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Talk less, smile more (LMM/reader)
Chapter 3
Author’s note: wow, a year later I’m only at chapter 3 and still far away from all the ✨spicy✨ parts. I’m so sorry to disappoint, but this is a slow burn-y kinda fic. Please leave some comments if you feel like it, positive or negative alike, as it helps me so much with motivation. Also, if you have any ideas/promts you’d like me to include, feel free to comment or dm me 🥺 ps. This is my first fic ever and English is not my first language, so there might be a few errors. TW: mentions of panic attacks Tags: @biafbunny @raiseaglasstothefourofus
“So... I don’t know where to start, actually. But I’ll try not to take too long.”
“Oh no, take your time, tell us everything from the beginning” my sister replied.
Then they all had their eyes on me like vultures on a fresh carcass.
“Ok, so last week, I was at work, minding my own business and making the last adjustments to the layout of that flat we had to renovate, as one interior designer does, when Maya called.
“Y/N! Hi! How are you? Well I don’t have much time for chit chat, so... ehm... can you talk right now?”
“Hello to you. Yeah I’m fine... probably... but, uhm, I’m kinda in the middle of something right now. Is this important?” I whispered, trying to keep the volume of my voice as low as I could, in order not to stand out among the monotonous buzz of my fellow working bees.
“No! I mean, yes! I don’t know. Is it?”
“Maya, calm down, you sound like you’re having a panic attack”
“I’m not sure but I probably am.”
“Ok, give me a second and I’ll call you back. I have to become a ninja and disappear from the office.”
And so I did, I got up from my painfully uncomfortable swivel chair, I made painfully uncomfortable eye contact -the kind of eye contact that makes it obvious you have to go pee- with my desk neighbours in our hipster-modern-industrial open space and I took refuge in the farthest bathroom stall from the door. Thankfully, the whole bathroom was empty. I knew I didn't have much time before someone came in and heard me speaking on the phone and reported it to my boss, because that's what his reign of terror forces us to do, so I called Maya back.
She replied on the first ring.
"Hey Y/N. Ok, I know you have little time, so I'll try to be quick."
"Yes, please, you're making me anxious."
"Ok, so... ehm... you know I'm getting married next week, right? Right, of course you know. So... you also know we have a thoroughly planned reception with you know... entertainment for the guests?"
"Maya. Please. Get to the point."
"Yes. Well... they... I mean, they can't..."
"MAYA! For God's sake, breathe, and tell me what's going on!"
After a brief pause, she continued
"Ok, ok, so... the lead singer of the band we hired called Carlos an hour ago. He told him they can't come. He caught a very nasty flu, poor boy, and his bandmates too. So, there's that."
"Oh no, that's bad. Do you already have a plan B? Maybe they can recommend someone they know can be booked last minute?"
Another brief pause
"As a matter of fact we do have a plan B.”
"Oh?" I replied, a little bit confused
"It’s ... honestly both a genius idea and a very bad one. And it's not confirmed yet..."
"Maya, if you don't tell me everything in the next ten seconds, I'm going to hang up on you."
"Please promise me you won't freak out."
"I'm already freaking out!!"
"Ok, don't freak out more than this?"
"I'm hanging up right now."
"No! Wait! Please, I have to give him confirmation ASAP!"
"Him? Who's him?"
"Carlos' friend from Puerto Rico. I mean, he lives in New York now, but still, they played together when they were little."
"Ok? So?"
"He's not the point. I mean, he kinda is, only half of it though. He very kindly accepted to be our DJ for the whole night. He's lovely, Carlos told me he is a fairly known rapper and songwriter or something. But. Two things. One. I still need a singer for our first and second dance and for the... spicy broadway medley we planned together. You know, those couple songs we discussed?”
Of course I remembered. I have a digital copy of her 110-Pages-long planning journal, inclusive of 19 pages dedicated to the musical entertainment, with all the songs and dances and every one of the sneezes and farts the band, which was more like a little orchestra than a band, would make. Also, a couple of classic love ballads from the ‘80, such as(I’ve had) the time of my life so they can do the lift plus the infamous spicy Broadway medley, in which two unfortunate singers shout to the audience the joys of steamy lovemaking.
"I remember. Yes. Some of the hottest songs in musical theatre. Also, you said he’s a rapper?"
"Yes, I guess. Or something like that. I don't know him, Carlos does. That's not what concerns me though... The real issue here is that I have only one option right now. You."
"I'm sorry, WHAT?"
"I said you. You're my only hope, Y/N. Please, consider it. Please please, I need you to go back to singing, just this once, for me and Carlos. Please. I know you promised not to sing anymore in public, but..."
"Maya, no buts. I'm sorry, but I can't. Can't you ask the DJ if he could sing instead?"
"I did, but he told us he's not much of a singer on his own, but maybe... a duet? You and him together?"
"What? Me and a total stranger singing about how much we want to bone each other? Hell no. No way. It's been ages since I last sang. And even if I’d sung until yesterday, no. I'd have to prepare both physically and psychologically. And with work and everything, I can’t. A week it’s too soon.”
"But you know those songs so well already! And you love musical theatre! And all the Broadway hits are your jam! You know Rent and Chicago and that other one about a hot and sassy Thomas Jefferson by heart! No one is better than you at this, Y/N, please."
"I know, but I don't want to risk having a whole panic attack at your wedding. I’ll ruin it, and I don’t want that.
And that’s Hamilton, by the way, and it’s not about a hot and sassy Thomas Jefferson, although there is, in fact a hot and sassy Thomas Jefferson.”
"You see? You know everything there is to know about musical theatre!
I promise, you’ll be fine. Just trust me, please. Please don’t say no to this, if you know what I mean”
“Maya, please, don’t force me into this. Also, what about the DJ? Does he know the songs at least?”
“Carlos said that he too is a Broadway enthusiast, you both know your shit, you’ll be fine, I promise! I’m begging you, you’re my only hope. Please, please, pretty please.”
She then proceeded to implore me another twenty times or so, until I budged.
“Fine.” I said, eventually “I’ll do it. But just because I couldn’t stand to hear the butchering of the songs I love.”
“Great! You promise? You said you’ll do it, you can’t back down now.
“I promise”
“God,I love you Y/N”
“I know. But we’ll talk later about the specifics. Oh and by the way, do you know his name? The dj, I mean…”
“Sorry, no, I don’t remember… No wait, maybe something short like Tim? Or Jim? Maybe Lenny?”
She didn’t have time to finish the sentence, though, because I heard the door creak open.
“Shit I have to hung up now, someone’s entered the bathroom, talk to you later” I said, in a whispered hurry
“Ok, thank you again y/n, I love you so much. Bye.”
“Wait, so you hooked up with someone famous?” Liz interjected “Oh my god, is it daddy Yankee?” Continued liz with a screech.
“What the hell liz, no, it’s not daddy Yankee”
“Bad bunny?” Squeaked Kate, an octave higher than her normal voice.
“No. Not Bad Bunny.”
“So who is he?” The four women asked almost at unison.
“If you shut up, maybe, I’ll tell you”
So they nodded, slightly disappointed, and went back to stare at me with gossip-fuelled hungry eyes.
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iamnotusnavi · 3 years
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just hats (and lin obv).
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Me jamming out to 96,000 as I edit this fic for you guys
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cjmiranda-blog1 · 7 years
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weshallbegolden · 5 years
Today, let's shake it up a bit! Tell me about your lintrash progression. For me, it was essentially voice->personality->face. |Daily Lin anon day 11|
Eyes/smile -> Voice -> talent -> personality. Actually I really became aware of him with the movie Mary Poppins returns. When I saw him, I absolutely fell in love with his eyes and his smile, and then I listened to Hamilton and I heard his voice for the first time (because MPR was in French when I saw it) and wow, I really liked it. Then I realized how talented he was and of course, his sweet and adorable personality followed after.
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Talk less, smile more (LMM/Reader)
Chapter 2
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Hey friends, i finally found the time to write this second chapter. Hope you like it. Oh, and if you want to be added in the taglist for the following chapter you only have to ask. See you soon. Stay safe. Word count: 1093 tw: swearing, mentions of sex
Your apartment's door slammed shut and you flew down the stairs like you were being chased by that one old uncle -who's not your real uncle- that every Christmas asks you if you're still single and makes unpleasant remarks about how if he were younger he'd "show you" how beautiful you are.
But risking a couple of broken bones was worth it: you did not want to be slapped by your sister, although you must admit, she knows how to make you fall into line and save yourself -and others- from your horrible time management skills. Sometimes she can scare the crap out of you, even though you know she does it for your own good.
You walk through your building gate at 6:55, thank goodness. No sign of that yellow tuna can of hers that somehow manages to resemble a vehicle. You start playing the game that you always play when you are waiting for someone: "guess the story of this bystander's life".
Like, look at that guy over there. He has a briefcase in his left hand and his phone in the right. He's walking slowly, his head lowered as if he was eaten up by guilt or shame.
Oh, he must've fucked up real hard. It could be a work thing.
Or -wait- maybe it's something more interesting, like he lost a lot of money at a casino in Vegas, perhaps even cheated on his wife with the dealer, or-
Stop, just stop. Your brain is going too fast. You're not a 3-year-old on Adderall, you're an adult, responsible, and -Oh my God!!
What if he has murdered someone and now he's regretting it!
Nope, not ok y/n, not okay. You'll behave yourself, because you're not nervous, you're not afraid that this "thing" you have with him will go south just before it really has started and you will end up hurt and shattered into tiny little pieces because you believed in it, and you poured your soul into it only to be disappointed by the harsh reality: you are not worthy of love. You're chaos. You have no chill whatsoever. For you, it's all or nothing, and-
6.58. That's weird, she's not at least three minutes early. You were starting to worry when there it was, her yellow little tuna can.
«What the hell...» you muttered, causing a puff of condensed air to pirouette out of your mouth. Three pairs of hands waved frantically at you from within the vehicle.
«Oh no, the whole gang is here...»
«Change of plans» Your sister screamed as she got out of the car «Come in for a hug, sweetheart, I missed you!»
«I missed you too,» you replied in a whisper, almost choked by the tightness of her embrace.
«Hop in, hun,» She said «we -and by we I mean me, you, Kate, and Liz- have plenty to talk about»
«We sure do» you sighed. The prospect of three women interrogating you like they were the freaking FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit was not a good one. You'd rather spend a peaceful evening alone with your sister and a plate of linguine allo scoglio but there's no going back now.
   «Are you ready to order, mie care signore?» the waiter asked, with a big smile and a slight wink.
«Yes, we are,» your sister answered in a cheerful tone «And how are your wife and baby, Andrea? I hear he's got his mother’s beautiful green eyes.»
«Oh, he's a very well-behaved baby, if you don't take into account the part in which he doesn't let me and my wife sleep more than an hour a night. But anyway, what can I get started for you lot this evening?»
«For me a pizza caprise?» Liz replied hastily. Liz had to be always the first one to do anything, which is why she had "mommy issues" and written all over her face.
«Capreese? Sorry, I’ve not yet figured out how to pronounce it»
«It's actually Caprese, which means from Capri, ma’am. That’s also where my mother was born.» he said, with a glimpse of pride in his eyes.
«Oh, that makes sense. So a pizza Caprese and a medium brown ale.» said Liz
«A pizza Caprese and a medium brown ale for the lady» he repeated while scribbling on his notepad.
«I'll take the seafood linguine and a white wine of your choice. I trust your judgment» intervened Kate in an almost less than a whisper. She's the cutie and the shy one of the group. And the one men usually prefer since she has the face and the voice of a Cherub come straight from heaven.
«I’ll take the ravioli burro e salvia. And can we have a jug of water so we can share it?» my sister added. «Oh and bring also a hot hot tea, 'cause she has to spill some!»
It was a "wink wink nudge nudge" situation. You felt their eyes on you and their laughter, but your mind was oh-so elsewhere.
«And for you, Antonio's favorite, who’s always daydreaming and never pays attention to me? The usual?»
Kate gave you a first nudge in between your ribs, but you were far, far away, back to when your heart was beating so fast you thought it might just give up, and his cock was filling you up so completely you forgot that a world existed outside of the heaving mess you were. You'll never forget those moments of beatitude, nor the raspy groans and luscious whispers that into your ears and onto your skin felt like velvet and honey. Kate gave you another nudge, this time so hard your head bolted upwards. You looked like you were caught with your hands in a cookie jar. Your cheeks were a bright red. And you were insanely hot. And a tad bit wet.
«Hey, yes, sorry, I was... yes I’ll take the pizza fantasia, so Antonio can surprise me.»
You always ordered that, and Antonio even said to you that you’re his inspiration for new pizza flavors. He also bought a little notebook with your name on it, in which to keep track of all the pizzas he made, so as not to make you the same pizza twice. He’s been so kind to you you couldn't not invite him to your graduation. He looked even more proud of you than your actual parents were that day. You loved the man.
«Sure, he'll be pleased you came back, he was starting to worry you would go to that new place across the street»
«Oh, I could never. He's like family to me. To us. You all are.»
«Thanks, ma'am, I'll be back in a sec with your complimentary antipasti della casa,  and your drinks.» You thanked him and smiled sheepishly. You knew what was coming next and you braced yourself for the pack of wolves in front of you that now has shifted its focus from the waiter to you, ready to jump right at you and bite your ass. 
«So» They all exclaimed almost in unison.
«So» You replied, biting your bottom lip.
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cjmiranda-blog1 · 8 years
Tomorrow, Lin-Manuel Miranda will make history at the 2017 Oscars! I'm very hopeful, and I'll have my fingers crossed. Very proud of our Linnamon roll.
Just me, being me.
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blackpearlescence · 8 years
lintrash reblogged your photoset:femmerat: jaileyrhode: PSA for Skinny Girls. ...
Thanks for missing the point
I got the point and still disagreed with the manner she went about framing her post and the tone, not most of the actual content therein; so thanks for proving you all have no comeback to the obvious TRUTH of the hypocrisy and double standards latent in her intent I highlighted.
Your problem, not mine. 
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purelintrash · 8 years
So I'm on leave
Hi! Sorry that, as you may have noticed, I just suddenly haven’t been around much lately. I’m doing a 30 hour a week mental health treatment program (which is excellent) and spending a lot of time on things associated with that. All good stuff, leaving not much time, energy, or brain space for blogging. But know that I do miss it, and all of my lovely trash. The program ends and I start back part time at work after next week. V. excited about it!
Also v. much looking forward to having more time (and an excellent schedule) to be back blogging in September. I’ll have a special request for you all then (ah, well, I’ll be professionalizing my theme and user-friendly-izing this all a little bit, then asking for monthly donations), and, if that works out, will be able to continue to provide y'all with copious amounts of the quality Lin content you’ve come to know and, from what you tell me, love and really, really appreciate. I appreciate you all, and the opportunity to practice and share my fannish vocation, so much! Looooove bye (for now!)
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The Hamilfam have taken notice of this and are pouring out their support. I'm tagging all the caring posts #lmmlove. If you want to join me then it would be easy for LMM to see how many people have got his back if he feels the need for a little pick-me-up.
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I know it’s been a year (and what a rollercoaster that was), and probably no one will read this post or my fic , but I’m about to post chapter 3 of “talk less, smile more”.
Aaaaah it took me tooo long, I’m sorry, I hope it’s worth the wait 🥺
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Ok, I found the most precious lin-gem of the whole internet.
It’s the comedic genius and the ✨spicy✨ moves for me 🥺😍👌🏻
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Lin’s playlists are just perfection.
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cjmiranda-blog1 · 7 years
To my fellow Lintrash
How can you call yourself a fan of this man if you openly steal from him? Bootleg isn't okay guys. It's theft. I get it, I want to see the original cast too more than anything. But it's not right. If you love him so much, give him the credit he deserves for his musicals. BUY the soundtrack to listen to. WAIT for the official recording of the cast together to release. Lin says this exists and I trust that when he says he will release it, that we will see it sometime in the future. The difficulty to purchase tickets is part of the reason the broadway shows are so special. Sorry to those of you who legitimately listen to Hamilton, In the Heights, and other works by Lin-Manuel. I hate to go on a rant but it makes me very angry.
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