#like. i was talking about how ive been so worried all my various joint issues are My Fault somehow
vainvex · 5 months
going back into physical therapy for a third distinct injury caused by my hypermobility <3 probably starting in a couple weeks
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poorlilbeans · 7 years
Keep FightinG (pARt Sicks!) (see what i did there?)
this fic. is so long. why am i doing this. anywho this part has a whole lot of talking... WE FINALLY HAVE A DIAGNOSIS, Y’ALL. WHOOP WHOOP! but yeah there’s also some fluff in there bc i am hardcore victuuri trash sooooo... yeah i hope you have as much fun reading it as i am having writing it :)
When Victor woke up, Yuuri had still been asleep, and that was weird in itself. Normally, not only did Yuuri suffer from insomnia, but he was an incredibly light sleeper. Someone could sneeze two cities over and somehow, some way, it would wake him up. Today, however, he didn’t stir when Victor got out of the bed and fixed the covers around him, untangling the IV chord that had somehow wrapped around his blanket during the night. 
Victor needed to get out of that hospital room. He needed to be doing something other than worrying. It was 6:30 in the morning. He figured he could get about an hour of practice in before the nurses would be waking Yuuri. It was better than nothing.
Yet again, skating proved easier said than done. He was distracted, constantly wondering if Yuuri was awake yet. The English-speaking nurse probably wouldn’t be in for her shift yet, so he’d be alone, unable to understand anyone, missing Victor...
No. He wasn’t awake yet. Obviously. Victor barely stopped for breath for the entire hour, skating as hard as he could through the fog of worry that engulfed him. On the way out, around 8:00, he ran into Yurio. 
“What are you doing here?” Yuri asked, like it was completely inconceivable for a professional figure skater to be at an ice rink.
“Skating,” he answered slowly, tentatively. “I was just heading back to the hospital.” Yuri regarded him with an uncharacteristic look of unmasked concern.
“Tell Katsudon I said hi,” he whispered, pushing past Victor.
By the time he got back to the hospital, the male nurse from yesterday had roused Yuuri and appeared to be having language-barrier issues with him.
“You drink water,” the nurse was carefully saying, to a very pale and very confused Yuuri. It was a simple request, but he didn’t seem to understand, and the nurse didn’t have enough English to rephrase. Victor entered, and Yuuri immediately seemed to forget about the nurse, letting out a low whine and reaching out towards him. Taking his hand, Victor turned to the nurse and asked, in Russian,
“Is everything alright?”
“We’re a little feverish right now,” the nurse answered. “He seems to have forgotten that he can’t drink water without moving the oxygen mask, but he won’t let me touch him to move it for him.” Victor turned back to Yuuri, who was gazing at him with bright, unfocused eyes.
“Are you thirsty, love?” Victor said softly, rubbing his knuckles.
“No. Hurts to move.” That made sense. The nurse had removed the blanket and the long pajama pants to keep Yuuri from overheating any more, and it revealed that his elbows, knees, wrists and ankles were flushed red and disturbingly swollen. He lay stiffly, awkwardly, making it clear that his joints were not tolerating any movement. 
“That’s okay,” Victor whispered, doing his best to mask his concern. “I’ll do all the moving for you, alright?” Yuuri hummed, either too delirious or too sore to nod, and Victor gently removed the oxygen mask and brought the cup of water to his lips.
Yuuri managed a few sips of water before whining in protest, punctuating it with a little hiccup. Alright then, no more water. Victor put the mask back in place, hoping it would be enough incentive for the delirious man to try and avoid throwing up. Once they were settled, the nurse spoke again. 
“We got his results back from the blood lab. They didn’t find any evidence of disease, except that he’s producing auto-antibodies.”
“Which means?”
“Which means it’s safe to assume that whatever’s making him so ill is some kind of autoimmune disorder. His combination of symptoms is pretty unique, but individually, they’re all symptoms of various autoimmune disorders. So that means we don’t have a name for the disease, but we are able to start treating it.” Victor didn’t really understand, but he nodded anyway, squeezing Yuuri’s hand protectively. “For the moment, however,” the nurse continued, “we need to focus on getting that fever down.”
It took hours. Thankfully, Yuuri didn’t seem too uncomfortable, save for his inability to move without aggravating the painful inflammation in his joints. Victor climbed into bed with him again, whispering reassurances in his ear. The sensation of Victor’s breath on his neck tickled, and Yuuri giggled deliriously for several minutes. The nurse elevated his broken ankle, and covered his arms and legs in ice packs to try and bring the swelling down. Every time he added a pack, Yuuri yelped, cursing in Japanese at the cold. Victor just held him, trying not to despair at how... different he looked. How ill. He was so pale. He’d visibly lost weight, too- weight he definitely didn’t need to lose- but the Prednisone being pumped through his IV (to reduce inflammation, ironically enough) caused his face to swell up, so he somehow looked gaunt and puffy at the same time. The worst part, though, was his eyes. Normally, Victor could stare at Yuuri’s eyes for hours and not get bored. They were so expressive; they sparkled, shifted around, widened and narrowed- he could portray emotions with his eyes better than he could with any words. Now, though, they were dull and confused. Victor couldn’t bring himself to make eye contact for more than a few moments, because those weren’t Yuuri’s eyes. 
It felt like hours before his temperature began to go down, and when it did, it seemed like a miracle- until Victor looked into Yuuri’s wonderful, expressive eyes, and saw nothing but pain and fear.
“When are they going to let me go home?” he whispered. Victor almost missed the delirium; at least then, Yuuri hadn’t been quite so aware of how miserable he felt.
“I- I don’t know, my love. But they know what’s wrong now. They’re going to make you better.”
A little while later, the English-speaking nurse arrived with Yuuri’s first dose of immunosuppressants. 
“You’re going to be on both for a while,” she told him. “Once you go home you can take the Prednisone orally, and you can wean off of it slowly until you’re just on the immunosuppressants.”
“For how long?” was Yuuri’s fearful response.
“Well... forever. You’ll be on the immunosuppressants forever.” Yuuri was visibly holding back tears as he obediently swallowed the pill. The nurse offered him another inhaler, which he took wordlessly. “Since we know the source of your breathing troubles, we’re starting you on a preventative inhaler for a while. Hopefully, once the drugs start working, you won’t need it any more. I thought you could try a few minutes without being on oxygen, and see if your breathing is any better.” Yuuri just nodded, cuddling sadly into Victor’s side. “Do you understand why you’re taking these medications?” He shook his head; Victor felt silent tears soaking his T-shirt. “An autoimmune disease,” the nurse told him, “is when you have an overactive immune system. In most cases, it attacks another part of the body; the digestive system, the skin... but for you, it has attacked multiple parts. It seems to have affected your digestive system, your respiratory system, your nervous system... it’s likely your fever is a defense mechanism; your body is under the attack of your body.” Yuuri didn’t answer, so the nurse kept talking. “Chances are, you were born with the disease, but it was inactive until now. The goal is to make it inactive again with medication, but most people have the occasional flare-up after diagnosis. Usually it’s random, but environmental factors do sometimes play a role in it. Some people have flare-ups after switching to a new medication or eating a new food. Extreme stress is also known to cause flare-ups.” Then, after so much prolonged silence, Yuuri laughed. Hard.
“What’s so funny?” Victor and the nurse asked in unison.
“I am stress,” Yuuri cackled. “I am the human manifestation of stress.”
“It’s entirely possible that’s what brought it out in the first place. Were you particularly stressed out before you got sick?”
“Yeah,” he answered, still giggling. “It was right before a competition. I had panic attacks three days in a row.”
“Panic attacks? Have you been to a doctor about those?”
“Yeah, I’m on medication. The doctor here knows about it.”
“Alright. You have to be diligent about managing that. Autoimmune disorders can be tricky enough without a mental illness to set them off.” Yuuri nodded, but it was clear to Victor that he still found the irony of the situation absolutely hilarious.
Yuuri was cleared to leave two days later. He certainly wasn’t healthy; he had to be taken down to the parking lot in a wheelchair, and Victor carried him to the car, trying not to flinch at how light he had gotten. The instructions were clear and strict: Keep him on the medication. Make sure he drinks water. Don’t touch him when he has seizures, unless he’s at risk of choking. Call the doctor with any questions. Take him back for weekly checkups. If it gets out of control, call an ambulance.
They drove in silence for a while, Yuuri clutching a plastic garbage bag just in case. He’d started solid food that morning, and his stomach didn’t seem too happy about it. Eventually, at a red light, he spoke.
“I’m sorry.” Victor blinked in surprise.
“What for?”
“Just... all of this. For scaring you. For being sick. You didn’t... you... you deserve better.”
“No, don’t do that. I love you. I wish more than anything I could take the pain away from you, but I can’t, so I’m more than happy to be here for you instead.” He held up his hand, the gold engagement ring glinting in the late afternoon sun. “In sickness and in health, remember?” Yuuri’s ears tinted pink.
“I’ll never understand what god I pleased to bring you into my life.”
“Maybe,” Victor breathed, “you were wonderful all by yourself. Maybe you didn’t need to please a god to be the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Maybe even when you’re sickly and sweaty and swollen you’re still the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. Maybe, without divine intervention, I am still more in love with you than I ever imagined was possible. Maybe we’re in love just because we’re in love. Ever think of that?” Yuuri ducked his head, grinning bashfully.
“We should really get around to getting married.”
“Maybe when you can walk again.”
AHHH this fic is already way too long but i keep having ideas >.< w h y am i like this eurgh
regardless, i hope you’re enjoying it so far :)
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thecloudlight-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Cloudlight
New Post has been published on https://cloudlight.biz/are-prince-harry-and-meghan-markle/
Are Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
When it comes to the royal family and PDA, the (unstated) rule is that much less is maximum definitely greater: In her sixty five-yr reigns, you’d be hard-pressed to catch Queen Elizabeth II doing tons more than retaining Prince Philip’s hand in public. Even Prince William and Kate Middleton, the vivid cutting-edge show ponies of the House of Windsor, are masters of the modest air-kiss and facet-hug mixture while in public view. (Google “Prince William and Kate Middleton kiss,” as one does, and few snapshots pop up beyond their now-mythical wedding day balcony scene—and even that seemed coerced from the crowd cheering out of doors Buckingham Palace).
But Prince Harry, ever the revolt, is having none of that historically chaste,
Very well British stiff-top-lip commercial enterprise in his budding romance with female friend Meghan Markle. At their first joint public appearance together over the weekend at the Audi Polo Challenge in Ascot, England (he performed; she cheered in Antonio Berardi), Prince Harry and Markle hugged and kissed—on the lips!—after the healthy, cameras be damned (and, but of direction, cameras have been anywhere). This could be entirely unremarkable in America, wherein not anything quick of a Magic Mike-style public lap-dance to the tune of Ginuwine’s “Pony” could enhance an eyebrow, but given the royal family’s long history of the romantic restraint, it’s pretty monumental over in Ascot.
And it could be greater proof that Prince Harry is so serious about Markle
The American megastar of USA Network’s Suits and a humanitarian activist in her very own right), that he’s organized to buck royal subculture: This beyond November, Kensington Palace issued an unheard of public announcement on behalf of the prince, acknowledging Markle as his girlfriend and asking the media in no uncertain phrases to stop hounding Markle and her circle of relatives. Over the weekend, he appeared to seal that furtive assertion with a kiss. Hold on to your pearls, women, and lords: A new generation of royal PDA is officially underway.
Story – The Prince
In an age long in the past, there lived a good-looking Prince who becomes cherished for his pleasure, kindness, and generosity of spirit. The Prince’s father, the King, diagnosed that his son becomes very special and did not want him embittered and tarnished through the world. So, the King built a high wall across the palace and saved all information of the darkness and despair of the arena away from his son. In the presence of the Prince, none were allowed to talk about illness, warfare, poverty or the sector past the Palace. In this way, the King kept his son sheltered from the ills and sadness past the Palace partitions.
As the years passed, the Prince married and had a family of his own.
While his lifestyles within the courtroom and family sports saved him occupied and for the maximum element content, the Prince changed into starting to feel a faint stirring inside his breast that he couldn’t identify and this precipitated his situation. When he spoke to his spouse, the Princess approximately it, she told him, what she have been informed to say by way of the King; it becomes a feeling that might bypass and now not to be worried.
As this sense of uneasiness did not depart, sooner or later, he went to his father the King, to peer what will be learned. The Prince puzzled, “Father there’s a restlessness inner my coronary heart this is causing me a subject. While my existence inside the Palace is complete, I am beginning to surprise if I am lacking something? I recognize there is some other international outside the Palace; I even have heard people at court whispering about it. I would love to look and examine of this world.”
The King responded, “yes my son
There may be an international beyond the Palace, but it is nothing as stunning or grand as our life here at Court; within the out of doors world, there are things like poverty, war, and starvation. Also, there may be an emotion called ache this is very unpleasant. That is why I actually have constructed this wall and, a lot of these years saved this stuff for you.”
And the Prince, due to the fact he had an internal experience of understanding, spoke back,”thank you, father, for shielding and being honest with me; but, the outside world is something I will need to assume greater about.”
As the Prince left the court docket, the King who was very smart, assigned two Palace Guards to look at his son and ensure he did now not go exploring into the outside global.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I Movie Review
With the upcoming end looming large the clueless trio of Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger are jogging thru the woods mainly seeking to parent matters out and perhaps the second one part could be higher and lavish however Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I is not all that top notch except you’re a Potter maniac. So if someone instructed you that the first installment of the Harry Potter finale is strictly for enthusiasts do accept as true with them or even steer clear of the film if possible for you might not get maximum of it.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows- Part I Story
Harry Potter’s seeking out all the Horcruxes and desires to ruin them earlier than Lord Voldemort’s secret to immortality is out. For a person who hasn’t study a single Harry Potter e-book or seen an unmarried Harry Potter film, this isn’t always the movie to fall in love with the bespectacled boy wizard. After all, it is simplest fair for the filmmakers now not to pander to a person who waltzes in the 7th installment of a franchise and expects to be blown away. In that context Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I truly lacks the punch that a second ultimate movie of a seven component collection ought to own. This isn’t Rambo or Rocky or maybe Police Academy that loses its sheen somewhere among component III and IV; at the opposite JK Rowling’s a hit series has it all discovered.
Apparently even the ones Potter maniacs who won’t dress up as wizards
Whilst watching the film agree that this version stands especially true to the book. But if regarded from a distinctive point of view the whole anxiety of Harry and Hermione taking walks around in the woods looking to decipher how to forestall the Dark Lord largely consists of scenes that appearance cyclic. Harry, Hermione, and Ron don’t look genuinely unhappy even if they get to study of the deaths of people near them. Rather they appear to mature up in a couple of minutes and move directly to some extra rambling within the dark.
Final Words on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows- Part I
Does it clearly make feel to have a full movie that acts like a half of-hearted and almost soulless prelude to the climax? Maybe it does to be loyal to the spirit book. Could the 2 Deathly Hallows installments truly be one tight power-packed film? Perhaps sure. But the meditative anxiety of the book that has been translated onto the display would possibly just work very well with Potter freaks and set matters up for a penultimate finale. So what is the reply for the first time viewers or the greatest of non-believers of Potter? The exquisite animation collection approximately the name of the game of the Deathly Hallows sticks out and is terrific, to say the least. Also, the series of Rupert Grint’s Ron ultimately confronting his worst fears of dropping Hermione to his great friend and Dobby’s demise are right.
With all the speaking and the in search of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I ends on an incredible note of promise and after spending a better half in their lives playing the leads Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson appearance set for the final episode.
For someone who remains in large part unaffected through Potter mania, this reviewer unearths it rather tough to fee this movie.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows- Part I Cast: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Helena Bonham Carter, Ralph Fiennes and Robbie Coltrane
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows- Part I Screenplay through Steve Kloves based on the e-book with the aid of J.K. Rowling
Meghan Kidwell
Hoodia, A Natural Appetite Suppressant Health and Fitness: Alternative • Published: December 23, 2010 Numerous trials were completed to check if and the way this plant suppresses the urge for food and awesome outcomes were concluded. The lively molecule remoted from Hoodia, this is regarded to suppress the urge for food, is P57. This molecule acts in addition to glucose, however, is 10,000 instances greater lively.
Rooibos Tea For Weight Loss
Health and Fitness: Alternative • Published: December 23, 2010 Rooibos, which is a South African redbush herbal tea, has many wholesome attributes inclusive of; caffeine free, low in tannins, calorie unfastened, a herbal stress reliever, and incorporates effective antioxidants, amongst other things. These attributes fight towards the various commonplace breakdowns that maximum do no longer issue in while looking to reach their weight reduction desires.
Rooibos Tea For Natural Heartburn Relief
Health and Fitness: Alternative • Published: December 23, 2010 Simply ingesting Rooibos tea in itself can in all likelihood help the severity of heartburn. This particular herb includes antispasmodic residences that have been acknowledged to calm heartburn as well as sooth dissatisfied belly and colic. As of now, no bad facet impacts had been found so there’s no hazard in attempting Rooibos as compared to pharmaceuticals.
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