c1tyhaunts · 6 months
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UNUSUAL HEADCANONS. @halfnvmb: #29, 34, 49 #29 - is there something they'd like to change about themselves physically?
Her hair; throughout Lilah's childhood & teen years, she destroyed her hair to fit an image that fits others expectations of her. Being one of the few black families in Potters Grove, there were very few people who knew how to take care of naturally curly/kinky hair. And so, she often flat-ironed and heat-treated her hair and practically killed the majority of it, with her curls not being as defined as they used to be. And although her hair was built to look like conventional straight/wavey hair, it never was her long term look.
Recently, Lilah has cut her hair into a short bob style that goes to her shoulders now. And she's in the process of healing her natural curls, so when she washes her hair, they look like this.
#34. Are they the jealous type? What are they most likely to be jealous of?
100% the jealous type; that's explored here in this meta, but when it comes to things that Lilah would be jealous of, it'd be the following:
1.) Someone's talent overshadowing her own 2.) Someone being unabashedly themselves without being judged 3.) Someone garnering attention for their talent over Lilah
I specify things that are not based on physical attributes - Lilah doesn't give a damn about getting attention just because she looks pretty. She cares more about the attention she receives from who she is & the art/writing she puts out. And her insecurities will cause her the lash out more than celebrate another person's win.
#49. Do they have a creative outlet? If so, what is it?
Writing, writing, writing; Lilah LOVES putting a pen to paper, she loves exploring new worlds and ideas through prose. If she's not reading in her free time, she's writing, which is why she wanted to make it both a career and her full time hobby. She works full time as a investigative journalist, putting out exposes & interview pieces for clients of interest, and additionally she publishes short stories on the side.
Lilah's favorite genres/story to write: realistic horror, drama, slice of life Lilah's writing style: Prose-heavy & allegory heavy; because of Lilah's love of old romanticism era books (Shelly, Bronte, Hawthorne) she often refers to their writing/stories in her own - connecting tragedies & relationship dynamics from those said novels.
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ofwrxth · 19 days
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"Ah, shit. Hey." Cody lets the door close when Lilah spots him. No. He hadn't been trying to avoid her when he saw that familiar blonde head walking into their label's office. He clears his throat, giving her security an amused look. "New body guard?" He quirks a brow at her before gesturing towards the hallway. "Rob call you in too?" Cody says of their manager, because I've decided they have the same manager but lmk if they don't lmao, raking a hand over short hair. Rob calling him in is one thing – he thought there'd be a reprimand for the pictures that were on TMZ last week. But Lilah there...well it makes him wary of whatever they're there for. @wilddwcrds
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onebigerror · 1 year
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@laebyrinths - because i had to!
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"oh golly, don't tell me someone let her near the food again." lilah pointed at misty. she didn't actually see her anywhere near the kettle on the stove but the former equipment manager just looked guilty and well, lilah was about as paranoid as they came these days. "i ain't eatin' it. i'm not makin' out with travis again because she done poisoned me! i swear i ain't!" this was the outburst liv would return to inside the cabin.
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pregnant-javert · 2 years
Hmmm. 001 Snowpiercer. 002 let's do Wilford/Javi for chaos. 003 Kevin.
Brace yourself bestie.
001 | Snowpiercer:
Favorite character: Wilford <3
Least Favorite character: LJ <3
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Melaudrey, Melanie/Ben, Wilford/Ben, Wilford/Javi, Alex/Carly
Character I find most attractive: Wilford
Character I would marry: Wilford
Character I would be best friends with: Ben
A random thought: I’ve been around here since 2020…it’s almost 2023…the passage of time…
An unpopular opinion: I don’t like Brakenight and I hope one of them dies next season.
My Canon OTP: Melanie/Ben
My Non-canon OTP: Wilford/Ben
Most Badass Character: Boki. Come on.
Most Epic Villain: LOL ok. Lilah was pretty cool. She had stuff going on.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Mel/Ruth, Brakenight
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Till, Audrey, Melanie-
Favourite Friendship: Melanie/Ruth…I LIKE these two. Just not romantically.
Character I most identify with: Javi, honestly.
Character I wish I could be: Melanie cuz then I’d have the run of the whole train lol.
002 | Wilford/Javi:
When I started shipping them: I thought it would be nice to put sweet little Javi with Nice!Wilford and I also wanted another man to preggify that was not Ben.
My thoughts: Literally way too enthusiastic Javi and indulgent Wilford. Love that!
What makes me happy about them: They’re very cute together <3
What makes me sad about them: They’re the only engineers on Big Alice <3
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Those bitches aren’t writing enough fics of them. (It’s me. I’m bitches.) 
Things I look for in fanfic: Lots of crying and comfort and general patheticness. Love that.
My wishlist: I mean they are never going to end up together but I hope they meet again in the show <3
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: LOL. Ben for Javi AND Wilford both <3
My happily ever after for them: Living in Big Alice with their baby <3
003 | Kevin
How I feel about this character: LOL he’s funny. Little scrappy gay man <3
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: I don’t ship him with anyone because I can’t think of any gay guys that are alive. So there’s that.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: I love how he and Ruth keep sniping at each other. Love that.
My unpopular opinion about this character: He should not have died when he did.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: It would have been funnier had he lived longer than he did. He was funny.
Favorite friendship for this character: He’s just so obsequious to Wilford :)
My crossover ship: I don’t do crossovers!
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c1tyhaunts · 6 months
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200 RANDOM DIALOG PROMPTS. @recitedemise: ❛ that is…illegal. you’re describing something illegal. ❜
"Is it illegal? Or is it illegal if I got caught doing it?"
Most people would describe trespassing very illegal, as well as staking out the house of one of the most influential political backers in the city quite illegal as well. But to Lilah, those were simply barriers of entry to the next story of the year. In her eyes, the big picture was all that mattered, and the path towards it? Inconsequential.
She hasn't divulged much about work to Gale recently, only out of pride of what she has done. The last few pieces she had written were simply fluff to fill out the paper; stories about new store openings, local kid saving cats, etc. Those weren't the hard hitters she desired out of her career; they weren't the extravagant stories that put people's names on TV or on government watchlists. If she were to share a story or plan to her partner, she wanted it to be as grand and exorbitant like her imagination. And now that her big break crept up to her beyond the horizon, all she could do was talk about the potential.
"Anyway, love - what I'm talking about right now is just a suggestion... maaaybe a plan in the making." Her body glides around the apartment living, one hand flamboyantly moving with her words while the other holds weeks worth of prior research into her new topic. Eyes shining with eagerness dedicates themselves to the pages likes scripture, speaking aloud her next piece and the steps she needs to take towards it. "For an expose like this to be successful, not only do I need the external research, you have to go internal too. Something physical or just visual alone - how do they live, sleep, eat? You gotta get into their head personally, and if it's not through an interview... you gotta get creative."
Lilah stops her pacing dead in front of the couch, spinning on her heels towards Gale and how he is the unfortunate subject to her mad rantings. She looks down to him, eyes still gleaming in excitement as she holds the notebook close to her chest. "Oh, you must see me like a mad woman right now... which I am, but I promise there's more to this! It's incredibly exciting, right?!"
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c1tyhaunts · 7 months
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A SNAPSHOT OF DAILY LIFE // Lilah Lyons & her favorite places ( @halfnvmb ) a well curated work space for writing and dreaming // books, coffee, and pastries: ingredients for a happy girl // vague posting over her bedroom // images of potters and the forests that calls to her.
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c1tyhaunts · 8 months
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"ALRIGHT MR. THOMPSON- I'll admit, you're the first in a string of interviews I'm running 'round here, so make sure to smile pretty for that camera right here, okay?"
Lilah's words follows button clicks as she sets up her old DSLR camera; red light blinking bright, angle level and even with @kxllerblond's shoulders from her end. Through the viewfinder, she can catch glimpses of gestures that look... normal. Like any other man whose priming themselves to be interviewed, ready to weave a smooth ballad of their greatness. This wouldn't phase her much if he didn't look so similar to an old obituary she stumbled over. He's a splitting image of a man who died of mysterious circumstances years ago... Curious.
But, can't let him know that's the true subject of their interaction. Her curiosity demanded answers, and her next book demanded a new subject. So, here Lilah Lyons was: posing as a bleeding heart advocate for small businesses. What a fraud.
" Now, here's how this is gonna go, Mr. Thompson: I got a few questions here on this trusty notebook of mine, and I'm going to ask a few things about your business, you, and why the community should support ya." Lilah smiles widely, stepping away from the camera and back into her own chair. She clicks her pen a couple of times before giving her full undivided attention. "We might even become friends by the end of it, wouldn't that be grand? Any questions for me before we get into it?"
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c1tyhaunts · 8 months
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BY LAW, LILAH LYONS & KIDS DON'T MIX; she was often criticized by her lack of 'maternal' tact when it came to the dreams and ambitions of the little girls & boys back home. And frankly, she preferred it that way, less she becomes the reason for a kid's future trauma just for existing.
But, she wasn't going to leave a kid to wander without their parent present, shown by how she was hand-in-hand with Violet approaching @lcngdays ( carmen ). Clearly, displeasure was written in the furrow of Lilah's brow, but the force affability she's known for tries to mask her own discomfort with the child.
"Excuse me, but this little... cherub says that you may be their guardian?" Lilah follows with a rather feigned smile, really urging the little kid to let go of her own hand and back to Carmen as quickly as possible. "He, like, sat with me for nearly an hour just watching me with those big ol' eyes as I was trying to write. It was kinda creepy..."
But, she wasn't going to dwell too much on the negative. Lilah tried to muster more of an authentic, happier demeanor as brought her hands to herself. "Anyway, he's safe and sound! He seems to know you, so... I hope all is well?"
Let's (not) Meet (x): KID, sender loses a child that they're caring for, only to end up finding them in receiver's company.
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c1tyhaunts · 8 months
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" HEY GIRLY POP, not be too intrusive but we gotta go. Like now. " Lilah proceeds to motion away the boys that seems to swarm the two of them. "Sorry guys, me and my girl here have essays to write, papers to turn in by midnight. See ya."
Lilah's quick to hook her arms around @bu11seye's, smile beaming as if she has seen a long-time friend in the making. Clearly, no one really had to go, but from the corner of the room Lilah can see the eyes of strangers trail Jessie like lions with a gazelle. Similar to how they were gawking at her. Both of them looked like fishes out of water, and for most college freshmen, that's the best way to describe the waves they were attempting to navigate.
Fish often swam in schools, so why not develop her own? Hopefully, the other could understand.
"I hate to be that person, there's just a lot of creeps at this party and I rather not have to deal with it." Lilah admits as she guides the other away from their old pool of unwanted fans. The open patio became their new salvation, and Lilah's quick to let the other go the moment they had room to breathe. "Anyway, sorry if you were into all of that, but I needed an escape route and you seemed very nice. Name's Lilah, by the by."
Let's (not) Meet (x): 🎉  to  talk  to  my  muse  at  a  party
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c1tyhaunts · 8 months
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FOR A MOMENT, THIS SCENE LOOKED LIKE SOMETHING OUT OF AN EARLY 2000's FAST & FURIOUS-ESQUE FILM — cop sirens blaring all directions, crowds of people rushing to the streets to see what's going on, and, occasionally, one of the criminals of the hours ( @clownfile ) staking themselves out at the small pharmacy as if no one else was inside. Unfortunately, her shift just started, and now she had to deal with this.
Briefly mulling it over, Avian thought it was a smart move. Customers don't typically come in on a Monday evening unless they were stragglers from last weekend's hedonism. And even then, those stragglers came out at the dead of night, not at the edge of dusk after a major robbery nearby. They definitely did not come in fully masked and dressed down in near combat armor, and when she's quick to notice the gun, Avian started to think fondly about the panic button beneath the front counter...
Which sat closer to the only exit that the stranger stood by. The backroom being a dead end and the chance of casually slipping by seems null, Avian thought of what she knew what to do best: bullshitting her way through.
"You know, I really, really do not get paid enough to deal with this." Avian sighs in displeasure, aloud to catch the attention of the new guest. Her expression stays true to her: dull, unimpressed, even standoffish for a moment. It helps to smother any anxiety that could stem from the situation, weary on how the stranger will react. "If you're going to be here, can you at least turn off the open sign so no customers walk in. I can just... mop or stock shelves or something..."
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