julicroberts · 6 years
the haunting of hill house
favorite male character: luke crain.
favorite female character: theodora crain.
least favorite character: poppy hill, ghosts counts right??
prettiest character: eleanor crain.
funniest character: they’re all serious af in this show but i’d say theo since she had some great one-liners and cynical humour.
favorite season: there’s only one season!
favorite episode: “the bent-neck lady”, honourable mention goes to “two storms” for that scene with the tracking shot!
favorite romantic ship: eleanor x arthur.
favorite family ship: eleanor x luke, i love the entire crain family though!
favorite friend ship: hugh x horace.
worst ship: luke x joey.
Leave a TV show or movie in my ask box and I’ll tell you…
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roleplcyheaux · 6 years
pretty little liars!
— leave a show or movie in my ask box & i’ll tell you…..
favorite male character: 
Jason DiLaurentis. The writers on that show were SO horrible to my baby boy and put him through so much only to never even fully develop him I’M STILL UPSET ABOUT THIS! I could watch an entire series about Jason. Also Jason/Aria > Ezra/Aria…that’s all I’m saying.
favorite female character:
This is so hard for me because I highkey loved so many of the female characters?? It’d have to be between Mona, Spencer, and Hanna though. Those three were and forever will be my daughters byeeeee.
least favorite character:
Ezra Fitz. I just HATED the dating an underaged girl story line and the fact he LITERALLY KNEW SHE WAS UNDERAGED THE WHOLE TIME! It wasn’t just a “oh i met this cute girl in a bar and OMG WTF SHE’S ONE OF MY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS?” thing, no the mother fucker KNEW who she was and that she was one of Alison’s friends the moment he saw her there. AND THEN HE STALKED HER AND HER FRIENDS FOR YEARS FOR A DUMB ASS BOOK AND THEY EXPECTED US TO BE HAPPY WHEN SHE ENDED UP MARRYING HIM IN THE END?? NO WAY JOSE! I can’t. I hate Ezra so much. 
He did so many suspect and shady things and literally never once faced repercussions for them other than Aria being mad at him for a couple episodes. 
prettiest character:
Okay listen Shay Mitchell is hands down one of the prettiest people in the entire universe so the answer should naturally be her but Emily Fields had a HORRIBLE sense of style and the hair department always did the bare minimum with Shay’s hair until like the last season so the prettiest character to me definitely goes to Hanna Marin. She was always serving looks and looking A1 even in the most stressful situations, a tru babe. 
funniest character:
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Hanna Marin, the answer is Hanna Marin.
favorite season:
Season 3 will always have a special place in my heart since that was the season Mona was revealed to be original A. I also loved the Dollhouse Era (I can’t remember what season that plotline started I think towards the end of season five all the way into season 6). Anyways those episodes were SO GOOD but then they revealed Cece as Charles and it went downhill from there.
favorite episode:
Season 6, Episode 1 entitled Game On, Charles.
favorite romantic ship:
Tbh I honestly though Spencer and Caleb made so much sense together. And in another world they would have been the perfect ship. But out of the official ships, Haleb for sure. I feel like their relationship developed so much over the seasons and just ugh I love them.
favorite family ship:
Hanna and Ashley Marin! Like get you a mom who will ride for you like Ashley Marin rides for her daughter! Literally one of the first times we see this woman she seduces a detective to keep Hanna out of trouble. And that’s just the start of them protecting each other throughout the seasons. I love the Marin women so much! 
favorite friend ship:
Honestly the core four! The thing that made Pretty Little Liars so special to me was the friendship between Aria, Emily, Hanna, and Spencer. It was the first time I remembered seeing a show were the main focus was female friendship and just everything they were willing to do for each other!
worst ship:
Ezra & Aria, I already went on a rant about it above so I’ll save you guys from having to hear about it twice.
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chvrliehunnam · 6 years
@lindseymcrgcn replied to your photoset
*coughs* hi yes
ummm.... gimmie pls. imagine all the crazy....
if it helps... this is what cain looks like....
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requicms · 6 years
6. favorite band
ha ha ha. i wish i could answer this, but i honestly cannot. once upon a time this would have been easy for me but i listen to such a wide variety of music these days i have no fucking clue.
7. biggest turn off(s)
belittling me, making fun of me in ways that suck :)), criticizing my lifestyle, behavior or looks, although this will make me sound awful, people who can’t speak proper german (i swear, it’s a problem with more and more people these days. like yeah, our language is hard but go to school and learn it omfg, most people who come from other countries speak better german than some of us do and as an avid reader and writer, it gets on my nerves), smoking.
8. top 5 (insert subject)
i’m gonna be basic and make five favorite tv shows: sense8, got, grey’s anatomy, primeval (wow that’s fucking old but i still rewatch it all the time) and this is us.
9. tattoos i want
again, i’m fucking afraid of needles and have a pain tolerance so low a mosquito bite can make me cry basically, so i can’t see myself ever getting a tattoo. i’m also way too indecisive for that shit. if i can’t decide on a fucking fc, how would i ever pick a tattoo??
10. biggest turn on(s)
already answered that one and honestly can’t think of more forgive me.
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elizabetholscn · 6 years
gifts / jingle bells / secret santa / wreaths
gifts ━ one of your favorite writing partners. 
OF COURSE IT’S YOU, STEPH. Listen, the amount of ships we have?? I’m actually losing count at this point. But each and every plot we’ve come up with, I’m honestly in love with all of them, okay. That isn’t going to stop because we just keep throwing ideas at each other and coming up with more and more ideas everyday. Thank you for joining me in screaming at every face I fall love with and making an opposite with me, you’re definitely one of the few people I can come to with any plots and you’ll gladly do them with me. You’re an amazing writer and have fully of amazing ideas, so don’t let anybody tell you otherwise actually meeting this year and adding your hometown to my solo trip around america?! You’re also always here for me whenever I need to vent and just know that I’m always here for you too, okay. PLEASE COME AND VISIT ME SOON BECAUSE I KNOW YOU’LL LOVE LONDON TOO, ILYSM GIRL
jingle bells ━ most useful sites that you use often.
I mean…Google would be the most useful site since I’m always searching for something whether that being just in my own time or for uni. Personally, I won’t put this hellsite in the mix but I’d say Twitter, not only for the meme galore you’d find on there, but sometimes it’s also a place where I can find out about news in the fastest way?? I don’t even tweet much on there anymore but I still find myself scrolling through it everyday. Pinterest, because it’s a place that calms me the fuck down whenever I have too much on my mind and who doesn’t like looking at pretty things 24/7? Plus that’s one of the places where I get all of my inspo for my characters too. Letterboxd, because I’m a huge movie nerd. Honestly, this is coming from a person who used to go to the cinema three times a week, every week. I love movies that much but sadly I don’t have time to do that anymore because of real life. But I find solace on that site because I love seeing people enjoy movies as much as I do. Y’all should join so you can find me crying over Wes Anderson movies. I’m gonna self-promo myself I’m not even sorry.
secret santa ━ favorite female names.
I’m a huge fan of naming my female characters with unisex names. Something about these names just makes my characters more unique you know? Because you don’t hear the name often or even meeting people with names like that in real life. Pretty much all of my muses that I’ve named in the past can be considered as my favourite names, because I wouldn’t have given them that name if I didn’t. But some names would be Morgan, Rowan, Blake…and more feminine names would be Brielle, Fallon, Calliope…I could just name all of my female muses here lmao.
wreaths ━ favorite male faceclaims.
It’s funny because I had a similar conversation with my flatmate about this earlier this week — granted, it was slightly different because we were talking about who our hall passes would be but ultimately my favourite male faceclaims narrow down to who my favourite actors are. So right off the top of my head right now (and I’ll definitely forget some), I’d say…Chris Evans, Chris Pine, Chris Hemsworth, Sebastian Stan, Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan, Paul Wesley, Michiel Huisman, Justin Hartley, Matthew Goode, Casey Deidrick, Jamie Dornan, Scott Eastwood, Luke Mitchell…TRUST ME I CAN GO ON FOREVER.
christmas rph meme.
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jacobelcrdi · 6 years
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Meet Jaxon “Jax” Timothy Morgan.
He’s a 27 year old mechanic. (Actually, he’s older then 27, but the whole three years I played him, I could never accept that he was no longer 27, lol. So, he always came back 27.)
One of my utter favorite things about this character is the fact that he was my real transitions into town rpgs. (As I was pretty huge into supernatural stuff at the time.) And that I remember wanting to drop him literally a week after picking him up, because I wasn’t sure how I was feeling about it, or rp anymore, but thought – nah, nah, I’ll give it a shot, let me go do a few replies and see. And literally there was just this click, not only to the character, but the rp. Four years, and like twelve characters later…
Jaxon and his family lived in the rougher parts of Lanford, New York. The family struggling day in and day out.
The oldest of two, his baby sister, Mika, six years younger then him. A few months after his sister was born, his father split, leaving both children and a devastated mother behind, to fend for themselves. This would prove to be the breaking point altogether. His mother could do nothing else but blame her children for the failure of her marriage, as she dipped deeper into drug use.
For as long as he could remember, Jaxon was the one raising his sister, and keeping things going. Therefore, he made sure he did everything he needed to to get through school, and make a better for himself and his sister. There would be a bright spot in Jaxon’s life come high school, another teenager by the name of Liliana, would come to seen to become another important figure within his life. 
Despite not having their parents in their corner, Jaxon and Liliana seemed to beat all odds. A strong relationship, by the looks of it, something that could quite possibly last forever. So close to seeing and having it all, even his baby sister rooting for them. But just before graduation, their relationship would come to fall apart, and so would everything else in Jaxon’s life. Unaware that Liliana had fallen pregnant, and had been convinced to not only get rid of it, but cut all ties with the Morgan family, Jaxon found himself ghost to all new levels. No explanations. No nothing. 
A few weeks after this, Jaxon would find his mother unconscious on the bathroom floor, years of drug abuse and false promises to get clean finally catching up with her. She overdosed, and by the time they got to her, it was too late. This would cause Jaxon to have to forfeit the scholarship he had received for his hard-work in school. He knew he couldn’t leave now, especially with Mika still in school, and counting on him to get her through it all. 
Unfortunately, Jaxon would come to realize that there was nothing he could do to stop what was meant to be. Falling into a dangerous crowd, and the vibes of her neighborhood, Mika would take to alcohol and drug abuse. Issues both of their parents had faced in their lives. When Mika fell pregnant, if would seem that she was going to get her life back together, her brother never giving up on her. However, this was not the case when she was seven and a half months pregnant, she would find herself face to face with her known drug dealer. She would proceed to use again, but prove to be a fatal decision when Jaxon walks into an all too familiar scene; this time her sister limp on the kitchen floor.
Rushing her into the ER, the doctors would proceed to do everything they could, proving to save the life of her unborn child, but mother? She dies a few hours after arriving. The doctor that stayed by his nephew’s side would become to be one of his closest friends. A woman by the name of Freya Hawkins.
Jaxon makes the decision to place his nephew up for adoption, as he believes he a failure and wants to give his nephew the best possible. This happens to be with the surgeon who saved the child’s life. The adoption is open, though, therefore allowing the male to see the child, now and again. Despite the fact that the family moves out to Cali.
Jaxon, in grieve, ends up tracking down the man who sold his sister her finish dose, and in a heated argument, fist are swung, and he ends up killing the man with his bare hands. The man’s kids watching in horror, as Jaxon flees the scene. After this, the male really just becomes a shell of himself. He really has just about nothing, no real career, no family, and he’s just surviving at this point. Not living. 
His father ends up trying to get back into his life, but only because he’s sick, and wants to make amends, something Jaxon does not appreciate. The man ends up dying from liver failure, (alcoholism). Leaving him the only one left of the foursome.
Leaving town a few times, Jaxon takes it upon himself to get into some pretty shady business dealing, including carrying out hits, (hitman). It gave him the means to travel, and feel something.
He returns to town a few times, the most recent time, just in time to run back into someone he never thought he’d see again, Liliana. At first, he wants very little to do with her, but comes to realize that despite everything, she really is the only one who’s capable to make him feel something again; something good.
This character was built around the time that I finished S1 of Sons of Anarchy, hence the name Jax. As well as me being inspired by the S1 Wendy/Jax/Abel plot, with Jaxon’s nephew. He definitely would’ve probably been Charlie Hunnam, or Chris Evans (was hella obsessed with Evans at this point, still my babe tho), had neither been taken at the time. (Kinda glad that they were, since Tyler was literally perfect for this character.) 
His alternate FC has been Stephen Amell, who was actually hella perfect as well, but Tyler will always be Jaxon’s #1.
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jessicahenwick · 6 years
lindseymcrgcn replied to your photoset: dixpourcentgifs: - Who’s that? - Florence, my ex....
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sarahsrp · 6 years
📂 - darla 💖
hi, it’s been a hundred years but here is your answer ;) 
send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon i have
Darla loves handwritten notes and letters. So much so that she hand writes letters to her friends and love ones every holiday (and randomly throughout the year) to let them know she was thinking about them. Because of this, she’s like obsessed with pretty pens and letterheads. Whenever she finds really unique or extra cute stationary pack, she immediately buys it. Like, that might be the one thing she really splurges on. 
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feywildwrites · 6 years
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{ private link }
001. It’s Gotta Be You // Isaiah . 002. Falling Apart // Michael Schulte . 003. Hackensack // Katy Perry . 004. When I Was Your Man // Boyce Avenue feat. Fifth Harmony . 005. All We’d Ever Need // Lady Antebellum . 006. Come Home // One Republic feat. Sara Bareilles . 007. When We Were Young // Adele . 008. This Town // Niall Horan . 009. Human // Natalie Major . 010. Empty Space // James Arthur . 011. Hurts Like Hell // Fleurie . 012. Ghost In The Wind // Birdy . 013. Only You // Matthew Perryman Jones . 014. Still Hurting // The Last Five Years . 015. i hate u, i love u // gnash feat. Olivia O’Brien
( @lindseymcrgcn )
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tiredwritcr · 6 years
lindseymcrgcn replied to your post “lindseymcrgcn replied to your post “i need to know why people are...”
ILL START LOOKING INTO LATER TONIGHT AND ILL LET YOU KNOW <3 and please ilysm you remind me always im soft
YOU DA BEST, BOO BEAR. i also have something cute to show you brb i’ma hit u up on skype
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faultyhalo · 6 years
lindseymcrgcn replied to your post: i wanna go to ikea and no one wants to go with me...
come to the states and we’ll go to ikea yeet
yeah sure. most expensive ikea trip yet. 
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julicroberts · 6 years
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
Uhhh, I think it was my friend? I was probably drunk because I get all sentimental and start hugging or holding people’s hand whenever I’m drunk lmao.
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
I think I’m more outgoing than shy nowadays. College and my time away from home have really change made me less shy and not afraid to speak up and meet new people!
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
Possibly my friends from Cali! There’s a possibility I might be visiting them in their home country sometime this year!
4. Are you easy to get along with?
Honestly, I don’t bite. I love to talk and meet people all the time even though I can be a bit slow talking to anyone. But college for sure has definitely brought me out of my shell more. There’s this stereotype with me from my southern friends that they find it weird when I say something like ‘thank you’ or start some small talk with strangers on the train because city people are shitty af and I’m a northerner at heart. But yeah, I’d like to think that I’m easy to get along with?
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
There isn’t one specific person I like right now lmao, so I’m not sure?
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
People who share the same interest as me, so people who loves movies will get extra brownie points. As well as have a good sense of humour and not afraid to call me out on my shit lol. Honesty like that is hard to come by, but that’s what I can think of right now.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
I don’t really know lmao.
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
No one HAHA. I’m tired, and my head is full of revision right now. I don’t have time to think about guys until the end of the week okay.
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
It depends who I’m talking about this with. If I’m talking about sex with a stranger? Definitely. To my close friends? Not really. There’s no filter with my friends and we probably had the grossest conversations about sex lmao.
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My mum and sister, we were on FaceTime talking about some family drama, my family is really big so that happens quite often.
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
I hardly text anymore so I’m gonna go with Whatsapp, but I said, “But the villa is going to be a different story 😂”. To put it in context, we were making holiday plans and my friend already started making sleeping arrangements for the vacation, I don’t even know why.
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Currently, because I have a monthly playlist on spotify, I’d say: Cry For Love by Harry Hudson, Wow. by Post Malone, Everybody Loves You by Charlotte Lawrence, Some Type of Love by Charlie Puth and when the party’s over by Billie Eilish!
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
I do! I think it somewhat calming when people play with my hair, as long as they don’t start pulling them out haha.
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
I do! I believe some things do happen by luck or miracle and doesn’t need any more explanation than that.
15. What good thing happened this summer?
SO MANY THINGS! This summer has been one of the best summers I’ve ever had. I travelled to 10+ cities (I lost count after 10 and I’m tired so I cba to count), some of which I travelled to by myself and along the way I met @lindseymcrgcn​ in real life on my trip in her hometown! I will forever be gushing about meeting Steph because I still remember meeting you on here then not long after I left for my study abroad, I just brought up the fact that I was in the country for the whole year and we should meet up. That was it, and before we knew it, I was in her hometown and thank you so much for such a memorable few days and showing me around the city! As well as making those few days so fun omg.
ask meme.
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druidcore · 7 years
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SHIP MOODBOARDS || tala x portia 
All I know is that kiss, and how soft her skin is when it brushes against mine, and that even if I did not know it until now, I have been waiting for this person forever. (c)
AND A (BELATED) HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU, MY BABY GRILL. I know I’m the slowest snail to ever snail, but your patience is so so appreciated. I’m thankful that thanks to Christine we met and now I’m lucky enough to have you as an rp partner. Your endless charm and exuberance are only two of my favorite things about you. Another would be the joy you seem to spread everywhere you go. Thank you for being my friend and writing partner! I can’t wait to write with you more as the new year comes in, babe! 
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chvrliehunnam · 6 years
OMG DIBS X200000000000000 remember we're stuck together as well ;)
send me a ‘dibs’ if you are ridiculously attached to me as an rp partner.
ANGEL, we are most def stuck together! I’m so HAPPY and GRATEFUL we met and have formed this beautiful and meaningful ship with our muses. I’m so excited for what’s to come with them and other pairings/ships we’ve chatted about. You’re such a beautiful person inside and out and it means everything to call you a friend. Thanks for your love and support too
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There’s our soft for Callie mans right there ^^
( @lindseymcrgcn )
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jacobelcrdi · 6 years
✉ / ❤ ( lilixon bc yes pls
send ❤ for a romantic fluff starter
send ✉ for a text message starter
& here
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jessicahenwick · 6 years
I don’t think I have a music genre I don’t like? My music taste is crazy and will vary from all different types of genre, but if I had to choose then it would probably have to be hardstyle. It’s a huge thing where I’m from, and there’s music festivals throughout the year that happen in my city but I just can’t get into it and probably never will.
I have so many! My favourite movies of all time are always going to be Pretty Woman and Dirty Dancing, and I will always love Wonder Woman. At the moment though, I’ve been really into Bohemian Rhapsody after watching it with my family, and then a second time with Frankie. The cast are so close and funny on Instagram, I love how close they are? Queen just has a special place in my heart and I’m so glad that they made this movie and I don’t care what the critics say, I think the entire cast and crew did the movie such justice.
One Tree Hill, Friends, Gossip Girl and Brooklyn Nine Nine. 💖
Riverdale. I still continue to watch it though because once I start a show, I have to finish it but it kinda makes me sad because the first season had a really good plot going for the show. But then second season came along, and they literally dropped everything and started a new plot and I realised that it’s kind of a trend because they did the same for season three? I’m not a big fan of the show, but I’m in too deep lmfao.
My favourite artists vary because again, my music taste is so inconsistent but I’ve always had a lot of Kodaline, Paramore and The Script on my playlist.
Again, I don’t think I have a music artist that I don’t like?! At least not one that I could think of right now.
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