#lilly x alrick
the-sloth-woman · 11 months
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“A heart is a heavy burden”
School is keeping me ridiculously busy, but that isn’t going to keep me from the annual Halloween commission tradition!! This art is from the TALENTED @milkmateartist, thank you SO MUCH!!!
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thewhitelotusdemon · 5 years
Sacrificial Bride Interview
I got permission from @the-sloth-woman to do this but for our AU RP where her Oc Alrick and my OC Sayaka are together and her and her OC Lilly are friends.
Note: In our RP Alrick saved her from the Sakamaki's so right now she is not a sacrificial bride.
1- Is there anything that definitely bothers you no matter what?
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Sayaka: People bother to me no end. I don't like people at all.
2- What do you think of Lilly?
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Sayaka: I actually like Lilly. I haven't met another person who enjoys superhero movies as much as I do and it's nice to be able to do a "girls night" and watch Marvel and DC movies together. Even though she's not human I adore her and treasure our friendship. [All being said in a monotone voice but she does adore Lilly!!]
3- Where does it hurt the most when they bite you?
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Sayaka: Even though I have a high pain tolerance it did hurt a bit when Alrick bit my collarbone and bit very close to my bone. This was not during punishment this was during- Actually I'm not going to say but he has accidentally gotten rough when it comes to biting.
4- Would you like to become a vampire?  
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Sayaka: I actually haven't given it much thought to be completely honest with you. But I might consider it as I would be able to live for eternity with Alrick and Lilly. I'd also be able to kill my father pretty easily by just snapping his neck like I was snapping my fingers so that would be another perk.
5- Kanato has a doll room, what do you think of them after knowing they used to be sacrificial brides?
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Sayaka: Sadly I've been in this room once and it creeped me out. Creeped me out more when I found out they were all alive before and that these sick fucks killed them and that purple demon spawn made them into wax dolls. Honestly I didn't put it past him to have a room like that or put it past the Sakamaki's to kill off brides one by one.
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adiabolikpastel · 5 years
Losing You
Rating: PG-13 - minor sex scene & male x male
Word Count: 4461
Original Character(s): Skye Oakly & Alrick Rosenfeld 
ღ This is the first written commission I have ever gotten! Thank you to @the-sloth-woman for writing our boys together! The art for both characters was done by @minoux-draws​
An AU piece where demons have taken over, however cannot breed normal. They must use the human’s to secure linage for the future. The Rosenfeld clan captures a human girl to marry off to the head of the family, young Alrick. 
Reluctantly, the snake demon prepares for his wedding. There is just one last thing he must do. A young siren who had been his lover for quite some time. Will the two be able to maintain a connection after the big news?ღ
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Alrick closed the door to the penthouse with a resolute click. Anger radiated off him in waves, and it took every inch of his self-control not to rip the door off its fucking hinges. 
Why was she so goddamn frustrating!? Surely she could see that he didn’t want to be mated to her either. There were hundreds of demons who he would have been better suited with. Men and women who were thousands of times less infuriating as one stupid human girl. He would have done better to trade her off to the brothel owners. At least there she would find something to do with her stupid mouth. 
He shook his head and took a deep breath through his nose. He couldn’t think about Lilly right now, not when he had so much on his plate. There was the ceremony to arrange on top of his normal workload. And that was an enormous task altogether. Was he supposed to just appear in traditional ceremonial dress with no forethought? Please. He didn’t have time to waste fighting with humans. 
The first and most pressing matter was, unfortunately, going to be the most difficult. Alrick was an extremely popular demon lord, and living alone for so long had left him a string of paramours. There were many that he did not care about, women who were little more than one-night stands and whose memories were clouded through fogs of wine. There were demons with whom he had more established relationships with, but they would understand his predicament. They would understand how his honor demanded that he put aside his own needs for the future of his people. And even then it had been weeks since he had seen anyone who particularly struck his interest. 
But there was one person who he was dreading bringing the news to. He had been seeing Skye on and off for months, and while they had an extraordinary physical relationship, they had managed to keep it hidden from most of the ruling class of demons. Their conversation would be messy, and full of feelings that Alrick didn’t know how to handle. The cowardly part of him wanted to prolong the conversation until after the ceremony. But Alrick wouldn’t let himself be a coward, no matter how difficult it would be. 
He spent most of the day making arrangements for the ceremony. His family’s uchikake needed to be pressed and cleaned, the sake needed to be chosen, and he sent out invitations to most of the ruling class. He also ordered contraceptive tea for afterward, just in case the mating did not take hold. There was nothing worse than being forced to raise a cub with someone who was incompatible with you. 
Truthfully, he was putting off calling Skye for as long as possible. The clock on his desk slowly ticked down toward the end of the day. He had one last night of freedom before being bound to a human, and he knew he had to make the most of it. He picked up the phone on his desk with a heavy heart and rang the Sakamaki family. 
Skye’s familiar voice greeted him on the other end of the line. “Sakamaki residence, this is Skye speaking. My masters are out of the house for the evening, may I take a message?” 
For once Alrick was thankful for the human invention of the telephone. It was much faster than sending a messenger, and the person on the other end didn’t have to see the look on his face. “It’s me,” he said, not bothering to introduce himself. 
The tone of Skye’s voice changed immediately. “Alrick- I mean, Your Highness,” he gushed. “It’s so nice to hear from you. Is there anything I can do for you? Anything at all?” 
Alrick tried not to wince at Skye’s familiar flirting. “I need to see you tonight. Can you meet me for dinner?” 
“Tonight? Well, the Sakamakis are busy, I’m really not supposed to leave the manor unattended.” 
“Shit,” Alrick ran his hand through his hair. “Then find an excuse to leave.” Skye’s warm laugh trilled through the end of the phone. “Really Alrick, has it been so long since you last saw me that you’re resorting to ordering me around? I’ll come much faster if you ask nicely,” he teased. “You should know that better than anyone.” 
The double entendre of Skye’s words was not lost on Alrick, but his mood was too sour to appreciate them. “Please, Skye,” he rarely ever let himself plead with another person, but he was desperate. “This is urgent. I need you, and it can’t wait.” 
“O-oh,” the tone of Alrick’s voice had thrown the flirty attitude form Skye’s voice. “Yeah, sure.” 
“Great. Meet me at our usual spot in half an hour. And don’t be late.” Alrick couldn’t see it, but he knew the authority in his voice was enough to make Skye shiver. “Of course. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” 
The nerves in Alrick’s stomach were only intensified by the fact that he arrived at the restaurant ten minutes early. He ordered a bottle of wine for the table and then waited for what felt like an eternity. He fidgeted in his suit, his eyes darting towards the door every few seconds. He had no idea what he was going to say to Skye. To tell him what was going on between him and Lilly was going to be excruciating. He remembered once when they had first started sleeping together when a waitress made the mistake of flirting with Alrick. Skye kissed him so possessively afterward that Alrick thought his lips were going to fall off. 
The door to the restaurant jingled at Skye’s arrival. The scales that curved around his eyes sparkled in the setting sun and Alrick felt a pang of guilt in the pit of his stomach. He was dressed in a crisp skirt that fell just above his knees and a sweater that accentuated the curve of his waist. His hair was tied into a loose bun at the top of his head, the rest of his long tresses trailing down his back. Alrick couldn’t tell if it was one of Skye’s many wigs or his real hair, but he looked pretty nonetheless. 
“Alrick,” Skye greeted him with a warm smile. “Or is this official business? Should I call you ‘Prince Rosenfeld’ instead?” 
Alrick grimaced at the title and loosened his tie. “You don’t have to do that when it’s just us.” 
“That’s not what you said the other night,” Skye purred, throwing his arms around Alrick in a soft hug. “I seem to recall you not letting me finish if I didn’t beg for ‘Prince Rosenfeld’ to give me permission-” 
“Shhh, shh!” Alrick pressed his thumb to Skye’s lips to silence him. “Do you really want to spill all our bedroom secrets in the middle of the restaurant?” 
“Well, not all of them,” Skye’s eyes flashed invitingly and took his seat across the table. “Just the ones that really embarrass you.” 
Alrick chuckled, some of the weight on his chest lifting. “I’ve missed you.” 
“I missed you too. You look tired,” Skye eyed the cut of Alrick’s suit. “Did you come directly from work?” 
“What gave it away?” Alrick poured himself a large glass of wine. “I didn’t have time to go home and change before meeting you, I hope you don’t mind.” That was a half-lie. The real reason he didn’t want to go home was that the human girl would be waiting for him, and seeing her would just make everything much worse. 
“Alrick, when have I ever minded you in a suit? You know they’re one of my favorite things to take off you.” 
“I suppose you’re right about that,” he ran his hand in his hair. “And am I right to assume that’s exactly what you’re thinking about doing right now?” 
“Alrick! How could you accuse me of such lewd and lascivious behavior?” 
“Because I’ve been sleeping with you long enough to know how your mind works.” Skye let out a burst of giggles and covered his mouth. “You caught me, I’ve been thinking about ripping it off of you since I walked in.” 
A wide grin spread across Alrick’s face. Before he could stop himself he said, “Maybe I’ll have to let you rip it off with your teeth.” 
The gravity of what he just said hit him a few moments later. There would be no more bedtime trysts with Skye. After tomorrow he would have a mate, and whether he liked it or not he would be bound to her for all of eternity. He swallowed thickly, the weight of his honor feeling like a large burden. Alrick was the demon prince, and he had a duty to his people before himself. Skye immediately noticed the change in Alrick’s demeanor. “What’s wrong? Was it something I said?” 
“No, no,” Alrick waved his wine glass, taking a long sip. “You haven’t done anything, I promise you. Actually, you’re doing too little. Talk to me, tell me about your day.” 
“Alright...” Skye trailed off, unsure. “It wasn’t very eventful. I did all the things the Sakamaki’s asked me to. Make tea, get the mail, answer the phones. Laito had me arrange a visit to the brothel for tomorrow morning, which should be super fun to clean up after.” 
“Of course he did.” Skye looked around to see if anyone was listening in and then leaned across the table with a wicked expression on his face. “You didn’t hear it from me, but I heard that the last time he went there one of the girls was so scared off by whatever he did that she ran out into the street and almost got hit by a car.” 
“Ugh,” Alrick wrinkled his nose. “What could he even think up that would scare someone that badly?” 
“I have no idea but I wish I did. Whatever it was, I don’t think it would have scared me if it was with you.” 
Fuck. There it was again, the unspoken weight that dangled over Alrick’s head like a sword. He swallowed the last of his wine and hung his head. There was no use in prolonging it, he had to come clean to Skye. “Listen, there’s something I need to-” 
“I know.” 
“E-eh?” Alrick blinked, flabbergasted. “You know...?” 
“I know you’re upset.” Skye’s voice softened. “You’ve been getting this terrible look on your face all night.” 
“Ugh... I didn’t realize I was being that obvious.” He slumped in his seat. “Hey, hey...” Skye walked over to Alrick and slid his hand along his cheek. “Do you want to get out of here?” 
The touch of his hand was enough to make Alrick melt. “Leave...?” 
“Of course,” Skye’s thumb trailed down the side of Alrick's jaw. “We could get a hotel room, just the two of us. I think I know something that will really make you feel better.” His voice was dark with promise. 
Alrick sighed before responding. The temptation to disappear with him was strong. It would be so easy for Alrick to lose himself in Skye, to forget all his worries if only for a little while. 
The feelings that Alrick had been fighting all night suddenly swallowed him whole. “Yeah,” he said, sinking into the comfort of Skye’s touch. “Yeah, let’s get out of here.” 
The hotel rose high above the expanse of the city, almost as high up as Alrick’s penthouse. It was lavishly decorated with the finest amenities, including a huge bar on the first floor. The room itself had a wide window that overlooked the other buildings of the district: glittering patches of light that faded away to the curling fog of the mountainside in the distance. 
It was a shame that neither of them noticed any of that. Alrick’s lips were locked onto Skye’s the minute they got into the car. They crashed into the hotel room, their hands fumbling against clothing and furniture. Alrick barely had time to catch his breath before Skye descended upon him, pushing him up against the wall and kissing his way down his body. The feel of his lips was enough to make Alrick’s eyes roll back in his head with pleasure, but he wasn’t content to lose himself in his mouth alone. Alrick wanted more, he needed more. If this was going to be their last night together he had to make it count. 
He resolutely moved Skye to the bed, lowering him onto his back like he had so many times. Alrick briefly remembered the first time they had snuck away to fuck. Skye had caught his eye from across the room, flashing Alrick a sensual smile. They had barely managed to find an empty room before Skye was lowering himself onto his knees, taking him into his mouth like a holy sacrament. It was hot and unbelievably addictive. They both knew without saying that one time wouldn’t be enough. 
The memory caused a twinge of pain to stir in Alrick’s chest and he buried himself in Skye to block out the pain. He fought it off bravely, taking solace in the other demon’s hands and thighs. He found peace in the taste of Skye’s lips, bringing him closer and closer to his mouth. Underneath him, Skye met each and every one of his thrusts with ease. They had been together so many times that it was almost second nature, but that didn’t mean that Alrick wasn’t spellbound by the sound of Skye’s voice in pleasure. Just the sound of his name as he arched underneath him was enough to send Alrick over and over the edge. 
Later, when they were both spent and clinging to one another for warmth, the guilt returned to Alrick. He had spent so much time with Skye today and he still hadn’t broken the news about the mating ceremony. Perhaps it would be worse now that they had spent the evening making love. 
“You know,” Skye lazily rolled onto Alrick’s chest, his wig slightly askew. “I’m going to be so upset if I can’t sit properly tomorrow because of you. I might have to call you back and return the favor.” 
Alrick stared at the ceiling with unseeing eyes. “You always promise that but you’ve yet been able to make me that sore.” 
“That sounds like a challenge- wait, you don’t look happy about that.” Akye propped himself up onto his elbow. “Pet name,” he used his ironic term of affection, “what’s wrong?” 
It was time. Alrick sat up slowly, extracting his limbs from their tangled mess. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and avoided Skye’s confused gaze. 
Skye reached for Alrick’s shoulder and attempted to rub away his troubles. “Alrick, please... tell me what’s going on.” 
Alrick stared at the floor and took a moment before speaking. “Do you remember a few days ago when they found that human girl? The one they found at the edge of the mountainside?” 
“Of course I do,” Skye sat beside Alrick and carefully removed his wig. “It was all anyone could talk about. I just assumed she was going to be given to the demon lord who had found her.” 
Alrick’s hands were clenched into fists on his knees. “You’re not wrong.” Skye threaded his hand through Alrick’s hair. “I don’t see why that would make you this upset. Unless you wanted her for your own,” he chuckled hollowly. “Don’t tell me that you’re planning to leave me for a silly little human.” 
The silence that hung in the air was suffocating. Skye tried again, his voice tinged with panic. “You’re not really planning on abandoning me for a human. Right, Alrick?” 
“She...” Alrick’s shoulders sagged slightly. “She was found by my men. That means she belongs to me.” 
Skye’s hand froze in Alrick’s hair. “You can’t be serious.” 
“I am. She’s- we’re... I’m...” Alrick turned away, his heart feeling icy. “She’s going to be my future mate.” 
It was Skye’s turn to be silent. “Oh... Right, of course.” The resignation in his tone broke Alrick’s heart. Skye pulled away and wrapped his arms around his legs under the blanket. “Of course she is,” he continued. “You’re a prince, it’s only natural that one day you would... That we would have to end.” 
“I’m sorry... I never thought that this would happen-” 
“Don’t.” Skye cut him off. “Don’t say you didn’t know this was going to happen. You’ve always known what your role in the world is. You’re Alrick fucking Rosenfeld-” tears sprang at 
the corners of his eyes but he ignored them. “Don’t you even try to say that you weren’t going to leave me for a woman one day.” 
Alrick reeled from Skye’s anger. “Parakeet, this isn’t my fault. I wasn’t saying that this wasn’t inevitable, I just didn’t expect it to happen so soon.” 
Skye barely heard him. “Who cares about that? Now, later, it doesn’t matter. I guess it’s better this way, so I don’t get too attached.” 
“Don’t!” Skye turned on Alrick, his golden eyes blazing. “How can you still call me that when you'll be sharing a bed with her?!” 
“Skye, this isn’t my choice!”
“It’s not mine either!” Skye stared down at his body, hating every inch of himself. “It’s not fair, it’s not fucking fair...” He wiped his eyes with a shaking hand and pulled the covers up over his chest. 
“I know it’s not fair...” Alrick reached and took his hand, tugging the blanket free from his fingers. “Skye, I promise you that I didn’t plan for any of this to happen.” 
Skye’s tears fell harder at the sincerity in Alrick’s voice. He shook his head and his tears dripped onto his scales, making them shine. “It doesn’t matter if you planned it or not, that doesn’t change the fact that it’s happening anyway!” 
“I know!” The words ripped themselves from Alrick’s mouth. “Do you think I want this? That I want to be trapped with someone I’ve only known for two days? To be mated to a human-” he choked on the word. He felt like he was repeating the argument he had with Lilly in some sick circle that never ended. “Nothing about this is my choice, Skye.” 
“Then don’t go through with it.” Skye threw himself out of bed and knelt before Alrick, pleading. “Turn her away, give her to someone else. You’re the prince Alrick, you can be with anyone you want.” His words came in a frantic rush as he beseeches Alrick. “You don’t have to live a life that’s not yours. Say there’s something wrong with her, say she’s defective. And then we can stay together!” 
“You know I have to-“
“Why?! Why is this so important to you, more important than me?” 
“Because you know we’re dying out.” Alrick felt detached from the situation like he was viewing all from a very long way away. “Because ever since we nearly wiped out the humans we’ve been unable to have any children of our own. I have to do this so our kind can have any sort of future, even if it’s one with mixed blood.” 
Skye sagged, defeated. “It’s not fair... I hate the humans for what they’ve done to us.” Alrick slid his hand along Skye’s jaw, tilting his face to meet his. “As do I, Parakeet. They’ve ruled over us for thousands of years, it’s not right that they kill us off like this. That’s why we have to keep fighting back. And why I as the prince have to fight back hardest of all.” 
Skye’s tears finally seemed to come to a close. “You’re right,” he murmured. “For the good of the people, right...?” 
“For the good of the people,” Alrick repeated bitterly. 
“Well...” Skye folded himself beside Alrick’s legs and leaned his head on his knee. “We still have until the ceremony. I can try to be by your side as much as possible before then. I’ll convince one of the Sakamakis to send me on errands for you. And maybe it won’t be so hard by the time the ceremony comes...” He reached for Alrick’s hand, placing it atop his own head. “How long do we have before she becomes your mate?” 
Shit. Alrick was a fool. How could he have thought that prolonging telling would have made this easier? He felt sick. Sick of himself, sick of his circumstances, and sick of the human girl who he just so happened to catch. “It’s tomorrow.” 
“Tomorrow?!” Skye’s head snapped back like he had been slapped. “Why did you wait until now to tell me?” 
All their promised time together came crashing down around them. After the mating ceremony, there would be no more sneaking around. Not because Alrick respected his human mate, but because he would be bound to her. Demon mating ceremonies were so much more than simple human weddings. If everything went as planned, he would want no other after her. They would be bonded for life. 
There was nothing more to say now. He could tell from the heartbroken look on Skye’s face that he made his mistake even bigger. Alrick stared past him and spoke to the opposite wall. “She was found only a few days ago, there wasn’t much time for me to-” 
“No, no! You could have told me when they found her! You could have told me when the damn council made their decision. You had days, Alrick. Days!” 
“I know!” He gave Skye a glare that stopped him from speaking. “I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want to fucking hurt you.” 
“C-can’t you see that this hurts me more?” Skye’s voice broke. “How can I go on knowing that this will always be our last night together? That you and I got into a fight because you were being stupid, uncaring, selfish-” 
“I’m not being selfish!”
“Yes, you are! Can’t you think about how this is affecting anyone but yourself?” “Parakeet!” Alrick cupped Skye’s cheeks and held him when he tried to jerk away. “You are the only other person who I care about right now. Not the council and definitely not her.” Alrick’s voice softened. “There is nothing in this world I would ever want to do to hurt you. Can’t you see how much I don’t want to do this? That it hurts me to hurt you like this...?” 
An explosive sob wrenched itself from within Skye’s chest. He collapsed forward into Alrick, crying freely into his arms. “I’m sorry,” Alrick whispered, tucking his head under his chin. “I’m so sorry, Skye...” 
They sat like that until Skye’s sobs became muffled sniffles. Alrick threw a glance out the window and saw the sky had lightened considerably. “Shit...” 
Skye followed his gaze. “You have to go, don’t you...?”
“I do.” Alrick sighed and felt a thousand years older. “The ceremony is in a few hours. I need to get some sleep.” 
Skye did not need Alrick to tell him what the ceremony entailed. He had seen a few himself, and he could not bear to watch Alrick fuck another woman- let alone see it on public display. “I won’t be there.” 
Alrick chuckled quietly and extracted himself from Skye’s grasp. “I wouldn’t want you to be. I don’t even want to be there myself-” he began finding his discarded clothes strewn about the room- “and I don’t have the luxury to blow it off.” 
Skye nodded and watched Alrick redress. Within minutes he was the same man who met him in the restaurant. Poised, calm, and unbearably handsome. Alrick ran a hand through his hair to smooth it back in place., completing the look. “I’m going to miss you...” 
“I”m going to miss you too, Parakeet... Swear that you’ll never forget me?” 
“How could I? I think you’ve ruined me for other men,” Skye laughed without humor. 
“Don’t say that,” Alrick stroked Skye’s cheek with the back of his hand. “Don’t let my departure ruin any of your future happiness. Promise me that.” 
“I’ll try...” 
“Thank you...” Alrick reluctantly let his hand drop. He moved to the door, his shoulders already stiff with apprehension. “I’ll see you when it’s over, Parakeet.” 
Skye did his best to smile. “You too, Pet Name...” Alrick gave Skye one last look, memorizing the way he looked under their messy bed sheets. Inside his chest he could feel his heart breaking. Alrick had been in pain many times before, but nothing so far had been as bad as this. 
He took a deep breath and buried his feelings as far down as they would go. He stepped through the door and into his new life. 
Skye did not sleep. He sat in the puddle of blankets Alrick left behind and felt utterly miserable. He wanted to cry but he had no more tears left. He wanted to scream, but his throat was raw from all the sobbing. He wanted to break every single thing in the damn room but he had no energy. All he could do was sit and feel horrible. 
There was nothing left for him to do anyway. Even without the human interfering, he and Alrick were never meant to be. He had just entertained the thought for far too long... 
He pressed a pillow to his face and fought off another round of sobs. Every fantasy he ever had with Alrick had been ripped to pieces within a few hours. He had so many dreams for the two of them, so many things that would have made him happy. And now there was nothing. 
Unless... If the human woman couldn’t produce children with Alrick she would be taken away, thrown in the brothel where she belonged. If they were a bad match she would be given to another demon, that was a possibility. Or perhaps an accident would befall her, something terrible like falling off a building. Maybe she would even do herself in. Skye heard she put up quite a fight when she was caught, and there was a rumor that her mother was one of the resistance leaders. And if all else failed, he would just have to wait. Human lives were so short compared to a demon’s. There was no law that said Alrick couldn’t take a new mate if his first one died. Skye settled into the bed, finally feeling some sort of peace. He could be patient, he could wait. And if he couldn’t there were then enough ways for him to rectify the situation. The human may have been Alrick’s mate after tomorrow, but she wouldn’t stay his mate for long. 
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the-sloth-woman · 1 year
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"Do you have anything to say for your crimes against humanity?"
"Lilly, this isn't you-"
"Don't speak my name so casually, Rosenfeld. The days of being your lapdog are over. I fight for my kind now, not yours."
A while ago I saw this dress floating around on Pinterest. I remember thinking that it was probably one of the most beautiful dresses that I'd ever seen, and that it would be perfect for Lilly if she ever took her place as leader of the angels. And what would her first command be? Why, to execute the demon scum who has been terrorizing the Earth for centuries.
This GORGEOUS artwork is from the amazing and talented Kimookami, I can't thank her enough for all the hard work!!
(This is a Bad End because Lilly would only ever reach this point after some heavy manipulation from her mother. She'd become a shell of who she used to be, turning on the people she loves for "the greater good".)
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the-sloth-woman · 2 years
Hello!! It's been a while! I hope you are doing great slothy 🥺♥️. I came here with a question!!
For both Lilly and Alrick: how your lover kisses taste like? How they make you feel? Is it a pleasant taste and feeling?
*I need some fluff in my life(? Sorry the cheesiness 🥺🤌🏻
Hello Ari!! :D It's so nice to hear from you~!
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Lilly: O-oh, um...
Lilly: This is a really personal question, ahaha...
Lilly: This probably won't surprise you, but I've only ever kissed one person. Alrick's kisses taste like... They taste like the first snowfall in winter. They're cold, but soft. Sometimes they can be very demanding, like a blizzard.
Lilly: Alrick's kisses make me feel... It sounds stupid to say it, but his kisses make me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Like he's lit a fire in my heart.
Lilly: I hope that makes some kind of sense, ahaha...
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Alrick: You want to know what Lilly tastes like? What a dirty question~
Alrick: Let's see... Everything about Lilly is sweet. Her face, her hair, her scent, her lips...
Alrick: *clears throat* Ahem, anyway. Her kisses naturally taste like that same sweetness. It's hard to describe, really. It's a soft, warm sweetness. Like honey wine.
Alrick: I'm not sure if you know this, but Lilly tends to run hotter than a normal human. It means that her kisses are always scorching~
Alrick: Mhmmm, all this talk is giving me ideas. I hope you have your answer, I'm going to try to find Lil and do some research about this question on my own~
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the-sloth-woman · 4 years
Does Alrick know what a snack he is?
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Alrick: A what?
Alrick: Between Lilly and myself, only one of us is edible.  Wouldn’t that make her the snack?
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Lilly: Alrick, they mean snack as in someone attractive.  They’re calling you cute!
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Lilly: Actually, I’m not sure I like tha-
Alrick: Oh, that makes much more sense.  In that case, I’m an enormous snack~
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the-sloth-woman · 4 years
I know it's a little late to ask this, but what did Alrick and Lilly do on December 31st?
Dw about it anon, if anyone’s late it’s me. I’ve got asks to answer from.... v-Valentine’s day :’D
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Alrick: As Lilly previously stated, we’ve been spending most of our time this year at my Father’s castle.  He decided to send off 2020 with a bang, literally and figuratively, by throwing an enormous New Year’s Eve party. 
Lilly: Alrick managed to grab a bottle of champagne and sneak away with me a few minutes before midnight.  Everyone in the ballroom spent the last few moments of the year counting down together, but we had our own little celebration in the castle courtyard.  It was really romantic~ 
Alrick: Lilly, don’t give away all of our secrets~ 
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the-sloth-woman · 4 years
What sort of sweet out-of-the-blue stuff does Alrick do for Lilly?
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Lilly: Alrick does a lot of sweet things for me!  He may look intimidating and seem like he doesn't care about anyone other than himself, but there are a lot of little things that he does that show me he cares.  
Lilly: He’s a very physical person.  Alrick likes to cuddle and give back rubs, he likes braiding my hair and giving me lots of kisses.  He likes to get me things too, like movies and snacks.  One day he accidentally punched a hole through my computer screen- he was in a Zoom class- and he had ordered me a new computer before his class was even over. 
Lilly: I don’t want to go on too much and embarrass him, but Alrick can be very sweet when he wants to be~
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the-sloth-woman · 4 years
What is some body language that you always notice in your partner?
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Alrick: Lilly’s a very physical person.  She wears her heart on her sleeve pretty much all the time.  I can always tell when she’s thinking about something because she chews on her bottom lip and fiddles with her arms.  She does the same sort of thing when she’s upset, but she tends to curl up into a ball and hug her knees when it’s really bad.  
Alrick: When she’s excited she’s like a fucking tornado.  It exhausting honestly, she won’t stop chattering on and on about what’s got her in a good mood.  But it’s better than the days where she doesn't say anything and curls up in a corner of the library. 
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Lilly: Oh yes, yes!  Alrick always says he’s as stoic as a stone wall but I can read him like a book~
Lilly: He tends to run his hand through his hair a whole lot.  sometimes he does it when he’s distressed, sometimes he does it when he’s trying to be flirty, and sometimes he does it just to smooth his hair into place. And you can usually tell his mood by how he’s sitting.  Alrick tends to sprawl across couches if he’s in a good mood, but he really keeps his arms and legs close if he’s angry about something.  He speaks with his hands a lot too, gesturing with them when he’s excited or balling them into fists when he’s angry.
Lilly: There are a lot of little things that can give away Alrick’s mood, but you have to pay attention to notice them.
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the-sloth-woman · 4 years
I bet Alrick and Lilly would be great on double-dates
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Lilly: Thank you, Rei~
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Lilly: I’m trying to remember the last double-date we went on... I think it was when we went to Alrick’s Father’s menagerie with Yui and Ayato at the beginning of December.  
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Lilly: It went a lot better than you’d think, actually.  It was the first time Yui had ever been to the menagerie so I showed her all the different animals.  The unicorns ate some corn out of our hands, it was really cute!
Lilly: Alrick and Ayato don’t generally like each other, but they kept their bickering to a minimum.  There was only one point where things got heated was when Ayato threw a snowball at the back of Alrick’s head. But then we had a snowball fight~
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Lilly: It’s funny, spending so much time here at the castle this year has really changed things.  I never imagined there would be a time where Alrick would want to spend time with Ayato.  Or any Sakamaki other than Reiji for that matter. 
Lilly: I think isolation has really gotten to all of us.  That and the boredom *chuckles softly*
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the-sloth-woman · 4 years
Any fun Valentine’s plans~?
Lifehack: Wait SO long to answer an ask it becomes relevant again :’D
Rei I’m so sorry
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Lilly: Valentine’s Day is going to look a little bit different for us this year.  I won’t have to see tons of girls from school giving Alrick chocolates for the first time ever~
Alrick: No, but that just means I’ll be getting more from the demon nobility. 
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Lilly: ...Right.
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Alrick: *laughs* Lilly, don’t look so murderous. You know you can trust me to have something nice planned for us, right? 
Lilly: I know, I know... I just want one holiday where I don’t have to share you... 
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the-sloth-woman · 4 years
Lilly, you look so beautiful in your new dress 😀
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Lilly: O-oh, thank you so much!  I feel very pretty in this dress~
Lilly: My favorite thing about it is how it matches Alrick’s suit perfectly~
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Alrick: Back off Rei, I know where you’re going with this.
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the-sloth-woman · 4 years
How have Alrick and Lilly been doing with 2020?
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Alrick: Oh, you know...
Lilly: It’s been a year...
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Alrick: I won’t lie to you and say it hasn’t been rough. At the beginning of the year, Ryoutei Academy switched to exclusively online schooling.  I didn’t even know that was a thing.
Alrick: Human high school is already torture, but having to sit through Zoom call lectures??  Ugh... I broke three stupid computers because I was so fucking frustrated with them.  Lilly had to show me how to use everything and even she didn’t know what she was doing half the time.  My grades even dropped because I couldn’t figure out how to work the damn web camera or turn anything in.  Naturally, my father wasn’t pleased. 
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Lilly: Alrick wasn’t the only one who had a hard time.  With school shut down the kendo club was cancelled.  I missed seeing all my friends every day, especially Yui.  This is probably going to sound callous, but I never realized how important other people were to me until I couldn’t see them..  After that, we started spending all our off time in the Demon World.  Everything here is open in comparison to the human world, but it’s a very different atmosphere.  it’s better than nothing, I guess. 
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Alrick: Speaking of the Demon World, there’s a fucking food shortage.  With no humans walking around it’s become nearly impossible for my kind to hunt.  The humans here are in short supply, and nearly everyone without a personal prey has gone hungry at one point.  My father has left me in charge of trying to find a solution, but with so many of the humans sick and in quarantine it hasn’t been easy.  I consider myself lucky Lilly’s immune to human viruses and I’ve been feeding off her since March.  Although that’s normal for us. 
Alrick: So yeah, this last year’s been shit from start to finish. 
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the-sloth-woman · 4 years
Does Lilly have any... “special” presents for Alrick this Valentine’s Day?
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Lilly: E-eh??  Special presents for Alrick?
Lilly: I, uh, well...
Lilly: I was planning on making Alrick some strawberry cream cake pops this year for Valentine’s day.  I think that should be a special deviation from what I usually give him.
Lilly: But for other special items, well... That information is meant for Alrick’s eyes only~
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the-sloth-woman · 4 years
How do the babies sneeze? I bet Alrick goes ACHOOOSNSISJYDHDUWISHBSJSKS and lilly goes *insert baby panda sneeze here*
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Lilly: T-that’s not, I don’t sneeze like a panda-
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Alrick: You’re exactly right anon, although I prefer to call them kitten sneezes. 
Lilly: Hey!  I don’t sneeze like a kitten, I sneeze perfectly normally! 
Alrick: Suuuuuuuuure you do, Lil. Normal for a kitten~
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the-sloth-woman · 4 years
Are there any foods that you refuse to try? If not, what is your least favorite food?
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Lilly: I’m not usually a picky eater, but mushrooms are disgusting! Especially portabello mushrooms... 
Lilly: I made the mistake of eating a portabello burger once and I nearly threw up just from the taste and texture. Yuck...
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Alrick: Spicy food, particularly overly spicy food.  I can’t stand the stuff, and I don't know why humans torture themselves eating it. Lilly’s always trying to get me to try it but I can’t fucking stand it. 
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Lilly: That’s just because you look so cute when your face is all red~
Alrick: So you torture me for pleasure?  Lilly!
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