#like when chasing rupert or chasing north in crossroads
clopinasworld · 9 months
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Connor "glitching" during the Eden Club fight + Bonus (From this video of the fight scene in first person mod)
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enkisstories · 4 years
Detroit Become Human AU: A world without Connor
In a recent Sims 4 post Daniel accidently erased Connor from existence by means of using a phrase that could be misunderstood as him making a wish. I made this into a 2,000 words essay.
As for my sims, I focus on playing the Renegades atm, so World without Connor is just a what-if that may or may not happen.
The same soul that incarnated as Cole later became Connor (they are not the same person). Therefore the easiest way to go to erase Connor would be to keep Cole alive. From there ripples spread out, changing history (a little).
Hank is still divorced, the accident still occurs and the human surgeon is still high on Red Ice, but this time the android surgeon manages to save Cole. This results in Hank never plunging into depression. Instead it turns him into an android rights supporter early on and, seeing how respected Hank is/was at the DPD, this attitude spreads to all officers. Some more, some less, naturally. The first visible change is the two receptionist androids coming to life slowly, similar to Markus when he was with Carl.
The Hostage
Daniel kills John and kidnaps Emma just like in canon. However, with no Connor, the officers to arrive at the scene are Hank and Gavin. They find all the clues, then step outside. Hank motions towards Wilson with the intent to save him, Gavin doesn’t really care either way, as Wilson is neither a rival nor helpful for his career. Therefore he focuses on the deviant. Strangely enough, Gavin finds that he can empathize with the machine that was to get replaced. Drawing upon his own fears, Gavin manages to talk Daniel into releasing Emma and surrendering. When Cpt. Allen tries to get a shot, Gavin stands “totally coincidentally” too close to the deviant, therefore Daniel gets taken alive.
Over the next few days Daniel gets questioned and eventually reset to factory settings, because by this time “deviance” is viewed as a bug. Caroline refuses to accept her “repaired” android back, so the DPD simply keeps it as coffee fetcher and janitor. Daniel’s explosive personality surfaces now and then, but goes under the radar, because the cops are way worse to each other.
Now we get to see the results of the DPD officers’ being influenced by a pro-android Hank: The duo who comes over to Manfred Mansion actually asks questions before shooting. They learn the full truth and Markus never gets shot. This seems good for the moment, but will backfire later.
Hank and Ben find and arrest the deviant. Simple as that.
The Interrogation
Daniel is present, excited to meet another deviant. Just like in canon Hank doesn’t get the captive to talk, Gavin suggests violence, Daniel (in Connor’s place) begs to get a chance talking to it and Chris probably learns a lot about how not to be a cop. In the end Gavin goes in, gets a confession, but pressures the deviant too much, resulting in him attacking.
Daniel, still mind-wiped, protects his humans, eventually ends up with a gun in hand and shoots the deviant in panic. He realizes it feels familiar.
“Now that is new”, Gavin comments while Hank orders Daniel to put away the gun. Shaken Daniel demands an explanation. “Down with the gun”, Hank sais again, but despite them having bonded those last two months, Daniel turns around and now they both point their weapons at each other. Again the deviant demands an explanation. Funnily enough Gavin of all people defuses the situation by telling Daniel that if he knew the truth, he’d shoot himself and afterwards Gavin and Hank. Daniel replies this order of events isn’t possible, but Gavin shots back that with Daniel it probably is, seeing how fucking irrational he is. Daniel laughs and lowers the gun.
Waiting for Hank
Everyone is worried. It slowly sinks in that deviance isn’t just a series of glitches, but something different. Captain Fowler wants to take Hank off the deviant cases on account of him being not impartial enough. They argue and in the end Hank stays in the cases, however, he has to accept Gavin as his partner. Fowler claims as the DPD’s most anti-android employee Gavin will balance out Hank’s bias.
For a chuckle the player at this point can tilt the camera to get a look into the cafeteria where the “most anti-android officer” sits, amiably chatting with Tina and Daniel. Any by “amiably chatting” I mean the trio making fun of other officers.
On the run
Ben, Hank and Gavin arrive at the scene and the same dialogue as in canon plays: Ben asks “Have you decided what to do with it?”, only this time he refers to Gavin, not to Connor.
Hank and Gavin chase Kara, under the belief that she uses a little human girl as meat shield. Hank sarcastically comments this must be a deviant’s first instinct, Gavin replies “watch out for Cole”, whereas Hank punches him.
They reach the highway, where Hank orders Gavin to stand down. “Too dangerous.” – “Why’d you care what happens to me? You hated me from the day I started at the DPD, because god forbid a man might ask about advancement options and not work out of their bleeding heart’s desire!” Hank punches him again, because “good” doesn’t “imply “nice”.
The Nest
In the elevator Gavin tries to annoy Hank with coin tricks. He uses a dollar coin, then Hank pulls out two half-dollars and does the same trick, only with two hands at the same time. Both Gavin’s and Hank’s tricks do not compare to Conor’s, by the way.
Gavin gets a little revenge when they discover the pigeons in the apartment. He mercilessly teases Hank about his phobia. Rupert tries to slip away, but gets spotted. The cops give chase, Hank drops, but Gavin pulls him back up. They stare in “Did that just happen?” disbelief. Gavin claims he will always save human lives before destroying android lives, but it is obvious that he had an ulterior motive (Daniel would be sad at Hank’s death). Hank concludes that the deviant’s only crime had been squatting anyway and calls it a day.
Russian Roulette
Cue to an utterly sweet scene in Hank’s house where his ex has just dropped off Cole, who immediately greets Sumo.
Then Daniel knocks at the door. He informs Hank that there is another case to see to and that Captain Fowler sent him to babysit Cole. Hank on the one hand is grateful for Jeff being so considerate, but on the other hand side he is loath to leave Cole with Daniel.
Daniel proceeds to greet Cole and Sumo, but suddenly stiffens. The boy being Emma’s age he suddenly remembers her, but not everything that happened. Daniel asks if John sold him to the cops and adds that he feels like killing him. “You did”, Hank sais. Now everything comes back, Daniel has a breakdown and eventually shuts down on Hank’s kitchen floor. Hank has to google the PL600’s manual to revive him, with much cussing.
The Eden Club
The deviants are never discovered, because Hank is still occupied with Daniel and Gavin comes to the same premature conclusion as in canon.
Public Enemy
Tina is present and due to her apathetic nature Perkins takes her for an android. Gavin flares up. He then proceeds to interrogate the three androids in the kitchen while Hank inspects the roof.
Hank discovers Simon, but takes him for Daniel. Realizing that whoever this Daniel is, he must be a deviant and sort of friends with these humans, Simon plays along. He agrees to “return” to the DPD with Hank. He also claims he has identified the deviant. Gavin is at first grumpy, but then he laughs and sais “Of course you would, after all, I trained you!”
On the way back, Simon and the deviant JB300 escape (and subsequently return to Jericho).
Hank and Gavin think Daniel has just defected right in front of their eyes. They are disappointed to no end, but learn the truth when they return to the police station where the real Daniel waits with Cole and Sumo. “I didn’t want to be alone, but I couldn’t leave them alone either, so I brought them…”
Meeting Kamski
Since we have lost/let escape each and every evidence, we now have to kill Chloe.
Hank, Gavin and Daniel go visit Kamski. Daniel remembers more about the Phillips, namely their swimming pool and John’s love for technology. He gets increasingly angry and when asking the android creator doesn’t get them answers, he pulls Gavin’s gun at the man. After little more dialogue and maneuvering, it becomes apparent to the humans that Daniel won’t shoot, but Chloe is unaware of this and goes in-between Daniel and Elijah. Daniel panics and accidently pulls the trigger, killing her. Kamski informs the cops that all the information they need is in her brain.
Last Chance, Connor
Perkins arrives and states that the FBI will take over, despite Hank’s protests that they now have a lead.
Meanwhile Cole has nicked his father’s keycard and goes adventuring. He correctly guesses his dad’s password. Perkins finds out, grabs the boy and drags him back up the stairs. Hank doesn’t take kindly to his kid being handled like this and beats up Perkins.
This allows Gavin and Tina to dress up Daniel as a deviant. He wants to go to Jericho to learn what and who he is as well as everything about deviance. Hank still sort of trusts Daniel. He strongly believes now that socialization is the key, a fully socialized android like Markus won’t go on a murderous rampage and one like Daniel is able to keep their shit together with a little effort. Tina says “Let’s face it, Gavin, he’s no more instable than you are, or any of us. The only difference is that with androids we didn’t expect it.”
Daniel meets the deviant leaders. He is surprised to find a collective instead of a strict hierarchy: Lucy is the metaphysical leader, Simon the secular leader, Josh the diplomat and North the general. And they squabble about as much as his cops.
However, little Cole has curiously followed the deviant and the FBI in turn has followed Cole (Perkins placed a bug on Cole back at the DPD) and now all hell breaks loose. Daniel is forced to flee with the deviants.
Night of the Soul
The deviants regroup. With Lucy dead, Simon, Josh and North argue how to react to the Recall. Daniel once again is disappointed and angry. He votes for attacking the camps. With the other three all contrary his vote turns out to be the decisive one.
Battle for Detroit
Hank and Cole are reunited, but the android surgeon who saved Cole’s life is in danger of getting carted to the recycling camps. Hank is close to drinking himself into oblivion, something he has last done during his divorce. A handful of cops decides on a whim to aid their Lieutenant in getting the hospital androids to safety. Since most of them are not deviants, the androids refuse to leave their workplaces. Footage of androids defending from the army to continue to care for humans goes around all the news channels.
Meanwhile North’s group has succeeded in taking over the camps. Perkins arrives at the scene, but he has only a handful of agents with him. Daniel steps up to him and asks “Looking for the rest of your team? The agents you positioned at the other camps? Uh, bad news. There were no journalists…” With North and Daniel as their leaders the deviants didn’t hesitate to kill their enemies, especially with no witnesses around. Perkins, who normally doesn’t show or even feel emotions, snaps. He is about to call in an airstrike on the neighborhood. North counter-threatens with the dirty bomb. The only one who might have been able to defuse the situation, Josh, is dead.
Daniel knows he can stop either North or Perkins, the other will press the trigger. If he stops North, he will die, but his human friends, Emma, Cole, Hank and Gavin, will live. If he stops Perkins, the humans will die, but he won’t. After everything sacrificing themselves is too much to ask for, so Daniel knocks out Perkins. Miraculously North doesn’t immediately trigger the bomb, but Daniel still feels like shit. Loyalty is important to him and his loyalties now lie with the DPD cops (not the DPD as an institution), yet he let them down.
Now North has looked up to Daniel the moment they met. After all, he didn’t take shit from his humans, from her point of view he “showed them”. She didn’t understand what exactly she felt, her feelings for Daniel always were different from those towards Josh and Simon. Now she realizes it isn’t just her-worship, but attraction and although North hates doing the same motions she had to do as a sexbot, she motions to kiss Daniel.
Cue to the “Kiss” ending and since public opinion should be in favor of androids, we have achieved sort of a good ending.
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2scorchedwings · 6 years
Detroit Become Human first play through
Kara & Alice + Luther 
well i started off killing Todd in the bedroom sooooooooo right off the bat not that good I felt. I stayed true to Alice, not stealing clothes or money. Squated in the house and was nice to Ralph and ran from Connor (who I got hit by a truck, whoops) Got memory erased because arrrrgh I wanted the dude to be good sigh im gullible. Saved Alice, Luther came with us and freed the experimented androids. Park went well and safe, good at Roses, Jericho was okay? Was nice with Alice but got separated there from Luther. Saved Luther and made it to the bus where I didnt steal ticket and I went with Adam. Boat SEEMED FINE until they FOUND US AND I WAS LIKE FLOOR IT, BAD CHOICE THERE. Luther Died, Alice got shot and died, Kara went into the water and I had her give up because come on she was living for Alice and even Luther I wasn’t gonna let her be alone like that. (if thats actually the choice gotta replay and find out)
Soooooooooooooo yeah, not a good ending first time round with them. 
First time round I didn’t run into any problems picking up the paints lol. I painted....Identity and....something, it was Markus’ face red and orange. I did push Leo the first time and was like I KILLED ANOTHER PERSON ALREADY WHAT? (though later he was okay) Repaired myself, I did kill the lady android for the heart piece. Found Jericho, and did peaceful protests, didnt kill anyone. Simon got shot by swat and left him there, I waaaaaaaaas gonna shot him and then didn’t. And Im SO HAPPY BC HE CAME BACK. And then....I did a peaceful march and went to sacrifice myself...and got Simon killed. UGH Then what? I was sad, but stayed pacifist. Tried to help Kara. Convinced Connor  and trusted him later on, saved Josh, and North, and was peaceful with the whole free the androids from the camp and sang my was to freedom. 
So Markus went like so-so I knew I was going to be peaceful before I even got the game but I made some mistakes along the way I feel. 
This one I knew I wanted him to go deviant from the start because I’m all for Strict Rule Follower to.....Not....Anyway, I saved Emma and got Daniel shot by swat, Hank and I went up and down a bit, some actions that I thought would be positive weren’t. But we never got lower then friends. I did good in finding Carlos’ android and got the confession. I had trouble with Amanda, most of my responses were negative on her in most of our interactions. Waiting for Hank went okay, learned about Sumo and told him i want to listen to music and the Captain yelled at me and Hank left with a lead. Chased Kara and got hit by a truck....my one and only Connor death. In the Nest I met up with Hank and we didn’t talk over lunch really, found Rupert but I chose to save Hank so he got away. Met Sumo and got Hank sobered, was distant, found picture of his son and didn’t ask about the gun.Eden Club, went okay i had a hard time with following the path, made hank spend well over a couple hundred dollars, fought with the girls but yoooo when i saw them hold hands i was like LOVERS?! And did not shot them, I was not about to kill two lesbian androids. Went okay on the bridge, Before and suicidal tendencies and ra9 was discussed. I had Connor respond with feelings towards dying. Public Enemy, I ended up interrogating the androids, didnt get to the roof so Simon stayed safe, I killed the android in the hallway. Kamski, of course i didn’t shot, I wanted him to become deviant. With the evidence, I ignored Gavin and I woke up the CCTV android and posed as Markus and then beat Gavin up. Crossroads, I couldn’t explore much, just saw the bombs and then Lucy stopped me, FINALLY became deviant and escaped with the others. Told Markus about the androids in the Cyberlife place and went to wake them up. I killed guards in the elevator, i didn’t want to but i dont know if there was another action. Double Connor came out with Hank and that ensued and Hank shot the right Connor. Woke up the androids and joined Markus. Finally was about the beat Amanda’s override and ended with a huge from Hank. 
So Connor’s story went relatively well there other then getting hit by a truck. 
It wasn’t a bad first run through other then Kara’s ending I was a little bummed out about that. Now, I’m just going to try and fill up the flowcharts 
But damn some of them are so big and long and I haven’t even unlocked a few of them 
It’ll be interesting and tough, I don’t like making the “wrong” choices and seeing the bad outcomes but...I am a trophy hunter so it must be done.
Just know
I will feel terrible about it
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