#limbobur my love
celestesparlour · 1 year
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EEE YES i would like to think their feelings towards one another would be different in this au. because it would be SUCH a very long time until if ever pandora decides to set out on the overworld. it would be extremely awkward between each other, as they no longer can recognize who they are anymore
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cwilburtbh · 2 years
I hope I fall sleep with my face mushed into my pillow tonite and i wake up back in limbo
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preyduo · 6 months
what are some ghostbur headcanons you have (im starved for content about my boy)
OKAY BET I LOVE GHOSTBUR :] umm these r kinda old and i posted them on my deleted main forever ago but yea hopefully thats okay!!
- he leaves blue on EVERYTHING he touches
- he doesnt notice when he forgets things, he'll mention something that happened and pieces are missing. c!tommy initially thought it was to be manipulative, but felt bad after realizing that the poor guy just has amnesia
- has little sticky notes everywhere in his little areas because he cant remember
- draws on himself with ink pens. it sinks through his skin due to it being semi-transparent, but he doesnt mind. he draws little stars and cat doodles.
- constantly humming, he wont know what youre talking about if you ask him. its just natural to him
- on the aromantic spectrum
- constantly reminds others to stay hydrated and eat, maybe its connected to limbobur not having resources in limbo but whos counting?
- he would LOVE allays. definitely. would think theyre the best thing ever. would try and befriend vexes and be extremely surprised whenever they attacked him
- soooo many friendship bracelets. so many. almost everyone on the server has one. most kept it even after he was gone
- LOVES cardigans. thinks that theyre lovely, ctommy agrees
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ghostbur and limbobur interaction, no interaction, whatever. just mmmm the parallels and then coexisting in different realms is enough. you can see I am very normal about my bois yes.
They take up 90% of my brain space
VERY GOOD IDEA YES YES!!! I’ve actually been wanting to write about Ghostbur and Wilbur, specifically set in Limbo, so this was a good motivator to actually write that :D
I seem to be inside a train station, Ghostbur thought, taking in the worn signs and maps posted to the walls and the flickering schedule fixed to the ceiling, pixelated words reading: do you remember what the sun feels like?
As Ghostbur stared, pondering this strange question—of course he remembered what the sun felt like! He felt it on his skin everyday, and he loved to sit and watch it move lazily across the sky, and he quite enjoyed the feeling of warmth on his closed eyelids—a voice broke his thoughts, scattering them like smoke. 
“What are you?”
Ghostbur blinked, turning around.
Across the train tracks, on a platform identical to Ghostbur’s own, stood a man wearing a long brown coat. His eyes were wide, and they were brown.
Ghostbur wanted to say hello, and wave, and perhaps talk about the sun, but he did not. 
Instead, he was quiet. 
Strangely, he felt very afraid. 
He felt very afraid. 
“What are you?” The man repeated, voice quivering like leaves in autumn that just barely clung to their branches, always being blown away in the end. He took a step—though forward or backward, Ghostbur couldn’t tell. “Are you a mirage? A vision?”
There was a pause.
“Like a- like an illusion? Like a magic trick?” The man snapped his fingers. “Is a bloody rabbit going to jump out of your hat?”
“I’m not wearing a hat,” Ghostbur murmured, before he could remember that he wanted to stay quiet. 
The man shut his mouth with a snap. 
It seemed as if a chasm greater than train tracks was settled between them. 
Ghostbur still felt very afraid, but he didn’t run. 
“You look- you sound like me. Why do you sound like me?” The man sounded panicked, eyes growing wider and exposing more of the whites inside them. “Why do you look like me? Why do you have my face? Why do you have my freaking face?”
Ghostbur took a small step backwards. 
The man stared at him. His stare was very sharp, almost piercing. Like a sword, or the tip of a knife. 
A thought drifted into Ghostbur’s mind, quiet and heavy and instantaneously right. “Are you Alivebur?”
“What… what’s an Alivebur?”
Ghostbur gazed at the man, tilting his head to the side. 
Wilbur gazed back, swallowing. His forehead was growing shiny with sweat. 
“Is this where you live now?” Ghostbur asked, taking another look around. “In a train station?”
Wilbur paused. “I- yes, in a… train station.”
“Is this what death looks like?” Ghostbur stopped looking around, turning his attention back to Wilbur. Wilbur, the dead man, who died on November sixteenth, which was two and a half weeks ago. 
Wilbur blinked. “You didn’t answer my bloody question.”
“Oh.” Then it was Ghostbur who blinked. “What was-“
“What are you? Are you me? Are you my doppelgänger, my clone? A trick?” Wilbur began to pace, back and forth across his platform. Ghostbur watched him. 
Wilbur’s shoes made very loud clicks against the floor. 
“I think I’m your ghost!” Ghostbur supplied. 
Wilbur’s gait faltered. “My ghost?”
“Yes!” Ghostbur nodded, trying to be excited even though he felt mostly scared. “I’m like you except I don’t do bad things or blow up nations! I don’t start fires!”
Wilbur continued pacing, wringing his hands together. “You don’t start fires?”
“No! I don’t start fires that I can’t put out.” He paused. “I think you did that a lot.”
Wilbur chuckled, though it sounded much more like a choke. “Brilliant. Just brilliant.”
“What is?”
Wilbur stopped walking so suddenly that his coat rushed forward and his hair flopped. He glared at Ghostbur with eyes that were far more dangerous than lightning. “You. Me, this.”
He gestured at the train station, and his sharp hands struck Ghostbur as if he’d been physically hit. Ghostbur flinched.
There’s actually quite a bit more that I’ve written for this :0 But this was the section that made the most sense, I felt like. Still working on the rest!
This has become a full on fic alsgaksgkafsjs and I’m not too sure when I’ll finish it, so I wanted to go ahead and share at least a bit of what I have :D
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solargeist · 2 years
Who exactly is Junebug? I've been confused about them for a while are they part of your au? (Sorry if this is a dumb question)
oh no i understand, it is confusing adjjkadg, ok lemme explain...
Junebug was originally "Jubilee/Limbobur" ! They were Wilbur's Limbo itself, they started as a joke, but quickly became serious n fell in love w/ Wilbur <3 Theres a rly good fic [here] my friend wrote if you want the original context. (its v good <3)
HOWEVER!!!!! Due to several different thingss, i decided to just separate Junebug from the dsmp, bc im rly attached to them as a character adhjgk. Tho i think i wrote down the original ending idea somewhere around here.....
SO... NOW... "Jubilee" is just "June." And Revivedbur is "Ryder". Neither exist in dsmp canon and neither r bursonas. They're just ocs. June still has weird paranormal connections to death n stuff, its different but similar enough. hope that clears it up!!!
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solargeist · 2 years
In love with your Revivebur n Limbobur design oh my GOD!! Squishing them both in my hands and they makes little crunching sounds <333 I thought I was the only one on earth that thought they would be silly together but here you are /pos
Love them love them silly old man and his ex-husband who is literally the embodiment of eternal Limbo <333
tahnk u !!! i hope their bones r ok from that crunch
they r so silly i like the duo
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