#like yes mimick sing me a death lullaby
cyclopstrait · 1 year
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Day 6: Siren | Mythical March
Mimick is such an alluring being, but be warned, he sings death lullabies.
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xoxoxkisses · 2 months
Hi I don't know if you received request about obanai so feel free to ignore this if you not comfortable or don't want to write it
I want to request about Obanai that when he got cage by his family reader family pass by and she found him then they become friends. Before she leaves the village Obanai ask her if he can get out of her will she marry him and she says yes.
Years pass and they meet at demon slayer corps as she becomes a new hashira, but you know that obanai in that time is fall in love with mitsuri. Reader remember him but he's not so she chooses to be silent about it.
After rengoku death kamaboko squad have hard time to sleep and as a good supervisor reader is she sing them a lullaby, the one she used to sang for Obanai, and that time obanai come to have a health checkup so he accidentally hear it. He remembers instantly and he go to confront reader.
The end is up to you you can make them together or just make him be with mitsuri.
Sorry for the long suggested.
This is actually my first request for Obanai, I was so excited when I got this request !
It’s you again
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warnings: spoilers to obanai’s backstory, angst, minor fluff, injuries (obanai), long paragraphs (I’m so sorry) not proofread, sorry if it’s a little fast paced
You and your family had stopped at a village to rest. You had all been traveling through the forest almost all day and it was now dinner time. You were young, 9 to be exact. Your father had rented a small house for the 3 of you, shortly after settling in, your mother started dinner. “Mommy, can I go out and explore? Please?” You drug out the please at the end, knowing your mom always gave in when you did it. You heard her soft laughter as she barely turned to you. “Sure darling, just make sure you’re back before sundown.” A huge grin was plastered on your face now. “Okay mommy!” You ran out of the door and started towards the forest.
After walking for a while, you came across a small abandoned house. Or so you thought. Curiosity got the best of you and you walked up to the house and entered. It was dark inside, too dark. Suddenly you heard small whimpering to your left. You looked over and saw the faintest shadow of a person. You crept closer to the person when you noticed there were bars all around them, like a cage. “D-don’t come any closer!” You realized it was a boy in the cage based off of his voice. Instead of listening, you kept getting closer, comforting him. “Hey, I won’t hurt you. Are you okay?” When you were infront of the bars, you could see him better. He had ragedy clothes and his hair was tied up out of his face slightly. And his eyes, his eyes were beautiful, the yellow and blue stood out amongst everything else. “Please, you have to leave!” He came up to you, closed off by the cage he was in. You almost screamed when you saw the cut mimicking a smile on his face.
Even though you were young, you knew it was best to stay calm. “Who are you?” There were tears in his eyes as he tried to suppress them by sniffling. “O-obanai.” “I’m Y/n.” He wiped away the tears in his eyes as he looked at you. You looked so innocent and sweet unlike him. “You’re pretty.” His words took you aback before you giggled. “Thank you. I think you are too.” He had never heard someone say something nice to him. He couldn’t believe it, but he smiled. A genuine smile. “Can you stay here with me? Please?” You hesitated before you answered him, looking outside. You saw how it was getting dark now and if you didn’t leave now, your mom would be worried. “I’m sorry, I can’t. My mommy told me to be back before sundown,” you saw as his face had sunk and he frowned a little, “but, I’ll come back tomorrow, with my mommy and daddy, ok?” He looked back up at you and his eyes lit up. “Okay!” You smiled at him. “Bye Obanai.” “Bye y/n..” With that, you left the small house and back to your temporary one.
As you ran through the door, you spoke up before anyone could greet you. “Mommy, daddy, there’s a boy in the woods, he needs our help!” Your mother looked at you wish wide eyes as she listened to what you had to say. “What was his name Y/n?” You looked at your father who had asked the question. “His name was Obanai.” “Hm, okay. Take us to him tomorrow morning before we leave. Was he injured?” “Uh huh! He had a huge cut along his mouth, like a smile!” You used your own fingers to mimic the cut. Your mother audibly gasped and put a hand to her mouth. “Oh my!” Your father cleared his throat. “Ahem, Y/n, dinner is ready, why don’t we eat?” You nodded as you climbed into a chair at the table. The rest of the night going by with ease. ————————————————————————
“Cmon, this way!” You and your parents had left the house early to find him, they followed you as you were certain on where you were going. When you saw the house into view, your heart raced with excitement. “There! That’s where he is.” The three of you reached the house in no time, your parents went in first in case something dangerous was inside, but there wasn’t. When you walked in to ran to the cage where he was. “Obanai? Are you in there.” You saw his faint shadow move as he went to the bars where you were. “Y/n, you came back!” You nodded frantically. “I told you I would, my mommy and daddy are here too.” They were already walking over to the two of you. As your mother crouched down, Obanai flinched a little. “It’s okay sweetie, we aren’t going to hurt you.” Your mother reached inside her coat pocket and grabbed some bandages. “Can you put these on yourself?” Obanai looked at you as if he was asking you if she was safe. You nodded your head at him and he looked back at your mother. “U-uh huh.” Your mother smiled at him as she passed the bandages to him.
He took them from her hand hesitantly, but when he did he instantly started bandaging himself. “Thank you.” “You’re welcome darling.” There had been a question bothering you this whole time, and your little 9 year old brain couldn’t suppress it anymore. “Mommy can he come with us?” She looked over at you and back at him with sorrowful eyes. “I’m afraid not hunny, we don’t have anything for him. We must be going now too, we can’t risk anymore daylight.” Your father nodded. You felt tears form in your eyes. You didn’t dare to protest because you knew it was true. You guys couldn’t care for him right now. Your mother looked back at Obanai. “I’m sorry sweetie, but we must be going. Goodbye.” Her and your father stood up and walked to the door, leaving you and Obanai alone. “Obanai I’m so sorry-“ He cut you off. “Y/n, if I ever get out of here and I see you again, will you promise to marry me?” You looked into his eyes and you knew he was being genuine. You wiped away your tears just then. “Yeah, I will.” You smiled at him as you looked back at your parents. “Bye Obanai..” “Bye Y/n.” And that was the last time you ever talked to him. ————————————————————————
9 years later..
After 2 years of training, you had finally become a Hashira. You decided to join the corps when your father was slaughtered by a demon, so you wanted to avenge him. The master had sent you a letter informing you the next meeting would be an introduction for you. That was sent 2 days ago though, and the meeting was today. You were beyond nervous.
As you walked to the Master’s mansion, you saw the other Hashira. You would be the 10th one. The only one you knew was Rengoku as you were his Tsuguko. Rengoku saw you and went up to you. “Hello there Y/n! It’s great to see you have finally become a Hashira, I’m glad to be working beside you now!” You smiled as you fumbled your hands a bit. “Me too Rengoku!” As the meeting was about to start, you took a seat beside him. You would have to introduce yourself at the end, so you weren’t too nervous yet. It seemed the end came way too quick, the master had asked you to come beside him; you followed his directions and did so. “Everyone, this is Y/n. She has worked hard for the past 2 years to become a Hashira. I hope you all give her a warm welcome.” You bowed to everyone before you went back to your seat beside Rengoku.
When you were all dismissed, the love Hashira, who introduced herself as Kanroji. “I can tell me and you are going to be best friends!” You smiled at her as you agreed. You talked to a few more Hashira before they all started to leave, you included. You had learned about a boy named Tanjiro Kamado and how he was special traveling with his demon sister.
There was one thing at the meeting that you couldn’t seem to ignore. The serpent Hashira. You knew who he was with those eyes. He was Obanai. You didn’t have the chance to talk to him, and maybe that was a good thing. He didn’t seem to remember you. ————————————————————————
3 months later…
You were out eating with Kanroji when she mentioned obanai. “You know, everyone says he likes me, but I think he’s just sweet. I mean he is cute though!” You remembered the thing Obanai told you before you left him. How he wanted to marry you if he ever got out, but it looks like he wants someone else. “Well, I’m sure he does like you. The two of you would be adorable together.” Her face got insanely red as you laughed at her.
Just then your crow flew in. “Y/n, Rengoku-San has passed away.” You and Kanroji stared at each other as tears flooded both of your eyes. “T-that can’t be true.” “I’m afraid it is..Shinobu has requested you specifically Y/n to take care of the three boys that accompanied him on his mission.” You wiped away your tears as you nodded. “I’m sorry Kanroji, I must be going.” “It’s alright, I’ll see you later.” You bowed to her and followed your crow out to the butterfly mansion.
When you got there, she escorted you to a room with three boys. One being Tanjiro. When he saw you he slightly lit up. “Hello Y/n-san.” You gave him a weak smile. “Hi Tanjiro.” You looked over to see a boy with yellow hair and a boy with a boar mask crying. Tanjiro seemed the be the only one not crying, but you knew he was. “Shinobu told me to take care of you guys. It’s hard on us all.” It seemed something snapped in Tanjiro because he started crying yet again. The reason Shinobu requested you specifically was because you were the sweetest Hashira out of them all, and the most emotional. Seeing them all cry made you cry. So now, the room was filled with crying people all over. You held your arms out and suddenly all three of them ran to you. You embraced them all, trying to calm yourself. You took some deep breaths and it seemed to help.
You couldn’t seem to calm the others though, there was only one thing you could think of: a lullaby. You only knew one though, and it was the one you sung to obanai before you left him the first day.
{Baby mine, don’t you cry
Baby mine, dry your eyes
Rest your head close to my heart
Never to part, baby mine}
Obanai was visiting the butterfly mansion for his check up. As he was passing by the room the four of you were in, he recognized the lullaby you sang. He paused for a moment before turning back. He carefully opened the door and saw you standing there hugging the three boys. You continued to sing as you noticed it was working to calm them.
“I know that song.” You paused suddenly and slowly turned to see him standing at the door. “I remember a girl used to sing it to me. I can’t quite remember her though.” You told the boys you would be back and you asked Obanai to talk outside. As you shut the door you looked up at him. You realized how different he looked than he used to. “You see, that girl was me.” His eyes went wide as he looked at you, and he saw the resemblance. She was you. “You look so..different.” You shuffled, slightly uncomfortable. “Yeah, you too.” Just then, he seemed to remember everything. “I remember I told you if I ever got out of marry you.” You chuckled nervously. “Yeah you did.”
The two of you stood there in an uncomfortable silence before he spoke up. “Well, I hope you didn’t take that seriously. I’ve fallen for Kanroji.” You couldn’t help but feel sad. Your heart broke. You spent all these years looking for him, only for him to choose someone else. “Haha, of course I didn’t take it seriously, we were young.” He let out a sigh of relief. “Good, I would’ve felt a little bad if you did.” He looked at the clock on the wall and realized what time it was. “I must be going now. See you later Y/n.” “Yeah..see you.” He turned around and walked away from you, leaving you there.
Your heart broke even more now. The man you wanted was out of your grasp. ————————————————————————
You were at Kanroji and Obanai’s wedding. You were one of Kanroji’s bridesmaids. You watched as the two of them said their “I do’s”, you kept a smile on your face, however it was fake. The tears streamed down your face as you watched him pull her in and kiss her. You hoped the people from the audience saw your tears as tears of joy, and not sad tears. You were happy for your friend of course, but you couldn’t help but wish it was you instead of her.
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bangtanmythology · 4 years
In The Name Of Song. Truth Uncovered.
About: Y/N finds out the whole story of what she has become and who those around her are. Her training starts and her and Jimin become the siblings he’s always known they were.
Brother!Jimin x Reader, Mermaid!Jimin, Angel!Yoongi. BTS Supernatural AU.
Words: 2.9K
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“I understand the parent’s side of things. My Great, Great Grandmother betrayed a group of witches by having an affair with the head witches’ husband, who was a human and had a child, so they cursed her. The curse meant that she would never be able to marry a regular human or another mermaid, if she did fall in love with any of these then she was destined to kill him with her voice. Right? So, when she sang a lullaby to her baby, the husband died. The baby, who was my great grandmother, ended up marrying an nasty, rebelling mermaid, their female baby was born half mermaid, the other half became what was known as a siren because the baby, our grandmother, used her powers for evil things, she’d lure sailors in, killing them and using them, never falling in love but instead simply killing them. When we use our siren form to lure people instead of making them fall in love, we will simply kill them. Grandma used the sailors and ended up having a baby with one of them, she abandoned this baby and another mermaid raised mum.” You rambled,
The story was beyond complicated, your head spinning round in circles as Jimin stared at you, nodding every so often with a focused look on his face. He reached his hand out and placed it gently on your ankle, in the few hours that Yoongi had left you alone with Jimin you came to realise that he was an extremely clingy person.
“Yes, that’s all correct and then you know the story with mum and dad, we are now indebted to the reapers but the devils and angels work along side these reapers and when an angel falls, instead of becoming a devil, they are stuck wandering around the earth however they retain some of their angel powers. Yoongi is a fallen angel because he betrayed Michael, the archangel. He has not told me what he did to this day. He is stuck on earth, he begged the reapers to kill him again, to take him from this world and place him as a devil in the next but they would not do it. He begged for a purpose, for something to do, for something to protect, they told him that his debt would be payed off if he spent his life watching over our families. They told him that when we turned 18 he had to bring us here and watch us, make sure that we weren’t causing harm to the reality that we were in, this is the 7th Reality, we’re from the first reality which is the main reality. He had some other mermaids brought here to train me, our grandmother is here, she’s going to help you, along with me, we’re going to train you.” Jimin’s voice was soothing, his words somehow sinking fully into you and making it seem as though maybe all of this would be okay. 
“Right, so he is a fallen angel, a bad one? He stares at me funny.” You mumbled, looking down at Jimin’s hand that was now gently running over the smaller grazes on your calves. Jimin looked up at you, shaking his head and laughing,
“He’s not bad, he was kicked out of the angel realm, that’s all, he’s grumpy, I mean he basically looks after this world all alone, the reapers went extinct 9 years ago and nobody else was sent to care for everything. Half of this world is dead, only magical creatures and hybrids live here. There’s human’s who are sent here to repent their sins, a lot of the creatures and hybrids feast on them. Werewolves and vampires are the worst, we have those in our reality too, they are aggressive, dangerous cannibals who feast on people and kill them. Of course, the werewolves and vampires here take care of those who are criminals. Quite often the ones sent here are either humans who commit serious crimes that they get put into life imprisonment or death row. We also have monsters who fight amongst themselves sent here. This is basically a training ground for a lot of people who are supernatural. We only stay here for a coupe of years and then we go back to the reality we are from. Originally, Yoongi was going to be sent to the 2nd reality to purge it, it is a hell reality, everything burns there, everything is crime and corruption. Of course, that would have been an awful place for us to be seeing as we’re weak to fire after all.” Jimin was rambling, his head now on your thighs as you ran your fingers through his hair, petting down the stray hairs that always seemed to stick up around his face.
“Well, if we’re weak to fire, what actually are our powers and what exactly am I doing here? How long will I be here?” you were looking around the cave, the water placing you in a trance as your eyes focused and unfocused on the shapes beneath it.
“Well, our skin is like that of a fish, of course when we are in our human form it doesn’t look like it or feel like it, but it definitely still is. You will notice that you’re now comforted when you are in the water, in fact if you really need to you can actually manipulate the water, nothing intricate, we can’t make patterns or anything but we can make ripples, waves, if we work together in groups we can even cause tsunamis. The ocean is where we are the strongest. I read a few books that say that if we meet another being, we can give them the ability to breath underwater which is obviously one of our strengths. Fire burns us severely, even the slightest touch will scald our skin and burn us, fire will kill us 3 times faster than it will kill anything else. When we sing, we attract others, they become enchanted by the sounds of our voices and we can lure them in, make them fall in love with us. I’ve done so with many girls, that’s why I have a bit of a reputation,” His voice trailed off at the end, his tone turning into a cheeky, playful tone that had you chuckling slightly. The small, adorable guy who was currently half asleep on your lap did not seem like he could be seducing anyone. His cheeky, lazy smile put doubt into you when I t came to his adorable clingy personality and you were sure that he could be a scary person when needed.
“I highly doubt that you are luring any women in with this clinginess Jimin, plus I haven’t sung a day in my life, nor will I, I sound like a trampled cat when I sing and it really isn’t pleasant,” Your voice was full of laughter and playfulness, mimicking his tone. The fever you had been burning up in had since disappeared and Yoongi explained that it was because he dumped you straight into the water as soon as you got here and you had transformed into your mermaid body, the reason behind the cuts, bruises and scrapes across your legs. You had not remembered anything because apparently it had been excruciating and Jimin convinced Yoongi to erase your memory of the pain.
“Hey! I lure plenty of women in I’ll have you know,” Jimin mumbled. You gazed down at him, a loud laugh escaping your mouth as his cheeks burned bright pink. He was half asleep, a huge smile of his face as your fingers continued carding through your hair.
“Y’know, both of us were left with parent’s that knew what we’d become, they’re humans who come from special families, protectors, they take in orphaned supernatural children and babies. I hated them when I first went there, I was 6, I understood what was going on, I wouldn’t talk to them, I lashed out, I did not want to be there. I wanted to go back to you, I wanted my little sister, I’ve known all these years that I had a sister, that I couldn’t contact her, that there was a little girl out there who needed me and I couldn’t do anything, I didn’t try hard enough, I’m a fai-“
“shut up. Do not talk like that Jimin. You couldn’t have done anything, we were separated for a reason, I didn’t know you existed, I was always protected, I never had problems. I used to be different you know, I used to be cheerful and naïve, I had someone in my life, an older brother figure, he protected me. Sure, he betrayed my trust but because of that I became careful, I stopped trusting people, I can analyse people, I closed myself off. Of course, he came back, and he’s kept his promise to this day, but I think something is weird about him. I think he’s like us, he disappears once a month for like a week or so and then he comes back always in a good mood and happy and he’s really athletic, strangely so, he’s really protective as well,” You were rambling, your brain trying to process that Seokjin may be something other than human. That everyone in your life might be more than human.
“He’s not like us, sounds like a werewolf to me,” Jimin sounded angry, his jaw clenching and unclenching to calm himself down, his fingers gripping his sweatpants.
“No way. You said that werewolves are nasty, evil creatures. Seokjin is lovely, he taught me to ride a bike, he took me to my first swimming lesson, he even spoke to my boyfriend when he embarrassed me and broke up with me in front of the whole school,” Your fingers had stilled in his hair, instead resting them on his forehead. Jimin let out a breathy laugh,
“Then he had an ulterior motive, he must have known about you being a mermaid, there is no way he’d do that purely for care for you. He knows more than he is giving up. Also, let me guess, you never saw that guy ever again?” Jimin was looking up at you, dark brown eyes shimmering, luminescent flecks lighting up his iris.
“Well no, I didn’t actually. That’s not like Seokjin, why would he use me for something like that, I knew him for 18 years, you know, I’ll bet that the years that he was gone was because he was here.” Your words were unsure and Jimin’s eyes were scanning over your face, a small pout set on his lips.
“Y/N, you don’t even believe what is coming out of your mouth right now. Anyway, I am sleepy, and I’d rather not sleep now, I’d like to be asleep and not out and about at night because I do not want an encounter with a vampire thank you very much.” Jimin was stretching his legs, raising himself to his feet, stretching his hand out to help you stand up with him. You stood with a groan, your legs protesting, knees feeling as though they were splitting in half from having been crossed for so long.
“How about I teach you how to change into your mermaid form, I mean, we only have a few hours of day light left and if you turn at night, you become a siren, not a mermaid. I’ve never seen one in person, but I’ve heard many rumours, apparently its not pretty, sorry Y/N.” Jimin had a big grin on his face, his previous radiant, happy attitude coming right back.
“You know what, I’d love that.” You smiled, your eyes looking around the cave, then down at your legs, wiggling your toes, patting the slightly damp floor of the cave with the sole of your foot. Your eyes flitted back up to meet Jimin’s.
“I have no idea how this works,” You chuckled, a nervousness creeping into your belly, he laughed and raised his hands above his head, intertwining his fingers and stretching them high above his head, leaning from side to side and then straight down, his hands touching the floor, his body surprisingly flexible.
“Well, first you’re going to need to be naked, there’s no way you can do it with clothes on. I won’t look, I promise, although, it’s not like I haven’t seen a naked woman before you know, and it’s not weird because all the mermaids have to see each other naked and also you’re my sister so I wont look at you in that way.” Jimin was laughing as he spoke, probably a reaction to the disgusted face you were giving him. You shook your head and pursed your lips.
“Definitely not, you need to close your eyes, then I’ll take my clothes off.” You told him, your voice pointed, echoing against the humid grey walls. He nodded his head and turned around, pulling his sweatpants down and jumping into the water, swimming a few feet away and keeping his back to you. You stood still for a moment, ensuring he was not going to turn around and embarrass you. Once he had been facing away from you for a few moments you began to undo your bikini top. Your brain suddenly remembered the words Yoongi had told you.
“Wait. Yoongi said that when I got here, he put me in the water and I transformed, does that mean that I was naked, and he put me back into my bikini?” You mumbled, cheeks heating up as you gripped the material of your bikini top in your hands. You saw Jimin shrug, his shoulders tucking into his neck as he raised his arms up in the air.
“when I got here, you were dressed but you definitely couldn’t have transformed with your clothes on. That’s one thing that Grandma made sure I never did.” He sounded bored and you quickly pushed your bottoms down your legs, stepping out of them and slowly lowering yourself into the water. You sighed as the pain in your legs seemed to disappear, the water seeping into your wounds as the water sparkled and the cuts, grazes and nicks in your skin seem to vanish slowly.
“erm, what’s happening to my legs?” You mumbled, your jaw hanging low as shock set into your body,
“Oh, well this water has been here for years, it’s connected to the sea of life, who even knows I don’t understand it either, this is the only body of water that does that, even the rest of the sea of life doesn’t do that,” He was smiling, you could tell by his tone. His hands clapped together as he mumbled a small ‘right then’ under his breath.
“okay, you need to picture your tail in your head. Close your eyes and imagine a fish, it is a beautiful, shiny fish, it is sparkling and swimming freely, zooming through the sea, it is happy, content with its life. Feel the water graze over its fins, it is warm, flowing in and out of coral and then, it becomes a human, with a beautiful, long tail.” His words are painting an exact picture into your head. You picture an emerald green fish, the colour of Jimin’s tail with golden colouration around its tail. It swam, shining, weaving between rocks, coral and other large fishes around it. The fish became engulfed by a bright light as a sharp shooting pain engulfed your legs and you could hear a faint voice.
“Keep focused, ignore the pain, focus on the fish,”
The bright light faded into a yellow hue, shortly replaced by a turquoise wave that seemed to break directly into your face before the wave disappeared. Small bubbles spread out in the water, a woman with beautiful green hair had her back to you, golden scales over her hips and waist, a large expanse of her back was clear, beautiful skin, the skin merging with the scales on the small of her back. Your eyes moved down to where her legs should have been, the golden scales faded into a beautiful emerald green, the gold returning down the sides of her beautiful, long tail. The bottom fin of her tail was a completely translucent golden colour, shimmering inside of the water. The fin was long, at least a half the size of the tail, split down the middle, two sides forming two curved, soft scalene triangle shapes that fluttered inside the water.
“you did it!”
Your eyes shot open, staring ahead of you. You felt the same, completely normal.
“No, I didn’t. I feel the same,” You mumbled, disappointment sinking into your features. Jimin laughed and shook his head, flicking his emerald tail as he swam towards you, reaching his hands out to grab at your feet, your arms stretch out behind you to balance yourself on the rocks behind you. His eyes glistened a brilliant green as they stared down at your tail.
“oh my god! I did it!” You were screaming, the noise bouncing off the walls, a musical symphony piercing your ears, your eyes widened as you heard it, sending chills down yours and Jimin’s spines. You looked down at yourself, the beautiful gold and emerald tail you had seen in your mind was yours. Your chest was a translucent, shiny golden colour, it wasn’t scaly like your tail but more like the skin of a frog, glistening and smooth, your breasts completely covered in the golden colouring.
“Wow, this is amazing,” You laughed, a loud, airy laugh as you wiggled your tail out of Jimin’s grasp
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mikauzoran · 5 years
Lukadrien/Lukadrienette Drabble: Nachtmusik Chapter Eleven
A Little Night Music (Eine Kleine Nachtmusik) Chapter Eleven: Dies Irae, Dies Illa
“What were you humming just now?” Marinette inquired through a yawn as she took Hugo from Luka, careful to support the baby’s head. “It seemed to calm him down.”
Luka froze. “…Uh…”
He’d been absentmindedly humming a Gregorian chant, the Dies Irae from the requiem mass. Literally, the title meant “day of wrath”, and the lyrics in Latin described the Day of Judgment: ashes and fire and punishment and despair. Not exactly the most age-appropriate lullaby for their four-month-old.
It was quoted in a lot of classical pieces, though, and, thus, currently stuck in Luka’s head.
Not that he wanted to try to explain any of that to his wife at three in the morning.
“Nothing,” he lied but then immediately repented. “It’s just a little snatch of something the Orchestre is playing at an upcoming concert.”
“Teach it to me?” Marinette requested as she got situated in the rocking chair and held Hugo up to her breast to feed him.
“How about we do Bach’s Little Fugue in G Minor instead?” Luka suggested, coming over to give the side of Marinette’s head a kiss. “He likes that one too. That’s the one Adrien always sings to him…when he’s not singing something from a musical or a video game.”
 Luka hummed softly as he gently bounced Hugo, walking him round and round the island in the middle of the kitchen.
“Why are you humming the Dies Irae?” Adrien finally inquired from where he leaned in the doorway watching.
Luka jumped.
Adrien sprang forward to steady his husband and make sure their eight-month-old son was secure in his sling. “Sorry. Sorry. I am so sorry. I thought you knew I was there. I’m so sorry, Luka.”
“It’s…okay,” Luka struggled to get out, breathing ragged.
“You okay, Sweet Prince?” Adrien peeked down at Hugo to find the baby laughing happily.
“Looks like someone enjoys jump scares,” Luka snorted in amusement, leaning in to rest his forehead against Adrien’s.
“Sorry, Orpheus,” Adrien whispered, hands going up to Luka’s cheeks to gently pull him in for a kiss.
Luka hummed contentedly into Adrien’s lips as they waltzed with his own.
“So why the Dies Irae?” Adrien mumbled, back on task the instant they pulled away.
Luka groaned, bouncing Hugo once more. “Not only is the Orchestre doing Berlioz’s Symphonie Fantastique, but I’m also soloist for Liszt’s Totentanz, so that melody is doubly stuck in my head.”
“My poor baby,” Adrien teased.
Luka rolled his eyes.
“I loooove Totentanz,” Adrien chuckled, catching one of Luka’s hands in his own. “Play it for me?”
“Now?” Luka laughed incredulously, shaking his head at his husband’s capriciousness.
“I mean…we’re up anyway, and Hugo seems to enjoy the Dies Irae, so…why not?” Adrien reasoned. “Besides, why did I go to the trouble of marrying a sexy piano virtuoso if I can’t have songs played live on demand at any hour of the night I want them?”
Luka tried not to grin as he tugged Adrien into the front room where they kept Adrien’s old baby grand piano. “You certainly didn’t marry me for my money or my body. I honestly don’t know what you were thinking.”
“I wasn’t thinking.” Adrien shrugged. “I’m so in love with you, I’m not capable of rational thought.”
Luka snickered. “You weren’t capable of rational thought before you fell in love with me.”
“Rude. See if I make babies with you anymore.” Adrien flicked his husband on the cheek before carefully taking Hugo in his sling from Luka.
“Angel,” Luka cajoled, lifting the lid on the piano keys.
Adrien shook his head as he sat on the piano bench. “Nope. Don’t you ‘Angel’ me. I will not be seduced.”
With a shrug of defeat, Luka sat beside Adrien and began a quick warmup.
“You’re not even trying to seduce me,” Adrien pouted. “What’s the big idea here?”
“I thought you wanted me to serenade you with macabre dance of death music about the black plague,” Luka replied with a smirk.
Adrien’s lower lip jutted forward. “Well, yes…but you could at least kiss me first.”
Luka gladly obliged, and when he pulled back, Adrien looked deliriously happy.
Luka grinned, chuckling at Adrien’s expression.
“What?” Adrien pouted, rocking Hugo from side to side.
“I love your smile.”
Luka could just make out a pastel pink blush on Adrien’s cheeks in the dim lighting.
“I love you,” he added.
“I love you too,” Adrien whispered back, scooting closer on the bench to rest his head on Luka’s shoulder. “It’s good to finally just be together and happy, isn’t it?”
“Mm,” Luka agreed, content to sit there with the man he loved and their child for as long as the moment lasted.
That turned out to be about thirty seconds.
After that, Adrien decided that they’d cuddled enough and that it was time for Luka to play piano. “I’ll go ahead and sing the orchestra parts. You play the piano solo.”
 “My baby!” Adrien cooed, eliciting a happy shriek of laughter and an answering, “Daddy!” from sixteen-month-old Hugo.
Hugo reached out his arms, and it was all Gabriel could do to keep a hold on the squirming toddler.
Adrien took his son, covering him with kisses and nuzzles.
Gabriel grinned, putting a polite hand over his mouth as he chuckled.
Plagg and Nooroo shared an amused look before returning to their posts in Adrien’s left and right shoulders respectively.
“How was he? Did he wake you guys a lot?” Adrien smiled up sheepishly at his father.
“Not too bad,” Gabriel replied judiciously. “A little fussy, and he wanted you three, but Nooroo and Plagg helped a lot as far as his homesickness went. Hugo ate just fine and eventually went to sleep after we laid him down last night. He didn’t disturb us too much. Not unreasonably so for sleeping away from home, anyway. You were much, much worse at his age.”
“Good to know,” Adrien snorted, a bright smile breaking out on his lips as he hugged his child to him, bouncing Hugo slightly. “Thank you so much for doing this. Luka and Marinette are super grateful too.”
Gabriel waved the thanks away. “It was no trouble at all. You know how much we enjoy babysitting. Hugo is a joy to spend time with.”
Adrien’s grin widened. “I’m really, really happy to hear you say so.”
Gabriel shrugged. “Nathalie and I would be glad to watch him whenever you need. Tom and Sabine hog him too much, and I’m uncomfortable with you leaving him alone with Anarka.”
Adrien grimaced. “She’s his grandma too, Dad. Play nice.”
Gabriel gave a petulant scoff. “It’s a wonder that Luka managed to raise himself so well with a mother like that Gaelic witch. She thinks she has more right to Hugo than I do.”
Adrien refrained from commenting that Gabriel himself had been a little slow to embrace Hugo as his grandson in the absence of a genetic link. “Well, she’s wrong. Try to be the bigger person when we have a green-eyed baby, okay? Regardless of biological paternity, all kids of this union belong to all three of us equally, so make sure you treat them all the same. Hugo adores you, and I’m sure it would really hurt if you started giving a hypothetical green-eyed sibling preferential treatment.”
“I would never,” Gabriel snorted in disgust, reaching out to stroke Hugo’s thick, dark hair. “He may not be biologically yours, but he’s one hundred percent your son, Adrien.”
Adrien blinked, taken aback by the certainty in his father’s voice. “Really? What makes you say that?”
Gabriel chuckled. “He has your mannerisms. Sometimes he’ll do something that’s obviously Marinette or patently Luka, but, a lot of times, he’ll make a face, and I can tell he got it from watching and mimicking you.”
“Yeah? Like what?” Adrien pressed, excited by this revelation. He had never really thought that Hugo resembled him even though both Marinette and Luka had commented upon it separately before. Perhaps it was because Adrien couldn’t see himself to have a mental picture to compare his son with, but…
“His pout is a carbon copy of yours,” Gabriel sighed. “He’s got your puppy dog eyes too.”
Adrien’s smile turned pained. “Ah. I see. So all the manipulative ploys, huh?”
Gabriel rolled his eyes. “He has your smile too…and your sweetness with none of your mischief. He’s inherited a lot from you despite the lack of shared genes. Don’t pout so, Adrien.”
“I’m not pouting,” Adrien pouted.
Gabriel gave Adrien an eyeroll encore. “How was your date last night? I trust you three had a nice dinner out?”
Adrien immediately perked up. “It was wonderful. Thank you. It was also nice to be able to get a solid eight hours of sleep without having to get up with Hugo.”
Gabriel assumed an air of nonchalance as he inquired, “Just out of curiosity and not to sound like I’m competing with Anarka, when are you three planning on having a green-eyed child?”
Adrien’s brow scrunched up like gathered fabric folds. “Seriously?”
Gabriel shrugged primly.
“We’re not actively trying, but we stopped actively not trying two or three months ago, so…but it’s not like we’re being intentional about who the biological father is. You and Anarka really need to cut it out.” Adrien shifted Hugo onto his hip with a sigh. “Should I have Luka talk to her?”
“That won’t be necessary,” Gabriel assured sullenly and then abruptly switched topics so as to put an end to the discussion. “By the way, I’ve wondered this for a while, but…why does Hugo hum the Dies Irae? He wanted it as a lullaby last night. It was rather…odd. Not that I’m one to comment on your parenting choices, I suppose.”
Adrien gave a snort as he struggled to stifle a bout of laughter. “That’s Luka’s fault. It’s one of the most quoted musical passages in the repertoire, so it gets stuck in his head a lot, and when he’s tired and up in the middle of the night with Hugo… I think it’s because he didn’t get a lot of traditional lullabies when he was little. Anarka sang him rock and roll, so he doesn’t have the standard classics to fall back on, and he fills in the gap with music he does know.”
Adrien bit his lip. “…Kind of like how you and Maman had crappy parents who didn’t sing standard lullabies to you two, so you didn’t know them to sing them to me, so now I sing musical numbers like All I Ask of You from Phantom of the Opera or video game music like Zelda’s Lullaby from The Legend of Zelda to my own child. I think Marinette’s the only one who really knows traditional lullabies, and half of hers are in Chinese…which she doesn’t speak, so she’s not even sure she’s getting the words right.”
Gabriel frowned. “Can’t you tell?”
Adrien shook his head, bouncing Hugo gently. “They’re not in Mandarin. Sabine’s parents both spoke Mandarin, so that’s what they spoke in the house growing up, but her mother was originally from a different region in China before they moved to France, so the lullabies she sang to Sabine were in a different dialect which I do not speak.”
Gabriel pursed his lips, tempted to ask whether the dialects were similar enough that Adrien could make any of it out, but he remembered Adrien once telling him that most Chinese dialects sounded like completely different languages to him.
“What dialect do Bridgette and Félix speak?” he inquired instead.
Adrien shrugged. “Mandarin. I’d have to ask Sabine about the lyrics…. Well, I should probably get going. The first thing Luka asked me this morning was when I was going to pick up Hugo. I think he’s going through withdrawal,” Adrien chuckled, giving Hugo a nuzzle. “Your Papá misses you.”
“Papá!” Hugo trilled happily.
Adrien turned back to Gabriel. “Thanks again, Dad.”
“Bring him back any time,” Gabriel stressed. “Make sure you ask us before Anarka.”
Adrien shook his head, making a mental note to have Luka talk to the Capitaine about this grandparent rivalry she and Gabriel had going on. “Will do. Thanks, Dad.”
Adrien turned to go, and Gabriel hesitated a beat before calling out, “Adrien?”
“Hm?” Adrien looked back, tipping his head.
“Do you…” Gabriel worried at his bottom lip. “Does it bother you that you’re not familiar with the traditional lullabies?”
Adrien shrugged unconcernedly. “Not really. In a way, it’s more fun to sing anime theme songs and Bach and the Dies Irae. I think it makes Hugo more cultured too, so it’s not a bad thing.”
Gabriel nodded, relieved. “Good. That’s good. Take care, Son.”
Gabriel later stopped to think that his grandson was going to be a very eclectic child with so many varied influences. He wondered if the other children at school would appreciate Hugo’s uniqueness.
Gabriel winced and wondered whether Marinette, Luka, and Adrien would allow Hugo to be homeschooled.
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yukiwrites · 6 years
A Dance for Their Family
Thank you so much for commissioning me again, @xpegasusuniverse​! This was such a cute prompt! I hope you like it ;D
Summary: Being married to Frederick brought Olivia so much happiness, she wanted to give it back to him tenfold. But what could she do when she couldn’t even massage away the exhaustion from his body? Perhaps with Inigo’s help, she could...
Commission info HERE and HERE!
After the Fell Dragon's defeat, Ylisse could finally enjoy long years of peace. Their relationship with the neighboring kingdoms couldn't be better, the frequency which crimes happened plummeted and the new generation could enjoy growing up in a land that knows no fighting.
Still, the Commander of the Exaltsguard wasn't named Frederick the Wary for nothing -- he continued to train the new recruits with the same fervor he did during the war days. The only differing aspect would be that instead of being called 'Frederick's Fanatical Fitness Hour', it was 'Frederick's Fanatical Fitness Morning', since he worked the poor men and women to the bone from reveille until breakfast. After it, he would still train them until lunchtime, then give each of them assignments to work on their body-building and dispatch them to work with a veteran in patrolling the city to make sure it would remain safe.
During the evening, he would receive the veteran's reports, file them on each recruit's documents and prepare for the next morning's FFFM. Of course, he still had his duties as Exalt Chrom's personal guard, so he always made sure to be his lord's shadow during the day, though still making time to go back to his quarters and shower his wife Olivia and toddler Inigo with love and bear hugs.
Since a few days ago, he had noticed how startled Olivia would look the moment he entered the room.
"F-Frederick!" She would squirm and zoom-in on their son, picking him up from wherever he stood, usually near her. "It's already this late?"
His wife was a terrible secret-keeper as much as she was stubborn. No matter how many times he asked, she would try and fail to play it cool, changing the subject.
"You were doing something again, were you not, my adorable wife?" He asked for the seventh time that week, ready to ask seven more times on the next one. He could somehow guess what she was doing -- perhaps practicing a new dance she was still too embarrassed to share, for one -- but it always amused him to see her cheeks flush with the slight pink.
To see her averting her eyes from him, growing more and more embarrassed as he approached silently, biting her lower lip as though to keep herself from spilling the beans. "M-m-m-me? Y-you must be imagining things, Frederick. Y-yes. Imagining! I'm not someone who hides... things." She would stutter, looking at his approaching lips with a helplessly agape mouth, always excitedly expecting his I'm-home kiss.
Once their lips conjoined, he would enjoy feeling her melt inside his hug, not being able to stop the growing smirk under the kiss. Whatever it was that she was hiding, he was actually having too much fun seeing her all flustered about it to dig too deeply into learning what it was about.
Inigo would usually choose that time to pout and hug his father's leg, also wanting an I'm-home kiss.
That was also the finishing blow to make Frederick drop the subject altogether -- seeing his tiny little son pout and demand attention made his father's heart turn to mush, his body quickly picking the toddler up and covering him with kisses.
After dinner, the both of them would put Inigo to sleep in their bed first, always taking some time of the night to simply spend in each other's presences.
As Frederick had been a soldier and a knight for most of his life, his body was naturally stiff -- no matter how much pressure Olivia applied to his 'knots', as she called them, she could never truly relax them. Yet, every night she tried, taking it upon herself to massage her husband's wide and powerful back. Sometimes her mind would wander to the gutter and her strokes would lose strength as she blushed -- such times usually led to other... heated activities -- but she mostly always tried and failed to make his body relax the way she knew how to.
He would laugh and enjoy his tiny wife's struggles, her small fingers all but tickling him.
To Frederick, these days couldn't be more fulfilling: He was performing his duty as best as he could and would go back to a loving wife and an adorable child. It was the perfect lifestyle.
To Olivia, she couldn't be happier -- she lived in the castle with her husband and son, while still being an official performer for the kingdom. She danced to heart's desire in front of huge crowds every now and then, her life's dream achieved to its utmost, especially with her little family giving her support. However, she always felt the need to do more and more to the one who made it all possible: her husband and love of her life, Frederick.
She tried to take his exhaustion away every night by massaging his shoulders, but it never seemed enough, so now she had to take... extreme measures.
The following morning, after finishing the FFFM for the day, Frederick dismissed the recruits after having a long talk with each of them regarding the previous day's reports.
The sky was bright, the sun almost at its peak, making the knight finally break a sweat. He used his handkerchief to try his forehead, looking up at the clear weather. Maybe he would recommend a picnic so his Lord could take his wife and children.
Yes, that was what he would do. That way, he would also be able to bring Olivia and Inigo to enjoy themselves as well-
As the thoughts of their family flooded his mind, Frederick heard his wife's shy voice stuttering from afar.
"W-wait, Frederick! You w-walk to fast!" She panted, holding little Inigo like her life depended on it.
The knight smiled widely, turning back so as to welcome his wife with open arms. "My dear! I was just thinking of you," he meant to take Inigo from her, "what are you two doing here?"
"Oh, um!" Catching her breath, Olivia took a step back lest she lost herself in her husband's arms and forgot what she went there to do. "I- We have something to show you!" She glanced down to the little toddler. "Don't we, Inigo?"
"Yesh!" He raised his chubby hands, kicking his feet. "Show Daddy!" He giggled happily as Olivia placed him on the ground.
The sides of Frederick's mouth hurt from how wide his smile was. "What's this?" He placed both arms behind his back, eager to watch whatever performance his wife and child had been rehearsing for that long.
"A-hem!" Olivia cleared her throat, swaying her arms up with fluidity. She tilted her head to the side, getting on the tip of her toes.
"A-hum!" Inigo followed as closely as his disorganized limbs could, mimicking his mother from behind.
Frederick was already beside himself with happiness, wanting to kiss the both of them to death.
Olivia took a deep breath and started singing a lullaby-esque melody, moving slowly so their son could follow.
When monsters lurked beneath my bed,
And scary dreams ran through my head,
When thunder growled those sounds I dread,
There you were,
My father.
They pointed to Frederick, clutching their hearts right after. He almost cried.
When scuffed up knees made me cry,
Soft hankies wiped my sad eyes dry,
Coaxing me each time I tried,
You were always there,
My mother.
Inigo jumped to Olivia's arms, sharing a heart-warming hug. She twirled around themselves, placing him on the ground carefully for the last stanza.
In times of trouble, times of need,
I feel such strength surrounding me,
Without whose love I can't succeed,
I love you all my family
They opened their arms finally, the toddler's movements stiff and stumbly, but charming as a thousand kittens.
Frederick sniffled, running to his family and accepting their hug. "Olivia! Inigo!" He cried, tears rolling down his face with astounding speed. "I love you!" He squeezed them hard, too hard for a child and a frail woman to take.
"D-daddy!! Hurts!!" Inigo threatened to cry, tears welling up on his eyes.
"F-Forgive me, little one." The knight flinched, loosening the hug. "I was just... so happy..."
"Oh, Frederick... You're crying!" Olivia dried her husband's cheeks with her thumbs, her own eyes shining with unshed tears. "Are your burdens lessened? Are you feeling better now?"
Frederick replied with a kiss, tender at first, desperate as it progressed. "Oh, my darling wife! I could not be happier! And I meant not only now -- ever since you accepted my proposal, my life's only known happiness."
A shiny tear fell from one of Olivia's eyes. "T-truly? I thought you were so burdened..."
"Never!" He laughed, twirling them in his bear hug. "Your love has always been enough for me, my dear wife. Yet, I am moved to tears by your consideration." He kissed her once again, then proceeded to shower Olivia and Inigo both with kisses.
To think he could be happier than he already was!
Original poem extracted from familyfriendpoems.
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thekidultlife · 6 years
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Author’s Note: This AU was requested ages ago but, finally, here it is! Initially, Hyeri was the one who was supposed to write this but she handed it over to me. I hope you enjoy this one! Watch out for the next members that I will be writing about in this AU, and if you haven’t read the first two, then now is the time to do so!!! I really enjoyed writing this episode 🤣 (I can hear Hyeri’s laughter once she reads this one LOL)! 
Word Count: 5,561
Genre: FLUFF!  I’m so sorry for being so angsty with Jeonghan-ssi’s story here. If you want to laugh and feel warm all over, this is for you. 🙆‍♀️
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WONWOO: Hello, I’m Jeon Wonwoo of the Kpop group Seventeen and I’m the father of little Eunha. Eunha, would you like to in—(Realizes Eunha was busy looking at a picture book.) Eunha? We can read later?
EUNHA: (Shakes head but continues reading and then sees something fascinating.) What’s a…bam…bampi-yer, appa?
WONWOO: (Smiles endearingly.) I’ll tell you if you say hello to everyone…just like we did last night?
EUNHA: (Closes the book and looks at the camera curiously and then to her dad; and back to the camera again.) Hello. My name is Jeon Eunha (Bows.) and I’m three and a half years old. I like to read and draw. (Looks at her dad again.) Appa, tell me what’s a bampiyer!
WONWOO: (Dying with laughter.) I’m so sorry…!
EUNHA: Appa! Tell me! (Climbs to his lap.)
WONWOO: (Hugs her and kisses her head.) Eunha is adorable. (Whispers but the mic on his shirt made everyone hear.) Bampi-yer is pronounced “vampire”, little one.
EUNHA: (Turns around to her dad and smiles smugly.) Yes, I am.
WONWOO: (Smiles and pats her head.) It’s getting harder to keep up with your brain, Jeon Eunha! (Grins at the camera consciously.) She loves reading. A lot. Little did I know she was so much like me.
Q: What does it feel like to have a kid of your own?
WONWOO: (Gives Eunha the picture book to keep her busy.) Hm…before, I kind of wondered what’s it like to take care of children. So when Eunha was born, I was excited, then a bit worried. I didn’t know much about being a father, so I read a lot of parenting books. (Laughs embarrassingly.) Fortunately, she’s not as troublesome as Coups-hyung’s twins or Woozi’s but she asks a lot of questions that are often difficult to answer (Laughs again).
EUNHA: (Looks up from the book.) Soyoung is pwetty! But Seungjae cries a lot so I give him candy.
WONWOO: (Pats her head.) You did? Wow. You must be really nice then.
EUNHA: (Beams proudly.) Eomma says I have to be nice. So I am! I love you, Eomma!
WONWOO: (Copies his daughter’s message.) We love you, honey! I’ll do great with our baby girl! I miss you already. (Ears redden as he hides behind his daughter after pouring his effing heart out.)
Q: Despite your tight schedule, are you able to bond with her as much as you want?
WONWOO: Even before Eunha was born, I knew that I can’t spend a lot of time with her because of work. That’s why I treasure every opportunity I would get to take care of her. Oftentimes, if it’s okay, I would bring her during practice and she gets to play with the other members’ kids. But when we are in the middle of promotions or a world tour, I couldn’t come home at all, so I would just call them during breaks.
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NARRATOR: *The day is about to end, and the Jeon Residence is quiet. What could Wonwoo-appa and little Eunha be doing?*
The cameras in the little nursery room captured a very heartwarming scene. The nursery was set in a very cozy corner of the Jeon residence’s penthouse, and tall windows touching the ceiling and the floor panned one wall. The ceiling was decorated with glow-in-the-dark stars, and cute little drawings and scribbles that looked suspiciously like English, French, Mandarin, and Hangul characters and letters. A dollhouse, a chest of drawers, and a bedroll was neatly placed on one corner. Nightlights and glow-in-the-dark stickers were by that wall as well, and the room was painted with a soft shade of baby blue.
But aside from all that kiddie paraphernalia and the scent of fresh fruit that permeated the air, one should also take a close look at the wall next to the bedroom door. And if one would see it first, you would be thrown off, like, is this really a kid’s room?
Books, children’s books, fairytales, history books, in different languages, were there. Also CDs and record tapes. And in the middle of the room, sitting on the plush deep blue carpet, was father and daughter, reading their nighttime story.
“…and they lived happily ever after!” Eunha proclaimed in perfect English. Then, looking up at her enchanted appa, she beamed, her nose scrunching up the way his did whenever he was smiling. “Am I getting better at reading, appa? Am I? Am I?” She tugged at his shirt, her eyes shining with pride. “I finished reading Rapunzel on my own! You just watched me,” she accused endearingly, pouting.
Wonwoo laughed, his deep voice turning up a hitch at his uncontainable delight. “I’m sorry. Was I supposed to join you reading? I thought you wanted to show me that you could finish reading it on your own, so I didn’t join you. But you were amazing!” Wonwoo held up a big thumbs-up.
“I was!” Eunha happily agreed, ang bear-hugged her dad. “Tell me one more story! One more story! Your turn! Your turn!”
Wonwoo laughed again and pulled her into his lap. “Enough stories! You’re going to bed.” Wonwoo began rocking her to sleep. “I won’t give you a story, but do you want to hear a song?”
Eunha pouted. “I can’t sing a song, you know.”
Wonwoo chuckled. “I know, I know. But I can sing to make you sleepy.”
Eunha giggled, putting her hands to her mouth. “Yes. Appa has a good voice.”
Wonwoo nodded and kissed the top of Eunha’s head. Softly, he began singing a lullaby, his deep, husky voice making even the cameramen panning by the makeshift playhouses on corners sleepy as well.
NARRATOR: *Omo, Jeon-Appa has a very good singing voice! I’m sure little Eunha is going to sleep very sweetly.*
And sleep sweetly, she did, enveloped in her father’s arms.
When Wonwoo was sure that Eunha was fast asleep, he gently got up and carried her to a bed that he made, so that she could sleep soundly for the night. He sat beside her for a while, his eyes darting from her sleeping face to the clock perched high above the bedroom door.
Y/N will be home soon, he thought, a smile spreading on his face. Then he mentally slapped himself. For a while back there he’d forgotten that you would be away for 48 hours while this show was happening. Sighing, thinking of spending two nights without you, he slept beside Eunha and tried to shut out the claustrophobic feeling he always had, knowing that cameras were filming him and his daughter.
WONWOO: (Laughing himself to death during this interview.) I was stupid for a while back last night because I kept looking at the clock, thinking that my wife would come in any minute. She usually comes home by 9 p.m. and would say three words the minute she walks in the front door. (Straightens up his back and begins to speak in a high-pitched voice.) “I’M SO TIRED.” (Laughs again, covering his face, embarrassed at his bad mimicking of his wife’s voice.) But before she walks in, I’d know, I’d just, somehow, know, and I would walk behind the door and wait there patiently like the dork I am. And then when the door swings open and she walks in, and says those words, I’d say “BOO!” from behind and tackle her in a bear hug. She hates it, but I love surprising her like that. She says it makes her paranoid, but Eunha and I laugh about it really hard, and she has no choice but to expect this little play I love doing to get her attention the minute she walks in. (Becomes silent for a moment.) And, last night, I was thinking, “Oh, it’s 8:55 p.m. now, I should probably go to my spot.” But then I remembered that she wouldn’t be coming home tonight, because of the show. I miss her immediately then, knowing we’d spend two nights apart. But I’m happy that I get to be with our little Eunha and care for her in my own way. That way, I can learn more about being a dad.
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6:47 A.M.
The alarm clock rings and Wonwoo wakes up, startled. He sat up from the bed and ruffled sleeping Eunha’s hair. Yawning, he turned off the alarm clock that kept on blaring and padded out of the bedroom to the kitchen, where he proceeded to make breakfast for Eunha. Then he went to the bathroom to prepare hot water for Eunha’s bathtime. He walked back to the Eunha’s room, looked at her chest of clothes, and picked out her little daycare uniform. He checked to see if it needed pressing before settling it down carefully on a chair. He looked around the room for her black shoes.
“Eunha,” he called. “Jeon Eunha, you have to wake up now.”
No response.
This was going to be a slow morning. Eunha was usually up at the first morning call.
“Jeon Eunha. Get up. It’s morning, and your teacher would love to see you early.”
Eunha groaned and Wonwoo looked around to see if she was up. She was, sitting up, rubbing her eyes awake.
“G’morning, Appa,” she murmured, her eyes searching for her dad. “I’m still sleepy.”
“But you have to go to school! So…take your bath now and then eat breakfast with me. Okay?” Wonwoo looked at his watch. “Go on. We can still make it on time for your class at eight.”
Eunha nodded sleepily, her yawn the perfect replica of her dad’s. “I’ll go. I have to be a good student.”
“Yes, yes, yes,” Wonwoo agreed, letting Eunha help him make the bed. Then he put on her slippers for her and let her go and take her bath. “I’ll be waiting with your breakfast!”
Wonwoo could deal with breakfast and all the other chores. He knew how to clean house and cook meals. He’d learned that much after five years of marriage and taking care of his kid. But, now, staring at a brush and the pink ribbon on his hands, he felt doomed.
This was one chore he still hadn’t tried doing.
Y/N was always here to fix her braids up, he thought with a little bit of despair.
“Appa!” Eunha came out of the room, carrying her little shoes and her socks. Looking up through her long lashes, she smiled, her nose scrunching up again. The power of genetics, Wonwoo’s nerdy mind began proclaiming again. “Please help me with my shoes.”
Wonwoo complied and tied the laces of her little black shoes carefully. Then, choosing his words a little bit shyly (because he couldn’t openly admit to his Eunha the truth), he began, “Eunha, do you want to wear your hair down today?”
Eunha shook her head. “Braid my hair!”
Wonwoo laughed self-consciously, his eyes meeting a cameraman who was smiling, too. “Ahjussi, do you also have this problem?” he asked the cameraman, ignoring Eunha’s command. The cameraman, to Wonwoo’s relief, bobbed his head up and down in acknowledgment of his amusing plight.
I’m not the only one with this problem, he thought consolingly. Then he turned to his daughter, who was waiting for him to pick up the pink ribbon he’d discarded. “My little Eunha, forgive me, but could you wear a headband today? Appa doesn’t know how to braid hair yet.”
At that, Eunha’s face looked crestfallen. Wonwoo despaired for a moment, thinking that he’d disappointed his daughter.
But Eunha wasn’t thinking like that. She felt sad for her poor Appa, who knew everything about the world but didn’t know how to tie her hair right. “Oh, poor Appa,” she cooed, as if trying to comfort him. Her hand reached down to pat his head. “It’s okay!” she smiled at him and kissed his cheek. “I’ll teach you how after school!”
“So you know how? Then tie your hair!”
“No. we can learn together. You practice on me, and then I’ll practice on your hair.” She giggled at the thought.
WONWOO: (Scratching his head shyly.) To be perfectly honest, I may not have looked like it, but I was really touched when she reached out to me about the braids thing like that. I thought she would throw tantrums at me. But she didn’t and I’m glad. (Smiles sheepishly.) Yeah. I might have looked kind of like the poor appa who doesn’t know how to fix braids up.
Q: Despite your tight schedule, are you able to bond with her as much as you want?
WONWOO: (Thinks for a while.) Even before Eunha was born, I knew that I can’t spend a lot of time with her because of work. That’s why I treasure every opportunity I would get to take care of her. Oftentimes, if it’s okay, I would bring her during practice and she gets to play with the other members’ kids. But when we are in the middle of promotions or a world tour, I couldn’t come home at all, so I would just call them during breaks. (Shrugs.) I guess this is what it’s really like for us K-Pop artists. We have to deal with time issues, until our career paths take us elsewhere. (Eyes brighten up.) It’s a really good thing that my wife understands me. I owe so much to her.
“Are you ready to go to school now?” Wonwoo asked kindly as he watched Eunha select her chosen hairpin (Wonwoo found out she hates headbands).
Eunha nodded and reached for her small backpack. “I’m excited to show my teacher my work!” her round eyes were sparkling with excitement. “Appa, did I write the characters well?”
Wonwoo nodded. “Yes, you did! I’m sure your teacher will be very glad.”
“Do you know where to wait for me when the class ends?” she said with a hint of worry in her voice. “Will you wait for me?”
Wonwoo lifted her up into his arms and walked across the hallway and out of their penthouse, towards the waiting elevator a few hallways down. “Yes, I will. Don’t worry!”
“But what if the PD-nim calls you? It’s okay, eomma can come for me. You don’t have to.” She fiddled with his hair. “You have work, right, appa?” Wonwoo stopped short at the despair in her voice. He looked at her intently, his heart pounding. Her mouth was drawn tight, a look she had inherited from you. It was a tell-tale sign that she was about to cry but didn’t want to. “It’s okay,” she said bravely, “I don’t want them to kick you out!”
Wonwoo stifled a laugh. Geez. His little girl was worried that she might get in the way of his usually busy schedule. But I mustn’t laugh, he scolded himself. Little Eunha was clearly perturbed that she was getting in the way of his work.
Even though she would not often say it, Wonwoo knew that his daughter was proud of him being an idol. Once, he even overheard her singing his rap part in an old SVT song. She was stumbling along the rapid outburst of lines, her voice cute and high, hilariously out of tune.
“Jeon Eunha, I will be with you today and all the time you want me to be,” he promised solemnly.
He waited for a few seconds.
Finally, the corners of her mouth drew up into a delighted smile. “You promise?”
“Yes, I promise.”
Q: Was SEVENTEEN with you when Jeon Eunha was born?
WONWOO: (Nods his head yes.) When most of us older SVT members got settled down with our own families, we promised ourselves that we would always be present whenever something important was about to happen. We promised that we would be there for our partners. Thankfully, we had been true to our word. We supported each other well.
I was the first person to hold my baby girl when she was born, because her eomma was sleeping. She had to undergo the Caesarian surgery to give birth to Eunha, which looked even more painful than the normal birth to me. (Shakes his head, his eyes cast down.) I was really aching to ease my wife’s pain then, but I could only wait and stare until a nurse came up to me with my baby in her arms. Only Hoshi was with me at that time, the boys came a few minutes later with our managers. But what I would like to share was…(Wonwoo becomes lost in the memory for a moment)…how my little Eunha looked like. She had beautiful eyes that were open. Some say that it was a sign of intelligence, and I have to admit that I kind of believe it. She’s barely four but she’s multilingual and mature in ways that other little girls her age aren’t. I didn’t know that then, but it is what it is now. (Pauses for a while.) When I held her in my arms that Wednesday night, close to my chest like this (shows how he held her close to his heart). Hoshi kept joking that my face looked as blank as paper then, but I was really studying my daughter closely, and I was so amazed that for a moment I could only see her. I was amazed that she looked like she was staring at me, that she got her mom’s eyes, my eyebrows, and that she looked so beautiful then. Hoshi kept cooing at her and she just stayed quiet, not crying like I’d expected her every second. I was so afraid of dropping her that I kept saying, “Here you are, here you are,” trying to convince myself that I could pull this off. (He grinned.) It was at that moment that I became a dad, and I was so excited to get onto acting like one. I kept scolding Hoshi for being too noisy, Eunha might get irritated. He was letting her hold his finger with her small hands. (Nods thoughtfully again.) It was one of the most memorable moments of my life.
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7:15 A.M.
NARRATOR: *We have now arrived at the daycare where SVT’s little kids are studying! What could be happening to little Eunha? Let’s see! And what surprise do we have for Jeon-appa?*
“Wow, is this some kind of SVT gathering?”
Guess who it is?
“SVT hyungs only, Jeon Wonwoo.” Lee Jihoon/Woozi, a vocalist and producer of SEVENTEEN, clapped him on the back. He was carrying a little boy who was the same age as little Eunha.
Wonwoo was still carrying Eunha as well, and he was amused to see that the boy was peeking shyly at her, before whispering something to his appa.
Jihoon laughed aloud and put him down. “Omo.” He grinned up at Wonwoo, who got the message quickly because Woozi’s boy was staring at his little girl like a lovestruck puppy. “Yeseung, of course, you know Eunha.”
Wonwoo set down Eunha and the two children looked at each other curiously.
“They never got the chance to play together, just the two of them, did they?” Woozi said, observing as the two kids started chatting and then went off to the playpen of the daycare we had already visited earlier with Choi Seungcheol and his twins. Class was to start by eight, so they still have time to have fun.
“Yep. Seungjae always hangs around Yeseung, and only the girls are close. I guess it’s time they become best friends, too,” Wonwoo agreed.
Woozi leaned close to Wonwoo and said conspiratorially, with a glint in his eyes. “My Yeseung likes your Eunha!”
Wonwoo laughed. “Omo. Will we end up as in-laws in the future?”
“You started this conversation.”
Woozi was doubling with laughter.
“They always fight, though.”
Wonwoo watched their children play with other kids. He prayed that the two wouldn’t clash again. They were always bound to argue about the littlest things, nitpicking about stuff the adults can’t even understand.
WONWOO: Our kids look cute together. (Stifles his laughter.)
WOOZI: (Groans in mock dismay.) I wish Yeseung was half as mature as your Eunha. He takes after no one from both sides of his parents! (Catches himself and bows.) Before I forget! Hello, everyone, I am Woozi of SEVENTEEN and I am also here in this show with my three-year-old son, Lee Yeseung. Let’s all have a great time! (Covers his face.) Omo, Yeseung-ah.
WONWOO: I said, the kids look cute together.
WOOZI: (Smirks.) I agree. (Looks at the camera embarrassingly and scratches his head.) My son, Lee Yeseung, likes Eunha a lot. (Laughs again.) I can’t believe it. He wants to be friends with her and often says, “Eunha did this. Eunha did that. Eunha is pretty. Eunha is smart!” And whenever he’d say that, I would go and answer, “Learn from her! He just says, “I like her.” (Sighs comically and hangs his head.) He’s three years old and he already has a crush.
“I’ll teach you how to sing, Eunha!” Both adults turned to Yeseung’s kind voice.
“I don’t know how,” Eunha said grumpily, her face grimacing. Then she studies Yeseung closely. “Can you…” she skips close to him, her hair flying around her shoulders. “…can you really sing?” she asked, her tone with a hint of awe and doubt.
To everyone’s delight, Yeseung puffed up his chest and nodded stoutly. “Yes! I can!” Then he swiftly picks up Lego blocks. “I can also build a big castle!”
“This big?” Eunha stretched out her hands. “Can you?”
Yeseung nodded and knelt down on the padded floor. “Yes!”
“Wow!” Eunha perks up and looks to her dad who was talking with her Woozi-samchon. “Appa! Yeseung can sing!!! He says he will teach me!!!”
At that moment, bright voices filled the room, making the other kids and their parents look up.
Yeseung’s eyes lit up and he through his hands full of Legos up in the air. “SEEEEEEEUUUNNGGJAAAEEEEE-AAAAHHH!!!”
Choi Seungjae, yes, Choi Seungcheol’s rambunctious little boy, smiled his gap-toothed smile at his good friend Yeseung and ran, dancing while he did so. “We are both here!” He held up his hands like Yeseung. “Mansae!”
“Mansae!!!” Yeseung shouted back.
“Shhhhhh!!!” Eunha scolded, frowning at her friends.
Woozi exhaled loudly. “Oh…no. There they go.”
Seungcheol came up to them, toting little Soyoung. He was sweating and panting. “Soyoung-ah,” he said, gasping for breath, “go on and play.” He put little Soyoung down and she obediently went to the playpen. The teacher then entered and bowed in greeting to the fathers, who greeted back.
Seungcheol turned to Wonwoo and Woozi. “That boy,” he said, pointing to his son, his eyes wide and his hair unruly, “literally made me run for my life. I was so nervous when he jumped off the van and straight into the neighborhood block! I was carrying Soyoung from her seat and he just ran!”
Woozi laughed, and Wonwoo grinned at the little boy who was now playing with the other kids and Yeseung. His eyes drifted off to Eunha, who was playing in the slide with Soyoung.
“Seungjae is a handful, indeed.”
“And he’s best friends with Yeseung.”
“This is a disaster.”
“Tell me about it.”
“Have you heard from Jeonghan?”
Cameras panned the faces of the three members. Seungcheol, sensing the curiosity of everyone, laughed off the question from Wonwoo and turned to the kids. “Not yet,” he said carefully. “His situation is pretty sensitive.”
They left it at that. Best not to speak about it.
The birthday surprise Jeonghan had prepared for the mother of his cute daughter Jae Eun had not ended well, and Wonwoo felt sorry for Jeonghan. He hoped that things would get better.
The teacher announced the start of the class, and the three fathers watched with amusement as their kids trooped off obediently to their respective places.
NARRATOR: *Learn well, little children!*
And learn well they did.
Eunha got lots of praise for memorizing and writing Hangul characters so well. The teacher kept saying that she might have to enter an acceleration exam because she was advanced, but Wonwoo declined, saying that he will discuss it later on with you once the show was over.
He felt super proud of his little girl, who was now teaching a smitten Yeseung how to write his name.
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11:46 A.M.
“Where did you say you were?”
Wonwoo and Eunha had finally finished their time at the daycare, and were now eating their lunch rather happily. Woozi and Yeseung, and Seungcheol and the twins had went their own ways because of other scheduled activities for the following episodes of ROS.
NARRATOR: *What could be the matter? Jeon-appa seem to look worried.*
Wonwoo, still listening intently to his phone, left the bill on the table and scooped up little Eunha into his arms. “Yes, yes, we are coming. Stay there, and don’t go anywhere, okay? No, no, she’s fine. Yes, we just ate lunch. I’ll be there in ten minutes. Bye. Love you.”
Cameras followed father and daughter as they left the restaurant.
WONWOO: My wife isn’t the type of person who usually gets sick. She rarely has any complications. She called me earlier on today, and I knew her voice so well. I knew she wasn’t feeling good. She was trying to act bubbly but I knew she wasn’t okay. So I just up and went to where she was. (Face grows even more serious.) Driving to the clinic where she was, I kept thinking, I should have taken better care of her. She might have been sick all this time and I didn’t know. (Smiles wanly.) Yes, indeed, those thoughts were on my mind.
The moment Wonwoo reached the clinic, he ran in, carrying Eunha in his arms. He asked the receptionist where you were, and he was given the room number. Sighing, he let the cameras follow him into a private hospital room, where you were lying down, as if in a nap. You heard them enter the room and you opened your eyes, smiling weakly. You sat up.
The cameras, for the sake of your anonymity, had respectfully blurred your face.
Wonwoo, though, was looking at you intently. My wife is still beautiful, but so pale. He was trying to assess what was wrong, and he wasn’t feeling that good. He wanted to sit on the bed and look after you all day.
“Eomma!!!” Eunha jumped off her appa’s arms and ran straight into yours. Enveloping her in a warm hug, you smiled again.
“Hello, darling,” you said softly. “How was school?”
“I earned so many stars today!” Eunha held up her arm, which was marked with stars. “See, see? And appa helped me with my homework last night! But we missed you, eomma.” She burrowed herself into your side and stayed there, lying still.
You kissed the top of your daughter’s forehead, and then turned your attention to your husband, who was still staring at you, unsure of what to do.
“Eunha seems to be doing fine with you, Wonwoo-appa,” you teased, your voice a little bit hoarse. “When will this episode be shown?”
“I haven’t checked yet with the producers,” Wonwoo replied absent-mindedly. His mind, of course, wasn’t on the show he was in. He was so worried about you. It was all he could think about. Then he went to your side and pressed a hand on your forehead. “Since when weren’t you feeling well?”
“I don’t know,” you said, your voice unsure.
“What happened to you?” Wonwoo was caressing your forehead, running his fingers through your hair, pressing a hand on your forehead to make sure you weren’t down with a fever.
“I fainted at work.”
Wonwoo’s face went white. His hand stopped caressing you for a moment. “You what?”
You smiled weakly again. “Hey, I’m okay now. Our doctor said I can go back to work after a day’s rest.”
“Why did you faint? I told you to stop working overtime on weekends.” Wonwoo was panicking, but he couldn’t bring himself to show it to you. He knew you would just shrug it off and laugh at him.
Eunha had fallen asleep. She sleeps so easily.
“Don’t go to work this week.”
You nodded. “Okay, then. Too bad, though. I’m staying here until tomorrow, because I still have to see how you will take care of Eunha.” You grinned up at him, teasing but endearing him. At his blank face, you sighed and reached up to touch his face. “Hey, don’t worry about me anymore, okay? I’m really fine.”
“You are?” he asked doubtfully, not trusting your words. He wanted to see for himself. “I’ll check with the doctor.”
“I’m more than fine, Jeon Wonwoo.” You looked up at him with delight in your eyes. “Trust me.”
Wonwoo sighed. “Okay.” He ran a hand through his face. “Have you eaten already?”
“Nope, not yet. But before you go and get me some food, say hi first.”
At your last words, Wonwoo’s face looked puzzled. “Hi? To whom?”
This is it!
Unable to contain your excitement any longer, you took his hand and led it somewhere Wonwoo did not expect, just below your stomach.
“Say hi to the next addition to our family, baby.”
You said it in such a low voice that Wonwoo couldn’t comprehend what you were saying at first. But when realization dawned on him, the only thing he could say was, “WHAT?!”
He was speechless.
With joy.
And in a few moments, you were both laughing, and Wonwoo was unable to contain his delight. He laid his head on the spot where you led his hand to a few moments ago.
“How far along is he? Did you get an ultrasound already? Oh, baby!” He got up and kissed you sweetly on the lips, first with the fluttery kisses he liked peppering you with, and then with a lingering one that left you feeling like you were about to melt inside. Then he settled back onto your stomach and patiently waited for your new baby to move.
“He’s just four months along, so I don’t honestly know if you will hear him right now,” you said gently, ruffling his hair playfully. “The pregnancy symptoms came late to me, and I really only got to know it today.”
“You are not going to work yet. Do you hear me? I want to take care of you and Eunha for now.” Wonwoo closed his eyes and for the first time since yesterday, he didn’t care if cameras were trained on him. He was in his happy place.
There was silence for a few moments, and then a small voice whispered, “Will I get to choose my baby brother’s name?”
Wonwoo’s eyes opened and darted towards yours. You both laughed as little Eunha sleepily sat up, rubbing her eyes. She probably heard everything, Wonwoo thought, studying his daughter.
“Eunha, are you happy that we’re going to have a new baby in the house?” Wonwoo asked gently. “We’re still not sure if the baby will be a boy or a girl, though. Do you really want to help with naming the baby once it comes out to greet us all?”
Eunha clapped her hands together in delight and nodded. “Yes, yes, yes!”
Wonwoo got up and walked around to gather Eunha into his arms. “Okay, then!” He grinned and sat beside you once more, his eyes tenderly looking at you. “I’m so proud of you, baby. I’ll take care of you. I promise.”
“Take care of me, too!” Eunha pouted.
Wonwoo laughed, his deep voice filling the room. He hugged little Eunha close to him and kissed you again.
“Yes, yes,” he promised. “I will take care of my family.”
WONWOO: (Stays speechless for a few seconds. Then laughs and puts hands over face.) I’m so speechless. (Puts down hands and takes a deep breath. Exhales. Smiles widely.) I’m so happy. I’m so excited. I’m so happy right now I can’t say anything right. I’m just…so…happy. (Takes deep breaths and lets out a delightful laughter.) What will the baby look like? This is such a surprise. (Bites lip.) Words can’t explain how I feel now. More than happy. (Looks at camera.) Y/N, oh, I just said your name! Sorry. (Laughs sheepishly and smiles sweetly.) But, baby! I love you! I love you. I will take care of you and Eunha!!! I promise!
Cameras watched as the Jeon family laid down together, the happy news of a new life just growing sending off a warm feeling into the hearts of those watching all around the world.
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“Hey, Jeon-appa! It’s me, Cheol-appa. I just heard the news. Congratulations!” [voice breaks.] “To us both. My wife just broke the news. She’s expecting, too!” [cheers at the background; suspiciously sounding like the other SVT members. And children screaming.] “What on earth is happening? I’m so happy right now I’m crying.” [sobs and shouts “I love you” to someone most possibly his wife.] Talk to you soon! See us after the show. Bye!”
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EPISODES | Ep. 1 | Ep. 2 | after-party | Ep. 3 | only us
- Admin Leanne
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