.
“just say it” jiro continued looking at the floor
“Do you think you really “have” anything im intrested in?”
“i dunno, my body i guess?” jiro was thankful that he wasnt facing tadashi at that moment
“Why would you think id want to use your body?”
“i well- because? why not right? thats all im worth”
“who told you that?” kunai was mentally on the verge of tears (or what yk little he “had” shut up lemme have a semi nice tadashi 😭😭)
“Huh?” jiro turned around to face Kunai, confused.
“who told you that youre only worth your body? i mean- i havent known you as long as say noriko, but i know that your worth more than that”
“i dont understand” jiro turned around, not really believing kunai in the slightest. 
“Jiro, youre not stupid” Kunai hugged him from behind, not too tightly, before letting go again.
“youre kind, your funny, youre strong”
“so? thats normal though” 
“i dont know about what youve went through, but if its anything like the rumors in school, it had to have been hell right?” tadashi adjusted the water to be warmer, theyll probably have to get out soon.
“What? i- my life then is no ones concern besides my own” if he had the energy hed glare at him.
“Maybe- maybe not, but it still changed you in some way correct? i mean, you sure do know how to run from the police damn well- and i don’t believe thats something just everyone can do”
Jiro knew at least that part was true, even if he didnt want to believe it.
“but even then, i contribute nothing to anyone” he hugged his own knees toghther attempting to comfort himself.
“is merely surviving after everything youve been through not enough?” Kunai smiled slightly.
“i-“ he stopped, he realized there was no use for him trying to fight tadashi, he knew in one way or another he was right, even if he didnt want to accept it.
Kunai hugged him from behind, before washing the conditioner out of his hair.
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necromycologist ¡ 5 months
rating 'fantasies' songs by their tlt vibes
recently i got really into this album and ive been listening to it nonstop and i got the urge to make this post so behold.
Help I'm Alive
we open with a BANGER. the whole heart motif beauty of existence thing is very tlt in general but "if we're still alive my regrets are few/if my life is mine what shouldnt i do" feels like it could be ntn cam+pal perhaps. 6/10 for general vibes not really going anywhere specific tho.
Sick Muse
i could see this as a convo between gideon and harrow. "pull your little arrows out an let me live my life" she WOULD say that about love... ily harrowhark necro'mancer nonagesimus lyctorway keep sticking your middle finger up at preps. but the main event is "all the blondes are fantasies/we looked at them eleven ways/you said look at me then looked away" like i dont even need to explain this one. YOU SAID LOOK AT ME THEN LOOKED AWAY the orpheus and eurydice the betrayal the hurt why wont you eat me please please consume me why are you saving me sorry one sec. ill shut up about greek myths now. 7.5/10 that one lyric saved it for me
Satellite Mind
this song is so strange and offputting it has to be about our favourite little bone nun <3 its givin htn harrow "i can feel you most when im alone" um the body the body the body "flashback of a feeling/sixth sense of a calling" its the love! that they couldnt take away!! 6/10 because i think that the dreamy freaky what the fuck is happening are suuuuper htn however the actual lyrics arent super close
Gold Guns Girls
i want this song to be about ianthe tridentarius soooooo bad... i want it to be about our favourite perpetually thirdweeling failgirl so much... like ive never wanted anything else ever oh my GOD... "i remember when you were gambling to win/everybody else said better luck next time" underestimated at canaan house anyone? anyone at all? no takers?? no??? 3/10 because despite my deepest wishes this is just a good song thats not about gay catholic homestuck 😔
Gimme Sympathy
slightly ironic gtn griddlehawk at its finest. "get hot/get too close to the flames" oops! now ur her cavalier "wild open space" gideon-gettin-shocked-by-days-on-earth-emotional.png "talk like an open book" not with that vow of silence. idiot. "sign me up!" shes not signed up haha "ill remember someday all the chances we took" not after the lobotomy u wont lol "we're so close to something better left unknown" cough cough LYCTORHOOD. 9/10 manifesting kiriona giving harrow sympathy after all of this is gone in alecto
Collect Call
hiii ntn fans i prommy i didn’t forget abt u! this one goes out to the psychosexual mess of role playing and bad meals enjoyers <3 "i know it's a lie i want it to be true/the rest of the rot is riding on you" oh boy like i said psychosexual mess... pyrra dve my beloved "wishing you could KEEP! ME! CLOSER! IM A LAZY! DANCER! WHEN YOU MOVE! I! MOVE WITH YOUOOOOOOOOO" oh lord nona placing her hand on cam's shoulder like palamedes would. oh lord being so close in one body and yet a second apart. 8/10 should be higher but i started Having Feelings about nona's death again and couldnt finish listening to the song
Front Row
this is a john song if I’ve ever heard one. “burnt out stars they shine so bright… all of us” is def. giving lyctor vibes. (just children playing with reflections thinking they were stars grauauauagh etc etc) plus plus “he’s not perfect/he’s a victim/of his occupation/social insulation/secret intervention” like fuck dude he really is!!! pilot that president around ordinary dude fuck the world up with your good intentions!!! 10/10 this song is the brainrot undying the kindly prince of my lyctor brainrot
besties ngl i am INCREDIBLY torn on this one,,, on one hand “what it is and where it stops nobody knows/you gave me a life i never chose/i wanna leave but the world wont let me go” goes crazy hard. like harrowhark ‘cursed to keep living’ nonagesimus? hello is that u? on the other hand the whole opening sequence of this is very blood of eden coded… 5/10 this song has a very Character Energy about it but i think i must accept that that character is probably not a tlt one
Stadium Love
ohohohoo! here she comes!! this song IS about canaan house like the whole thing n nothing will convince me otherwise. "wanna make a deal/angel versus eel" hm im getting gideighth betrayal vibes from this "rabbit versus dove" WHAT DID I SAY colum get back here your government assigned fursona is in the song "owl versus dove" uuuuuh this can be about the sixth being cool basically whenever because sixth -> wisdom -> athena -> owl. idc that they live on mercury fuck off. the blorbos may be smart but i dont have to be. btw camilla hect if you read this im free on thursday night and would like to hang out plz respond and then hang out with me on thursday night when im free. u can bring your necromancer too if yw. "every living thing pushed into the ring" duel time every (necro)man(cer) for himself "guess you thought you could just watch" go on enforce that cohort order judith! it wont backfire at all haha! "NO. ONES. GETTING. OUT" well. uh. none of them are. plus cant you just see the Character Portrait Flashes AMV Moments to the wooowooos?? cant you??? "without STADIUM LOVE" the last time they say this w the beat drop it should be gidedeath cytherea duel epic timez and then the echoing "love love" at the end is harrow waking up and mouthing The Three Syllables TM. 11/10 somebody lend me their animation skills please i would be sooo epic and responsible with them i have a Vison...
in conclusion thx for listening to my deranged ramblings (if anyone actually does.) please go listen to fantasies its so so good... message me and we can brainrot thru it together xoxo
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