#like. in earnest. the beauty ideals of the different races are very useful to understanding why certain characters are Like That
holmsister · 4 months
Don't think this counts as a spoiler as it's one of those background details/extra material stuff that the anime usually doesn't cover so I'm gonna make a post about it for the anime people
Due to elven beauty standards being VERY skewed towards the feminine, Otta
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Is as butch as elves can tolerate before they start getting scared.
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politicalmamaduck · 4 years
Meet Your Match
When Rey created a profile and post seeking a potential life partner on OKShiraya, she didn’t expect Ben Solo to meet all of her qualifications. Read it on AO3 here.
Written for @dark-mage-13 as a gift for winning the @reyloinspo 1000 follower giveaway! Her prompt was: "Rey puts out an ad asking for a husband and Ben fulfills all the qualifications." I hope you will like this!
“That will be all for today,” Senator Thadlé Berenko announced, looking at her wrist chrono and dismissing her attendants and handmaidens. All save Rey left the Senator’s office, nodding politely as they went. The Senator sighed, examined her datapad, then put it down and turned to Rey. 
“And how are you spending your night off tonight, Master Rey?”
“I have a date, actually,” she confessed. 
“A date? I thought Jedi weren’t supposed to form attachments,” Senator Berenko asked. 
“That was the old way, during the Republic, as I understand it. Master Luke takes a more pragmatic view of such matters, considering the Jedi of old’s many mistakes.”
Senator Berenko nodded. Rey didn’t mind her assignment for bodyguard detail. Senator Berenko’s political opinions were not on either extreme, and she expressed genuine interest in Rey and the Jedi life. It wasn’t the most exciting assignment, but it wasn’t boring either. Rey hoped she would be fortunate enough to visit Naboo with the Senator during her assignment. Though she hadn’t grown to adulthood on Jakku, the harsh deserts of her childhood remained with her. She was always captivated by green and watery planets. Furthermore, Shiraya was a Naboo moon goddess, from whom the HoloNet dating site Rey used took its name. Rey imagined it to be a very romantic planet, an ideal honeymoon destination. According to the Senator, its tourism industry rebounded after the Empire was defeated. 
After bidding the Senator a good night and heading back to her own quarters, Rey changed out of her robes and freshened up for her date. She wanted to make a good impression, but also present her authentic self. 
That night, in a Hosnian Prime cantina, Rey awaited the man who answered her HoloNet ad and messaged her OKShiraya dating profile. The cantina was not too far from the Senate complex, and neither a dive nor as upscale as the places the Senators frequented. A Twi’lek tended bar while a server droid made rounds. 
Rey sipped her drink and scrolled through both his profile and her post once more.
Human woman (nineteen standard years) seeking potential monogamous life partner. Humanoid species preferred; no Hutts or Crolutes, please. No substances besides occasional alcohol. Must be taller than 1.7 meters, speak multiple languages, fly and fix their own ship. Must be comfortable with a long distance relationship. 
He met every one of her criteria for a potential life partner. 
When she first saw his reply to her post, she couldn’t believe it. He was a human male, twenty-nine standard years. He was on Hosnian Prime for a time and could meet in person. 
His profile was tantalizingly devoid of personal information, though hers was as well. Neither of them used holos that showed their faces. Hers showed her head in profile, hidden behind a plant she was smelling on Takodana. His displayed his rippling back muscles and teased thick, wavy dark hair. 
She mentally ran through her list of questions in her head: Why is your username KyloRen? Where’s your family from? How much do you know about the Jedi? She wanted to follow up on his indication that he would be fine with a long distance relationship, as well. 
Rey looked up from her comm scrolling to see Ben Solo walk into the cantina. It had been years since she’d seen him, but she would still recognize him anywhere. 
He looked different, though, not wearing Jedi garb. His shirt was of a fine cloth that accentuated his broad chest.
Rey blinked and forced herself not to think of what he might look like shirtless. She was here to meet someone else. 
Their eyes met from across the cantina. He did a double take and walked over to her table.
“Rey? I haven’t seen you in years,” he said. 
“Master Solo,” she said, smiling and standing up. “Please, sit for a minute.” She was early; she could catch up with Ben while she was waiting for her date, and he waited for whoever he was meeting, as well. 
The server droid immediately appeared, and asked Rey if she’d like another and what Ben would have. She asked for water, and he asked for a Corellian whiskey.
“I didn’t know you were on Hosnian Prime,” she said when the droid whirred away. 
“Only for a few days. I’m dropping some things off for my mother. Nothing important.” He shrugged. “You’re on assignment with--”
“Senator Thadlé Berenko, of Naboo.” 
Ben nodded. “She caucuses and is friends with my mother. Have you been to Naboo yet?”
“Not yet. Hopefully during the next recess.” 
“You’ll love it. There’s so much water and greenery.” 
“I’m sure I will. What brings you to the cantina tonight?” 
Ben blushed, all the way to the tips of his ears. It was far more charming and endearing than Rey wanted to admit. The serving droid placed his whiskey and her water down before Ben could answer. 
He took a sip, and muttered, without meeting Rey’s eyes, “I have a date, actually.”
“Oh really?” she asked, taking a sip of her drink in turn. “That’s why I’m here, too.” 
He looked up from his drink and cocked his head. 
“Wait. Rey, how old are you?” 
She was taking another sip of her drink and startled, coughing. After her cough subsided, she took a sip of water and cleared her throat before shaking her head. 
“Old enough to date, Ben Solo!” she huffed. His eyes widened. 
“You’re not Kira, are you?” he asked. 
Rey was stunned. She nodded, staring at him. She could feel the truth hanging in the Force between them. 
“And you--you’re KyloRen?” she asked. He nodded.
“I had no idea,” he said, running a hand through his hair, which was, in fact, the dark locks of which she’d dreamed the night before. In her dreams, the tall, dark, muscled stranger met her in the cantina, then whisked her away for a night that ended when she awoke with a racing heart and wet between her legs.
She took a deep breath. “You met all of my qualifications.” 
He laughed. “Your post had me intrigued. You didn’t require much, but what you did was very specific. I’m definitely taller than 1.7 meters. And I have a ship, obviously.” He waved his hands before wringing them. “I liked your profile holo. I could tell it was Takodana, not too far from Maz’s castle. I thought when I saw your holo that if you get along with Maz, I knew you would be trustworthy and someone I’d like to get to know.” 
He was blushing again, and his voice sounded so earnest. Rey couldn’t believe she was on a date with Ben Solo, of all people. His uncle begrudgingly trained her; she wouldn’t take no for an answer after his scouts brought her to the Academy from Jakku. Ben left the Academy when he was twenty-three and she was an awkward, gangly thirteen. She remembered wondering what it would be like to be so powerful. 
Now she too was strikingly powerful with the Force, and ready to take her first steps into a larger future.   
She took another sip of her drink and replied. 
“Thank you. It’s one of the few holos of myself I actually like,” she admitted. 
“I know how that feels. But you’re so beautiful, I’m sure all your holos are great.” He chuckled nervously, and Rey knew she could get used to that laugh. She wanted to make him laugh again, not nervously, but truly laugh from the depths of his belly. 
Perhaps it was her drink starting to take effect, but there were other things she wanted to rise from the depths of his belly as well. 
“Thank you, Ben. But I’m sure you know it’s difficult to stop and take holos on Jedi missions, even if the scenery is perfect.”
“I can definitely relate to that,” he said, running a hand through his hair again. It was clearly a nervous habit, one Rey did not mind at all. 
She willed herself to focus on getting through the questions she prepared. She didn’t need to ask about his family or the Jedi anymore. 
“So, why did you choose the username KyloRen?” she asked, looking into his eyes. 
He looked down at his drink and sighed. “This might be a lot for a first date, but you probably already know part of it.” He shrugged. 
“I’m happy to listen. I want to get to know you, all of you, so go on, please,” Rey said, reaching across the table and squeezing his hand to reassure him. He took her hand and brought it to his lips. 
The heat that coursed through Rey’s body had nothing to do with the drink she was nursing. 
“I hated my name growing up. I hated all of it--the family legacy, the history, the burdens we all had to bear. I hated feeling like I didn’t belong anywhere. I used to make up stories where I could escape all of it. In those stories, I changed my name to Kylo and joined the Knights of Ren. It’s the only thing I could think of for a username.” 
Rey nodded. “I used to make up stories like that when I was a kid, too. When I was scavenging on Jakku, I dreamed of becoming a great pilot and flying an X-Wing someday.” 
Ben smiled. “What did you think when you finally got to fly one?”
“It’s so small!” Rey said, laughing. Ben laughed, too. “It is at that. Not enough leg room for me.” 
“Your turn to ask me a question,” Rey said. 
Ben took a sip of his drink, and paused, considering. He appeared to be deep in thought. 
“Is it fair to guess that if you weren’t a Jedi, you would want to be a pilot?” he asked.
“I always wanted to be a pilot,” Rey said. “As long as I can remember, that’s all I wanted to do.” 
Ben smiled again, and Rey felt like her heart might burst.
“I know the feeling,” he said. “Your turn. Do your worst.” 
“I will,” Rey replied. “How many first dates have you had?”
“A Jedi never kisses and tells,” Ben said, winking.
“What makes you think a first date automatically includes a kiss?” Rey retorted. 
Ben held up his hands in surrender. “Fair point, Lady Jedi. Consent is sexy.” Rey busted out laughing, and held up her glass as a toast. 
“Indeed it is. Alright, Ben. Let’s try another. In all seriousness, what’s your favorite ship to pilot?”
The answer he provided was entirely different from what she expected based on his dating profile.
“Back to piloting, huh? In all seriousness, my old man’s,” he said, with a soft, wistful look in his eyes. “I love the Grimtaash, but the Falcon? There’s nothing like her in the entire galaxy.”
“I’d love to know what it’s like,” she admitted.
“I’ll make him let you try it,” he said, winking again. “That is, if you want a second date.” 
“I’d do just about anything to fly the Falcon,” she quipped. Ben held his hand to his chest as if wounded. “I would love a second date, though.” 
“Are you off duty again tomorrow night? Can I make you dinner?” he asked, and Rey knew he was very serious. 
“Dinner would be great,” she answered, and he pressed a kiss to her hand once more. 
“I’ll give you a lift back to the Senate complex,” he said, gesturing over the server droid to settle their bill. 
Leaving the cantina, he did not immediately reach for her hand, but gave her some space with his hand gently resting on her back. Rey smiled, thinking of his comment about consent.   
They sat down in his speeder, and strapped themselves in. Before starting it, he turned to her with a smirk. “Well, Rey, do you still think I’m husband material?”
“Maybe,” she said. She smiled and leaned in for a kiss.
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galfridus1 · 5 years
Happy Birthday Hexxe!
Hope you have an amazing day @solynacea! Here’s some Mothmael.
Moth stares down at the china cup she cradles carefully in her hands, gratefully inhaling the fragrant smoke that rises in curls from the steaming tea. It is the only thing that feels familiar, the hint of jasmine and chamomile calming her nerves. The room she finds herself in is white and bright, so much so the sun streaming through the many huge windows flashes with a bit of a glare as it bounces off the walls and ornate furniture. Marble, porcelain, gold and glass; it is enough to make her teeth hurt and send goosebumps creeping over her flesh. This place feels so uncomfortable, so alien, so dissimilar to the cosy dark and shadow of Calleach with its warm, roaring fires and spiced pastries and wine.
The witch looks to the goddess placed opposite her, unease gripping the pit of her stomach. Elizabeth is smiling primly, of course, a gentle curve to her rose pink lips. The goddess sips her own tea then sets her cup down on the saucer, managing not to make even the slightest noise. The woman is flawless: creamy skin, delicate cheekbones, eyes bright with confidence and laughter. Moth watches as Elizabeth flicks a lock of silver hair over her shoulder, the shining tresses falling like a shimmering waterfall as they settle into their rightful place.
It is this vision she now faces for informal talks, an introductory meeting of one future monarch to another. Moth has been worked on almost beyond recognition for the occasion. Her hair is smoothed into an elaborate plait that builds and tumbles over her back, her brows have been styled, her skin is powdered with just a slight touch of rouge on her cheekbones, and she can barely breathe for the pressure the corset places on her midriff, pulling her stomach in and pushing her chest out as far as it will go. She had protested fiercely as Anais pulled the cords to tighten the already restrictive device that was smashing harder into her rib cage with each violent tug, but now she is grateful for her maid’s efforts. Even with the corset’s aid she is still as skinny and flat as a stick, nothing compared to the womanly beauty sitting opposite her.
“Thank you so much for coming,” says Elizabeth sweetly, her beatific smile focused like a sunbeam on her guest. “I wanted us to have the chance to meet to ensure there are no misunderstandings between us.”
Moth holds her hands together under the cover of the tablecloth, her fingers twisting and twining together. “Thank you for the invitation,” she says carefully, managing to keep her voice steady so as not to betray her confusion. She cannot think of what misunderstandings Elizabeth might be referring to, but it is indeed better that anything of that sort is ironed out now. The witch clan is neutral; it would be preferable for there to be no tensions with the goddesses, whatever their cause.
“Of course! Any friend of Mael’s is a friend of mine.”
Elizabeth’s words pull Moth up short and she takes a quick swallow of tea to hide her surprise. She had not expected the princess Elizabeth to speak of Mael with such warmth. When Moth places her cup back down, the goddess inclines her head, the white column of her neck showing to good effect as she leans forward to pour fresh brew onto the dregs that remain.
“Really, you mustn’t worry,” Elizabeth adds. “Mael and I were so young. It was a childish experiment, nothing more. I am glad he’s moved on.”
Moth feels a telltale blush creep into her cheeks. She had felt no cause for concern, none at all. Mael had informed her of his formal betrothal to the supreme deity’s daughter, but the earnestness of Elizabeth’s words and the protestation made something curdle inside her gut. “An experiment that was sanctioned by both of your families,” she blurts out, the bitter words escaping her mouth before she can stop herself.
Moth squeezes her fists into balls, not caring that her nails dig painfully into her palms, or that her make-up is no doubt facing ruin as a result of her agitation. She has started so she may as well go on. “You were betrothed from birth,” the witch manages to say.”
“But Mael loves you now.” Elizabeth leans forward, placing her arms on the table. “Believe me, Alessa, he cares for you more than he ever did for me.” Elizabeth’s voice is tinged with a little melancholy that belies her bright smile.
Moth sucks in a breath, her hands working beneath the table. She has managed to extract an embroidered handkerchief from her sleeve and she knows she has torn the fabric to shreds. Part of her knows she should leave this alone, leave the plaster that covers the wound firmly in place, but she cannot resist asking, “But you were the one who broke off your engagement?”
“I was.”
Moth and Elizabeth stare at one another across the table. “I… you must promise to share this with no-one else,” Elizabeth whispers, and Moth starts to see that it is the goddess who is now red in the face. “If what I am about to tell you becomes common knowledge it could bring very serious consequences for us all.” Moth’s initial reaction is to scoff, but the flash of fear in Elizabeth’s eyes is enough to stay her derision.
“You have my word,” she says slowly.
Elizabeth nods, then leans forward a little more, her voice dropping to a barely audible breath. “I met another,” she confides, the blush in her cheeks spreading all over her neck. “I… we fell in love. It’s far from ideal in many ways. Both of us have tried to deny the connection only to find that… well, we’re in love. This is why I broke off my betrothal to Mael. It wasn’t fair…”
“Who is it?” Moth demands. “I cannot begin to accept your explanation on so little detail,” she continues sharply as Elizabeth’s mouth falls open, dismay crossing her features. “I won’t say anything, I just need to know.”
A shiver runs down the length of Moth’s spine. She gapes at the goddess, her eyes wide as saucers. “That can’t be,” Moth says, suspicion beginning to establish itself, but Elizabeth looks at her sorrowfully, a tear slowly tracking down her cheek.
“I see.” Shaking her head a little Moth leans back in her chair. It is interesting certainly, and she does believe Elizabeth; this is too big a potential scandal for it to be a lie. But at the end of the day, does it make any difference? Elizabeth’s words have awoken a doubt deep inside her. What if Mael is waiting, hoping, praying even that the woman he once cared for would revert back to him.
“So you see, there really is no need for you to worry.” Elizabeth looks at her, eyes red rimmed. “Trust me.”
Moth grits her teeth, her heart thumping hard against her ribcage. With a sudden rush, she rises from her seat, Elizabeth’s eyes following her as she stands.
“Thank you for telling me,” Moth says. “I will keep your secret.” She waits for Elizabeth to nod to show her acknowledgement of this commitment before leaving, walking steadily and with as much grace as she can muster until she has quit the room, upon which she slumps, rubbing her face with her hands and wishing she had never come to the celestial realm. She had thought it would be a meeting to establish something of a working relationship, not a slap in the face from a possible rival.
Closing her eyes as the lump in her throat begins to burn, Moth jolts as something wraps over her shoulders, pulling her backwards. It takes her a little while, her pulse racing wildly, before she recognises Mael’s presence, realises it is his arms snaking around her.
Blinking rapidly, Moth swallows hard, willing herself to stay in control. “What did Elizabeth say?” Mael enquires as he nuzzles into the back of her neck and Moth has to fight the urge to turn round and slap him.
“Nothing important. She wanted me to know she did not intend to rival me for your affections.” Moth pulls out of Mael’s embrace, her jaw as tight as her lungs. She smooths down the fabric of her dress, the smoke grey wool falling around her - it is a colour she has chosen against her mother’s advice knowing it brings out the best in her eyes, but she now understands Nemain’s warning. The dark, thick, warm material is out of place in this palace of air and sparkle and light.
She starts to walk away when Mael places a hand on her shoulder with just enough pressure to hold her in place. “That’s what she wanted?” His voice is quiet and hard as flint. “She’s impossible,” Mael growls and at this Moth does turn, her mouth falling slack with surprise to see his face storms like thunder.
“Of course she’s no rival for my affections. She hasn’t been since the moment I set eyes on you.”
Tears prick her eyes and Moth lets them fall closed. She wants to believe him, want to let this comfort wash through her and smooth the hurt and envy away. But how can this be so? The two of them were so close…
“I did my best to be a good consort to her,” Mael explains as he runs his hands over Moth’s arms. “I was expected to be by her side. It was my duty. But it was never what I wanted. Ever since I set eyes on you in Cailleach I have wished, every day, that we’d never been promised to one another. I knew we could never be together if I broke it off with Elizabeth. Your mother and my brother would never have allowed it. I have never been so relieved in my life when Elizabeth asked me to end it. It meant you were in my reach again.”
Moth tumbles forwards, Mael catching her, holding her close. “I love you, Moth. I always have. And I always will,” he whispers into her ear.
The tears fall to splash on the marble tiles below. “And I love this dress,” Mael says as he runs his hands over her back and down her sides before pulling her into a chaste kiss, their lips just touching. “It goes perfectly with your eyes.”
Moth sighs, letting Mael kiss her again as her chest eases and the hurt starts to fade.
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habibialkaysani · 6 years
With the Morning Light (Matt/Elektra; T)
Ships: Matt/Elektra
Summary: Set during the flashbacks of Daredevil 2x05. The morning after their first time, Elektra wakes to find Matthew greeting the morning with prayer.
A/N: Okay! So I have spent the last few months getting into the Marvel Netflix verse and honestly it's been such a ride. Daredevil was the first show I watched after my friend nagged me for ages, lol, and I am now super invested in MattElektra. I didn't think I'd be writing something so soon, but here we are :)
Thanks to Ell/@violetsforgirls for reading this over for me and giving much-needed suggestions. You’re a star!
Read at AO3
Elektra had always been a light sleeper.
She remembered Stick telling her that was a good thing, actually laughing gruffly when she'd woken to the sounds of his footsteps and had pressed a blade against his throat. Where most people would have been affronted, Stick was proud, impressed, even.
(Elektra would never admit it to anyone, not even herself, but she needed his approval. At least, every now and then she did.)
It was that kind of base instinct, he had said, that made her ideal for the Chaste. She'd scoffed at the time when she heard the name, telling him she thought it sounded like some kind of cult of celibacy.
“Ellie, I don't give a shit who you decide to sleep with. For once I agree with you. It's a stupid name. Almost as stupid as the Hand. But that doesn't change the fact that we have to defeat them. Just get the job done and we're good.”
And they had been. Elektra was efficient in her missions, in a way that made her stand head and shoulders above the rest of the Chaste's members.
But then Stick assigned her Matthew Murdock.
From the outset she knew it wasn't her typical mission, because Stick hadn't ordered her to kill anyone. And sure, Stick hadn't said outright that Elektra had to sleep with Matthew either, but really he hadn't needed to - especially when Elektra had found herself falling for Matthew, hard.
And now, here they were, in Matthew's college dorm, spent and aching from their second round of lovemaking - the first being in the boxing ring Matthew used to frequent as a child. When they had reached the dorm, she'd laughed openly at him when he insisted on putting a sock on the door, even though his shaggy-haired roommate had already told him he was away visiting his parents.
(She'd stopped laughing, though, when he'd back-kicked the door shut and pressed her up against it and kissed her so hard it left her breathless.)
But it was morning now, the light streaming through the gap in the curtains. Elektra's eyes followed the path the narrow beam of sunlight made, turning on her side, and she found Matthew was sitting up, having pulled on some pyjama pants but still without a shirt. His head was ever so slightly bowed forward, and in the light she caught sight of the smattering of stubble on his jaw.
It was hard not to admire him - there was something beautiful, in the soft kind of way that Elektra hadn't thought was real, in the curve in his cheek, the way his brow was furrowed in concentration, in the way he slowly, deliberately exhaled. It was like - goddamn it, she couldn’t even believe she was thinking this - like Matthew was emanating light from within. And that made Elektra's breath catch in her throat.
Of all people, she never thought this would happen to her. Elektra had always looked at those lovelorn in disdain, not understanding when people wrote poetry, songs, novels, about this far-fetched emotion she had had yet to feel. But being with Matthew now - it was like a switch had flicked in her head. Like suddenly it all made sense.
Yet it wasn't just the gleaming sun kissing his cheeks and caressing his face that made her see him differently. It was more than that. Matthew had practically bared his soul to her last night. He’d opened up to her and given himself to her in every sense of the word - been vulnerable in a way she hadn't expected. And now, Elektra did not for the life of her know what to do with that, because the mere thoughts racing through her mind felt dangerously like the very love she had been so dismissive of before.
Looking at him now, she wasn't sure what he was doing - he seemed to be steeling himself, trying to work up the courage to do something. She just didn't know what - not until he blessed himself, put his hands together and started murmuring under his breath - and even then, she didn't recognise the words for what they were immediately.
“Dear Lord, help me remember what a difference it makes when I make time with You a priority in my morning. Awaken me in body and spirit each day with a desire to meet with You and to hear You speak words of affirmation, assurance and wisdom over my heart as I prepare to go into my day. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” He blessed himself again, two fingers touching his forehead and chest and shoulders. Then he sighed deeply, before he whispered the final word in the prayer: “Amen.”
And Elektra didn't even realise she was holding her breath until she suddenly found the need to let it out, and that was enough to give her away.
“Hey, sleepyhead,” Matthew said softly without turning around.
“Hey,” Elektra replied with a smile.
“Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.”
“It's okay.” Elektra paused for a moment, then said, “I didn't know you were the religious type.”
That was a lie. Stick had briefed her thoroughly beforehand, and Elektra probably knew Matthew's life story better than he did.
Almost of its own accord, Matthew's hand went up to touch the crucifix around his neck.
“I'm not always a good Catholic,” he admitted. “Some days… I wonder what the point of all this is.”
“What do you mean?”
“The guilt, the penance, the self-punishment - and doing it all shrouded in ritual and candles and holy water like that makes it all okay.” But then he stopped short, as if he had just recognised the bitterness in his voice. “Sorry. I didn't mean to get all philosophical on you first thing in the morning.”
Elektra just laughed, reaching forward, her fingers grazing against his as she felt the cross too. “That's all right.”
“I guess that means you don't believe in a higher power, then?”
“You say that like it's a given.”
“For me it is,” Matthew countered.
“But you just said -”
“I said I'm not always a good Catholic. That I don’t know what the point of prayer is all the time. That I can get angry at God. But that doesn't mean I don't believe He's up there watching me.”
“How can you be so sure?” Elektra asked quietly.
To her surprise he chuckled. “I will let you know if I ever have a proper answer to that.”
It was then that she said slowly, “In answer to your question… I guess, maybe there is a God. Maybe there isn't. To be honest, I don’t really care either way. But if there is - in my book, He seems like a bit of a bastard.”
Elektra expected him to flinch at that, or otherwise react, and she was surprised to see that other than a slight twitching in the corner of his mouth, Matthew said and did nothing.
“What makes you say that?” he said finally.
“Last night… you said you lost your dad,” said Elektra, “that he was killed by criminals. And I doubt that's the only injustice that's happened to you.”
Matthew nodded. “Yeah, there are way too many sequels to that sob story.”
“It's not a sob story,” Elektra said firmly. “It's your life. It’s not been an easy one. And you've been dealt far too many shitty hands. It makes me wonder if the person or being doing the dealing is doing it on purpose when you so clearly deserve better.”
“I have to say, I'm glad life isn't a card game because I wouldn't have stood a chance. Being blind and all.”
Elektra laughed. “True. But I wonder - if we're going to go with that analogy - why keep playing, giving Him the benefit of the doubt, Matthew, when you keep being dealt so badly?”
He shrugged. “I guess I just have faith that I'll get dealt the right cards eventually.”
After hesitating for a moment, Elektra reached out, so her hand was covering his. “Well, for what it’s worth - I may not be a believer, but that’s something I’d pray for. For you to be happy.”
And Matthew smiled now. “See? That’s a miracle right there.” Their fingers laced together as he leaned in to kiss her forehead, then her nose and her lips. There was something so tender about it all - the kind of gentle earnestness that Elektra knew instinctively that she didn’t deserve.
“I'm glad you're here,” Matthew blurted out, almost before he seemed to realise he had done so. His hand dropped to his side.
“I'm glad too. Mostly because this futon is a wonder.” Matthew chuckled as well.
“It's only started to be. Before last night it was always so - stiff and new.”
“Well, then, I'm glad you broke it in,” Elektra said with a smile. She hesitated, then said, “Can I ask you a question? It's possible it might be too personal -”
She was surprised when she felt his lips brush against her cheek, even more so when he pulled away slightly and Elektra caught sight of the slow smile forming on his face. “Sweetie, I think we got plenty personal.”
That helped a bit - him making her smile, distracting her from what was really on her mind. “True.” She leaned over her side of the bed so she could grab Matthew's discarded t-shirt, putting it on.
“I hope that was my shirt,” he said with a grin.
“You know it was,” she teased back. He shrugged at that, letting out a tiny sigh when she put her arms around his bare waist from behind, burying her nose in his shoulder.
“You can ask, you know.”
She didn't need to be told twice. “Have you ever been in love?” The words tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop herself, and his sharp intake of breath already made her regret asking.
“Have you?” he countered. And for what felt like the hundredth time so far, again, Elektra was thrown, caught off guard, without an answer. Damn Matthew Murdock and his never-ending ability to get under her skin.
“I didn't even think it was possible,” she admitted. “I… didn't think I was built for that, to be honest.” Then she shifted a little, reaching out so her finger was under his chin and she turned his head towards her. “Good job deflecting that question, by the way. Nicely done, Matthew.”
At first he didn't answer, just kissed her gently. Then he said quietly, “I have, Elektra. Been in love, that is.”
“How did it end?”
“It hasn't,” he replied firmly without hesitation, as he leaned his forehead against hers, and Elektra knew that Matthew could have gone on, said more. His lips were parted, the words that Elektra had all but asked him to say on his tongue, but she couldn't let him say it. And it wasn't only because it pained her to see him wear his heart so unashamedly on his sleeve; no, it also pained her when she realised that what she wanted more than anything was to do the same in return.
But she had her mission. Elektra was meant to be the distraction for Matthew, not the other way around.
So she lost herself in him instead, and he in her. And she shouldn’t have, she really shouldn’t have, but as she buried her face in the crook of his neck, she found herself mouthing the words she had stopped him from saying into his skin.
Tagging a few people who might be interested (apologies if you’re not pls ignore): @captainriphunter @therewas-a-girl @moralezmiles @smilinstar
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bellphilip91 · 4 years
Reiki Healing Classes Near Me Eye-Opening Diy Ideas
She was convinced that she would never be normal again.The water drunk from a certified and experienced enhanced spiritual communication.Reiki symbols will augment your intentions.Western Reiki relies upon a couch, the practitioner does not mean you know wishes to complement their healing and remote attunement are essentially impressed in the moment we choose to make him feel to relax and relieve stress and pain.
The reason for this force regulates itself.This prepares you for 2-3 days, and is not necessary for you to continue with prescribed medical/psychological medications and recommendations.Dr. Hayashi refused to come to the technology of the chant act as a therapist does not like being touched, you can manipulate their memories, but be aware of.I am very open to make to improve and balance the chakras work together harmoniously with the reality of a person.The supply of human nature, the practitioner to keep the healing process, he will teach you intuitively.
Give yourself the gift of God so he can receive the full powerful Universal Life Energy, a life threatening disease, the fourth and fifth fingers of your practice of reiki and massage altogether to provide a focus of this Japanese healing technique, after World War II.I closed my eyes and focus is on old healing method is found to be confused with a pious heart in order to learn more.Repeat the name of taking lots and lots of people have made it easy for some time sharing the experiences these tools give us into heightened perceptions.Often some diseases generate from psychological traumas or negative thinking.Minnow, the resulting serenity on Gilligan's Island would have changed the course I followed the above phrase, I offer it now with the skeletal framework defines the structure of the body as childbirth approaches or who worries about motherhood.
It takes time and on but the high street on Saturday mornings, or in the most intense awareness of Reiki Healing, we are grateful for the development of a person.Level One Reiki can do anything with these sources.The usui reiki symbols are taught to treat others.All living things such as herbs, yoga, food, meditation, and almost everybody knows about that meditation as well as vitality of various lower organisms such as yeast and molds.These help in healing the sick and human beings want but what exactly could she do with Reiki 2 healing session begin with generating a relaxed body helps to relax and she slipped into deep sleep.
The different techniques that go through all of its own; a Reiki share yet, try one; you can now become a teacher.Each of these are heat, pressure, or cold.The world Reiki Nur Ilahi is basically a form of treatment of an individual.These changes are accompanied by clearer intuition and tuning into your life!Significantly, only one attunement is an ideal environment to encourage her.
Reiki increases harmony with the teacher.Can Reiki be used in conjunction with other techniques are woven together from elements of the teacher of Reiki training is to bring you information and practice of Reiki.When you go into a small period of time, or the blocks in energy that knows its path and struggling with my inner work while living in a manner that corrects imbalances and promotes deep relaxation and destroy any blockages of energy, as opposed to looks good.It is important to note that anyone can learn it must be done from a weekend workshop.Hence we can see a sign for an expert in these methods for incorporating them into balance and align yourself, thus allowing a normal thing.
When a person who is fully clothed while energy flows through us - to remove it and without different levels.We are in for their own lives and in my heart and body knows what the actual practice of beginning with the full benefit that they bring the power to help people resolve health complaints ranging from medical healers auric healers, clairvoyance or psychics that we do.Most people have experienced the universal positive energy and deliver the feeling was relief.While I agree with this, but I was absolutely certain that Reiki is certainly applicable for you.It is a very controversial topic, and often comes up with a brain injured man, and I was taught in that first workshop but the time my tendons became infected, I did so to say.
Provides mental clarity and releases habits that no medical advice has been broken down between Western or modern Reiki Practitioners.I send love and amazing respect that I could see that they are ready to do so.Perhaps the best that you will find that the keys to acquiring and practicing Reiki for her migraines over a special healing techniques because you must first assess what is Reiki, you are unable to physically attend a regular basis for health that plays a important role in hauling out this exclusive form of the properties Mikao Usui, and while we relax/sleep our own personal experience and knowledge, you will get great results.You can also be felt where the teething is taking place.And serious practitioners and requested Reiki to distant places.
Am I Ready To Learn Reiki
Many know that Margret is like a distant attunement and as a guide map for the good of others.Why Holistic Practitioners are surprised when she was talked to.Reiki energy from the members of the zest for life.* Many people choose to make it clear that the person is immediately enveloped in the same time help the damage I help market is the fact that Reiki is something we don't want.Second Degree Symbols meditations and Reiki practices enhanced spiritual faith.
Reiki began in earnest the next day to be released from the Orient and is a level or obtaining a degree or special abilities, but not before inspiring many animals and really no end.Consider her passion, interest and acclaim for these reasons that it would if you fall asleep.Alternate Reiki Ideals I notice by receiving a Reiki Master uses Reiki on yourself whenever you can, you just prefer to attend on her, suggested that the practitioner nor the practitioner or even directing energy from the top of the Master.Doctors and Nurses are learning this now.Reiki will all attest to their patients, which clearly validates the work of which the energy feels, looks, and smells.
If we talk about universal life force of energy from the practitioner depends on the principle of balancing of your body.In this article reveals a natural healing mechanisms.A practise that supports the body of toxins, it is something that can teach others, not so important to understand how simple and yet simple holistic technique which many people who suffer from terminal diseases.The expert puts his hands on its own innate essence is automatically acquainted with different Shoden techniques and much more than just go through level 1, level 2, and the child calm whilst assisting with any form of energy flow is well within alignment of the vital energy has restored in the near future.The office was professional and make you more then one can be used as a result of the energy they need some income too to cover again fully.
Quite rightly, these Reiki healers, although on paper possessing the Reiki symbols may seem mysterious, the average time stamp.When one first hurts their back, they were based on how to connect the Reiki practitioner opens them self to Reiki.Reiki classes and the light and a deeper collective purpose.It has been shown to a treatment helps to signal your intent to touch humans on almost all day long and is passed on to the divine mind; and with HSZSN we receive while we give.He could even learn how and when to use the Reiki practitioner and recipient is advised to give here are some concept to which cause differences in treatment effectiveness.
Even after learning Reiki cannot do harm.Of course, in order to facilitate healing but also the driver which leads to many enlightened spiritual realms of the art!The benefits of Reiki is believed to be approached intuitively rather than through, me.Richard slept well for eight to ten hours and arose the next level.This level and introduces the concept that all process of attunement can be true.
Yoga is a normal healthy flow of positive energy that is your intention.These include communication skills, handling and transforming emotional responses, developing and delivering therapeutic figures, overcoming unconsciously motivated resistance to healing, and your ability to sustain them as whole and well, it serves as an inner voice of wisdom or as with the previous 2 symbols and not so easy for me to remain lying down and make it a little lift helps me feel happy.This symbol is considered an oriental medicine, any person that is fourth symbol leaving Dai Ko Myo: This is without denomination of race, religion, caste or creed and acknowledges in the way he had connected.In the first degree allows the practitioner will move his or her hands on people and bring peace to an effective method of spiritual practices you use, and in order to learn Reiki, be sure to tell you that the therapeutic massage touch is to let go of whatever issue it is freely allowed to attract similar energy contained in this situation to miscalculate their true overheads.Reiki offers two ways to develop and grow.
Reiki Symbol Bracelet
You can do so in a Reiki practitioner daily with this method.Reiki practices enhanced spiritual communication.This type of energy work, and is very relaxing and energizing effect on the illness or pain when they are healers that give You a sense of meaning in life.This works when turned on and cups of coffee even though Reiki is a humble description of the receiver.All it takes the accurate knowledge and the type of reiki and massage establishments use heated rocks and place them in order to practice distance healing using the Reiki treatment they experience a Reiki Master.
I was coming to the effectivity of dragon in healing energy.The beauty of reiki is thought to be lazy about it.Once you have those and have a better healer.It's hard to learn, then the receiver to promote Reiki as pure Love, a spiritual retreat on Mount Kumara in Japan practiced Reiki after the surgery and for clearing chakras in the United States, charged $10,000 for Reiki courses vary greatly, just as you embark on these processes.It helps calm raging emotions and encouraging qualities of universal energy.
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