#lina sandberg
alexbkrieger13 · 1 year
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modelmofos · 3 years
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Lina Sandberg @ Temperley London F/W 2014-15, London
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eddiebrakha · 4 years
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Stay Away from Sugar 
Eddie Brakha
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ladygarfunkel · 4 years
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eleonoregustafsson · 5 years
Böcker jag läst 2016-2019
På den här bloggen har jag varje år lagt ut en lista på alla böcker jag läst ut från pärm till pärm under året som gått. Men 2016 blev det inte av, inte heller 2017 eller 2018. Framförallt för att listan inte kändes representativ. Under dessa år har olika jobbprojekt gjort att jag behövt ägna mig åt research där jag tvingats läsa utvalda delar i olika böcker istället för enskild bok i sin helhet. Under 2016-2017 läste jag t.ex. mycket om anabaptismen, men det är inget som märks i listan. Men nu har jag ändå bestämt mig för att lägga ut den. Kolla gärna in taggen #aureliaguläser på Instagram, där lägger jag ibland ut boktips och små recensioner (och där syns även de böcker jag inte läst från pärm till pärm utan bara utvalda delar). 
2019: 40 böcker
Böcker om Bibeln Sitting at the feet of Rabbi Jesus av Ann Spangler och Lois Tverberg A Life that’s good av Glenn Pemberton (om Ordspråksboken) Phoebe – a Story av Paula Gooder Hebrews av Mary Healy Priscilla av Ben Witherington III The Torah’s Vision of Worship av Samuel E. Balentine Reading Backwards av Richard B Hays
 Kristen ledarskapslitteratur If You Love Me av Matthw The Poor (på arabiska Matta-Al-Miskin) A Pastoral Rule for Today av Burgess, Andrews & Small
 Kristen uppbyggelselitteratur The Arena av Ignatius Brianchaninov How to be a Sinner av Peter Bouteneff 
Teologisk litteratur Paradiset åter av Tomas Einarsson Journyes of the Muslim Nation and the Christian Church av David W Shenk 
Kyrkohistoria The Patient Ferment of the Early Church av Alan Kreider 
Reportageböcker och dylikt Med Guds hjälp av Gabriel Byström Skärmhjärna av Anders Hansen Bön för Tjernobyl av Svetlana Aleksijevitj En piga bland pigor av Esther Blenda Nordström Tidens second hand av Svetlana Aleksijevitj A Time to Die av Nicolas Diat
 Romaner Beckomberga av Sara Stridsberg Bränn alla mina brev av Alex Schulman De kommer drunkna i sina mödrars tårar av Johannes Anyuru Vända hem av Yaa Gyasin Din stund på jorden av Vilhelm Moberg Den svalgula himlen av Kjell Westö Längtans flöde av Alva Dahl Pappaklausulen av Jonas Hassen Khemiri Sveas son av Lena Andersson Arv och miljö av Vigdis Hjort En dag i Ivan Deniosovitjs liv av Alexander Solsjenitsyn Konturer av Rachel Cusk Testamente av Nina Wähä Jag for ner till bror av Karin Smirnoff
 Biografier och självbiografisk litteratur Utan nåd – en rannsakan av Fredrik Virtanen Allt jag fått lära mig av Tara Westover Konsten att feja arabiska av Lina Liman Löparens hjärta av Markus Torgeby Vilket jävla solsken av Fatima Bremer En bokhandlares dagbok av Shaun Bythel
2018: 28 böcker
Romaner Never let me go av Kauzo Ishiguro Min kamp 3 av Karl-Ove Knausgård Mitt liv och ditt av Majgull Axelsson Min kamp 4 av Karl-Ove Knausgård Min kamp 5 av Karl-Ove Knausgård Min kamp 6 av Karl-Ove Knausgård Sågspån och led av Vibecke Olsson Amerikauret av Vibecke Olsson Själasörjaren av Christine Falkenland
 Kristen uppbyggelselitteratur Helig rot av Peter Halldorf (för 3e gången?) Hädanefter blir vägen väglös av Peter Halldorf  (för 4e gången?) Bottenkänning av Fredrik Lignell Through, with and in him av Shane Kapler 
Teologisk litteratur Välkomna varandra av red. Tomas Poletti Lundström 
Böcker om Bibeln Korsets mysterium av Agne Nordlander 
Kyrkohistoria The Forgotten Desert Mothers av Laura Swan Biskop Lewi Pethrus av Joel Halldof
 Självbiografisk litteratur Sorgens gåva är en vidgad blick av Patrik Hagman När livets stramas åt skärps blicken av Sofia Camerin När träden avlövas ser man längre från vårt kök av Tomas Sjödin (för 2a gången) Välkommen in i min garderob av Anton Lundholm Kristunge av Malin Aronsson En shetel i Stockholm av Kenneth Hermele Hur jag lärde mig att förstå världen av Hans Rosling Katolska läror av Gunnel Vallquist Livets ord: mina tio orimliga år som frälst. Del två, Förnyad & befriad av Tomas Arnroth 
2017: 32 böcker
Romaner Ta itu av Kristina Sandberg Den döende detektiven av Leif GW Persson Gilead av Marilyone Robinson De polygotta älskarna av Lina Wolff Tystnaden av Shusaku Endo Utvandrarna av Vilhelm Moberg (för 2a gången) Invandrarna av Vilhelm Moberg (för 2a gången) Nybyggarna av Vilhelm Moberg (för 2a gången) Bricken på Svartvik av Vibecke Olsson Min kamp 1 av Karl-Ove Knausgård Sista brevet till Sverige av Vilhelm Moberg (för 2a gången) Hemma av Marilynne Robinson Min kamp 2 av Karl-Ove Knausgård
 Reportageböcker och facklitteratur Halleluja Brasilien av Kajsa Norell Två systrar av Åsne Seiersdal Rom – en stads historia av Eskil Fagerström
 Självbiografiska böcker och biografier Letters from the Desert av Carlo Carreto Bonhoeffer av Eric Metaxas Det finns annan frukt än apelsiner av Jeanette Wintersson Livets ord: mina tio orimliga år som frälst. Del ett: de första åren av Tomas Arnroth Brev från en klostercell av Hans Gunnar Adén Århundrades kärlekshistoria av Märtha Tikanen
 Ledarskapslitteratur När du leder av Josefin Arenius Ledarens hantverk av Lennarth Hambre
 Kristen uppbyggelselitteratur Klostret av James Martin SJ (egentligen en roman) Kristliga råd och betraktelser av Fénelon Becoming Who You Are av James Martin SJ
 Teologisk litteratur Inte allena av Patrik Hagman & Joel Halldorf Martin Luther – hans liv, lära och influytande 500 år senare av Stephen J Nicholas Att älska sin nästas kyrka som sin egen av Peter Halldorf 
Böcker om Bibeln The Theology of the Letter to the Hebrews av Barnabas Lindars SSF
 2016: 38 böcker
Romaner Torka aldrig tårar utan handskar: Sjukdomen av Jonas Gardell Torka aldrig tårar utan handskar: Döden av Jonas Gardell Levande och döda i Winstord av Håkan Nesser Innan floden tar oss av Helena Thorfin Århundrades kärlekskrig av Ebba Witt-Brattström  Drömmen om Elim av Vibecke Olsson De ensamma av Håkan Nesser Flickvännen av Karolina Ramquist En mörderska bland oss av Hanna Kent Flykten av Jesús Carrasco De oroliga av Linn Ullman Glöm mig av Alex Schulman
 Facklitteratur Kunskapens frukt av Liv Strömquist
Reportageböcker Det heliga berget av William Dalrymple 
Självbiografisk litteratur, biografier, memoarer eller dylikt Brännpunkter av Thomas Merton  Jag sökte Allah och fann Jesus av Nabell Quresh Cigaretten efteråt av Horace Engdahl 96 lampor – om oss som brann och försvann av Jacob Langvik Min pappa Ann-Christine av Ester Roxberg Den sista grisen av Horace Engdahl Älskade terrorist av Anna Svadberg och Jesper Huor Och i Winerwald står träden kvar av Elisabeth Åsbrink Halvvägs av Fredrik Reinfeldt
 Kristen uppbyggelselitteratur Mellan skymning och mörker av Peter Halldorf Den brinnande busken av Lev Gillet Spår av den osynlige av Mikael Hallenius Den helige Ande i den kristnes personliga liv av Kallistos Ware Tron Allena av Bo Giertz (för 2a gången) Gud och intet mer av red. Ulrika Ljungman Contemplating the Trinity av Raniero Cantalamessa Du brinnande kärlekslåga av Peter Halldorf Den som hittar sin plats tar ingen annans av Tomas Sjödin
Kyrkohistoria Following in the Footsteps av Christ av Arnold Snyder Vindarna från väster av Per-Eive Berndtsson A Brief History of Spirituality av Pilip Sheldrake
Teologisk litteratur Som om allt förvandlats – Ekologi, ekonomi och eukaristi av William T Cavanaugh
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haitilegends · 6 years
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Wanted ! On recherche un grand guitariste : Jean Chardavoine
Publié le 2018-04-11 | Le NouvellistE
Culture -
Rassurez-vous, il n’a commis aucun délit, aucun crime de droit commun : c’est une plaisanterie de notre part. « it’s just a joke » !
S’il y a meurtre, c’est celui de la facilité et des sentiers battus. Car Jean Chardavoine ne fait pas dans le prévisible, la routine et la dentelle. C’est un musicien complet : grand guitariste, arrangeur et compositeur. Ce fils d’Haïtiens émigrés, élevé dans la diaspora, a fait de solides études musicales ; c’est une fierté pour Haïti que ce grand musicien. Le jazz et ses métissages sont le champ d’élection de cet artiste.
Jean Chardavoine, pour autant que nous nous en souvenions, a rendu hommage à ses racines haïtiennes dans une ou deux de ses albums précédents. Cette fois, l’arrangeur-compositeur explore des pistes plus célèbres et fréquentées, plus courues par la communauté américaine et internationale de jazz contemporain. Ce sont les voies accessibles et tout public du jazz-fusion « binaire » avec un goût prononcé pour la samba-jazz, expérience réussie et renommée dès les années 60 au XXe siècle, et le « funk » ou « funky » à tendance latine. Nous osons mentionner le funk et nous insistons, même sans la fameuse basse qui claque, qui « slappe ». On sent certainement son influence rythmique, particulièrement par la frappe du batteur, dans deux ou trois compositions. Samba et « Funk » se sont influencés réciproquement, si on se rappelle la carrière d’une Tania Maria Correa Reis aux États-Unis et de la grande Eliane Elias. Quelque chose en est resté.
Le compositeur aime également le moule de la contredanse haïtienne (méringue- contredanse dite « mayoyo ») que l’on sent confusément suggérée, mélangée aux tendances latine et funky ; sans toutefois occuper le premier plan de la perception rythmique et auditive.
Par contre, « Ode to Arco », 6/8 et huitième morceau figurant sur le CD est un beau et franc « Yanvalou » bien de chez nous (d’autres diraient mayi ou djouba, rythmes proches). La tradition rythmique américaine du jazz « ternaire » et «swing » à 4/4 est honorée dans le dernier thème « Cul-de-sac ».
Du point de vue mélodique, les compositions ou thèmes ne se laissent pas cerner facilement par leurs contours. Ceux-ci ne répondent pas toujours aux grilles traditionnelles de lecture du jazz, comme celles de la forme « blues » ou de la forme « song » consacrées. Les morceaux comprennent des introductions typées et soignées, véritables ouvertures qui les coiffent avant l’entrée du thème principal proprement dit. Les phrases du canevas proposé sont souvent longues, à vous perdre, à vous égarer, si vous n’y prenez garde. D’une manière générale, il y a une première section A, plus souvent complexe que simple, parfois comprenant des strates ou couches surprenantes. Il y a un pont ou « Bridge » B, très personnalisé, très en relief et structuré. Pour finir, il y a reprise totale ou partielle de A.
De belles improvisations de guitare, de piano, de saxophone, de trompette, de contrebasse et d’harmonica développent par leurs commentaires des idées puissantes contenues potentiellement dans les thèmes ou canevas et leurs harmonies.
Les harmonies aux tensions modérées ou fortes sont, en tout cas, modernes, très excitantes, très cohérentes et agréables. Elles sont source de couleurs, à côté de l’instrumentation.
L’instrumentation est déployée dans des formules, allant du sextette au combo à dix instruments. En général, le septette ou l’octette suffisent aux compositions du musicien, qui déploie sa science et son habileté d’arrangeur-compositeur talentueux.
Guitare électrique et classique (Jean Chardavoine) ; batterie (Kim Plainfield et Phoenix Rivera) ; basse acoustique ou contrebasse (Michael O’Brian et Kenneth Jimenez) ; trompette (Chris Rogers et Pacha Karchevsky-Suyazov) ; sax ténor (Peter Brainin, Azat Bayazitov, Felipe Lamoglia) ; sax soprano (Peter Brainin, Felipe Lamoglia) ; piano (Steve Sandberg, Mike Orta, Misha tsiganov) ; harmonica (Hendrik Meurkens) ; pads (Yayoi Lina Ikawa) ; synthéthiseur (Frédérique Lasfargers) ; percussions (Emedin Rivera, Daniel Pena, Renato Thomas) ; congas (Eddie Germain) ; vocals-scat (Brandley Midouin, Karen Bernod) ; violon et viola (Caroline Buse) ; violocelle (Megan Martier).
Huit morceaux élaborés superbement figurent sur ce CD. Leur structure intime est complexe, difficile à résumer par des croquis d’analyse acoustique. Nous regrettons de ne pouvoir faire d’exégèse selon des partitions comme les musicologues (nous ne sommes pas musicologue d’ailleurs). Contentons-nous de les citer.
Une samba-jazz irrésistible, dans la droite continuité des années 60, avec quelque chose de très tonique en plus. « Intro » en majeur, au sax, très remarquable. Thème en mineur dans la première partie. Pont très simple, peu bavard en majeur. Chorus : guitare et trompette.
2-« Deep Within »
Titre éponyme du disque. Le rythme ressemble à un mélange de « latin » (samba ?) et de « funky ». Un thème composé dans sa première partie par un motif de trois notes, ressemblant à une bribe d’arpège, progressant en zig-zag, en ligne brisée, par ascension et descente. A contient quatre strates, quatre phrases, légèrement différentes les unes des autres, à un ou deux détails d’intervalles : a, a’, a’’, a’’’ (lire a, a prime, a seconde, a tierce comme en géométrie). Un très beau pont B impressionnant. Reprise partielle de grand A (au moins deux phrases).
3-« Yum-Yum)
Nous semble de la même veine que le morceau précédent. C’est peut-être l’un des thèmes les plus complexes : AABAB. Exposition tendre au saxophone soprano. Chorus : sax soprano, contrebasse, guitare électrique.
4-« Forgotten dreams »
Funky. Funk-jazz à la George Benson, du temps de l’album « Breezing ». En majeur, avec la belle présence de l’harmonica, à l’exposition et en solo.
5- « Happy to be nappy » ou « Fier d’avoir les cheveux crépus »
La pièce de résistance du compositeur. Très composée et arrangée. Très soignée. « Intro » très méditative, pausée, de type « classique » et « ad lib », tendre, entre la guitare électrique, le violon, le viola, le violoncelle. Puis, vient la samba entraînante.
6-« Karamell »
Ambiance ressemblant à la précédente. Bons solos de guitare et du piano de Steve Sandberg.
7-« Astrida »
Tendrement introduite par une guitare électrique libre et récitante ; presque avec un lyrisme de ballade. Le rythme s’avère être ensuite celui, irrésistible, d’une espèce de samba-funky avec la figure typée, obsédante de la basse, invitant à la danse. On aime Karen Bernod et ses onomatopées aux « vocals » doublant la mélodie.
8-« Ode to Arco »
Un 6/8 et « Yanvalou » bien de chez nous. Avec les vents en relief, le solo du pianiste et celui de Felipe Lamoglia au sax ténor.
9-« Cul-de-sac »
Quand on retrouve et honore la tradition du jazz « ternaire » et « swinguant » en 4/4, à tempo modérément rapide. Pour faire plaisir aux conservateurs.
On aurait voulu entendre une ou deux ballades vraies sur cet album, pour changer de climat.
Un grand album ou CD, aux thèmes imposants, parfois complexes. C’est bien arrangé, bien développé, mais toujours dansant. « Bailable ! », comme on dit en espagnol.
Wanted : On recherche un grand et dangereux guitariste : Jean Chardavoine. Étourdissant ! Époustouflant !
Roland Léonard
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orbemnews · 3 years
Once Tech’s Favorite Economist, Now a Thorn in Its Side Paul Romer was once Silicon Valley’s favorite economist. The theory that helped him win a Nobel prize — that ideas are the turbocharged fuel of the modern economy — resonated deeply in the global capital of wealth-generating ideas. In the 1990s, Wired magazine called him “an economist for the technological age.” The Wall Street Journal said the tech industry treated him “like a rock star.” Not anymore. Today, Mr. Romer, 65, remains a believer in science and technology as engines of progress. But he has also become a fierce critic of the tech industry’s largest companies, saying that they stifle the flow of new ideas. He has championed new state taxes on the digital ads sold by companies like Facebook and Google, an idea that Maryland adopted this year. And he is hard on economists, including himself, for long supplying the intellectual cover for hands-off policies and court rulings that have led to what he calls the “collapse of competition” in tech and other industries. “Economists taught, ‘It’s the market. There’s nothing we can do,’” Mr. Romer said. “That’s really just so wrong.” Mr. Romer’s current call for government activism, he said, reflects “a profound change in my thinking” in recent years. It also fits into a broader re-evaluation about the tech industry and government regulation among prominent economists. They see markets — search, social networks, online advertising, e-commerce — not behaving according to free-market theory. Monopoly or oligopoly seems to be the order of the day. The relentless rise of the digital giants, they say, requires new thinking and new rules. Some were members of the tech-friendly Obama administration. In congressional testimony and research reports, they are contributing ideas and credibility to policymakers who want to rein in the big tech companies. Their policy recommendations vary. They include stronger enforcement, giving people more control over their data and new legislation. Many economists support the bill introduced this year by Senator Amy Klobuchar, Democrat of Minnesota, that would tighten curbs on mergers. The bill would effectively “overrule a number of faulty, pro-defendant Supreme Court cases,” Carl Shapiro, an economist at the University of California, Berkeley, and a member of the Council of Economic Advisers in the Obama administration, wrote in a recent presentation to the American Bar Association. Some economists, notably Jason Furman, a Harvard professor, chair of the Council of Economic Advisers in the Obama administration and adviser to the British government on digital markets, recommend a new regulatory authority to enforce a code of conduct on big tech companies that would include fair access to their platforms for rivals, open technical standards and data mobility. Thomas Philippon, an economist at New York University’s Stern School of Business, has estimated that monopolies in industries across the economy cost American households $300 a month apiece. “We’ve all changed because what’s really happened is an expansion of the evidence,” said Fiona Scott Morton, an official in the Justice Department’s antitrust division in the Obama administration, who is an economist at the Yale University School of Management. Of all the economists now taking on big tech, though, Mr. Romer is perhaps the most unlikely. He earned his undergraduate and doctoral degrees from the University of Chicago, long the high church of free-market absolutism, whose ideology has guided antitrust court decisions for years. Mr. Romer spent 21 years in the Bay Area, mostly as a professor first at Berkeley and then Stanford. While in California, he founded and sold an educational software company. In his research, Mr. Romer uses software as a tool for data exploration and discovery, and he has become an adept Python programmer. “I enjoy the solitary exercise of building things with code,” he said. His son, Geoffrey, is a software engineer at Google. His wife, Caroline Weber, author of “Proust’s Duchess,” a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in biography, and a professor at Barnard College, is a friend of her Harvard classmate Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s chief operating officer. Mr. Romer has never consulted for the big tech companies, but he has friends and former professional colleagues there. “People I like are frequently unhappy with me,” he said. Mr. Romer, who joined the faculty of New York University a decade ago, said that preparing for his Nobel lecture in 2018 prompted him to think about the “progress gap” in America. Progress, he explained, is not just a matter of economic growth, but should also be seen in measures of individual and social well-being. In the United States, Mr. Romer saw worrying trends: a decline in life expectancy; rising “deaths of despair” from suicides and drug overdoses; falling rates of labor participation for adults in their prime working years, from 25 to 54; a growing wealth gap and increasing inequality. Such problems, to be sure, have many causes, but Mr. Romer believes one contributing cause has been an economics profession that belittled the importance of government. His new growth theory recognized that the government played a vital part in scientific and technological progress, but mainly by funding basic research. Looking back, Mr. Romer admits that he was caught up in the “small government bubble” of the time. “I substantially underestimated the role of the government in sustaining progress,” he said. “For real progress, you need both science and government — a government that can say no to things that are bad,” Mr. Romer said. To Mr. Romer, economics is a vehicle for applying the independent rigor of scientific thinking to social challenges. Urban planning, for example. For years, Mr. Romer pushed the idea that new cities of the developing world should be a blend of government design for basics like roads and sanitation, and mostly let markets take care of the rest. During a short stint as chief economist of the World Bank, he had hoped to persuade the bank to back a new city, without success. In the big-tech debate, Mr. Romer notes the influence of progressives like Lina Khan, an antitrust scholar at Columbia Law School and a Democratic nominee to the Federal Trade Commission, who see market power itself as a danger and look at its impact on workers, suppliers and communities. That social welfare perspective is a wider lens that appeals to Mr. Romer and others. “I’m totally on board with Paul on this,” said Rebecca Henderson, an economist and professor at the Harvard Business School. “We have a much broader problem than one that falls within the confines of current antitrust law.” Mr. Romer’s specific contribution is a proposal for a progressive tax on digital ads that would apply mainly to the largest internet companies supported by advertising. Its premise is that social networks like Facebook and Google’s YouTube rely on keeping people on their sites as long as possible by targeting them with attention-grabbing ads and content — a business model that inherently amplifies disinformation, hate speech and polarizing political messages. So that digital ad revenue, Mr. Romer insists, is fair game for taxation. He would like to see the tax nudge the companies away from targeted ads toward a subscription model. But at the least, he said, it would give governments needed tax revenue. In February, Maryland became the first state to pass legislation that embodies Mr. Romer’s digital ad tax concept. Other states including Connecticut and Indiana are considering similar proposals. Industry groups have filed a court challenge to the Maryland law asserting it is an illegal overreach by the state. Mr. Romer says the tax is an economic tool with a political goal. “I really do think the much bigger issue we’re facing is the preservation of democracy,” he said. “This goes way beyond efficiency.” Source link Orbem News #economist #favorite #side #Techs #Thorn
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caratolmie · 4 years
Performance, 2020
Documentation from Transmission Online Festival hosted by Lumen, Stockholm: https://www.lumenproject.se/events/transmission
Cyacrual is a circulating address to the rib bones of “AL 288-1” or “Dinkinesh”, one of the oldest known bi-pedal females, also referred to as “Lucy”- named after The Beatles song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. 
A fabric version of this ribcage, alongside two different interpretations of a pillar, are sewn onto the shirt that Cara wears in this performance. This design is a scaled down version of a work titled Listening Curtain, a large fabric hanging made in collaboration with artist Susanna Jablonski as part of their ongoing project "Gender of Sound". 
After exploring ASMR-like, brush strokes and folly sounds made via tiny bursts of air blown into the mic, Cara embarks upon an incessant repetition of her own name “Cara” and the name Lucy pronounced backwards - “Ycul”. Her own name is vocalised on the out-breath whilst “Ycul'' is pulled through her mouth ingressively on the in-breath. By perpetually circulating these two names through her body in this way, Cara wishes to acknowledge one of the only equivalences she may be able to share with “Lucy” - that of a given name.
Her impulse is to tame, even drain (if she could) the sound of The Beatles from these bones. She wishes to soothe them with her brush, greet them from within an alternative paradigm of sound-making to the one that they have previously been defined by. A kind of caressive music perhaps, one that seeps out from the tiny cracks within each of their bodies. A music able to explore the potential of sound and listening as a transformative rather than defining entity. 
Direction and editing: Erik Sandberg / Studio Kupol 
Additional editing and assembly: Nathan Larson 
Produced by Lumen Project in Sweden - Lina Enqvist, Maria Lyth, and Nathan Larson 
Set & light design: Tove Berglund 
Light technician: Luka Curk 
Sound recording and mixing: Anton Sundell 
Camera operation: Erik Sandberg, David Palmberg and Nathan Larson
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michellegonza-blog · 7 years
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05-26 Scott Disick Moves on With Lina Sandberg Six Months After Kourtney Kardashian #ScottDisick http://dlvr.it/PFCVwK
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alexbkrieger13 · 1 year
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modelmofos · 5 years
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Lina Sandberg @ Zadig & Voltaire S/S 2015, Paris
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eddiebrakha · 4 years
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Still Waiting for Opening Night 
Eddie Brakha
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ladygarfunkel · 4 years
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zangstyles-blog · 7 years
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Fashion. Mode. 時尚.ファッション. https://wp.me/p6RLYi-aWV
Lina Sandberg @ Jenny Packham F/W 2014-15, New York #Models #Runway #Catwalk #Fashion
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todayclassical · 8 years
January 14 in Music History
1451 Birth of Italian composer and priest Franchinus Gaffurius. 
1645 FP of Sacrati's La Finta Pazza in Paris. 
1566 Birth of composer Angelo Notari. 
1655 Birth of Italian composer Angelo Predieri. 
1676 Death of Italian composer Pietro Francesco Cavalliin Venice.
1690 The first true reed instrument was invented by Johann Christoph Denner in Nuremburg,
1704 Death of countertenor John Pate. 
1722 Birth of German composer Friedrich Gottlob Fleischer. 
1725 FP of J. S. Bach's Sacred Cantata No. 3 Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleidon the 2nd Sunday following Epiphany, was part of Bach's second annual Sacred Cantata cycle in Leipzig 1724-25.
1751 Birth of German soprano Corona Elizabeth Wilhelmine Schröter in Guben.
1761 Death of tenor Denis-Francois Tribou. 
1780 Birth of Belgian composer Francois-Joseph Dizi in Namur. 
1785 Mozart completes Dissonantenkwartet, opus 10.
1800 Birth of Austrian musicologist Ludwig Köchel.
1804 Birth of composer John Park.
1814 Birth of composer Johannes Josephus Viotta. 
1817 Death of French composer Pierre-Alexandre Monsigny, at age 87 in Paris.
1819 Birth of composer Fabio Campana. 
1822 Birth of composer Nicholas Mori.
1834 Birth of Australian composer William Cleaver Francis Robinson. 
1839 Birth of composer Emil Bohn.
1844 Birth of American composer, singer Clara Kathleen Barnett Rogers.
1850 Birth of Polish tenor Jean De Reszke. in Warsaw.  
1875 Birth of French-German organist, Albert Schweitzer in Kaysenberg, France. 
1882 Death of soprano and composer Caroline Richings.
1888 Death of Hungarian composer Stephen Heller, at age 74, in Paris. 
1889 Birth of composer Vincenzo Davico.
1889 Death of soprano Ilma Di Murska. 
1895 Birth of bass-baritone Ludwig Hofmann
1896 Birth of baritone Mostyn Thomas in Blaina, Wales
1896 Birth of Austrian composer Hans Salter. 
1900 FP of Puccini's opera Tosca at the Teatro Constanzi, in Rome. 
1906 Birth of German composer Walter Knape.
1906 Death of mezzo-soprano Elizabeth Poole  
1910 Birth of Belgian composer Renier van der Velden.
1911 Birth of Canadian-American composer George Amadee Tremblay. 
1911 Birth of composer Helmut Degen. 
1914 FP of Igor Stravinsky's Three Japanese Lyrics at the Salle Erard in Paris.
1924 Death of Hungarian pianist and composer Geza Zichy in Budapest. 
1925 Birth of American contralto Grace Hoffman. 
1925 Birth of baritone Louis Quilico in Montreal. 
1930 Birth of composer Edgar Hovhanesyan.
1931 Birth of composer Juraj Pospíšil
1932 FP of Ravel's Piano Concerto in G, Ravel conducting and Marguerite Long soloist, in Paris.
1934 FP of George Gershwin's I Got Rhythm Variations for piano and orchestra. Leo Reisman Orchestra conducted by Charles Previn, with the Gershwin, pianist at Boston's Symphony Hall.
1940 Birth of German bass-baritone Siegmund Nimsgern 
1943 Birth in Latvia of conductor Mariss Jansons. 
1943 Death of German composer Adolf Sandberger, at 78.
1944 Birth of Canadian composer John Rea in Toronto.
1945 Birth of Dutch conductor of Kees Bakels.
1945 Death of composer Sandor Vandor, at 43.
1947 The renovated Covent Garden Opera House opens with Bizet's Carmen.
1949 Death of Spanish composer Joaquin Turina in Madrid at age 66. 
1950 Birth of English flutist and conductor Nicholas McGegan. 
1953 FP of Ralph Vaughan William's Sinfonia Antartica, in Manchester, England. 
1955 FP of Brazilian composer Heitor Villa-Lobos' 8th Symphony, and Harp Concerto, soloist Nicanor Zabaleta. Philadelphia Orchestra, composer conducting, in Philadelphia. 
1956 Birth of Canadian tenor Ben Heppner in Murrayville.
1960 FP of Paul Creston's Violin Concerto No. 1, in Detroit.
1961 Death of composer Henry Geehl, at 79. 
1964 FP of Quincy Porter's Symphony No. 2, in Louisville, KY.
1965 Death of American movie soprano Jeanette MacDonald 
1965 FP of Henri Dutilleux's Cinq métaboles in Cleveland.
1967 Birth of American composer Mikel Kuehn in Eau Claire, WI.
1967 Death of Italian composer Renato Lunelli, at age 71. 
1971 Death of composer Ethel Glenn Hier, at 82. 
1976 American debut of pianist Lazar Berman. 
1978 Death of German conductor Robert Heger, at age 91. 
1979 Death of soprano Marjorie Lawrence. 
1984 Death of Israeli composer Paul Ben Haim, at 86. 
1985 Death of baritone Karl Schmitt-Walter. 
1994 FP of Michael Torke's Piano Concerto, composer was soloist and Saxophone Concerto John Harle, soloist. Albany Symphony at the Music hall in Troy, NY.
1995 Death of British conductor Alexander Gibson, at 68. 
1998 FP of Michael Torke's Brick Symphony. San Francisco Symphony, Alasdair Neale conducting.
2000 Death of soprano Lina Aimaro. 
2004 Death of Spanish composer Joaquín Nin-Culmell at age 95,
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2017: a year in books
Mrs Dalloway - Virginia Woolf
Liv till varje pris - Kristina Sandberg  
Genusperspektiv på pedagogik - Inga Wernersson 
Tiggarflickan - Alice Munro 
De polyglotta älskarna - Lina Wolff  
Djupa, kärlek, ingen. Dikter 1992-2005 - Ann Jäderlund 
I väg, på plats - Pia Juul  
Utplåna fraserna - Ingeborg Bachmann  
Älskade - Toni Morrison 
Hundra år av ensamhet - Gabriel García Márquez  
Case Closed 16 - Gosho Aoyama  
Case Closed 17 - Gosho Aoyama  
Maken: en förhållanderoman - Gun-Britt Sundström  
Vasa: a swedish warship - Fred Hocker 
Att fånga tillfället. Hur ett fiaskobaserat enföremålsmuseum blev världsberömt - Klas Helmerson  
Framtidens feminismer: Intersektionella interventioner i den feministiska debatten - red.Paulina de los Reyes 
Mary - Aris Fioretos  
I love dick - Chris Kraus  
Det här är hjärtat - Bodil Malmsten 
Juni: Jag älskade honom - Anna Gavalda  
Drottningen vänder blad - Alan Bennett 
Zeitaspekte. Anthologie - Rita Kuhn 
Regn - Josefine Klougart  
De blå silkesstrumporna - Elin Wägner  
Ojura - Stina Stoor  
Juli: Anvisning att på 60 minuter bliva konstkännare - August Strindberg 
Att titta ut genom fönstret - Orhan Pamuk  
Bliss - Katherine Mansfield 
Augusti: Jag brinner: roman - Torbjörn Säfve  
Språk och kön - Ann-Catrine Edlund 
Början - Gun-Britt Sundström 
Tiden - Maria Küchen  
Madame de Breyves melankoliska sommar - Marcel Proust 
September: My Name is Aram - William Saroyan 
Ett köns bekännelse - Riikka Pulkkinen 
Träume - Günter Eich  
Andorra - Max Frisch 
Sociolingvistik - Eva Sundgren 
Skriva och samtala. Lärande genom responsgrupper - Torlaug Lökensgard Hoel
Jag skulle så gärna vilja förföra dig - men jag orkar inte - Margareta Strömstedt
Sång till en fjäril - Maria Küchen 
Das Muschelessen. Text und Kommentar - Birgit Vanderbeke 
Hör bara hur ditt hjärta bultar i mig - Bodil Malmsten 
Fråga Alice - Beatrice Sparks
Jag behöver dig mer än jag älskar dig och jag älskar dig så himla mycket - Gunnar Ardelius
Den tyska grammatiken  - Ulrike Klingemann
Carmilla - J. Sheridan Le Fanu
The Murders in the Rue Morgue - Edgar Allan Poe
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (The Chronicles of Narnia #2) - C.S. Lewis
Snedronningen - Hans Christian Andersen
Persepolis #1 - Marjane Satrapi
The Arrival - Shaun Tan
Cirkeln (Engelsfors #1) - Mats Strandberg
Hjärtans fröjd - Per Nilsson
Näktergalen och rosen & Lady Alroy - Oscar Wilde
Kärleksprövningen - Mary Shelley
Efter balen - Lev Tolstoj  
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