silvereddaye · 4 years
I love you the dragon Au's with Vader and the twins! They just makes me happy! (I hope there are more in the future!)
Here’s a sequel to the previous AU. 
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Summary: Luke and Leia live with their father, Vader, who has been cursed into the form of a dragon. The family dwells inside a place known as the Vault, which holds mountains of treasures and untold riches. 
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“Daddy, will you always be a dragon?”
Big round blue eyes stared up into golden yellow eyes with black slits. But no answer was given to the little boy that day. 
Luke’s arms strained from carrying several scrolls and books from the archives back to his room. It was a long trek of long hallways and several flights of stairs. He could have just stayed in the archives or cleaned out one of the dusty learning halls, but there was something comforting about his room. About being close to the only other living beings for miles, to his family, to his sister and father. Solitude was far too easy to find here. 
His room was actually a suite of rooms, and he placed the scrolls and books in the sitting room near a cluttered table. The rest of the room was equally as cluttered with not just books but swords, wooden and steel, and models of boats and horses and tapestries and banners. Some were gifts from his father or sister, a few were things he had found, and a very small few were items his father didn’t approve of but Luke had snuck them into his room anyway.
“Luke? It’s dinner. Go get some water and wine,” his sister called from the hallway. 
Luke sighed. His feet were tired from carrying the scrolls, but he left his room. Leia, whose room was right next to his, was already gone. He made his way down flights of stairs and down hallways lined in firestones that took him deeper into the Vault until he came to the great wine cellar. The room was huge and filled with rows upon rows of racks of wine with dozens of barrels stacked in the very back. 
His father had once tried to explain to his children why wine was considered a treasure. Why it would be kept here. Something about how grape harvests vary from year to year and thus the wine from certain years is better than the others. He really didn’t care and mindlessly selected a random bottle. 
Wine in hand, he headed back up. He paused when he came to a large landing where several hallways met and stairs descended and ascended in several directions. On the floor was a large insignia surrounded by small sunstones. The symbol was of two pairs of wings with a straight line coming out of the middle and a starburst in the line. It was the symbol of the Jedi, the original keepers of the Vault. 
The Jedi . . . 
Luke shook his head as he entered the kitchens. It was a long room with multiple ovens and fireplaces for cooking fires. There were a few large wooden tables lining the center of the room and hooks and shelves filled with pots, pans, spoons, and knives. It was all covered in a fine layer of dust and some cobwebs except for a well-worn path leading through it to the door on the other side. It led to a small room with a well in it. He grabbed one of the many buckets, filled it with water, and this time hurried back across the kitchens.
Luckily the family hall was close. He soon was past the huge double doors and into the large semi-circular room. This place felt more like home than any other spot in the Vault. Their father had provided everything a house should have. A bedroom, dining room, sitting areas, and a play area. This is where Luke had his first memories. He remembered fondly curling up in the bed next to his sister while his father curled up beside the bed. At times he missed it, but he also enjoyed his independence and freedom. 
The bed was long gone, but many of the things were still there like the huge dining table that could a dozen of guests. Leia had just opened the small trunk near the table and pulled up a large, heavy, thick, rolled up table cloth. She placed it on the end of the large table and rolled it out. It covered the full length of the long table. Luke placed the bucket of water at one end and held the bottle of wine. 
Leia walked up to the middle of the table and clapped twice. Instantly, the table was filled with plates, platters, and bowls filled with fresh steaming food. The aroma instantly made his mouth water. He finally placed the wine down as Leia went to fetch the tableware. 
“You’ve been in the archives,” Vader rumbled from his usual spot nearby. 
“How can you tell?” Luke asked taking a corkscrew from his sister. 
“You’re covered in dust,” she said waving a fork at him. 
“You smell,” Vader replied. “The archives have a unique smell, and you reek of it. Be sure to take a bath tonight.” 
Luke turned his back to the large dragon and rolled his eyes. He took a seat across from Leia and the two started to eat. The magic of the tablecloth never ceased to amaze him. It looked so normal, though it was perhaps a bit thick. That was to hide all the small magical stones sewn into it. But he couldn’t help but wonder what runs and formulas had been used to produce food out of thin air. Any time he or Leia had questioned their father about it, he would avoid the topic or say ‘There are no limits to magic.’ 
Did the food come from somewhere? Was this someone else's food the magic had teleported away? Or did the magic cook up all this food in an instant? There were no answers like so many other wondrous items in the Vault. 
“Father,” Leia said about halfway through their meal. 
Vader had been lightly dozing and opened his large yellows eyes. 
“It’s almost our eighteenth birthday,” she stated. “That means we get one request, right?” 
“It does,” their father said slowly. 
Leia took a deep breath. Goosebumps spread down Luke’s arm. What was she going to ask? She hadn’t talked to him about this. 
“Then I would like to go down to the valley and--”
“No!” Vader roared. He jumped up to his feet. “Never!” 
The table shook and the plates trembled. Luke grabbed his wine glass to keep it steady. Leia had jumped up to her feet and was glaring down the darth dragon. 
“Never?” she growled up at him. 
Vader’s eyes had turned into slits and he bared his teeth. 
“You will never leave the Vault,” Vader hissed. 
“So we’re just supposed to rot in here with you?” 
“Leia,” Luke muttered as his eyes darted between his small human sister and his large dragon father. 
Leia ignored him. “So we can’t go out and find love and get married or have children? We have to be locked up in here like . . . like your stupid treasures?” 
Vader’s breathing was loud and he pulled in sharp breaths through his teeth. The silence went on for a few moments until the dragon let out a frustrated growl. He spun away, his tail swinging wide above their heads, and he marched out of the great hall. Luke stared at the large doorway and the hallway beyond waiting to see if their father would return. It did not look like he was. 
“Well, that answers that,” Leia said as slumped down into her chair. 
“Answers what?” Luke demanded.
“Father never plans on letting us leave here.” 
Luke looked down at his half-touched plate. The thought made his heart sink, but it wasn’t that surprising. Part of him always knew that. 
“Unless,” Leia said slowly. She glanced to the hallway to make sure there were no dragons listening. Then she leaned over. “Unless we figure out a way to cure father’s curse.”
Luke groaned. “Not this again, Leia.”
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silvereddaye · 4 years
You're Anastasia AU is absolutely beautiful! And so sad! I can't wait to read more!
My Anastasia AU? Or @skyguyy ‘s AU? Skyguy just started a new Anastasia AU here. I do have an Anastasia AU, it was a two-parter I put in my one-shot collection.  @slx99 also wrote an Anastasia one-shot too. 
Regardless of who it belongs to! YAY! I’m glad you liked it! Even if it isn’t mine! 
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