#lima feed machine
westkisswigs · 2 years
Feed processing technology on pig growth performance
Come to see the technology on the pig growth performance.
1 Feed crushing particle size and uniformity
1.1 Pulverized particle size It is reported that when the particle size of weaned piglets is reduced from 900 μm to 500 μm, the increase in the processing cost of the diet is less than the compensation caused by the increase in the feed conversion rate. When the grain size of corn crushed in the growing pig diet was changed from 509 to 1026 μm, there was no significant effect on the daily weight gain of pigs; but with the decrease of grain size, the feed conversion rate increased, and the grain size range for optimum production performance was as follows: 509~645μm.
When the crushing particle size of corn in the finishing pig diet was 400-1200 μm, the feed conversion rate increased by 1.3% for every 100 μm decrease in particle size. When the corn crushing particle size was reduced from 1200 μm to 400 μm, the feed intake and digestible energy intake of lactating sows, the digestibility of dietary dry matter, energy and nitrogen, and the litter gain of piglets all increased. The content of 21% and 31% respectively. When the corn particle size in the simple diet was reduced from 1000μm to 500μm, the daily gain of piglets was significantly increased, while the daily weight gain of pigs in the complex diet was less affected by the corn particle size. The suitable particle size of feed for 0-14d and 14-35d after weaning is 300μm and 500μm; for growing-finishing pigs and sows, it is 500-600μm and 400-600μm, respectively.
You can see the feed crushing machine.
1.2 Pulverization uniformity Roller pulverizer has higher pulverization uniformity than hammer pulverizer. The conversion rate and growth rate of wheat when crushed with a roller mill are higher than those of a hammer mill. When the corn grinding uniformity increases, the production performance of finishing pigs is not affected, the digestibility of dry matter, nitrogen and total energy of the diet tends to increase, and the dry matter discharge in the manure decreases; The pulverizer can improve the digestibility of nutrients in the diet and reduce the dry matter in the feces by 19% and the nitrogen discharge by 12%.
2 Mixing uniformity of diet
According to reports, when the coefficient of variation of the piglets' diet mix uniformity decreased from 106.5% to 12.3%, the daily gain and feed conversion rate increased by 32.5% and 19.2%, respectively; and when the finishing pigs' diet mix uniformity coefficient of variation was reduced from 53.8%. When it dropped to 14.8%, there was no significant improvement in production performance. Therefore, the uniformity of diet mixing has a greater impact on young animals and when they eat non-full-price diets. Therefore, the suitable coefficient of variation of feed uniformity for piglets is 12%; the lowest coefficient of variation of feed uniformity for finishing pigs is 15%.
3 Granulation
Because pellets have many advantages over powders, they are widely used in the production of weaned piglets. The content of trypsin inhibitor was greatly reduced by granulation of raw soybean meal. Feeding corn or sorghum meal to finishing pigs and sows, respectively, results in that the feed conversion ratio, apparent digestibility of total energy and nitrogen digestibility of pelleted feed were significantly higher than those of meal, but there was no significant difference in weight gain. It has been reported that the average daily gain and feed conversion rate of pigs fed pellet feed before 5 days of age are 25% and 36% higher than that of powder feed, respectively, and the particle diameter (2-12mm) does not affect the growth performance of pigs; 
The daily weight gain and feed conversion rate of pigs with a particle diameter of 4 mm were the highest during the period from day 29 to the age of 29; the growth rate of pigs from the age of 29 days to the finishing period was not affected by the form of feed, but the feed conversion rate of pellets was better than powder. It has also been reported that when sieved pellets are fed to piglets, the feed conversion rate is 4.5% higher than that of pellets containing 15% or 30% fine powder; From 0 to 60%, the feed conversion rate decreased, and there was no significant difference between daily gain and nitrogen digestibility and backfat thickness.
And you can see the poultry feed machine which can help you in your pig farm.
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I’m you do Quinn but would you do Santana? If not you can also use this idea for Quinn:
(they’re both popular Cheerios maybe co-captains)
R and Quinn/Santana are on a date at breadsticks and some jocks from school slide next to each one and start to flirt w them.
They both smirk at each other and flirt back to get free food, then after the guys pay for their very large meals they see the karaoke stage just finished being set up and they get out the booth and tell the guys they’re gonna put on a show😏
They sing take a hint from victorious and kiss at the end.
The next day they walk the halls hand in hand as usual surprised people didn’t know about their relationship in the first place, so they used this opportunity to confirm the rumours that are being whispered around the halls as they go to their lockers and they start making out in front of their lockers while everyone is just shocked then Mercedes and Kurt come over and tell them to stop playing tonsil tennis which San/Q put their finger up like ‘hold on a minute’ and finish by pulling away saying an ‘I love you’ to each other before turning to their friends saying ‘hi’ before turning and opening their lockers which are right next to each other ✨
I'll do San for this one cuz she suits the request a bit more than Quinn does.
Santana x Reader
Ah Breadstix. Lima's to-go date spot. It was the best and quite possibly the only place with the proper dating atmosphere. It's where you find yourself right now, actually. Across from the most beautiful girl you've ever seen. Santana Lopez.
It started out as a fling. You and her would go out to sleep together and experiment as you do as teens. Then it became a friends with benefits situation. At least until Santana caught feelings, to your surprise. You had harbored feelings for her as well, but you were better at hiding it. You took what you could get for as long as you could. Apparently, it was for longer than you thought.
But here you are, feeding each other breadsticks when two of McKinley's beefy meatheads slide into your booth, trapping you in.
"Hey ladies."
"What's two pretty girlies like you doing at a place like this alone?"
Santana rolls her eyes while you facepalm. Resting your head on your hand, you look at the boys.
"We're not alone? We're here... Together." You point between you and Santana. This was always the double edge sword, being on a sapphic date. You could pretend to be just a couple of friends hanging out. But people also don't believe it when you're out together.
These guys just didn't have a clue.
"Nah. You're alone cuz you ain't got guys like us with ya." He flexes, almost knocking over your drink. "C'mon. We'll show you a good time."
When your gaze turns to Santana, a wicked grin is on her face. It takes a second, but you catch onto what she's thinking. It's time to play these boys. Suddenly, you're ordering steaks and salmon. Breadsticks and assorted sides pile onto the table and the boys are none the wiser as you keep flirting. When the bill arrives, both boys wince, but pay regardless. It was going to be worth it, right?
Now for the escape plan.
"Hey, how 'bout we sing something for you boys?" You mention. The Latina picks up the baton you passed.
"Yeah. Breadstix has a stage. And we're the best singers in school." You disagree, but you don't voice that. Santana gets in enough of a pissing match with Rachel and Mercedes as is.
The boys readily agree to be serenaded and let you slip out of the booth. After talking to the karaoke machine operator, you set up and the music begins.
Why am I always hit on
By the guys I never like?
I can always see 'em coming
From the left and from the right.
Everyone in the restaurant is rocking out along with the song. Even the jocks, not having a clue about the meaning of the song. It takes two thirds of the song for it to sink in and for them to realize that they weren't taking you two home.
At the end of the song, you're back on stage and belting out the last note. As soon as you stop, applause erupts from the other patrons and you and Santana share a kiss before racing out of the restaurant.
The next day, whispers in the school hall can be heard echoing. It seems to travel alongside you and Santana as you make your way to your lockers, hands locked together and swinging between your bodies.
"Wait, are they a thing?"
"I mean... That's hot."
"You owe me $20."
The whispers start to get annoying so Santana pushes you into the lockers and latches into your lips, trapping you in bliss. The whispers stop as your schoolmates stare. It goes on for long enough that they start to feel awkward and walk away.
To you and Santana though? You were in your own world. The space between you two was non-existent. The Latina had a knee dangerously close to where you desperately wanted it. Your hands held her head in place as your tongues swept over each other. Her hands kept your hips still as she presses closer. Then, like a knife, a familiar voice cuts through.
"Oh God. Please stop playing tonsil tennis." Kurt gripes from behind Santana. "We don't need to see that here." Mercedes chimes in next to him.
"Lord knows we see it enough during Glee Club..."
Santana just raises a hand, her index finger pointed up to tell them to 'hold on a damn minute.' A sigh escapes from both of them as they wait, Kurt tapping his foot with impatience.
When you finally part, you feel teeth pull at your lower lip and you let out a soft whimper. She presses her forehead against yours as you collect yourselves. Finally you don't have to hide it anymore.
"I love you."
"Love you too..."
With a deep breath, you two finally separate and greet your friends as if you weren't just macking on each other right in front of them. Just another normal to get used to.
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gowns · 1 year
Imagine that all the world’s knowledge is stored, and organized, in a single vertical Steelcase filing cabinet. Maybe it’s lima-bean green. It’s got four drawers. Each drawer has one of those little paper-card labels, snug in a metal frame, just above the drawer pull. The drawers are labelled, from top to bottom, “Mysteries,” “Facts,” “Numbers,” and “Data.” Mysteries are things only God knows, like what happens when you’re dead. That’s why they’re in the top drawer, closest to Heaven. A long time ago, this drawer used to be crammed full of folders with names like “Why Stars Exist” and “When Life Begins,” but a few centuries ago, during the scientific revolution, a lot of those folders were moved into the next drawer down, “Facts,” which contains files about things humans can prove by way of observation, detection, and experiment. “Numbers,” second from the bottom, holds censuses, polls, tallies, national averages—the measurement of anything that can be counted, ever since the rise of statistics, around the end of the eighteenth century. Near the floor, the drawer marked “Data” holds knowledge that humans can’t know directly but must be extracted by a computer, or even by an artificial intelligence. It used to be empty, but it started filling up about a century ago, and now it’s so jammed full it’s hard to open.
From the outside, these four drawers look alike, but, inside, they follow different logics. The point of collecting mysteries is salvation; you learn about them by way of revelation; they’re associated with mystification and theocracy; and the discipline people use to study them is theology. The point of collecting facts is to find the truth; you learn about them by way of discernment; they’re associated with secularization and liberalism; and the disciplines you use to study them are law, the humanities, and the natural sciences. The point of collecting numbers in the form of statistics—etymologically, numbers gathered by the state—is the power of public governance; you learn about them by measurement; historically, they’re associated with the rise of the administrative state; and the disciplines you use to study them are the social sciences. The point of feeding data into computers is prediction, which is accomplished by way of pattern detection. The age of data is associated with late capitalism, authoritarianism, techno-utopianism, and a discipline known as data science, which has lately been the top of the top hat, the spit shine on the buckled shoe, the whir of the whizziest Tesla.
It’s easy to think of the ills produced by the hubristic enthusiasm for numbers a century ago, from the I.Q. to the G.D.P. It’s easy, too, to think of the ills produced by the hubristic enthusiasm for data today, and for artificial intelligence (including in a part of the Bay Area now known as Cerebral Valley). The worst of those ills most often have to do with making predictions about human behavior and apportioning resources accordingly: using algorithms to set bail or sentences for people accused or convicted of crimes, for instance. Connelly proposes that the computational examination of declassified documents could serve as “the functional equivalent of CT scans and magnetic resonance imaging to examine the body politic.” He argues that “history as a data science has to prove itself in the most rigorous way possible: by making predictions about what newly available sources will reveal.” But history is not a predictive science, and if it were it wouldn’t be history. Legal scholars are making this same move. In “The Equality Machine: Harnessing Digital Technology for a Brighter, More Inclusive Future” (PublicAffairs), Orly Lobel, a University of San Diego law professor, argues that the solution to biases in algorithms is to write better algorithms. Fair enough, except that the result is still rule by algorithms. What if we stopped clinging to the raft of data, returned to the ocean of mystery, and went fishing for facts?
-- "the data delusion," jill lepore, new yorker 3/27/23
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Lima Machinery Manufacture
Lima Machinery Manufacture is a professional manufacturer of fish feed machinery. We have been in the fish feed extruder, feed crusher, feed mixer and fish feed production line and other agricultural machinery industry for nearly ten years. Our machines are widely used in small and medium-sized fish farms and commercial feed production. Quality products, good prices, perfect after-sales service and timely delivery are our business philosophy.
Keywords: Fish Feed Machine, Fish Feed Making Machine, Fish Feed Production Line
Contact Email: [email protected]
Phone Number:  +8619139956347
Website: https://www.fishfeedmanufacturing.com
Address :  Second east circular road junction, Opposite echolab radiology laboratory, off sapele road, Benin city
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waterwavehair · 2 years
The ways of eworming chickens
Do you have a chicken farm? Maybe you can go to see the article which is about the ways of eworming chicken.
Deworming method:
1. In the process of first-line treatment, we often classify them into one category. Now the levamisole and other anthelmintics on the market can achieve very good prevention and control effects.
2. For free-range chickens, deworming starts at about 50 days of age. At this time, the chickens have basically been cold, and it is easy to ingest the eggs in the free-range state. At this time, the first deworming will begin. After the first deworming, 7 days later, another deworming will be carried out to ensure that the eggs in the chicken body will regenerate adults and be killed more thoroughly.
3. In the future, deworming will be performed every 40 days or so. This kind of flock will be healthier and grow evenly in the later period, and the farmers will reduce a lot of unnecessary damage.
4. Tobacco leaves repelling chicken insects: Feeding chickens with tobacco leaves soaked in water can repel chicken roundworms and chicken tapeworms. The method is: take an appropriate amount of yellow tobacco leaves, dry and crush them, add 2 kg of water to 1 kg of tobacco leaves and soak for one day and night, and wait until the tobacco leaves are reddish-brown in water. Be careful not to feed the chickens 14 hours before feeding the tobacco powder. For the first 4 hours, you can feed 2 spoons of 1% salt water and an appropriate amount of water. Then, fill each chicken with 5 ml of tobacco powder, 3 days apart, and then feed according to the above method. A few times, it can get rid of chicken roundworms and chicken tapeworms.
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Treatment measures:
For roundworms and nematodes, use albendazole ivermectin powder and mix it evenly with the feed according to the usual amount. Allow chickens to eat or drink freely. The effect of taking the medicine on an empty stomach is better. This method has ideal deworming effect and is safe. During the deworming of chickens, the feces of the chickens should be cleared in time and accumulated and fermented to kill the eggs. At the same time, thoroughly clean and disinfect the chicken house, utensils, and grounds.
Deworming chickens
In addition, in order to prevent the occurrence of chicken parasitic diseases, we must pay attention to the management of the environmental sanitation of the chicken house. When medication, we must choose a wide range of deworming drugs. Try to use small doses that can be used for group deworming to prevent the worms from developing resistance. Sex, improve insecticidal effect.
And I must tell you that the feed pellet cooler, flat die feed pellet machine, and the feed dryer machine will be used in the processing line.
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togachipblog · 3 years
KIWA Native Andean Potatoes
In previous blog posts, I have written about socially conscious companies including one that spends all profits on soup kitchens in the Detroit area.  These stories were focused mostly on the revenue side.  Today's post is the story of the supply side.  
There is an old Chinese proverb:  
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
The story below could create the following Ecuadorian proverb:
 Buy a potato from a small farmer and you barely sustain him for a day...... Teach a small farmer to grow a special potato and you help sustain him for a lifetime.  
KIWA was formed in 2008 by a couple, Martin and Natalie Acosta, that returned home from their honeymoon in Ecuador with the intention to help improve the lives of the people of Ecuador.   After a year and a half of determining their plans and educating themselves, they started selling vegetable chips. Today their chips are a leading brand of premium vegetable chips.  KIWA makes some of its chips from Native Andean Potatoes that are only grown from Colombia to Chile having originated between Peru and Bolivia.  I met Maria Jose Guillen of KIWA Snacks at the Sweets and Snacks Expo on Chicago.  She explained:
The variety is turned into a chip keeping its natural benefits.  The native Andean potatoes were almost extinct in Ecuador and KIWA is actually the only company that makes it possible to grow this type of potato in Ecuador, so it is a huge responsibility for us to keep making it clear for people the amazing kind of potatoes the are.
I thought the story would make an interesting blog post, and Maria put me in contact with Rodrigo Quevedo who is the agronomist for KIWA.   An agronomist is someone who studies the growing and harvesting of crops .  Rodrigo spends most of his time in agricultural fields in the mountains of Ecuador (with bad connections to cell phone and internet service.  His main activities are planning the sowing and harvesting of the fields, giving advice of the best practices to the growers, and seed multiplication.  Because of the communication challenges, Rodrigo educated me by sharing a paper that Martin Acosta presented to the World Potato Congress in Peru earlier in 2018.  The paper is entitled "Launch, Growth and Challenges of Native Andean Potatoes as we take them world-wide."   Per its web-site, KIWA is an acronym for the company's values.
Kuality: Meet and ideally exceed customer expectations creating an atmosphere of trust and consistency.
 Innovation: Transform ideas into solutions and opportunities.
 World View: Understand, respect and adapt to our markets.
 Amity: Is the way to achieve our goals, surrounded by people with positive energy and seeking healthy  relationships with all stakeholders.
In 2010, Martin received a call from a British person asking if he had access to Native Andean potatoes in Ecuador.   Native Andean potatoes are the single best alternative in terms of cost-benefit for low-income farmers living above 11,000 feet above sea level where these potatoes need to be harvested.  These potatoes were of superior quality because of their high nutrients (especially increased levels of Iron, Zinc, and Potassium that are important to child development)  including antioxidants than regular potatoes, but would have been expected to cost more.  Because of their higher cost, other chip manufacturers had shied away form using the potatoes.
Upon receiving the call, Martin had no idea what Native Andean potatoes were, and after hanging up, googled them and found the name and found the web-site of the International Center for Potatoes in Lima, Peru.  He asked his Research & Development ("R&D") manager to call the organization and by coincidence two of its representatives were in Quito, the capital city of Ecuador, and Martin's R&D Manager met with them the next day.   The R&D Manager told Martin about the potential of the potatoes and Martin and his R&D Manager then met with them again on the following day, right before the two persons flew back to Peru.   For seven years, organizations had been looking for a partner in the private sector to help improve the income of farmers in the Andes mountains of Ecuador.   A few months later,the Native Andean potato industry in Ecuador was born.  After KIWA signed the contract with the International Center for Potatoes, the organization opened an office in Ecuador,  This collaborative effort has involved development organizations including the International Potato Center, the private sector, farmers associations and the private sector.  Their combined goal was to raise the income for low-income farmers.  
Despite their expected higher cost, as a premium brand, KIWA decided to take a chance on using Native Andean potatoes, especially since nobody from Peru was exporting these potatoes to be used as chips.  Initially two varieties of the Native Andean potatoes were selected, Puca Shungo (red heart) and Yana -Shungo (black heart).  
Under a long term  contract, the local farmers are paid more than twice the cost of production.   This is far higher than the price for regular potatoes and a lot more than the local farmers were receiving in the local farmers market.  
By February 2011, KIWA chip products hit the shelves of the largest retailer in Ecuador and they were an immediate hit.  KIWA won an award from the German Chambers of Industry as the best corporate social responsibility in Ecuador.  The monetary award was used to fund KIWA's first technical agricultural officer and multiple seeds that were given away to farmers in Argopapa, the association of producers.   Today, KIWA provides the farmers with seeds, technical assistance, training and even financing.  InSeptember 2011, ANUGA, the largest food show in the world, awarded the KIWA National Andean Potato Mix as one of the top innovations in the world.  Only 10 companies received the award out of 6,500 exhibitors.  KIWA was the first Latin American company to receive the award.  Buyers flooded the KIWA exhibit with as many as 16 buyers visiting at the same time.    KIWA was also selected as one of the Top 10 social enterprises in Latin America.  
The collaborative organization has grown to 50 farmers with at least 300 indirect beneficiaries in three of the 23 provinces of Ecuador.  The long term contact helps sustain the farmers by providing them with a guaranteed yield.  Today, production has multiplied and the potatoes are now exported to 30 countries in five continents.  The Native Andean potatoes comprise over 20% of KIWA's total sales.  The chips are sold to retailers all over the world in sizes ranging from vending machine size, to Club sizes for customers such as Costco in Canada.  However, this effort has not been without substantial challenges as climate changes, particularly in September and October Spring in South America) in the Ecuadorian Andes mountain range killed 80% of the harvests in both 2014 and 2017.  
The current focus is to expand in the US, Middle East and Eastern Europe.  The first KIWA Organic Native Andean potatoes package was launched in March 2018 at the largest natural food show in the US.  
KIWA is currently working with its collaborators to develop new varieties of Native Andean Potatoes in Ecuador.  They hope these potatoes will be more productive and more resistant to climate changes.  They are working to improve the quality of the seeds so that the potatoes are more suitable for frying.  Production has increased, but is still far below the average that a large farmer from regular potato derives. The goal over the next two years is to further increase the productivity yield through partnerships with academic institutions such as Stanford University.  In 2017, Stanford sent a team to help develop a harvesting tool that will allow farmers to increase yields by 30% and reduce costs, mostly of labor during harvesting by 40%.  
KIWA is exploring diversifying the products its makes from Native Andean potatoes starting with frozen french fries and the first purple naturally-colored mashed potatoes. They also want to educate Ecuadorians about these native potatoes as only one percent of the urban population is aware of them .  Studies demonstrate the antioxidants in these potatoes, but they need to overcome the Ecuadorian stigma that naturally colored potatoes are rotten.  
Read more about the company including its formation and other products on its web-site at http://www.kiwalife.com/.  The tab "social responsibility" includes a video of interviews with the farmers as well as testimonials from them.  
Enjoy El Condor pasa-Peru
The Toga Chip Guy
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anneedmonds · 3 years
Trying On Dresses from Reformation
Reformation is a brand that I’d only ever seen on Instagram – barely anyone I knew offline had heard of it and I hadn’t picked up a fashion magazine in so long (too busy reading House & Garden, apparently!) that I was feeling quite out of the loop with what was trendy and what was not.
But dress after pretty dress kept popping up on my Instagram feed and more often than not the ones that caught my eye were from Reformation, so I decided to take the plunge (quite literally, as you’ll see) and order a selection of bits and pieces to try on. Mainly to find out what all the fuss was about, but also to pull myself out of what I’d started calling my gardening clothes comfort zone.
I’d already noted from my online research that many of the dresses were cut in a way that I could only describe as…challenging. At least, challenging if you’ve spent over a year wearing the same green shorts and loose t-shirt. To suddenly be thrown into the world of dramatic cleavage, exposed decolletage and high leg splits is no laughing matter!
So here’s my try-on of the random selection of Reformation dresses. Cost-wise, they were all around the £250-£300 mark, which brings them in at around the same sort of price as a dress from Me+Em. I have to say that in terms of finish and cut, there is no competition between the two: Me+Em pieces feel as though they have been tailored and are finished perfectly to the last stitch. The Reformation dresses are, how can I put it? More casually finished. You’re paying for the label and the signature body-con sort of style and cut rather than deftly executed draping and darting of materials.
Watch my Me+Em clothing try-on…
This comparison was brought home to me last week when I was trying on dresses from various brands for a shoot and put on a beautiful autumn sample from Me+Em; it just felt so incredibly expensive and tailored – fully-lined, the pockets precision cut so that they didn’t interfere with the line of the seam. Very clever.
So I’d say that the Reformation quality is fine, but for the prices of the dresses I’d prefer a bit more attention to finish – the autumn collection on their website, I’ve noted, is far more expensive than the summer one. Maybe those dresses are lined and more weighty in the fabric department but then you’re really paying for it! Some of the dresses are at the £500 mark! The cotton floral strapless maxi-dress from my try-on was by far the most beautifully made; lots of voluminous fabric to the skirt, nice pockets and a well-structured bodice that had been thought out carefully.
Fit-wise, all of the items were as expected: there was a lot of boob going on. I felt like a medieval milkmaid, or an extra from Game of Thrones. Which was quite titillating whilst still in the relative security and comfort of my own bedroom but felt a little…exposed when I had to run into Sainsbury’s to buy milk. I’m not sure it’s really my vibe now that I’m in my forties: for going out-out, yes, but for lunches and trips into town and casual dinners? I’m not so sure. And because I rarely go out-out, it leaves me with a dilemma: if I buy something from Reformation, when will I actually wear it?
In fairness (spoiler alert!) I did keep two of the items I’d bought. I’ll mark them in the list below. But let it be known that it’s only the maxi dress that’s had any wear: the booby top has been relegated to the bad behaviour section of the wardrobe because it’s quite gapey. I should have kept the small and not moved up to the medium, but then the small was very stretched across my tudor barmaid’s gut and I feared for the buttons.
Which brings me onto sizing: I’m a UK10-12, but lean towards a 10 these days in most brands. The “small” size fit well in almost everything I tried, apart from the top which you’ll see was rather a close call in terms of decency.
I haven’t washed anything yet so can’t comment on longevity or ease of laundering, but with expensive things I tend to spot wash or handwash anyway. (By handwash I mean I dab at things in a half-arsed manner with a flannel and then keep shouting out “the stain’s not going, I’m going to put it in the washing machine and risk it!” until I finally give up and just live with the stain.)
Here you go then: my thoughts on Reformation’s dresses and a real life try-on. I hope you enjoy this – it’s a few weeks old I’m afraid, because I’m still running on school holidays time, which means no time at all, so there’s something of a blog post backlog.
Let me know what else you’d like to see try-ons of in the comments. I have some fun ones coming up really soon…
Roland Top*: https://bit.ly/3yuweZo
Nell Top (I kept this) – loads of versions but this is “Lima”*: https://bit.ly/3iJanrD
Nikita Dress – they do this in 15 versions, this one is “Ronan”*: https://bit.ly/3sdZKQB
Kourtney Dress in “Tropical” (not on site currently but loads of patterns/colours)*: https://bit.ly/3xHrEFR
Mica Dress*: https://bit.ly/3sezYMe
Lissa Dress (I kept this, it’s beautiful)*: https://bit.ly/37EfkLV
The post Trying On Dresses from Reformation appeared first on Ruth Crilly.
©2020 " Trying On Dresses from Reformation published first on https://medium.com/@SkinAlley
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limafm · 3 years
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JENNA USHKOWITZ, CIS-FEMALE, SHE/HER, HETEROSEXUAL; Is that TINA COHEN-CHANG I see getting a cup of joe at the Lima Bean? Sounds like them. Apparently, they’re TWENTY-SEVEN years old and I know from Instagram they seem to be SELF-RELIANT but also SENSITIVE and are a COSTUME DESIGNER. Not to mention their feed reminds me of THE HUM OF A SEWING MACHINE, SKETCH BOOKS, LATE NIGHTS AT THE THEATRE. Here’s to hoping they get out of Lima soon!
Birthday: July 10th, 1994
Family: Cohen-Chang
Relation: Adopted Sibling (Solo)
Birth Order: Open
Secret: Tina has been dealing with insomnia for the past year, she uses the late nights to bury herself in work.
Growing up Tina was always the shy girl who never spoke up in class, she was more the type to express herself through her clothes. She joined the William McKinley High School Glee club her freshman year after her parents encouraged her to step out of her comfort zone. After a year of being in the club Tina became more comfortable around her new friends, even volunteering to take on solos. Junior year she even stepped up to help with costuming for the drama club and for the New Directions when they had competitions.  The club became a second home to Tina, and when it came time to depart when she graduated high school it was incredibly hard to say goodbye.
Although Tina was an incredible performer she felt more passionate behind the sewing machine, it just made sense for the girl who was always trying new aesthetics for her outfits. She had tried everything under the sun from goth to mod. She was in love with the idea that she could also portray a character through their costume. For school she attended Lasell University in Newton, Massachusetts where she studied Fashion Design and Production with a minor in Performing Arts. The combination was a dream for Tina, and she loved the idea of being on a small town campus while only being a quick train ride to Boston.
After getting her degree Lima called Tina back home. She missed her family and friends. She packed up her stuff and road tripped from Massachusetts to Ohio. She made use of her degree at the Lima Community Theatre where she designs costumes for their productions. She’ll even volunteer from time to time at WMHS when they are doing a musical, or she’ll travel to some of the larger cities nearby to help out some of the bigger theatres when she needs a little extra income. Tina loves the hustle of her line of work, she’s always looking to keep herself busy.
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westkisswigs · 2 years
Add green roughage to grass chickens
With the continuous rise of feed prices, it is necessary and feasible to add a certain amount of green roughage to the diet of grass chickens, but the following issues need to be paid attention to during the addition process:
Different feeding methods are adopted according to different growth stages of grass chickens. Chickens are fed with concentrate, and about 20% of chopped green vegetables can be added to the concentrate from the age of 4 days. Due to the small capacity of the esophagus, it should be fed less frequently, so that the chicks can form a good conditioned reflex for food, and lay the foundation for them to forage grassy food in the pasture after dewarming.
When the grass chickens are 36 to 80 days old, grazing can be adopted if conditions permit. During the grazing period, pay attention to supplementing the grass chickens with full-price ingredients in the morning and evening. If there is no condition for stocking flocks, green roughage can be added to the diet at a ratio of 1:1. The feeding method is to feed a single full-price feed to the chickens first, and then put the same amount of green roughage in the feeding bucket after 1 hour, so that the chickens can eat freely. The feeding amount of green roughage can be appropriately reduced 15 days before the grass chickens are released to help shorten the fattening period and increase the daily weight gain. And you can use the animal feed machine.
The use of green roughage should be combined in a variety of ways to ensure quality. None of the green forages have comprehensive nutritional value. If they are matched in various ways, they can complement each other, improve the utilization rate of various amino acids in the feed, and reduce the cost of the feed. For example, legume feed is matched with grass feed, aquatic feed is matched with sweet potato vine powder or flour, but straw powder should not be matched with husk, rice husk, and bran.
Pay attention to the processing and modulation of green roughage. The green roughage is best to be chopped, beaten and mixed with the concentrated feed. If it is stored for too long or is simmered, it may cause nitrite poisoning or even death of grass chickens. Forages such as sweet potato vine, bitter vine, peanut vine, alfalfa and champagne grass should be dried immediately after harvesting, and their integrity should be kept as far as possible.
Ensure the uniform supply of green roughage throughout the year. Affected by the seasons, the supply of green forage in many areas in our province is not balanced throughout the seasons, but as long as the planning of forage planting is strengthened, this problem can be solved. For example, plant chicory, Rumex, and alfalfa in spring; plant champagne grass and amaranth in early summer; plant vetch, winter cabbage, and cabbage in winter.
Any questions, you can come to lima contact.
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andersonswalsh · 7 years
Fic: Teach Me How Love Goes (for Klaine Advent Day 14/24)
And Blina’s story is finally revealed!
Day 14: Nose | Day 13 | Day 15 | AO3
Blaine can’t let the tears stop as he watches his sons sleep.
The day Lydia was born was one of the best days of his life. She was the perfect baby, passed every test, and got to go home in two days. Blaine and Tina got to enjoy every precious moment with her.
This morning has been another experience. They were brought to NICU for the first time to see Ben and Charlie. The day nurses, Paige and Erin, gave them a tour of the unit and the machinery used on Ben and Charlie. Tina couldn’t stay long, since she’s recovering on her own, but Blaine wanted to remain here and be with them, even if he isn’t able to hold them just yet.
Ben and Charlie are on CPAP machines that cover up their noses and mouths as well as a feeding tube. The expectation is that Monday it will be okay to hold them for a little bit. Blaine is almost afraid to. Charlie is just under three and a half pounds, so, so small. Ben hit four pounds, but he had a few more problems at birth that needed taken care of. Watching them in their incubators is all Blaine can do, and he’ll take any moment he can.
Paige taps him on his shoulder. “Excuse me, Blaine? Tina says she needs you in her room.”
“Oh, okay,” Blaine says, standing up. “Did she say anything is wrong?”
“She didn’t say why,” Paige replies.
“Alright. I’ll probably be back.”
Paige smiles. “Most parents are.”
Blaine leaves the NICU and heads for Tina’s room. He isn’t expecting to see Kurt already there. “Kurt, hi,” he says.
Tina looks at Blaine, her mouth tight. “So, Blaine, I think there has been a little miscommunication here.”
He immediately worries. Tina said she was fine with other visitors...was she not wanting Kurt around? “Okay?”
“It seems that Kurt has been under the assumption this entire time that we are married.”
Blaine’s heart immediately drops into his gut. “Oh, god. I’m so sorry.”
“Why--” Kurt starts before pausing. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I thought about it,” Blaine sighs, “trust me. It was just never the right time. I told you the first day that it was complicated.”
Kurt snorts. “Okay then. But how did Lydia come?”
“She’s what complicated it, obviously,” Tina says, glaring at Blaine.
Blaine takes the chair next to Tina’s bed and sits down. “Okay. So right before graduation all of us--me, Tina, Sam, and Artie--we decided we would all take New York by storm together. We knew you and Rachel, and later Santana, were living the life out here.”
“And then literally the day before graduation,” Tina continues, “I got accepted into Brown.”
“Wait, really?” Kurt asks. “I had no idea you were an Ivy League grad.”
She chuckles. “Yeah, Quinn’s not the only one of us. So the boys came here and I moved to Providence. Freshman year we took the train back and forth every other weekend and it was magical. We thought okay, we can handle this for four years.”
“And then we spent the summer in Lima,” Blaine says. “When sophomore year began our trips to see each other became less frequent, and we began fighting a bit.”
“That Christmas we went to a New Directions party. I don’t know what it was, but I was so unhappy that night. I asked Blaine if we could leave early but he didn’t want to. He was too busy talking to Marley and Kitty about their college applications or something. I literally pulled him away from the girls and out the door.”
“I drove her home, we spent twenty minutes yelling at each other in my car, and decided it was over.”
“But our friendship wasn’t. Blaine still texted me Christmas morning, and I realized our friendship would never end.”
Kurt nods along to their story. “And Lydia?”
Tina sighs. “I had just found out my fiance was cheating on me. His name was Chad, he was stationed at Norfolk’s naval base, we met October of my junior year and he proposed three years later. I was working in PR for the city and went back to Ohio for something that he couldn’t leave for. When I returned he was in our bed with this five-ten blonde model. I flipped out, grabbed my luggage, and decided to drive straight to New York.”
“She told me what happened on the way,” Blaine says. “So I went out, got a few pints of ice cream and a few bottles of wine. We drank all the wine in an hour and a half while she cried it out.”
“And then we stupidly, stupidly slept together. A month later I realized something was wrong and grabbed a few pregnancy tests...boom.” Tina makes an exploding motion with her hands. “All positive.”
“But you never got back together?” Kurt asks.
“We spent a week after she told me debating what to do,” Blaine replies. “We didn’t want to start a relationship just for the sake of a baby, but I couldn’t bear not being in her life. So Tina applied for a job here working for the city and in two months we bought our apartment and prepared for our little girl.”
Tina takes over. “The funny thing is, even though I had an inkling we’d probably hook up at some point...we never felt the need to. Six years living together and the only times we ever had sex was after we decided we wanted another baby.”
“Which leads us here,” Blaine concludes. “Kurt, I’m incredibly sorry. You deserved to know all of that a long time ago.”
Kurt stays silent for a few moments. “Thank you for at least telling me everything,” he says. “Can I request something?”
“Of course,” Blaine nods.
“Can you two give me some time to process this? It’s...it’s a lot. And there’s a lot that I’ve been dealing with before this. But please don’t call or text me, or come into the school to pick up Lydia unless I have to send her home sick. I want some space.”
“We can do that,” Tina says.
“Thanks.” Kurt stands up and walks to the door. He turns around before he walks out. “Tina, you’re incredible for having gone through this. Blaine...I’m sorry.”
Before Blaine can ask what Kurt means he’s gone.
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waterwavehair · 2 years
Introduction of the fish feed size of the crushed particles
wet type fish feed extruder machineHello, sir:
Do you have a fish farm? Today, I will introduce the topic about the fish feed size of the crushed particles.
Ordinary fish feed The particle size of fish feed raw materials is below 40 mesh, and the digestion and absorption rate is greatly reduced. The crushing particle size of the compound feed for juveniles of common carp, grass, green and bream should pass through 50-60 mesh (0.30mm-0.25mm), and the crushing particle size of the compound feed for adult fish should pass through a 30-40 mesh sieve. 60-0.355mm ).
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Aquatic feed requires finer particle size: the requirements of aquatic products for feed are different from those of terrestrial livestock and poultry, and the crushed particle size of aquatic feed is often finer than that of livestock and poultry feed, mainly for the following reasons:
1. Digestive capacity. The digestive tract of fish and shrimp is short and thin, and the ratio of its length to its own body length is generally much smaller than that of livestock and poultry, and its digestion and absorption capacity is also weak. At present, most of the fish, shrimp and crab species that are cultivated are carnivorous or partial carnivorous omnivorous aquatic products, and the length of their digestive tract is shorter than that of herbivorous or filter-feeding ones. In addition, fish and shrimps have weak digestion and absorption capacity for plant-based grains or cakes, and poor utilization of raw (immature) feeds. Therefore, crushing the feed finer helps to improve the utilization rate of the feed. Yes, you can use the wet type fish feed extruder machine if you have a big fish farm.
2. Feeding environment. Aquatic animals eat in water, and the feed must be put into the water. Therefore, aquatic feeds are required to have a certain stability in water to keep their shape and nutrients from being lost. The smaller particle size helps to improve the water stability of the feed. At present, the common forms of aquafeed are hard pellets, extruded pellets, soft pellets and dough-like feeds. For the first two forms, there is a hydrothermal quenching and tempering extrusion treatment during the processing. Small particle size, water and heat are easily transferred to the inside of the powder particles, reducing the difference in the degree of treatment between the center and the surface of the particles, which is conducive to starch gelatinization and protein denaturation in the feed ingredients. This change process can make the difference between different powder particles. Interphase bonding, inlay, and forming stable particles under the action of extrusion. The degree of change is large, which can significantly improve the water stability of the feed. For the latter two forms, the finer powder particles will bond well with cohesive substances such as starch under the action of moisture, and the surface of the soft particles or dough will be smoother, which is beneficial to improve the stability of the feed water. In addition, when pulverizing with a relatively fine particle size, the powder particles are also embedded with each other, which is also beneficial to the stability in water.
3. Individual size. The individuals that breed aquatic products are generally not as large as livestock and poultry, and their calibers are also small. For the same aquatic species, the finished product is thousands of times larger than the individual seedlings. Especially for fish, shrimp and crab fry, the particle size required for crushing is correspondingly smaller.
 We can have a look for the fish feed machine.
 If you are interested in the fish feed, we can have a discuss about the topic.
Have a good day!
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legends-of-direbear · 7 years
Crash Into Me || Brobastian: AU TTL
Tagging: @smythethebadass​ @multiplestep-weston
Date: Post- “a thing”, Pre- “I love you”
Setting: Brody’s House, Lima, Ohio
Summary:  It’s starts with Brody crashing and injuring his leg.  And then snowballs into a lot of other crashes.
Brody actually has quite a few loves in his life.  Dancing, obviously.  Teaching, surprisingly.  His family (even if the feeling isn’t mutual); his horse; his mattress-- the guy who inspired the investment of said mattress (not that he’s ever even considered mentioning that out loud).  And his truck.
It’s not new-- he’s had it as long as he’s lived in Lima.  Which, he points out to Bas whenever they have this discussion, is actually the point.   Trixie represented a fresh start in a new place, and the fact that he’s kept her so long, that he’s been here so long, has become a point of pride.  Plus, there are a lot of good memories that came from that truck.
Which is why he really doesn’t want Sebastian Smythe driving it.  
God knows he wishes he could just drive himself to the hospital.  It’s not like he doesn’t know he needs stitches-- the rip in his leg looks nasty, even with his jeans somewhat covering it, and it’s bleeding quite a bit.  He’s managed to stay calm for the most part, because Bas doesn’t really handle emergencies that well, but as he slowly wraps a towel in ice and tries to numb the blinding pain, he’s not sure he can really think of a good alternative besides calling an ambulance, which is //definitely// not necessary.
“Just give me another minute and I can drive down there myself--”
“So you can black out on the road and mangle up the rest of your body?  I don’t think so.”
Brody grunts, pressing down harder on the wound and trying to focus.  “Do you even know how to drive a stick?” he argues.  Sebastian doesn’t even dignify the query with a response, and Brody realizes that considering his boyfriend grew up as a walking spoiled rich kid cliche, yeah-- most of his luxury sports cars would have been manual transmission.  Damnit.  “Yeah, but you realize a truck isn’t the same as a BMW, right?”
Sebastian’s expression has shifted, emerald gaze fixed on Brody’s leg, and the older man chances a peek downward.  The towel is saturated and stained dark by this point, and yeah, they need to leave soon.  
Bas effectively shuts down the discussion at that point, and Brody really doesn’t have it in him to argue anymore, as much as he hates the plan.  It’s taking too long for the blackness to clear every time he blinks, and he’s panting slightly.  Instead he just leans up against his boyfriend’s shoulder and hobbles carefully to the passenger side of his truck, biting his lip to the point that it starts bleeding too, rather than draw any more attention to the agony shooting up and down his body as he moves.
Apparently Sebastian is more worried than he let on, or insane, because the truck slams into gear and they’re flying down the road before Brody has time to do more than buckle his seat belt.  He’s honestly not sure by this point if he feels nauseous because of the blood loss or because his baby is at the mercy of his boyfriend.
Despite his maniac technique, Brody’s got to hand it to Bas-- they all make it to the hospital just fine, his truck included.  He lets out a small sigh of relief, which turns into a hiss as his leg sharply reminds him why they’re here in the first place.  
But they get in, and after a few hours, Brody’s cleaned up and released.  Of course, now he’s high on painkillers, so he’s definitely not fit to drive his truck; but at least he’s far from caring who is.  He just leans back, his fingers trailing languidly along Bas’ arm as he pulls out of the lot and heads for home, the whole time listening to the younger man prattle on about how easy this damn thing is-- he learned how to drive on a stick in the first place, for fuck’s sake, and the roads of this town are a cake walk.  Bas shakes his head and scoffs about how he can’t believe Brody had so little faith in him.
Well, you know, until he takes the corner of the drive too sharply and slams right into the mailbox, splintering the top into pieces and creating a crater on the left side of the truck as the pole digs hard into the frame.
Luckily, Brody is completely gone from the drugs by this time, so Bas just carefully reverses and reparks, guiding the barely conscious man inside the house and into bed.
The next morning, Brody wakes up with the sun-- maybe a little earlier-- and despite the nag in his leg and the haze in his brain, he knows he needs to get up and get his chores done.  Delilah isn’t going to feed and brush herself, after all.  He feels groggy as hell, honestly, and the jagged sutures in his leg remind him of the events of the previous evening, but hell, he’s already up-- he can get this much done and then just come back to bed, he’s sure.  He carefully pulls on a pair of loose-fitting sweats and walks gingerly to the counter, picking up his keys and boots and making his way outside.
“What the fuck?!”  His sweet baby-- his Trixie... Brody’s at a complete loss when he sees her, and he’s pretty sure he woke up some of their neighbors with his expletive.  
Pain temporarily forgotten, he strides back into the house, throwing his shoes aside and making his way back to the master bedroom, throwing the door open with a slam.
Bas is still dead asleep-- guy hasn’t even shifted at the noise.  Well, Brody can change that.
He grabs the blankets, ripping the warmth off of the other and tossing them aside before reaching down and shoving the younger man’s shoulder forcefully enough to almost roll him off the bed.
“What the fuck did you do to my truck?”
“I-- your--ngh.  Stupid truck’s fault…” Sebastian is barely semi-conscious, trying to reconcile his sleeping brain with his awake one in the face of a very worked-up Brody (and not the way Brody knows he prefers him worked up).  Brody can’t believe Bas is legitimately trying to blame the truck-- well, he can, but still-- and he huffs incredulously as he watches the other groan as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes.
His huffing turns into a bit of a pant-- wow, he didn’t realize how pissed off he was.  He's trying to get some more air, but Brody feels completely spent as the initial adrenaline burst wears off, leaning on the nightstand for support when he his heart starts pounding hard, the pulsing throbbing against his leg.
Which is when Bas finally seems coherent enough to realize that Brody is dressed and in front of him, asking about his truck.  “Why are you even out of bed, you moron?” comes the incredulous question.
Brody arches an eyebrow back at him.  “I’m going to take care of Dee?” he reminds the other, albeit a little breathlessly.  He really wants to sit down, honestly, but that would kind of ruin the effect he’s going for at the moment.
“The fuck you are,” Bas slides over to the side of the mattress where Brody is leaning, carefully slipping his hand over the other’s arm to guide him back down.  “If you’re going to yell at me, fine, but fucking lie down to do it.  You just came back from the hospital with 17 stitches in your leg.  Idiot.”
By now Brody’s righteousness has pretty much lost out to his exhaustion from the sheer effort of standing so long, and his leg is throbbing-- Bas tries to help, but the older man basically collapses face first back into the bed once he’s given up the fight.  
“You broke my truck, you asshat,” comes an angry grumble from the pillow.  Followed by a quiet groan.  “And my leg hurts-- did we pick up something?”  He hasn’t taken anything for the pain yet, and what they’ve given him at the hospital has long since worn off, so at this point it’s up to Sebastian to play caretaker, shuffling out of bed for a caffeine fix so he can hunt down Brody’s prescription they got last night
As soon as he’s back in bed though, and Brody quickly swallows the heavy duty meds, strong arms wrap around the lankier torso and the Ag teacher buries his face into Bas’ neck.  “If I can’t leave, you can’t leave,” he argues, aware that this is hardly a punishment to the pompous peacock next to him.  But, to be honest, he’s recognized he can’t stay angry at Bas too long anyways anymore, so what’s the point?
He does whine a little when Bas manages to squirm free-- some sort of excuse about lunch (when did breakfast happen?) and “get some sleep”.
Brody tries to argue he’s not sleepy, but when he shifts up to make the retort, the other is shrugging off the clothes that Brody doesn’t remember him wearing, grabbing a styrofoam container of what Brody instantly recognizes as soup and another box of Chinese that he brings to bed.  Sebastian sets the takeout on the nightstand as he crawls back under the covers and just rolls his eyes at the older man’s bemused look.
Brody awkwardly fumbles until he’s positioned himself in a sit, body leaning against the headrest and wrinkling his nose at the container.  “Why do people always serve soup when you’re injured?” he asks petulantly.  “Injured isn’t sick.  I freaking hate soup.”  He groans and sways slightly, stretching his stiff limbs.  It feels like he hasn’t moved in years, and his mouth is feeling the strain suddenly more than any other part of him.
“God, I haven’t even showered today,” he remarks after another moment of reflection, glancing over at Bas and leaning against his shoulder.  “We didn’t get to take a shower.”  Brody recognizes that he has a weird obsession with shower sex by now, but it’s still his favorite part of the morning, and it’s a disappointing thought that he’s missed out on fucking his boyfriend up against the glass.
He curls up against the other man, still pointedly ignoring his “lunch” in favor of suddenly letting his drug-addled brain follow this new train of thought.
“I feel like there’s rules against that-- not showering after an injury.  ‘s not sanitary.  Isn’t that how people get gangrene and lose limbs?”  He glances up at Bas.  “If I lose my leg, I want that machine gun prosthetic like Rose McGowan got in that one movie.”  No nevermind that Brody is an awful shot and isn’t that fond of guns in the first place-- that would be cool and he wants one.
He wriggles again, suddenly deep in his contemplation as he lays against the lean form of his boyfriend.  “Hey, do you think it’s easier to bottom if you’re missing a leg?” he ponders, hands shifting in front of him as if trying to conceive the idea spatially.  “I mean, I don’t usually, you know, but it’s an interesting question to consider.  I feel like that could potentially leave a lot of flexibility in position, you know?  Or would it hinder it because you’d have less to grip onto?”
He can’t see Sebastian smirking in amusement as he watches him ramble, but he hears it in his scoff.  “You’re not going to lose your leg, you moron; so it’s not really something you need to think about.”
But now Brody is thinking about it, and his eyes widen in realization.  “We never switch-- you said you’re a switch, but we never do.  Because I’m always on top-- did you want the top?  Am I depriving you?”
He twists his body around so that he’s facing Bas, completely unaware of the amusement playing all over Sebastian’s face at the external monologuing happening in front of him.  Brody’s genuinely worried that after all of this time, he’s been a complete selfish ass of a boyfriend.  But as Bas opens his mouth to arguably reassure him, he continues, “And if you’re deprived, do you know you’re deprived?  I mean, maybe I’ve just brainwashed you into not wanting top, and you don’t even know it.”
Now Brody’s off and running again, and he curls back up against Bas’ chest so the other has to put aside his food and wrap his arms around the babbling idiot.
“Can you brainwash someone without them knowing it?  I mean, I guess they wouldn’t know it afterwards so it’s all relative if they knew.  Oh my god, what if they really did take my leg, and just brainwashed me into believing it was still there?”  
“Oh my god, Brody.  I’m not brainwashed, and neither are you.”
Ignoring this, his arms tighten around Bas’ at the thought.  “Would you still have sex with me if I only had one leg?”  Brody was pretty sure he still had enough game to be able to have a healthy sex life in general, but he loves Bas-- he just wants to have sex with him.  He shakes his head as his eyes took in the messy room around them.  “God, I’m going to have to invest in, like, handholds all around the house.”
His head lulls to the side as his eyes shift toward the ceiling reflectively.  “I wonder how much those grips for the showers are.”  Brody’s blue eyes are suddenly serious as he turns back to Sebastian’s gaze.  “I’m not giving up shower sex, Bas-- it’s not happening.”  He’s deadly serious, and only a small part of his brain registers that the younger man doesn’t really seem to be taking him seriously, but he’s so caught up in his thoughts he doesn’t dwell on it, instead flopping back onto his back and huffing unhappily.  “God, we didn’t even have shower sex today.  What a fucking waste of a day.”
Sebastian isn’t really talking throughout the ordeal, instead just keeping one arm loosely wrapped around Brody’s chest, while his other hand slowly cards through the man’s hair.  It’s arguably soothing, although it doesn’t quiet the older man’s mind for long.  But it’s nice, and reassuring, and Brody just likes the feeling of Bas in general, so as his thoughts crash to the forefront of his mind and his mouth lacks the filter to not voice every one as it comes, they just stay there in bed; and he just lets himself feel surrounded and safe as Sebastian just protects him from his own thoughts until he manages to fade back to sleep, and spend the weekend recovering. 
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westkisswigs · 2 years
Tell everyone the dangers of antibiotics in feed
Come to know some knowledge about the danger of antibiotics in feed.
The abuse of antibiotics is a serious situation. Antibiotics are considered to be one of the greatest inventions in medicine in the 20th century. Due to the widespread promotion and use of antibiotics, plague, tuberculosis, dysentery and other infectious diseases in history have been controlled. During World War II, penicillin alone kept thousands of soldiers threatened with death.
China is a big country in antibiotic use and production. It is estimated that my country produces about 210,000 tons of antibiotic raw materials every year, exports 30,000 tons, and the rest is used for personal use (including medical and agricultural use), and the per capita annual consumption is about 138 grams (only 13 grams in the United States). And you can see the flat die feed pellet machine.
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According to the national bacterial resistance monitoring results of the Ministry of Health from 2006 to 2007, the annual utilization rate of antibiotics in hospitals across the country was as high as 74%. In developed countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom, the antibiotic usage rate in hospitals is only 22% to 25%, while the usage rate of antibiotics among hospitalized patients in China is as high as 70%, and almost all surgical patients use antibiotics, with a rate as high as 97%. According to the disease classification survey from 1995 to 2007, infectious diseases accounted for 49% of the total incidence of all diseases in China, of which bacterial infections accounted for 18% to 21% of all diseases, and more than 80% belonged to the abuse of antibiotics.
The breeding industry is also the hardest hit by the abuse of antibiotics. According to media reports, half of my country's antibiotics are used clinically and half are used in animal husbandry. Experts estimate that of the 210,000 tons of antibiotic raw materials produced in China every year, 97,000 tons are used in animal husbandry, accounting for 46.1% of the total annual output. Since the discovery in the 1950s that low concentrations of antibiotics in feeds can not only prevent animal diseases but also promote the growth of livestock and poultry, various antibiotics have been widely added to feeds.
In order to control the residues of antibiotics in animals, many antibiotics can only be used in specific animal stages with a certain period of withdrawal. For example, it is strictly forbidden to use olaquindox in poultry and pig feeds of more than 35 kg; sulfonamides, aminoglycosides, macrocyclopropyl esters and other drugs are required to have a withdrawal period of more than one week before animal products are marketed; oxytetracycline and furazolidone require discontinuation five days before slaughter.
You can see the animal feed machine which can help you a lot in the feed pellet.
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twilight-deviant · 8 years
I'm curious. What are the reasons Wyatt might not be good for Lucy?
You’re trying to get me in trouble, anon. lol. I’ve just been mumbling under my breath about it. I guess I shouldn’t be afraid to speak though, even if it is against the (for some reason) most popular ship. Um, I can’t tell from your tone if you ship it, or if you hate it, or if you’re neutral, so if I offend your ship, I apologize. I’m just calling it like I see it.
Can I make this a general post about Wyatt? Since the tag you’re referencing was mainly about my outlook on Wyatt. But I’ll tie Wyatt/Lucy back into it.
Under a cut because it’s really long and also so anyone not wanting to hear a more critical reflection of Wyatt’s character can abstain.
I should probably preface everything which follows by saying I don’t hate Wyatt. True, of the four main characters, he is my least favorite and the least interesting, but that’s neither here nor there. I think he’s an all right character (nothing groundbreaking) and that he is decently three-dimensional. But the reasons I find him to be a departure from the standard, cookie cutter hero character are, apparently, quite different than what everyone else cites.
So… despite what the fandom almost unanimously believes, Wyatt is not a precious cinnamon roll. He is not a good person. I’m not saying he doesn’t want to be one. And he definitely thinks he is. But he is also kind of a jerk. Which is fine. I like my characters with some depth. I just get a little frustrated by people ignoring his faults or sweeping them under the rug. And I definitely don’t get why everyone thinks him having a relationship with Lucy would be the most healthy and well functioning thing. (Look, I ship Flynn/Lucy, but I’m also calling a rose a rose. It is what it is.)
I leave my own preconceived hangups at the door. Ever since I first watched the trailer, I was already rolling my eyes at the inevitability of the show trying to force them together, like every. single. other. show. on. television. It’s boring, if I’m being honest, predictable. But then I watched the Pilot and was intrigued when they called themselves brother and sister. Actually, I was downright giddy. I couldn’t stop going on about it. I thought hey… maybe they’re actually going for a different dynamic, something unique. Then they did it again in the second episode, a third time in Stranded, and I became really excited at the idea that they would develop a sibling relationship instead. How cute is it for Wyatt to be younger than her and yet end up acting like a big brother? Plus, it’s a lot easier to overlook Wyatt’s faults when the relationship between them isn’t romantic. So, digression aside, I’ll answer your question now.
I’ll start off small and build up, kay?
Wyatt is not over his wife. He’s not. He’s still obsessed with her. He regularly prints out pictures of her and stares at them, tapes them to his wall with the newspaper articles. He sits at a bar looking at her picture and drinking. And his obsession isn’t going away any time soon. He isn’t going to wake up one day in the near future and move on. It’s already been four years, and he is still feeling it. And he’s not done yet. Lucy’s journal claims that Wyatt is still obsessed with Jessica. We don’t yet know exactly when Lucy writes the journal, but Flynn does say that it’s, “A few years from now.” So a few years from now, Wyatt is still obsessed with Jessica and her death. We can’t honestly expect him to be all in with Lucy until he’s over Jessica. That’s not fair.
Inappropriate/Inconsiderate. He’s a guy. Fair enough, right? Excuse it if you want, but what he does in the Pilot is still a jerk move. Wyatt and Lucy are locked in a cell together. They’re standing, they’re pacing around, he’s staring at her breasts. It makes Lucy visibly uncomfortable. She scoffs and turns away from him. Oh, but it was all tactical, right? He had to stare at her chest before his eureka moment hit. Sure. Whatever. Okay, but then (and there’s no excuse for this) he watches as she takes off her shirt and bra! That’s downright sleazy. And the fandom romanticizes this instance? How would you feel if this guy you JUST MET was leering at you and, oh yeah, you’re locked in a room with him? There’s a certain expectation of consideration where you don’t make people feel uneasy. Let’s just say “gentleman” isn’t a word I’m throwing around with Wyatt Logan, aight?
Unstable. There was that part in the beginning of The Alamo where Wyatt is being reassigned. And I have to admit, I was surprised. He handled it with integrity, maturity, and respect towards his superiors. Fiction is so full of loose canons, I’d never seen that before. I was impressed. But boy, he got me good. Because just wait until the adults are away. He immediately descends into an erratic mindset. He begins experiencing flashbacks that are one step away from full-blown hallucinations. He is tortured by survivor’s guilt to the point that it affects his decision making skills. He already had enough of that going on because of his wife. In the Pilot, he’s so distracted by saving Kate the first time that he lets Flynn get away. And then a second time. And then a third time. I have to wonder how Wyatt has the psychiatric green light to be approved for combat, much less such a vital mission whose outcome literally affects the fate of the entire world. The episode posed the question if Wyatt is the right man for the job, and somehow the answer was… yes? Come on. This would never happen in real life. Wyatt’s instability is a liability. Let’s be honest with ourselves, he’s about as unstable as Flynn.
Oh, speaking of…
He’s as bad as Flynn. Not “as” bad, but committing a lot of the same transgressions. You know the body count between them is about the same, right? Granted, several of the people Wyatt has killed are Flynn’s men, self-defense shots with a low impact on the timeline. But others?
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That’s sort of… what Flynn does. All the time. And why he does it. 
And the justification here, why we shouldn’t care, is because the guy was a Nazi? Look, he wasn’t a member of the top brass. He was just a soldier guarding some random spot in the woods. He’s not making a lot of decisions about the war. Was most likely drafted. He was just a guy doing as he was told, and he got shot in the back. And any descendants he might have had disappeared. They certainly weren’t Nazis. He was just some grunt. I seem to recall Wyatt’s outlook on the life of a soldier as, “I don’t get trained in why. Just who, what, where, and when.” It’s a bit… heartless. It shows a lack of empathy. That’s all I’m saying. (No, I’m not a Nazi sympathizer. But I do consider the individual within the cause.)
Wyatt actually killed at least six people in that episode. But there’s really no telling how many more were casualties of the rocket he and Rufus set off. Most likely (and at least) there were the four who were next to it when it exploded. Which would bring Wyatt’s contributive body count in that one episode up to ten. But given the massive fire the rocket ignites, there were probably more. (And we can’t even calculate how many of their descendants were wiped.) Honestly, if I did a legitimate tally, he has undoubtedly killed MORE people than Flynn.
He also killed Lieutenant Louis Coulon’s son, which can’t have not had an impact somewhere. And he was a good guy who wanted to feed them. Poor fella.
Wyatt has killed other people in the past. Like Rittenhouse’s men, but those were in self-defense so we have to let it go. Even though an unscheduled death going back 236 years definitely affected a lot in the timeline. That’s dozens of people who weren’t born, though it could easily be a hundred or more.
Wyatt has NO concerns with preserving the timeline, which is Lucy’s primary mission. And it’s very disrespectful how he OFTEN changes events on a whim, ignoring Lucy’s advice (and sometimes her pleas) to be more careful, leave less of a footprint. In response, Wyatt tells Lucy that history is her job and expects her to be his damage control as he runs about doing as he wishes in his mission and changes almost as many things incidentally as Flynn does intentionally. Lucy is so passionate about history and maintaining it and… Wyatt doesn’t really care a lot of the time.
Wyatt is manipulative. To be fair, this is mostly something seen with Flynn. He does it three times in the Watergate Tape episode. He toys with Flynn a bit, makes him think that he’s really willing to listen him. Flynn expresses that he wishes Wyatt would believe him, and Wyatt decides to run with it, use it. I’d let this go because, hey, Flynn was threatening to kill him and that’s just survival. I actually like the idea that Wyatt was consciously trying to trigger Lima syndrome. It’s devious, and I like it. But there’s one instance that sits unwell with me. There’s the really great scene (Goran is such an amazing actor) where Flynn finally fills in the blanks and says what happened regarding his family’s deaths. It’s extremely raw and emotional, obviously a sore spot, to put it lightly. And after Flynn has basically overshared his soul, Wyatt says, “Look. If any of this were true, you have a time machine. Why don’t you just go back and save your family?” It actually took me a few viewings to realize how, well, insidious the suggestion really is. Wyatt KNOWS you can’t go back to a time you already exist. And yet he’s hoping Flynn doesn’t? So he took the heartbreaking story that was shared with him and he then tried to twist and exploit Flynn’s desperation and love for his family until he could convince the man to go back to the night it happened and, in the process, destroy himself. Wyatt tried to weaponize Flynn’s mourning. It’s just very… unsettling. It’s very cold.
And then a lesser instance with Lucy, though his motivations are conjecture. But I gotta be honest that, once again, it just doesn’t sit well with me for some reason. The scene in The Capture of Benedict Arnold where they find out Rittenhouse is one man and the team is trying to decide how they’ll proceed. Lucy isn’t on board, and Wyatt sort of says everything he can to bring her around, up to and including the illogical proposal that it might even bring Amy back. He wants something, and Lucy’s standing in the way of a united front. Keep in mind, Wyatt’s already on board. Flynn bought his cooperation from the beginning. So every point he makes here is for the sole purpose of convincing Lucy. He mentions all the people who will suffer if they don’t do it, and yeah, it’s a great cause but it’s not his cause. It’s not his motive for why he’s doing it. He wants Jessica’s killer. The plight of hundreds is his tactic for convincing Lucy. And the way he finishes it by saying, “What you really believe in is helping people,” it sort of feels like emotional blackmail. He presents the argument in such a way that Lucy can’t ignore that her disagreement and inaction will cause the deaths of all those people. He’s pressuring her to agree with them. Like I said, his motives there are debatable, but I don’t like it.
Temper. Wyatt is a great guy. So long as everything is going his way and everyone is doing what he says. Source? Just… any scene with him and Judith Campbell, honestly. He immediately flips a switch with her, and it’s somewhat frightening to know how quickly he can turn on a person. He has a temper lying in wait, and it can be unlocked with very minor provocation. It’s an overall bad episode for Wyatt with an unfortunate peek at the darker side he definitely has. He tries ordering Lucy and Rufus around the entire episode, snaps at them when they disobey or lose focus. Lucy even tells him he doesn’t give the orders, not that he gives it much mind. He tells her to take it up with Agent Christopher, which she obviously can’t do in the past. Wyatt knows and takes advantage of the fact that when they are isolated the past, he becomes the default power of authority. He doesn’t use it often, but it is a trump card. Lucy and Rufus cannot stop him physically. He’s a well trained soldier, and they’re nerds. Wyatt is aware.
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And, ya know, just adding, he goes on to use Judith as bait, something he knows could be dangerous given his nonanswer when she asks if he would do the same with a woman he loved. Lucy told him Judith is important, and he still used her, risked her.
His temper ties in with this next point.
Everything! In! This! Scene!
Good lord. Red flags popping up like daisies. Can we extract the facts from this scene? Maybe if we’re not watching two people act, the story will shine through and hit a little better, a little clearer.
Wyatt and Jessica go out to a bar.
Jessica runs into an old boyfriend of hers.
Wyatt becomes immensely jealous. Even though he and Jessica are married. (Now, I don’t know the girl. Yet. But unless he has proven and established reasons to worry about her being disloyal, this is very insulting.) Wyatt is an over the top jealous, possessive person. 
Let’s add distrustful.
Wyatt’s jealousy leads to him drinking too much.
I’d like to mention the obvious here in that after drinking “too much,” he then drives them home. So… drunk driving added to the list of offenses.
They leave the bar, and, once they are alone, the fight begins.
The shouting becomes so unbearable that Jessica would rather get out of the car than stay in it with him.
Instead of letting it go, at least until they get home, he actually, legitimately stops the car.
He lets her out on the side of a highway. It wasn’t a city block or a rural street. Only highways have mile markers. Have you seen a highway? It’s typically a long stretch of road that might not have anything on it for miles. That’s why they have mile markers. He let her out there.
Because of this, Jessica is (predictably?) killed.
This isn’t a tragic backstory. Flynn has a tragic backstory. He was just a man doing his job and they killed his family. What Wyatt has is the consequence of his actions. The one redeeming aspect of the whole ordeal is that he does at least blame himself for it. I mean, he should. So at least he does.
I dread the day when (not if) they inevitably show us the flashback of that night and end up retconning so much of how the scene is represented. Because Wyatt is a fan favorite now, so they’re going to make every decision he made that night look like a natural course of events that could happen to anyone. You know they’ll do it.
Jealous. Related note to the above point, people think it’s cute every time Wyatt “gets jealous” when other men pay Lucy attention or flirt with her. Noooooooo. Once again, red flag. We’ve heard what happens when he gets jealous. WHY is this cute?
Did I ramble? Definitely. Is anyone going to read all of that? Definitely not. Sorry I couldn’t keep it brief, Anon. I’m a very contemplative individual who thinks too much about fiction. It’s dangerous to ask me a question. lol. No matter how simple it may sound when asked.
I think what we’re supposed to do with Wyatt’s character (which so few do– no one?) is acknowledge that he is a protagonist who is not 100% good. He is the mirror image of Flynn, an antagonist who is not 100% bad. They have so much in common, I truly believe we’re supposed to draw parallels between them. 
So for lots of reasons, I don’t think Wyatt is good for Lucy. Really, unless he changes himself drastically, I don’t think he’s good for anyone. His wife is literally dead because of his jealousy and his temper. And Wyatt just… can’t really handle it when people disagree with him, not when he’s too invested in his own idea. Lucy is too strong willed for something to actually last for very long between them. I hope it never starts. But I rarely get what I want in these matters so…
Once again, I don’t hate Wyatt. He’s still an okay guy. I didn’t list his positive attributes because it wasn’t relative to the question. And there are enough posts about that. But yeah, one day, the glass just sort of shattered and I noticed all of his bad traits that had been building up under our noses the entire time. They add up. He’s just a flawed, unstable hothead. But at least he’s three-dimensional.
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scenepointblank · 5 years
Detroit's The Suicide Machines are back with their first record in 15 years and their first for Fat Wreck Chords, Revolution Springs. The new record combines the band's hardcore, ska, and punk influences and comes out on March 27. It was produced by Roger Lima of Less Than Jake.   The group originally released six records prior to their 2006 break, which has been followed by infrequent live dates since 2009 through the present. “Everyone just kind of got inspired,” vocalist Jason Navarro says of the return to action. “That’s all. I think we were watching all these other bands ride a wave of nostalgia and we didn’t want to be lumped into that, so we started writing a couple of songs and it went from there.” The current lineup features Navarro, plus drummer Ryan Vandeberghe, bassist Rich Tschirhart, and guitarist Justin Malek. “This album is legitimately pretty autobiographical,” Navarro explains. “A lot of it is very personal – about how I am and where I am now and how I got where I am now mentally. I kind of wanted to leave my children with an understanding of who I am as an older person. Maybe years from now when I’ve passed away, they can pick up the record and look at the lyrics and listen to it and, if they didn’t already know exactly, go ‘Okay, so this is what dad is about.’” Listen to "Awkward Always" from the new record below. The band will be playing select live dates this year in the USA, UK, and Austria. via Scene Point Blank music news feed
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timclymer · 5 years
The Difference Between Being Smart, Educated, and Intelligent
I’ve always been intrigued by the subject of intelligence. As a child my mother would refer to me as “smart,” but I quickly noticed that all parents refer to their children as smart. In time I would discover that all children are not smart, just as all babies are not cute. If that were the case, we’d have a world full of beautiful, smart people – which we don’t.
Some of us are smart; but not as smart as we think, and others are smarter than they seem, which makes me wonder, how do we define smart? What makes one person smarter than another? When do “street smarts” matter more than “book smarts”? Can you be both smart and stupid? Is being smart more of a direct influence of genetics, or one’s environment?
Then there are the issues of education, intelligence and wisdom.
What does it mean to be highly educated? What’s the difference between being highly educated and highly intelligent? Does being highly educated automatically make you highly intelligent? Can one be highly intelligent without being highly educated? Do IQs really mean anything? What makes a person wise? Why is wisdom typically associated with old age?
My desire to seek answers to these questions inspired many hours of intense research which included the reading of 6 books, hundreds of research documents, and countless hours on the Internet; which pales in comparison to the lifetime of studies and research that pioneers in the fields of intelligence and education like Howard Gardner, Richard Sternberg, Linda S. Gottfredson, Thomas Sowell, Alfie Kohn, and Diane F. Halpern whose work is cited in this article.
My goal was simple: Amass, synthesize, and present data on what it means to be smart, educated and intelligent so that it can be understood and used by anyone for their benefit.
With this in mind, there was not a better (or more appropriate) place to start than at the very beginning of our existence: as a fetus in the womb.
There is mounting evidence that the consumption of food that’s high in iron both before and during pregnancy is critical to building the prenatal brain. Researchers have found a strong association between low iron levels during pregnancy and diminished IQ. Foods rich in iron include lima beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, seafoods, nuts, dried fruits, oatmeal, and fortified cereals.
Children with low iron status in utero (in the uterus) scored lower on every test and had significantly lower language ability, fine-motor skills, and tractability than children with higher prenatal iron levels. In essence, proper prenatal care is critical to the development of cognitive skills.
Cognitive skills are the basic mental abilities we use to think, study, and learn. They include a wide variety of mental processes used to analyze sounds and images, recall information from memory, make associations between different pieces of information, and maintain concentration on particular tasks. They can be individually identified and measured. Cognitive skill strength and efficiency correlates directly with students’ ease of learning.
Drinking while pregnant is not smart. In fact, it’s downright stupid.
A study in Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research has found that even light to moderate drinking – especially during the second trimester – is associated with lower IQs in offspring at 10 years of age. This result was especially pronounced among African-American rather than Caucasian offspring.
“IQ is a measure of the child’s ability to learn and to survive in his or her environment. It predicts the potential for success in school and in everyday life. Although a small but significant percentage of children are diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) each year, many more children are exposed to alcohol during pregnancy who do not meet criteria for FAS yet experience deficits in growth and cognitive function,” said Jennifer A. Willford, assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.
Paul D. Connor, clinical director of the Fetal Alcohol and Drug Unit and assistant professor in the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of Washington has this to say about the subject:
“There are a number of domains of cognitive functioning that can be impaired even in the face of a relatively normal IQ, including academic achievement (especially arithmetic), adaptive functioning, and executive functions (the ability to problem solve and learn from experiences). Deficits in intellectual, achievement, adaptive, and executive functioning could make it difficult to appropriately manage finances, function independently without assistance, and understand the consequences of – or react appropriately to – mistakes.”
This is a key finding which speaks directly to the (psychological) definition of intelligence which is addressed later in this article.
Studies have shown that the frequent exposure of the human fetus to ultrasound waves is associated with a decrease in newborn body weight, an increase in the frequency of left-handedness, and delayed speech.
Because ultrasound energy is a high-frequency mechanical vibration, researchers hypothesized that it might influence the migration of neurons in a developing fetus. Neurons in mammals multiply early in fetal development and then migrate to their final destinations. Any interference or disruption in the process could result in abnormal brain function.
Commercial companies (which do ultrasounds for “keepsake” purposes) are now creating more powerful ultrasound machines capable of providing popular 3D and 4D images. The procedure, however, lasts longer as they try to make 30-minute videos of the fetus in the uterus.
The main stream magazine New Scientist reported the following: Ultrasound scans can stop cells from dividing and make them commit suicide. Routine scans, which have let doctors peek at fetuses and internal organs for the past 40 years, affect the normal cell cycle.
On the FDA website this information is posted about ultrasounds:
While ultrasound has been around for many years, expectant women and their families need to know that the long-term effects of repeated ultrasound exposures on the fetus are not fully known. In light of all that remains unknown, having a prenatal ultrasound for non-medical reasons is not a good idea.
Now that you are aware of some of the known factors which determine, improve, and impact the intellectual development of a fetus, it’s time for conception. Once that baby is born, which will be more crucial in the development of its intellect: nature (genetics) or nurture (the environment)?
Apparently for centuries, scientists and psychologists have gone back and forth on this. I read many comprehensive studies and reports on this subject during the research phase of this article, and I believe that it’s time to put this debate to rest. Both nature and nurture are equally as important and must be fully observed in the intellectual development of all children. This shouldn’t be an either/or proposition.
A recent study shows that early intervention in the home and in the classroom can make a big difference for a child born into extreme poverty, according to Eric Turkheimer, a psychologist at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. The study concludes that while genetic makeup explains most of the differences in IQ for children in wealthier families, environment – and not genes – makes a bigger difference for minority children in low-income homes.
Specifically, what researchers call “heritability”- the degree to which genes influence IQ – was significantly lower for poor families. “Once you’re put into an adequate environment, your genes start to take over,” Mr. Turkheimer said, “but in poor environments genes don’t have that ability.”
But there are reports that contradict these findings…sort of.
Linda S. Gottfredson, a professor of educational studies at the University of Delaware, wrote in her article, The General Intelligence Factor that environments shared by siblings have little to do with IQ. Many people still mistakenly believe that social, psychological and economic differences among families create lasting and marked differences in IQ.
She found that behavioral geneticists refer to such environmental effects as “shared” because they are common to siblings who grow up together. Her reports states that the heritability of IQ rises with age; that is to say, the extent to which genetics accounts for differences in IQ among individuals increases as people get older.
In her article she also refers to studies comparing identical and fraternal twins, published in the past decade by a group led by Thomas J. Bouchard, Jr., of the University of Minnesota and other scholars, show that about 40 percent of IQ differences among preschoolers stems from genetic differences, but that heritability rises to 60 percent by adolescence and to 80 percent by late adulthood.
And this is perhaps the most interesting bit of information, and relevant to this section of my article:
With age, differences among individuals in their developed intelligence come to mirror more closely their genetic differences. It appears that the effects of environment on intelligence fade rather than grow with time.
Bouchard concludes that young children have the circumstances of their lives imposed on them by parents, schools and other agents of society, but as people get older they become more independent and tend to seek out the life niches that are most congenial to their genetic proclivities.
Researchers from Christchurch School of Medicine in New Zealand studied over 1,000 children born between April and August 1977. During the period from birth to one year, they gathered information on how these children were fed.
The infants were then followed to age 18. Over the years, the researchers collected a range of cognitive and academic information on the children, including IQ, teacher ratings of school performance in reading and math, and results of standardized tests of reading comprehension, mathematics, and scholastic ability. The researchers also looked at the number of passing grades achieved in national School Certificate examinations taken at the end of the third year of high school.
The results indicated that the longer children had been breast-fed, the higher they scored on such tests.
Thomas Sowell, author of Race, IQ, Black Crime, and facts Liberals Ignore uncovered some fascinating information that every parent should take note of. He writes:
There is a strong case that black Americans suffer from a series of disadvantageous environments. Studies show time and again that before they go to school, black children are on average exposed to a smaller vocabulary than white children, in part due to socioeconomic factors.
While children from professional households typically exposed to a total of 2,150 different words each day, children from working class households are exposed to 1,250, and children from households on welfare a mere 620.
Yes, smart sounding children tend to come from educated, professional, two-parent environments where they pick-up valuable language skills and vocabulary from its smart sounding inhabitants.
Mr. Sowell continues: Black children are obviously not to blame for their poor socioeconomic status, but something beyond economic status is at work in black homes. Black people have not signed up for the “great mission” of the white middle class – the constant quest to stimulate intellectual growth and get their child into Harvard or Oxbridge.
Elsie Moore of Arizona State University, Phoenix, studied black children adopted by either black or white parents, all of whom were middle-class professionals. By the age of 7.5 years, those in black homes were 13 IQ points behind those being raised in the white homes.
At this juncture in my research it dawned on me, and should be fairly obvious to you, that many children are predisposed to being smart, educated, and intelligent, simply by their exposure to the influential factors which determine them long before they start school.
An informed mother, proper prenatal care, educated, communicative parents, and a nurturing environment in which to live, all add up to accumulated advantages that formulate intellectual abilities. As you can see, some children have unfair advantages from the very beginning.
Malcolm Gladwell, author of top-selling book Outliers, wrote that “accumulated advantages” are made possible by arbitrary rules…and such unfair advantages are everywhere. “It is those who are successful who are most likely to be given the kinds of social opportunities that lead to further success,” he writes. “It’s the rich who get the biggest tax breaks. It’s the best students who get the best teaching and most attention.”
With that in mind, we turn our attention to education and intelligence.
Alfie Kohn, author of the book What Does It Mean To Be Well Educated? poses the question, does the phrase well educated refer to a quality of schooling you received, or something about you? Does it denote what you were taught? Or what you remember?
I contend that to be well educated is all in the application; the application and use of information. Information has to be used in order to become knowledge, and as we all have heard, knowledge is power.
Most people are aware of the floundering state of education in this country on some level. We tell our children that nothing is more important than getting a “good” education, and every year, due to government budget shortfalls, teachers are laid off, classes are condensed, schools are closed, and many educational programs – especially those which help the underprivileged – are cut.
The reality is, we don’t really value education. We value it as a business, an industry, political ammunition, and as an accepted form of discrimination, but not for what it was intended: a means of enriching one’s character and life through learning.
What we value as a society, are athletes and the entertainment they offer. The fact that a professional athlete makes more money in one season, than most teachers in any region will make in their careers, is abominable. There’s always money to build new sports stadiums, but not enough to give teachers a decent (and well-deserved) raise.
Ironically, the best teachers don’t go into the profession for money. They teach because it’s a calling. Most of them were influenced by a really good teacher as a student. With the mass exodus of teachers, many students are not able to cultivate the mentoring relationships that they once were able to because so many are leaving the profession – voluntarily and involuntarily – within an average of three years.
At the high school level, where I got my start, the emphasis is not on how to educate the students to prepare them for life, or even college (all high schools should be college-prep schools, right?), it was about preparing them to excel on their standardized tests. Then the controversial “exit” exams were implemented and literally, many high schools were transformed into testing centers. Learning has almost become secondary.
This mentality carries over into college, which of course there’s a test one must take in order to enroll (the SAT or ACT). This explains why so many college students are more concerned with completing a course, than learning from it. They are focused on getting “A’s” and degrees, instead of becoming degreed thinkers. The latter of which are in greater demand by employers and comprise the bulk of the self-employed. The “get-the-good-grade” mindset is directly attributable to the relentless and often unnecessary testing that our students are subjected to in schools.
Alfie Kohn advocates the “exhibition” of learning, in which students reveal their understanding by means of in-depth projects, portfolios of assignments, and other demonstrations.
He cites a model pioneered by Ted Sizer and Deborah Meier. Meier has emphasized the importance of students having five “habits of mind,” which are: the value of raising questions about evidence (“How do we know what we know?”), point of view, (“Whose perspective does this represent?”), connections (“How is this related to that?”), supposition (“How might things have been otherwise?”), and relevance (“Why is this important?”).
Kohn writes: It’s only the ability to raise and answer those questions that matters, though, but also the disposition to do so. For that matter, any set of intellectual objectives, any description of what it means to think deeply and critically, should be accompanied by a reference to one’s interest or intrinsic motivation to do such thinking…to be well-educated then, is to have the desire as well as the means to make sure that learning never ends…
We’ve always wanted to measure intelligence. Ironically, when you look at some the first methods used to evaluate it in the 1800s, they were not, well, very intelligent. Tactics such as subjecting people to various forms of torture to see what their threshold for pain was (the longer you could withstand wincing, the more intelligent you were believed to be), or testing your ability to detect a high pitch sound that others could not hear.
Things have changed…or have they?
No discussion of intelligence or IQ can be complete without mention of Alfred Binet, a French psychologist who was responsible for laying the groundwork for IQ testing in 1904. His original intention was to devise a test that would diagnose learning disabilities of students in France. The test results were then used to prepare special programs to help students overcome their educational difficulties.
It was never intended to be used as an absolute measure of one’s intellectual capabilities.
According to Binet, intelligence could not be described as a single score. He said that the use of the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) as a definite statement of a child’s intellectual capability would be a serious mistake. In addition, Binet feared that IQ measurement would be used to condemn a child to a permanent “condition” of stupidity, thereby negatively affecting his or her education and livelihood.
The original interest was in the assessment of ‘mental age’ — the average level of intelligence for a person of a given age. His creation, the Binet-Simon test (originally called a “scale”), formed the archetype for future tests of intelligence.
H. H. Goddard, director of research at Vineland Training School in New Jersey, translated Binet’s work into English and advocated a more general application of the Simon-Binet test. Unlike Binet, Goddard considered intelligence a solitary, fixed and inborn entity that could be measured. With help of Lewis Terman of Stanford University, his final product, published in 1916 as the Stanford Revision of the Binet-Simon Scale of Intelligence (also known as the Stanford-Binet), became the standard intelligence test in the United States.
It’s important to note that the fallacy about IQ is that it is fixed and can not be changed. The fact is that IQ scores are known to fluctuate – both up and down during the course of one’s lifetime. It does not mean that you become more, or less intelligent, it merely means that you tested better on one day than another.
One more thing to know about IQ tests: They have been used for racist purposes since their importation into the U.S. Many of those who were involved in the importation and refinement of these tests believed that IQ was hereditary and are responsible for feeding the fallacy that it is a “fixed” trait.
Many immigrants were tested in the 1920s and failed these IQ tests miserably. As a result, many of them were denied entry into the U.S., or were forced to undergo sterilization for fear of populating America with “dumb” and “inferior” babies. If you recall, the tests were designed for white, middle class Americans. Who do you think would have the most difficulty passing them?
Lewis Terman developed the original notion of IQ and proposed this scale for classifying IQ scores:
000 – 070: Definite feeble-mindedness 070 – 079: Borderline deficiency 080 – 089: Dullness 090 – 109: Normal or average intelligence 110 – 119: Superior intelligence 115 – 124: Above average (e.g., university students) 125 – 134: Gifted (e.g., post-graduate students) 135 – 144: Highly gifted (e.g., intellectuals) 145 – 154: Genius (e.g., professors) 155 – 164: Genius (e.g., Nobel Prize winners) 165 – 179: High genius 180 – 200: Highest genius 200 – higher ?: Immeasurable genius
*Genius IQ is generally considered to begin around 140 to 145, representing only 25% of the population (1 in 400). *Einstein was considered to “only” have an IQ of about 160.
Diane F. Halpern, a psychologist and past-president of the American Psychological Association (APA), wrote in her essay contribution to Why Smart People Can Be So Stupid that in general, we recognize people as intelligent if they have some combination of these achievements (1) good grades in school; (2) a high level of education; (3) a responsible, complex job; (4) some other recognition of being intelligent, such as winning prestigious awards or earning a large salary; (5) the ability to read complex text with good comprehension; (6) solve difficult and novel problems.
Throughout my research and in the early phases of this article, I came across many definitions of the word intelligence. Some were long, some were short. Some I couldn’t even understand. The definition that is most prevalent is the one created by the APA which is: the ability to adapt to one’s environment, and learn from one’s mistakes.
How about that? There’s the word environment again. We just can’t seem to escape it. This adds deeper meaning to the saying, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” It means recognizing what’s going on in your environment, and having the intelligence adapt to it – and the people who occupy it – in order to survive and succeed within it.
There are also many different forms of intelligence. Most notably those created by Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University.
Dr. Gardner believes (and I agree) that our schools and culture focus most of their attention on linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligence. We esteem the highly articulate or logical people of our culture. However, Dr. Gardner says that we should also place equal attention on individuals who show gifts in the other intelligences: the artists, architects, musicians, naturalists, designers, dancers, therapists, entrepreneurs, and others who enrich the world in which we live.
He felt that the traditional notion of intelligence, based on IQ testing, was far too limited and created the Theories Of Multiple Intelligences in 1983 to account for a broader range of human potential in children and adults.
These intelligences are:
Linguistic intelligence (“word smart”) Logical-mathematical intelligence (“number/reasoning smart”) Spatial intelligence (“picture smart”) Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence (“body smart”) Musical intelligence (“music smart”) Interpersonal intelligence (“people smart”) Intrapersonal intelligence (“self smart”) Naturalist intelligence (“nature smart”)
Not associated with Dr. Gardner, but equally respected are:
According to About.com, Psychologist Raymond Cattell first proposed the concepts of fluid and crystallized intelligence and further developed the theory with John Horn. The Cattell-Horn theory of fluid and crystallized intelligence suggests that intelligence is composed of a number of different abilities that interact and work together to produce overall individual intelligence.
Cattell defined fluid intelligence as “…the ability to perceive relationships independent of previous specific practice or instruction concerning those relationships.” Fluid intelligence is the ability to think and reason abstractly and solve problems. This ability is considered independent of learning, experience, and education. Examples of the use of fluid intelligence include solving puzzles and coming up with problem solving strategies.
Crystallized intelligence is learning from past experiences and learning. Situations that require crystallized intelligence include reading comprehension and vocabulary exams. This type of intelligence is based upon facts and rooted in experiences. This type of intelligence becomes stronger as we age and accumulate new knowledge and understanding.
Both types of intelligence increase throughout childhood and adolescence. Fluid intelligence peaks in adolescence and begins to decline progressively beginning around age 30 or 40. Crystallized intelligence continues to grow throughout adulthood.
Then there’s Successful Intelligence, which is authored by intelligence psychologist and Yale professor, Robert J. Sternberg, who believes that the whole concept of relating IQ to life achievement is misguided, because he believes that IQ is a pretty miserable predictor of life achievement.
His Successful Intelligence theory focuses on 3 types of intelligence which are combined to contribute to one’s overall success: Analytical Intelligence; mental steps or components used to solve problems; Creative Intelligence: the use of experience in ways that foster insight (creativity/divergent thinking); and Practical Intelligence: the ability to read and adapt to the contexts of everyday life.
With regard to environment, Mr. Sternberg writes in his book Successful Intelligence: Successfully intelligent people realize that the environment in which they find themselves may or may not be able to make the most of their talents. They actively seek an environment where they can not only do successful work, but make a difference. They create opportunities rather than let opportunities be limited by circumstances in which they happen to find themselves.
As an educator, I subscribe to Mr. Sternberg’s Successful Intelligence approach to teaching. It has proven to be a highly effective tool and mindset for my college students. Using Successful Intelligence as the backbone of my context-driven curriculum really inspires students to see how education makes their life goals more attainable, and motivates them to further develop their expertise. Mr. Sternberg believes that the major factor in achieving expertise is purposeful engagement.
In his best-selling 1995 book, Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman reported that research shows that conventional measures of intelligence – IQ – only account for 20% of a person’s success in life. For example, research on IQ and education shows that high IQ predicts 10 to 25% of grades in college. The percentage will vary depending on how we define success. Nonetheless, Goleman’s assertion begs the question: What accounts for the other 80%?
You guessed it…Emotional Intelligence. What exactly is emotional intelligence? Emotional intelligence (also called EQ or EI) refers to the ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions. Many corporations now have mandatory EQ training for their managers in an effort to improve employee relations and increase productivity.
You’ve heard the phrase, “Experience is the greatest teacher…”
In psychology circles knowledge gained from everyday experience is called tacit knowledge. The colloquial term is “street smarts,” which implies that formal, classroom instruction (aka “book smarts”) has nothing to do with it. The individual is not directly instructed as to what he or she should learn, but rather must extract the important lesson from the experience even when learning is not the primary objective.
Tacit knowledge is closely related to common sense, which is sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts. As you know, common sense is not all that common.
Tacit knowledge, or the lessons obtained from it, seems to “stick” both faster and better when the lessons have direct relevance to the individual’s goals. Knowledge that is based on one’s own practical experience will likely be more instrumental to achieving one’s goals than will be knowledge that is based on someone else’s experience, or that is overly generic and abstract.
Yes, it’s possible to be both smart and stupid. I’m sure someone you know comes to mind at this precise moment. But the goal here is not to ridicule, but to understand how some seemingly highly intelligent, or highly educated individuals can be so smart in one way, and incredibly stupid in others.
The woman who is a respected, well paid, dynamic executive who consistently chooses men who don’t appear to be worthy of her, or the man who appears to be a pillar of the community, with a loving wife and happy kids, ends up being arrested on rape charges.
It happens, but why? I found the answer in Why Smart People Can Be So Stupid. Essentially, intellect is domain specific. In other words, being smart (knowledgeable) in one area of your life, and stupid (ignorant) in another is natural. Turning off one’s brain is quite common especially when it comes to what we desire. A shared characteristic among those who are smart and stupid, is the difficulty in delaying gratification.
Olem Ayduk & Walter Mischel who wrote the chapter summarized: Sometimes stupid behavior in smart people may arise from faulty expectations, erroneous beliefs, or merely a lack of motivation to enact control strategies even when one has them. But sometimes it is an inability to regulate one’s affective states and the behavioral tendencies associated with them that leads to stupid and self-defeating behavior.
The central character in this book who many of these lessons regarding being smart and stupid revolve around is Bill Clinton and his affair with Monica Lewinksky.
My great grandmother, Leola Cecil, maybe had an 8th grade education at the most. By no stretch of the imagination was she highly educated, but she had what seemed like infinite wisdom. She was very observant and could “read” people with startling accuracy. Till the very end of her life she shared her “crystallized intelligence” with whomever was receptive to it.
She died at the age of 94. I often use many of her sayings as a public speaker, but most importantly, I use her philosophies to make sure that I’m being guided spiritually and not just intellectually. Many of us who are lucky enough to have a great grandparent can testify that there is something special about their knowledge. They seem to have life figured out, and a knack for helping those of us who are smart, educated and intelligent see things more clearly when we are too busy thinking.
What they have is what we should all aspire to end up with if we are lucky: wisdom.
Wisdom is the ability to look through a person, when others can only look at them. Wisdom slows down the thinking process and makes it more organic; synchronizing it with intuition. Wisdom helps you make better judgments regarding decisions, and makes you less judgmental. Wisdom is understanding without knowing, and accepting without understanding. Wisdom is recognizing what’s important to other people, and knowing that other people are of the utmost importance to you. Wisdom is both a starting point, and a final conclusion.
Source by Gian Fiero
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/the-difference-between-being-smart-educated-and-intelligent/ via Home Solutions on WordPress from Home Solutions FOREV https://homesolutionsforev.tumblr.com/post/185438660850 via Tim Clymer on Wordpress
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