#like. mo is a self insert very clearly. she says this. mo is also afraid of using the bathroom with a trans woman
butchmartyr · 6 months
give proof of bechdel defending michfest after the publication of the script she made criticizing it
on the DTWOF blog she openly praises michfest with a friend for its anti “male socialization” policy, and this is in 2017. she’s a cis white lesbian with the set of unprincipled gender politics and anxieties over trans women that you’d expect from a michfest centrist. you could’ve just googled this, so I want you to sit for a second with the defensiveness you’re feeling and why you’re so eager to silence talk of transmisogyny
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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(未定事件簿) EVENT!「致斯卡提的情诗」 [Tears of Themis] EVENT: A Love Poem to SKADI Translation (The Manor of Hermes: Mo Yi Route)
*Tears of Themis Masterlist / Mobile Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *The tracking tag for ALL Event Stories will go under: #Tears of an Event
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News Notebook:
MC: Dr. Mo, do you see that thing that's being sandwiched between two books?
Mo Yi: Well, I've already taken it down. It's a notebook, with lots of newspaper excerpts pasted inside it.
MC: Newspaper excerpts? What about?
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Mo Yi: They're all reports detailing about the treatment of mental illnesses, with no exception.
He instructed me to take note of the contents written within as he flipped through the notebook.
There was a string of numbers annotated above the newspaper snippet pasted on the last page of the notebook; "No. 0012".
Mo Yi: Additionally, there are also comments written beside each and every article here that says "tried", "not tried", "not effective", and so on.
MC: "Tried" and "not tried"...? Does this mean that someone was being treated with all the methods that had been in the news?
MC: Also, just who's collecting all this information?
Mo Yi: ……
He smiled, but never answered my question.
Mo Yi: Okay, let's not mull over such a complicated topic right now. I have something for you to see.
He gently took my hand, placing the thing he had been polishing off into my palm.
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MC: This is… A fragment of "Allie's Winter"!
Mo Yi: That's right. This one fell out of the notebook when I was retrieving it.
Mo Yi: I have to say, we're pretty… Lucky.
☆ Obtained: News Notebook! ☆ Obtained: Green Jewel Fragment!
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
[News Notebook Info]
A notebook filled with a large number of newspaper excerpts. A series of numbers is written on the last page, "No. 0012"; this set of numbers seem to have a special connection to the code case in the same room where this notebook was found. These snippets of news are mostly reporting about how mental illnesses were being treated through Electroconvulsive Therapy, and Hydrotherapy, etc. It's worth noting that there are also comments beside the reports; there was someone who was paying particular attention to the contents of the reports.
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Burnt Medical Equipment:
MC: These are all really badly damaged…
MC: Can you tell what they are, Dr. Mo?
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Mo Yi: ……
He remained silent for a while, for some unbeknownst reason.
MC: ???
Mo Yi: These are all… Mostly equipment that are used to treat mental illnesses, physically.
MC: Treating mental illnesses… Physically?
Mo Yi: That's right. If I'm not wrong, these destroyed equipment should be…
Mo Yi: An electrical shocking device to assist in the application of Electroconvulsive Therapy.
MC: Electroconvulsive Therapy!?
The words that he had just uttered gave me a fright.
Mo Yi: Yes. Various physical forms of therapy that are similar to Electroconvulsive Therapy have always been…
Mo Yi: The go-to of treating mental illnesses in the past, before the successful development of Chlorpromazine.
Mo Yi: And it looks like there was at least one such patient within the Manor.
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MC: Do you know the specific circumstances surrounding the person being treated here?
Mo Yi: I'm afraid we'll have to find other leads if I am to do that.
He scrutinized the things in front of him for a while.
Mo Yi: Wait… The green shards in this corner here look like… Jewel fragments?
MC: Fragments… From "Allie's Winter"!
☆ Obtained: Burnt Medical Equipment! ☆ Obtained: Green Jewel Fragment!
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
[Burnt Medical Equipment Info]
The Electric Shock Device used in Electroconvulsive Therapy has serious scorch marks on it. Before the successful development of Chlorpromazine, various types of physical therapy similar to Electroconvulsive Therapy were widely used in clinical treatments of mental illnesses. Perhaps, those methods may have saved a couple of lives, but the most unfortunate thing of it all, is that it has only made a greater number of people fall into the throes of another type of “despair”. 
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Surgical Instruction Manual:
Mo Yi stopped in front of the bookshelf.
MC: What's wrong, Dr. Mo? Did you find something?
Mo Yi: There are lots of instruction manuals on how to perform physical therapy on patients with mental illnesses on this shelf.
Mo Yi: Just like this book here…
He took the book down from the shelf, handing it to me.
Mo Yi: The method that's mainly explained in this book is Hydrotherapy.
Mo Yi: Its therapeutic effect is attained by letting the patient recline in the bathtub, and then subjecting them to the continued simulation of icy cold water and boiling hot water over and over again.
Mo Yi: In addition to that, there are also books here about torture, interrogation, and exorcism methods.
Mo Yi: They're all once-famous methods of physical therapy that were commonly used.
MC: But it's absolutely impossible to cure the patients using such methods, I'm sure…
Mo Yi: That's right. Not only will they not be cured, but some of their conditions might also be further aggravated in the process.
Mo Yi: However…
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Mo Yi: Needing to read an Instruction Manual of this calibre? Is the person living here really a doctor?
MC: ???
Mo Yi: It's nothing.
Mo Yi: Right, how about you look into the depths of the bookshelf? Is there still anything in there?
MC: Oh? There's something sparkling brightly in there… It kinda looks like…
I attempted to retrieve the shiny thing.
MC: A Jewel Fragment!
Mo Yi: Looks like it's just the thing we're looking for.
☆ Obtained: Surgical Instruction Manual! ☆ Obtained: Green Jewel Fragment!
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
[Surgical Instruction Manual Info]
A Surgical Instruction Manual found on a bookshelf. The contents of this book cover almost all of the more popular physical therapies used to treat mental illnesses back then, such as Hydrotherapy, Torture, Interrogation, Exorcism, etc. However, there are a lot of myths and exaggerated descriptions being written in it; clearly not a professional medical book, and obviously not for professional doctors to pursue.
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Special Surgical Equipment:
There were some oddly shaped tools inside the cabinet.
▷Choice: Open the cabinet's door
MC: What are these used for?
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Mo Yi: Don't touch those.
I attempted to get a closer look at them when he suddenly quipped.
MC: Dr. Mo!?
Mo Yi: I apologise for scaring you, but it's best if you don't touch those.
MC: Why? Is there something special about them?
Mo Yi: These tools are used for Lobotomies, and Ice-picking.
MC: ???
Mo Yi: Both of which are methods used to treat mental illnesses.
MC: But from the shape of these tools… Like this one, for example. It looks like an Awl; wouldn't it damage a person's brain?
Mo Yi: ……
He lapsed into a moment of silence.
Mo Yi: ...Lobotomy and Ice-pick Lobotomy; Ice-picking, in particular...
Mo Yi: They're both essentially methods to cut the very brain itself.
Mo Yi: Take Ice-picking for example. First, the patient will be paralyzed by an electric shock.
Mo Yi: Then, the doctor inserts a tool, shaped like an ice-pick, into the upper end of the patient's eyeball, through the orbit of the eye.
Mo Yi: After that, all the doctor needs to do is to continuously tap on the other end of the tool with a hammer, to cut off the cortex of the prefrontal lobe of the brain to achieve the desired effect.
MC: But this method will never…
Mo Yi: That's right. This form of treatment is basically self-mutilation.
Mo Yi: Many patients in the past suffered from severe post-op side effects and complications that arose, becoming what's essentially a "walking dead".
MC: So… You're saying that someone here, in this Mansion, has been, or was going to, be subjected to this sort of surgery?
Mo Yi: ...Yes.
MC: ……
For some reason, what he'd said made me feel deeply disturbed and upset.
Mo Yi: (Y/n), look deeper into the cabinet. Do you see anything else?
He pointed to something in the depths of the cabinet where a faintly discernible light flickered.
After that, following the light, he stretched out his hand.
Mo Yi: ...Looks like we're pretty lucky.
Mo Yi: It's a Jewel Fragment of "Allie's Winter".
MC: !!!
☆ Obtained: Special Surgical Equipment! ☆ Obtained: Green Jewel Fragment
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
[Special Surgical Equipment Info]
A special equipment used in extracting white matter.
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Allie's Medical Record Ⅰ:
Some documents were laid out on the desk.
Mo Yi frowned as he looked at them.
MC: What's wrong, Dr. Mo?
Mo Yi: Look at this.
MC: A Medical Record?
Mo Yi: That's right. The attending physician is Geraldi, and the patient is Allie Modro.
MC: Mr. Lasture's daughter? What illness was she down with?
Mo Yi: Based on her manifested symptoms, I'd say that some of them correspond with that of mania.
MC: Did Miss Allie get better?
Mo Yi: Not only did she fail to get better, based on this report, it seems like her condition only went downhill from that time onwards.
Mo Yi: Miss Allie was still able to maintain stability and retain her sanity for a short period of time throughout the day.
Mo Yi: In the end, she became unable to maintain her sanity, and could only be forcibly locked in the house.
MC: I see… That's such a pity… But back during the era when the Mansion was erected, illnesses like mania were…
MC: Practically incurable.
Mo Yi: While that may certainly be one of the main factors at play, I believe that Allie's attending physician also had a part in attributing to how she ended up in this state.
Mo Yi: This Geraldi person is not a doctor at all.
MC: How do you know that for sure, Dr. Mo?
Mo Yi: Although this medical record looks like something written by an actual doctor, the way the illness is described is confusing, and nowhere near accurate enough for it to matter.
Mo Yi: And on the topic of applied treatment methods, all he did was to declare that he'd tried several well-known physical therapy methods on Allie's person.
Mo Yi: This far-fetched approach only served to further aggravate her condition and tarnish her health.
Mo Yi: Perhaps it was because he approached the matter with the wrong method, because based on her early symptoms…
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Mo Yi: She'd never have fallen this far down, to completely lose her mind, if she had received proper treatment.
MC: So, in the end, Miss Allie…
Mo Yi: The last treatment record is missing. We'll have to look for other leads.
MC: Okay.
Mo Yi: Oh, yes. I found something else on the desk other than this Medical Record.
MC: What else did you find?
Mo Yi: The Jewel Fragment that we're searching for.
Mo Yi: Be sure to keep it tucked away safely.
☆ Obtained: Allie's Medical Record Ⅰ! ☆ Obtained: Green Jewel Fragment!
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
[Allie's Medical Record Ⅰ Info]
Allie Modro's Medical Record. Her attending physician is Geraldi, but the Medical Record isn't complete, for it is missing the report on her last treatment. From the contents of the Record, Allie Modro seems to be suffering from Mania; but as her treatment continued, get condition only continued to deteriorate, before she finally ended up completely losing her mind. Additionally, based on the content being written in the report along with the treatment methods that Allie's doctor used, there's a possibility that her doctor may have forged his identity.
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Allie's Medical Record Ⅱ:
MC: Dr. Mo, look at this, beneath the bed!
MC: Wouldn't you say that this is a Medical Record?
Mo Yi: It is; but it isn't complete. It's missing the contents that come before it.
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MC: What's written on this one though?
Mo Yi: "Patient Allie Modro's mental state has plunged into complete mania…"
Mo Yi: "...Lobotomy, or more conveniently, Ice-picking, is recommended."
Mo Yi: …...
MC: Dr. Mo…
Mo Yi: I'm fine. Let's see if there are any more leads lying around here.
MC: Yeah.
After that, Mo Yi and I thoroughly checked the objects and marks that were around the bed several times over; but unfortunately…
Other than the Green Jewel Fragment that we found in a corner…
We failed to find any other records detailing the treatment that Allie received.
☆ Obtained: Allie's Medical Record Ⅱ! ☆ Obtained: Green Jewel Fragment!
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[Allie's Medical Record Ⅱ Info]
Allie Modro’s Medical Record. The front part is missing; all that’s left is the last and final treatment that has been recorded. It is stated in the Record that Allie's doctor had suggested performing a Lobotomy or, more conveniently, Ice-picking, due to the fact that Allie had already fallen into a complete maniacal state.
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Treatment Case Records:
MC: (All the Jewel Fragments have been collected.)
MC: (The notch of the lock on this door resembles that of the sword segment on Allie's Winter…)
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MC: (I'll just have to piece the fragments I collected together and place them into it and see what happens…)
MC: (Johnny did say that the Jewels were able to open doors, after all.)
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MC: Dr. Mo? I found this in the cabinet.
I passed the few documents I had on hand to him, and he quickly flipped through them.
MC: How is it, Dr. Mo? Find anything?
Mo Yi: These documents are Treatment Case Reports. Most of the patients detailed in these suffer from mental illnesses.
Mo Yi: There was a doctor who performed Lobotomy, or Ice-picking on them, and then paid close attention to how they reacted to it post-op.
Mo Yi: They hoped to find out whether either of these two methods were effective through these.
MC: And how did these people fare after the operation…?
Mo Yi: Very badly. Most of them faced severe complications and post-op side effects.
☆⋅ Obtained: Treatment Case Records!
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
[Treatment Case Records Info]
A large amount of Treatment Records for patients stricken with mental illnesses. All of these patients either went through Lobotomy or Ice-picking, and the person who wrote these records had kept a close eye on how they reacted post-op. But what's unfortunate is that many of these patients faced severe complications and post-op side effects.
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Treatment Room's Code Case: Geraldi's Account Book
MC: It's open!
MC: Let's see what's inside…
MC: An Account Book!?
I scanned through the contents of the Ledger, shocked at what I was seeing.
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MC: What an astounding amount of money and artworks… Is the owner of this Account Book someone rich?
MC: (Let's see who wrote this Account Book…)
I flipped to the first page.
MC: "Geraldi…?"
☆ Obtained: Geraldi's Account Book!
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
[Geraldi's Account Book Info]
An old personal Account Book owned by Geraldi. According to it, Geraldi managed to attain a large amount of wealth, including gold and artworks, in a certain period. However, there is no record written in this Account Book as to where all this money came from, nor is there any pertaining to where it all went to in the end.
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅A Love Poem to SKADI⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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