#cuz like I KNOW how David tennant does it
lesbiansanemi · 10 months
Finally watching the new doctor who specials today
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adragonsfriend · 21 days
Nick Fury, Mace Windu; Same Stereotypes, Different Dude
Dunno how to tell people this but just cause two characters are played by the same actor doesn’t mean they’re the same character.
Honestly I’d be a lot less annoyed about people trying to use traits from the MCU’s Nick Fury to inform their interpretation of Mace Windu if half the interpretations of Nick Fury I’ve read weren’t at best completely oversimplified and at worst simply racist caricatures. (I know this because I’m not even half this irritated when people do the same thing with David Tennant characters)
Literally at no point does Nick Fury have anger issues. He talks sternly sometimes—yk when he’s giving orders and needs to be heard; he’s sarcastic—yk when he’s sassing the Security Council; he says fuck sometimes—yk cuz he’s an adult in the 21st century.
That’s it.
And all of that is deliberate flare—not like it’s untrue, I think he is using it in a way that comes naturally to him—this man was a spy, and is some cross of a diplomat-politican-spymaster (or yk his actual title: Director of SHEILD). He is not doing anything by accident. Having a strong personality, not being willing to be pushed around by everyone who wants something is deeply necessary to doing his job.
You want to know Nick Fury’s actual character flaw?
Wanting control.
Wanting information.
Wanting security.
Thats why he falls for Project Insight when Steve Rogers and Natasha Romannoff don’t. Fury wants the control that information and those helicarriers would give to ensure security, to be able to stop threats in advance. But it’s a trap—taking too much control lets authoritarians flourish. That’s why Natasha has to release all of SHEILD’s data—no matter the intentions it’s gathered under, it’s impossible to have so much control without someone (or the system in general) abusing it.
But it’s also why his choices in Avengers are such a victory! Giving the fate of the world to a bunch of random wackjobs with superpowers? Trusting in the thrown together team of the Avengers? That is giving up control—that is the opposite of nuking New York to stop an invasion. That is overcoming his character flaw, and it's why its cool that after Project Insight, he becomes at bit more of a rogue agent, running around and showing up last minute to save people or to call for help. (And why the avenegers movie bothered with “given the council has elected to make a stupid decision…”—it’s the completion of his character arc)
That’s a character I could I could see people actually comparing to Mace Windu. I mean the result of such a comparison is still that they’re really pretty different characters—especially in terms of this whole wanting control thing—but you could at least make the comparison in good faith.
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(spoilers under the cut) .
Bildad the Shuhite, love of my life.
BRO THE METATRON- FUCK HIM, HONESTLY, WHAT A DICK- (chanelling my inner comic!Nick Nelson, can you tell?)
also- the way the fucking way Crowley looked at Nina as if to say "I tried" and then at Maggie as if to say "I hope you do better/I hope it goes better for you" ffs
Also, again, FUCK METATRON- because this bitch walks in IMMEDIATELY after Crowley and then wastes absolutely NO time before bitching about him- literally "Always asked damn fool questions too"- not only is he manipulating Aziraphale into sort of believing Crowley would just fall again or he wouldn't do well by his side (DESPITE MANIPULATING HIM BY TELLING HIM THAT HE COULD MAKE HIM AN ANGEL AGAIN, MIND YOU) (imo, at least)
It truly is Aziraphale, Mr. I will make it better for you and Crowley, Mr. I never wanted you to make it better/ never wanted for it to be better, all I've ever wanted is you
The "Hear that? ... No Nightingales" literally broke my heart- cuz I remember reading some meta about it somewhere on here and when I was thinking about it to myself after watching, I could only think of how it sort of symbolised then end of their relationship and that broke me, ok? Especially when the Bentley played A Nightingale Sang In Berkely Square instead of its usual Queen- AND THEN HOW CROWLEY PAUSED FOR A MINUTE TO LISTEN TO IT? NO. LITERALLY STOP, OK. LIKE THE WAY IT SEEMS THAT HE'S ALREADY REMINISCING- HOW HE'S SO FUCKING DEJECTED AND FEELS LIKE HE NEEDS TO HOLD ONTO ANY PIECE OF THEM HE CAN BEFORE HE COMPLETELY GIVES UP- (AGAIN, IMO) BUT FUCK??????
On another note, however, how freaking adorable were Beelzebub and Gabriel??????????? They make me wanna 💢 🔪
No literally- Gabriel making only Everyday play on the jukebox???? Beelzebub recognising it????????? The FUCKING FLY MESSAGE ON THE BOX- shut up that's so cute, they're so stupidly in love- ALSO THE "MY HEAVEN IS WHERE BEELZEBUB IS" "AND MY HELL IS WHERE YOU ARE, MY SWEET"?????????????????????????????????? FUCKING SLAPPED- ME WHEN BRO. ME WHEN. GOD-
god, if only they fucking talked-
Michael Sheen and David Tennant owe me oh so many things... someone pass it on to them, please, thanks.
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veraynes-blog · 1 year
Fave Shows tag game
Rules: List 5 favourite shows (in no particular order) and answer questions accordingly.
Doctor Who
Good Omens
Life on Mars
The Thick of It
@johnsimms thank you for tagging me, this one was super fun to think about!
(Nobody look at me about the fact there are maybe 3 individual actors stretched across those 5 shows, I am. Aware. 😶)
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
I feel slightly like I’ll get lynched for picking a favourite, but - Crowley. Hands down. Not just for the DT factor, although I’m sure it contributes. I just really love everything about how his character is presented in the TV show, from all his performative showing off to the very obvious insecurities and nerves he’s trying to cover up at any given moment, I think he’s lovely. I want to wrap him in a blanket and give him tea. Which is very Aziraphale-coded of me.
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
Uhh… that’s a vast sea of characters you’re asking me to pick from. I can’t pick villains, cuz let’s face it my very favourite is the most villain. If I restrict myself to main companions, I guess… Yaz? I know that will be an unpopular opinion, I just don’t think she was super compelling as a character, and her relationship with the Doctor felt very anticlimactic to me, so as a companion she just fell flat for me.
3. What’s your favourite episode of 4?
I’m trying to pick… Either episode 2, because of the scene where Carlisle and Natalie go on the date in the drag club (because, unironically, I remember getting actual butterflies at how romantic I thought it was), or the final episode 6,  watching Carlisle throw caution to the wind and fully come into his own as utter manipulative bastard to get what he wants. Actually, yeah, that one.
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
Because I tend to watch them all in one big chunk, I’m struggling to remember what even happens in separate seasons. I really liked Hugh in it, so either Season 1 or 2.
5. What’s your favourite relationship in 3?
Sam and Gene. Easy one! 😄 I don’t even care if it’s platonic or romantic, I think they had amazing chemistry that clashed against each other constantly and made it so compelling to watch. I love that they very genuinely irritate the life out of each other and just as reluctantly like each other.
6. Who is your anti relationship in 2?
Think I’m going to have to steal an answer here, but Newt and Anathema because I also don’t like the ‘prophesy said so I guess’ foundation of it. It didn’t bother me massively as a pairing, I just wasn’t very interested in it.
7. How long have you watched 1?
Casually since I was 15 and it started coming out again in 2005. I’ve watched every new series with my mum, but only joined the fandom (got obsessive) around 2019.
8. How did you become interested in 3?
John Simm. That’s the whole answer. My joining the Doctor Who fandom led to TenSimm shipping, and from there stalking the filmography of both David Tennant and John Simm as truly excellent actors. I watched a lot of shows I’d missed out on previously from them both during the downtime of the pandemic, Life on Mars was an enduring favourite.
9. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
I mean… does it even need stating since DT is a lead in 3 of my 5 picks? Definitely David Tennant (although Blackpool sold me on David Morrissey as a great actor as well, he’d be a close second).
10. Which show do you prefer 1, 2 or 5?
Difficult. In terms of raw numbers, I’ve rewatched TTOI more than any of them, I used to play the four seasons on literal repeat for days. Good Omens makes me giddier than anything I’ve ever watched. But in terms of longevity of interest, I’d have to say DW.
11. Which show have you seen more episodes of 1 or 3?
That feels a very unfair comparison given Doctor Who is as long-running as it is, but yeah easily Doctor Who. 😅
12. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
I guess Natalie?? Swept off her feet by a dreamy looking guy absolutely set on breaking law and morals to be with her? Yeah I’d be okay with that. 👀
13. How would you kill off your favourite character in 5?
Well, that’s Malcolm, so I guess shady political assassination? Something that generates conspiracy theories and memoirs and newspaper thinkpieces for years afterwards. It’s what he would have wanted. ✌️😔
14. Would a 3/4 crossover work?
Yes. Oh my god yes. 😶 Can you imagine?? People start breaking into song and Sam is convinced he’s off his coma meds again. Carlisle fully willing to out-shade Gene. The clash of Manchester and Scottish slang. DT and John Simm working together again, the chemistry.
Quick, somebody please slap together a fanvid or a fanfic or a headcanon or something, I am possessed by this idea. 🤯
15. Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
I’m gonna be basic and still think about the Doctor/Master pairing, but if we’re talking unusual iterations of it… Spymaster and Ten just absolutely outdoing each other in the needy olympics would be fascinating. Thirteen and Missy is a close second. Missy would so appreciate Thirteen’s barely-contained feral vibes. She’d wanna keep her on a leash, it’d be great.
16. Overall, which show has the better cast, 3 or 5?
Ooooh that’s so difficult. I love TTOI for the insane improv skills of Capaldi and the rest of the cast, but in terms of raw chemistry it’s gotta be LoM.
Tagging @linz33y @countessrivers @imdoingawesome @roxannepolice @tardis-ghost-blog @ten-nan-th-doctor @mothmanyeetus @best-enemies @bluebird-appreciator and really anyone else who wants to have a go! A lot of the questions are super fun to answer 😊
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pitbullwithaship · 7 months
Y'all I miss David Tennant. Like Matt Smith is already great but I'm allowed to miss my current hyperfixation actor okay. Okay. But anyWHO I get to watch so much more Doctor Who even without him yay!
Pretty ambient sounds
Hello dude in the middle of a field with a kiss mark on his face
Oh hello who's here
Is this lady pretty I hope she is she gives pretty vibes
I love museums too Doctor
He's having a lot of fun saying it's all wrong lol
Ooh Home Box
Ooh old high gallifreyan on the Home Box cool mysterious
She's amazing
But also she would be dead Tardis or not that is basically instant death right there
InstaDeath, available now lol
Teaches him about his own ship
Blue Boringers!!
Yknow the "kheee hooo kheee hooo" noise
Aww Amy is hilarious and adorable
I love Amy
Know I don't like to say they're asking for it but hey are asking for it
I love Amy lol
It's a DnD campaign that's why
Yknow I should put those pictures on my desktop I've heard people done that
Smells a book
Yeah I should totally make those my desktop wallpaper
I still maintain they would be less creepy if they had pupils
This is so fun
Aw smart Amy!! That was brilliant!
Okay what's in her eye y'all what's gonna happen
That's a lot of statues ugh
Oh is she in prison right now? That's not nice
It keeps being brought up what is in her eye!
She is good lol
Okay I'm guessing since we're following these soldiers so much they are gonna end up dying
Oof jump scare
Oof another jump scare
Do it scared and all that
Okay so those soldiers are dead then good to know my inferencing skills are strong as ever
Oh shit why don't the statues have two heads
This is scary
Oh shit can they like turn people into weeping angels too or something cuz why do they not have robes and stuff
Okay how is the dead person talking and telling Bob to see something that's creepy
Okay we know Bob's name so maybe he will die too he better not
Okay spoke too soon
Okay so they don't look like angels because they are dying
He doesn't sound scared how is he talking if he's dead
Oh dear
Dude stop guilt tripping the Doctor
Angel Bob lol
Placebo affect
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nobleriver · 2 months
Hello!! Anon-sy here again!! Honestly, I'm so glad I send you an ask- you'd thoughts are delightful 😊 but think about this- double fob!watch AU?! River also has her memories taken and she lands in the same time as human!10 and these two get along like a house on fire- not knowing why
Melody challenging John along every turn and holding him to task if he messes up and John keeps trying to impress her and enjoying how she's his equal and doesn't tolerate his nonsense.
Then Martha- conflicted in the background cuz she cares for 10 and knows this cannot go on snd Melody is her best friend now and what will she do when 10 returns?
Things go on the same- John opens the fob!watch and returns as 10 but does it end the same?
Maybe Melody opens her watch after he leaves and when 10 offers the chance to travel with River- she refuses- gently, lovingly in her own way- kisses him goodbye with her amnesia lipstick and their first meeting happens with Donna. ( River meanwhile pushed her grief over what their life could have been that she was shown through his watch- otherwise it might break her)
Or maybe, Melody doesn't get the chance to open her watch in time- maybe she resists the urge as long as she can- a goodbye still happens - cause every instinct in Melody is insistent this cannot go on. 10 remembers her face, and River realized her mistake when she opened the watch
SiTL still happens except this time it's a lot more complicated and angsty- 10 knows River is Melody but not how or why and River isn't explaining- Spoilers about her nature and all- but she knows his name( he loved/ still loves her) and he still loses her after. And how cruel is this for 10? He lost her twice over and there is nothing he can do
Or maybe, in a happier universe- their time gets accidentally rewritten- due to unforseen circumstances- she opens her fob!watch with him there, they defeat the bad guys and they travel together with Martha. Martha and River still besties and forces of nature together.
Anyway, thoughts? Criticisms? Aftermaths? I genuinely adore your mind!! Thank you for answering my previous ask! ,😊😊💕😍
Long, long, LONG post below. Proceed with caution:
Aw, thank you! I'm genuinely excited about your AU. I could consume tenriver media all day. I just love that dynamic (I love doctorriver period) and all of the untold adventures alluded to by canon. Why is River caressing 10's face and gazing longingly into his eyes? Why was she convinced this incarnation already knew her BUT shocked to see Donna? Why did she ask 10 if they had gone to Asgard or done Crash of the Byzantium yet (ofc since David Tennant decided to leave with RTD, Moffat did Byzantium with 11 instead)? Why was 11 unfazed when River wrote "Hello Sweetie" in GALLIFREYAN? How was he not surprised to see her flying the TARDIS? There is a sizeable gap in their onscreen dynamic between SITL and The Time of Angels. The gap strongly implied they had adventures post-Donna. Steven Moffat confirms this was his intention in his novelization of The Day of the Doctor, which doesn't help me be less fixated on them at all. Moffat has 10 and River in a bathtub together exchanging information about Zygons over champagne as River flirts with him. The Doctor refers to her as beautiful, says her smile lights up the room and makes it hard to resist her. He calls her a close friend. He ends up staying 7 more hours with her doing WHO KNOWS WHAT. Moffat, as usual, leaving that up to imagination. Then, in another chapter, 10 and River are having a picnic on Asgard with Thor, who 10 apparently dislikes (would be funny if it was because Thor flirted with River), and 10 accuses River of stealing his converses, which River apparently despises. There is just so much potential when it comes to 10River, and very few have touched it. Just endless possibilities. Ofc, we only got the one adventure onscreen because Tennant decided to leave, so Moffat did Byzantium with 11 instead. However, I do love that he kept Asgard for 10 and reaffirmed his original intent had been for the beginning stages of their romance to be with 10. That's why I fangirl so hard whenever I see 10River fanfiction because yes, flesh that out, flesh out what they could have been, what they are behind the closed doors of show!canon.
Now, that I've gotten that out of the way, let me respond to the rest of your ask. 😂 The double fob watch sounds fun. It would read like a Human AU for most of the story, and I think that could liberate you from canon even the more. River tends to be more restrictive and careful when the Doctor is younger. She's always flirtatious but highly attentive to the timelines. Both Martha AND River both being on guard about the Doctor falling in love too early could put unnecessary constraints on the romance. With them both being human, you can just have fun with them falling in love unfettered by the timelines, memories of past loves or loss.
I like the happier universe idea. Doctorriver is just overwhelmed with angst. You get one moment of happiness or domesticity and then you get pure pain for the rest of the episode lol.
That being said, I also really enjoy the idea of 10 still remembering her but not realizing she's part Time Lord yet. He remembers Melody and walks away thinking she's a linear, early 20th century schoolteacher. How flabbergasted would he be to see her in the 51st century as an archaeologist? Now, that, would be a delicious scene to read. However, I can't imagine a 10 that is in love with River allowing her to die.
In my opinion, River's death in the Library only works because she is with a Doctor that does not know her yet. 10 and River weren't working in rhythm together. They were clashing. They weren't in sync, so when it came time to strategize, they're arguing with each other, wasting precious time. 10 operated as if they were all strangers. He told Donna he couldn't teleport the others to the TARDIS because the TARDIS wouldn't recognize them. But we know now the TARDIS would have.
Everything that could go wrong for River went wrong in that episode. She's trapped in a library full of carnivorous shadows with a man that looks like her husband but doesn't recognize her. So, now, River, who is usually very calm and collected, is thrown off-kilter. She is grieving while having to deal with an emotional 10, a young, grieving, angry 10 who now believes his companion is dead. He too is grieving the loss of his best friend, and he wants to lash out. They are both a powder keg of emotions, and their usually great working synergy is disintegrating. They aren't problem-solving as quick as usual. Now, CAL has decided to now self-destruct, and a new dilemma presents itself: 4,022 souls + Donna + a CHILD vs River or the Doctor's life. 10 immediately decides to sacrifice himself, ignoring River's pleas to not do so. He doesn't know her, so 10 fails to realize River is so in love she'll sacrifice herself to save him. That's how he ended up handcuffed to the rail.
If 11 or 12 had been in the Library instead 10, I don't believe the situation would have deteriorated as quickly or as bad because they know her, worse yet they're in love with her. 12 flat-out said in THORS, "Not one living thing is worth you." In LKH, Amy unleashed killer robots on the people inside the Teselecta, and the Doctor didn't care. His priority were River, Rory, and Amy. A Doctor that is in love with River will try to save as many people as they can, but first and foremost, they will ensure River and their companion survives. Also, even if she had handcuffed him, 12 can get out of handcuffs in seconds (there's an innuendo buried in there somewhere).
Nevertheless, do whatever works for your story. In fanon, all things are possible. We can twist, stretch and reimagine canon into new realities. Even what I wrote above is just my fanon interpretation. Explore whatever ending enchants you the most. As long as you have fun, the story should come together. Excited to see what you settle on! Whether it an angsty death or a happy ever after, the journey sounds like it'll be fun!
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gifsbysimplysonia · 1 year
Ahsoka Parts One thru Four reactions
Man am I grateful my brother made sure we watched Clone Wars and Rebels before we got into live action Ahsoka. Within the first, like, 10 minutes there were so many references that I was just bouncing and like OH MY GOD.
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WTF THEY KILLED SABINE ALREADY?!?! Obviously not cuz no but like A RED LIGHTSABER WAS PUT THROUGH HER! It was a very OMG they killed Kenny moment. Thank God we weren't watching live cuz having to wait a week after that would have killed me
The mural from the end of Rebels - like the exact same drawing - is in Lothal. My heart.
I want a Lothal cat?
I saw Hyuang and heard David Tennant and my heart was so happy!
And then as Governor Ryder they cast Clancy Brown! As someone who has a brain that loves continuity, omg. So satisfying.
Who is the BA with the red saber and bangs? She looks like an Olsen sister.
Sabine pulling a Kanan and cutting off all her hair samurai style made me weepy.
Why am I amused that Ewan Mcgregor's wife plays Hera? So far she is hitting every beat though.
How tf did we go from the end of Rebels to Sabine being a PADAWAN?!?! WHAT?!?
Do Jedis not need to be Force sensitive anymore? Genuine question.
Also now that I know that, though, this meme is hysterical times 7
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I'm shocked Jacen is on here and i feel like I'm going to be crying over Kanan at some point before the season is over
Rosario crosses her arms too much? I'm gonna have to go back to CW and see if Ahsoka does it that much cuz only 4 episodes in and it feels excessive
Sabine pulling a Scorpion from Mortal Kombat move on the red saber BA was awesome
I'm glad the Witches are getting representation in the live action universe
Baylan Scoll is EXTREMELY magnetic and I'm wishing I knew his back story
Sabine...I knew you were gonna fold but I wasn't any less disappointed knowing that it was coming
Oh, Ahsoka going out to hang out ON her ship to defend against fighters? W I L D. My brother was like, "Crazy shit as ever." Honestly.
Ahsoka got to the World Between Worlds...how? Cuz she almost died or is dying? I'm gonna be interested to see how that works.
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coinofstone · 4 years
2x10 Sweet Dreams
Arthur's turn for a forced romance. At least his is actually forced and the episode is funny. Still, two back to back is 😬
Rulers of the five kingdoms yet no mention of Cenred or Odin. Actually we only ever see two kings besides Uther in this ep.
Destiny and chicken!
Whyyyyyyyyyyy did they need to drag Gwen into this. What benefit is there to playing with her like this? Merlin said it best really, anyone who insults Gwen does so at their own peril and frankly this entire episode insults her far too much.
Uther's gotta be watching Arthur claim his undying love for Vivian like "oh hell, not again"
The dragon laughing at Merlin is one of my favorite things in this entire show.
Not for nothing but if this spell needed true love's kiss, Merlin could've solved it a lot easier 😂
Actually on that note, I do love the kiss that breaks the spell. The progression from wtf to romantic and then Arthur's sudden ability to feel the pain he's actually in.
Lady Vivian forever stuck in love with Arthur because there's no one to break her enchantment.
Audio commentary with ppl who cannot be bothered to introduce themselves, apparently. Angel, Bradley, the director Alice and Jeremy? I think? I legitimately don't know who the other guy is.
Oh my GOD how am I ONLY JUST NOW REALIZING that Lady Vivian is Georgia Tennant holy fuckballs
Bradley doesn't like his crown! I don't blame him tbh it doesn't really sit right on his head.
Why did I think eating crunchy cereal while watching this with commentary was a good idea.
Omg so wait, Bradley's mum was on set for a visit during this ep, and on a different day, David Tennant came and directed an ad-lib (no audio) scene of Georgia and Angel walking. Genuinely tho, I'm floored that I didn't realize it was Georgia. I've watched this like six times and I'm only just now realizing this for the first time.
Talking about the bit where Arthur slaps Merlin, and Bradley says he kept holding back cuz "he's only tiny" as if Colin isn't actually an inch or two taller than him.
Destiny and chicken is my favorite line too, Director Alice!
So wait... there was a line in where King Alined says he's almost attracted to Arthur himself, and it's played for a laugh - but whoever male-voice-that-isnt-Bradley is says they had a battle keeping it in?!?! How homophobic was the BBC ten years ago? Jesus.
Bradley cracking fat jokes on Angel. Not cool.
But then he goes on to comment on how he prefers the constant changing behind the screen as opposed to 'gratuitous' topless scenes in previous episodes 😂
They're being gross about the scene of Georgia and Bradley kissing. Everyone's making jokes except Angel. I get it's fun and like, what else are you gonna say in a commentary with one half of the kissing couple but, they take it too far.
Bradley really showing his whole ass in this commentary. Saying he relates to the scene where a you've done something wrong without knowing you've done something wrong and then a girl comes up and has a go at you. ... like yes, we get it, you're an idiot. Stop being proud of that.
They make a lot less jokes about the kiss between Arthur and Gwen but they still have a go at it- but Alice speaks of what a great moment it is for Gwen. Cuz Gwen really saves the day here. And honestly the director seemed to be really supportive of Gwen in general, which is something considering I thought the episode was really unfair to her in a lot of ways. Though I guess it goes to show it could've been handled worse.
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mekairu · 4 years
Instructions: tag ten people you’d like to know better
Tagged by: ​ @kaspbreaker​  ,thanks bruh, you are a real sweetheart ;A;
Name: Online I go by Meek, its a nickname I adopted and enjoy!
Starsign: Aries, I have no idea what my others are but I’m year of the Rat, baby. 
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff, I really click with Slytherins. 
Height: 5′2, someone bring me a stepping stool 
Favorite animal: I love so many animals hhhhh. I will cry over lizards and catch them to share in my delight. I wanted a pet komodo dragon. 
dogs or cats: Both. I’ve grown up with both and they are both so good and funny.
When you made your blog: Back in high school but I didnt use it until I was in college 
Why you made your blog: My childhood friend made me make it and I hated it, but I love her 
Reason for your url: I made up the name forever ago and have used it for everything since
What i am wearing: Bi-colored shirt tee with Thor on it from Ragnarok and comfy sweats. 
Dream vacation: I’d love to tour Europe!! I want to go to so many museums and see art and all the different sites and culture and the FOOOOD. Mmmm it just sounds so fun to spend a good chunk of time with some friends exploring around. 
Instruments: Does singing bad karaoke count? 
Celebrity crushes: Don’t judge me but I’ve always thought David Tennant was a great actor. He can go feral at the right moments and hilarious 
random facts:
What’s your job: Quarantine!
If you could go back to school would you: I might take some script writing classes, but rn I am very tired of school and need a break and to figure out what I want. 
A job you had that would surprise people: I once babysat the hamster that Rhino from Bolt was based off of. His name was Boink because he kept bouncing off the walls in the studio in his ball. 
Do you think aliens are real: No, at least nothing that we can reach, do you know how big space is? So big. 
What’s your guilty pleasure: I love watching trashy RP videos of SCP games and this one series called Half-Life VR: but the AI is self aware. Whenever I’m really down on a late night I like to watch these cuz its just a bunch of guys messing around and trying to make each other laugh and its pretty great. I try not to think of things as a guilty pleasure because we deserve to like what we like, but I keep it to myself a lot cuz I know my friends aren’t into it. 
Tattoos: Nope! I am a wuss and have zero pain tolerance. But I want more piercings. 
Any phobias: Rollercoasters. I will freeze up in line and start having a panic attack when dragged to one. 
Do you talk to yourself: I sing to myself when doing chores or drawing
What movie do you adore: My mood always changes with movies... but I always adore Over the Garden Wall, FMA, and ATLA. I watch those over and over. 
The first thing that you remember you wanted to be when you grew up: I wanted to be a herpetologist because I thought lizards were cool and Godzilla. I thought one day I could make Godzilla.... 
Tagging some buddies that havent been @elvhendisaster @k524 @theawkwardghost137 @22-stars-on-the-moon @selkie-scribbles @renarde-noire, do it if you want or not. Its very long. 
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kiradurbin · 5 years
Super Short Reviews:  Spring / Summer TV part 3
Super Short Reviews Spring / Summer TV part 3:
Undercover (Netflix) – Inspired by true events.  When you think of beautiful Belgium, do you think … Ecstasy ?  Probably not.  But thats where most of it comes from, and these nice detective folks are in it for the loooooooooong haul.  And I do mean long, cuz the pacing in the first episode tuned me out. Gentleman Jack (HBO) – British and period enough to attract any Anglophile, but the subject matter is acutally more LGBTQ.  Based on the coded diaries of Anne Lister, who kept detailed accounts of her affairs with other women, and her attempts to run her family home.  Good good good.   Abyss (Netflix) – Korea.  Super cute, and I even laughed a few times (which is saying a lot for a foreign language show since your eyes are always split between the faces and the action and the subtitles.)   
  Perpetual Grace Ltd. (Epix) –  This is so unique and bizarre it also gets a “show of the summer” award.  The cast list alone should make you want to watch: Ben Kingsley, Jacki Weaver, and Luis Guzman.  It’s a con game that goes oh so so SO wrong and you really have no idea who to root for but who cares, because you really  just want to know what strange thing or character is going to appear next. 
  The Society (Netflix) – Schadenfreude!!!   I hope I have time to go back and watch the rest of all these spoiled teenagers get their due.  I don’t even care if they figure out which twilight zone episode they are in.  On a side note, can someone explain to me how tv show high schools have football teams when there are never enough people to actually play???   Florida Girls (Pop) – Redneck tv at its finest.  You’re definitely laughing AT these gals.  Already got a second season. Pandora (CW) –  This is fun!  Its like Star Trek / Gate University for YA viewers. Thumbs up for that age group. I Hear You (Netflix) – China.  I think this is supposed to be a comedy?  Or at least, the situation is ridiculous and the characters act like children or cartoons. Very YA – even more PG than a Hallmark romance. Years and Years (HBO) – UK. And you thought Black Mirror was disturbing?   This is honest and crazy and real and still British humour funny. Watch it if you still have HBO. Trinkets (Netflix) – This is like If the Breakfast Club girls had met in a shoplifters support group.  Brianna Hildebrand, Kiana Madeira, and Quintessa Swindell are all fantastically likable.  Huge YA thumbs up. Pearson (USA) – Gina Torres leaves NY corporate law (SUITS) to spin off to the dark ugly brown Chicago Mayor’s Office.  Fun!!  The story lines are good, but I lost patience for Ms. Pearson’s attitude rather quickly.  Smug Smug Smug UGH.   Good Omens (Amazon) – BINGE ALERT. Michael Sheen and David Tennant literally sparkle with glee as they bring Neil Gaiman’s world to television life. And is there anyone better suited than Frances McDormand to play “God” ?  I loved every second of it.   What / If (Netflix) – I adored Jane Levy in SUBURGATORY and im glad to see her get a chance to show off her dramatic chops.  But Renee Zellweger smirking, squinting her eyes, and crossing her super skinny legs does not a PLOT make.  This is trying really hard to make something slightly interesting into super dramatic.  People cheat.  So WHAT?  Maybe I would have watched more IF I cared.   South Side (Comedy Central) – I dont’ know if this will be as funny to anyone who’s not from Chicago but I thought it was hilarious.   One of two Bashir Salahuddin comedy creations this summer.   BH901210 (Fox) – Hopefully you were smarter than me in realising this was going nowhere fast since it didnt get renewed.   Why they did this instead of just even 6 episodes of a real show I will never know. NOT REVIEWED:  
LA’s Finest (Spectrum) – Spun off the BAD BOYS movies – Gabrielle Union and Jessica Alba are LAPD detectives.  Totally realistic im sure.   It’s Bruno (Netflix) – Comedy. Even the first 20 seconds of the preview annoyed me.  The dog is super cute though.   Curfew (Spectrum) – UK.  Sean Bean! Billy Zane! Miranda Richardson!  Street Racing!  (what?!?) Crime Diaries (Netflix) – Columbia. Murder Mystery inspired by true events. Side Games (Spectrum) – Spain.  The Mafia gets into second division football (soccer.) Malibu Rescue (Netflix) –  Looks like if Malibu Skipper had her own show.  Then again, if you are the right age to watch this, you have no idea who Malibu Skipper is.   Euphoria (HBO) – so bored in the first ten minutes I realised I would rather be cleaning my bathroom. So I did.   How To Sell Drugs Online (Netflix) – Germany.  No thanks.   Los Espookys – I heard this was hilarious, but my HBO went away for the same reason you all made your HBO go away.   Armistead Maupin Tales of the City (Netflix) –  This was a mini-series I think in the late 90s?  then there was a movie? now there is this? I was too confused  to try and sort it out.   Black Lady Sketch Show (HBO) – assuming it is what the title says.  
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There was a quintessential scene in my dream last night where I had to climb through a window—you know, like one of those windows by the ceiling, like a basement window at ground level—after this random dude, and I was pulling myself up going like "oh geez it's been a while since I had to do this." So he offered to help, but I went like "no no I'm fine, I've done this a lot, it's just been a while."
So in this dream, I have WICKED upper body strength, because I'm lifting 180 pounds of nonsense and me with just my forearms and wrists, until finally I'm out, and the guy gawks at me cuz my dream has decided he's the Flustered Type.
Here we are, in a kinda closed off alleyway during the apocalypse. See what happened was some aliens came down and enslaved humanity. This theme stayed consistent throughout the entire dream, which is interesting because usually something weird changes at the end, but nah. It just goes from "they've blasted the earth with toxins" to "they think humans are a natural slave species and are happy to be here." I guess a lot of times passes.
But right now, in this moment, we're on the run. I can't remember if this is before or after finding David Tennant in a rundown apartment with Sadie Miller, but me and this guy are kind of alone for a minute. We're waiting for someone, not sure what, so we stop and chat. The conversation goes to his shirt, because he's wearing a shirt that looks like my favorite shirt. He's kinda tall, so I'm wondering what size it is. He's like "oh uh, it's... Disney? You know they don't use numbers."
"Okay but what does it say?" I ask. "I have the same shirt. I wanna know if yours is bigger."
I don't know why I want this information, but it feels important, and kind of like if mine IS bigger, it's some kind of victory, despite the fact that I'm short and that would only be a tesriment to how big my boobs are.
Now, I have this pile of clothes here. My stuff ends up in a variety of places, possibly for apocalypse reasons, and right now I spot that same pattern on his shirt, so I pull it out and look for the size. But—oops—this is a jacket. Not the shirt! We have a laugh and try again. Ahhh, closer, but that one's a hoodie. Basically, we bond over not being able to find my shirt, and in the end I'm like "man, I liked that shirt," and the people we were waiting for get there.
There was also an intense plot point that I don't think ever got resolved.
That was that, over time, this one guy started using his meager slave wages and tips to buy himself stuff. But he owed this one other guy money, and the other guy did not appreciate it. Actually, we kind of collectively needed that money, so what the fuck dude? You already stole that awesome multi-bladed tool when you tricked those drunk aliens into thinking they were hallucinating; why are you buying another one? We collect these things. Why are you wasting money?
That never came to a conclusion, unfortunately.
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jade-soulbear · 2 years
Talking about Privilege, Anna's hyperfixiations and Autism with MC- 5/4/22
Hey all, day three today. Today was alright, albeit a little odd, and I think something was bothering MC, I'm not sure.
So I got up and made it to school early today (makes a difference to every day before) and made it to school about 3 minutes early. Took History class and the first thing I notice, OF isn't in. I expected him to be in so I sat 2 seats away from his other friend because we usually all sit together, so I expected that he would come in and sit between us. He never came in, because I forgot that he was going to the American Embassy (he'll be living in Oregon over the summer as part of a business thing his dad is doing). Me and the other friend are on good terms but I don't know them well enough to talk to them, so we kinda just sat there in silence. It was awkward, to say the least. Next class was French, Ms C didn't check my homework (epic, I didn't have it done, and I had a note but I knew she would pester me about it anyways, so it's all good). But when god giveth, he must also taketh away, and it turned out I had a french test today. Needless to say, I did horribly.
Eventually, I find out in the break period that no one except MC was in, which has happened before. They were kinda quiet today, and they didn't really seem happy (though I kinda only picked up on it in retrospect), so I did most of the talking. I was talking about my trip to Salem and how it's a shame I couldn't go to the first cheesecake factory, which was in Boston (I later found out that this was a blatant lie I was told lmao), but I was going to a different one so it's all cool. Now I know how that sounds, and I know I'm a very privileged guy to be able to go to Salem in the first place, which they brought up, but to be fair I was kinda grasping at topics to talk about and this wasn't an issue that I was genuinely upset about or anything.
Anyways they basically told me how privileged and ungrateful I sound and I get it, I just really like the cheesecake factory lmao. Anyways I found it a bit weird cuz usually they would be more laid-back about this sort for hing but I understood I sounded ungrateful and so I moved on. I went on to talk about my friend Anna, and how she's constantly obsessed with tv shows and crusty British men and stuff (David Tennant is constantly on her mind). At first, MC was laughing with me while we talked about them, but then all of a sudden, they started being a little bit condescending saying that I was being insensitive towards her hyperfixiations.
Now to be fair, Anna does hyperfixate often, but she finds it hilarious when I poke fun at her for getting obsessed with stuff because even she is caught off guard by some of the stuff she says regarding these scruffy British men and it's only gentle teasing. She's my best friend in the whole world, and I'd never want to be genuinely malicious to her and belittle her for her neurodivergence, but MC hasn't spoken to her in a whole year so idk why she thinks I would be insensitive to her when I speak to her every day and spend all my free time with her. They continued talking about it and I said "Yeah, I guess so" and they were
like "what do you mean I guess so? They literally are hyperfixiations" which they can't really comment on because they don't experience hyperfixating and they haven't spoken to this person in a year. They began to talk to me about how some people accept other people's neurodivergence but don't accept the symptoms and I cut them off and told them Anna is totally cool with me poking fun at them.
Next we had PE, and since I'm not a very athletic person me and MC just sat off to the side on the bleachers and talked. The reason I mentioned the privilege thing earlier is that we were talking about this douchebag, MA and how a couple years ago he said something transphobic because MC insulted people who drove BMW's, and as it turned out, MA's father drove a BMW. I remarked that I was pretty privileged but I wouldn't get unreasonably upset over daddy's BMW being insulted, and MC started talking about how I'm privileged and I say things that I don't realise how spoiled they sound but MC was just plain old bigoted and wanted an excuse. I know it probably shouldn't get to me because acknowledging this sort of thing is probably the best way to stop the issue but I feel worried that I've been acting like a braggadocios asshole and I wasn't aware of it, I'm probably overreacting but it was just the way they phrased it y'know? I can't remember the exact words but it sounded like it's a reoccurring thing that I'm saying douchy stuff, and even reading the previous diary entries I know I take alot of things for granted, but at least I acknowledged those things beforehand, I just don't want to be saying douchey things and not knowing.
Later on, we had some better talks about MC's autism. They were recently told by a psychiatrist that they probably had autism and I was asking them about how that was going and what it's like having autism. It was interesting hearing their side of it and trying to rediscover themselves after trying to suppress symptoms for so long (though I asked them about how they would go about doing that and they were like "good question" lol)
During Lunch, it was very boring, we went to the supermarket again to get food for MC and for the most part we were having fun talking, but when we got back to the classroom it got kinda silent, and it felt like they really didn't want to talk much after that. The rest of the school day was slow, we watched a sad movie about euthenasia later (idk how to spell it), that was it. OF came to hang with me and MC on our way home. He talked about the Embassy, it seemed quite stressful because it's all these federal agency people and they have to act all strict and that can make you tense. He also had to give his political opinion on a questionaire so he said he was apolitical (he is in fact very politically charged, he's an anarchist lmao) and MC seemed even more tired. I think the trucks were messing up their sensory issues, because every time a truck passed by they seemed really agitated every time one passed by, idk though I'm not an expert.
When I went home I asked Anna if she was really okay with me joking about her hyperfixiations, just because it kinda got to me I guess and I wanted to make sure. She responded saying of course she was and so I texted her about MC today. Her and MC are not on good terms because of a few situations when MC acted like they knew better than them, so I thought Anna would want to hear about this because they spoke in a kinda all-knowing manner today (I know it sounds like MC was just looking out for Anna but just the fact that they took the high ground when they didn't care earlier,  it felt kinda forced, and I wanted to talk to Anna since she knows MC's behaviour and stuff). They didn't respond yet but I'll update you when they do.
Other than that, not much to report. I had fajitas for dinner, and I had a very awkward conversation with my mam about gender identity and how she kinda agrees with JK Rowling and while I understand her fears, because the times are a'changing and I guess it can seem scary, I've struggled with the concept of gender identity ever since I was 12 and I will probably be very hesitant to come out to her if I ever figure out my own gender identity. Hope it doesn't weigh on my mind too much. Also found out who the killer is in Twin Peaks, was kinda an awesome scene and I'm a nerd so it was the highlight of my day.
0 notes
Honestly I just wanted to do this
1: Name: Ivy
2: Age: 18
3: 3 Fears: The dark, abandonment, spiders
4: 3 things I love: Music, memes, Uncharted
5: 4 turn ons: Uhh I don’t really know, I guess (in a sense of imitating character voices or something) roleplaying, scratching, light hair pulling, dirty talk???? Idk man
6: 4 turn offs: Ego the size of Betelgeuse (the star), pushy attitudes, jealousy, too clingy
7: My best friend: The Internet
8: Sexual orientation: I don’t rightly know what to consider myself, can I put down “Undetermined”?
9: My best first date: I’ve never really been on a proper date
10: How tall am I: 5′ 10″ 
11: What do I miss: My cat
12: What time was I born: 4:02 pm
13: Favorite color: Black
14: Do I have a crush: Yeah kinda but we’ve only exchanged the phrases “I brought reusable bags” and “Have a nice day” rip
15: Favorite quote: “I won’t be able to enjoy a single one of these coins knowing you and your worthless brother are still sucking air”
16: Favorite place: Anywhere with food
17: Favorite food: Really any kind of red meat or potato
18: Do I use sarcasm: How do I properly answer this
19: What am I listening to right now: The Sound of Silence (there’s nothing on)
20: First thing I notice in new person: Their aura, like what kind of vibe they give off
21: Shoe size: Women’s 11, men’s 9
22: Eye color: Blue
23: Hair color: Brown, dyed blue/mint green undertone
24: Favorite style of clothing: Is black a style
25: Ever done a prank call?: Yeah but I forgot to *67 so it didn’t work lmao
27: Meaning behind my URL: Rafe is daddy af
28: Favorite movie: Idk man I guess Labyrinth
29: Favorite song: Midnight in Transylvania (Indoor Percussion show)
30: Favorite band: Rammstein or SOAD
31: How I feel right now: I’m pretty bored
32: Someone I love: Platonically or what? Platonically I’d go with like David Tennant cuz he’s my dude but like if it were like a legit love interest I’d have to say ya boi @marshythevamp
33: My current relationship status: Single :/
34: My relationship with my parents: Love my mom, dad is reaaaaaaally iffy
35: Favorite holiday: Halloween
36: Tattoos and piercing i have: None
37: Tattoos and piercing i want: Tattoo of something Uncharted related on my arm or something, like a quote
38: The reason I joined Tumblr: I’m trash and I wanted easier access to fanfic
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?: yES
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night” texts? Yeeeeees <3
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?: No
42: When did I last hold hands?: I don’t even remember
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: Like 10 minutes
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?: I think so?
45: Where am I right now?: My room
46: If I were drunk and can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?: Why would I be drunk tho
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?: Depends
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? Just mom
49: Am I excited for anything?: Yeah boi boutta send a birthday present to my best friend that isn’t the Internet
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?: Yeah man
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?: Yeah, at work
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?: Yesterday
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?: I wouldn’t really care much, but I’d warn the poor girl
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?: I don’t think so
55: What is something I disliked about today?: I worked out for the first time in like ever
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: Nolan North
57: What do I think about most?: Food probably oops
58: What’s my strangest talent?: I can bend just my fingertips and clover my tongue
59: Do I have any strange phobias?: Public restrooms ????? And black toilets honestly those things are scary, they look like a void
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?: I like both
61: What was the last lie I told?: “Oh yeah working out was fun”
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?: Neither really
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?: Ghosts, yes. Aliens, no.
64: Do I believe in magic?: What kind of magic? Tricks or like legit stuff--
65: Do I believe in luck?: In a sense
66: What's the weather like right now?: Gloomy, it just rained
67: What was the last book I've read?: Where The Wild Things Are
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?: Not really
69: Do I have any nicknames?: Adler, Fern
70: What was the worst injury I've ever had?: I broke my foot in sophomore year, broke my elbow in kindergarten. Not sure which was worse.
71: Do I spend money or save it?: A bit of both
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?: Ew no
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?: This one Jesus candle I bought as a gag
74: Favorite animal?: Shark
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: Eating a quesadilla
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?: Morningstar, duh.
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?: Catgroove
78: How can you win my heart?: Be nice and respect who I am, it doesn’t really take a whole lot.
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?: “This user is Stefan Karl’s meme friend”
80: What is my favorite word?: Hinky
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr: Comeonrafe, behold-the-goddamn-silver-fox, galaxycat-1459, unchartedwrites, mine-uc BUT LITERALLY I LOVE EVERYONE
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?: “If Sonic is so fast why does Eggman keep catching up to him?”
83: Do I have any relatives in jail?: I think so lmao
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?: Wait is this a Simpson’s reference--But I’d choose the ability to bring characters to life (Is that a superpower?)
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?: Idk???
86: What is my current desktop picture?: I don’t own a computer man, but my lock screen is Sully
87: Had sex?: Nah
88: Bought condoms?: Nope
89: Gotten pregnant?: Unless I’m the Virgin Mary, no
90: Failed a class?: Yeah oops
91: Kissed a boy?: Ye
92: Kissed a girl?: Ye
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?: I don’t rightly remember
94: Had a job?: Yeah
95: Left the house without my wallet?: Guilty
96: Bullied someone on the internet?: Only if they started shit with me
97: Had sex in public?: No ?????? Guys why
98: Played on a sports team?: Marching band counts, right? It better count.
99: Smoked weed?: Once or twice. I didn’t like it much.
100: Did drugs?: Other than Mary’s iguana (lmao) no
101: Smoked cigarettes?: One, didn’t like it. Sam, keep your ciggies.
102: Drank alcohol?: Yee don’t tell the cops
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?: Nah
104: Been overweight?: I don’t think so
105: Been underweight?: Yeah :/
106: Been to a wedding?: Yes
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?: Those are rookie numbers
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?: ROOKIE
109: Been outside my home country?: No :’)
110: Gotten my heart broken?: More than once
111: Been to a professional sports game?: Kinda? I don’t know if you’d call the Reading Phillies “professional”
112: Broken a bone?: Two or three
113: Cut myself?: By accident? Yeah. On purpose? No.
114: Been to prom?: Yeah
115: Been in an airplane: Ye
116: Fly by helicopter?: Nope
117: What concerts have I been to?: Only my own, unless you’d consider Blue Man Group a concert
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?: Yes
119: Learned another language?: Yes kinda
120: Wore make up?: Only on occassion
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?: No
122: Had oral sex?: No
123: Dyed my hair?: Yeah
124: Voted in a presidential election?: No
125: Rode in an ambulance?: No
126: Had a surgery?: No
127: Met someone famous?: Ye
128: Stalked someone on a social network?: Yes oops
129: Peed outside?: YEAH MAN
130: Been fishing?: Yeah
131: Helped with charity?: Yeah
132: Been rejected by a crush?: Mmhm :(
133: Broken a mirror?: No
134: What do I want for birthday?: Meet a voice actor or meme dad himself, Stefan Karl
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fatherjerusalem · 8 years
all of them
God damn it, @imkait, I hate you so much.
1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Pandora is the only one I’ve ever had a paid account for, and the only one I ever will.2. is your room messy or clean? Messy, but like I can find where everything is. When it’s clean, I have no idea where to find anything.3. what color are your eyes? Hazel.4. do you like your name? why? I do not. Mostly because as a kid growing up, I would get made fun of for copying Bart Simpson (even though I was 10 when the Simpsons started), or kids would come up with the obvious nickname for me.5. what is your relationship status? Hahahahahahahhahahahaha. Oh, you were serious about that?6. describe your personality in 3 words or less: Toby Ziegler -Jewishness7. what color hair do you have? Brown8. what kind of car do you drive? color? None and no color.9. where do you shop? Like… for food? WinCo. For other stuff? Usually Amazon.10. how would you describe your style? Nonexistent. 11. favorite social media account: Tumblr, cuz that’s where I’ve met some really great people and made excellent friends, who don’t include @imkait who is horrible.12. what size bed do you have?  I actually sleep on a couch. I’ve had beds before, but man. A couch just feels more comfortable to me.13. any siblings? One. A three years younger brother.14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? Not the United States, let me tell you, because Republicans are going to fucking kill us all.15. favorite snapchat filter? wat16. favorite makeup brand(s): wat17. how many times a week do you shower? I shower every day, because good hygiene. So… seven.18. favorite tv show? Like… now? I don’t know. I don’t know that I have a favorite one on now. Of all time? Veronica Mars, The West Wing, Friday Night Lights, and Chuck.19. shoe size? 12/13 depending on the shoe.20. how tall are you? 5′10″21. sandals or sneakers? Sneakers22. do you go to the gym? I walk past the gym on my way to Circle K. Does that count?23. describe your dream date: At this point? Literally anything. 24. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? At the moment? $0. But I just paid my half of the rent, and I don’t generally keep lots of cash on me, so…25. what color socks are you wearing? I almost never wear socks.26. how many pillows do you sleep with? Three under my head, one covering my head.27. do you have a job? what do you do? I am a research/marketing assistant. It basically means I google answers to questions for clients and post ads for their businesses.28. how many friends do you have? ONE LESS THAN I USED TO HAVE, LET ME TELL YOU THAT.29. whats the worst thing you have ever done? Like… today, or….? Sleeping with my girlfriend’s mom is pretty up there…30. whats your favorite candle scent? Vanilla. Yum.31. 3 favorite boy names: Alex, Logan, Mitth'raw'nuruodo32. 3 favorite girl names: Jaina, Veronica, Nynaeve33. favorite actor? Denzel’s amazing, so is Tom Hanks, David Tennant of course, and I like the Marvel Chris’.34. favorite actress? Kristen Bell, Emma Watson, Krysten Ritter, and I will admit that Olivia Munn came out of nowhere on the Newsroom and I was blown away by her.35. who is your celebrity crush? Kristen Bell, duh.36. favorite movie? The Crow, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Kingdom of Heaven (director’s cut), The Lord of the Rings trilogy.37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? Lord yes. Anything by Neil Gaiman, and the Wheel of Time series.38. money or brains? Brains.39. do you have a nickname? what is it? “Hey fuckface”40. how many times have you been to the hospital? Only… three times? I think?41. top 10 favorite songs: This is long enough already. I’ll just cheat and say the Hamilton cast recording.42. do you take any medications daily? Nope.43. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc): Skin-y.44. what is your biggest fear? That there’s 50+ more questions to this.45. how many kids do you want? Ideally? Right now? Definitely not ready for kids at all.46. whats your go to hair style? Just kind of… there.47. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc): An apartment, so… small.48. who is your role model? Norman Borlaug, Jackie Robinson, and Hillary Clinton49. what was the last compliment you received? God… have I ever received a compliment? 50. what was the last text you sent? *blows a raspberry and goes back to munching on his delicious macaroni and cheese*51. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? SANTA ISN’T REAL?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?52. what is your dream car? The Angelmobile from Angel, but, like, if I could somehow turn it into a hybrid to save on gas… 53. opinion on smoking? Can I bum one?54. do you go to college?  Nope55. what is your dream job? Writer, or teacher if I can figure out how to be patient with people.56. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? Up a god damned mountain.57. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? I don’t stay in hotels enough to have an opinion on this. But yes.58. do you have freckles? Nope.59. do you smile for pictures? Nope.60. how many pictures do you have on your phone? Um… I have a bunch that people send me, but pictures I take? Hardly any.61. have you ever peed in the woods? Yes. And if you say you haven’t, you’re a fucking liar.62. do you still watch cartoons? Yup, and I’m god damned proud of it too. Some cartoons today are amazing.63. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? McDonalds, clearly.64. Favorite dipping sauce? Honey or bbq.65. what do you wear to bed? Boxers66. have you ever won a spelling bee? Nope, but I helped my team come in second at a Knowledge Bowl in seventh grade….67. what are your hobbies? Reading, playing video games, filling out this fucking list.68. can you draw? Nope.69. do you play an instrument? Nope.70. what was the last concert you saw? Oh god… I don’t know. I don’t get to go to many concerts anymore. Maybe… Blink-182?71. tea or coffee? Coffee.72. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? We don’t have any Dunkin Donuts in my state, so… definitely Dunkin Donuts.73. do you want to get married? Why? You asking?74. what is your crush’s first and last initial? A.B.75. are you going to change your last name when you get married? If I get married, and she wants to keep her last name, I’d definitely consider it if that’s what she wanted.76. what color looks best on you? Black77. do you miss anyone right now? Yes78. do you sleep with your door open or closed? Closed, mostly because I like the cold and my roommate gets whiny if the temperature drops below 85F.79. do you believe in ghosts? No.80. what is your biggest pet peeve? Willful ignorance. 81. last person you called: My dad.82. favorite ice cream flavor? Mint chocolate chip or cookie dough or both combined.83. regular oreos or golden oreos? Triple double stuffed Oreos - they have a cookie, vanilla cream, cookie, chocolate cream, cookie. They’re delicious.84. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Rainbow sprinkles. Always.85. what shirt are you wearing? It’s… grey.86. what is your phone background? It’s a snowy road.87. are you outgoing or shy? Shy in real life, outgoing online.88. do you like it when people play with your hair? Eh, I guess. Depends on the person.89. do you like your neighbors? Generally. Not when they blare their fucking music though. Pricks.90. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? Well, I shower in the morning, so….91. have you ever been high? Yup.92. have you ever been drunk? Yup.93. last thing you ate? Macaroni and cheese.94. favorite lyrics right now: “But we were only strangers cornered in a dark room/Projecting slides of cozy lives on the wall/In the dark I thought I saw you/Or was it nothing at all” 95. summer or winter? Winter - except for the snow.96. day or night?  Night97. dark, milk, or white chocolate? Dark. 98. favorite month?  March.99. what is your zodiac sign: Pisces100. who was the last person you cried in front of? I literally have no idea.
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