#lima animal feed machines
westkisswigs · 2 years
Feed processing technology on pig growth performance
Come to see the technology on the pig growth performance.
1 Feed crushing particle size and uniformity
1.1 Pulverized particle size It is reported that when the particle size of weaned piglets is reduced from 900 μm to 500 μm, the increase in the processing cost of the diet is less than the compensation caused by the increase in the feed conversion rate. When the grain size of corn crushed in the growing pig diet was changed from 509 to 1026 μm, there was no significant effect on the daily weight gain of pigs; but with the decrease of grain size, the feed conversion rate increased, and the grain size range for optimum production performance was as follows: 509~645μm.
When the crushing particle size of corn in the finishing pig diet was 400-1200 μm, the feed conversion rate increased by 1.3% for every 100 μm decrease in particle size. When the corn crushing particle size was reduced from 1200 μm to 400 μm, the feed intake and digestible energy intake of lactating sows, the digestibility of dietary dry matter, energy and nitrogen, and the litter gain of piglets all increased. The content of 21% and 31% respectively. When the corn particle size in the simple diet was reduced from 1000μm to 500μm, the daily gain of piglets was significantly increased, while the daily weight gain of pigs in the complex diet was less affected by the corn particle size. The suitable particle size of feed for 0-14d and 14-35d after weaning is 300μm and 500μm; for growing-finishing pigs and sows, it is 500-600μm and 400-600μm, respectively.
You can see the feed crushing machine.
1.2 Pulverization uniformity Roller pulverizer has higher pulverization uniformity than hammer pulverizer. The conversion rate and growth rate of wheat when crushed with a roller mill are higher than those of a hammer mill. When the corn grinding uniformity increases, the production performance of finishing pigs is not affected, the digestibility of dry matter, nitrogen and total energy of the diet tends to increase, and the dry matter discharge in the manure decreases; The pulverizer can improve the digestibility of nutrients in the diet and reduce the dry matter in the feces by 19% and the nitrogen discharge by 12%.
2 Mixing uniformity of diet
According to reports, when the coefficient of variation of the piglets' diet mix uniformity decreased from 106.5% to 12.3%, the daily gain and feed conversion rate increased by 32.5% and 19.2%, respectively; and when the finishing pigs' diet mix uniformity coefficient of variation was reduced from 53.8%. When it dropped to 14.8%, there was no significant improvement in production performance. Therefore, the uniformity of diet mixing has a greater impact on young animals and when they eat non-full-price diets. Therefore, the suitable coefficient of variation of feed uniformity for piglets is 12%; the lowest coefficient of variation of feed uniformity for finishing pigs is 15%.
3 Granulation
Because pellets have many advantages over powders, they are widely used in the production of weaned piglets. The content of trypsin inhibitor was greatly reduced by granulation of raw soybean meal. Feeding corn or sorghum meal to finishing pigs and sows, respectively, results in that the feed conversion ratio, apparent digestibility of total energy and nitrogen digestibility of pelleted feed were significantly higher than those of meal, but there was no significant difference in weight gain. It has been reported that the average daily gain and feed conversion rate of pigs fed pellet feed before 5 days of age are 25% and 36% higher than that of powder feed, respectively, and the particle diameter (2-12mm) does not affect the growth performance of pigs; 
The daily weight gain and feed conversion rate of pigs with a particle diameter of 4 mm were the highest during the period from day 29 to the age of 29; the growth rate of pigs from the age of 29 days to the finishing period was not affected by the form of feed, but the feed conversion rate of pellets was better than powder. It has also been reported that when sieved pellets are fed to piglets, the feed conversion rate is 4.5% higher than that of pellets containing 15% or 30% fine powder; From 0 to 60%, the feed conversion rate decreased, and there was no significant difference between daily gain and nitrogen digestibility and backfat thickness.
And you can see the poultry feed machine which can help you in your pig farm.
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waterwavehair · 2 years
Pet feed making extruder machine, feed extruder machine
Feed making machine is also named fish feed extruder, so the pet feed making extruder machine is used for processing for dogs and cats (pet food), floating aquatic feeds.
Pet feed making extruder machine technology: Material mixing with water → material conveying → extruder → drying → oil spraying → flavoring → cooling → packing
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Quality control: 1.It has perfect technology, compact structure, original design and stable performance. 2.Convenient operation. 3.Safe and reliable operation. 4.The production line is multifunctional. Many types of pet food can be manufactured. 5.Our company upholds the people-oriented, technology leadership, good faith service, cooperation and win-win business philosophy.
You can see the animal feed pellet machines.
The related raw materials 1.Rice Dust: contain about 10-14% of protein and also contain vitamin B1, B2, B6 and small quantity of enzyme. 2.Mustard Cake: Mix maximum 40% of cake in the fish feed. But don't use dry cake more than 20%. Mustard cake contain 30-32% protein. It also contain a high rate of fat. 3.Wheat Chaff: contain fiber, control many types of fish diseases. 4.Maize: contain protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamin A and E. 5.Cotton Seeds: contain about 54% protein. It is a better ingredients for supplementary fish feed. 6.Fish Powder: easily digestible to fish. Fishmeal contain about 55-60% protein. 7.Bone Powder: very necessary for building fish-bone. 8.Innards : very suitable and ideal feed for catfish. It contain 52% protein.
After you reading the post, do you interest in the fish feed pellet production line?
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westkisswigs · 2 years
Add green roughage to grass chickens
With the continuous rise of feed prices, it is necessary and feasible to add a certain amount of green roughage to the diet of grass chickens, but the following issues need to be paid attention to during the addition process:
Different feeding methods are adopted according to different growth stages of grass chickens. Chickens are fed with concentrate, and about 20% of chopped green vegetables can be added to the concentrate from the age of 4 days. Due to the small capacity of the esophagus, it should be fed less frequently, so that the chicks can form a good conditioned reflex for food, and lay the foundation for them to forage grassy food in the pasture after dewarming.
When the grass chickens are 36 to 80 days old, grazing can be adopted if conditions permit. During the grazing period, pay attention to supplementing the grass chickens with full-price ingredients in the morning and evening. If there is no condition for stocking flocks, green roughage can be added to the diet at a ratio of 1:1. The feeding method is to feed a single full-price feed to the chickens first, and then put the same amount of green roughage in the feeding bucket after 1 hour, so that the chickens can eat freely. The feeding amount of green roughage can be appropriately reduced 15 days before the grass chickens are released to help shorten the fattening period and increase the daily weight gain. And you can use the animal feed machine.
The use of green roughage should be combined in a variety of ways to ensure quality. None of the green forages have comprehensive nutritional value. If they are matched in various ways, they can complement each other, improve the utilization rate of various amino acids in the feed, and reduce the cost of the feed. For example, legume feed is matched with grass feed, aquatic feed is matched with sweet potato vine powder or flour, but straw powder should not be matched with husk, rice husk, and bran.
Pay attention to the processing and modulation of green roughage. The green roughage is best to be chopped, beaten and mixed with the concentrated feed. If it is stored for too long or is simmered, it may cause nitrite poisoning or even death of grass chickens. Forages such as sweet potato vine, bitter vine, peanut vine, alfalfa and champagne grass should be dried immediately after harvesting, and their integrity should be kept as far as possible.
Ensure the uniform supply of green roughage throughout the year. Affected by the seasons, the supply of green forage in many areas in our province is not balanced throughout the seasons, but as long as the planning of forage planting is strengthened, this problem can be solved. For example, plant chicory, Rumex, and alfalfa in spring; plant champagne grass and amaranth in early summer; plant vetch, winter cabbage, and cabbage in winter.
Any questions, you can come to lima contact.
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westkisswigs · 2 years
Advantages of feather powder for animal farming
Welcome to see the advantages of feather powder for animal farming.
1.Breeding poultry animals often encounter from the pecking or mutual pecking, pecking anus, pecking toe, pecking eggs and pecking fecal matter, are collectively known as pecking feather disease or pecking addiction. Pecking feather disease not only seriously affect its value, but also cause concurrent anemia, dermatitis, feathers vulnerable to fold, coat dark, and sometimes also cause parasitic breeding. Pecking feather disease and thus early prevention and treatment. 
Feather powder on this disease have a good therapeutic effect. Feathery powder is rich in sulphur amino acids, so it is beneficial to the growth and development of the poultry in the spring and autumn hairy season. It also reduces the phenomenon of self bite and feather eating of chicken, ducks, pecking anus, hair jumping, mink, and fox.
2.Feather meal is all nutritious food? It can improve the health level of fur animal, improve the breeding ability, promote the improvement of fur condition, and make the hair color become healthier and luster. 
By extruding (expanding), feather meal can have good palatability, high digestion and absorption rate, good safety, eliminating bacterial contamination of feed, improving growth performance and skin quality, promoting growth and development, making the skin fetching time more than 10 days sooner than usual, raising feed reward, strengthening micronutrient components, having significant effect on preventing hoofs disease, self bite, self mutilation and other nutritional deficiency. It can also improve animals anti-stress ability and prevent the occurrence of red claw disease, dermatitis, dermatitis, skin keratosis, scab and chap. So you can come to see the animal feed machine, which can help to make pellet.
3.The utilization of extruded feather meal can reduce environmental pollution. Unprocessed feathers can not be used directly as feed. However, there are even thousands tons of feather leftovers produced from feather industry or poultry slaughterhouses in some countries every year. If they are discarded everywhere without disposal, they will cause serious pollution to the environment. 
Besides, at present, the common hydrolytic processing of feather meal will also discharge a large amount of pollutants during the manufacturing process, and some government departments have taken measures to restrict or prohibit the manufacturer to produce hydrolyzed feather powder. You can also go to see the wet type fish feed extruder machine.
Features of feather meal extruder machine 1. The first automatic raw feather feeding device and unique raw feather advancing structure can truly achieve high output, reduce the labor intensity of operators and reduce production costs. Energy saving and environmental protection.
2. The structure is novel, and the main shaft screw is a combined structure, which can be adjusted according to different materials, so that one machine has multiple functions and is easy to maintain and use.
3. Ideal processing effect. With automatic temperature control, it ensures feather being processed fully and keeping high digestible protein content.
4. The main components such as the screw are made of alloy materials (manganese, chromium, molybdenum, titanium), which can effectively reduce the oxidation corrosion and wear of the components under high temperature and high pressure, and make the life longer.
Any questions, you can leave a message.
Have a good day!
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westkisswigs · 2 years
Several ways to ferment and decompose chicken manure
Hello: Everyone!
1. When the plastic bag is decomposed, place a plastic tube with a length of 7 to 8 meters and fasten one end with a thin rope, and place it between the rows of vegetables. Load 150-200 kg of chicken manure from the other end, and leave an appropriate gap in the bag and not be too full. 
Then, pour water into it, the amount of water is suitable to submerge the chicken manure, and then tie the mouth tightly to ferment, and it can be completely decomposed in 5 to 6 days. Note that both ends of the plastic tube must be fastened tightly, so that the water in it does not flow out. If you want to speed up the rate of decomposing and prevent incomplete decomposing, you can add a decomposing agent with high fertility. This method is simple and easy to operate, fast to decompose, and will not cause gas damage to the vegetables in the shed. If you have a chicken farm, maybe you can go to see the chicken feed production line.
2. Pile the chicken manure to be decomposed naturally on the cement floor or on the mud floor covered with plastic film, and pile the chicken manure into long stacks with a height of 1.5 to 2 meters and a width of 1.5 to 3 meters. The length of the stack depends on the size of the site and the size of the chicken. Depends on how much feces. Add an appropriate amount of water (about 55%), and then cover it with a plastic film, so that the compost naturally heats up to above 50°C, killing pathogenic bacteria and parasite eggs. 
Note that the dung heap should not be too airtight, so as to avoid lack of oxygen, and microorganisms cannot multiply in large numbers. You can mix a certain amount of sawdust, chaff or straw, wheat, corn and other crop stalks when they are decomposed, and make the film and the dung heap have a certain gap. In order to improve air permeability, supplement oxygen, and promote the rapid and massive reproduction of microorganisms. Adsorbents such as superphosphate, zeolite, and raw soil can also be sprinkled into the chicken manure to absorb the odor generated during the fermentation process.
3. The biological preparations are decomposed as above, but before decomposing, spray decomposing agents such as antibacterial 968 with high fertility on the chicken manure, and then compost or turn it into the soil to quickly deodorize and decompose. Using this method to decompose chicken manure is fast and effective.
4. Earthworm treatment Put specially raised earthworms into the device for holding chicken manure, and expel the earthworm manure through digestion, which can be directly used as fertilizer without fermentation. This method can save energy and utilize the natural ecological cycle to make chicken manure harmless, but the treatment amount is small, and the treated chicken manure has a high water content.
5. Decomposition pond in the greenhouse. Build a pond with a volume of about 2 cubic meters at the west end of the greenhouse near the shed mouth, put chicken manure in, add a biological decomposing agent with high fertility, and then irrigate the vegetables. However, when decomposing in the greenhouse, be careful not to conduct it in the severe winter and under the condition of limited ventilation in the grate in cloudy and snowy weather, so as to avoid excessive accumulation of harmful gases such as ammonia gas generated during the decomposing process in the greenhouse, causing gas damage. This method is mainly aimed at the release of heat and carbon dioxide during the decomposing process of chicken manure, which are most needed by vegetables in the shed in winter, which can be said to serve multiple purposes.
 If you have any questions about chicken feeding, you can leave a message in lima contact.
Have a good day!
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westkisswigs · 2 years
Key points of tilapia breeding and seedling preservation
An excellent pond environment is conducive to the growth of the fry and improves the survival rate. Tilapia ponds are generally earth ponds, where some wild fish, insects, tadpoles and other harmful organisms, as well as some parasites and pathogenic bacteria are hidden in them. Therefore, clearing the pond is very important in the whole process of marking seedlings.
There are two methods of clearing the pond: dry clearing and water clearing. Due to limited conditions, wet clearing is generally adopted here. The specific plan is that 15-20 days before the seedlings are placed, 5-10 cm of quicklime with water can be used for disinfection, and the general dosage is 40-80 kg/mu. After 2-3 days, use a dense mesh filter to inject water, and the water depth should be 2 meters. And you can come to see the dry type fish feed machines which will help you a lot.
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It is very important to cultivate a pond of good water, which is related to the success rate of seedling placement. If the water quality is too thin, the water body will lack the stability and nutrients needed for the growth of fish fry. At this time, it is recommended to use "Algae Ansheng" to cultivate beneficial algae such as diatoms and green algae. Use the "Double Profit" package every two days (1 pack of "Limiaoduo" + 4 bottles of "Lijunduo" + 10 catties of brown sugar + 400 catties of water, fermented for 1-2 days) to improve the carbon-nitrogen ratio of the water body and maintain the pond biological stability.
Note: Do not use large bags of granular organic fertilizer or chemical fertilizers. Avoid the rapid growth of algae and the single algae phase, which will cause algae inversion, dirty bottom, water change, high pH value, bubble disease, etc.
10-15 days after water cultivation, the zooplankton, phytoplankton, and microorganisms in the water have reached a balance. The typical sign is the appearance of cladocerans in the water body. This kind of water is stable, has strong self-purification ability and normal indicators. This is the best time to put seedlings. good time.
The density of tilapia seedlings should be 20,000 to 30,000/mu. If the density is too high, the bait organisms in the pond will be insufficient, and it is not conducive to insect and disease prevention. The temperature difference between the seedling bag and the pond should not exceed 2 °C. Generally, the seedling bag is placed in the water until the temperature difference is lower than 2 °C, and then the seedling bag is opened and the seedlings are placed. The fry is easy to cause mechanical damage during the operation.
After the fry are placed, the use of disinfectants with high safety and low irritation (such as "Yongle iodine") can reduce the probability of the fry getting sick.
Hope you can come to see Lima feed machines.
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westkisswigs · 2 years
Tell everyone the dangers of antibiotics in feed
Come to know some knowledge about the danger of antibiotics in feed.
The abuse of antibiotics is a serious situation. Antibiotics are considered to be one of the greatest inventions in medicine in the 20th century. Due to the widespread promotion and use of antibiotics, plague, tuberculosis, dysentery and other infectious diseases in history have been controlled. During World War II, penicillin alone kept thousands of soldiers threatened with death.
China is a big country in antibiotic use and production. It is estimated that my country produces about 210,000 tons of antibiotic raw materials every year, exports 30,000 tons, and the rest is used for personal use (including medical and agricultural use), and the per capita annual consumption is about 138 grams (only 13 grams in the United States). And you can see the flat die feed pellet machine.
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According to the national bacterial resistance monitoring results of the Ministry of Health from 2006 to 2007, the annual utilization rate of antibiotics in hospitals across the country was as high as 74%. In developed countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom, the antibiotic usage rate in hospitals is only 22% to 25%, while the usage rate of antibiotics among hospitalized patients in China is as high as 70%, and almost all surgical patients use antibiotics, with a rate as high as 97%. According to the disease classification survey from 1995 to 2007, infectious diseases accounted for 49% of the total incidence of all diseases in China, of which bacterial infections accounted for 18% to 21% of all diseases, and more than 80% belonged to the abuse of antibiotics.
The breeding industry is also the hardest hit by the abuse of antibiotics. According to media reports, half of my country's antibiotics are used clinically and half are used in animal husbandry. Experts estimate that of the 210,000 tons of antibiotic raw materials produced in China every year, 97,000 tons are used in animal husbandry, accounting for 46.1% of the total annual output. Since the discovery in the 1950s that low concentrations of antibiotics in feeds can not only prevent animal diseases but also promote the growth of livestock and poultry, various antibiotics have been widely added to feeds.
In order to control the residues of antibiotics in animals, many antibiotics can only be used in specific animal stages with a certain period of withdrawal. For example, it is strictly forbidden to use olaquindox in poultry and pig feeds of more than 35 kg; sulfonamides, aminoglycosides, macrocyclopropyl esters and other drugs are required to have a withdrawal period of more than one week before animal products are marketed; oxytetracycline and furazolidone require discontinuation five days before slaughter.
You can see the animal feed machine which can help you a lot in the feed pellet.
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westkisswigs · 2 years
Do you think the high quality feed pellets make sense?
lima feed machineToday’s article will introduce about the feed pellets.
There are several advantages of eating pellets for broilers compared to eating powders, the main one being that it can improve the performance of broilers. Compared to broilers fed meal, broilers fed pellets took less time to eat and digest and had lower body maintenance requirements.
1. The quality of pellets
High-quality pellets can be defined as feed pellets that can withstand repeated operations, such as bagging, transportation, storage, and feed line conveying without excessive breakage or production of too many fine particles. Pellet quality is usually expressed in terms of the Pellet Durability Index (PDI) and can be measured in a tumble jar: a sample of the particles to be tested is first sieved to remove fines and then tumbled in a tumble jar for a certain period of time. The tumbled sample is sieved to remove fines, from which the weight of the intact particles can be obtained.
2. The formula for calculating PDI is as follows:
PDI = weight of complete particles after tumbling / weight of complete particles before tumbling × 100
Some other equipment can also be used to measure the durability of particles, such as Holman particle detector, wood detector, etc.
3 Factors affecting the quality of feed pellets
3.1 Feed formula
Certain feed ingredients are beneficial for improving pellet quality, while others may be detrimental. Unfortunately, corn-soybean meal-based diets are not ideal for optimal pellet quality. Since wheat contains high levels of protein (gluten) and hemicellulose compared to corn or corn by-products, diets supplemented with wheat kernels or wheat by-products (wheat mid-gluten, wheat gluten) will have higher kernels after pelleting Durability. Likewise, partial replacement of corn in the diet with oats can improve the quality of the feed pellets. We can rank the beneficial effects of feed grains on feed pellet quality, from best to worst: oats, wheat, barley, corn, sorghum.
It has long been known that starch and its gelatinization are the most important factors in achieving optimum quality of feed pellets. However, recent reports suggest that the beneficial effect of protein on feed pellet quality is far more important than that of starch.
The addition of oil to the diet can adversely affect the quality of the feed pellets. This is because the oil will surround the feed pellets, which will hinder the penetration of steam into the pellets. In addition, the oil will reduce the friction between the ring die and the feed pellets, which will reduce the rate of starch gelatinization.  And you can use the animal feed pellet machine.
Adding binders [e.g. water (the simplest binders), lignosulfonates, hemicellulose extracts, gelatin, etc.] and/or surfactants to the diet can improve the quality and yield of feed pellets, and Energy consumption can be reduced.
Feed Pellet Quality Factor (FPQF) is a tool that can be used to predict the quality of pellets in feed formulations.
Estimating the FPQF of a certain feed formula: Each feed ingredient has its own unique Pellet Quality Factor (PQF). The score of PQF ranges from 0 to 10, where 0 indicates poor quality of feed pellets and 10 indicates excellent quality of feed pellets. We can estimate the FPQF of each ingredient by multiplying its PQF value by its percentage in the recipe. The FPQF value of a feed formulation is equal to the sum of the FPQFs of all ingredients used in it. In general, a feed formulation with an FPQF value below 4.7 indicates poor pellet quality, while above 4.7 indicates good feed quality.
3.2 Particle size of feed ingredients
Although some researchers have doubts about this, most people still believe that reducing the particle size of feed ingredients is beneficial to improve the particle quality of the feed. However, we do not recommend excessive shredding to avoid wasting energy and reducing productivity, and doing so is detrimental to broiler gizzard development. On the other hand, coarse grinding reduces the breakdown of feed pellets and reduces starch gelatinization (a high degree of gelatinization is required to produce good quality feed pellets).
3.3 Steam conditioning
As the powder passes through the conditioner, it is exposed to high pressure steam. This steam provides the heat and moisture needed to gelatinize the starch, bond the pellets to each other, leave the feed in a semi-digested state, and kill pathogens in the feed. The steam temperature and the time of the meal in the conditioner have a great influence on the durability of the feed pellets. Conditioning feed at 80 °C is sufficient to produce high quality feed pellets. To produce tolerant feed pellets, the minimum residence time of the powder in the conditioning cylinder is 30 s. Long-term use of a conditioner (the feed can stay in the conditioner for 3 to 4 minutes) can be used to improve the viscosity of feed pellets.
3.4 Ring die/roller specifications
Pellets are produced by pressing hot powder into a ring die by pressing rollers. A thicker ring die (longer ring die channel) is beneficial for improving the durability of the feed pellets, as this increases the friction time between the feed pellets and the ring die wall, resulting in more complete starch gelatinization. Most of the starch gelatinization occurs as the feed passes through the ring die. Similar results can be obtained by using a small aperture ring die. This means that a 60 mm thick ring die is better than a 50 mm or 40 mm thick ring die, and a 3 mm ring die aperture is better than a 5 mm ring die aperture. However, ring dies that are too thick or too small have a negative impact on particle yield. In addition, increasing the distance between the press roller and the ring die from 0.1 mm to 2 mm improves the durability of the feed pellets.
Welcome to see lima feed machine.
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westkisswigs · 2 years
hot sale poultry animal feed mill in Philippines
Hammer mill & Cyclone
Multifunctional straw crusher produces 200kg-2000kg/h, which can meet the daily production needs. The core part -- the hammer is scientifically designed with two impact parts, so when one part wears out, you can roll over and use the other part.Rough grinding and fine grinding can be achieved by adjusting the gap between the hammer and the screen.
Change the size of the screen and the variable speed inverter control so that the same crusher can process various raw materials.Equipped with a blower, the mesh material can be collected directly and transported to the next step for further processing.
Mixing machine
Unique design system ensures full airflow balance of feed, suitable for premix, poultry feed, aquatic feed, additives, chemical and pharmaceutical industries.Different types of raw materials are added to the mixer in batches according to different animal formula requirements. Come to see the feed mixer machine.
Widely used for mixing animal feed and fertilizer powder, granule etc.,various liquid can be added. Mixing time per batch is just 3-6minutes, Now it is widely used in animal feed industry, fertilizer industry, aquatic product breeding, chemical industry, aquatic product breeding, medicine and so on.
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Pellet machine
Pellet machine is the key equipment of production the feed pellet, Widely used in feed factory, farm and other. Come to see the fish pellet making machine.
1. Flat Die Pellet Mill Mainly suitable for medium-and small-scale farming professional households and other processing of various livestock and poultry and aquatic pellet feed can reduce the cost of aquaculture.
2.Feed machine can be used for raising rabbits, chickens, ducks, geese, fish, pigs, cattle, sheep, aquatic products and so on.
Cooling & screening machine
The pellets from the granulator at a temperature of 70 ° C to 90 ° C to a temperature slightly above room temperature of 3 ° C to 5 ° C, and can be reduced to safe moisture (≤ 12.5%), which is convenient for pellets. Transportation, storage and storage.
The screening machine can  screened out complete granules, and unqualified granular products will be separated for secondary granulation, effectively reducing waste.
Have a good day!
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westkisswigs · 2 years
Difference between extruded material and granular material
Aquatic feed products are mainly divided into three types: powdery feed, granular feed (traditional hard granular feed) and extruded feed according to different processing techniques.
Aquatic feed processing technology comparison
The processing requirements of extruded materials are more complicated than those of granular materials. The main differences are in the processes of conditioning, puffing and liquid spraying:
(1) Conditioning and tempering: In the process of tempering, water and steam are added together to produce the puffed material, and the moisture content after tempering is about 25%, while for the production of pellets, only steam is added, and the moisture content is low after tempering. is about 17%.
(2) Puffing and liquid spraying: There is no puffing process and liquid external spraying process in the production of pellets, but an additional granulation process. The raw materials required by the puffing material processing technology are pulverized more finely, and the high-temperature puffing process can improve the degree of starch ripening, which is conducive to the digestion and absorption of feed by fish. Come to see the fish feed extruder machine.
(3) Advantages of puffing materials: puffing materials require the raw materials to be pulverized more finely, and the high temperature in the processing process not only improves the degree of starch ripening, but also the instant strong rubbing of high temperature, high humidity and heat during the puffing process can kill some harmful bacteria in the raw materials Therefore, compared with ordinary pellets, extruded feed can improve the digestibility and utilization rate of feed and reduce the incidence of disease.
On the other hand, the extruded material has a stability of 12-36 hours in water, which is convenient to visually check the feeding situation of the fish and reduce water pollution.
Comparison chart of extruded material and granular material
With the enhancement of the concept of environmental protection and green and healthy farming, pellets will be gradually replaced by extruded materials. Compared with powder and pellets, although the extruded feed is more expensive, the feed conversion rate is higher, the comprehensive benefit is better, and the pollution to the water area is less. In recent years, farmers' acceptance of extruded feed has gradually increased. .
How to further improve and improve the level of feed processing technology to produce aquafeed with good stability, strong palatability and higher feed conversion rate is still the future development goal and direction of the aquafeed industry.
LIMA Machinery is waiting for your coming.
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westkisswigs · 2 years
Start shrimp farming at home-rising shrimp indoor
Why Indoor Shrimp Farming?
Shrimp, often called decapoda crustaceans, are widely available everywhere at a fraction of the price. Many shrimp muscle tails are edible to humans, and they are widely harvested and farmed for human consumption. Shrimp is not only delicious, but an excellent source of iron, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium and potassium for vitamins A, E, B6 and B12.
Increased demand for seafood is one of the main drivers of growth in the global shrimp market. The global shrimp market is expected to grow over the forecast period as consumers around the world switch to healthier diets because seafood is considered a healthy source of animal protein.
Consumer demand for fresh and frozen seafood is also a major contributor towards the growth of the global shrimp market. So, starting a shrimp farming business is highly lucrative for the entrepreneurs who want to start an aquaculture project. Come to see the fish feed making machine.
The ability to control temperature, avoid airborne diseases and control all environmental factors allows indoor systems to produce more consistent growth and higher yields. This is for the same reason as moving chicken, pork and milk production indoors.
Indoor systems must overcome some traditional limitations as well as new ones. First, the production unit must be much smaller in order to simply fit inside. This is a surprising advantage for indoor systems. Smaller systems are inherently easier to manage, preventing unnecessary problems. When the tank is only 12 feet wide instead of an acre, it’s easier to detect and mitigate problems. For example, a typical problem might be uneaten or accidental death from infection. If both dilemmas are detected early on as reversible, the potential negative impact on water quality and existing shrimp can be avoided. In the field of large tanks and ponds, it is almost impossible to detect these problems before causing significant damage.
Machines for Making Shrimp Feed
Through the fish feed extruder we can use cheap local raw materials to produce high-quality feed according to the nutritional needs of shrimp, which may save your feed breeding costs.
It is a good idea to start farming intelligently. A smart farmer always considers the necessary costs and investments and tasks before he starts farming. Here’s your guide to understanding these tips and taking some time to think about them before you start your shrimp raising business.
Learn how many types of shrimps are there in the world and decide of them, which one can give you more profit? Also, learn the how much it cost to start a new shrimp farm, depending on the scale of your business. Also, think about the fodder, care, and management needed for the growing shrimps economically.  Also, learn how to prepare shrimp nutritious fodder at home only? if you not much capital. Also, think of the space, cost, initial capital required for starting shrimp farming. Also, learn how to test your water to find out the elements present in it.Whatever is this, it is advised to take a visit to your nearest shrimp farm, if available to learn all these points in deeper and also better information about this.
How to Raise Shrimp at Home
Shrimp are a popular addition to aquariums, but they are also a popular cash crop. The price of shrimp has been high compared to other seafood. Many people raise shrimp at home in small or large ponds, make their own tables or sell them as seafood crops. With a little time and effort, you can use some simple guidelines to grow your own shrimp.
Buy baby shrimp from specialty retailers. Buy shrimp 30 to 60 days old to ensure you get healthy shrimp. Start your shrimp tank in early June to take advantage of the shrimp’s summer growing season.
Welcome to see lima machinery.
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westkisswigs · 2 years
Customized 1-2t/h feed pellet production line
Who is suitable for this 1-2t/h feed pellet production line? It is specially designed for the small farm owners, and the animal feed suppliers who firstly begins to enter the poultry feed production industry. 
What raw material can use? This Line can used for all kinds of grain, such as maize, corn, wheat, soybean, barley etc. There are also other kinds of materials, like premix, vitamins, wheat bran, salt and others according to different formula.
What kind animal feed can produce? This poultry feed pellet production line can produce feed for meat chicken, broilers, laying hens, and small baby chicken feed, and cattle feed, pig feed, duck feed, sheep feed ect.
1.We can provide different capacity production lines according to your requirements.
2.We could make powder feed unit,premix feed unit,and pellet feed unit.
3.Stainless steel materials and Carbon steel materials for spare parts ,dies and rollers.
4.Overseas engineers can participate in the installation project up to the turnkey stage.
Go to see the next animal feed machines.
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Main Machine Of Production Line
Crusher: It uses a positive pressure, high-speed rotating rotor to generate a large centrifugal force, and the raw material is sucked into the pulverizing chamber to be pulverized.
Mixer: The machine is mixed with the high speed rotation of the stirring blade in the surface barrel and it is suitable to produce prower/mash feed.
Pellet machine: The machine can press solid and viscous media through a die. Raw materials going in, your product comes out and is cut to size.
Dryer: The machine is used in drying food and animal feed pellet, and the high temperature make raw material on steel belt recycling drying.
Seasoning: The machine is used for continuous seasoning pellets, which automatically controls the speed and material capacity.
Cooler: The cooling machine can reduce feed pellets temperature to a slightly higher level than room temperature, which can ensure the quality of the fish feed.
Packing: The process of weighing, bagging and slitting the finished product by automatic packaging equipment and are shipped in two forms: bulk and bagged. Come to see the fish feed packaging machine.
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waterwavehair · 2 years
The ways of eworming chickens
Do you have a chicken farm? Maybe you can go to see the article which is about the ways of eworming chicken.
Deworming method:
1. In the process of first-line treatment, we often classify them into one category. Now the levamisole and other anthelmintics on the market can achieve very good prevention and control effects.
2. For free-range chickens, deworming starts at about 50 days of age. At this time, the chickens have basically been cold, and it is easy to ingest the eggs in the free-range state. At this time, the first deworming will begin. After the first deworming, 7 days later, another deworming will be carried out to ensure that the eggs in the chicken body will regenerate adults and be killed more thoroughly.
3. In the future, deworming will be performed every 40 days or so. This kind of flock will be healthier and grow evenly in the later period, and the farmers will reduce a lot of unnecessary damage.
4. Tobacco leaves repelling chicken insects: Feeding chickens with tobacco leaves soaked in water can repel chicken roundworms and chicken tapeworms. The method is: take an appropriate amount of yellow tobacco leaves, dry and crush them, add 2 kg of water to 1 kg of tobacco leaves and soak for one day and night, and wait until the tobacco leaves are reddish-brown in water. Be careful not to feed the chickens 14 hours before feeding the tobacco powder. For the first 4 hours, you can feed 2 spoons of 1% salt water and an appropriate amount of water. Then, fill each chicken with 5 ml of tobacco powder, 3 days apart, and then feed according to the above method. A few times, it can get rid of chicken roundworms and chicken tapeworms.
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Treatment measures:
For roundworms and nematodes, use albendazole ivermectin powder and mix it evenly with the feed according to the usual amount. Allow chickens to eat or drink freely. The effect of taking the medicine on an empty stomach is better. This method has ideal deworming effect and is safe. During the deworming of chickens, the feces of the chickens should be cleared in time and accumulated and fermented to kill the eggs. At the same time, thoroughly clean and disinfect the chicken house, utensils, and grounds.
Deworming chickens
In addition, in order to prevent the occurrence of chicken parasitic diseases, we must pay attention to the management of the environmental sanitation of the chicken house. When medication, we must choose a wide range of deworming drugs. Try to use small doses that can be used for group deworming to prevent the worms from developing resistance. Sex, improve insecticidal effect.
And I must tell you that the feed pellet cooler, flat die feed pellet machine, and the feed dryer machine will be used in the processing line.
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westkisswigs · 2 years
Breeding technology of laying hens
1. Create a suitable living environment for laying hens
In order to make laying hens produce more eggs, it is necessary to create a suitable growth and egg-laying environment for the chickens as much as possible, and to take corresponding supporting feeding and management measures according to the changing laws of different seasons. In the high temperature and high humidity season in summer, attention should be paid to preventing heatstroke and cooling, strengthening ventilation in the house, maintaining a dry environment, providing sufficient and clean drinking water to the chickens, and appropriately increasing the feeding amount of green vegetables to improve the feeding ability of chickens . In winter, special attention should be paid to the cold protection and heat preservation of the chicken house and artificial supplementary lighting. The temperature in the house should be maintained above 13 ℃, the light should be 15-16 hours, and the drinking water should be properly warmed, and ice water should not be drunk.
So if you have a chicken farm, you can try the chicken feed pellet machine which can help you make the pellet.
2. Pay attention to saving feed
The biggest expense of raising chickens is feed, which accounts for more than 70% of the total cost of raising chickens. Improper feeding and management will inevitably lead to a large amount of waste of feed. The measures to reduce feed waste are: First, the installation height, depth and length of the feed trough should be exchanged according to the different weeks of age and cage density of laying hens, and the amount of feed added should not exceed 1/3 of the depth of the trough. It is necessary to feed less frequently, reduce the leftover food in the tank, and determine the daily feed amount based on the egg production rate. Generally, when the egg production rate is 50%-60%, the daily feeding amount of each chicken is about 95-100 grams, and the egg production rate is about 95-100 grams.
When the egg production rate is 60%-70%, the daily feeding amount is 105-110 grams, when the egg production rate is 70%, the daily feeding amount of the chicken is 115-120 grams, and when the egg production rate reaches more than 80%, the feed is not limited, let the chickens Eat ad libitum. The second is to cut the beak. Because chickens have the habit of slicing, therefore, chicks should be decapitated at 7-9 days of age. At around 15 weeks of age, beak trimming is required for those with poor beak trimming. Thirdly, promptly eliminate non-laying hens or chickens with poor egg-laying performance. At the end of breeding, when it is transferred to the laying house, a culling should be carried out. Those who are stunted, too small, too fat, sick, and lethargic should be eliminated. In the process of laying eggs, brooding chickens, sick chickens, disabled chickens, and discontinued chickens should be eliminated at any time. In the late stage of laying eggs, the chickens that are out of production are mainly eliminated, and hens with crests, pale faces, and shrinking crests should be eliminated immediately. Chickens that are found to be too fat or too thin should also be eliminated immediately.
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3.The reasons for the decline in egg production
Environmental factors: changes in light program or light intensity: such as changing the color of light at any time, suddenly stopping light, shortening the light time, weakening the light intensity, irregular light time, long and short, early and late, suddenly light and suddenly stopped, evening Forgetting to turn off the lights etc. There is a serious lack of ventilation, and there is no ventilation for a long time. Attack of natural severe weather: A sudden attack by a heat wave, typhoon or cold snap without preparation or prevention in advance. Long-term water cutoff: The water supply system fails or forgot to turn on the switch, resulting in insufficient water supply or water cutoff for a long time.
Feed Factors: Significant changes in feed composition or quality issues in the diet can cause changes in egg production. For example, the types of raw materials in the diet suddenly change, the feed is not evenly stirred, the feed is moldy and deteriorated, the replacement of fish meal and yeast powder, the high salt content, the high amount of stone powder added, the replacement of cooked bean cakes with raw bean cakes, and forgetting to add salt in the feed, etc. Reduce the feed intake of chickens, causing indigestion. The egg production rate is normal, and the weight of the chicken does not decrease, indicating that the amount of feed and the nutritional standards provided meet the physiological needs of the chicken, and there is no need to change the feed formula.
Flock sickness: Acute and chronic infectious diseases can cause a sudden drop in egg production in a flock. If chickens are attacked by virulent Newcastle disease, egg production often decreases by more than 50%; infection with egg reduction syndrome can reduce egg production rate by 20% to 40%, such as mixed infection with other diseases, egg production rate decreases by 20% above. In addition, the infection of flocks with infectious bronchitis, infectious laryngotracheitis, cholera, coccidiosis, colibacillosis, avian influenza, etc. will greatly reduce the egg production rate.
4. Disease prevention work
Reducing dead chickens and preventing the occurrence of epidemics is the key to the success or failure of raising chickens. According to the scientific hygienic and epidemic prevention procedures for controlling the occurrence of chicken diseases, various vaccines should be injected according to the age of different chickens. At the same time, the chicken house and utensils should be regularly disinfected with drugs, and the feces in the house should be removed in time. mice, to prevent mice and sparrows from entering the house and bringing the epidemic. In order to reduce the chance of the spread of the epidemic, the entry and exit of people should be reduced as much as possible, strangers are not allowed to enter the chicken house, and visitors are refused to ensure the safe operation of the chicken farm.
Hope you can go to learn about the lima feed machine.
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westkisswigs · 2 years
How To Make Pig Feed?
Pig is among the most populous large mammals in the world. It is the most commonly consumed meat worldwide.Pigs are omnivores and can consume a wide range of food.There is a large market on pig feed production.
What Is Pig Feed?
Pig feed are divided into 2 types, first is raw feed which is not artificial feed.it’s mainly include following types. 1. Coarse feed: It refers dry grass, stalk and agricultural by-product,which crude fiber content more than 18%. 2.Green feed: It refers fresh alfalfa,vegetables, which natural moisture content more than 60%. 3.Silage: It refers roughage, which is the green feed was chopped and fermented. 4.Energy feed: It refers crude fiber content of less than 18%, crude protein content less than 20%. 5.Protein feed: It refers crude fiber content of less than 18%, crude protein content of more than 20%. 6.Additives: It refers natural minerals,vitamin,antibiotics, antioxidants, etc. Second is compound feed, it’s artificial feed. Along with the development of cultural technique and breeding technique, compound feed play an import role in modern pig farm. It can significantly reduce production costs, protein and phosphorous intake and excretion, and greenhouse gases emissions by increasing individual nutrient efficiency. We are here to talking about how to make artificial feed pellet.
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Why Pig Feed Is Important?
Pigs are known for their appetites, and they have a collection of favorite foods to match. However, just like humans, pigs need a complete, well-balanced diet in order to stay well and avoid unhealthy weight gain. The nutritional needs of pigs can be divided into six categories or classes. These are water, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Accurate formulation makes sure the diet meets the needs of the specific pig. Each pig with different feed Requirements, to properly nourish the pig, we need to understand its nutritional idiosyncrasies, its physiology and nutrient requirements, and how it responds to feedstuff and additive combinations. We must also realize that feeding goes beyond diet formulation, because diets must be properly processed, transported, stored, and finally presented for consumption before their potential is realized. Good feed is necessary for growth, body maintenance and the production of meat and milk. You can use locally feeds that are less expensive, but also can be made by your own animal feed pellet mill. So you can go to see the animal feed pellet machine. Making your own pig feed is far more cost-effective than buying expensive commercial brands from the local market. In fact, if you are only raising a small pig farm, a hundred dollars’ worth of homemade feed might be enough to last you a few months. Making your own hog feed is not too difficult, as long as you know the proper ingredients and proportions to use. When you mix and formulate your own feed, you need know some information to help you produce high quality pig feed pellet.
More details about the feed pellet, please go to limapoultrymach. 
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waterwavehair · 2 years
Introduction of the fish feed size of the crushed particles
wet type fish feed extruder machineHello, sir:
Do you have a fish farm? Today, I will introduce the topic about the fish feed size of the crushed particles.
Ordinary fish feed The particle size of fish feed raw materials is below 40 mesh, and the digestion and absorption rate is greatly reduced. The crushing particle size of the compound feed for juveniles of common carp, grass, green and bream should pass through 50-60 mesh (0.30mm-0.25mm), and the crushing particle size of the compound feed for adult fish should pass through a 30-40 mesh sieve. 60-0.355mm ).
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Aquatic feed requires finer particle size: the requirements of aquatic products for feed are different from those of terrestrial livestock and poultry, and the crushed particle size of aquatic feed is often finer than that of livestock and poultry feed, mainly for the following reasons:
1. Digestive capacity. The digestive tract of fish and shrimp is short and thin, and the ratio of its length to its own body length is generally much smaller than that of livestock and poultry, and its digestion and absorption capacity is also weak. At present, most of the fish, shrimp and crab species that are cultivated are carnivorous or partial carnivorous omnivorous aquatic products, and the length of their digestive tract is shorter than that of herbivorous or filter-feeding ones. In addition, fish and shrimps have weak digestion and absorption capacity for plant-based grains or cakes, and poor utilization of raw (immature) feeds. Therefore, crushing the feed finer helps to improve the utilization rate of the feed. Yes, you can use the wet type fish feed extruder machine if you have a big fish farm.
2. Feeding environment. Aquatic animals eat in water, and the feed must be put into the water. Therefore, aquatic feeds are required to have a certain stability in water to keep their shape and nutrients from being lost. The smaller particle size helps to improve the water stability of the feed. At present, the common forms of aquafeed are hard pellets, extruded pellets, soft pellets and dough-like feeds. For the first two forms, there is a hydrothermal quenching and tempering extrusion treatment during the processing. Small particle size, water and heat are easily transferred to the inside of the powder particles, reducing the difference in the degree of treatment between the center and the surface of the particles, which is conducive to starch gelatinization and protein denaturation in the feed ingredients. This change process can make the difference between different powder particles. Interphase bonding, inlay, and forming stable particles under the action of extrusion. The degree of change is large, which can significantly improve the water stability of the feed. For the latter two forms, the finer powder particles will bond well with cohesive substances such as starch under the action of moisture, and the surface of the soft particles or dough will be smoother, which is beneficial to improve the stability of the feed water. In addition, when pulverizing with a relatively fine particle size, the powder particles are also embedded with each other, which is also beneficial to the stability in water.
3. Individual size. The individuals that breed aquatic products are generally not as large as livestock and poultry, and their calibers are also small. For the same aquatic species, the finished product is thousands of times larger than the individual seedlings. Especially for fish, shrimp and crab fry, the particle size required for crushing is correspondingly smaller.
 We can have a look for the fish feed machine.
 If you are interested in the fish feed, we can have a discuss about the topic.
Have a good day!
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