archerxcs · 4 years
*✧・゚:* presenting archer clarington-smythe, back and worst than ever  *:・゚✧*
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name: archer xavier clarington-smythe
nickname(s): arch, archie, and ac ( given to him by himself cuz he thinks he’s cool )
age: seventeen
date of birth: december 4th, 2022
zodiac: sagittarius
gender/pronouns: male & he/him
sexual orientation: he’s currently questioning this right now
being born to a teen mom, archer was put up for adoption at a young age and got the luxury of being in the system long enough for him to only have good memories of being a foster kid before sebastian and hunter took him in permanently. having loving and wealthy parents turned out to be the best and worst thing to ever happen to him. not only did he get the chance to explore any likes and interests he had without any backlash or ridicule, but he also got everything he asked for, which was something he took advantage of often.
between begging for the newest toys and making his parents sign him up for sports he’d only play for a month, archer got to have more than an eventful for childhood doing whatever he pleased. although most of his time was spent taking various lessons and classes, it took him getting in trouble in school for doodling on his schoolwork for him to realize he had a knack for drawing. instead of punishing him, his parents signed him up for art classes and it’s been his favorite thing ever since.
while on the search to find himself, archer stumbled upon his birth mother’s information. there were no real expectations when it came to answers about her, but finding out she was living a happy life without him kind of hurt. he knew she had every right to get on with her life, yet the boy still felt as if he needed her to care about him still being out there in the world. and as much as he didn’t want to admit it, knowing that affected him a lot more than he thought it would.
choosing to go to mckinley instead of dalton like his dads, he calmed down on trying to be involved in everything and kept his activities limited to football, lacrosse, and eventually glee club. archer found out early on that singing wasn’t his strong suit, but that didn’t stop him from joining his sophomore year. though his main reason for keeping his schedule open was due to the girl he’d been sure helped him realize what the meaning of love is. the two of them never defined their relationship but they knew what they were, but with archer being archer, he found himself second-guessing the whole thing and eventually distance himself from her. he tried to convince himself distancing himself from relationships like that was the best since he could avoid getting his feelings hurt any more than they already could, but he knew it was more than that.
despite almost being an adult he still acts like a child and doesn’t see himself growing out of that immaturity any time soon. when he’s not giving people wet willies or attempting to scare people with elaborate pranks, for the most part, archer is a pretty chill guy, doing his best to make the people around him feel happy and comfortable. although he’s sworn off love forever, he still considers himself a hopeless romantic but he channels that into his family and friends. getting them gifts and drawing/painting them pictures to show them he cares about them.
king of self-destruction™️ / forever a sad boi
grew up watching/dancing to choreography videos which helped him get better at dancing
spends his party free nights graffitiing the neighborhood. he’s fully convinced he’s got what it takes to be the next banksy
got arrested and sent to juvie because he got caught on his way to a party with drugs and alcohol while riding drunk on his bike
he doesn’t plan on telling anyone where he was so be prepared for all the dumbass lies he’s about to make up
connection page
**diego doesn’t have enough gifs with his shorter hair so i’ll be switching it up, but just know archer is rocking a buzz cut**
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maisiesterlingduval · 4 years
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{ ZOEY DEUTCH, FEMALE, SHE/HER } - hey look it’s { MAISIE STERLING DUVAL }!! i heard they are working as { WAITRESS } at { BREADSTIX }!! someone also told me that they are { 20 } but i don’t buy it!! but i heard they are {+SELF MOTIVATED, +HONEST } and { -SARCASTIC, -REBELLIOUS } but it could be just a rumor!
b a s i c s
full name: maisie grace sterling duval birthday: december 11th age: 20 sexuality: pansexual occupation: waitress / little league coach
a e s t h e t i c s
chewing bubblegum, cherry flavored slushies, unbrushed hair, nike brand sneakers, oversized t-shirts, empty bag of lays potato chips, netlfix at 2am, tangled up headphones, unanswered text messages
b i o
biological daughter of nick through a surrogate
maisie has been a tomboy since birth, she has never wanted anything to do with heels or dresses 
she started t-ball and learn to skate at the age of 3 which quickly turned into a passion for sports, she played travel ball and house hockey on the boys team all through her middle and high school years
tends to be a bit of a mess sometimes when it comes to her life and what she really plans on doing with it
she’s always been pretty open about sexuality and dated both boys and girls throughout high school but had a hard time committing to anyone for too long
she was very talkative in class and had a hard time focusing
she was never great at school but managed a good enough gpa to get through and as soon as she graduated she made it clear she was not interested in college
now she coaches little league at the local ballpark in lima to help encourage kids love for sports
she works the afternoon shift at breadstix until she can find herself a better job so she can get a place of her own
w a n t e d   c o n n e c t i o n s
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leiaevans · 4 years
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{ LAURA HARRIER, CIS FEMALE, SHE/HER } - hey look it’s { LEIA EVANS }!! i heard they are { EIGHTEEN } and in { SENIOR } at { HIGH SCHOOL }!! someone also told me that they are {+OPTIMISTIC, +COMPASSIONATE } and { -IMPATIENT, -COMPULSIVE } but it could be just a rumor! { BELLA, EIGHTEEN, SHE/HER, EST } 
leia elise evans was born on march fourth in lima, ohio where she was lovingly raised by sam and mercedes evans. & yes she was totally named after princess leia from star wars, did you really think sam wouldn’t get at least one of those names in?
growing up, leia had anything but a normal childhood. being raised by mercedes and sam, the two being very opposite, gave her the best of both worlds. from a young age not only was she being introduced to the star wars and avatar franchise but mercedes also made sure to teach her kids valuable lessons such as how to take what you want in life, not letting people step in the way of your dreams.
no matter how different they pair were though, they always worked well together when it came to their family. which is why it was so devastating to leia when the broke the news of their seperation a few years ago. at first it angered her that they two would want to split their family, but after a while of the new living situation, leia realized it was the best for their happiness and learned to accept it and just enjoy the time with her parents.
now, leia splits her time at either parent’s house, coming and going as she pleases, though with her extra curriculars she isn’t always home anyways. between cheerios and the new directions and the family store (sam’s comic store) she loves to work at with her dad and siblings, the girl is usually always running around, refusing to spend her free time holed up at home even between practices.
personality wise, leia can be described as a complete nerd due to her upbringing but she isn’t afraid to step on someone’s toes to get what she wants from life. overall, she’s usually a super bubbly person who can carry on a conversation with anyone so don’t be afraid to say hi!
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prcdigals · 4 years
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ZELDA HUMMEL-ANDERSON / TWENTY-TWO / PRODIGAL DAUGHTER.                 i'm really leaving, i purchased my ticket to new york - first thing in the morning, and take it or leave it 'cause i'm really leaving. i've made up my mind this time. there's no coming back for you. // HOMECOMING. 
child neglect tw: zelda hummel-anderson was born to a young single mother not ready to have children. despite not having the resources, motivation or support to actually raise a child, her biological mother decided to raise her herself. it wasn’t until zelda was three that cps came in and had zelda taken away on the basis of child neglect.  tw end. 
zelda was bounced around from foster home to foster home. she was very quiet but when she spoke, she was ruthless and cold - and from a young age, zelda accepted she’d have a life in the awful system. until she was seven, when she got to the hummel-anderson household. she was actually given the opportunity to let her guard down and open up. it was unlike any foster home she’d been in before - - and soon, she was adopted. 
she softened up a lot, but she still had a pretty big chip on her shoulder. it seemed the only people she was her genuine self around were her siblings, and occasionally her family’s friends. but even at that, those real moments were few and far between. 
she was kind of hated at school, by the time she got to high school everyone was over the whole HBIC trope and her whole deal. she was on the cheerios, yet, not even that could get people to like her.  
i mentioned we get ridiculous ryan style writing , here it is , buckle up . the week following graduation, zelda took up all the money she had in her savings, checking and credit - she booked a one way flight to paris, france and left with no word sneaking out to live her new life. everything booked with her fake id, she cut her hair and dyed it blonde, to avoid being caught. there was a search for her but it just turned into a cold case after a while. 
the truth was, she had found a pretty good opportunity with a mutual who lived in paris, and she was just not good at goodbyes. the opportunity was a nanny job, which included free housing, free necessities and amazing hourly rates. she had no intention of coming home ever. ( thank god she took french through middle and high school. )
when she got to the home she was supposed to be nannying at, it was revealed that it was all just a scheme, she wouldn’t be a nanny to children - she’d be nannying a-list celebrities in their underground high stakes ( and highly illegal ) poker rings as a party host. 
she didn’t object, when the truth was presented to her. she was making way more money than she was already promised - - and it wasn’t long until the leader of the ring took a liking to zelda, and the hummel-anderson found herself a sugar-mommy. 
drug addiction ment. with all the glitz, glam, and drugs ( so many drugs ) and her new found love with the older woman, zelda was living the life that she’d always dreamed of. she had power. she had all these household names answering to HER. 
life was good for the three years, but, as her and her sugar-mommy turned fiance got more and more sloppy and became reliant on substances ( drugs and alcohol ) the ring got busted , and in the chaos of arrests and everything, zelda slipped out without a trace. she ran out of there with all possible items that could identify her and hopped a train to london, then flew from london to new york then drove from new york to lima...returning back home for the first time in three years, blonde, burned out from her addictive lifestyle and ... possibly wanted for participation in international crime. 
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samanthachangs · 4 years
tw: miscarriages
{ CONSTANCE WU, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER } - hey look it’s { SAMANTHA CHANG }!! i heard they are working as { PRINCIPAL } at { WM SCHOOL FOR THE ARTS}!! someone also told me that they are { 44 } but i don’t buy it!! but i heard they are {+ PATIENT, +HELPFUL } and { -STUBBORN, -DISTRACTED } but it could be just a rumor! { SARAH, 26, SHE/HER, EST } 
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Samantha Lee grew up in New York, the daughter of a engineer and a biologist. Her parents instilled a hard work ethic from just about the day she was born, but unlike the stereotype of forcing their dreams on her, they wanted her to have any opportunity she wanted. She knew she loved kids, and wanted to work with them. So she went to school for school administration, getting into University of Chicago. 
When she got to Chicago, she started working at a gym to make some extra money, and that’s where she met Mike Chang. She was cleaning equipment one night when almost no one was left and saw him in one of the empty rooms, dancing his heart out. Ever since that day, she made sure that room was empty when he came in, and would watch him, until he caught her one day. He asked her out, and ever since, they were inseparable.
When it came to having children, Sam had a hard time. 3 miscarriages in 4 years had nearly broken her. She spent weeks sitting in a therapists office, crying and asking why she wasn’t able to have a child. After about 4 months, she was pregnant again, and this time, she was able to carry to term. A while later, another child was brought into her life and she couldn’t have been happier. 
She became principal at WMHS after they moved back to Lima. While she is fair and doesn’t let the “popular” kids get away with everything, she still tries to make an impact on the kids. Instead of screaming and calling parents in right away, she tries to understand why things happened and in the end, she found it worked a lot better than being stern and tough.
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jrdnabrams · 4 years
{ CHARLES MELTON, MALE, HE/HIM } - hey look it’s { JORDAN ABRAMS }!! i heard they are { 20 } and in { SOPHOMORE } at { COLLEGE }!! someone also told me that they are {+CHARMING, +OPTIMISTIC } and { -JEALOUS, -STUBBORN } but it could be just a rumor! 
please LIKE this post if you wanna plot with my boy !!
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b a s i c s
full name: jordan elliott abrams
birthday: july 11th
age: 20 
sexuality: heterosexual 
occupation: sophomore in college
a e s t h e t i c s
varsity jackets, football, letterman jackets, beaches, sunshine, old vinyls
b i o
jordan is the second oldest in his family. 
jordan is the definition of a typical jock. he loves football. he wants to get drafted professionally in the next couple years. 
more to be added later on
w a n t e d  c o n n e c t i o n s
- Childhood friends: maybe the parents were friends, therefore they hung out as young kids, grew up together, etc.
-Best friends: friends from Lima, became real close when he just got to town, probably the one and only person he ever cries to. 
-Partner in crime : 
-Good influence :
-Bad influence :
-Voice of Reason : 
-Crush: jordan is giddy the entire time they’re around
. -Requited but impossible crush:  no matter the reason, but this literally can’t happen. 
-Old flame :-
Midnight booty call : 
-Exes on good or bad terms: taken
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tj-beiste · 4 years
introducing: theo beiste
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Hey look it’s {THEO BEISTE}! I heard they are {18} and a {senior } at {McKinley High}! Someone also told me that they are {+protective, +hard working } and { -aggressive, -closed off} but it could be just a rumor!
Full Name: Theo James Beiste
Nickname(s): TJ, Teddy
Birthday: November 18
Age: 18
Sign: Scorpio
Hometown: Lima, Ohio
Sexuality: Straight
Education: Senior at McKinley High
Extra Curriculars: Football
Occupation: Waiter at Breadstix
Likes: being in a relationship, girls, staying up late, running, competitive team sports, rap music, reading, alone time, parties, smoking weed
Dislikes: irrationality, loud people, homophobia/transphobia
Sheldon Beiste always wanted to have a kid, so after much consideration and with the help of IVF and a surrogate, Theo was conceived. It took a long time for Theo to understand that he was a “test tube” baby, but it never bothered him once he understood what it meant.
Having a single trans dad, Theo was unfortunately subject to a lot of bullying when he was younger. He was always a very sensitive kid and completely attached to his dad, so he never understood why people said such awful things about him. His dad has always been his hero and role model, which is why Theo’s greatest source of trauma was always fearing for his dad at the hands of intolerant people. 
Sheldon always encouraged Theo to watch and participate in sports, but because he was a pretty scrawny and small kid, he was always benched.  This changed when Theo got to high school. At 14, he experienced a growth spurt and bulked up substantially. 
Theo’s star rose quickly at McKinley once he grew up. Now standing at 6′4″, he is the starting quarterback for the varsity football team. His high school experience has consisted mostly of girls and parties, but unlike a lot of the guys he rolls with, Theo actually likes being in a relationship. He’s had several girlfriends, but ultimately none of his relationships last because he has a hard time truly opening up. 
Despite this, Theo craves intimacy and is still very sensitive. He acts tough to make sure no one ever makes fun of him or his family ever again, but bottling up his emotions so much makes him aggressive. He doesn’t know how to process or explain his feelings and more often than not, refuses to engage in discussions about his own toxic masculinity.
Presently, Theo is just trying to enjoy his last few months of high school. He’s already committed to and has a full ride to Ohio State on a football scholarship come fall. 
Wanted Connections page coming soon — but hit me up for plots if you’ve got any ideas!
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oli-anderson · 4 years
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{ ROSS LYNCH, CIS MALE, HE/HIM } - hey look it’s { OLIVER ‘OLI’ ANDERSON }!! i heard they are { NINETEEN } and in { SENIOR } at { MCKINLEY }!! someone also told me that they are {+SOCIAL, +OUTGOING } and { -CUNNING, -FLIRTATIOUS } but it could be just a rumor!
plot with my son or get wrecked lol
full name: oliver james anderson
date of birth: june 16 2001 
zodiac sign: gemini (dun dun duuuuuun)
sexuality: ????? 
occupation: high school senior 
clubs/sports: football, film club, asb, glee club
- oliver is kinda like that boy next door but he is a bit of player and doesnt really commit to anyone 
- can be considered semi-popular around school
- just like his star sign he can be a two faced and will do almost anything to get what he wants
- he isnt the greatest student, tends to slack off a lot academic wise but most teachers let it slide since he is on the football team
- glee club was something he joined as a dare but ended up secretly liking it but would never admit to it
- idk what else to say might add to list laterrrr
wanted connections
- more than friends: childhood best friend who i guess has feelings for oliver but has never said anything cause they’ve seen that he cant commit to anyone but one day they kinda snap and tells him everything they have felt about him??
- heartbreaker: sooo maybe someone gives oliver a taste of his own medicine and breaks his heart for once. they basically make him fall in love with them as revenge for a friend of theirs he broke up with or something along those lines but he actually falls for this person and they end up breaking his heart at the end. 
- partner in crime: basically they just fuck shit up together lol
- literally anything you can think of lol 
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{ OMAR AYUSO, NON-BINARY, HE/THEY } - hey look it’s { DAMIAN CLARINGTON-SMYTHE }!! i heard they are working as { INFLUENCER } at { N/A }!! someone also told me that they are { 18 } but i don’t buy it!! but i heard they are { PASSIONATE, LOYAL } and { MOODY, SUPERFICIAL } but it could be just a rumor! 
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full name: damian lorenzo price clarington-smythe
nicknames: dami, d, double d, baby
age & birthday: 21, january 1st
gender & pronouns: non-binary, he/they
sexual & romantic orientation: pansexual/panromantic
personality traits: resourceful, passionate, insensitive, hedonistic, egocentric, youthful, protective, impatient, greedy, superficial, libidinous, blunt, moody, punctual, decisive, stylish, determined, loyal, flirtatious, demanding, fun
likes: designer clothing, paris hilton, luxury goods, sports cars, reality television, instagram, praise, red bull, sex, money, thirst traps, clubbing, his eyebrows, hot cheetos, crop tops, drama, loud music
dislikes: the kardashians, tardiness, not getting his way, action movies, children, joey anderson-hummel
quick rundown
after his mother’s sudden passing when he was fourteen, damian was adopted by the clarington-smythe family. the change of going from living in a tiny trailer with just his mother, to living in a large home with two wealthy parents was a massive one, and something that rapidly changed the lifestyle he led. no more were the days of hustling to buy the nice things he wanted - he was now able to afford them with just a swipe of one of his dad’s credit cards. the time he previously wasted on saving (and occasionally shoplifting) is now spent on working on his career as an aspiring insta baddie. 
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shanepuck · 4 years
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{ LENNON STELLA, FEMALE, SHE/HER } - hey look it’s { SHANE PUCKERMAN }!! i heard they are { 17 } and in { 11TH GRADE } at { MCKINLEY }!! someone also told me that they are {+CREATIVE, + INDEPENDENT } and { -RECKLESS, -DISTANT } but it could be just a rumor!
hi friends !! i’m e and this is shane :)
from the moment she was born, she was a handful. she was sassy, never took no for an answer, and could barely sit still any longer than two minutes. she was constantly causing trouble in school and landing herself in the principal’s office. she was a wild child for sure
the only thing that ever calmed her down was putting a guitar in her hands. she’s always had a real talent for singing, playing the guitar, and just music in general, and she’s got a passion for it too
luckily, she’s gotten a bit calmer as she’s grown up, but she’s still got those same reckless and headstrong tendencies she’s always had
she loves her family with her whole heart, she really does, but her wild personality has always made her feel so different from them. she didn’t have any interest in being a cheerio or in the glee club, or even school in general. she’s much more like noah than she is quinn, and with him not being alive, she winds up feeling pretty lonely sometimes
aaand that loneliness has caused her to seek out a not so great friend group. not surprisingly, they get into all sorts of trouble. but recently after a night of drinking, shane was in the car when one of her friends was driving drunk. he hit a pedestrian and then sped off. the woman had some pretty serious injuries, but she lived, so her friends all agreed not to tell anyone what happened. shane wanted to, though, and now the guilt is eating her alive
so she’s a lil bit of a mess right now
but that’s all i’ve got for now !! if you want to plot just shoot me a message :) :)
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miles-santiago · 4 years
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{ FROY GUTIERREZ, CISMALE, HE/HIM } - hey look it’s { MILES SANTIAGO }!! i heard they are { SEVENTEEN } and in { JUNIOR YEAR } at { MCKINLEY HIGH }!! someone also told me that they are {+PEPPY & HARDWORKING } and { -ANXIOUS & LOQUACIOUS } but it could be just a rumor! { LIPE, 24, HE/HIM, UTC -3 }
Miles Santiago is the youngest of his family. The Santiago men are almost with no exception working for the Military. Most of them in the US Army, but there are also some in the Navy, Marine Corps and a few distant cousins in the Air Force. Miles’ father followed suit, as has his father before him. Mr. Santiago is a First Sergeant in the Army, currently allocated in Eastern Europe.
Miles’ mother, on the other hand, is a nurse who lives and works in Lima. Because of their dynamic as a family, they are used to being apart from each other, being reunited just around holidays, birthdays and other special occasions even before their divorce. Miles used to be a pretty happy-go-lucky kid who tried his best to stay on the family’s good graces until a couple years ago, and it’s noticeable to his parents.
They think it’s just the divorce affecting him, but truth be told, it didn’t make any difference in how he lived. What’s really eating Miles from the inside out is the type of feelings he’s been experiencing lately. Stuff he thinks it’s not okay for him to feel, not with the family that he has. What would his brothers think of it? What would his father do?!
In a weird attempt to justify being who he is in case it ever gets out, Miles’ been focusing on being the most successful he could possibly be, as if his sexuality is something that needs to be compensated for. Miles tries to hide from everyone at the same time as he’s also trying to be good at everything. Recently, he’s started Junior year being selected for a scholarship in the Dalton Academy, something that did make his parents proud for all of five minutes, until they started asking him when was he going to introduce a girlfriend to them…
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elistjamess · 4 years
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hi friends! I'm ria (she/her, pst) and am super excited to be getting back into a rp! if you're picking up what I'm putting down and wanna plot (pls do!!!), you can IM me here or on discord (downtomarsgirl#3442).
Full Name: Elizabeth Taylor St. James 
Nickname: Eli 
Birthday: November 20 
Age: 19
Sign: Scorpio
Hometown: New York, New York
Sexuality: Lesbian 
Education: Freshman at Lima Community College
Major: Undeclared
Occupation: Barista at The Lima Bean 
Likes: chick flicks, skateboarding, Dorothy Allison books, playing guitar privately, getting drunk, getting high, smoking her juul, black coffee, natural eyebrows, waking up early, making her bed, etc. 
Dislikes: too much school spirit, dark liquor, people who are rude to service workers, reptiles, podcasts hosted by dudes, working out, sharing, etc.
BIO (tw: homophobia)
Eli is the middle child of the St. James family. Growing up with Jesse and Rachel as parents meant that ever since she was born, there was a pressure for her to be great. Jesse and Rachel were the best at their craft and they expected the same from their children. 
She was raised in New York for most of her life. The decision to move back to Lima, OH happened when she was eleven-years-old, because Rachel and Jesse wanted their kids to have a less intense environment to grow up in. Plus, Eli always speculated that her parents wanted to live vicariously through her and her siblings as they made their way through high school.
Eli sometimes felt like she was born into the wrong family. It wasn’t that she didn’t love her parents or siblings, but she didn’t have their drive or ambition. She was talented enough, because Rachel wouldn’t have had it any other way, but she didn’t have a burning desire to pursue a career in theater or be a singer or anything of the sort. She was in Glee Club during her freshman year at McKinley but then, after a teary conversation with her mom and dad about feeling like she was letting them down, decided to drop out and never went back.
Despite not being involved in many extra curricular activities in high school, Eli wasn’t awkward. She kept a tight circle of friends and because of her siblings, she was pretty high on the social pyramid. Eli suffered from middle child syndrome at home, but made up for it by being charming to everyone she met and seeking attention and validation through her peers. 
What takes up a majority of the space in Eli’s mind is trying to understand and come to terms with who she is. Sophomore year of high school, she fell in love with Victoria Puckerman. They never confirmed it publicly per se, but there was a lot of speculation. One day, Eli opened her locker and a note fell out that said “burn in hell, dyke.” Needless to say, Eli’s relationship ended in heartbreak because she couldn’t get past her internalized homophobia and shame. 
Now a freshman in college, Eli is still figuring herself out. Her love life is on hold, her major is undeclared, but she’s not worried because as far as she’s concerned, she has another year to have fun, party, and decide what she wants to do before she eventually transfers to a better school and gets the hell out of Lima. 
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ljhollidays · 4 years
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{ HUNTER SCHAFER, FEMALE, SHE/HER } - hey look it’s { LJ HOLLIDAY }!! i heard they are working as an { INSTRUCTOR } at { GOODWIN MUSIC }!! someone also told me that they are { EIGHTEEN } but i don’t buy it!! but i heard they are { +OUTSPOKEN, +ADAPTABLE } and {  -EVASIVE, -CYNICAL } but it could be just a rumor! { syd }  
Full Name: Lennon James Holiday
Nickname: LJ
Birthday: January 31st
Age: 18
Place of Birth: Sante Fe, New Mexico
Sexuality: Bisexual
Education: High School 
Occupation: Music Instructor, Goodwin Music
Voice Claim: Phoebe Bridgers
Sun: Aquarius
Moon: Saggitarius
Rising: Aquarius
NOTE: lj is an aquarius stellium meaning she has three or more appearances of aquarius in her chart. the third is likely her venus!
Likes: grunge, free spirits, blueberry bagels, anything pine scented, storm clouds, calloused fingers.
Dislikes: bubblegum pop, boring people, vanilla (the flavor and scent), small towns, consistency, new cars.
LENNON JAMES HOLLIDAY OR “LJ” HAS NEVER LIVED A BORING DAY IN HER LIFE. sure, there’s absolutely been less interesting ones, but she’s always tried to find something exciting in each day. she spent a lot of time alone growing up, but LJ didn’t necessarily mind that. she always made her own fun whether she had friends in any given town or not. 
her and her mom were constantly packing up and moving across the country due to her mom almost constantly taking up new jobs. as a kid, she thought it was fun and fascinating. what kid needs more than their mom? LJ was especially close with her mother and still is to this day, though they have started butting heads a little more as she’s grown and she’s grown more weary of all the moving. LJ has no idea who her father is and to be perfectly honest, her mom has no idea either. the way they both eventually came to see it was, they didn’t need a man in their life who wasn’t necessarily interested in being there. LJ jokes that they’re the less glamorous version of Donna and Sophie Sheridan from Mamma Mia.
holly raised LJ to unapologetically be herself no matter where they were or who she was friends with at the time. LJ, of course lives by those words to this day and is continually herself and very politically outspoken. as a kid, she struggled with both not knowing her father and constantly being the new kid at school. but as she got older, LJ adapted and sort of learned not to make too strong of connections because before she knew it her mom would be offered another interim teaching job. holly, while a loving mother, really allowed her daughter a lot of freedom which in addition to all the moving has led to LJ being extremely independent. just because she tries not to get close to people doesn’t mean she isn’t fascinated by them. she’s interested in all types of people and their stories just as long as they don’t start asking questions about her.
LJ went by Lennon up until she started middle school. middle school, of course, is where most everyone’s angst starts to flare up. she figured LJ would make her seem cooler and more mysterious from town to town rather than explaining her amalgamated name of john lennon and etta james.
in an ever changing upbringing, one thing that stayed consisted was LJ’s love for music. it was one of the many things her and her mom bonded over and as she got older she eventually started to teach herself music. she can play bass, guitar, and piano, but LJ’s real love is drumming. most recently, holly and LJ were settled in seattle where LJ joined an all girl punk band. 
by far, seattle was her favorite place. she loved the people there, she loved the weather, and she actually made some friends. LJ was actually convinced she was going to graduate from there until her mom dropped the bomb they were moving to some town in ohio where holly used to substitute teach every now and then. with the bad news, her mother promised this would be the last time and the position she was offered was permanent. 
so now, with prom and graduation and all those milestones on the horizon LJ has had to leave behind a life she totally fell in love with. of course, she’ll make do, but that doesn’t mean she won’t be bitter about it.
lj is a member of monkey teeth alongside grayson lopez-pierce and hunter slade.
she had no plans for college, but isn’t optimistic enough to pursue a music career. 
threw the after-prom party. 
had a fling with eli st.james which was broken off due to a misunderstanding in what their relationship was. 
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jorutherford · 4 years
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{ zendaya, cisfemale, she/her } - hey look it’s { josephine “jo” rutherford }!! i heard they are { 18 } and a { senior } in { high school }!! someone also told me that they are {+expressive, +wise } and { -moody, -addictive } but it could be just a rumor! { gabby, 19, she/her, EST }
hey loves!  it’s gab,  back w my third love,  jo! 
summary:  jo has recently returned from rehab,  has been away for about a month.  she’s been doing her school work online and is set to graduate!  she currently has no idea what the fuck she is doing afterwards!
jo had always been the kid to keep to herself.  have a few friends here and there,  filling everything else with sketching little things or dancing.  it helped her,  brought the words out of her mouth when she had no idea what they were suppose to be.  she was happy enough.  she moved to lima in middle school after being in columbus.  it wasn’t a horrible move,  but she still missed her old life.  though,  her mother wanted to be closer to her family as jo’s grandparents were getting sick.
her parents got along up until the end of her junior year.  matt was a quiet man,  while her mother,  sophia,  did most of the talking.  her mother cheated on matt,  something about wanting more in life than what lima had to offer.  that was the only reason that jo could make sense in her head anyways.  that started a spiral of which she hadn’t seen anything alike.  she’d heard of it, of course.  then again,  jo only saw it half of the time when she was living with her mother.  the pills and alcohol.  the way she’d get nasty and mean when she wasn’t sober.  that was most of the time.  sophia took the hit pretty hard of her split with matt.  and to be fair,  so did he.  in return,  so did jo.  she got to see it all.  
she could handle it.  with her mom all messed up,  she could get out of the house more.  see her friends,  or go wherever she wanted whenever she wanted.  it’s not like she didn’t try to help.  sophia rutherford was a very stubborn person.  one that felt as if help was a personal attack against her.  one that would apologize for everything in the morning with breakfast and not an actual apology.  jo lived with it,  barely ever up to fight unless she knew her mother was too fucked up to remember it.  until one night.  the beginning of her senior year,  jo said fuck it.  fuck everything!  if her mother wasn’t sober,  why was she?  she was old enough to make her own decisions.  it’s not like she hadn’t done anything.  though,  it had only been weed and alcohol until that night.  she took a couple of her mom’s valiums.  jo felt on cloud nine.  all the pain was taken away.  the pain of knowing that nothing ever stayed the same,  that two people could never just be happy.  one always wanted more.  all of it was gone and simply replaced.  that was the start of it all.
that summer was really a blur to jo.  the parties,  the drugs,  the fights with her mom.  she did a lot of her best work high.  not that she wanted it,  she didn’t want to be an addict.  it was better than dealing with this shit sober.  the only downside was hiding it from her dad.  she didn’t care who knew what,  but her dad?  there was no way in hell she’d have him know.  he was her biggest fan,  and sometimes,  her greatest friend.  jo liked to say she got most of her genetics from him.  most.
the start of this year was when sophia and matt’s long divorce was finalized.  jo dealt the way she knew best.  that was until recent.  during an angry fight,  sophia lashed out and this time,  jo fought back.  all the threats of living with her dad full time were going to be made true.  sophia put her hands on jo,  holding her against the wall with some screaming.  and finally,  a big slap to the left side of jo’s face.  she said fuck it and didn’t go back.  
it had been good living with her dad,  the best even.  that didn’t get rid of the pills,  though.  it was a problem that jo simply ignored.  that was until things got messy and her bag was left out.  pills and the money,  it was something matt couldn’t let stand.  he confronted her,  and she broke.  crying,  screaming,  and the truth about her mother spilled from her lips.  matt hated to see his daughter so ... broken.  so,  that’s how she ended up in rehab.
she learned a lot.  that she adored graphic novels and how maybe one day she could make her own.  that she missed dancing by herself.  how to talk about her feelings and just let them spill.  how to actually listen to others.  she had been so caught up in her own shit that she never stopped to think how much shit so many other people had.  she learned she hated pudding.  you can only get so much.  she had spent about thirty days there,  and now back with her dad,  she was nervous.  nervous,  but excited to be back.
at this time,  jo will have only been back for a few days and is VERY fragile.  she misses the drugs,  of course she does.  but,  she misses herself.  she’s trying to find who she is in what she believes is a little time that is coming to an end.  
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drewharts · 4 years
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{ JORDAN FISHER, CISMALE, HE/HIM } - hey look it’s { ANDREW "DREW" HART }!! i heard they are { SEVENTEEN } and in { JUNIOR YEAR } at {MCKINLEY HIGH}!! someone also told me that they are {+SELFLESS, +OPTIMISTIC } and { -NAIVE, -GULLIBLE } but it could be just a rumor! { syd, 19, she/her, mst, *drew is adopted
Full Name: Andrew John Hart
Birthday: October 31st
Age: 17
Place of Birth: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Education: High School Junior
Voice Claim: Jordan Fisher
Sun: Scorpio
Moon: Libra
Rising: Saggitarius 
Likes: singing, family, baking bread, sleeping in, color coded closets, pixie sticks.
Dislikes: stepping outside of his comfort zone, math class, fashion??, negativity, cold weather, chocolate. 
IT’S NO SECRET THAT DREW HAS BEEN SHELTERED HIS WHOLE LIFE. his parents have been divorced just as long he’s been attending a private catholic school (since pre-school.)
drew’s parents got married young because they shared similar beliefs and a love for music. they of course planned on having children, but drew’s adoption was just as sudden as their union. due to the quick nature of joe and harmony being wed, they didn’t have money for a honeymoon so they just stayed in lima, starting their lives together, but everything truly began with a phone call. a friend of harmony’s from pittsburgh had called her to catch up when she let slip about the cutest baby she had recently been trying to find a family for. so on another whim, the couple adopted the baby and the rest was history. 
things were alright for a while before they started to go south. harmony had regrets about not pursuing a career and it didn’t take long for the divorce to be filed and drew to be left in the care of his father. joe enrolled his son in a nearby catholic school, wanting him to be raised with religious values, but not homeschooled and deprived a social life like he had been. that being said, joe was sure to ensure the same values he had. be kind and love everyone. so while drew may be naive and innocent at times, he is by no means bigoted or discriminatory or any group of people. he loves everyone and he loves them maybe a little too much.
as drew grew older, he remained fairly sheltered, but one thing was clear. he had the voice of an angel and a passion for music. he joined church choir and though he was sad about the lack of opportunity for performing arts at his current school, he looked on the bright side of things and continued living his life. 
the dawn of drew’s senior year approached when he finally gathered the courage to ask his father if he could go to the nearby arts school and luckily he was permitted to go.
being a recent transfer, drew is without a doubt struggling to adjust. there’s no dress code or religious lessons like he’s known all his life. not to mention, everyone at mckinley is definitely a little much for him at the time being. though, he’s already joined the musical and is looking forward to making friends and growing from his last year or so at a public school.
drew has a tendency to get caught up in the party scene, slowly but surely, he’s dipping his toes in after a largely sheltered life. the scales could really tip any minute. 
he won prom prince. 
winnie karofsky took his virginity then broke his heart. 
he doesn’t know anything about his birth family as of right now. 
drew can sing phenomenally, act pretty well, but at times his dancing could use some work. 
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wrenschuester · 4 years
MEET WREN MARGARET SCHUESTER.     ripped jeans ,  blunt in mouth  ,  cherry red lips  ,  brown eyes that sparkle in the sunlight ,  paint-splattered hands .  local lima loser  .  that 70′s show stan .
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{ MADELAINE PETSCH, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER } - hey look it’s { WREN SCHUESTER }!! i heard they are { NINETEEN } and a { COLLEGE DROPOUT }!! someone also told me that they are {+CHILL, +APPROACHABLE } and { -CARELESS, -INDISCREET } but it could be just a rumor!
Being the child of Will and Emma came with it’s perks and downfalls. Perks: cleanliness skills by the age of 2, the ability to sing and dance with little to no effort, and two loving parents. The downfall: being the child of Lima’s most anal residents.
Being raised by a man who cared only about show choirs and a woman who couldn’t even handle the simplest of messes, it caused Wren to distance herself from being anything like them. Early on in life she was a relatively quiet and uneventful child but would be sure to make some messes to blow her mother’s top off.
Despite this, Wren absolutely loves her parents! She just wished they’d be a little chill.
So, that’s just what Wren became as she grew older. She swore off Glee clubs at an early age mainly to defy her dad but it just ultimately wasn’t her thing. She’d never call herself a problem child, she was just into a different aspect of the arts.
And that was... Art. The girl loves to paint and does it at every nearly moment she can but when she’s not she’s normally either working or smoking.
Getting into marijuana wasn’t something the girl was immediately interested in but after a few friends peer pressured her into smoking at age 16, it’s like her life was changed. Now at 19, she’s definitely done some harder drugs, but she keeps mainly to weed. She’s not trying to completely fry her brain.
Wren did go to college for a hot second, but hated it and felt constrained so she dropped out! Something neither of her parents was proud of but now she’s just your local stoner Lima loser that you’ll probably come into contact with if you go to Between The Sheets.
Overall, Wren is your stereotypical “chill out” kind of stoner. She’s typically always wearing bell bottoms and using bandanas as headbands, she’s just this little hippie who will always help out with your love life or offer you a smoke. And trust me, you won’t want to miss her advice when she’s stoned.
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