#like why is her dad a mass murderer who had kills in the triple digits from purgatory
phatcatphergus · 4 months
Okay, this is really fucking specific, but back when i was younger in Florida, my family would always go to the flea market and this flea market would let you feed the alligators for like $5 for 3 pieces of meat.
The meat, which was like cut up hotdogs, would be attached to these hella long wooden poles with fishing wire tied to it with a regular hook that you attached the meat onto.
And you’d just stand there, feeding the alligators, with a pole that was 4 times your size with your dad just helping you hold the pole.
Now imagine that, but the alligators are chocobos and its Sunny and Tubbo feeding rabbit and horse meat to the chocobos.
At one point, the capture some poor worker and Tubbo just lowers them into the Chocobo pit.
You are actually so real for that they would so do that
The Feds actually send a tax bunny and tubbo knocks him upside the head only for the bunny to wake up tied up and being used as bait to teach tubbos daughter how to “fish”.
Tubbo and Sunny on the edge of the pit, Tubbo standing behind sunny and teaching her how to properly lower the line and that she has to be patient to get a catch. He’s holding onto the poll behind her and complimenting her hand placement, meanwhile the bunny is losing his SHIT as the line gets lower and lower into the pit.
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