#lincoln bodin
youronebraincell · 10 months
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callmebrycelee · 1 year
This reaction is for season 4, sixteenth episode "A House Divided" which originally aired on May 9, 2023. The episode was written by Matt Solik and directed by Tessa Blake. Spoilers ahead!
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We begin the episode in the hospital. Thankfully it's not Owen or TK but it is another Strand. Robert Strand (Chad Lowe) has cut his hand while slicing open a bagel. Robert laments the tremor he has in his hand and tells Owen he is running out of excuses for not being able to play catch with his daughter. Robert still hasn't told his daughters about his diagnosis because he doesn't want to blow up their world. Owen admits he kept his lung cancer diagnosis from TK in the beginning. He tells Robert that he thought he was going to die but after several rounds of chemo and surgery he is still alive. Robert says that Huntington's is not cancer. There's no chemo or treatment for it. He describes it as a vicious, unrelenting descent to the end. He then tells Owen he and his wife are already making preparations for what's to come. Robert encourages Owen to check to see if he has the gene. 
Title card! Wow! I haven't written that in a while.
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Our first emergency of the episode involves a yard sale. Vic (Michael McMilian) and Clara (Ellie Araiza) are  a divorced couple who are attempting to sell their things much to the disapproval of their adorable son, Quincy (Lincoln Bodin). We see Quincy talking to a creepy dude and then he is gone. Vic and Clara are freaking out and my first thought was that the creepy dude walked off with him. Clara dials 9-1-1 and Carlos arrives on the scene. Thankfully Quincy is still in the yard, in an old armoire, but due to it being super hot outside, he is unresponsive. Grace coaches Carlos on how to revive Quincy. Carlos goes over to Checkov's lemonade stand and pours a pitcher of ice cold lemonade onto Quincy which wakes him up. Quincy tells his parents he hid in the armoire because he doesn't want to leave. 
Owen heads over to TK and Carlos' apartment and tells his son that Robert was diagnosed with Huntington's a month ago. TK says he didn't notice any symptoms when they had dinner together. Owen tells him that Robert hides his tremors and cognitive issues well but they are progressing. TK is confused because Robert drove himself halfway across the country to visit them both in Texas. Owen says he is planning on taking some time off from the firehouse so he can drive Robert back to California. While he is gone, Judd will be in charge of the 126.
TK points out that Huntington's disease is hereditary and asks Owen if Robert knows which of his parents carries the gene. Owen tells TK that the gene was passed down from Owen and Robert's dad - TK's grandfather. TK connects the dots that if Robert has the disease then there's a chance he and Owen may wind up with it. TK is overwhelmed by this news and wonders if he should postpone the wedding. Owen encourages him to keep on living his life. TK tells him there's no way he can marry Carlos with a death sentence hanging over his head. Owen reminds him that everyone has a death sentence hanging over their head. He tells TK that he just got tested and he will have the results in 48 hours. If it turns out he doesn't have the gene then TK will definitely not have it. TK tells Owen he could've waited for a negative result and then never have said anything but Owen says he is done hiding things from him. He tells TK that he needs him just as much as TK needs him. 
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We head over to the Ryders' residence and see a game of charades already in progress. This reminded me of the scene in season two where Grace and Judd, Tommy and Charles, and Owen and Gwyn were playing charades. This time around we have Grace and Judd, Tommy and Trevor Parks (DB Woodside) and Wyatt (Jackson Pace) and his girlfriend, Leigh Ann (Jessi Case). Trevor asks Wyatt about joining the fire academy and the latter tries to downplay how things are going. Leigh Ann pipes up and tells the room that everything is going well. Judd brags about Wyatt's ladder drill time which is 5 minutes and 29 seconds. He says that when he was in the academy the fastest time was 5 minutes and 50 seconds. Wyatt continues to be modest about his accomplishments but Leigh Ann tells everyone that he's been getting calls from captains in the area trying to recruit him. This scene was so cute because Judd is clearly so proud of Wyatt. Side note: Judd looked hot as hell in the glasses he was wearing. End of side note. Wyatt mentions that when he graduates he's been invited to join the 122 or the 124. Tommy says he should consider working for Captain Ryder at the 126. Judd shrugs off the compliment and says he is only acting captain while Owen is away. Judd admits that every time he is left in charge of the 126, he's always worried things are going to crash and burn. Tommy says the house couldn't be in better hands and reminds him that he's an excellent captain.
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Trevor gets a notification on his phone about a table opening up at a really fancy, hard-to-get-into restaurant and asks if he should make a reservation. The others tell him to make a reservation and plans are made to have dinner together the following Thursday. Wyatt and Leigh Ann will babysit Baby Charlie. 
Our second emergency of the episode involves a fire at a paper mill. Judd is acting as captain and gives out orders. He sends Marjan, Mateo, and Paul inside the building to search for people. Tommy, Nancy, and TK arrive on the scene and set up triage in the parking lot. A woman comes up to TOmmy and tells her that her friend Jimmy is trapped inside of a machine inside the burning building. Tommy radios Judd to tell her she, Nancy, and TK are heading inside to check on the man and Judd tells her to be careful. Tommy, Nancy and TK locate Jimmy and they see that his arm is trapped. Jimmy's heart is racing and he is barely clinging to consciousness. Tommy radios Judd and tells him Jimmy is bleeding internally and asks for an ETA on when additional help arrives. Judd tells her he is still waiting on the 129. Meanwhile, Marjan hears one of the machines inside the mill making noises and radios to Judd. He tells her that it's probably chemicals and commands her, Mateo, and Paul to exit the building. Judd sends out a may day for everyone to evacuate. 
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Tommy orders Nancy and TK to evacuate. Judd asks them where Tommy is and TK tells him she's still inside with the patient. Nancy tells him that the patient is stuck in a machine and Tommy needs help with extrication. Judd radios Tommy and tells her he gave the evacuation order and she needs to get out of the building. Tommy says she has a pulse on the patient. Judd places Marjan in charge and heads inside the building. Judd takes an axe and uses it to cut off the man's arm and he carries him out of the building with Tommy on his heels. The mill explodes moments later.
Back at the house, things are pretty frosty between both captains. Judd approaches Tommy and asks if she wants to talk about what happened at the paper mill. Tommy says there's nothing to talk about. Yes she lost someone in the field but it's something that happens. Judd clarifies that he's asking her about her disregard for his direct order to evacuate. Tommy says she heard his order but she chose to not follow it because she was trying to save Jimmy's life. Judd informs her that he has an after action report to fill out and he doesn't know what to document. Tommy encourages him to document what actually happened. Judd tells her he feels uncomfortable documenting what really happened due to their friendship. He then says he doesn't want to pull rank but Tommy reminds him they have the same rank. Tommy reminds him that as fire captain he gets to call the shots on how to best put out a fire and as paramedic captain she gets to decide what is the best way to treat an injured patient. Judd says that sometimes those two things don't always align and on their call he was the incident commander, therefore it was his duty to protect everyone in the paper mill. Tommy says it's her duty to protect her patients and she was not going to leave Jimmy to die. Judd reminds her that Jimmy did die and that it's by the grace of God that they didn't die along with him. Tommy tells Judd that she didn't ask for him to come into the paper mill. She then asks if he would like an apology from her. Judd tells her he ain't looking for an apology. What he is looking for is the assurance that something like that isn't going to happen on a future call. Tommy says she cannot predict the future. Judd flips the script and says that he can't predict the future either, however, he would like the confidence to know that the mother of his goddaughters is going to make it home - especially since they just lost their father. Tommy is clearly rattled by hearing this and tells Judd he doesn't get to use that against her. She tells him she is done with their conversation and gets up and leaves.
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Carlos gets home from his shift and finds TK still awake. TK tells him that he can't sleep and when Carlos presses him about it, TK tells him that things are not okay. He tells Carlos about his uncle Robert's Huntington disease diagnosis and how it's hereditary. Carlos points out that Robert and Owen are only half-brothers but TK tells him that it comes from his grandfather's side. Carlos takes in this news and asks if there's a way to test for it. TK tells him that Owen is currently waiting for the results. If Owen doesn't have it, TK is in the clear. Carlos asks about the potential symptoms associated with Huntington's and TK says aside from all of the cognitive issues, there will be struggles with walking, eating, talking, and breathing. Everything starts shutting down. Carlos says it's a LOT to process and TK agrees. TK tells Carlos he has zero expectations and he doesn't want this to be a death sentence for both of them. Carlos asks what he means and TK tells him he doesn't expect Carlos to go through with the wedding. He doesn't want to be a burden on Carlos. Carlos reminds about the whole 'in sickness and in health' part of their marriage vows but TK is unconvinced. He is worried that he'll end up forgetting who Carlos is. Carlos says that he'll just have to remind him every day. Carlos tells TK that they are soulmates which is the first time he has said this out loud. Carlos assures TK that he will not run away. 
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Asha Fulton (Amanda Payton) arrives at the firehouse and Nancy assumes she is there to see Paul. She is actually there to see Captain Vega. Asha goes to Tommy's office and talks to her about the incident at the paper mill fire. She asks Tommy if she recalls an order being given to evacuate the building and Tommy says she does. While Tommy is questioned, she sees Judd and it is very evident things are not good between these two. Trevor arrives at Tommy's house to pick her up for their double dinner date with Judd and Grace. Tommy is not dressed and tells Trevor they should cancel their dinner plans. Trevor insists they cannot cancel their reservation because it was a miracle he got the reservation in the first place. Tommy tells Trevor she can't break bread with a snitch, the snitch being Judd Ryder. She goes on to explain that Judd called HR on her due to the two of them having a difference of opinion. That's the understatement of the century, haha.
Meanwhile, Judd is having a similar conversation with Grace who is looking absolutely stunning. Grace believes her husband may have overreacted when he reported Tommy but he insists he didn't want to get HR involved. Judd says that since he has been trusted with the responsibility of being captain in the absence of Owen, he wants to make sure he is following the rules. Grace tells Judd he needs to get dressed but like Tommy, he is not in the mood to dine out.
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Back at Tommy's place, Trevor is practically begging her to get dressed so they can go out but Tommy is being stubborn. He starts quoting Proverbs to her but Tommy tells him to not get biblical on her. Grace is also quoting scripture to Judd. Neither Grace nor Trevor seem to be getting through to their partners. Eventually Tommy and Judd acquiesce to going to dinner. The scene at the restaurant is one of the funniest scenes of the show. Things between Judd and Tommy get worse when their respective partners try to play mediator. Before long, Grace and Trevor are sniping back and forth at each other while Judd and Tommy watch in horror. Eventually both couples are thrown out of the fancy restaurants and things between our two captains are no better than what they were before they all sat down to break bread together. 
The next day at the house, it's the paramedics versus the firefighters. Judd and Tommy's feud has trickled down to their subordinates and now the whole family is at odds. I'd just like to point out that nothing like this has ever happened when Owen Strand was in charge. Just saying. Tommy breaks up the bickering between Nancy, TK, Mateo, Marjan and Paul and reminds them that even though they are two teams, they are one family. Judd goes to talk to Tommy and tells her he appreciates what she said. Tommy tells him that everything she said was true. Judd says that even though there were some things said the night before, the only thing that matters is that they love and respect each other. Tommy tells him that's never changed. Judd asks if he and Tommy are good and she says they've always been good. Tommy tells him she's made arrangements so that her paramedics will work an opposite shift from the firefighters until Owen gets back. 
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In our final emergency scene of the episode, the 126 paramedics respond to a call where someone has been hit while riding a bicycle. When Tommy, Nancy, and TK arrive at the scene, they discover the victim is Wyatt. Judd arrives at the hospital and asks Tommy where Wyatt is. She tells him that Wyatt is in surgery. She also lets Judd know that Wyatt has some brain swelling and several broken vertebrae but he has the best spinal cord surgeon in Austin working on him. Judd starts to fall apart and Tommy reminds him that Wyatt is alive and that his vitals are strong. Judd asks Tommy to shoot straight with him. He asks her how bad it is and she tells him she doesn't know. She tells him that they will have to wait and see and that she will wait for him. 
TK gets a call from his dad who is at the beach with Robert and his family in California. He tells TK that he got the results back from the clinic and he is negative for the Huntington gene which means TK is also in the clear. TK is relieved and Owen tells him he should celebrate. TK tells him he should celebrate as well. Owen tells him that Robert's having a barbecue for him for his last night in California. 
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In the final scene of the episode, Owen and Robert are sitting on a bench at the beach. Owen notices Robert has a tremor in his left land which means his Huntington's symptoms are getting worse. He asks Robert how long he plans on keeping his diagnosis a secret from his wife and kids and Robert says he will tell him soon. Owen says the problem with soon is that eventually it becomes later. He tells Robert not to do what he did when he kept TK in the dark about his cancer diagnosis. Robert says he will tell them tomorrow after Owen leaves to head back to Texas. He says he promises they will know before TK's wedding. Owen is surprised to hear that Robert is still coming. Robert says he will bring his wife and his daughters because he wants them to meet his family. 
Robert says he has a favor to ask of Owen. He says that he plans on staying in Texas after the wedding so he can spend some more time with Owen. Owen says he thinks that will be great but he doesn't think he'll be able to drive him back to California afterwards. Robert says he won't have to drive him back because he doesn't plan on coming back to California. He then asks Owen to help him die. End of episode. 
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Whoa! This episode was way intense and I enjoyed every moment of it. I love the beef between Judd and Tommy. We've never seen these two be at odds before and it was fun seeing them going toe-to-toe. The interesting part about their disagreement is that I saw both sides. I totally got where Judd was coming from. At the end of the day, he knows what it's like to lose someone on the team and he doesn't want to see that happen to anyone on the 126. However, Tommy's job is to save people, even if it means putting her own life in harm's way. I'm glad these two are back to being friends again. I just hate that it took something bad happening for that to happen.
The plot involving Owen and his brother, Robert, was also well done. It sucks that Owen lost his brother when he was really young and now he's about to lose his other brother. This is all coming so close on the heels of him losing Gwyn. Both Owen and TK have endured so much loss on this show and this seems so unfair but it does make for great storytelling. I truly wonder if Owen is going to be able to help his brother end his life. It's even more messed up when you realize that Owen wasn't able to save his brother Tyler and he won't be able to save his brother Robert and his whole life is dedicated to rescuing people. Ugh! I feel really bad for Owen. Well, I guess we'll have to wait to see what he decides to do. Until next time!
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tctmp · 1 year
Drama  Romance
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cher-ley · 2 years
I Missed It--Don't Shoot Me by Neva
I Missed It–Don’t Shoot Me by Neva
This Blog by Neva Bodin This Blog by Neva Bodin In the 1860s, crossing a “deadline” could get you shot. It was a line drawn around a prison camp during the Civil War. Some of the earliest mentions are in prisoner-of-war diaries. “In a memorial addressed to President Lincoln in August 1864, by Union officers confined in Charleston, occurs the following passage with reference to the…
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sule-skerry · 6 years
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Hi my fellow nerds, did you know about Cornell University Library’s Digital Witchcraft Collection, which is browsable by any ol’ person with an Internet connection?
The majority of the Witchcraft Collection was acquired in the 1880s through the collaborative efforts of Andrew Dickson White, Cornell's first President and a prodigious scholar and book collector, and his first librarian, George Lincoln Burr. Due to the foresight of White and Burr, the Witchcraft Collection has become a rich source for students and scholars of the history of superstition and witchcraft persecution in Europe. It documents the earliest and the latest manifestations of the belief in witchcraft as well as its geographical boundaries, and elaborates this history with works on canon law, the Inquisition, torture, demonology, trial testimony, and narratives. The collection focuses on witchcraft not as folklore or anthropology, but as theology and as religious heresy.
It contains many early texts from the period when the theory of the heresy of witchcraft was being formulated, including fourteen Latin editions of one of the more sinister works on demonology, the Malleus maleficarum, which codified church dogma on heresy. Four of these Latin editions were printed in the fifteenth-century, most notably the scarce first edition printed before April 14, 1487. The collection also contains other defining texts of the doctrinal discussion of demonology, such as Jean Bodin's De la Demonmanie des sorciers (1580), Nicolas Remi's Daemonlatreiae (1595), Henri Boguet's Discours des sorciers (1602) and Pierre de Lancre's Tableau de I'inconstance des mauvais anges (1612).
Significant in the collection are a small and extremely rare number of works by theologians who opposed the Inquisition, such as those of Cornelius Loos, the first theologian in Germany to write against the witch hunts. The most important materials in the Witchcraft collection, however, are the court records of the trials of witches, including harrowing original manuscript depositions taken from the victims in the torture chamber. These documents, in both original manuscript and in print, reveal the harsh outcome of the more remote doctrinal disputes. Perhaps the most significant of all manuscripts in the Witchcraft collection is the minutes of the witchcraft trial of Dietrich Flade, a sixteenth-century city judge and rector who spoke out against the cruelty and injustice of the persecutions in the 1580s. The manuscript was discovered in Germany and acquired by Andrew Dickson White in 1883.
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
Euro 2021 qualifying: Six uncapped players in Wales U21s
Paul Bodin won 24 caps for Wales, scoring three goals
New Wales Under 21 manager Paul Bodin has six uncapped players in his squad for “two tough” Euro 2021 qualifiers against Belgium and Germany.
Adam Przybek, Ben Williams, Jack Vale, Brennan Johnson, Dylan Levitt and Terry Taylor have been called up.
Wales host Belgium in their opening qualifier at Wrexham’s Racecourse on Friday, 6 September.
Bodin’s side host Euro 2019 runners-up Germany at the same venue four days later.
“It will be a real stern challenge for us,” Bodin told BBC Sport Wales.
“But like all challenges you relish that and I’m really looking forward to it. “
Bosnia-Herzegovina and Moldova are the other teams in Group 9 with the group winners and the best runners-up qualifying automatically for the finals in Hungary and Slovenia.
The other eight group runners-up will secure a play-off spot with four further teams qualifying for the finals.
Former Wales and Swindon Town left-back Bodin has been promoted from his role with the U19 side to succeeded Robert Page as U21 boss.
Page had selected the U21 squad before being promoted to Ryan Giggs’ coaching staff with the senior side but Bodin is familiar with the players.
“I’ve worked with the Under-21s over the last few years and I know all the players that have progressed through the intermediate age groups,” Bodin said.
“It’s kind of a natural progression in many respects.
“We’re all moving up one step with Rob moving up to the seniors, I’m moving up to the U21s, Rob Edwards from U17s to U19s and Richey Williams up to the Under-17s.
“We know all the players and know all the systems and how it all works. Hopefully that continuity will help us moving forward.”
Wales Under 21 squad: Adam Przybek (Ipswich Town), George Ratcliffe (Barry Town United – on loan from Cardiff City), Regan Poole (MK Dons), Cameron Coxe (Cardiff City), Rhys Norrington-Davies (Rochdale – on loan from Sheffield United) Ben Williams (Barnsley), Brandon Cooper (Swansea City), Ben Cabango (Swansea City), Jack Evans (Swansea City), Harry Clifton (Grimsby Town), Daniel Mooney (Fleetwood Town), Mark Harris (Wrexham – on loan from Cardiff City), Jack Vale (Blackburn Rovers), Niall Huggins (Leeds United), Brennan Johnson (Nottingham Forest), Dylan Levitt (Manchester United), Liam Cullen (Swansea City), Terry Taylor (Wolverhampton Wanderers), Nathan Broadhead (Burton Albion – on loan from Everton), Aaron Lewis (Lincoln City)
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via wordpress https://ift.tt/31XaViu
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teasertrailer · 5 years
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The Wake of Light - movie trailer: https://teaser-trailer.com/movie/the-wake-of-light/
written and directed by Renji Philip and starring Rome Brooks, Matt Bush, Paula Rhodes, Tyler Steelman, Sandra Seeling, William Lige Morton, and Lincoln Bodin
#TheWakeOfLight #TheWakeOfLightMovie #RomeBrooks #MattBush
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newsintodays-blog · 6 years
NFL notebook: Steelers' Bell a no-show
New Post has been published on http://newsintoday.info/2018/09/04/nfl-notebook-steelers-bell-a-no-show/
NFL notebook: Steelers' Bell a no-show
The Pittsburgh Steelers opened their first practice of the regular season the way they ended the final practice of the preseason — without All-Pro running back Le’Veon Bell.
Jan 14, 2018; Pittsburgh, PA, USA; Pittsburgh Steelers running back Le’Veon Bell (26) celebrates after catching a touchdown pass against the Jacksonville Jaguars during the third quarter in the AFC Divisional Playoff game at Heinz Field. Mandatory Credit: Geoff Burke-USA TODAY Sports
Bell was absent when practice began Monday morning at the UPMC Rooney Sports Complex. He didn’t show up for training camp and has not signed his $14.54 million franchise-tag tender.
In 2017, he didn’t take part in offseason activities or training camp, his first year on the franchise tag. He didn’t show up for practice until the Monday before the first game of the season. The Steelers open the 2018 season Sunday.
“We are disappointed Le’Veon Bell has not signed his franchise tender and rejoined his teammates,” general manager Kevin Colbert said in a statement. “Coach (Mike) Tomlin and the coaching staff will continue to focus on preparing the players on our roster for our regular season opener on Sunday against the Cleveland Browns.”
—No. 3 overall pick Sam Darnold was named the starting quarterback by coach Todd Bowles as the New York Jets close in on their Sept. 10 opener against the Detroit Lions.
Darnold, who won the job over veteran Josh McCown, will become the youngest opening-day starting quarterback in NFL history at 21 years, 97 days when he takes the field for the Monday night contest against the Lions.
“We feel like he gives us a good chance to win,” Bowles told reporters. “We’re not starting him because he’s a rookie and he’s not ready. We’re starting him because he gives us a good chance to win the game.”
—Colin Kaepernick and Nike unveiled a new ad featuring the quarterback as part of the company’s 30th anniversary “Just Do It” campaign.
The image, which Kaepernick tweeted out, shows a black-and-white closeup of the quarterback’s face and the words, “Believe in something. Even it if it means sacrificing everything. Just do it.”
According to ESPN, Nike has kept paying Kaepernick — who signed with the brand in 2011 — despite not using him in ads over the past two years, but planned to bring him back at the right time.
—Philadelphia Eagles coach Doug Pederson finally confirmed what everyone already knew: Nick Foles will start Thursday’s season opener against the Atlanta Falcons.
Pederson made it official Monday when he addressed reporters in the auditorium at team headquarters, ending months of questions: “Nick Foles is the starter and we have complete confidence, obviously, in what he can do. We’re ready to go with Nick.”
The announcement follows a testy exchange Pederson had with reporters on Sunday when he was angry about a published report that said he had named Foles the starter. He said he never made such a declaration.
—Nathan Peterman, not first-round pick Josh Allen, was named starting quarterback of the Buffalo Bills.
Peterman, a fifth-round pick in 2017, threw five interceptions in his first NFL start against the Los Angeles Chargers last season when former Buffalo quarterback Tyrod Taylor briefly lost the job.
A stern test awaits Peterman, with the Baltimore Ravens, San Diego Chargers and Minnesota Vikings on the schedule the first three weeks of the season. Allen, the No. 7 pick in the 2018 draft, is the No. 2 quarterback for the Bills to open the season.
—Indianapolis Colts quarterback Andrew Luck returned to practice after taking a week off to recover from a minor foot injury.
He injured the foot Aug. 25 in a preseason game against the San Francisco 49ers. As long as Luck does not sustain another injury, he is on track to make his first start since the end of the 2016 season when the Colts meet the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday.
Luck, who turns 29 on Sept. 12, missed all of last season while recovering from surgery to his throwing shoulder, but all indications are his shoulder won’t be an issue when the season opens.
—Browns wide receiver Josh Gordon returned to practice and is expected to play in Sunday’s regular-season opener against the Steelers.
Aug 30, 2018; Philadelphia, PA, USA; New York Jets quarterback Sam Darnold (14) during the first quarter against the Philadelphia Eagles at Lincoln Financial Field. Mandatory Credit: Eric Hartline-USA TODAY Sports
The team’s No. 3 wideout was slowed by a hamstring injury last week.
Coach Hue Jackson said Gordon, who was away from the team during training camp while in rehab at the University of Florida, would not start against Pittsburgh. Rookie fourth-round pick Antonio Callaway will start in Gordon’s place, per Jackson.
—Bills running back LeSean McCoy will not be placed on the commissioner’s exempt list and is eligible to play Sunday in the opener at Baltimore, the NFL said.
NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy told the Washington Post that the running back’s status “has not changed” as police continue to investigate an alleged home invasion at McCoy’s Milton, Ga., house, which happened in July.
Meanwhile, the Bills are bringing in former Denver Broncos quarterback Paxton Lynch for a visit Tuesday, according to an NFL Network report, and coach Sean McDermott named Ryan Groy the starting center over Russell Bodine.
—The Dallas Cowboys intend to keep center Travis Frederick on the active roster instead of sending him to injured reserve, according to multiple reports.
The plan means the team expects Frederick to return sooner than midway through the regular season. If he were placed on IR, he could not be recalled until after Week 8, though the team would have a free roster spot to use in the interim. If kept on the active roster, Frederick can return to play whenever he is healthy.
No timetable has been given for Frederick’s return since he was diagnosed with Guillain-Barre syndrome two weeks ago, after he saw several specialists to determine the cause of repeated stinger-like symptoms experienced during training camp.
—New York Giants coach Pat Shurmur expanded on the decision to waive quarterback Davis Webb to make room for other players claimed on waivers Sunday.
“I think I mentioned long ago there was no depth chart behind Eli (Manning),” Shurmur told reporters. “(Webb) got a lot of reps, and I think it was probably that where people start to assume because he’s taking second-string reps that he’s a second-string quarterback, and it didn’t play out that way.”
Meanwhile, tight end Evan Engram practiced on a limited bases but remains in the concussion protocol, and defensive end Olivier Vernon missed practice as he recovers from an ankle injury. Shurmur said the team is hopeful both players can play Sunday against the Jacksonville Jaguars.
—The Denver Broncos will start rookie third-rounder Royce Freeman at running back, coach Vance Joseph told reporters.
Freeman will be the first rookie to be the Broncos’ Week 1 starting running back since Terrell Davis in 1995. He and third-year veteran Devontae Booker shared first-team reps throughout training camp and the preseason, but the rookie shined in preseason games with 15 carries for 84 yards and three touchdowns.
Joseph has been vocal about the team’s plan to use multiple backs throughout the season. He reiterated Monday that Freeman will handle the bulk of early-down work, while Booker is likely to take the lead in passing situations.
—Tennessee Titans tight end Delanie Walker and outside linebacker Brian Orakpo said they will be ready for Sunday’s season opener against the Dolphins in Miami, while right tackle Jack Conklin is getting closer to a return.
Walker, who has been battling an apparent toe injury, and Orakpo (shoulder) each returned to practice last week after missing all of the preseason. The Titans have been extremely tight-lipped about injuries under new head coach Mike Vrabel, but both players expect to play.
Conklin, who tore the anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee in the divisional playoffs in mid-January, was activated from the physically unable to perform list before final cuts and did limited work in individual drills at Monday’s practice. General manager Jon Robinson said Conklin is “progressing nicely,” but no timetable has been given for the tackle’s return.
—Starting left tackle Donovan Smith and rookie first-round defensive tackle Vita Vea both missed practice as the Tampa Bay Buccaneers prepared for Sunday’s game at the New Orleans Saints.
Smith sprained his right knee two weeks ago in practice and was given a timetable of two to four weeks to return. Vea, drafted 12th overall in April, has missed more than a month with a strained calf muscle, which initially was not expected to cost him regular-season games.
The Bucs also announced four roster moves, claiming defensive end Carl Nassib off waivers from the Cleveland Browns, placing defensive tackle Mitch Unrein on injured reserve, releasing defensive end Will Clarke and re-signing long snapper Garrison Sanborn.
—The Detroit Lions and safety Quandre Diggs agreed to a contract extension that runs through the 2021 season, the team announced.
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Terms were not announced, but the Detroit Free Press pegged the deal at $20.4 million.
Late last season, Diggs moved from slot cornerback to safety after Tavon Wilson sustained a torn biceps. In five starts, he had three interceptions and a forced fumble. Diggs is expected to pair with Glover Quin at safety for the Lions.
—The 49ers officially placed running back Jerick McKinnon on injured reserve, two days after he tore the anterior cruciate ligament in his right knee during a non-contract drill in practice.
McKinnon, 26, played four seasons with the Vikings before signing a four-year, $30 million deal with the 49ers in the offseason. He rushed for a career-best 570 yards last season.
San Francisco also announced it signed offensive lineman Matt Tobin and safety Antone Exum Jr. to one-year contracts, placed safety Marcell Harris on injured reserve and signed offensive lineman Zack Golditch to the practice squad.
—The Oakland Raiders signed veteran wide receiver Brandon LaFell and released wideout Johnny Holton, the team announced.
LaFell, 31, was released by the Bengals in early August after two years with the team. He will serve as another veteran target after the Raiders released Martavis Bryant — acquired for a third-round pick in April — during final cutdowns.
The Raiders also announced they claimed defensive tackle Brian Price off waivers from the Cowboys and waived defensive tackle Treyvon Hester.
—Quarterback Christian Hackenberg was signed to the Bengals’ practice squad, the club announced.
The former second-round pick will be joining his fourth organization of the year.
Hackenberg spent his first two seasons with the Jets and didn’t get into any games. He was traded to the Raiders in May for a conditional seventh-round draft choice and later was waived. The Eagles signed him last month and released him on Friday.
—The Browns are considering starting undrafted rookie Desmond Harrison at left tackle in their season opener.
The 6-foot-6, 295-pound Harrison played at Texas and later transferred to West Georgia. He could make history by replacing 10-time Pro Bowler Joe Thomas, who retired in March.
If Harrison does not start, veteran Joel Bitonio could anchor the line at left tackle. Bitonio also is a possibility to start at guard.
—Chicago Bears pass rusher Leonard Floyd returned to practice wearing a club on his broken right hand. He sustained the injury Aug. 18 in a preseason game against the Broncos but is expected to be ready for Sunday’s season opener at Green Bay.
—The Cowboys re-signed wide receiver Deonte Thompson and placed fellow wideout Noah Brown on injured reserve because of a hamstring injury. Thompson provides depth at a position that includes Terrance Williams, Allen Hurns and Cole Beasley.
—The Lions signed linebacker Marquis Flowers, a former member of the Patriots who will reunite with coach Matt Patricia. Detroit scooped up Flowers less than 48 hours after New England let him go.
—The Miami Dolphins signed center Travis Swanson three days after he was released by the Jets. Swanson figures to serve as a backup for Daniel Kilgore, who is set to replace Mike Pouncey in South Florida.
—The Green Bay Packers signed veteran linebacker Korey Toomer, who was cut by the 49ers over the weekend. The 29-year-old Toomer has appeared in 46 games (16 starts) in parts of five seasons with Dallas, St. Louis, Oakland, San Diego-Los Angeles and San Francisco.
—The Kansas City Chiefs claimed center Austin Reiter off waivers from the Browns and released Bryan Witzmann, who made 13 starts in 2017.
—Field Level Media
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