#like when i started writing this i had harley quinn half blue half red hair … and now i’m blonde .. not to mention how i want to change my l
banglatown · 2 years
🌟big-sis!beeb’s comprehensive guide for the pretty bitch lifestyle🌟 salon edition***
now that i’m a hair, lashes, brows, nails ,,, girl, here’s some thoughts
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style: it’s very xtina dirty era (so, basically, its just blonde and black lol) and regard to cut, i have face shaping long bangs and the rest is feathered
once every two months sometimes three if i’m feeling lazy … i quite like the look of overgrown black roots w/ blonde hair 💕  HOWEVER, and this is a big however, this is the only thing where your @ home practice matters more than what they do at the salon, taking level 1 hair to level 10 is fucking gnarly and you have to be ready to deal with it so .. at 
i wash my hair once 1-2x a week bc my hair is naturally v coarse and dry and can handle it, i use the milkshake ‘silver shine’ shampoo and conditioner, my hairdresser gave them to me and they’re amazing, they always make my hair feel super soft afterwards, but honest, anything will work so long as it’s purple and sulphate free!
i olaplex #3 my hair once a week, ik olaplex is a bit controversial but it’s done me rly good BUT i’d generally only recommend it to you if you have severely damaged hair .. if your hair is healthy you don’t need it 😘
almost done lmaooo, i then use the inkey list hair hyaluronic acid, olaplex #6 & 7, and the john frieda frIzzzease (literally have been using this since i was like 16) and put them all in my ends and use a tangle teaser to distribute it all over, and last but not least i use the bumble and bumble ‘illuminated blonde’ leave in
as you can see, you need to be on your a game with it bc having blonde hair is high maintenance and it’s a lot but i genuinely enjoy taking care of my hair, it gives me an excuse to practice self-care, so, i love it! 🥰
price: this is by far the most expensive part of the pretty bitch lifestyle … the initial appointment cost £130 and then the follow ups for scalp bleach and toning and so on are like £50+ so yk … not to mention the price of all my lotions and potions but like i said, idm so 🤗
!! having asian hair, i MUST insist if you wish to have your hair coloured and have level 1 hair like me, GO TO THE FUCKING SALON otherwise you’ll fucking wreck your hair …. pls … you don’t know the damage you cause to your hair at home … ik #fight #the #man but for the love of all tht is pure pls go get it done professionally … leave it to the professionals !!
dying my hair has been the most ‘impactful’???lmaoo on my life like … i genuinely think it’s changed my appearance yk? like i feel like bc i’m blonde my skin look so much healthier lolllll and like … i deffo have a attitude problem now 💁🏼‍♀️ JOKING … am i- but i’m adjusting into being a blonde nicely 💓
need: 8/10 .. it’s nice to have someone else wash my hair lmaoooooo
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style: i get mega volumes with colour (the colours match the colours i used to have in my hair, i’ll probz go back to black soon lol)
upkeep: once every 2 weeks
price: £55 for a new set & £35 per infill
i first got lashes for my cousin’s wedding as, tho i do love fake lashes, @ the time my mental health couldn’t handle dealing with putting on fake lashes every day (as at tht point this is what i was doing,,, the high maintenance life chooses you) anyway, so i got my lashes done for first time and … i rmbr as i was having my makeup done for said wedding, the mua said i’d become addicted and i brushed it off like nOoo … she was right, i am addicted ,,, AND I LOVE THEM 😍😍😍😍
however, one thing i need to mention which i don’t think ppl talk abt enough is pls do your research as just bc someone looks good on ig doesn’t mean they’re all tht and a bag of crisps irl .. as it took me being lashed by 3 frogs (kinda.. lol) to meet my beloved queen and now … my lash tech is also one of my fav ppl and is always willing to bring my vision to life 💘 but, 1. the first lash tech i was supposed to have triple booked me and two other girls by mistake and then acted like everything was fine and thought a ‘discount’ would make me go back to her … it was a waste of my time and energy, 2. was effective, fast, affordable but the viBeS were off and for my sag moon.. vibes are important to me as i don’t want to sit in utter discomfort for 45 mins … 3. was an old friend of mine so i had high hopes BUT … IT WAS A DISASTER.. she glued my eye shut and then had to rip my bottom lashes to open my eyes … it was a horror of an experience; which reminds me when having your lashes done, through out the experience.. NEVER OPEN YOUR EYES OR IT WILL BURN !!!
need: 100000000/10 ,,, i love having my lashes done beyond words ,,, lashes literally make me feel so amazing and i love how i can literally wake up with big fuck off lashes 🤩
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style: i get my brows laminated, tinted & waxed
upkeep: once every 6 weeks; this one for me requires the least upkeep as since i dye my eyebrows myself anyway, sometimes i forget to go and i only rmbr when my eyebrows are being particularly annoying and then i book an app. lmao but it’s the one tht is least maintenance for me
price: £35
before my cousin’s wedding, i’d never gotten my brows done … ever .. so it was a a new experience… but it taught me i like the feeling of being waxed (just my face ,,, fyi) lmaoooooo, anyway;
need: 2/10 … my tech is amazing and lovely, it’s just something i don’t think is crazy necessary in my life ,,,
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style: builder gel with detailed nail art
upkeep: once a month, my nails grow fast but i cba going every 2 weeks and i also don’t mind seeing my cuticle growth lmao
price: £35+
i like nail tech hopping around my town and seeing what everyone can offer so i usually never go to same place twice, though i love the look of xxl long acrylics, my virgo sun won’t let me give into temptation so i bought some press ons to allow me to live out my dream (you will see them when i finish designing them 😌) w/o ruining my nails, speaking of, i get builder gel as i have p decent natural nails and don’t rly care for acrylic & the damage it causes and i like having different funky styles, rn i have coloured french tips with auras and gems !
for those who dk, builder gel is a thick gel that’s put on top of your nails and its just infilled every time, the thickness of the gel allows your own natural nails to grow in strength and length in peace, in my experience, it isn’t damaging at all unlike acrylics … the thought of the damage tht acrylics cause makes me cringe 😖😖😖
need: 4/10 .. i’ve never had a bad experience aA, it’s just i don’t rly think it’s a necessity in my life and ik tht once my nails get to a certain length, i’ll get bored and stop lol
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lunarsaga · 3 years
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Me: I'm not gonna write a fanfic, I'll just do this in snippets My "Snippets": *full fanfic chapter length and only getting longer* Me: ......uh.......
This Episode:
The Band Of Seven, Resurrected
Finally catching sight of their friends again was a bit of a relief for both Luna and Ai. It had been a long couple of days, going all the way home and coming back. Part of Luna hoped they’d get just a little bit of rest before whatever shit hit the fan next, but another part knew the odds on that were pretty low. Still, it was nice to be back.
Kagome was the first to spot them as they flew in. “It’s Luna!”
“Luna’s back!” Shippo proclaimed joyfully.
“Hey, y’all,” Luna greeted as Ai touched down. She hopped off the demon’s back as her friends offered their greetings. “What’d I miss?” She asked.
Miroku was the one to answer. “Quite a lot. It seems that we may encounter a new enemy: the local villagers recently informed us of a group of mercenaries called the Band of Seven. The villagers believe these ruthless killers may have been brought back from the dead.”
With a grin on her face, Luna shrugged at the idea. “Undead mercs, huh? Nothin’ we can’t handle.” She held up her fist for her sister to bump it, and as Ai changed back to her human form, Luna noticed their little group was smaller than it should’ve been. “Where’s Sango?”
Kagome bumped fists with her sister, smiling at Luna’s nonchalant comment. “She went off with Kilala. I sensed a Jewel Shard nearby earlier… so I think she may have gone to look for Kohaku.”
Luna didn’t have time to respond. Off in the distance, she heard the distinctive echo of a sound she was all too familiar with.
“What on Earth was that?” Ai asked, her hand on Luna’s arm.
Kagome glanced at her sister nervously. “Was that…?”
“Gunfire. Definitely.” Luna’s eyes were locked on the trees in the direction the sound had come from. Mere seconds after they heard the shots, there was an overwhelming tang of copper in the air.
“And the smell of human blood…” Miroku said, gravely.
Inuyasha hopped up onto a tree limb, hoping to get a look at what was happening. He couldn’t see it, but he sure as hell could smell it. “And it ain’t from just a handful of people, either.”
So much for a second to rest, Luna chuckled to herself as she tightened the straps on her backpack and immediately kicked into gear. “What’re we waiting for, then?”
And off they were, charging headlong into danger as always. Luna could sense something was up; more so than usual. The stench of blood was never a good sign in the first place, but there was something else setting off warning bells. Something she couldn’t put a finger on.
The smell got stronger and stronger, until… they reached its source. Despite the amount of nasty shit she’d seen in her ten years of hunting supernatural monsters, there were some things that still turned her stomach, and seeing a single human being standing in a veritable ring of blood and gore was definitely one of them. His black hair was pulled into a twist; his lips were painted red, he had blue tattoos like tear tracks under each eye, and one side of his kimono was tucked up under his belt. The dude was just squatting in the middle of the carnage, eyeballing the barrel of a matchlock gun like it was his first time seeing one (which, hell, it might be, she thought to herself; in this time, they would’ve only recently been invented). He seemed completely unbothered by the dozen and a half bodies of freshly murdered warriors and their horses surrounding him.
Inuyasha was the one to get to the scene just ahead of the others, calling back over his shoulder: “Stay back! Don’t come over here!”
Instinctively, Luna remained in front of her sister, her arm out to try and block her view. Her stomach was churning, and her hand was poised to pull her gun if needed. No way this guy could be human… right?
“Did… that one person do all this?” Kagome’s voice was a shocked whisper.
It was then that the guy in the middle noticed them. He stood, his sword over his shoulder and his head cocked slightly to the side.
“Are you the one I’ve been looking for?” He asked, a grin on his face as he shielded his eyes from the sun. “Are you Inuyasha?!”
“Got a bad feeling about this.” Luna mumbled, “That guy isn't a demon, is he?”
“I don’t think so,” Kagome uttered back to her, “I don’t sense a demonic aura….”
“How’d you know my name?!” Inuyasha demanded.
He got no answer out of the guy with the sword. Instead, the guy squealed: “You’re adorable!”
A dumbfounded silence fell over the group. Luna glanced around at the others to make sure she didn’t just lose her mind—but no, the general consensus among her friends was along the lines of ‘what the actual fuck?’
“I especially love those fuzzy ears of yours!” The guy continued, licking his lips. “I want them~”
Alright, so this guy was nuts. Luna had had enough of ignoring the bad vibe she was picking up from him. She dropped her bag next to Kagome’s bike and readied herself for a fight: detached the ammo bag and shotgun holster from her pack and slung them over her shoulder, slipped her short sword through one of the belt loops on her jeans, and pulled her shotgun to make sure it was in hand and loaded. She kept her eyes moving back and forth between Inuyasha and the dude with the sword during the next exchange:
“Who are you?” Inuyasha demanded, “What are you after? You don’t smell like a living person, you reek like corpses and graveyard soil!”
No answer.
“Inuyasha,” Miroku said in realization: “Could he be—?”
“Yep,” Inuyasha confirmed, before calling out to the guy with the sword again: “Some villagers were talking! They said some disgusting specter rose up from the grave. That’d be you, I presume!”
Right, zombies, Luna thought to herself; if he really is undead, the Sacred Salt won’t do as much as it would a demon… It’d sting, but what I really need is-… She smirked and holstered her gun again, grabbing a different weapon from the bottom of her bag.
“Are you one of the Band of Seven?!” Miroku asked of the specter as Luna was tuning back in. “Answer me!”
After a long pause as the specter seemed to size the monk up, his response was even worse than before. “Inuyasha really is good looking, but you’re pretty sexy yourself~”
Luna snorted so hard she thought she was gonna eject her brain through her nose. Ai whacked her in the arm as a warning.
“No one minds if I suck him up, do they?” Miroku grumbled.
“No.” Inuyasha said, flatly.
“Hold on!” Kagome said, “He’s got a Sacred Jewel Shard! He must’ve been revived with the power of the Shard!”
“So that was what I was sensing,” Luna mumbled, “but why does it feel off...?”
“Where’d you get the Jewel Shard?!” Inuyasha once again attempted to pose a question to their opponent, only to once again receive a weird, adoring response:
“You know, you’re cute when you’re angry~!”
“Shut up!” Inuyasha shouted, jumping forward and drawing his sword. “Alright, dead man, you’d better start talking to me, and I want real answers!”
The expression on the specter’s face shifted from one of reverence to one more sadistic as he regarded Tetsusaiga. “That’s an interesting sword you have there… let’s see whose is stronger.” He lifted his own sword, making an odd motion around his head and shoulders with it as if he were gearing up for something. “Yours or mine?!”
When he brought his arm down, something that looked almost like a bolt of silver lightning shot from his blade. Inuyasha barely had the chance to block it as it cut an arc through the air toward him.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome called out in surprise.
“Stay back!” Miroku threw his arm out in an attempt to shield the others. “It’s some kind of trick sword!”
“That’s my cue!” Ai shifted into full demon form, jerking her head at the sisters and the little fox. “All aboard!”
Kagome climbed on no issue, but Luna glanced at Miroku, who made no move to follow them. “You coming?”
“I’ll be alright, you keep them safe.” Miroku said, resolute. Not about to argue, Luna climbed on the demon’s back and Ai leapt into the air above the fight.
“You gonna be okay holding all of us after that long flight?” Luna asked her friend.
“I’m fine, it’s the same weight as you with your pack on.” Ai sassed back.
“Yeah well, fuck me for being prepared,” Luna laughed, starting to prep the other weapon she’d brought.
Kagome managed to tear her eyes from the confrontation below to try and see what her sister was doing. “What did you bring, Luna?”
Luna grinned as she clicked the last accessory into place, then turned back to show her sister. “This? This is my baby.” She held up her favorite weapon: it was a fully-customized folding compound crossbow as long as Luna’s arm. She pressed a release on the side, and the arms shot into place, making both Shippo and Kagome jump.
“Whoa!” The fox demon exclaimed, “What kind of a weapon is that?!”
“It’s a crossbow, Shippo,” Kagome explained, “It’s kind of like my bow, but the arrows are smaller and it’s easier to fire.”
“Self-loading, too,” Luna smirked as she strung it up, “The ‘arrows’ are called bolts. This thing can shoot way faster than a longbow, and since we’re dealing with Zombie Harley Quinn down there—” She grabbed a bolt from her ammo bag to show it to them, “—we’re gonna need these. They’re tipped with pure silver. Great for dealing with Vampires, Werewolves, The Undead, and The Unholy.”
Shippo reached out to touch it, but Kagome stopped him, shaking her head rapidly. “It’s safe to assume you shouldn’t touch anything Luna has in her bag, Shippo.”
The kid swallowed nervously. “G-got it...”
Below them, the fight continued. Inuyasha could barely avoid each strike of the snakelike sword, and his opponent only seemed to be having more and more fun.
“What do you think of Jakotsu of the Band of Seven, huh?!” He shouted as he swung the sword once more.
“Not too much!” Inuyasha came back at him with Tetsusaiga, but to no avail.
Kagome gasped. “He needs help!”
“That’s what this baby’s for,” Luna grinned, patting her crossbow. “Ai, can you stay out of reach of the sword but get me close enough to shoot?!”
“It’ll take a miracle!”
“Better start praying, then,” Luna lined up the shot, finger still as stone on the trigger. There was a familiar voice in the back of her head; she could hear her father saying: “Aim for where they’re gonna be, not where they are.”
I know, dad. She tried not to sigh audibly as she managed to get Jakotsu’s head in her crosshairs and pulled the trigger, quick as a viper.
And… almost missed him.
The consecrated silver bolt seemed to burn through the air as it shot just centimeters shy of the specter’s nose and grazing his arm, burning a hole in his kimono. He whipped his attention to the woman who shot it.
“How dare you interfere?!” He snarled, rearing his arm back and whipping his blade toward them.
Luna felt her stomach drop. “Motherf—”
“You idiot!” Ai snapped at her, trying to fly out of range of the sword as Kagome and Shippo both clung, screaming, to Luna’s back. Just as the sword arched toward them, there was a familiar cry of:
And Jakotsu’s blade was then tangled around the aforementioned boomerang. All three riding on Ai’s back sighed in relief when they saw Sango swoop in on Kilala. Ai touched down just as Kilala did, transforming into her human form and unceremoniously dumping the sisters on their asses.
“Are you all okay?” Sango called over to them.
“We’re fine!” Shippo answered.
“Perfect timing, Sango!” Kagome said.
“Some weapon, Luna!” Ai huffed in the Hunter’s direction. Luna just stuck her tongue at her.
Jakotsu was practically red in the face, shrieking in frustration: “What is with all you vile women?! Can’t you see I’m trying to battle Inuyasha?!” In the same breath, he whipped his sword again, toward Sango this time. The movement freed the Hiraikotsu, and ended up leaving a small slice on Sango’s arm as Jakotsu pulled it back.
“Stay out of this!” He continued, “None of you will interfere!”
But their “interference” had served Inuyasha well enough: it gave him just the opportunity he needed to rear back and punch the specter in the face.
“Shut up! I’m tired of listening to your pointless babble!” Inuyasha growled.
Jakotsu grunted as he tumbled back, then rubbed his cheek and pouted like a kicked puppy. “That was cruel…”
“Oh, get over it!” Inuyasha snapped, “Now tell me who gave you the Sacred Jewel Shard before I have to seriously hurt you!”
Kagome and Miroku rushed to see if Sango was okay, but she assured them that it was just a graze; she was fine. Her attention was more on the subject at hand.
“I have a feeling that the shard came from Naraku,” She said, somberly. She looked at Kagome. “When you sensed a Jewel Shard earlier… it was Kohaku. I saw the Saimiyosho around him as well.”
“That means that your brother is still under Naraku’s control…” Miroku said. Sango nodded.
Luna had set her weapon down next to her backpack, and came back with a bandage for Sango’s arm. Her mind was going at a million miles an hour, trying to figure out how the hell they were gonna handle this—first an undead band of Ronin, now they have something to do with Naraku. What was Naraku playing at...?
“Gotta wonder what the hell is next…” Luna mumbled sarcastically. Seconds later, she would regret asking. A cloud of black smoke poured over the cliffside, drifting right toward them.
Like he knew what was happening, Jakotsu got up and collected his sword. “Inuyasha! You should get out of here while you can! Bye!” And with that, he was just… gone.
“What the hell—” Inuyasha broke off with a startled yell when the cloud reached him. “Its poison!”
“But where’s it coming from?!” Miroku wondered.
“We need to move.” Luna reassembled her bag in less than thirty seconds—side effect of doing it so often. “We can figure out what the fuck is going on when we’re safely away from here!”
Why do I feel like we stepped into something huge here? Luna thought to herself as the group of friends moved away from the cloud of gas.
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batboyblog · 5 years
Second Generation Titans ideas.
SO! I’ve had a few OC ideas for a Gen2 (or 3) Teen Titans/tiny Titans/little League type thing, credit to @drawing-cookie who’s talk about Damian’s little friends inspired me to write up some friends for Damian, also @otter-the-author who’s own version of the Tiny Titans got me thinking about this in the first place, my Connor may owe something to his.
some of these are pure OCs that I totally came up with on my own, some are characters I saw an image or name of else where and changed and expanded etc, and some are mostly canon with one or two things I changed.
Lucy Quinzel (AKA Colombina)
Appearance: Aged 11, Lucy is a blonde with blue eyes of average hight. Her costumes is a take off from the Colombina stalk character from the Commedia dell'arte; a large puffy skirt with a Harlequin pattern in light blue and bubblegum pink, the ends of her pig tales are also dyed those colors. She often times has a comically oversized hammer back story and personality: Lucille Quinzel is the daughter of the villains Harley Quinn and The Joker. Born in secret her existence hidden from the Joker and Batman (at least Harley thought) Lucy was raised by Harley’s sister Delia as her own daughter. Harley remained in semi-regular contact sending gifts and appearing as aunt Harley when not in prison. Lucy has a life long love of pranks and off-beat and whimsical humor. When Harley is exposed as the supervillain Harley Quinn to Lucy (and arrested) she quickly puts together her own developing superpowers together with Harley and realizes her true parentage. Lucy refuses to believe her beloved aunt/mom is a bad person and decides to set out to prove it and redeem the Quinzel name. While a hero Lucy is not trusted by heroes like Robin (Damian) or Batman, but her upbeat attitude, quirky humor and practical jokes have won over lots of her teammates Powers and abilities: Like her mother Lucy has low level superhuman strength, enhanced endurance, agility, flexibility, and reflexes, as well as a sped up healing factor and a higher pain threshold. She likes to us gag weapons such as her own version of Harley’s hammer and other non-deadly Harley Quinn and Joker weapons and tricks. 
JJ Grayson (AKA Robin VI/Bluebird)
Appearance: Aged 11, JJ is small for his age, with ginger red hair, pale skin and freckles, he has green eyes. He wears a costume based off the Tim Drake Robin suit, however it has a more streamlined futuristic armor look. back story and personality: John James Grayson is the son of Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon. About a year after marrying Dick and Babs have a son however at the moment of his birth Earth is attacked, unbeknownst to it’s heroes, by a time controlling villain. The Temporal Master forces earth into a speeded up time zone, so in a matter of minutes in real time 11 years pass on earth. JJ grows up the adored baby of the extended Bat family particularly his big half-sister Mar’i. Shy and not naturally outgoing around friends he’s easy to laugh and an great problem solver. Thanks to the timing of his birth JJ has long noticed the Temporal Saster from the corners of his eyes. Soon after becoming Robin JJ starts exploring the possible meaning of his life long visions. He stops the Temporal Master, snapping time back into it’s normal pattern. The 11 years of JJ’s life are erased, but he’s still here surrounded by a family who doesn’t know who he is. JJ is shy and withdrawn, very much in his shell after the trauma of losing his world. He’s slightly more outgoing with Mar’i, and has bounded with Tim Drake over computers. JJ is often frustrated by tech that is to him 11 years out of date. Powers and abilities: JJ is trained in a number of fighting skills, and can keep up with any Bat. Top level detective and problem solver. He wears an armored suit outfitted with cutting edge tech from 11 years into the future. It can deflect most bullets and do a wide ranch of first aid automatically. JJ is also very skilled at hacking. 
Victoria Logan (AKA Fantasmagoria)
Appearance: Aged 14, tall and thin for her age, unnaturally pale skin, black hair with dark purple highlights, done in an undercut with hair falling over her right eye. Purple eyes. She doesn’t wear a costume but tends to wear black jeans, goth band t-shirt and leather jacket, sliver nose ring.  back story and personality: Victoria is the daughter of Garfield Logan and Rachel Roth. Her godfather is Victor Stone. Very emo and goth, big into candles and dark poetry, much to her long suffering father’s annoyance. She generally doesn’t admit to liking people but has a deep big sister affection for Garfield Stone and is very protective of him. She’s generally very cynical and jaded about hero work. Powers and abilities: She has the power to transform herself into any fictional animal (she particularly likes dragons) like her father her animal versions are always the same color, a dark, almost black Purple. There’s some signs that she may have other, deeper spirt powers related to her mother that she can’t control or even fully excess and might not even be aware of. 
Garfield Stone (AKA Cy-bor)
Appearance: Aged 13, on the short side, he appears to have sliver dreadlocks down to about midway down his back. On closer inspection they are braided together wires and cables growing out of his head. Likewise his skin on closer inspection is a complex pattern of circuit boards. His eyes are clearly robotic with glowing red irises.  back story and personality: Garfield is the son of Victor Stone, and the godson of Garfield Logan. During a mission Vic became trapped and nearly died. In response his circuits tried to build a new him as an last ditch escape. When saved by the Titans Vic discovered a partly constructed body, with all of his memories up to age 5 built by nanobots from his own body. Vic raised the robotic boy as his own son. Garfield is upbeat and friendly, quick to make friends, and hard to offend. Often naive and too sweet for his own good. Sees the good in everyone and wants to help everyone. Particularly close to Victoria, he’s the only one who can get her to laugh, likewise JJ. Powers and abilities: Garfield is superhumanly strong and difficult to damage. Being a machine he doesn’t need to eat, drink, breath, or sleep and rarely becomes tired. He’s able to rebuild from nearly any damage. Garfield can transform his body into a number of shapes including weapons. He can extend wires from his body that allow him to hack and control nearly anything electronic. He can send his mind through electronic pathways allowing him to spy miles away but he has to leave his body to do this and runs the risk of not being able to get back. 
Zachary Zatara 
Appearance: Aged 12, Zachary is skinny and of normal height, with black hair that gets into his his brown eyes. He wears a costume like his grandfathers a suit and tails with a top hat that doesn’t really fit well.  back story and personality: The son of Zatanna and John Constantine. Raised by his mother with no contact with his father. Zach has had an obsession with stage magic from an early age. While his mother has tried to stop him both from being a hero or a performer she hasn’t managed to stop him. Often times cocky and full of himself Zach is covering deep insecurity and a feeling that he doesn’t really belong on a hero team, that maybe he’s a joke.  Powers and abilities: Zach like his mother and grandfather has vast magical powers channeled through speaking backward. Sometimes to the annoyance of everyone he speaks backward for his day to day speech. He’s also a highly skilled slight of hand magician. Zach has shown signs of being drawn to the darker arts of magic like his father and secretly experiments with non-backward magic, which might endanger everyone and his very soul. 
Connor Queen-Lance (AKA Starling)
Appearance: Aged 10, Connor has a mop of curly blond hair and blue eyes, with freckles and a button nose. His costume is largely based on the Green Arrow, with a hood.  back story and personality: The son of Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance. Raised by both his parents to be a hero. often times grumpy or stubborn, he’s deeply loyal and principled. A natural leader he’s often the first with an idea or plan, and often times can get others to just go along with him. A natural double act with his sister and Lian.  Powers and abilities: armed with a bow and arrow Connor is a master marksman. He has a wide range of trick arrows like his father. Trained by his mother and father (as well as Roy Harper, Connor Hawk, and Ted Grant) Connor is an expert in hand to hand combat. From his mother Connor inherited the Canary Cry a super sonic vocalization. Connor, like his mother doesn’t like to rely on his super power. 
Dinah Queen (AKA Nightingale)
Appearance: Aged 17, Dinah Is the picture of her mother with blond hair in a loose brand down her back. Her left eye is blue, her right is robotic and glows red. Her costume is based on her mother’s but with loose black sleeves. back story and personality: The daughter of Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance from the alternate universe of Kingdom Come. Raised by her parents to be a hero Dinah took over as the 3rd Black Canary when her mother retired the role. When her parents become generals in Batman’s army Dinah joins them. When Earth-96 is destroyed in a cosmic event Dinah is among the handful of survivors  to escape to Earth-1. She’s worked on building a relationship with her now younger alternate reality parents and has bonded with her little brother and changed her name out of respect. Powers and abilities: An expert fighter trained by her parents. She’s armed with a wrist mounted mini-crossbow as well as a full sized crossbow, she is an expert marksman. Her right eye was replaced with a robotic one, which allows her to see past normal human range, with infrared, night vision, and other features. It also is a state of the art targeting system meaning she can’t miss. Like her mother she has the Canary Cry. She is also armed with a pair of jet powered wings allowing for short flight. 
Jai and Irey West (AKA The Tornado Twins, Impact and Jessie Quick)
I didn’t really change anything from canon with their story and appearance but I had some thoughts on powers Powers and abilities: Both the West twins have super human speed, however unlike other speedsters their powers are linked. The farther apart from each other they are the harder it is for them to access their powers, if their connection can be broken all together they become powerless. Jai is able to manipulate the friction shield all speedsters have that protects them from burning up at super speeds. When in motion Jai can become nearly invulnerable, he also is able to use it to give himself super human strength behind his punches. Irey is able to very easily pass through objects, as well as run on air, in effect allowing her to fly. 
Iris West II (AKA Kid Flash III)
Appearance: Aged 17, she looks the same as she did in Kingdom Come back story and personality: The daughter of Wally West, Iris comes from the Kingdom Come universe. At a young age a crisis in the speed force caused her father the semi-retired 3rd Flash to merge with Jay Garrick, Barry Allan and Bart Allan. The new Flash was no longer a physical being but a merger of the memories and personalities of the 4 flashes in a “body” of pure speed force energy. Iris’ life is scared by her father’s death/abandonment, she hopes to both get his attention and preserve Wally’s separate legacy by becoming Kid Flash. In the War between Superman and Batman she fights for Batman against her father. She is one of the survivors from Earth-96 to make it to Earth-1 along with The Flash who is able to open the portal. She has an awkward relationship with Earth-1 Wally who is trying to build a relationship. She has major conflict at first with Wally West II about his use of the Kid Flash name and costume.  Powers and abilities: Iris has the standard speedster powers, but she can also fly 
Bobby Long (AKA Achilles)
Appearance: Aged 12, with shoulder length curly ginger red hair and sea green eyes. freckles and quick to blush. He wears a modified version of the Darkstars costume, a red suit with a large white star covering most of the chest.  back story and personality: The son of Donna Troy and her ex-husband professor Terry Long. Bobby was largely raised by his father with little to no contact with his mother till his father’s unexpected death. His relationship with his mother and her close friends (his “aunts” and “uncles”) is awkward and tentative on both sides. Bobby feels conflicted about being a hero since it’s something his father wanted to avoid. Close with Mar’i and Damian.  Powers and abilities: Bobby has superhuman strength, endurance, and is nearly invulnerable. He can fly at super sonic speeds and has superhuman speed and reflexes. On top of standard amazon powers from his mother Bobby can fire gravity rays from his hands which can increase the density of an object crushing anything they hit down to subatomic size. 
Mar’i Grayson (AKA Nightstar)
you know what she looks like/powers back story and personality: The daughter of Dick Grayson and Koriand'r from their brief marriage when both were 19 in the New Teen Titans. Dick and Kory are largely successful and supportive co-parents. Mar’i now 12 has been the center of a large supportive family, with both Bats and Titans as a large group of adoptive aunts and uncles. She has a can do attitude, won’t take no for an answer, she was very excited to become a big sister with her father’s second marriage and hasn’t let time travel get in the way of big sistering. Close to Jon Kent and Lian Harper.
Luke O'Brian (AKA Offspring)
Just imagine Offspring as an annoying 13 year old boy, and thats it. 
Appearance: Aged 13, Cerdian has short white hair, with eyes softly glow shifting between green, blue and purple depending on his mood and what powers he’s using. His skin is covered in swirling changing tattoos that often times look like waves. He wears a blue scale armored costume that looks like his father’s rebirth outfit. back story and personality: Son of Garth and Dolphin. Very serious and often times ill at easy with social interactions. friendly and open with wildlife, particularly aquatic animals. Often times easily upset, quick to annoyance and anger. Deeply loyal and willing to put himself on the line for those he cares about. Close to Damian who he shares many character traits with.  Powers and abilities: Cerdian has the standard Aquaman powers, able to breath underwater, superhuman strength and resistance to injury, able to swim at super speeds and survive extreme pressures. He’s also able to communicate and control any underwater from of life. Also like his father Cerdian has water based magical abilities, able to control water, make it move wherever he wants, change it’s heat (anywhere from super heated steam to ice). He can see the future in water but has no real control over these visions. His magic makes him sensitive to whats going on with Zach and Victoria leading to distrust between them. 
Lian Harper (AKA Speedy)
Appearance: age 14, with shoulder length black hair and green eyes. She wears a red costume based off the Red Arrow costume, with a hood.  back story and personality: The Daughter of Roy Harper and the villain Jade Nguyen (Cheshire). Her mother was largely in prison through her childhood, Roy raised Lian by himself with a large group of loving adoptive aunts and uncles (the Titans). Lian has always known who her mother is and has a complex relationship with it, loving her mother, but also feeling that she needs to be in jail. Lian can be sassy and cutting, at times cynical and down beat, but also always keeps a wry sense of humor. Close to Mar’i and Victoria, she’s protective of her “uncle” Connor a nickname he hates.  Powers and abilities: A expert with most weapons, Lian carries a bow and arrow, largely rejecting the trick arrows of Green Arrow in favor of traditional weapons. An expert fighter she can go toe to toe with Robin in a fight.
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fanfics4all · 6 years
More Personal Stuff! (Do you guys like when I do these?)
1. What is your nickname? Sam and Sammy (by my family)
2. How old are you? 21
3. What is your birth month? April
4. What is your zodiac sign? Aries
5. What is your favorite color? Red and Black (Harley Quinn colors)
6. What’s your lucky number? 13 (it’s a family lucky number)
7. Do you have any pets? Not anymore :(
8. Where are you from? New York
9. How tall are you? 5’2
10. What shoe size are you? Depends on the shoe, 8 to 8 ½ normally
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 6
12. Are you random? Oh yeah
13. Last person you texted? My best friend
14. Are you psychic in any way? Yes, I get feelings about people and can tell if they’re bad or not. I also predicted my boyfriend was going to break up with me two weeks before he did, he was in another state visiting family and he was talking over text slightly differently and then when he came back he broke up with me over text when we were hanging out that same day and talking about what we were gonna do for our year and a half
15. Last TV show watched? Adventure Time lol
6. Favorite movie?  I don’t know, I love a lot of movies. Nightmare Before Christmas, The Little Mermaid, The Little Mermaid 2, Me Before You
17. Favourite show from your childhood? Pokemon, Totally Spies, Hello Kitty, Danny Phantom, Chowder, Sailor Moon, Sabrina The Teenage Witch, H2O, Wings, Home Improvement,Doug, Rugrats, Powerpuff Girls, Jimmy Neutron, Hey Arnold, My Life As A Teenage Robot, Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends, Full House, Samurai Jack, Dexter’s Laboratory, Ed Edd n Eddy Johnny Bravo, Krypto the Superdog Scooby Doo and Codename Kids Next Door
18. Do you want children? Yes, more than anything!
19. Do you want a church wedding? No
20. What is your religion? My family is Catholic, but I’m not. I say out of that.
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? Yes, admitted because I almost Died as a baby twice
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Kind of
23. How is life? Ehhh kinda sucks
24. Baths or showers? I like baths to relax but I don’t have one so showers
25. What color socks are you wearing? None
26. Have you ever been famous? Not at all!
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? No, I’m shy AF
28. What type of music do you like? All really, but I don’t like most pop songs TBH
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? I’ve been in my bra and underwear with my friend but no not nude
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 3 normally
31. What position do you usually sleep in? On my side but I move around a lot
32. How big is your house? We rent so it’s an alright size
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? I don’t! It kind of makes me sick
34. Have you ever left the country? No :(
35. Have you ever tried archery? Nah, but I really wanted to
36. Do you like anyone? My friends, Sometimes my family
37. Favorite swear word? Cunt
38. When do you fall asleep? Depends
39. Do you have any scars? Oh man a lot, I use to self harm
40. Sexual orientation? Bi AF
41. Are you a good liar? Yeah but I don’t do it much
42. What languages would you like to learn? French, Russian, and Polish
43. Top 10 songs? The ones I’ve been listening to a lot right now are: 1) A Little More by MGK 2) This Is War by Thirty Seconds To Mars 3) When You Were Young by The Killers 4) Almost Love by Sabrina Carpenter 5) Killer In The Mirror By Set It Off 6) Horns By Bryce Fox 7) Marijuana Breath by Adam Jensen 8) One Love By Marianas Trench 9) Kiss It Better by He Is We 10) Put The Gun Down by Andy Black   
44. Do you like your country? Eh not really if I’m being honest, it’s pretty fucked
45. Do you have friends from the web? Yes
46. What is your personality type? Mediator (INFP-T)
47. Hogwarts House? Slytherin!
48. Can you curl your tongue? Yep
49. Pick one fictional character you can relate to? Luna Lovegood  
50. Left or right handed? Right
51. Are you scared of spiders? YES 100%
52. Favorite food? Steak or Lamb
53. Favorite foreign food? Umm, Chinese/Japanese
54. Are you a clean or messy person? Both but more on the messy side
55. If you could switch your gender for a day, what would you do? Nothing, I guess see how it feels to be paid more?
56. What color underwear? Black (I’m wearing Supernatural underwear rn so there’s a pentagram on them lol)
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? Depends on what I’m getting ready for
58. Do you have much of an ego? LOL No, I don’t like myself
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Suck but bite sometimes
60. Do you talk to yourself? Way too often
61. Do you sing to yourself? Oh yeah, I suck but people tell me otherwise
62. Are you a good singer? ^^ Nope
63. Biggest Fears? Not being able to have kids
64. Are you a gossip? Not really
65. Are you a grammar nazi? No
66. Do you have long or short hair? I have a little past my shoulder length so medium?
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? If you give me enough time probably
68. Favorite school subject? Math and Art
69. Extrovert or Introvert? Introverted as fuck
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? No, I’m not a huge fan of the ocean unless I’m on a boat (I love swimming just not in the ocean, rips the dye out of my hair)
71. What makes you nervous? My anxiety, Trains, talking to people I don’t know really well, Failing
72. Are you scared of the dark? No
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Sometimes
74. Are you ticklish? Very
75. Have you ever started a rumor? I don’t think so
76. Have you ever been out of your home country? No
77. Have you ever drank underage? Like once, I don’t like alcohol that much. I only drink one type
78. Have you ever done drugs? Why? Yes weed because it helps me chill out and helps my depression for a little while, also helps me sleep sometimes
79. What do you fantasize about? Love
80. How many piercings do you have? None but I want some
81. Can you roll your R’s? Yes
82. How fast can you type? Pretty fast
83. How fast can you run? Not very, my asthma kicks in (I don’t smoke my week btw, I vape it because of my asthma and it gets you higher with less)
84. What color is your hair? Black on one side and very faded red on the other (I had Harley Quinn hair) I’m changing it to purple and blue soon
85. What color are your eyes? Hazel
86. What are you allergic to? A lot. Pollen, Dust, Cats, Dust Mites, anything with fur pretty much (I’m allergic to dogs but I’ve been around them a lot so I’m not as allergic to them anymore but I do get hives sometimes if I pet them) um there’s more but I honestly can’t remember right now. Luckily not allergic to any food!
87. Do you keep a journal? Yes, I only write in it when I’m super depressed
88. Are you depressed about anything? Like everything (I’ve had depression since I was 8)
89. Do you like your age? Not really, it makes me feel like I’m running out of time (Yes I know 21 is young)
90. What makes you angry? I have anger problems so it kind of takes very little to make me angry (Thanks dad! Hahaha)
91. Do you like your own name? Not my full name but I like Sam
92. Did you ever get a foreign object up your nose? Um no, but I accidently gave myself a nose bleed when I was little by accidently smashing a pencil up my nose (I was banging my head on the eraser side because I was so bored and I slipped and it went right up my nose! I was in like 4th grade lol)
93. Do you want a boy or a girl for a child? Both, more boys than girls I only want like 2 or 3 girls but I will love all my children no matter what! Not like you can choose anyway
94. What talents do you have? Art, writing, and I’ve been told I’m a good dancer
95. Sun or moon? Moon
96. How did you get your name? My mom wanted to name me something that could also have a boys nickname
97. Are you religious? Nope
98. Have you ever been to a therapist? I’ve been to 14, I stopped really talking to them because when I was a kid my therapist (Keep in mind I was like 6 or younger) threatened to take me out of my home because I told her my parents fight (This was before the abuse started) So I don’t like going to them (even though I need one)
99. Color of your bedspread? Black
100. Color of your room? It’s white (Unfortunately, I kind of want a dark green room or a dark red. I don’t know)
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