#like. the INSANE double-standard w how people act about shuichi vs. characters whose interactions with their family are WAY less innocuous
bpd-shuichi-togo · 2 years
I was wondering why do you hate Hephaestus and Tsukuyomi? It's okay if you don't want to answer, I'm just a little curious.
i don't hate heifer!! for the most part i really like heifer! i really appreciate his deal esp in contrast to that weird shit they did with daisuke's social anxiety, where instead of being cutesy-fied almost to the point of fetishization, his Issues make him a weird surly cunt. it's feels like a much more realistic depiction of those sorts of Issues that he's just weird and uncomfortable and standoffish all the time, not to mention more palatable imo. he is like a breath of fresh air to me i LOOOVE when guys are just weird cunts.
the problem i have is with his interactions with the protag specifically. and i don't mean how in his debut he like... ties them to a chair in his basement and goes off, over their vocal objections, to kill off all of their loved ones/the entire population of tokyo, so that all that remains them and the robot copy he made of himself to keep them company (as COMICALLY BAD as all that sounds/actually was, he obviously wasn't in his right mind, it's not A Thing He Does, blah blah blah). i mean that he's a Grown Ass Man sincerely addressing a Teen-Aged Child as his Mother (not to even mention the... weird vibe of their direct interactions, what with the blushing). like. Stop. Stop Acting Like That. does not help that talos guilt-trips the protag when they object to some grown ass man deciding they're his mom.
but yeah, could do without that Mama shit, and i wish his interactions with the protag were just... COMPLETELY different, but i don't hate or even just dislike heph. tsukuyomi, on the other hand... yeah uhh he's going under the cut for uh, incest, as well as some lowkey harassment so tldr i think he's a creep
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it's not acknowledged in the narration, but whatever he said to him, judging from the sfx, tetsuya slaps him in between these panels. yeah uh this made my skin crawl... but aside from that tsukuyomi was consistently very cordial to everyone so i was like... trying to dismiss that as like another instance of housamo writing in some ooc weird creepy one-off shit for no reason as they are wont to do
and then
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like i'm sorry i can't get over that ! and since this was his debut, i can't separate it from my understanding of his character like i'm sorry but tsukuyomi's a creep forever in my brain. he didn't end up in the DIE tier by virtue of clearing the incredibly low bar of not being a creep towards children (or a rapist like hakumen, or a trafficker like daikoku, etc. etc.) but his interactions with tetsuya really skeeved me out and then in combination with THAT...
have i mentioned recently that i will literally never forgive how repugnant people act about shuichi and duo ? like when this game is increasingly disconcertingly indulgent in how it portrays incest and relishes in having actually predatory characters, but ppl hone in on the brown autistic people with the genuinely innocuous relationship to insinuate one's attachment to the other is predatory, esp when their relationship is SHOCKINGLY normal by the standards of this game bc the Entire Point of their conjoined deal is that they're motivated by Familial Love, like... some of y'all fr just hate autistic people & are predisposed to seeing brown people as predatory lol. but let me not get into that rn
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