intooned 2 years
This blog is Proship and anyone (18+) is welcome!
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So long as you observe the fine print:
My likes are MINE. Don't like something?
Kick Rocks & Eat Glass!
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Anti? Don't like a ship, au, or my interest in a character? Oh wow, that must really suck for you!
They're not real. Nobody cares. Your opinion is toilet paper! But all that's secondary.
First and foremost!
Who told you I'd give a good goddamn what you think or how you feel???
They lied.
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Even Antis are welcome!
But fair warning! I'm not some cupcake, I will and have hurt people's feelings. I've argued them up and down to the point of them blocking me.
And it's always after they've brought the fight and exhausted themselves trying to tell me what I should or shouldn't like or how I should or shouldn't think.
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Unfortunately, I'm not here to care about what others think is right and wrong.
I'm here to enjoy my favorite shows, fandoms, and characters, and anyone who doesn't like it can swallow glass, no water.
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There's so little to gain from looking for a fight.
And so far, each person who's tried has blocked me, in search of someone easier to bully. And yet I've never done the same! Funny that.
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Life's stressful enough, isn't that why you're here?
Antis need to learn that not everyone who isn't your friend is your enemy.
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So love what you like!
Enjoy what makes you happy! Just don't hurt people! Same rules they teach to kindergarteners, how simple is that?!
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Howdy! Welcome! I'm glad you're here!
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But try me and I can get pretty fucking meeean~馃挅
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blastthechaos 4 years
Lincoin loud if you can
My NOTP:None exactly, Ronniecoln is the closest one TBH and I wouldn't classify it as a NOTP
My BROTP:Him and his friend group, I'm always itching to write them doing adventures and dumb shit
My OTP:Maggiecoln, for now at least
My Second Choice Pairing:Flip Flops between Lincarol and Linku, also maybe Samcoln
My Fluffy Pairing:Umm...Kinda hard to tell cause all my ship ideas have a little angst in them, buuut...maybe Linku
My Angsty Pairing:The opposite side is that I don't write a pairing exclusive to angst either, but I guess Maggiecoln
My Favorite Poly Pairing: There's many, one of them is Lincoln with Maggie and Sam, the other are some Loudcest Pairings
My Weirdest Pairing:Aside from all of them since they're non Canon as fuck, probably the Loudcest one cause they always have a gimmick or an AU element on them
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trillhouse-lh 5 years
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ara ara
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julex93drawings 6 years
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Un divertido pic del trio Lincalori o como quieran llamarlo (aunque suena a calorias la primera jajaj) queria hacer este trio desde que vi el capitulo, al fin lo termine, espero les guste :P
A fun pic of the Lincalori trio or whatever you want to call it (although it sounds like calorias the first haha) I wanted to do this trio since I saw the chapter, finally I finished it, I hope you like it :P
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javisuzumiya02 4 years
Hola, 2 preguntas 1-驴Cual es tu opini贸n de ships, de parejas de gran diferencia de edad? Como el Lincarol, el Chariakko o el Edaluz. Yo pienso que son una gran fuente de historias de historias de amor prohibido, pasi贸n, drama.. y OC interesantes. 2- 驴Como es la relaci贸n de Lincoln y Lina la familia de Sam?
1- Personalmente me gustan bastante, aunque solo cuando se cumplen ciertas condiciones. Como cuando el chico es menor que ella. El Samcoln es un buen ejemplo. Los que mencionas de Akko y Luz no ser铆an algo que llame mi atenci贸n.
2- Regular. La madre de Sam acept贸 con el pasar de los a帽os a Lincoln al demostrarle que puede ser bastante responsable. Con Lina fue un poco diferente porque no tard贸 mucho en encari帽arse con su primer nieta. El problema viene por cuenta de Simon. Lincoln y el se odian a pulso y a Simon tampoco le agrada Lina.聽
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intooned 2 years
Just realized you're proship
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intooned 3 years
To those shippers suffering, but tolerating anti's.
Look, if you like it, you like it. If you hate it, you hate it. But if anti's spent as much time and energy on things they did like, we'd all have fandoms with fun and welcoming atmospheres, rather than suffocating ones.
Whole arguments about: "Why this imaginary character having copious amounts of unprotected handholding with that imaginary character is wrong and gross and anyone who doesn't think the way I do is a bad person!"
When they could be sharing words of much needed praise and encouragement with the content creators of the stuff they do enjoy!
I'm just saying, aren't ships, headcanons, and AU's supposed to be, you know, FUN, rather than COMBATIVE?
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There's nothing wrong with not liking a ship or headcanon, we all have our tastes and standards, but shucks it's just PIXELS ON A SCREEN my dude!
So if anti's are gonna piss in other people's punch, then they're just a nuisance. One that insists on drinking the punch they say they hate, and no one is ever happy to share with them when they come around.
So ship what you want!
Follow those headcanons!
Flesh out those au's!
And remember! There are always more SUPPORTERS than DETRACTORS in the audience that shows up!
And to you lame anti's,
who go looking for things you don't want to see, just to cry when you find it, I gotta ask:
Why are you even here? If you don't favor the flavor just stop drinking the dang punch ya weirdos!
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(*art created by & used with the permission of @laztotro馃挅)
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alias-basis 6 years
plz do a lincarol mini-comic
Sorry, that isn鈥檛 on my plans :3
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