#like. im not seeing gertrude or gerry or simon fairchild
trees-to-meet-you · 7 months
Listening to MAG Season 5 Q&A - Part 1 and hearing Jonny talk abt how if he were to write more Magnus stuff he’d probably do a prequel but it would undermine parts of the original story and writing so he’s not very interested in writing spinoff stuff is kinda fun while knowing full well that Magnus Protocol exists
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How many do you have for each bracket/which roles need filling
hi!! sorry it took so long to reply to this, i didn't get the notification on mobile for some reason??
i haven't divided them into the 3 categories i wanted yet, since I don't know if it will be possible to even do 2, but here's a list of all the currently nominated characters, if that helps? im tempted to just skip the whole poll and declare gerry the winner, you'll see why
Gerard “Gerry” Keay: 13 noms
Joshua Gillespie: 9 noms
Jonathan Sims: 8 noms
The Admiral: 8 noms
Agnes Montague: 7 noms
Nikola Orsinov: 7 noms
Mike Crew: 7 noms
Timothy Stoker: 6 noms
Martin Blackwood: 6 noms
Michael Shelley: 5 noms
Melanie King: 5 noms
The Distortion: 5 noms
Helen Richardson: 4 noms 
Daisy Toner: 4 noms
Adelard Dekker: 3 noms
Gertrude Robinson: 3 noms
Karolina Górka: 3 noms
Jonah Magnus: 2 noms
Basira Hussain: 3 noms
Jane Prentiss: 3 noms
Annabelle Cane: 2 noms 
Graham Folger: 2 noms
Alexander Scaplehorn: 2 noms
Elias Bouchard: 3 noms
Oliver Banks: 2 noms
Sasha James: 2 noms
Jordan Kennedy: 2 noms
Hezekiah Wakeley: 2 noms
Jude Perry: 2 noms
Georgie Baker: 2 noms
The Piper: 2 noms
Gabriel (worker of clay): 2 noms
Naomi Herne: 1 nom
Amy Patel: 1 nom
the Werewolf (?) from MAG 31: 1 nom
Alfred Breton: 1 nom
Daniel Rawlings: 1 nom
Simon Fairchild: 1 nom
Homophobic Vase: 1 nom
Jurgen Leitner: 1 nom
Alexia Crawley: 1 nom
Emma Harvey: 1 nom
Elias Bouchard (original) (stoner): 1 nom
Julia Montauk: 1 nom
Evan Lukas: 1 nom
Mikaele Salesa: 1 nom
Laverne: 1 nom
Jan Kilbride: 1 nom
Callum McKenzie: 1 nom
John Haan: 1 nom
Jonathan Fanshawe: 1 nom
Fiona Law: 1 nom
Spider on the wall in MAG 38: 1 nom
Leto: 1 nom
Sebastian Skinner: 1 nom
Callum Brodie: 1 nom
Carlita Sloane: 1 nom
Anatomy Students: 1 nom
Not Them: 1 nom
Peter Lukas: 1 nom
Lee Kipple: 1 nom
Robin Lennox: 1 nom
Jared Hopworth: 1 nom
entries that said Michael Distortion went for The Distortion, while entries that said Michael Shelley/Distortion went for both, and Helen Richardson or Michael Shelley without mention of the Distortion went to the specific characters. there's 2 Elias cause one person specifically submitted the original one which i assume to be pre-jonah. and even then my total is 63. i could run a 32 bracket but it's not balanced between main and minor characters either so i'm not sure what to do right now. considering of adding some on my own, ig? like since some artifacts were submitted as characters i could include the coffin or the calliope as well?
i expected more entries, is all, so i think my plans were a bit too ambitious, but i can adapt
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ive been thinking about the mike crew thing, someone referred to him as a minor character w major influence, and i believe they put gerry in the same category whoch is interesting cause i see gerry as a main cjaracter even tho he literally isnt, huh?
so... what if i add some categories? idk how exactly its gonna go, and i might have to do polls to see how ppl feel about some characters, but some that i thought were like
Spoilers ahead!
archive assistants (the whole team from sasha maybe even including georgie?) / previous generation w mary, gertrude, leitner, salesa /original generation, maybe? jonah, simon, smirke etc? / avatars (jon would be here) like anabelle, jared, jude perry, now idk if this should include "monsters" like Not Them and The Distortion? or give monsters their own category? cause then this is another gray area cause u could argue all avatars are monsters? maybe have a main avatars and minor avatars so ppl like jon, the distortion, anabelle who are pretty major characters would also be up against the seaaon baddies like prentiss, nikola, elias, peter lukas... but then idk if simon fairchild and reina would go here or in previous generations???? parallel id have a "minor character w major impact" category for ppl like michael crew, gerry, i think agnes would fit here tbh?
idk i mightve bitten off more than i could chew lmao im not gonna give up but i think ill have to restructure things, any suggestions?? inbox is open!
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