#like yeah ofc I’m excited to see ten and Donna again
lesbiansanemi · 10 months
Finally watching the new doctor who specials today
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littlehollyleaf · 5 years
Name ten favourite characters from ten different things (books, tv, film, etc.) 
Then tag ten people
Tagged (ages ago, whoops!) by @castiel-saved-me-from-myself 
(I’m sorry, I got distracted!)
1.Supernatural. Castiel.
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Obviously. I may be out of the fandom now, but I’ve never loved a character as much as Cas, and probably never will.
2. Good Omens. Aziraphale.
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Thought I’d put both my darling angels at the top :) I suspect that without Zira there to pave the way Castiel may not even have existed, so I love him double - for himself and for Cas as well :p 
While really quite different when it comes to their personalities (just think how Zira would SHUDDER at Cas’ trenchcoat), they share a lot of character traits and tropes (mini-series!Zira anyway, maybe less so in the book, or less obviously anyway), so, no surprise that I should adore them both. I’ve also said before, and I stand by it, that Aziraphale is sort of a combination of my favourite aspects of both Cas and Dean in one, with Cas’ struggle with Heaven/god and trying to be a good angel and finding he loves humanity/earth more, plus Dean’s whole ‘performing Dean’ thing and repression of queer feelings he is scared to admit to (out loud) because he believes they are somehow ‘wrong.’ 
...just to give a little insight into my feelings about these two that was neither needed nor asked for...
4. Hellblazer. NBC Constantine. Legends of Tomorrow. John Constantine. 
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Aaaand the other guy I love twice because Cas, and indeed spn in general, kinda owe their existence to him. Though in turn his fabulous live action portrayal by Matt Ryan probably owes its existence to spn and Castiel’s popularity. So... there’s a weird ouroboros situation happening with my favs here that makes my head spin whenever I think about it, but I love it - stories within stories built on stories feeding off stories, which connects to wider themes of story and storytelling being vital and intrinsic to life and stuff.
Anyway, despite his wardrobe, Johnny is NOTHING LIKE CAS. He is, in fact, a lot like Dean. But I like him more. Maybe because he’s British :p He has the whole ‘repressing his feelings’ things, a bit like Zira, but it’s not because he thinks they are wrong, it’s more of a coping mechanism to deal with the constant tragedy/trauma his life/lifestyle/fate causes him to suffer. But whatever the reason, I like my characters facing that struggle :) (actually the British element is probably way more significant to my enjoyment of him than I’ve been fully aware of... that’s probably why I loved Zira so fast as well... obviously they are both a completely different class of British, literally, but the fact they ARE British is INTRINSIC to both their characters, and I guess a little, vaguely patriotic part of me is excited by that... :p)
4. Gotham. Edward Nygma.
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Since I’ve started giving explanations - I love Eddie because he’s also got the whole ‘emotionally repressed’ / out of touch with (his) emotions thing going on (as seen in Zira and Cas), but with the addition of various geeky / ‘tech guy’ character traits that I also love.
5. Doctor Who (Classic). Vislor Turlough.
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I waxed poetic once about how I liked Gotham’s Edward Nygma because he reminded me a bit of Turlough. That was early on in my Gotham days though and given how Eddie developed I don’t see as many similarities now. Turlough shares some of Eddie’s ‘dark’ traits however - self-centered, often lacking in empathy for others and nonplussed (sometimes even happy) to see them get into trouble or hurt. But ultimately his attempts to be self-serving and cowardly end up thwarted by him developing feelings for specific individuals despite his best efforts, which is what I enjoy about him (and actually that’s a lot like Eddie still, huh... their endgame’s are opposing though ofc - while Eddie goes on to embrace being a villain, Turlough gives up on villainy and even becomes a bit of a hero, now and then). Plus, Turlough is the ONLY Companion (IIRC?) to have joined the Doctor specifically in order to MURDER him and... idk, I just think that’s cool :P
6. Doctor Who (New). Donna Noble.
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(I’m trying not to double up on fandoms/shows so I can cover more, but New and Classic Who count as different things, kinda, right...?)
Donna doesn’t really fit any of the character traits I’ve talked about above, though I guess her low self-esteem is something that all my other favs share in various ways (though it’s not such an EXPLICIT aspect of their characters and story arcs as it was for Donna I’d say). What I first loved about her was that after YEARS of New companions (and other randoms) being literally in love with the Doctor, she had a strictly platonic relationship with him. Yeah, I think maybe the show was a bit heavy-handed about it, but even so it came as a huge breath of fresh air and frankly a RELIEF to me. Not that I’m opposed to the Doctor having romantic/sexual  relationships, it was just that... coming from a childhood love of the Classic series where that just... didn’t happen (save a fleeting kiss in the TV Movie - which I actually enjoyed fyi!), it just... idk, was starting to stretch my credulity that EVERYONE seemed to be falling for him maybe? Or at least for me it was growing tiresome. So the fact she didn’t have that element to her character/story was a plus. Then I just adore how loud and brash she is when calling anyone, including the Doctor, out on their shit (I envy her that maybe). Plus I like the way she isn’t... traditional TV pretty, you know? (ie. young and slim, like a lot of other companions).
...or maybe I just like redheads *shrug emoji* 
7. Spartacus. Naevia.
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(she has two actresses okay? and they both deserve kudos!)
Truth is I love FUCKING EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE IN THIS SHOW. Spartacus is like... my PERFECT SHOW. There isn’t a single moment, a single plotline, a single character that I don’t enjoy. I have never even CONSIDERED looking up or writing fic because the finished product is completely satisfying exactly as it is. God. But I wanted it represented in this list so I had to pick someone!
Considering the time period there couldn’t really BE a ‘geeky, emotionally repressed with low self-esteem’ character :p BUT nearly ALL of the characters have the whole ‘struggle to understand/discover who they are’ thing and the ‘who I am and want to be is counter to who I’ve been told I am / should be’ arc, on account of the main cast being rebelling slaves (though the other characters are equally complex and compelling and I love them too - Lucy Lawless in particular is incredible!). Anyone who’s seen me blog about the show before might have thought I’d pick either Agron or Nasir as my favs, since I do like to squee over their romance. But whenever I think about the show it’s usually Naevia who I remember first, because her character arc/development just BLEW ME AWAY. She went from someone I’d kinda dismissed at first as a typical het love interest to a WARRIOR GODDESS and you SEE all the key moments of that growth, you FEEL it, it makes ALL THE SENSE. And her romance with Crixus, which again I was initially a bit dismissive of as a typical, sudden, weak het romance, grows into, imo, one of the deepest, most developed, most believable love stories in the show. So yeah. Naevia. Amazing.
8. Due South. Ray Vecchio. 
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(he’s the guy not the dog - gifs were limited! ...also the dog is actually a wolf, it’s a whole thing... that doesn’t need exploring at this juncture)
Ray was my first TV crush :P He had a bit of a sidekick vibe to him I guess, which I like (lead characters tend not to interest me as much). He wasn’t ‘geeky’ exactly, but he def had the ‘trying to look/act cooler than I am’ thing going on... also an obsessive attachment to his vintage car... meanwhile his partner Benny was the stoic, ‘British, stiff upper lip, keep emotions in check’ one who was always trying to live up to the ideal persona dictated by his people/employers, in this case the Royal Canadian Mounted Police... HUH, so... it’s actually SUPER WEIRD that I ended up loving Cas and Zira over Dean and Crowley when it seems pretty clear suddenly that my first big fictional fav was CLEARLY the Dean-Crowley to Benny’s Cas-Zira......?? Ray was FUNNY in a way Dean and Crowley aren’t though, I think? He def filled a ‘comic relief’ slot on the regular and I liked that a lot (it also made his serious, angsty moments EXTRA serious and angsty, and extra angst is something I always love!)
9. The Librarians. Eve Baird.
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Remember this little show? It was... is... sorta ridiculous. Not amazing. Based on some... very cheap, very OBVIOUS Indiana Jones rip-off films, that were also ridiculous and... not... great (the third one is the best, with an awesome performance by Stana Katic aka Kate Beckett as a vampire, but I digress). But... idek, I am EXTREMELY FOND of the series for some reason :p
There are a WHOLE BUNCH of characters that fit my ‘type’ more than Eve tbh... in fact... probably every.single.other.main.cast.member (save perhaps Jenkins?) shares the traits above that typically make a character my fav. But... EVE! I just... think she’s neat! ...maybe it’s BECAUSE all the others are main/lead characters that makes me gravitate towards her? In a cast where ‘geeky, socially awkward, struggles with emotions’ is the norm, Eve being the no-nonsense, socially competent, badass soldier type therefore becomes different and thus more interesting to me? Also, much like with Donna, I appreciate that she’s an older woman who gets to have a full character and plot of her own. There’s also something about her romance with Flynn that... makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
10. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Jonathan Levinson.
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(tumblr gif search failed me so I had to grab from elsewhere...)
Listen. Look. Okay. Buffy is pretty old school these days so, for anyone not in the know, as a character, originally, Jonathan... he wasn’t even a side character, he wasn’t even REOCCURRING, he was barely a background character. For several episodes he didn’t have a name and it wasn’t until several seasons after he became ‘Jonathan’ that he actually got a surname. Danny Strong was just an actor who happened to be occasionally on-hand when the script called for a random to have a line, until eventually that happened often enough for Joss to think ‘hey, you know what, let’s make this guy an actual part of the show...’ 
He got a couple of episodes focused on him in S03 and S04 respectively, but didn’t become a regular until S06 (and wasn’t in S05 AT ALL). Other than that he had a HANDFUL of ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ moments here and there, not even full scenes for the most part, usually lasting no longer than the above gif.
I tell you all this so that when I say childhood me (well... somewhere between 12 and 14 years anyway) was OBSESSED with this character in the show, and I mean O B S E S S E D (to the point of spending hours painstakingly making VHS recordings purely of the episodes he was in), you understand how UTTERLY BIZARRE that was. Because this obsession pre-dated S06. Was, in fact, in full swing during the airing of his S04 episode - which was, like, a fucking DREAM COME TRUE for freakily obsessed me fyi, because the whole episode was constructed with him as the LEAD CHARACTER, because he’d performed a spell to make him super awesome. They even changed the title sequence to read ‘Jonathan’ instead of Buffy! And while other fans were no doubt just lol-ing at the random I was bouncing about on my sofa all ‘MY TIME HAS COME!’ and fucking SWOONING over seeing MY CHARACTER suddenly in the spotlight and getting to do crazy fun OOC shit like this -
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Then when S06 rolled around and HE WAS A LEGIT REGULAR, omg, I was in HEAVEN! First TV boxset I ever bought that - Buffy S06 :P
So... yeah. A bit of a fav. Geeky. Outcast. Slowly grows more morally grey, what with that spell I mentioned and also the fact he was teamed with the ANTAGONISTS in S06. I guess you could say he was the beginning of a lot of my fav fictional character traits/tropes (though looking back - I think his ‘villainous’ teammates in S06, Andrew and Warren, are more my ‘type’ these days, and I did end up loving Andrew especially a whole damn lot, but at the time I’d been a Jonathan fangirl for so.fucking.long. there was just no chance anyone else in the show was ever gonna come close to my heart!)
Sorry not sorry for the tmi. I got a bit too into this one.
Actually sorry I have so few women on the list :( Internalised misogyny/sexism is a real thing and I spent a lot of my life being... somewhat unfairly dismissive of female characters or at least prioritising male ones over them. I’m working on it.
Ten people is SO.MANY. to tag. But I might as well do this right this time, since I’ve come so far. But if you’d rather not play, no worries! <3
@enchantersnight @momecat @bold-sartorial-statement @vampirebillionaire @edwardnashtons @miss-olivia-cellophane @knightinpinkunderwear @supes9 @leaper182 @hamburgergod
Honourable mentions (because I CAN):
Gotham. Lucius Fox.
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Gotham. Fish Mooney.
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Gotham. Tabitha Galavan.
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Doctor Who. The Doctor.
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Doctor Who. The Master/Missy.
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Supernatural. Hannah.
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Supernatural. Naomi.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Andrew Wells.
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lovelyrocker · 5 years
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~RPF ~Warnings - None ~ Jensen, Jared, Lexi(OFC), Alan Ackles ~Jared x Lexi(Eventually) ~Word Count 3,327
Alexia stared out of the window of the beige luxury car, her head leaning against the door. She ignored the sounds of honking car horns in the hot Texas heat of late July. Her earphones blared classic rock and 90’s punk music as she sat there in her grunge tank top, ripped jeans, dark eye makeup and raven hair, pulled back into a messy bun.
“This isn’t a punishment, Lexi.” Her father, Alan, spoke as she rolled her eyes for the hundredth time that afternoon.
“Oh, come on!” She gawked at him. “Does this really require shipping me across the country?”
“Alexia Ann Ackles, I am not shipping you anywhere.” He stated in a stern tone. “Brookston is a very prestigious preparatory academy. You will be challenged there. You won’t get bored nearly as easily. This will be good for you.”
“Did, did you hear yourself just there?” Lexi spoke pointing a finger “Prep school. Do I look like the prep school type?” She went on gesturing to her appearance with red and black manicured fingernails. “You know maybe this is a mistake. I’ve been known to be irrational at times.”
“Lexi, just try it for a semester or two, then we’ll see what happens.” He went on sliding easily through the afternoon traffic.
“At least its with Jay.” She mumbled with a shoulder shrug.
“That’s a positive right there.” He waved his hand again. “All that quality time with him. I know how much you miss him when he is in Vancouver.” Placing his hand back on the steering wheel he exhaled.
Today, fifteen year old Alexia Ann Ackles, Lexi as she preferred, a nickname given to her by her big brother, Jensen, was making the move from Dallas Texas to Vancouver Canada to live with her big brother. The already high school senior was in advanced level classes and nearly three years ahead of her peers. Her parents, Alan and Donna,felt  that she needed a challenge. Over the past year Lexi had gotten into minor trouble and, as Donna put it “got mixed in with the wrong crowd.” Her parents felt that she needed a change, something different.
Due to encouragement a few months prior, Lexi applied to a very prestigious prep school in Vancouver. Brookston Academy was known as one of the toughest schools to get into in Vancouver. When Lexi got her acceptance letter Alan and Donna were filled with such pride.
“I don’t get it.” Alan chided. “A month ago you were over the moon with excitement about getting accepted. What changed?”
Lexi exhaled loudly. “It’s not that I DON’T want to go, it’s just-”
“You’re scared.” Alan interrupted with a knowing expression. “I get that, honey. You have barely ever left Texas. It’s normal. But this is a good idea. It will broaden your horizons and give you life experience that kids your age don’t get.”
“I know, dad. It’s the across the continent thing that freaks me out just a bit.” Her gaze cast down to her feet once more.
“Kiddo, what does your gut tell you?” He asked with a side glance.
“That I would be stupid not to do this.”
“Well, there you go.” He commented knowingly. “What do I always tell you, your brothers and your sister?”
“If you don’t try then you can’t complain.”
Lexi shook her head and couldn’t help but laugh at her father. She knew everything he did was out of love and came from a loving, caring place.
Pulling into the airport he looked to her. “Do you want me to walk in with you, kid?”
“Dad, I got this.”
“Come here.” Pulling her into a hug he squeezed her tightly. “Jensen will be there to pick you up when you land. Be sure to text us both when you land.”
“I know, I know.” She gave an eye roll and then a smile. “I love you, dad.”
“I love you too, kiddo.”
Waiting two hours, going through airport security and all the headache that was required to board, Lexi finally sat down in her seat. Letting her head fall back against the seat she closed her eyes taking a much needed deep breath she felt the vibrations of her phone in her pocket.
>>Dork 7:02am You should probably be boarding about now.
<<Punk 7:02am How do you do that?!
>>Dork 7:03am I’m magic
<<Punk 7:03am Oh really? Then turn my 6hr flight into a 30min one.
>>Dork 7:03am Not that good, Punk.
<<Punk 7:04am Love ya, you Dork!
>>Dork 7:04am Love you too Punk.
Lexi smiled, turning off her phone. Jensen and Lexi were thick as thieves despite their twenty one year age difference. Nearly five years ago while Jensen was working in Los Angeles, he was plagued by a deviant that kept trespassing in his backyard and going through his garbage. That deviant turned out to be an eleven year old Lexi. She was living in and out of foster homes due to parents who would rather get high than be actual parents and take care of her.
After months of short  run ins  between Jensen and Lexi, Jensen decided to take her under his wind and watch out for her. As time passed she melted his and his parents' hearts with her personality. Lexi managed to fit in with them so well. He parents overdosed and passed away a short time later and that’s when Jensen talked to his parents about the idea of Lexi becoming an Ackles officially. He originally wanted to be the one to adopt her but his age and her age would have made that tricky. Alan stepped in and Jensen became big brother. A fatherly big brother but big brother nonetheless.
Fast forward five years and now you have a bright, well brought up young woman that was making a giant leap to further her future. A future that was non existent five years ago. Pulling out her journal she slipped on her headphones and settled in for the flight.
Six hours and fifty two minutes later , the plane landed with a rough jerk in Vancouver. Gathering her things, Lexi filed in line to exit the plane. Powering up her phone she was greeted with a message.
>>Dork 1:26pm Hey Punk I hate to do this to you but I got called back on set. Jare is gonna pick you up. Be nice. Don’t hurt him.
Lexi smiled at her brother’s message turning to the baggage claim, she heard a familiar voice. “Excuse me miss but you look lost.” Lexi turned to see Jared standing behind her, a small bouquet of  white roses in hand. He stood in his tall glory, a white beanie atop his head, a hoodie and dark jeans.
“Hey, Skyscraper!” She exclaimed reaching on her tiptoes to hug him. “My God, did you get taller?”
Jared swooped her up in a bear huge and gave her a quick spin before setting her back to the ground. “Well, hello to you, yoo beautiful. These are for you.”
“My favorite!” She exclaimed, burying her nose into the flowers. “Thank you, Jare!”
“What’s it been, like two months?” He asked looking her over.
“About, but it doesn’t feel that long.”
“That’s because you are always at my house.” He jested. “I swear you are one of the few people Gen trust the kids with.”
Lexi grabbed her bag with excitement. ‘Oh, speaking of!” She said handing Jared a folded up piece of paper. “Your little artist have been channeling Picasso lately.”
Jared with a smile of pride, chuckled. “I can see that.” He grinned reading the words ‘we miss you daddy’. “Oh and Gen told me Sheppy learned a new word at the pool the other day.”
“Okay?” Lexi gave him a confused stare.
“What was it?” Jared said playfully. “Oh yeah, bobbies.”
Lexi let out a laugh. “Dude, I was holding him and he just pinched me and shouted ‘boobies!’ I just take it That he will be a boob man.”
Jared shook his head with another laugh as they headed to the car. Once inside Lexi turned to him. “Locate the nearest Starbucks, please. I feel like a zombie.” She told him buckling her seat belt.
Pulling around the corner Lexi handed Jared a card. “Venti iced cinnamon dolce, please.”
“Put that away.” Jared instructed as he turned and order both coffee.
“Yes, sir!” Lexi gave him a mock salute.
It was a forty five minute drive to the house filled with small chit chat and catching up. Jared noticed something was different about Lexi. Sure, he hadn’t seen her in two months and she was a changing teenager, but something was indeed different. He couldn't put his finger on it.
Pulling into the drive Lexi gawked at the house. “Geez!” She looked tp Jared then back to the house. “It’s like ten times the size it looked in the pictures!” She exclaimed looking at the house for the first time.
“Yeah, well when you have three kids coming and going, you need big.” Jared said grabbing her bags and making his way to the door.
“Dude, I can get my own bags.”
“What do you have in here? A dead body?” Jared asked as he opened the door.
“No, that’s in the other bag.” She joked following him in the house.
“This is you room.” Jared told her as they reached up stairs. “Jensen got the room on the end and i’m across from you.” He sat the bags on the bed. “Do you need help unpacking?”
“Nah, I think I can manage.” She told him looking out the windows. “Dude you can see mountains!” Jared laughed at her excitement. “So, Jay’s directing this week?”
“Yeah, they had to reshoot a few shots that need to be in tonight. So looks like you’re stuck with me awhile.”
“Good, I may need you for some high shelves.” She poked fun.
By late that night Lexi and Jared had unpacked most of the boxes. The sun had long set and the temperature dropped. It was much different from the humidity in Texas. Their evening was mostly spent laughing till their stomachs hurt and catching up on things.
“Lex, this small box of stuff, where do you want it?” Jared asked opening it looking through pictures and movie ticket stubs. “Looks like keepsakes.”
“Let me see.” She said walking over. Jared watched as her expression changed when she looked in the box. “Oh, um, just, I’ll, I’ll take it.” She grabbed the box and set it at the bottom of her closet, tossing stuff over it.
“An ex?”
“What? Why would you say that?”
“I know that look you had on your face.”
“You hungry?” She asked changing the subject giving little acknowledgement to the comment or question.
Jared, picking up on her reluctancy, went with her. “Grilled cheese?”
At midnight that night Jensen walked through the front door, tossing his jacket on the couch. “Where is my little punk!?”
“Hey you big dork!” She ran into his arms squeezing him tightly.
“How was your flight? I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to pick you up.” He held her hands in his.
“It’s all good. I had good company.”
“You look like you’ve grown since I last saw you!” Jensen looked at her.
“Just my boobs and butt.”
“Yeah, keep those covered.” He laughed pulling her into another hug before moving to the living room.
“Jared showed me a map of the city and I’ve already pinpointed the coffee shops and shopping centers.” Lexi explains sitting.
“Of course.”
“So, tell me, how is directing?”
The next morning Lexi was awakened by the sound of men laughing and talking loudly downstairs. Having went to bed in her normal tank top and shorts, Lexi was freezing. She would definitely need time to adjust to the weather difference. She drug herself out of bed and dug through a few leftover boxes till she found her Chili Peppers hoodie.  Pulling it over her head she  got up and headed downstairs.
The sun hadn’t even risen yet and the men walked around the kitchen bustling with energy, laughing.  Lexi walked into the kitchen and saw Cliff standing with coffee in hand.
“I’m sorry, punk. Did we wake you?” Jensen asked pouring a cup of coffee.
“Y’all have big mouths.” Lexi sat at the counter laying her head on her folded arms.
“That little touch of southern drawl is so cute.” Cliff said setting the cup of coffee in front of her.
“Cliffy, you always knew the way to my heart.” She said as she sat up.
“When do you start school?” Cliff asked.
“Later wanna come hang on set?” Jensen asked lacing his boots.
“Yeah, as long as you behave.”
“Hell yes!” She told him. “Just let me get a few more hours of shut eye first. Beauty sleep is a necessity after traveling across the continent.”
“You’re beautiful.” Jensen told her as he leaned kissing her forehead before leaving.
Late morning rolled around and Lexi and Cliff were pulling up to the entry gate at Warner Bros.  Cliff handed her a pass. “Keep this on you till the guard and security get used to who you are. After the get familiar with you you won’t really need other than to get in and out of the lot.”
“Okay, got ya.” She slipped the pass over her head.
Cliff introduced her to people as they passed on their way to the set. When they reached the set Jensen greeted her in his normal tight hug and excitement. It was easy to see he loved having his little sister around. He boasted on her and made sure she met everyone she hadn’t had the chance to meet. When the camera was rolling Lexi couldn't help but be amazed at how precise her brother was behind the camera as well as in front.  She admired him in his determination to seek greatness in his task.
“Why do you look so concentrated?” Jared asked handing her a bottle or water.
“Jensen looks so in his element.” Lexi said. “And you,” She turned to Jared. “You are  intense during certain scenes, just, wow!” She chuckled.
“When you truly love your job it comes natural.”
“Yeah, well I hope I find something I’m this passionate about.”
“You plan on going to college?”
“Yeah. I’m expected to.” She sipped on her water. “It’ll help me figure out what I want to do with my life. I haven’t even decided on a university yet.”
“Actually, I only have till the end of the school year.”
“Oh, right!” Jared pointed. “You’re a few grades ahead.”
“Yup, weirdo smart kid, right here.” Lexi pointed at herself.
“Nothing wrong with being smart.” Jared commented.
Lexi spent the entire rest of the day on set observing every possible thing she could. Lexi always had a love of learning. She was like a sponge just waiting to absorb whatever she could and took advantage of every opportunity she had to learn something new. After eight hours of asking questions and taking note of all that was going on around her, she made herself comfortable in her big brother’s chair.
“Somebody is worn out.” Jared said motioning to Lexi laying with her legs draped over one side of the chair and her head on the other, arms crossed over her chest.
A smile spread across his lips as he looked over seeing his little sister. Making his way over, he pushed her hair from her face. “Hey, punk, wake up.” He spoke softly.
Lexi opened her eyes and gave a chucked as she exhaled. “I totally just fell asleep in your chair didn’t I?” She covered her face with her hands.
“But you look so cute.” Jared crooned showed her a picture he’d taken on his phone.
“Oh, God, delete that!” She said standing. ~
Monday morning rolled around and by five am Lexi was already wide awake. Her nerves wouldn’t allow her to sleep much later than four thirty that morning. She sat at the counter with a cup of coffee dress in her new school uniform.
“Nice threads, preppy.” Jensen smiled walking down stairs.
“Haha.” Lexi said sipping her coffee in the khaki skirt and white button down blouse.
“A little.” She shrugged. “Just not sure what to expect. What if people think i’m weird or make fun of my accent?”
Jensen sipped from his cup. “Okay, one, you barely have an accent. And the little bit of one you do have is adorable.” Lexi rolled her eyes. “And two, you will do great, because you’re an Ackles. We kick ass.” Lexi couldn’t hold back her laugh at him. “You sure you don’t want me to drive you?”
“Positive. Cliff will drop me off this morning and I’ll walk back.”
“Whoa, walk back?” Jensen asked hearing this new information.
“It’s not far.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I’ll walk the few blocks from school to the bus stop, then the two blocks from the bus stop here.”
“I don’t want you walking home alone. I’ll tell Cliff to pick you up.”
“No, Jay, I don’t want you putting people out of their way for me. I’ll be fine, I’ll manage.”
Jensen and Lexi had a stare down for a moment then Jensen huffed. “Okay, how about this, Cliff will drop you off and pick you up for one week.” He saw Lexi about to protest then he spoke again. “Just long enough to give you time to get used to the surroundings.”
Lexi rolled her eyes. “Fine, deal.”
Cliff and Lexi pulled into the school and she looked around at all the students with a mixture of anxiety and dread. “You’ll be fine.” Clif k9 f spoke. “If anyone messes with you, kick ‘em in the crotch.”
Lexi laughed. “I’ll keep that in mind.” She took a deep breath grabbing her bag. “Here goes nothing.” She opened the door.
“Have a good day and good luck.” Cliff said as Lexi leaned in the big black SUV meeting Cliff’s extended fist with her own. “I’ll be back at three.”
“See, ya.” Lexi said closing the door and walking into the school.
She found her locker easier that she thought she would. Placing her books in, she looked at the paper in her hand and found her first class. Finding a seat in the back of the classroom, Leci sat quiet messing around on her phone trying to remain unnoticed.
“Morning, class!” She heard a woman say loudly causing her peers to begin seating themselves and quiet down. “When you’re ready.” The woman said urging the students to settle suddenly. “We have a new student joining us.” “Lexi’s eyes shut in panic. Do they seriously do this in every country? Lexi thought.  The embarrassment of being introduced to the entire class when all you want is to blend in. As if being fifteen and a senior was bad enough. “Please, welcome Alexia Ackles.”
Everyone turned to her as she gave a small wave from her seat. “It, it’s Lexi, actually. E- everyone calls me Lexi.”
“Alright then, Lexi, want to tell us something about yourself?”
Not really, she thought. “Uh, I’m Lexi and I just moved up here from Texas.”
“Ackles as in Jensen Ackles?” A blonde girl with way too much makeup asked from across the classroom.
“Tall guy, green eyes, bow legs? Yeah, that’s my brother.” She said with a touch of cynicism in her voice.
“Welcome to Vancouver and welcome to Brookston, Lexi.” The teacher said as she then began her lesson.
Lexi was more appreciative that the focus was no longer on her. Taking a small but deep breath she took her books out and began following along with the lesson. She could do this, she told herself.
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